10 Absurd Board Games That'll Take Your Party To The Next Level!

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why don't you just tell me things to say what's going on guys what's going on guys yeah guess well we're having this party because we're a good group of guys who wants to have a lot of fun but what are we gonna do we're gonna find games they're gonna take this party to the next level we're look at 10 games and we're gonna rate them dope enough right now I'm gonna be honest with you our party's at a zero I don't see any balloons we had I don't see any party hats Rober just permanently added balloons through out the side it's so much easier yeah hey let's get it started looks like a Prague number one let's get this place lit hey this is my close favorite game I know everything the best party card game for adults why is that Michaels all fun don't games perfect for groups and parties adult friends of family 500 the wet boy included now we're gonna play a game it's gonna be cool ask questions it has dares it's all about finding out if you really do know everything check this out there's so many different things that could happen in this game the idea of the game is fun the many of the questions are insensitive this game has no place in 2019 we are literally playing now and are disappointed it's made our group come to a stop wow that would really kill a party I'm excited if it puts my party to a halt I swear don't burn it I'll burn that car dude Wow perfect I know everything especially how it got to this position so quickly all right so the way this works is it has a white board ish type of thing on the back of this thing one person is gonna be the judge so the judge has to pull one blue card and what it does is it has a random question oh don't ask it so this one is on a scale of 1 to 10 how dumb is my boss so and I'm the host I'm gonna put my own answer on the whiteboard so I say you know how dumb is my boss on a scale of 1 to 10 at least completely okay what I do is I ask my two friends they have to come up with answers the first one get the answer right the other one has to choose a dare and then they have to complete it in order to move on wow this is the amount of cards that were inappropriate out of this many so this is an inappropriate game not to be played with families I'm the first host okay what percentage of people below Lumina hot this is okay I just is there not a right answer I make up the answer and you guys have to guess what I make up nothing for the water drink it no zero no you don't get to go twice five Michael was the closest I'm not gonna make you guys three percent you're right because there's three sides to a triangle if it wasn't low I thought you're gonna give some crazy number because I was gonna say four twice gets to do I dare what is this dare I don't I don't agree to the dare we're gonna find out of the Dare first yeah you're gonna agree right now empty your wallet slash purse this is messed up it's a stick-up hey you look give me your money no I don't have my wallet on the office it worked okay now we're going to play with Michael Stern alright what percentage of your friends will give you back what they borrow from you well considering Tanner still hasn't given me back a book yeah I actually still have his book took it thought I wanted to read it and didn't alright lets you answer what percentage fifty I don't know like two ooh Madeline's closer zero because I have no friends you guys still didn't do it right though you have to pull the Dare first yeah here's the thing we're not gonna do the Dare I know what what are some of the dares go to your neighbor's house with the basket or pillowcase ring the doorbell and say trick-or-treat and not leaving until they give you something that's not a joke that's threatening someone never we just move on to the next game yeah this games a nope it's a little bit too a little more risque so if you're an adult shirt if you're kids to know though thanks Braddock all right we got the Quelf board game get ready for a hilarious unpredictable game right winner of six awards including I got a flex on our right six awards we get it bro there's no right or wrong answers just read each card out loud and follow them aloud really that was muted to correct him alright quote the unprincipled party game alright so here's how this game works we each have a colored piece we roll a dice boom I rolled a six and whatever you land on chooses what you have to quiz yourself with all you have to do is obey the cards okay some of them might be like keeping a secret some of might be you can say out loud a lot of mores are gonna be keeping a secret yeah I'll go first or one two three four yellow oh it says class fun everybody look what this is my card [Music] [Applause] what there's about whether or not I could laugh or not he's got to make his friends laugh yeah I was pretty much I have to make a funny face to make my one of my friends laugh and so I did so for you and me brother yellow no this card is classified are you talking right now on you breaking the rule works once you read the card it's active it's game time but I'm here to see what you're gonna do anyways once you read the card it's active it literally says on the whole thing okay we're gonna do you've hurt me for the last time because of the way he was doing it one place one finger on one of your nostrils start going like you mean it and roll the die until you roll three twos [Applause] [Music] Wow you killed that brother that was a dope the dope that's what my party how I see like all your friends make a floor themselves that's going la Cotte 'old for latter law now I'm gonna have the goats coming next game this next product is a like to buy and is for another puzzle video hey you don't look excited show off the item online I can do that ah Gord Ian's not very difficult take apart interlocking burr puzzle so that's kind of cool it's really really really difficult the reason we're doing this is because our last puzzle video did really really good popped off that means people enjoyed it yeah yeah and pretty much difficulty level 10 Hey hi this is my I'm supposed to do this okay do it will be buying ten different easy puzzles looking that are very level ten and we'll try to solve them if you guys want to see us make a fool out of ourselves trying to solve them Wow or you think a likes hunter K likes and comment blank down below yeah comment blank that'll work yeah if you guys want to see another puzzle video if you want to see me master the puzzles make it happy next product our next game is called dope Lou hey hey don't lose your cool brother kinda likes guys alright hey check this out boom pretty much you put this on the temple your head just like that's this kid did it's a lie detector it's gonna measure if you're getting tense and getting insane and get mad and angry look at this you gotta strap it to your head and these guys have to try and make you lose your cool what happens if you don't lose your cool well that's what we're gonna I know controller that I will lose my cool instantly but no one will ever know that's what I like so I like it that I can just be like this but internally dying I love that part about you alright yeah man let's add to grab cart don't lose your cool keep it cool while your family tries to make you lose it if I played this with my family I would absolutely lose it I'd like I'd be putting it on and be like so Mathias is contraption he has to put on his head and it's on a timer for 30 seconds we got to roll these dice to see how we're gonna make him lose its cool we have to poop clothes talk poop while yelling so we have to get close to him and talk about poop all yelling hey you ever get bowel movements hey I just took a fat turd right next to your office ass one time I do keep so hard my mother didn't even talk to me again mess up her floor know what happened feel about my mom my mom once pooped me at home and that's how I was born I hate my mine I won one I'm sorry you kept your cool yeah that was easy let me try now no try and get me all right we got a slow-motion laugh about poop poop again or if the slow-motion poop while laughing ooh poopy poopy poop you want to see me Dookie because I'm laughing though I was a little upset alright slow-motion yell about scabs you think you look pretty but your face just looks like a big scab let's have you dude dude my went up a lot didn't it I think for a minute you got yellow I read this a don't tell games no thumbs challenge game hilarious game in which you can try to complete simple tasks without the use of your thumbs I love the idea of this by the way really why thumbs are just awesome they don't look excited at all they're like why I'm gonna put your actual thumb in that assuming I have friends as I see where the thumb goes don't do it I feel like that wouldn't be too difficult yeah just literally the easiest thing on earth putting glasses on without bones terrible examples in Mattel alright so game offers 112 tasks 56 challenge cards we're gonna see if we can please some of these tasks let's advertise the sick of malaria no thumbs challenge game to team tough test no thumbs I know no stones alright get your thumbs boys so you put your thumb up to it and then you dip it whoa I just got really claustrophobic you feel that you're afraid of Santa I'm gonna go first write the alphabet I'll do that alright now my hands a mess hey use your thumb what's the matter there my handwriting looks better without a thumb W X okay we get it that's right I'm a genius to France all right you got your drawing out Michael hey man good job I guess I'll do the sheet of paper pick a coin from the center of the table using only one hand I made a cone hey man some brothers team's choice screw your own challenge stab yourself in the thumb okay take and post a selfie of yourself giving a thumbs up of yourself giving a thumbs up how nailed it hey if you guys want to see it go check out jumpin up Instagram dude I'm seeing this is an absolute no I don't like this this is boring and it's Costabile my thumb's are sweating now get out of my life to go eats too much extra stuff that I don't have because I'm broke dude these are all based on YouTube videos that's wild speech breaker game voice jamming challenge microphone headset electronic party game ages 14 plus I want to see you Luna do this that'd be the cutest thing in the world you're a dad you don't think that'd be the cutest thing she has I challenge you to it cool how do you play this Mathias okay so the idea of this is to just watch a video and let other people explain it I'm excited I've never tried this before really yeah I did like a really bad version of it but so basically the way it works it's a feedback loop so basically what happens is you speak into the microphone it delays your voice so that what you're hearing is your voice like a quarter of a second delayed and that triggers your brain till I catch up with it's me you're like your mouth and you just can't even do it right so it's very very difficult added card okay here we go guys this actually looks really cool do you mind if I go first yes I do my never tried this no why don't you just tell me things to say what's going on guys welcome to dope what's going on guys what the channel in which which we rate things don't burn nope or we give this speech I think I don't think this will get me yeah it'll get you you have to speak into it it's loud what is up you guys welcome to dope or nope the channel where we read products dope or no oh we speaking through a speech jammer this is dumb what mom I love you you're you're trying to push past it just try to talk naturally so like literally just have a conversation with me and tell me like how your morning went oh man my morning went pretty good you can do what's up guys welcome to what's going on guys welcome dude that's dope the floor is lava interactive game for kids and adults promote physical activity um stop trying to brag about your game doing that you're not Luna loves the floor is lava so this is a 100% will work for a kid but fun physical luck wait if I'm buying something you're just buying like it seemed to be a bunch of pads ain't pads you can't come off the pad oh sure with to that pad you can't at least come with a sheet that looks like lava at least give some excitements like if I'm gonna pay for something I pay to make up for lack of imagination right like if I'm still required to use imagination I'll just use pillows on the ground but the way this game works guys is you have to scatter all these different colored pieces all around the room you have to spin on your turn and whatever it lands on that's the next piece you have to go to without touching the ground first person to fail loses naturally all right so we're gonna go an Add to Cart floors lava look I found a lava sheet bed well it's a lot of sheets so you could just buy this calling like scatter them all over the floors what you're saying yeah yeah you can so the trick to these is you want to make sure you have a lot of furniture and other things around so you have things that you can climb on you know what I'm gonna do here is out of a green over there and a book and I'm gonna be that one okay maybe this one right there may be a red over there everyone get on top I'm on route I'm on red I'm on road as well wait as you roll though you also get a challenge oh you're gonna spin yellow I got yellow act like you're hula hooping don't have to do this until you guys took us back to me I'm really not seeing the hoop you don't leave out wide or generation Bleu oh you have to do a challenge though oh I'll do the challenges here I got okay occupied great I'll that's right to your left let's look right to your left it makes nothing alright my turn spin for me yellow yellow I'm looking really mellow wearing yellow bit we put these way too close to each other then they're super small where they are for kid feet red red just go back to my original one Wow real strong move here yeah you're on yellow so I'm gonna go back to here give me another challenge I'd like you're lifting weights oh I'm gonna checkmate you soon yellow me or him him Oh what Mathias you go done done done I will say this could be fun if hey you've got a lot of sheets like you said yeah well or lavash key and then you had a bunch of furniture too like if we would have went to a warehouse and just tore them all over the floor still would've been super fun because you just like trying to like jump to different spaces I guess and there needs to be more question mark so you can get through more challenges honestly it's just as fun without all the fake tile so I'm gonna go ahead and say the game itself is a nope but like the general overall game is dope Gators all right say don't spray it the world game that gets you the ultimate party game that brings uncontrollable laughter say it don't spray is a party game that combines a word category game with a tiny bit of water that produces a ton of blaster and silly faces that's sounds like a good time party time better make me laugh than buddy I hope so if not I'm spraying water all over your face let's out of the car all right so the way the game works is it's all based off the categories so you'll pull a category right first one says things couples fight over we all have to continue give money here's power we us to know all of us all of us you squirt yourself well anybody would squirt it like us so we'll all keep going around and whoever can't continue listing things like couples fight over you keep going and then whoever is the first one to either a repeat an answer or B not come up with an answer then you get squirted in the face by said syringe first one sitcoms featuring a family time Feld Modern Family new girl water party we went to the back window hey dude maybe we go again dangerous animals I'm gonna start I'm gonna go with lion tiger bear oh my this is dog Joe I tarantula Puma uh hyena I'm gonna go to snake elephant I reckon I'm gonna go with them monkey Rana bald eagle squirtle all right draw a card dang it soft drinks I'm gonna kill this Gator is something Canada's known for being cold maple syrup having the most awesome editors in the whole wide world oh that is not okay this corner is way too intense good thing I shot him so hard he couldn't the mixer I'm sorry boom Greek god Zeus it's way too hard you gotta do it from a distance I told you how hard it is I'm gonna say that is a fat joke I don't like the squirt thing I know we could go without the water no come on to a kid that's fun next product watermelon smash board game what does that mean throwing that watermelon there's like seeds inside of it and there's seasons that it where the yellow open them you gotta collect them I don't know you go spend something you crack it oh no oh you just crack out seeds on your head waters in there too we're doing both you can do Oh you Lube brings you watermelon smash fast plays game to play with your friends and family enjoy modern take on an age-old classic what what's the age old classic you talk [ __ ] it okay so check this out you could do this with water or the seeds included we're just gonna do the seeds so the idea here is that you bump this on your head and every time you do it it breaks open a little bit more a little bit more and then lets out the seeds right here so this is where you'd put in the seeds okay so it's just a bit random all right let's put some food give me the food what are you kidding tinner perfect pour it was horrible we're all guys roll or Rolf spin for me what's that what is it what is the ass you passed wow this thing takes forever i crack it three too many times I ain't even worried about cracking and let me get a pass you get one okay spin spin from me spin from me one think I'm gonna pass all right you get three all right Michael you get crack it on another verses path will give you pass one give me a long give me along give me along a new one yes two guys that was by falling away the dumbest thing in the first this would be so much better if you played with water this could be fun with water there's more stakes the seeds yeah the seeds there's no stakes I mean for a kid that would still be fun I'm gonna say it's a joke because yeah like me if I said if you just play with water it could be way more exciting with way more risks next product hold that face adult party guessing game in love smell fresh cookies toilet won't flush hold that face what Oh so whatever the scenario is that's the face you gotta make so it's pretty much like helping us with making thumbnail faces get ready for funny faces and dirty looks can your teammates guess the scenario you're reacting to just by making a face no talking your movements allowed so it's like charades thumbnails and a little bit of generic yeah pictionary involved Add to Cart now no speaking or body movements okay now let's take a look Pam walls what a beautiful mania Samantha so oh wow it comes the sick mirror what's that for oh so you do to yourself like you make the face and then you reveal your face and you reveal it after you see it oh that's horrible alright so we have the four different types of cards here I'm just gonna get a couple examples out of them I don't really need all of them Matt can start yes okay so I'm gonna be his antagonist and Michael you're gonna be his teammate so these are the four cards I'm going to choose from I'm gonna go with this one alright so make your face and then get ready one two three go every thumbnail phase I don't know you're excited about something I will say that something to do with business you got promoted I'm against you but I'm so impressed that word how did you know I don't know why would you have any our business alright my turn are you're my enemy and Matt's my teammate alright that's doable okay okay go constipation actually I don't know I think you're happy because you want to give me a big smile but there's something in your teeth yeah they're good have been a roach in your soup I could see why you would want to look at all the answers though so you can like make the stories in your ads yeah I like that of the dough I think that was funny after I read those yeah I think it's a dump it was actually more difficult than I anticipated hey guys this is the end of the video thank you for staying this long although their bat legged down there right there folks that's a video YouTube wants you to watch from me so do it this video right here is the last time we played board games and it was delicious we're I'm sorry they were weird and wild wacky so peace out please look out
Channel: DOPE or NOPE
Views: 4,077,989
Rating: 4.9458866 out of 5
Keywords: party games, team games, minute to win it, funny games, cool games, top 10, top 5, 2019, fun, funny, funny reviews, comedy, friends, friendship, kids party, birthday party, party, try not to laugh, laugh, amazon, shopping, haul, matthias, matthiasiam, dope or nope, hi5, hi 5 studios, reacting to, funny fails, shopping spree, unboxing
Id: Oljp31LzLUk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 0sec (1440 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 23 2019
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