#1 Skill of an Entrepreneur - Robert Kiyosaki, @BlairSingerSpeaker

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this is the rich dad radio show the good news and bad news about money here's robert kiyosaki hello hello robert kiyosaki the rich dad radio show the good news and bad news about money their very special friend since 1980 or 42 years we've been friends that's right his name is blair singer and uh he has i mean his skill set is crucial for any entrepreneur and he teaches people how to sell but more than selling selling is also leadership you know if you're an entrepreneur you have to lead if you're an entrepreneur you have to raise capital if you're an entrepreneur you have to learn how to handle people handle rejection handle upset handle damage and the reason most people don't become entrepreneurs is namely 90 out of 100 won't make it anyway the failure rate amongst people wanting to be entrepreneurs is so high it's incredible so let me come up to you i'm going to got this hot new product and all this and say can you sell it that's what blair blair and i've been selling teaching presenting from stage how hard have we practiced over the years well we've been unreasonable about that we used to lock ourselves in a room with about a dozen other people and practice and practice and what and it really get pretty hot we our strategy was try to throw the person off on stage and fluster them and it got almost a fisticuff sometimes but that's but we were ruthless about practice yeah we're learning how we could we could sell pretty well by then one-on-one you know because you worked for boroughs right and i worked for xerox and we both chose borrows and xerox because they had sales training right exactly yeah so knowing that knowing that it was a critical skill and not knowing what the heck to do found the best companies to train us and then my my best friend uh at xerox he just sold his business for two billion dollars larry and he didn't go to school either you know i mean but he can sell and how how he so we were both applying for xerox i just came out of the marine corps 74 and larry was just coming back from a mormon mission he was a mormon missionary and he had the highest conversion rates of catholics to mormonism now if you ever you know the irish race catholicism and irish are like bread and butter man they are tight so for larry to go into northern ireland home of the ira the irish republican army heartland of catholicism and convert hardcore irish catholics into mormonism people have no idea what that means that that's sales that's true and so larry and i were both applying to xerox at the same time and the xerox gives us the same bs larry never finished school and all i have is a bachelor of science degree they said where's your master's degree and so i looked at the guy the sales hire this is all a little i said what the hell does a master's degree have the ability to sell and of course he had a master's degree because he was going he was going to work at the corporate ladder and i said look sweetheart i just been flying a helicopter against machine guns if i can do that i can knock on some stupid doors and sell some xerox machines so larry at the same time was being hired for by xerox they said you don't have a master's degree and larry says he says this is my record here i have the highest conversion rate of catholics in northern ireland to mormonism the highest ever and so the the sales you know the sales manager system what difference does that make he says look if i can sell jesus i can sell anything so larry became number one in office products and i became number one in copiers he just sold this business for two billion dollars but we can sell that's right and so blair and i would practice selling we get together in this room with about some other wannabes who want to pitch from stage because selling one-on-one is one thing but pitching from stage is a whole nother experience here right that's right yeah so you take one-on-one which is relatively safe and now you expose yourself to 10 people 20 people 100 people thousands of people and so the fear of rejection which is the big thing that holds people back becomes amplified until you get past the threshold and the funny thing is so larry um blair and i are practicing pitching and we're selling we're selling a seminar at the time of our friend's seminar with even our seminar we just need to practice right so we practice selling the seminar we're going to fly all the way over to maui to do a seminar to pitch this seminar that's right what a disaster how many people showed up two and only two people we had a hundred chairs set up in the room we were all primed we were practiced so much and the reason we did it together is because we never neither of us had ever really done a public presentation like it before so we figured it was safety in numbers so we set it up a whole little to maui ran a car hotel room all this stuff the intercontinental hotel we're at the hotel room all out of our paycheck that's right and two people showed up that's right and one was actually in the wrong place he thought it was a real estate seminar so he left we never even did the program we took the guy to the bar we figured we'd get him drunk enough we could sell him the program and that didn't work that's how we started that's right that's right so it's been a journey and and now you and so you uh come into rich dad you teach us how to sell and all this it's really communication okay and if you can't communicate you don't sell that's right and for me the reason i learned how to sell it was like i was getting out of the marine corps i was flying helicopters and um my rich dad asked me says i want to see my poor dad my poor dad says go back to school get your master's get your phd and that's i don't wind up like him phd poor helpless and desperate i'm not gonna be like my poor dad so i go see my rich dad i said what should i do now i'm about to get out of the marine corps i was like 27 years old he says i want to be an entrepreneur like you he goes well if you're going to be an entrepreneur you have to sell i said no i don't want to sell because my poor dad be a phd academic elite type of guy stanford you know never chicago northwestern he says salesman has come so in our family that culture was seldom risk so for me to go home to poor dad and say i'm going to become a salesman i'm as i said i'm going to work with the devil you know so that's how we all got we got together right you're working in a surf shop and all that that's right that's right and that was our that was our first beginning in moving into what we now call the the cash flow quadrant we started as ease learning how to sell and then move over to the b and the i right so sales if you're going to be with billy communication is your number one skill as an entrepreneur right so your first book was sales dogs was little voice mastery why is little voice mastery so important well little voice mastery is important because the toughest sale of all is you selling you to yourself you know it's you don't really have to worry too much about customer objections it's your it's your objections after pounding on door after door and being yelled at sent away told your scum to be able to still stand up and keep selling because as an entrepreneur one day same thing's going to happen you're going to get knocked down and you need to stand up and the toughest sell of all is selling to yourself right so we had to you know xerox i had to go in 10 times a day holy mackerel by the second no it's painful you don't get past the secretary it's painful so i go to the lunch wagon and eat and then i go and knock on two more doors and go to the lunch wagon and eat i gained so much weight trying to join the drown the pain of rejection right that's right that's right and that's what most people hate right and they and they and they back off right they back off and that's the mistake i say oh the product sucks so this my sales manager is stupid and all this i did all those things but one day i wanted to talk to my rich dad and he goes how's it going i said terrible how's your sex life terrible it's like you can't sell and i said what's wrong he goes how many sales calls you make a day and i i do my best to go out to 10 but generally it was four if i got four knocks on the door i was courageous i'd rather fly back in vietnam and so finally richard looked at me says the reason you're failing because you're not failing fast enough and that was one of the most priceless lessons because academics like my poor dad phd failure means you're unsuccessful that's right as an act as an entrepreneur the more you fail more successful you become because we learn from our mistakes so that's one of the reasons we have so much trouble today is because academics are kind of running the liberal elite part of our world and we're we're not america anymore we're just a bunch of wimps right kids who go to school and you trigger them we can't say anything to them or you insult them i mean it's really sick well yeah because you know they haven't faced the rejection they've been protected from the rejection they've been protected like we don't want to hurt their self-esteem and all that stuff but but in learning to sell that becomes a non-issue because you've learned that it's just it's somebody else's point of view it's not you it remember the toughest sell of all is you selling you to you just stop eating lunch and go back knock on the door again that's right so you gotta you get a whole group of people coming out of school that never have that experience and told not to have that experience and so it's no mistake that they can't handle the rigors of of what life throws at them so they get stuck in the e and the s quadrant are self-employed they don't make it to the b and the i just because selling so that's one of the biggest lessons of all and that's why blair and i have traveled the world with kenny and tom we teach tom wheelwright our cpa also was a mormon missionary and he can sell and he can sell himself you don't see too many accountants that can but he can't you can sell you know and so it becomes like the number one skill of entrepreneurship so any um and by the way this here i just got from fran trina this is the marine corps flag and uh i i love that because like i learned courage in the marine corps i also learned discipline but then how to sell i could shoot people but i couldn't sell them anything anyway so it's all been a good developmental program here so what is your latest book here now uh summit yeah the latest book is called summit leadership summit leadership about taking your whole team to the top and what's the big deal well the big deal is is that if you're if you're going to go from the s quadrant as solo self-employed and go into the b quadrant where you're going to require teams and systems then that's a way different skill set that's just not taught in school right and so the the lessons the reason it's called summit leadership is because i've i've spent better part of my career working with entrepreneurs all over the world helping them get from the s to b become you know overcome obstacles get their dreams all that stuff and about 10 years ago i had the opportunity to go to tanzania africa with my son which is another whole story but i went there with him and in seven days on the mountain what blew my mind was that all the lessons of being an entrepreneur going from s to b the trials the tribulations the exhilarations the depressions all got compressed into a seven day experience yeah i've seen some you know i've seen some of the people you've taken up that mountain they don't have feet when they come back because people think well going up is hard coming down smarter that that well coming down is harder yeah it's really interesting about climbing yeah one of the things one of the lessons is that getting to the top is only halfway so everybody goes i just want to get to the top i want to get to the top and people get to the top and they have a hard time getting down to your point right so the preparation preparation is is key to the whole thing so your book summit is what you've learned about business and life climbing kilimanjaro 10 times that's right you've never invited me for some reason but uh because you ain't going that's why while pilot pilots fly over mountains they don't climb mountains i hear yeah i hear you so what's what are some of the key points would like to pass on to people who already become entrepreneurs but look if you can't you know like i always say i'm not a best writing author yeah but best-selling author i i know i suck as a writer you know people you know what you're talking about i said yeah but i saw more books than you idiot you know and then because sales equals income right that's right that's right so if we you know we do a little promo video for your little summer thing but cats communication is right above cash flow that's right because if you can't sell there's no income that's right i mean if you're trying it the cat the bi triangle talks about mission team leadership if you got a mission but you can't sell it you're dead in the water okay if you get a team and you can't sell them on what it is they need to do how to take the next step you're dead in the water again right you know and what happens is if you can't raise capital you're unfunded and you're dead in the water again so as you said you know in order to master the bi triangle sales is critical but it's leadership really right really really really really it's leadership and that's one of the reasons not to toot my own horn but i went to the u.s march marine academy in new york and every so often we were rated the number one school for leadership and some of the schools in competitions were naval academy air force academy west point coast guard academy and kings point's little dinky little school one of the smallest federal academies like west point or annapolis would pop up as the number one school in leadership and when we come back i'm going to be talking to you about a different type of leadership because you have again from the cash flow quadrant book number two in the rich dad series e s go to school become a ju employee you become an e your mindset goes there or if you're smart go to school and become a doctor and you become an s self-employed but the problem with that is you're self-employed and you pay the highest taxes so it's really quite interesting how going to school traps somebody people so we come back up in going into one of the secrets we learned i learned at the academy but most people don't see about leadership we'll be right back [Music] inflation is at a 40-year high the fed is tightening up and top firms predict returns under 5 for the next decade no wonder a recent jp morgan report declared alternative assets are no longer optional and of all the platforms for alternative investing there's one that's 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surf shop in waikiki and he was struggling there and i was struggling trying to sell nylon wallets but we were we're learning and anyway close to the wrist jet radio shed anytime anywhere on android youtube and i am all those things social media all of our podcasts are all of our podcasts are archived at richdadradio.com we archive them because repetition is one way you learn you know you have to do something 63 times for it to lock in that's the rule in flight school we had to do we had to practice 63 times the blue angel is the best flying team 63 times but in school you don't repeat you just make the mistake and move on so we practice practice practice practice practice 63 times is what's called neuroplasticity is 21 times 3. when you do something 21 times times 3 63 your whole body changes your mind changes but that's what we had to do so that's why when i was learning how to sell the reason i was failing this i said oh my rich dad's very simply said you're not failing fast enough so i i take a job not a job i volunteered for a non-profit and after selling for xerox from nine to five i walked up the street to this non-profit and sat in their little booth and dialed for dollars and my goal was to fail 30 times i didn't care if i got a yes or no i had to dial that phone 30 times and that's why i can sell today so i'm a best-selling author and most people have said but you can't write i said doesn't matter and rich has been number one for 25 years wow in personal finance and of course all the academics in new york you know the publishers say you know what you're talking about because i said savers are losers your house is not an asset and the rich don't work for money they couldn't hear it because they're academics so anyway we're going to be talking more to blair about summiting and uh let's talk about our dear friend richard tan because uh richard richard took blair and i and kenny and all the team all over the world because he ran success resources so richard just thought he could summit mom kilimanjaro in tanzania what happened to rich well richard richard very successful entrepreneur by the way and very you're friends and the boy can definitely sell so he figured he could sell his way up that mountain and he struggled and struggled and struggled and there's two summits and he got to the lower summit and we stopped him and said richard you can't go any further he goes i'm gonna because like every entrepreneur bull-headed entrepreneur i'm gonna grit it out his pulse ox the oxygen in his blood was so low that it was near fatal and we said you're going down now and he fought and i went up to him and i grabbed him and i said richard look at my eyes you're going down this mountain that's it this mountain's not going away you could always come back so he went down he was his shoes were too big his his toes turned black and blue and he and i thought that was the end of him but richard being in the retro and richard started training because he hadn't trained before so he's training he's running triathlons his wife comes up to me goes what did you do to him i go nothing why she goes my god he had heart problems the heart problems have gone away the doctor says he's in better shape what's the deal i think he just wants to get to the top of the mountain and he did he came back and he crushed it yeah absolutely crushed it and his life has changed ever since yeah and that's what that's why academics like my poor dad don't get it they think they memorize the right answer and they have this piece of paper that says phd on it they're better than everybody but they really don't have it and that's my latest book is called capitalist manifesto and i go after the teachers unions because as you know today the teachers unions some of the most evil people on earth making people wear masks kids making masks in school they just follow orders they do as they're told they're horrible people horrible people my father's head of the teachers union oh my god and every time i mention that my family flinches because they're just like my dad they all think of job security and belonging to the union which was marx marx's workers of the world unite and most labor unions are marxist so that's why i wrote capitalist manifesto because it's hard to get rich if you're a marxist yeah and the only way a system like that can work is by strict compliance and so the whole system is not set up to educate the whole system is set up to get people to comply and so when i one of my i want to mention have members oh my daughter is an a student i said she's screwed because she's just gonna follow orders you know what i mean i'm going so like we didn't have that problem did we no no we were kind of the outliers we did not follow the orders so the reason you want to understand and read the study of blair's book summit is because he practices what he preached he kind of climbed kilimanjaro 10 times that's something you know so anyway i'm going to give a little bit of lesson i learned from the academy kings point must merge municipality one of the five federal academies i got a congressional appointment from senator daniel k noye of hawaii medal of honor winner in world war ii and all that so the heritage of military is strong in my family i had seven uncles fight in world war ii uh two fought against the japanese of all things one was captured so it's part of our culture here but one of the things i learned at the academy as a military school is there's two kinds of leadership and the most successful leaders inspire up what that means is they associate with people better than them and most people who are like middle managers or corporate guys which the world is filled with they're tyrants they lead down they don't have people above them so a lot of times i'll meet and ask a small business owner they have to be the boss they have to be the best or when i when i used to go into corporate which i don't do anymore because it's a cesspool of idiots love lunch or demagogues little tyrants they don't like it if you're better than them and so they push down on you so there's two kinds of leadership there's academic leadership which pushes down and military leadership which inspires up so if you notice most of my friends are far better than me like you know kenny in real estate i pale you know taxes i pale but most demagogues these small leaders they have to be the best right that's right that's right and that's you're right there are two very different forms of leadership i mean and and the the idea is if you can as a leader if you can push people up to be better than you that's the truth that's the true earn the right you've really earned the right as a leader if you get other people to actually excel and be better than you based upon what you teach them and you look at look at the guys i hang out with i know his name is mud right now but president donald trump he wrote and i wrote two books together you know and i don't challenge his leadership you know i i love being around the guy he's a he says things he shouldn't say but other than that he's a great leader you know this guy biden can't even speak i don't know what's going on with this country but i'm not republican or democrat the issue is leadership that's right that's right and biden cannot communicate that's right he's got dementia unfortunately and his buddy kamala oh my god you know she's the borders are the southern border they haven't seen her yet and it's only 10 miles from us right that's the mexico border right i mean you could come down here and say hello and leave but no they don't lead no they don't lead no they push down that's right they don't inspire up so it's one of the biggest lessons i learned from leadership at king's point the merch marine academy is you always want to be around people smarter than you yeah but but a tyrant can only hang out with people less than them that's right any comments on that yeah well you see it you see it a lot it's very ego driven it's it's it's all about me it's not about developing a team but if you're going to build a great organization and go to the b quadrant you got to be able to protect the team you don't have to be nice to them you don't have to be treat them with kid gloves but you do nee if you want them to stand up then you got to be able to protect them at some level you know one of the things you brought your friend the general remember when the general came and talked to us three-star general jack berman who's now congressman jack barkman exactly and i asked him i said how do you recruit people i said you're recruiting young kids that you know and putting them in harm's way they don't make much money and how does that work he goes not that it's not that difficult i go what do you mean he goes look the one thing in common people want to be part of something bigger than themselves that's number one number two when they come into the marine corps what he said is he said they know somehow or other even though they're not going to get paid a lot they're going to end up becoming the best and biggest version of themselves right two of the most powerful sales pitches that you could give anybody if you want them to be on your team right and when i meet essas you know like self-employed people they're tyrants they want to be the boss right don't challenge them you push down if you criticize them they cry like babies they whim they suck oh you hurt my feelings you know i got no use for them right you know and the world's filled with them right sarah call middle managers they come with ms sarah now that's great perspective because i've worked for corporate world before this experience and uh it's tough it's really tough eagles right yeah and you know you get this dream of oh i'll be a manager one day and then you don't want to be a manager so i can be like you right thank you miserable overworked no um but this is a great conversation yeah because i i mean i i do my i respect you don't i i mean i i would be found i'd be face down in my swimming pool without sarah because i'm cruising around in my own little world and sarah leads me around the place says what should i do call sarah she'll tell you what to do because she'll tell me what to do right but aren't you her boss no i'm not [Laughter] but other guys especially s's and e's if they're metal manager they've got to be the leader and they suck at it because they push down that's right they don't inspire up comments on that yeah you know and that's and it that attitude will never get a team up kilimanjaro no you can't push down think about that you you're faced with altitude you're faced with weather changes you're faced with all these problems and your job is to take that person who's never climbed before get them to believe in themselves get them to take one more step one more step so they can realize their dream and leadership is really this attitude that you want to be around the best people and inspire the best so that's why bergman general bergman you know both lieutenants together on the aircraft carry off of vietnam he comes out of three-star general i come i got kicked out as a lieutenant disciplinary problems now one day one day the people say why what happened to you so with that said blair your book leadersh leadership is fantastic summit one more time tell us why you should get that book well summit leadership is is your road map it's a road map it's your trail guide to get you from from wherever you are to whatever the dream is specifically from the s quadrant from the s quadrant to the b quadrant right it's called leadership and and basically it's eight steps to get you there roadmap follow the map so the trouble with s's and e's who are managers they have to be in charge if you're a bee and an eye you don't have to be that's why i hang out with people better than me so with that said thank you blair for writing a book and then sarah will come back for the final words okay we're right back [Music] welcome back robert kids talking to rich dad radio show the good news and bad news about money you can listen to the rich dad radio program anytime anywhere on itunes android and youtube and then all our programs are archived at richdadradio.com we archive them so you can listen to it again because repetition is how we learn but also if your friends you know business association family members who need to hear this who want to be entrepreneurs it's a very important show so our guest today is a dear friend like we met in 1980 i mean we've been friends for all these years that's priceless so tell us again what about your book summit leadership what what can they get from it what what tell us about your son zach that's the most important yeah that's actually being a parent is probably the hardest sales job there is that's right man you talk about climbing mountains that's the biggest one of all so so zach's 19 years old and he's disillusioned with university doesn't like doing it drifting trying to find himself a job and he responded to an ad for sales okay so get this he's never sold anything in his life and what's he doing now he's banging on doors going door to door selling water nestle's water is selling a door-to-door with dispensers he's making a minimum of 90 calls a day 90 calls a day and he said dad you know everything about sales teach me about sales i go two rules ask questions and don't give up don't give up and he's killing it all right how old is he 19 years old he's got a beautiful summit i did that's right that's right so final words here sarah what do you want to say about today's show final words thank you blair for your time i appreciate you coming in um and and talking about leadership um i think i so i did a mountain i did mount kinabalu in borneo wow ten years ago really why this stupid boy convinced me that i that was fun it is not fun but you we were talking about it's like some it's easier almost going up than coming down i didn't think i was coming down i had our poor little guide um sapingy he was my he was with me it took me four hours to come down because i was not prepared so that lesson was important it's not just getting to the top it's it's completing it and getting down too so um that made me remember that trip and how miserable i was and that i will never climb another mountain so and then what do you and then do i give you as much latitude as you were oh yeah i mean i'll give you more responsibility than ever and that goes to your point about inspiring up um you know not only do you share your investments you know information with me the theory behind everything and we talk about that but it's really this relationship that you don't find in a lot of other institutions or businesses because it's an equal partnership right um and you've given me yeah and you've allowed me to make those big decisions and you know make mistakes as long as i'm making my mistakes and not you know that's how where we learn so yes it's definitely a different relationship than any other that i've had before thank you for that i appreciate it's like i said when i used to go out to my aircraft i mean my helicopter and load the guns and i look at these 19 year old boys you go gentlemen this might be our last day he said let's go kill somebody then if we take off and it's the highest feeling of all is so goofy and that's leadership all right call summer leadership by blair singer taking your team to the top thank all folks at the rich dad radio show [Music]
Channel: The Rich Dad Channel
Views: 115,685
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TheRichDadChannel, robert, kiyosaki, rich dad poor dad, motivational speakers, business ideas, make money, how to get rich, network marketing, how to make money, how to invest, passive income, cashflow game, Robert Kiyosaki, Blair Singer, Sales Dogs, Summit Leadership, b-i triangle, how to grow your business
Id: c-E3_RPog14
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 37sec (1957 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 13 2022
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