1 Tip For EVERY SMITE RANK To Rank Up Fast! ⤴️ | SMITE GUIDE

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today we become legends i've been through the motions of smite ranked just like many of you have the years-long climb from a trash bronzo in 2014 when i first started all the way to hitting masters several times in seasons five six and seven this video should hopefully provide some useful tips for climbing the ranks no matter what rank you currently are the only rank i won't be covering is gm one because it's very hard to criticize the pinnacle of players but also because i've never been gm myself so i'd be talking out my ass on that one i have been to every other rank multiple times though so let's jump in with one tip for each rank in smite to hopefully advance you to the next rank up bronze the meta doesn't exist in bronze trying to copy what high level players are doing in this rank will do you more harm than good i've made an entire video on why the spl meta doesn't actually apply to most people's matches i'll link that one down below there's a huge difference in the environment of a bronze match than an spl match you can still aspire to play like the pros but don't try and do it while you're in bronze improve on your core fundamentals play high risk gods that can completely blow out a match preferably early on like thanatos for example but you don't necessarily have to pick a snowball god all the time cali is a great example bronze games often don't end fast because the players in them don't play the objective and have trouble ending the game through effective sieges most bronze games end either on a split push yes this actually happens a lot in bronze more than you would think or a team wipe later in the game where everyone's dead for 60 or 70 seconds this counter intuitively allows hyper carry picks to see huge success in lower ranks in general people don't shut you down early and when you get to late game you can almost win the game on your own with a pick like cali because people really don't know how to play around it likewise gods with amazing strengths and glaring weaknesses are great since you can abuse their strengths and often not get punished for their weaknesses when playing against inexperienced players take fenrir as an example his three brutalize is very often cancelled early in higher level matches because of the multitude of ways it can be cancelled be that silence stun jump taunt etc but in lower ranks many of the players just don't do it you get full value from brutalize which is 660 base and 200 scaling that was a specific example but it's a general idea that you can apply when playing in bronze also you're far less likely to get counter picked in bronze because most players don't really know what counters actually are effective silver so silver is kind of like bronze light it's a similar environment but not exactly the same the main difference i've noticed is that players in silver actually do pay attention to the higher level meta and try to emulate it this just doesn't really happen in bronze silver to me is the rank of theoretical knowledge many silver players do their due diligence in trying to learn the meta counters builds etc but often lack actual fundamental skill and mechanics about the game to put it another way their ra build might be amazing but if they miss 90 of their roles because they don't work for a cc first they're not going to do very well my suggestion for escaping silva would be to pick a few gods and a couple of roles you're mechanically really good at and stick to them wider knowledge of roles and multiple picks generally comes in the higher rank you go you can absolutely get away with only playing 5 to 10 gods in silver don't overextend yourself gold so this is where players mostly have their fundamentals down and can play a game of smite that actually resembles a moba and not ranked arena for bronze and silver you can get away with playing your own game for the most part don't literally troll though however in gold team play becomes a lot more important if you're stuck in gold my suggestion is to learn the ins and outs of objectives and team fights and how they're structured many players don't learn these properly in gold and if you can make the right calls they will often listen because they don't know any better of all ranks i find gold to be where people are the most willing to accept that they're pretty bad at the game and follow directions from someone better in bronze and silver they're simply not good at the game anyway and in higher ranks they start to think they're a god and should be in gm and don't listen to anyone's calls i'll link a video of mine down below about the part each role plays in the early mid and late game i go into detail in that video about team fight structure and objective play because ultimately that's what decides a goal game in my experience all the players at this point can play the game mechanically i mean they're not going to miss their abilities or stand in lane the whole game but the team that can reliably take the objectives group up and siege will win in gold platinum ah platinum the rank of decent players who think they're insane at the game i'm generalizing of course don't feel offended if you're a flat player i'm sure you're very humble plot is a difficult one but my best tip would be to try and learn a carry roll by that i mean mid-jungle or adc not just the carry role itself it's very hard to carry games from solo and support when your team don't know what they're doing and don't listen to calls this changes in higher ranks but in pla the games are a bit of a mess for the most part and one player in a role that has a larger impact than their direct opponent can be enough to win all other things even adc is obvious just win the 1v1 farm open dominate late game there's a reason it's called the carry roll but honestly mid and jungle have more overall impact in a plaque game because they take the pace of the early and mid game before the side rolls can even come into play i've had so many games where even when the sidelines are feeding i've won with a solid mid jungle combo snowballing the early game if you can get a buddy to cue these two roles together even better that's probably the best way to rank up in my opinion a duo queue of mid and jungle i say this as a solo man myself the higher rank you go the more impact side lanes have on the match because generally games go longer in higher skill levels this isn't always true but it's a general rule speaking of this whole video is general rules that you can apply over several games to get a positive win rate they're not tips that will insta win every game for you that's just not how a team game like smite works diamond so diamond to me is two different ranks diamond five and four matches play completely different to diamond three two and one matches in my experience diamond five and four is similar to platt but the players are less butthurt at their rank and so i generally less toxic and more willing to grind up as they can smell masters as for the higher diamond ranks at this point everyone on your team should know the game in and out there are exceptions like boosted monkeys that duoqueue their way into diamond but in general everyone should know the fundamentals of the game if they're in diamond so my tip for this rank is to stop playing so selfish up until this point i've either straight up said to play a little bit selfish like in bronze and silver or said that it can work that goes out the window in high diamond play for the team always trust your team they usually won't let you down at least not anywhere near as much as in other ranks this becomes a lot easier if you have a dual-cue partner but even if not try to get a feel for how your team play in the early game and adapt to it this is really what will elevate you above people who play single player and expect to rank up even if you think the call being made is wrong just go with it unless it's literally a troll call of course it's better to do an 8 out of 10 plan as a team than a 10 out of 10 plan where you all go in on your own and do your own thing and finally masters so given i've not been gm and have only been masters a handful of times take this tip with a grain of saul and any other frequent masters in the comments you can leave your own tips down there this is a very specific tip but learn how to siege properly and no i don't mean grinding out siege matches to get better at masters conquest i mean sieging phoenixes and titan also towers but less so if there's interest i can make a whole video on playing sieges both on offense and defense but i'll give my overview of what you should do as each role here the saw elena should be first in driving enemies back from the phoenix to create space for the adc to move in that's the core of a siege make it as easy as possible for your adc to stand there holding left click on the tower of phoenix they do the vast majority of the structure damage on the team supports generally stare back to protect that adc from the inevitable dives of the enemy solo and jungle speaking of the jungler has a bit of a weird role on offensive sieges in that they can help burn the phoenix or they can dive in with the solo to have kill potential on the backline the mid is a bit useless on offensive sieges for the most part but will generally throw out abilities to zone enemies away from the phoenix and land kills if possible on defensive sieges most of this flips the other way as solo or jungle you're trying to keep the enemy adc off the phoenix at all costs the mid has more of a role on defensive sieges as a poke machine when you're on defense you're 5 seconds away from your fountain but the enemy are miles from it so if you could just keep poking and poking with your mid then they'll eventually not be able to siege and have to back off as the adc on defense you're trying to shred the soul elena asap as a general rule if the enemy solo dies the siege dies support can tank but that leaves open plenty of opportunities to counter engage if you land that first kill and blow the enemy team up but that's it for one tip for each smite rank hopefully these were useful for you and i wish you the best of luck in getting that promo i know you deserve it again if you want that more in-depth sieging video then drop a like and a comment down below so i know to make it it's surprisingly important in higher ranks but is often overlooked the amount of games i see that go 40 50 minutes because no one could see just sad but anyway that's it from me catch you guys in another one later on have a great day and peace out your nerds [Music] you
Channel: Inters3ct
Views: 38,361
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Smite, Inters3ct, Intersect
Id: SgvvS2Y8u8k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 33sec (513 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 28 2021
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