#1 Pathfinder Shockingly Still Thinks He Is B TIER!

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today the number one Pathfinder in Apex Legends is answering your most important question alrighty first question from Mr tub chub how do you not just get one clipped every single fight cover definitely if you're engaging fights like play around cover so if you're just running out in the open engaging people you're gonna get one mag to buy everybody so be sure to use cover while fighting you always have that in the back of your mind when you are launching your grapple yes okay all right so you're so you're hitting the grapple on the ground looking for a place to slide that has cover correct yes pretty much yeah all right we got a question from low IQ Justin when pushing a team with Pathfinder what is the best way to push in with this grapple or should you not push in with the grapple so I try to go by a rule of like 70 damage like I won't grapple on somebody unless I do like at least 70 damage to somebody if you're just grappling in on somebody without doing any damage like you're you're giving up all your mobility and just leaving yourself exposed so try to get somebody weak first for grappling in on somebody or else you will be punished if you see your teammate like doing damage like if you see a crack then yeah go ahead and grapple that counts as the 70 damage rule or whatever so just don't grapple on people with full HP be sure that they have some sort of damage on them so this just has to be one person on the team correct I mean if it's if it's a Duo I normally play Duos I'll just I'll crack somebody and grapple on them try to get the knock and then I'll just try to take my one playing around cover I'll be sure not to like grapple in a place that has zero cover okay I'm gonna make sure I can like dive back into cover and hopefully my teammate will help and capitalize off that knock too all right we got a question from posting offensive things he says how do you always consistently hit every grapple I thought I think that's just practice honestly I tried playing linear with like no dead zone but I feel like having your reticle all wobbly like that is a big disadvantage if you're trying to hit like a non-traditional grapple and just like being able to aim on something small so I feel like classic it shines whenever you're trying to Grapple and I know people are going to be wondering so I might as well just ask what your current sense is you just said classic is what you're using correct yeah I I do I since keep in mind viewers that I'm an old man I'm like I'm basically 30. so don't laugh at me I play I play 3-2 classic yep you heard that right okay you guys are slower you're too bad over here this guy yeah it's it's great for like grappling people hitting non-traditional grapples meaning like if you aim above whatever you're grabbing let's say you grab a wall if you aim right at the top of that wall you can like grapple that and hit like a crazy fat grapple so when you look at something your reticle becomes blue and if you just like slowly aim up above that wall whenever like the blue disappears it just turns like a regular color that's when you hit the grapple if you do that you will go flying and with a slow sense I'm able to hit those pretty consistently okay it'd be like shotguns if you have that slow sense you can aim on somebody easy and grapple them and pump them for a hundred plus damage like a slow sense is great for having really accurate grapples which is powerful if you use it correctly that plays well into our next question by jaxy plays says do you utilize grappling people or grabbing people rather with his grapple or is it useless slash extremely situational it is definitely not useless you grapple somebody they don't know what they're doing they get so confused I mean be honest how often do y'all get grappled do you ever get grappled a lot sweat no I do not see this man plays a lot if you get grappled you get discombobulated so definitely grapple people catches them off guard and you can get some nice funny clips on it it's the only time it would be a bad idea is if you know the other opponent has a shotgun I think that's the only time where I would just yeah I'm not gonna I'm not gonna grapple a full HP person unless I have a shotgun myself it's great for like pulling people off of zip lines too like that catches people off guard on broken Moon I love grappling people off of they just they just don't know what to do it's hilarious that would be impressive to see I have not seen anybody do that yet I I do that I look all right we got a question from tan Foos if Pathfinder wasn't in the game Who Would You Main and why F finder wasn't in the game who would I main hmm I would probably I would bang Lifeline I know that sounds weird but I love support roles for Apex I uh it's actually the number one ranked Medic in Battlefield one so I love like Reviving my teammates making sure they have like full health I'm just I'm a huge team player so I feel like I would play Lifeline if Pathfinder wasn't available okay what do you think about the Buffs because I know a lot of people are interested in that I love the buff a lot of people I've seen online say that like the buff is kind of like I don't know it's not enough but if you look at those care packages and time your zip lines right you can get across the map so fast so fast and every time you look at a care package that's 10 seconds off your next zip line so if you're looking at every care package that drops you're shaving off so much time so you can just play so many Zips at the beginning of every game there's two care packages that drop around like three minutes and 50 seconds off the first ring close if you like time that zip right you should have your zip line when that happens so throw your first zip look at the care package you can throw another zip and as you're flying on you can look at another care package and get third zip line his zip lines are long so if you time that right it's like a 10 15 second window that you can actually pull this off but if you can pull that off you can get your team cross map so fast which opens the door for higher kill games correct oh yeah and with the zipline speed buff you can full send teams a lot easier because you're not going to get fried off the zip unless you're going like straight at them but if you're going at them in like an angle it's hard for people to get huge damage on you you might take some damage but just pop a cell and you're ready to fight so it allows you to push your team on a fight easier without taking massive damage I've yet to get magged off of my zip line with this buff I have not which is crazy because I would get magged off of my Zips a lot or the buff but with the extra speed it's hard for people to track you the speed is very good as well all right we got a question from Exodus if you could shoot use your own passive for pathy what would it be I would like my grapples to be like distant space like it kind of already is for the cooldown but like having two grapples would be cool like two short range grapples and one long range grapple okay so I don't know like Bangalore has the two smokes Horizon Hazard Q Valkyrie has her flying like being able to like have two charges like close range grapples would be really helpful with my big fat unfortified body I know there's some questions about you being a fridge later on then we'll get to okay all right we got a question from Abu bakar best weapons to use with Pathfinder ranked or pubs so before this season I was a huge r301 crutch and like Flatline I would always use those a lot but since they nerfed the hip fire I've been using double SMGs and I'm having my best season I've had so far I like to use a R9 car R9 Prowler just really any SMG right I've heard normally use ARS at all this season okay I've heard some Insider info that you're you got a pretty damn High KD this season from drama so I'm sitting at a 9.16 KD with a 28 2600 kills 12 30 average damage like only using SMGs you're getting up in their face that means yeah oh yeah if you're playing long range with Pathfinder you're you're playing Pathfinder wrong you want to get in their face and if I'm if I have a long range weapon in an SMG and I'm like doing my 70 rule or I grapple on somebody I only have like one close range weapon and whenever I knock him I don't want to have a long range weapon to fight the other guy because he's probably pushing me already so having two SMGs fines with that style of gameplay we got a question from name that I cannot pronounce what is your best combo with Legends like they're only going to give you three options to pick from like as your teammate I believe they're asking Loba octane or Horizon if I were to pick one of those three yeah I gotta go with the Loba because she has she has good like movement good horizontal movement so she can keep up with me if I'm grappling on somebody and loot is great not having loot sucks RNG and Apex sucks so eliminating that factor makes the games go by a lot easier and if I pulse in on somebody and die there's like a fifth party on the way she don't even have to grab my banner she can just bracelet out and respond me there's a new support of where you can craft banners and respawn yes sir and if I get respawned like she'll have her Lobo ult ready and I can just like get re-equipped pretty easily and fast and get back into the fight if I die all good points all good points I think we already answered this question from Daniel it says if someone stole Pathfinder from you who would be your second main you said Lifeline correct yeah I'd probably pick Lifeline okay all right turtle is gonna ask what do you think of his heirloom and do you use it I do I see a lot of Pathfinders say that they don't like using it because it's too big it takes up too much space but my view is like it's on the like corners of your screen like bottom left bottom right corners of your screen I'm not looking there I'm looking in the middle of my screen like I just don't like I've never had a situation we're like oh that guy was behind my glove I didn't see him I died because it's too big no not at all you use her heirlooms oh don't listen don't listen to the people it doesn't cover up any part of your screen that you need I think I think maybe another thing with the heirloom is or why people don't use Pathfinder's heirloom what do you think about the animations you like all the animations or do you even find yourself using them I I think he I think he needs a little love like he only has one inspect animation yeah and uh you know your crackhead wraith spam emote or whatever like where they flip it around like Pathfinder has one kind of like if you slide jump and it's like spam Crouch he'll like jiggle his gloves a little bit so I just do that you still think they need something more for him though yeah I think so with having her swimmable emote would be kind of cool yeah I think it'd be cool if I could just like you know jab my fist out like do little fast Jabs or something that'd be fun yeah ziya asked is he asked here in your opinion Pathfinder s tier I don't think he's s-tier but he's definitely bad better than he was before I'd probably put him in like b b plus tier interesting like you're not going to see him in any comp any comp scenes because I don't know he just he's not really good for that but like pubs and like I see a lot of people play him and ranked like he could be he could be pretty good but EST here I don't think he's s tier no I think he's the only person I've had on that hasn't raided their character as here which is it's good you're honest all right Harvey says where do you shoot your grapple for Max movement okay so I was talking about this earlier people call it non-traditional grapples so what you want to do is aim like on the top of like a rock a wall it's like the top of anything you'll see your grapple reticle is blue if you're aiming like in the center of the wall and as soon as that color goes away that's when you grapple and you will hit a super massive grapple if you do that so just aim at the top of everything you're looking at if you're like running away from someone or I don't know just running and trying to hit the grapple what I like to do is I'll aim slightly above what I'm thinking about grappling and as I'm running my reticle kind of like slowly it goes down to what I'm aiming for and that's when I'll hit the grapple and just launch myself and if you're on like linear no dead zone it's hard to set up those grapples because your reticle is just floating around everywhere that's why I don't like to do linear because it sacrifices my grapples you ever find yourself traditional grapples pulling back if I'm like aiming something like high really high above me I'll like grapple kind of like look down pull back and just kind of look into the gravel I don't know if that makes sense what about ground grapples like if you're aiming at the ground to just get distance do you ever pull back on your stick before you launch if I'm ever doing a ground grapple to get distance I'll look for something I can do a non-traditional grapple on that's that's like my main the main thing I try to do whenever I do a ground grapple I don't just do regular ground grapples because you'll get such a little distance compared to the non-traditional grapples I was talking about ADA H asks what is the best unknown Pathfinder Tech in your opinion I would say it's not really unknown but grappling people is very powerful I don't really see too many many people doing that or a lot of Pathfinders utilizing that grappling people really really throws people off so definitely do that I also do this thing called a grapple pop like somebody's close range I'll grapple the ground jump immediately disconnect my grapple and I can just like shoot them while I'm like five five feet in the air or so like a huge jump and it throws off people's names I'm not too sure about like PC lobbies but like the console people that I'm fighting like if I'm in their face and I just pop myself up real quick and like hip arm that's they're missing shots on me that throws off their aim all right definitely definitely utilize those grapple pops oh and another good thing is yes don't grapple to fight save the grapple for the fight because if you use your grapple to get into a fight you're the biggest Legend unfortified with no movement you don't want that I know it's tempting to Grapple to the shots but save that grapple for the fight you will win so many more engagements all right rainfall asked who influences you to become a better player every day and why if anybody if if you watch anything look up to anybody in the Pathfinder scene or do you just hop on and play and do your thing I I pretty much just hop on and do my thing and play okay but I guess I can like answer another like I don't know something similar to that like what like what got me into playing Pathfinder I used to watch this guy you know OG constant people would know him his name was super ninja I would uh watch his streams and see the stuff he does with his grapple and I was just amazed and then I would look up some YouTube videos and see like crazy grapples and I was like I want to do that so started doing that and uh here I am with 276k with pathy that is number two correct in the world for uh like most kills in general yeah in general I do have the most kills on a legend out of all the Legends oh yeah yeah number two overall kills in the world at 285k what has kept you on the consistent grind every day I know you were telling me you do long streams long grind sessions almost every day what keeps you motivated to do that I would say my twitch community I love my twitch Community they they're so great to me and just being able to get on and entertain them and just chat with them just really does make my day every day they're the best I love them so much shout out to them and like being able to do really long sessions I would say is to play with people who have like a similar play style to you and like won't complain about every little thing so playing with someone who has Good Vibes and like who you can play off of well really does help play this wonderful game that has no problems at all so definitely play with people who have Good Vibes well said well said all right Christopher hit come in with the last question here any tips for hitting your shots after a grapple when you're in the air and he says I'm on controller do you even shoot when you're in the air that's the first question oh yeah the grapple Pop I was talking about where I grab on the ground jump disconnect and then fire while I'm in the air I think that's one of Pathfinder's strongest moves for close range fights and if you want to hit more shots just lower the synths baby slower that slowly slow it down to three two yeah throw throw down to three hip fire and you'll grapple up in the air do the grapple pop and you'll fry people I promise you you ever find yourself using shotguns or no oh yeah I love grappling people and pumping them for 100 in the face PK great fun yes all right good massive is pretty good this season too I remember last season I would hit nines every other shot it's in her mask but massive is pretty dang good now too but I would say I prefer the Peacekeeper over the massive nowadays I would have to agree with you 100 lower that sentence and you'll grapple so many people it's it's so satisfying pulling somebody like off of a roof and just ruining their day we're gonna be seeing a lot more controller players with low sense trying out uh your sense and Chet sense because so the last couple of videos everybody's on low sense I don't know you guys might be starting a new wave here yeah fastsense is like yeah it's flashy it's cool you can like do like cool movement stuff but like I like killing my enemies I like it when I when they die when I shoot them and having a lower sense just allows you to I don't know Center on the target easier and I love watching uh chats like tips video about like centering and like thinking about where people are coming from like just like have your reticle ready if you have that ready you just aim in just beam them hey it doesn't have to be too flashy as long as it gets the job done you're doing a good job whenever people ask me my sense and I tell them that I'm on three and they're like what really like it doesn't look that slow I'm like because it's not like super slow like people think like you could just turn on people all the time and people are usually surprised when I tell them that I'm on a three they usually think I'm like I'm like four like some people say five I don't know why it's not that fast but like three isn't as slow as people think try it out you will love the hip fire trust all right stick to Classic No linear yeah if you wanna if you want to do crazy like non-traditional grapples or just having your uh reticle like not moving because it's on classic that's good or grapple accuracy grappling people which is powerful for Pathfinder all right brother anything else you'd like to add I think that's all the questions I had selected for you keep on swaying Pathfinders keep on swinging perfect thank you again for coming on an amazing job and another thing another thing be kind to people okay like there's already so much toxicity in the world and if you're adding to that like just stop just be a good person be nice to people there's no point being mean or downplaying on people's achievements be kind okay like zero energy to be a good person words of wisdom there you go number one Pathfinder baby
Channel: Sweatband TV
Views: 134,196
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: apex legends pathfinder, #1 pathfinder in the world, #1 pathfinder player, rank 1 pathfinder, number 1 pathfinder player, pathfinder, apex legends #1 pathfinder, apex #1 pathfinder, best pathfinder apex, best pathfinder player, best pathfinder plays, best pathfinder main, apex legends pathfinder tips, apex pathfinder tips, SweatbandTV, maddbrooo, iSweatband, #1 pathfinder apex, #1 pathfinder apex legends, pathfinder tips, pathfinder apex legends, pathfinder apex, #1 pathfinder
Id: 66GlvhMEVqk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 43sec (1063 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 25 2023
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