$1 vs $50 Mystery Box of Pokemon Cards, BIGGER IS BETTER!

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this is a $1 Pokémon Mystery Box and this is a $50 Pokémon Mystery Box today we'll be starting in a $1 Pokémon Mystery Box and then moving all the way up with different Pokemon mystery items till we get to the big $50 item will the cheaper Pokémon cards be better than the most expensive Pokemon Mystery Box what is up my breaking family send in some positive vibes in your direction diving right into today's Pokemon card opening starting off with the $1 Pokemon mystery item right here this is from Dollarama in Canada four trading cards inside of this this was released I think in 2022 2023 when I got this you can see it is packaged by a thirdparty company pristine marketing do25 Dollarama let's go ahead and open this up right here starting off with the cheapest Pokémon Mystery item for trading cards doesn't even say if we're going to get a a reverse Hollow this could be all energies right here so this card is uh turned over so we'll save that one for last we got avog evolving Skies right there hooa and we have a Plusle now this card right here is going to a chat Dot from Vivid voltage so did we even get a rare not a single one of those was a rare a125 for just some Commons and uncommons I want you to tell me the last thing you had to eat today and if you participate down in the comments you will be entered to win your very own Pokémon mystery box right here of the mystery gems a graded card guaranteed inside of here with two booster packs however I can't guarantee you you're going to be happy with the outcome when you open this up we've opened these up here on the channel before so you know how it goes once you've left that comment make sure you hit that subscribe button become part of the breaking family and then three hit that like button then come back to this video on the date that you see on the screen and in the pinned comment will be a username and that will be the one winner that is going to win this mystery gems Pokemon mystery box next up we have a $2 item right here a $2 Pokemon mystery item this is also from Dollarama in Canada three premium cards once again packaged by the third party company pristine marketing so it does say Hollows and rare So Random mix that's kind of interesting so this might be a little bit better for roughly about double the price price of the last item we just opened up oh how do I even get this open open up open up open open open open that didn't work I'm going to go ahead and just use this pin that was sitting conveniently beside me the entire time that actually might not work either okay there we go and to rip open the front right there let's see if we can going to sneak these out I'm hoping that it's something good for $250 um we have ourselves an Appleton reverse hallo Appleton which is a rare and then we have a mutter which that's pretty good right there's a little bit of a mix between a horse and a and a butterfly but we have Sun and Moon Bay set with the Butterfree and a centa Scorch right there from Battle Styles not too bad because we did get rares and a reverse Holo so way better than the dollar Pokémon Mystery item jumping all the way to $10 we have the Pokémon Mystery three pack we've seen these pop up at Walgreens in the past this is from 2023 Chase packs possibly they never tell us what a Chase pack is this is packaged by MJ holding company one booster pack and one foil card will we get a Chase pack and from starting from here on out we are going to put the values of the packs on screen just as educational purposes so anybody who is new to the Pokemon TCG or Pokemon Community which if you are welcome so glad to have you here but that way you can kind of be educated on what values uh what packs are worth versus the actual cost of the uh item itself brilliant stars all right that's that's going to be about what a $4 a $4 pack right there and a reverse Holo which just is just a common a common right yeah just a common so nothing too wild right there however we could have something major inside of here so let's go ahead and take a look inside of our brilliant Stars booster pack and see if maybe alternate or archus or Charizard is inside of it we got cherubi going into rolu Starly which is a bird be to tell a bird just sit there not spread its wings and fly away bird fly away be a bird be yourself always always be yourself all right there's only one of you in this world Superstar you're a superstar so be you all right don't try to be like anybody else all right the world needs you just the way you are barry who invited you and a star rap which is another bird and for the rules Fly Away bird somebody's in the comments do not listen it's all in good fun okay I'm going to pick them up it'll be perfectly fine I promise you next up is the $20 Pokemon mystery box that we have seen pop up at what no not CVS now see now you're just interrupting me just so you can have the spotlight Psyduck see it's very there's a reason why people call you rude Psyduck I agree you're a great role model perfect rude Psyduck you can take a little bit of a lesson from over there I don't know Walgreens Walgreens was where this was from two booster packs 165 count slaves $20 is what we're looking at for the retail price when this came out Chase packs one out of 10 we got double crisis right there on the very front of it which we pulled double crisis that would be wild evolving Skies Charizard sleeves more double crisis on the back fusion strike chill in Rain becoming a lot more popular right now so let's go ahead and open this up and see if there's actually a double crisis booster pack inside of this back all the way from the XY era which is when I started this YouTube channel 2014 can you believe that don't say I'm old that's rude duck you're picking up on some of the bad habits over here from rude side up that was not not nice at all that hurt my feelings just a little bit okay here we go we have ourselves pack number one going tooo okay okay evolving Skies evolving Skies how about uh pack number two pack number one did I say pack number two on that one pack number one pack number two going to Lost origin and uh our mystery sleeves right here are going to be Pikachu not bad at all and then that is it for a $2 Pokémon Mystery Box so there's the slaves let's go ahead and open up the Boost packs right here at lost origin of course guiena and Aerodactyl inside of this one that's very nice of you to wish that I pull one of those that's very very kind of you I appreciate that you see that see that that's a true friend right over there all right lost origin we have ourselves a Makita bronzor done by my favorite artist of all time tomokazu Kamya we got pwag Oddish we're all a little Oddish right we got ourselves Porygon 23 not four but two did I say not two toolbox and a Cresselia which they just released a Funko Pop of Cresselia which looks pretty awesome I'm not like majorly huge into Funko Pops I feel like feel like there might be kind of like a Beanie Baby situation type of thing maybe a little too many of them out there but if you enjoy them that's perfectly fine I'm just saying for me personally I have a couple here and there but I mean there's Mr Rogers right down there one of my biggest Inspirations in life uh the biggest inspiration I think ever U maybe in my life might be Mr Rogers uh I don't know I think he's just a fantastic fantastic human being had a a a a wonderful wonderful outlook on life Fly Away bird fly away I love love Mr Rogers we got a hippo Temple energy Shon Lombre suat and a wishy-washy ouch can you believe this so far this is how mystery boxes treat you it's like when you go to Taco Bell getting a cheese it Crunch Wrap you expect it to taste like a Chee it and it doesn't taste like a Cheez It am I the only one here that doesn't think it tastes like a Cheez It But when you say it's going to be a Chee it it's supposed to taste like a Cheez It Anyways moving on to a $25 Pokémon Mystery Box for $25 you could go to probably Costco and buy yourself just boxes of paper clips some Band-Aids some grapes preferably the red ones because the red ones are the best or you can get yourself this Pokemon mystery box which I picked up from Target once again packaged by MJ holding company a third party company not packaged by the Pokemon company international call of Legends which it's saying look maybe if call of Legends is in here probably not call of Legends is like what a couple hundred for just one booster pack of Call Of Legends we got burning shadows and uh what we Crystal Guardians right there ha like that's ever going to happen hang on before I open this up I probably should uh go ahead and do this intro really fast hi I'm Johnny Knoxville and this is the I'll never learn my lesson challenge all right going into the $25 Pokémon Mystery power box only four booster packs but we do get that online code card here we go booster pack number one going in to Lost origin not bad we'll take a lost origin we also have booster pack number two astral Radiance so a little bit of variety right here going into oh okay evolving Skies evolving Skies I'm about to eat my words if we actually pull an alternate art inside of that one and then pack number four is going to Pokemon go and then online code card is a dark cry varar premium collection now I have pulled I have pulled a vintage pack from one of these before I think have this happened to me like three times three times before I believe oh what's that you puled you've pulled six vintage packs before convenient convenient I say I pulled about three and you say six that's interesting that's interesting wanting trying to trying to one up okay very very interesting I believe you I believe you I'm not going to be rude and not believe you all right if you say it you say it's true I'm going to trust you your word your word right there your word is your bond we got notu imom Slowpoke putting its tail in the water hoping to turn into a slow bro possibly you remember in Pokemon Snap when you would see the Slowpoke walk over to the water put its tail into the water and then turn into a slow bro we got W Turtle Magikarp and a Lapras for the rare so much Nostalgia with that game Pokemon Snap the original one on N64 all right here we go we got rufflet fly away rufflet fly away quid fish rowlet which is a bird fly away bird fly away oh wait a minute wait a minute going into a full art Pierce right there and I'll chew for the price of one when you go to the buffet with your date there's two of you but you only need to buy one plate right it's all you can eat just by one play you both eat off the one play going into a luxray v right there energy put that in the filing cabinet we got Togo tick and the code card right there let's go ahead and sleeve them up hang on one more we got one more with the luxuray V uh number two right up there in the VIP section the very important Pokemon card section which means we can officially add the VIP ropes with the all you can eat Bagel B right the all me that's always serve in the VIP section sausage PE combination shees that's it's all let me try that again sausage combination cheese that's it that's all nothing else grab yourself a paper plate you're VIP as well that's all we served there right I know you're probably thinking hey I get thirsty in the VIP section all right that's why the blender one blender is over in the corner you take your bagel bites you put them in the blender you take one of those little uh those one of curly straws right there I I don't know what the official name is but you know how like you wear it and then the it kind of goes like every which way all look like glasses and the liquid goes W Every Which Way and then boom right in the straw right um but yeah The Bagel Bites is the beverage so that's it that's all nothing else is certained in the VIP section I'm sorry Poliwag odish grow you telling me back to back back you see this over here back to back situations backto back situations Inc a going into an ultra rare kierum V woo all right now now we got things going breaking family here we go right up there in the VIP section let's see can we keep it going this is probably where the luck stops but breaking family I'm going to stay positive because that's what we do we try to look on the bright side of things all right there's enough negativity in the world let's try to be positive about things in life right let's try to be positive we're going to pull something good we're going to make it happen we got a fous Hitmonchan slack off going into double ludico with a smile on that ludal's face there's no way you can be upset about that energy put that in the filing cabinet right there woo it's hot in here it's like I don't know like 95 degrees right now I think a lot of us are going through this crazy crazy Heat Wave going on is the heat bothering you right now you got to let me know I try to reply to as many comments as humanly possible $30 Pokemon mystery box so you can see we are working our way up from $1 versus $50 Pokemon card mystery box this is a Meer exclusive Pokemon Mystery Box Five booster packs and one mystery item teasing us with a little bit of XY Flashfire just a little bit of a Sprinkle into the soup of Pokemon Card openings for today burning Shadows both of those a chance at a Charizard and we all know how much everybody loves a good Charizard in their life but let's go ahead and open this up once again you can see look for Chase packs however they never never tell us what a Chase pack is I mean it's not that hard just tell us right you have a website I don't know you have social media right just I don't know tell us it can't be that hard to tell us it's probably easier than taking off the plastic wrapping of one of these boxes here all right here we go let's see if there's actually a flash fire inside of it I would be shocked we do have Fusion strike though and a blister pack which is interesting nonetheless that big blister pack inside of that box which I think the blister pack is taller than the Box itself will there actually be do you think there actually will be an alternate art inside of here I mean so far the uh Pokemon mystery boxes that are kind of like averagely priced uh are doing pretty good not too bad cleed we got Stuffle sometimes you know your nose can get a little bit Stuffle sandygast which Hawaii Vibes right here Pokemon World Championships this year in Hawaii breaking family I'm taking you all to Hawaii the channel is going to Hawaii we are an official Pokémon partner for the Pokémon World Championships this year in Hawaii uh so a big thank you to the Pokemon company International for providing my oh look at that sun and moon base set okay don't mind if I do don't mind if I do like I was saying big thank you to Pokemon company International for taking care of my accommodations and my flight to the Pokemon world championships this year and for um my Creator badge as well but breaking family multiple videos from the Pokemon world championships in Hawaii this year it's happening I'm taking you on that exclusive tour we got a couple other special videos planned as a well I don't want to tell you just yet what is going on but it's happening breaking family you know I love to take you on adventures I like you to take you to out to see the world I don't like to sit behind the desk all the time I like to go out and about I've done that for the past 10 years here on the channel I'm going to keep doing it we got rombe one sad sad lonely tier for fairy Pokémon what's that emo quackley I'm you have something to say about fairy Pokemon being gone all right go ahead go ahead oh beautiful next booster pack is going to I can feel another like blister cardboard pack inside of here so I want to try to say that for last we got detective Pikachu which I'm hoping is the item and not one of the five booster packs woo there we go Psyduck the best Pokemon in the entire world that's right I'm getting ready to tell him don't worry I'm getting ready to tell them I know almost going into 30 years 30 years of hard work that you have put in from day one from day one and then all of a sudden Ducket Ducket Waddles in out of nowhere tries to steal your Spotlight I'm not happy about it either trust me I'm on your side on this one I'm on your side very rude I get it very rude over there moreal snobble and a slacking for the rare going into the next pack we have oh oh that's chilling rain I'll go ahead and open that up go I was trying to save that for last uh because it was the the blister pack but I'll go ahead and open it up now it's kind of in the way here we go going into the next one not too bad on this one $30 not too bad we got a bound site Cub Fu ink a going into score bunny and an Amro for the rare in that one enj put it in the filing cabinet right back there thwacky playing the drums Travis Barker style two packs left we [Music] got all right all right all right burning Shadows all right I'll eat my words a little bit here I'll eat my words we got some burning Shadows breaking family chance at a rainbow rare Charizard GX woo all right all right I'm going to have to going to have to stti hydrated here with a little bit of a help uh from from Psyduck over here if you can use some of that that water over here cool me down and another sun and moon base set are you telling me three out of the five packs in here actually detective Pikachu the majority of this box was Sun and Moon era and this came out in 2020 2022 right here you can see the date 2022 $30 for that all right let's let's go and open up the sun and moon base set right here with lunala on the front of it ooh we got gr let's see if we possibly have a full art rainbow rare inside of this we got poo wingle ckit yungo we got energy fairy energy once again Arin ID going into energy retrieval all right that's fine that's fine burning Shadows is the one we want to get the big pull from anyways all right rainbow rare Charizard GX would be nice I have one in the collection I mean what's that oh you have two in your collection there Ducklett that's how convenient I said one and then you said two I feel like you're trying to one up me on everything here so I I'll believe you though I'll believe you like I said your word is your bond I have no reason to not believe you I the whole waddling situation the waddling and that mean that is a good reason not to believe but hey hey all right we're not going to judge we're going to be nice all right we got dusl going into cutie fly energy put it in the filing cabinet heat more I definitely don't need any more heat it is extremely hot right now going into ained oo bug squash breaking family last but not least the $50 Pokemon Mystery Box the most expensive one that you can buy in the store $50 for this this literally $50 okay we have to bust into this and see what we have now the crazy thing about this is that it literally says on the front of it that in this mystery box that you could potentially pull a Pokemon mystery box that's right a mystery box within a mystery box so then in a couple years when they release another Mega Pokemon mystery box that means you can have a chance to pull this Mystery Box inside of that one which I know I know I'm crazy I'm crazy I'm loud I'm crazy I'm not going to apologize for being myself like I said I always be yourself don't be ashamed to be you be proud to be yourself okay brown paper right there one of the best things from this box just wait and see no it's really not it's really not we do have a look at this a little mini binder album without the booster pack very nice of them to do that I'll put that back there ever so carefully next item is going to be sleeves we have yet to pull out any Pokémon cards yet so far we have ourselves Lucario sleeves put those right over there oh okay we have a tin we have a Pokemon pencil case right here two booster packs inside let's see what we got here let's see what we got we got a nice little tin you can hold your pins pencils markers crowns yes I say crayons okay Marie always gets upset at me because it's crayons I call call them crowns okay that's just that's how I've always called them crowns I don't know that maybe it's an accent thing I have no idea does anybody else say crowns or is it just me there's got to be other people out there that's how I've always said it my entire life crowns we got great ball mark hoppip from Blink 182 we got sud woodo which by the way the new Blink 182 bled the new Blink 182 tour starts this week this week in Florida peler going into a shins and a Pikachu EX double rare double rainbow all the way I think I just spit everywhere right up there in the VIP section so right now both myself and Marie do have tickets to the blink182 concert in Indianapolis however we are looking to attend some other ones as well I would love love to go to laala palooza in Chicago they are performing one of those days that would be fantastic pisu it is great to see him my friend two for the price of one once again breaking family you're going to the buffet there's two of you you only need one plate it's all you can eat right I'm looking at you Golden Corral that's right one plate two people here we go Pachirisu right there in the VIP section and Bay that ex okay going into the next the next Pokemon card pack we have brilliant Stars brilliant Stars so you can see so far what do you think do you think a $50 box is worth it or do you think one of the the lower tier ones one of the cheaper ones is worth it way more so far so far that $30 one is looking the best out of all of them we got Chimchar going into a golette corish we got sock Superstar put that right over there Goodbye Oh clang going into Barry who invited you staru and we got the rainbow rare Shaman V Star no shame in loving Pokemon that's it if you love something in life that makes you happy all right as long as it's not harming anybody else don't be ashamed of that hobby whether it be Pokemon cards drawing whatever it may be whatever your hobby is and you're passionate about it don't be ashamed of it all right it makes you you it makes you who you are all right the code card right here we have a shining fat collection shiny Bolton V we have a few packs left inside of here all right Crown Zenith is up next I feel like my hat my hat is completely sideways right now we got scrt going into a Wu Shinx I mean this box is looking better and better with the Marie right here and a Zera Ora for the rare relaxing enjoying the day should always take time to stop and smell the roses appreciate the small things in life if you can appreciate the small things in life if you can get happy happiness happiness enjoy from just those small things in life like go simply going on a walk right it makes the bigger things so much more enjoyable so much more enjoyable so appreciate those small things all right Fusion strike is up next and then there's two more packs inside of there could be a vintage pack I don't know I have a looked yet so we got Shinx Shellman drill bur BL play all right here we go another one another one and Electrode for the rare in that one energy put it right there in the filing cabinet two more two more Pokemon Pack openings left we have pdea evolved Pala evolved okay iono could be in this one I still need a few more cards from this set Magikarp I have both those but I'm just naming some of the big ones we got Larvitar sandygast I don't know playable playable card right there in every deck corvisquire electrode and a back caliber energy for the rare in that one last pack right here last one breaking family going to Lost origin $1 versus $50 Pokemon card mystery box opening you tell me what you think and don't forget we have that giveaway if you missed it earlier in the video now in this last pack do you think there could actually be an alternate art Pokémon card on the very last one alternate art guiena possibly will something ruin the party also don't forget we still have the big giveaway going on right now where we went to Japan and we had a custom binder we went there earlier this year that custom binder sitting right back there it's a vol X real breaking n binder and there is a spot for one of every Pokemon card and we traveled through Japan trying to get every Pokemon that's right every Pokemon one card of every Pokemon for that binder right back there traveling through Japan however we were battling none other than super duper Danny a race against the clock and a race against our friend super duper Dany to see who could complete it first I won't spoil it for you but the video will be on the end screen two of those binders were made only two of them I have one one of you is going to win the other one but you got to go watch that video to figure out how to enter we got swana reverse Holo swana and breing family we are ending on can I get a ger roll please thank you in Breaking family we are ending on that video will also be in the video description down below oh Pidgeot V you're not a gutina but you did not ruin the party breaking family that's it for today's Pokemon video make sure you hit that subscribe button check out the rest of videos right over there we'll see you all in the next video and don't forget I love every single one of you all around the world do it with me now peace love and a high five
Channel: RealBreakingNate
Views: 56,368
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon cards, pokemon, pokemon mystery box, pokemon card opening, opening pokemon cards, pokemon opening, 1 vs 50, mystery box, bigger is better, pokemon box opening, mystery box of pokemon, expensive pokemon cards, dollarama pokemon, 1 mystery box, dollarama, pokémon cards, pokémon, realbreakingnate, realbreakingnate pokemon, real breaking nate, breaking nate
Id: ro9jKL0eGwU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 50sec (1730 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 21 2024
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