Financial Education Video: How to Raise Capital: The #1 Skill of an Entrepreneur

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hello this is Robert Kiyosaki and I'm giving you a sales pitch on my upcoming three-day workshop may set for a second and third here in Scottsdale Arizona price is $5,000 but those discounts for special people so if you think a special purpose person calling to find out and their three-day courses on how to raise capital it is the number one skill of an entrepreneur but in this financial markets is probably the most important subject of the day so I'm going to tell you a little bit about it you may or may not have received our brochure on it it's how to raise capital and if you haven't then as part of this promo we will show you how to download it so you can take a look at it because I'll be talking about this brochure right now so what makes how to raise capital different is very simple is because most people when they want to become an entrepreneur they go from e to as they start a small business and this is not what people who want to start small businesses if you want to start a small business you can an SBA loan but this is for people who want to learn to be big business owners or investors and that's what Rich Dad focuses on so very simply even if you're not interested in this course personally let me give you an idea why you might want to attend because today in this world in this financial crisis with unemployment going up more and more people are going to be looking to start their own businesses so even here in good shape you may want to consider attending so at least you can help some of your friends who are looking or doing their best or scrambling to you know because if they lost their job but they know they're going to lose their job and they need to move on most people go over here and then they get trapped this is this is a tough you can get rich here but it's a tough position so it's very different over here so even if you may not be looking to raise capital maybe a friend or a loved one or a family member might need to know how to so a couple years down the road you can be able to support the so let me tell you about this and what makes this course how to raise capital very very different is if you have this brochure and again if you haven't received a go online the secret to raising capital is design a well-designed business and what I have here on this thing is my first one of my first major businesses it was a surfer wallet there's a there was a shoe pocket here this wallet here I made I design for Boy George of Culture Club I also design products for Durant I ran the police iron maiden and Van Halen but this was a well designed product but I didn't have a well designed business and that's the difference on this side they're always running out of money and on this side you have to learn to design a company that raises capital so in here you can read the story of how I went to ask my Rich Dad for $100,000 and he went nuts he says why would I invest in a good product when I only invest in well-designed businesses so it was a very painful lessons I didn't talk to him for a number of years I thought he was a jerk but anyway he was really teaching me a lot so you finally started teaching me how to design a business to raise capital so when you turned the page here this is a business summary you're more familiar with this is the Rich Dad Company this is the product Kim and I designed he was a cashflow board game and this is the Rich Dad book and this is the timeline of what Kim and I did to develop this business but could we designed this business and so the beauty of a well-designed business is it raises capital all the time like when I had the wallet business I was always out hitting the markets trying to raise money but by designing a well-designed business like the Rich Dad Company and it's getting better you know it's a good company but it raises capital automatically so even if you're not applying attend maybe know somebody who needs to learn this skill because they're soon gonna be out of work or they they're building a company so it's a very big difference between designing a business for this side and this side this is the biggest difference of all most investors do not invest here this is too small it's not well designed undercapitalized they'll always run out of money chance of failure is high but most investors like to invest here that's the very big difference so when you if you I said if you haven't received this brochure how to raise capital go to this will have a cry on down below so you can figure out how to download it and you can read about how then we developed a Rich Dad Company and Here I am on the Larry King show which is raising capital also but this offends some people I'm a little this is one of my claim to fame in the 70s I made playboy magazine I didn't make playboy but my product did I mean I didn't ask them for though I didn't ask them to put me in there but they put my product in there they had a naked woman in there which as a young guy I kind of liked and I heard some people go oh oh oh how can you put playboy in there well if you don't know that playboy exists and it offends you then maybe you're not ready for the real world because this is the real world here so anyway playboy would make playboy and really took this product line off but even making playboy we still couldn't raise enough capital it was a it made the problem worse going into playboy in runner's world and sports the feel and all that so here I am the better designed business so basically it's not so much about the product it's not so much about anything else but really designing a business but also to gain the skills a design of business so it's not a get-rich-quick scheme but I will share with you as long as as well as my other advisors I have other people coming we'll be sharing how they take companies public initial public offering offerings how people do creative financing for real estate they have a banker showing up you have people who are securities experts will show you how to not make the mistakes many people do when they're putting a offering memorandum together so this is a very professional world here you can make a mistake you go to jail it's very simple there so you will learn the professional way to do it but this is the best part about it is that for those of you who are real estate investors of course would be having be teaching how to raise capital for real estate but once Kim and I built the Rich Dad Company we are throwing off so much cash that Kim started to buy larger projects so for those of you who are real estate people and maybe not that interested in raising capital start a business this is a very important three day seminar because you'll learn how to raise capital now the reason I'm kind of laughing is this is my partner Kidman I've part of this Kent McElroy that's myself there these are the photographs okay this is downloadable well the thing that is really laughable today is so many people want to get into investing in real estate or starting a business the irony of it is today there is so much money some of my friends are raising hundreds to hundred million dollars for their for their projects there is so much capital out there and the problem is if you don't know what you're doing if you see in the world through these eyes here they don't want to look at you this is a small business loan this is a bank loan raising capital is a different world so the reason I'll was chocolate what I hear somebody say the reason is they don't have the skills to design a business at investments invested so just yesterday yesterday was April 6 I believe I was meeting with Ken and we're designing another investment company and the irony of it is it is so easy to raise millions of dollars but they owe the money only comes in from investors if you have a well designed entrepreneurial business or well-designed real estate business so Ken and I was just cracking up yesterday kind of laughing about it because there's literally millions and millions and millions and millions of dollars looking for an investment but if you don't have the skills if you don't know how to design a good company and if you don't know how the real estate business works then you're always struggling trying to go to the banker for a loan so I believe this product this this three-day May first second third in Phoenix Arizona is one of the most important seminars anybody can come to if you want to be an entrepreneur that starts a business or you want to be an entrepreneur that starts a professional investment company in real estate because that's what the that's what the three-day we'll focus on again I just crack up I mean I can't believe people are desperate for money when there's so much money out there there's a lot of capital but not much credit so the so the interesting thing about Kenny Kenny and myself we're looking to start another company we're going to design a business and already we have people want to invest in it they want to give us millions of dollars it is that easy but the secret is again a well-designed business so I decided this business around 1975 we had a great product bad business this is a better product better business and ultimately what it does allows us to buy more real estate so that's what the three day will cover again it's may for a second third Phoenix Arizona it's how to raise capital is the most number one skill of an entrepreneur so whether or not you're an entrepreneur or not let's say you're still I'm still an employee but you want to learn to do this please come we'll make the subject matter easy enough for you to understand it's highly participatory we'll have experts these guys are my real partners coming to tell you exactly how they do it so it's a fantastic program it's only three days and it's one two and three there are discounts you know if you've you've done a three-day with me before you're in good luck because you get a discount if you're a Rich Dad insider you get a discount also and if you sign up early you get a discount so anyway that's basically the idea the irony of it is in this today's world this is the number one thing people are going broke because they can't raise capital so when they say well you know I have something else to do I don't think it's anything more important a person can learn at this time because the economy is moving on it's not coming back so this that's what it's about if you need more information just download this and I think it'll give you more clarity okay thank you very much and that's my tip of the day if you have a well designed business it's really easy to raise capital and today there's more money than ever before looking for a home thank you you
Channel: The Rich Dad Channel
Views: 55,170
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: financial education, financial literacy, financial freedom, Robert Kiyosaki, kiyosaki, money, TheRichDadChannel
Id: uc9j_LMI2jA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 57sec (657 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 17 2009
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