Testing Scary Minecraft Lies To Prove Them Wrong

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these are the scariest Minecraft lies you should never test starting with a seed sent in by Joey the Brit on Discord who says I know this sounds crazy but a villager on the seed is seriously messed up just look at this screenshot oh actually I thought it was going to be a video we only have a screenshot okay we have a regular looking Village here we got the Golems this m oh wait a second oh when you see it you see it look at this wait what is this tell me you guys are seeing what I'm seeing right now right here yeah freaking enhance all right let's load up the seat and see if this guy's actually here okay first things first we need to locate a village so where is the nearest Village the nearest Minecraft village is oh 234 blocks away this thing's close oh well hello there house how are you doing today uh oh no oh wait this Village is abandoned abandoned Villages only have a 2% chance of spawning in Minecraft what now the question is has this been abandoned because it's naturally spawning or was it abandoned because of that giant villager we saw on the screenshot but there's nothing strange going on in the village other than the fact that it's been abandoned oh wait why does the blacksmith house not have any cobwebs Like This One Singular house has no cobwebs okay now now things are cooking dude hold up hold up wait wait wait wait wait can you rewind that and watch it in 025 speed tell me I didn't just see something right here I already feel like I'm going crazy and this is the first scary myth what cuz what is this it looks like the house was just uprooted unless it was a mobile home but they don't have those in villages oh dude this is this is enough evidence that I have my interest peaked okay the next step in investigating this scary myth is to find a village that actually has villagers in it because this one's entirely abandoned where are the whoa wait a second what we get the mountain villager wait so that means the villager's got to be over this hill what okay now this is getting really interesting how are villagers spawning without a Village nearby I've never seen this in Minecraft before cuz if it was one villager maybe he just like got his way lost but there's literally like six villagers here just sitting I don't even see remnants not even like the remnants of a house there's literally just villagers mingling with the cows on this hill okay something's going on in this world man Joey the Brit he on to something okay the next step is to find a village that also has villagers we've either finding abandoned Villages or just villagers but with no Village I literally have been flying and I can't find a village anywhere the only thing I can think of doing is literally just keeping a th000 blocks away and trying to locate a new Village oh okay come on this has got to be it find me a Village please this Village has to have evidence oh no why am I seeing an iron golem and no Village we have literally gone from abandoned village villagers spawning in the middle of nowhere to now an iron golem just being in the middle of this Forest am I in the right spot wait locate structure 25 blocks away where is your village don't give me me the cold shoulder man has the generation in this sea just gone mad like is the village beneath us cuz it's definitely not above us could like it could be in this cave right oh wait no what for a split second I thought we found it but it's just an abandoned M shaft I'm tired of seeing abandon things we're going old school here the locate command for villagers for some reason just isn't working we're not finding any Village and it won't have villagers inside of it so I'm just going to keep flying until we can find one no matter how long it takes oh dude I'm literally like I have been flying so long I'm in the savannah okay I think I've flown over like 18 different biomes no don't tell me this is real I I feel like this is a mirage oh it's real oh my God thank you the only unfortunate thing is it's not it's not the snowy Village I mean maybe that's okay I mean this is the first Village we've actually seen that isn't abandoned and actually has villagers in it so we must be trending in the right direction well I mean these guys are just weird though why are you guys trapped in the pig pin we have the houses are normal here there's no weird dirt patches I mean this is actually for once a regular finel Village I feel like I'm lost we have to look at the evidence again is there anything that he did different that I did not do the only thing this guy did other than having some damage taken was look over a Mountaintop is this the missing evidence do I just stare at a mountain and wait till it's night time and then I'll see this giant villager all right I'm parking it right here baby I got the front row seats okay so remember he was in survival mode don't know if that matters he did have a couple hearts of damage removed oh that was a lot of damage okay perfect the exact same Hearts exact same hunger the only difference is now is that we' to set it to night time time set night okay this is it we have set the conditions we've done everything in the evidence and now we just have to sit here and wait but I just don't feel like he's going to come come on you giant sack of Villager come here this is going to be a long stake out so please watch until the end to see what happens the next scary myth was send in by Oliver and Discord and this is the message they left for us help with a server IP address it's another one of those Anarchy servers and it did at least give us evidence this time in the form of video not a picture which I'm thankful for all right so we're in a beautiful cave right now we love to see these types of caves oh wait a second wait did you guys just see that hold the phone dude Drop It Like It's Hot what was that okay I'm going to give you guys two seconds because when you see it you can't unse it yeah that's right excuse me um but what is this I I mean if you saw it you've got some great detective skills Bravo but these guys didn't even notice it they just ran right past him then again like when you're watching a video of somebody playing it's a little bit easier to notice than if you're the one actually playing wait wasn't there three of them wait there's only two hold on hold on did they lose somebody oh wait it was this it was Fluffy flower wait so they turn around mine these diamonds and as soon as they turn back around fluffy flower's gone oh dude wait this is sick okay pay attention this time when you're watching it look at the coal ore on your right oh buddy you don't fool me for one second man I freaking see you right here wait so the question is is the the one in stone still on the left wait I think I can see him wait so is there two of them are these like the twin skin Steelers oh no wait this was all the loot that fluffy flower was wearing so did fluffy flower die outside of the lava or did they die to the lava bro I was so focused on this loot that I didn't even noticed their friend disappeared the second one also disappears oh now this is crazy this is this is like out of a horror movie oh wait what wait from what now I feel like the blind one I don't oh dude it's like what is this is this somebody coming out of the freaking lava wait that's crazy oh great well the first thing we see when you log on the server is warning enter the server at your own risk great be careful oh okay don't worry guys I will I'm literally as naked as the day I was born I will say compared to the previous Anarchy servers we filmed on this one is much prettier but it's still just I don't know it's bizarre like it's real humans building really weird things okay let's get some wood all right now we just got to get some wood and we got to figure out exactly what oh buddy can you not hi very nice to meet you like this guy just gave me a heart attack huh you know I'm about to turn third I'm pushing 30 right now what are you doing are you giving me blocks uh yeah just got on investigating something other than the jump scare this guy's a chat he just gave me a bunch of blocks and even gave me beef oh what are you investigating players having their skin stolen by an entity okay I'm doing a terrible job explaining this don't speak of him does this person actually exists I've heard of some myths that he is real can you show me around I don't really want to die it's guaranteed it's okay I'm lowkey goated at Minecraft I don't know what else do I do to convince this guy wow this guy did not take a lot of convincing at all all right yeah yeah let's make let's make some Maxes here buddy like just hopping on like a server and then like chatting with players is freaking crazy I love it so much like what are you doing buddy why you don't stop my guy did you see something here uh where can you punch where right here uh no yo okay what is this guy talking about like I mean feel free to rewind the video watch it 025 I didn't see anything I think this guy's kind of losing it all right dude this guy might have lost it I mean think about it he was so terrified to even speak his name now he's like seeing things come on man oh okay are these people just freaking rich on This Server we just got a random just diamond blocks chilling up here wait a second yo can we mine these no why these are special okay I mean shouldn't we you know have a better ax you said you were go oh dude all right fine I mean he makes a good point he makes a good point wait server rules do not speak of him he will find you yeah I can't go any no come on M it's fine it's fine like you got to like to grow you got to get out of that comfort zone you know what I'm saying oh now he's going to follow me cool don't talk about him or he'll find you okay I'm literally just what is this this is nonsense this actual nonsense this cave is so dude stop oh just come here they're just signs my guy this poor kid is like terrified of something that might or might not even exist okay it might EX just this is sus okay I'll give it to you but we've come too far we can't turn back now yeah this is crazy this is crazy yeah I get it me first it's fine it's fine this guy literally wants me as bait like I am the Matrix meat Shield right now I don't think you guys quite un what the heck is this yo look at this fire wait is this thing wait what we just have eternal Flames here these things are staying they can't be extinguished and they're sitting on stone blocks they dude it's not that serious Matrix Matrix okay now now now am I about to be backstabbed is this going to be the biggest anime betrayal of my lifetime oh thank God he's just up here buddy it's fine I investigated it what do you mean okay you're ready dude you've been ready question mark I'm ready to bro this guy just did a 180 he went from being ter terrified to being like all right I'm a Chad now I'm freaking ready to find this guy this guy's crazy where is he okay dude now this is freaking getting weird dude are you sure you're okay I'm good I don't know man okay this is just a theory but what if Matrix Man was replaced by the skin stealer and that's why he's so confident now but we didn't see an entity right like they saw the I've been like watching everything and I haven't seen any camouflage people wait wait wait wait this was the lava this is where they died in the video like not this exact spot but there was like an entity that was in the lava oh I'm blocking this up no oh my help he took my skin who took your skin it's Matrix wait wait so the guy that was behind me the whole time wasn't even Matrix or did he swap after I found those Eternal Flames buddy come on out what are you [Music] doing he just died I saw the particle effects wait if he swap the Skins then that can only mean this is real bro I didn't even see his loot I didn't hear loot burning or anything if that was the real Matrix that just died in the lava that means that he was swapped right above us in the Eternal Flame section wait doesn't that mean that he's wait no no no I saw him for a split second he freaking still Matrix skin this guy no freaking way man and Matrix is worried for nothing have keep inventory on we've uncovered so many different scary items on this channel but this one is different than the rest in fact it might be the scariest this is the myth of the blood Beacon so as of now there are no confirmed rumors on how we spawn this Blood Beacon but some people are saying this is how you make it so just like you would make a normal Beacon but instead use redstone blocks all right we're going to put this on in 3 2 1 okay maybe this is not the way to make it appear like why would they even try to build a redstone Beacon again valant attempt but it's not it wait wait maybe we didn't do it right like maybe we place regular blocks around it then we put the Redstone in so it's lit oh still nothing man okay so this was not the way to get it to spawn but I do have another idea of my sleeve now we're getting medieval here because I'm going to have all of these mobs from the spawner I built drop on to this Beacon and see if like their death or blood will turn this into the blood Beacon I know we're really grasping a trolls here but again there was no evidence of how I should do this 3 2 [Music] 1 really really nothing that's freaking crazy I I thought that one genuinely was going to work okay I'm going to fly to my next Contraption I have set up we got to get this thing to spawn maybe we can craft the blood Beacon all right I'm getting down to the basics right I got all my red terrifying blocks in here come just something man like I need something I I want I want to get the blood Beacon but like every time I try to craft something it never even works so like why do I try cuz I want to see the good in everything okay and unfortunately sometimes there's just no good and and this might be one of them yeah dude I'm freaking look it was worth a try okay it was worth a shot all right don't judge me all right I promise I got something better just give me some time all right so for this attempt I had to go back to the evidence all we have is a photo but I noticed he's in a desert and if you didn't know the way that moang kind of intended beacons to be made is by using the desert temples so like you can fill in this entire area and it makes the perfect Beacon and of course we're going to do the Redstone again all right like I want to believe all right believe in the me that believes in you Redstone if you could just work for Pops I would be so grateful cuz like if it's going to be the blood Beacon it's got to it has to have something to do with redstone like Redstone is the only thing that looks like blood in this game why did they got to make the beacon so big like you need so many freaking blocks this is wild oh we're almost at the end thank God I'm finally the versus stos AKA The Beacon I think that's French for something I don't know correct me if I'm wrong people all right please say my prayers 3 2 1 I hate this game I hate this game what do I do what do you want from me do I need to slash kill myself on top of you huh was that a was that a good enough sacrifice blood Beacon am I not worth the like yep I'm done this one is busted I just can't freaking figure out how to get this thing to spawn so I got to say is what no way no freaking no this thing is pulsating from white to blood this doesn't make any sense the beacon it's normal like it's still blue wait will it damage me great is this even the blood Beacon what is this all I don't know what to say about this I might need y'all to decide if this is real or fake I'm leaning towards it's real but it's just not scary nor is it deadly so great up next is a seed sent by lucco and this is what he says is it just me or is this jungle super creepy and somebody reacted with a rose oh my okay I got to get these people to record a higher bit rate what is okay what's so creepy about this jungle huh if anything your loot is creepy 31 pieces of rotten flesh is crazy wait wait is this jungle empty hold on wait there's like a chunk missing from the jungle right here do you see this doesn't it look like this entire section is missing and he goes around the hill oh and it's back what is this magic yeah yeah let's just go towards the thing that magically reappeared that this sounds like a great strategy oh okay we got a it's oh okay well jungle temple is Holy sh of buff has come into this game we're seeing nothing but holes well hello what was this dude that sound like a baby villager who like nailed the helium I got to hear that again how does this guy not get jump scared if I heard that behind me I would be like my screen would be shaking oh okay okay doesn't even go towards the sound it's got to be coming from those holes though right maybe maybe not oh he finally finds the temple maybe that's where the voices were coming from okay wait is it just me or is this Temple like really big it looks like two jungle temples sandwich together cuz they're not normally this big like this is yo this is a freaking huge jungle temple okay maybe we shouldn't walk into the trip wire uh those okay that is not a vanilla jungle temple they do not have a lava pitfall trap did he just submit this to us because it's actually something scary or because he's bad and is salty I guess we got to investigate and we got to find out Luc we're on your seed buddy first things first let's locate that structure 243 blocks away is this oh wait this is the same jungle okay so we have three pieces of evidence to investigate the first huge piece there was like a chunk missing from the jungle but his was missing before he even went around the mountain and then as soon as he came back around it was restored but mine is fine do I have to is this like a fake out make out situation no okay my dude my chunks are fine me reload them still nothing yo this is weird all I'm saying is L it's not looking good for you bu like this is looking a little fake so far I mean this jungle it's loaded now okay the second piece of evidence we had was the giant holes inside of the Jungle um okay well this is like his hole is so much deeper and wider it was like this deep so we're not getting the chunk errs that he had the holes aren't as deep and then like one of the big pieces of evidence was like right when he got to I think it was like this tree he looked at this tree and there was like that weird creepy villager what's that oh the sound of you subscribing because there's no creepy baby villager that's what I thought all right now we we continue and then he just walked to the double jungle temple it's not looking good for you l we didn't get any of the same pieces of evidence that you had and it's looking even worse for you cuz there is no jungle temple I feel like he faked this I mean I don't want to say it too early before I look around a little bit oh oh jungle temple but why is it all the way over here like literally in his footage it was right there oh wait this oh it's a double one okay so now I'm leaning towards like maybe it's not fake because it is a double jungle temple but why is it in a totally different area I'm going to check this out just in case but we're also missing the trip wire and then I'm going down to see if there's a lava Pitfall there dude there's no Lava Pitfall Okay cool so there's literally nothing here I'm just going to leave like get that whoa wait those leaves were not there huh those Le wait wait I'm an idiot it's a double-sided Temple yeah okay I never mind never mind uh cool thanks Luco no you know what we really appreciate you giving us this fake myth to investigate huh maybe next time make sure your evidence is actually concrete this one is a bust arino and finally what happened to the giant villager after all of this time staking out it's fake Joey the Brit man why why lie like you don't need to lie okay you could just straight up tell me if this was fabricated or not did you guys hear that I just heard footsteps wait a second oh oh oh no wait the villagers that were in the pin are gone what it's like they've been raptured like they were literally just there and then they were gone wait there's one hold on hold on why is this guy in the corner n dude you you're giving me the Goosebumps right now I don't like that you're doing this why are you in the court okay no no something's up something's freaking up man this guy was brewing potions now he's facing the corner what just happened what just happened in this house half of it is gone half of it is still there did something just step on this no no no no oh oh I know what I just saw right there oh no that's not canon oh the giant v I swear I just saw his forehead I swear he's real I saw him like right over this mountain all right I'm hiding I'm hiding I'm hiding okay okay oh he's close Okay creative mode it's creative mode time block up the windows okay it's been like 20 seconds and I haven't heard any footsteps is he gone wait is this the only house left wait there's no other villager houses what what they're gone oh this is it this is it no this is my time to shine AK my time to be terrified I got I got to check for good measure oh thank God oh I think he's gone y that guy was freaking huge oh why do you do these things to me it's like he perfectly knew when I broke the block the moment I let my guard down he freaking came for me
Channel: PrestonPlayz
Views: 1,995,231
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, preston, brianna, gaming, funny, family friendly, ssundee, unspeakable, mrbeast, aphmau, canman, lankybox, cash minecraft, nico mc, stokestwins, gametoons, maizen, eyestreem
Id: EJrxHNK1gTo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 24sec (1284 seconds)
Published: Sat May 18 2024
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