#1 Weird Way to Get Him Back (or Get Over Him Faster) - Matthew Hussey, Get The Guy

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I am speaking to anyone watching this video right now who has a broken heart when you have a broken heart two things are going on on one hand you have pain pain that you are no longer around somebody you love you also have fears fear that maybe you lost the person who's actually right for you now look I know that you may not admit this to your friends or your family but there's probably a part of you inside that is wondering how do I get him back there's also another part of you that's thinking how do I move on so you're conflicted internally about what to do next what should be my next move well I want you to breathe a sigh of relief why because the path to moving on and the path to getting him back are exactly the same it is the same process to do both but here's the problem there is something going on inside of you that is making it difficult for you to do either of these two things you're addicted you're addicted to the feeling of being with that person and a breakup is the equivalent of somebody taking away your drug at the height of your addiction and at that point you're so in pain and you're in such withdrawal that you will do anything to get your fix again so here's how that looks he broke up with you and now a few days later maybe even a few hours later he's already texting you he's getting on the phone maybe you even go for coffee with him maybe one of you even goes to the other one's house and you sleep together again and you get that instant connection both of you get that instant gratification the result is that you feed your addiction and he never feels the pain of having broken up with you if you're serious about getting somebody back you have to raise the stakes see people are only moved to action when there are real stakes at play people go out and fight for food when they're hungry people finally start living their dreams when they feel like time is running out and people commit to relationships when they feel like there's a real chance that that relationship could slip through their fingers but as long as you are feeding your addiction he will never feel real stakes in the matter so you feed your addiction and his stakes trough all of this puts you in the limbo loop here's what that looks like these are the stakes this is your addiction the phone calls with him the text messages the sex the emotional connection if you feed your addiction by giving in to his attempts to reach out to you to still be in your life his stakes go down and this happens over and over again which is why you can find that for years on end you can still be in touch with someone never moving on never getting over them and at the same time he never gets over you but he still keeps using you for the validation for the connection you're feeding your addiction you're getting a lot of something out of it you're getting your fix but it's not satisfying it's not happiness it's just comfort but that's what people do when they're given to a fix they give in to comfort they give in to their addiction and your addiction sends down his stakes so he never feels the reality of having broken up with you so how do you short-circuit the limbo loop with the no contact period now this means making a clean break from this person for a period of time and let me tell you this it is never too late to begin than no contact he may have broken up with you months or even years ago and you've been in a cycle of talking to him ever since that changes today I want your no contact period to start right now this is one of the first things I do I have an entire program where I take people through how to get someone running back to them and in the same program I teach them how to move on from him for good if they decide that that's what they want to do the first thing I encourage people to do in fact the first thing I order people to do is to go through a no contact period I even told them to write a letter to that person stating that they understand that this is now a clean break that they're gonna go on their own path and they're gonna do exactly that I want you to do that starting today and if you want to follow this process with me if you want me to guide you through the steps to doing this I have a free guide for you I'll link it up right here all you need to do is click through to that and find out the next steps but please do this for yourself I guarantee that there are people that love you right now if you're heartbroken there are people that love you who are telling you to do exactly this they may not be telling you how to do it but they're telling you to do it they're telling you it's time for you to make a clean break and move on with your life your addiction is stopping you from doing that but I promise you this better times lie ahead if you can give yourself a genuine period of breaking away from that person because you will either move on and find someone better or you will give him a genuine opportunity to come to his senses and decide that you are what he really wants I know it's hard and know how hard this is it is one of the worst feelings in the world barring a health issue ha Ike and heartbreak are amongst the worst pains a human being can feel but I promise you I'm with you or on the same team and we will do it together I'll see you in the free guide
Channel: Matthew Hussey
Views: 3,797,287
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: matthew hussey, get ex back, get him back, dating advice, get my ex, ex boyfriend, breakup advice, still love him, breakups, breakup, does he still love me, breakup quotes, breakup songs, get over breakup, relationships, get the guy, heartbroken, tips for women, love advice, heart ache, how to talk to men, texting
Id: ACvOXIm6xDc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 10sec (370 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 15 2017
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