#1 Lifeline On Kill Grinding Against Daltoosh, Shiv and More In The Beginning!

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today the number one Lifeline is answering your most important questions all right question number one Kyle Gibson we'll start out with some easy ones all right when and if you watch the funny shiv video he basically wants to know your you know thoughts on the lifeline res video it's a funny video man there's a hilarious Entertainer great guy so if you're in if you're in that Lifeline shoes what are you doing what are we doing literally literally anything anything and everything differently would be a step up in the right direction I simply am just surprising him okay perfect perfect you're always rezzing the solo warlord right yeah 100 without a doubt we need him all right we got a question from in burdened I've been a Lifeline Maine since the beginning he says but one thing that I've always struggled with is when fighting as her what is your mindset on positioning during a fight as lifeline and what is the best way to maximize the use of her abilities during fights it's definitely varies for the person me personally I'm like a very aggressive player so I'm gonna I'm gonna be you know ultimate height is the way to go for anybody take ultimate height look around make sure you can get angles always provide cover for yourself make sure you store your drone behind cover obviously res peeled behind cover depending on you know if you're playing with people or not all right when are you tossing down her drone it's definitely situational it depends like I said also if you have like teammates or not because you could waste your drone on your teammate because your teammate needs that you don't have it always throw it down when you feel like you're far enough away to obviously maximize getting your house back because there's a lot of times where I'll be fighting and I'll Panic through it and then these guys are pushing me and I'm not gonna be able to get all my health back and then I'm forced to slow heal you know what I mean all right got a question from John G has the addition of Newcastle to Apex ever made you consider switching your main switch one main is always up there you know Lifeline obviously isn't the best she hasn't been the best for a while you know she has a special place in my heart personally somebody's gonna play I know personally I do better with literally every other character I play but I I just I just love Lifeline man I play it because I I enjoy it if you were ever gonna switch who would you like if she wasn't in the game who would you choose definitely it's just gotta be wraith man just because the way I play Just entry frag hard push uh you know I mean apply the damage get out get in type deal all right fair enough I Mr born to rhyme he wants to ask you basically your thoughts on the lifeline reworks he says as Lifeline used to be my main I came up with a few myself talking about the healing ability from dummies big day would have been interesting as an old they're saying yeah I've heard about that a few times to all for the dummies or whatever that it'd be cool but I I feel like ideally it just wouldn't work overall but it would be nice to have because it would be kind of busted in terms of you know your hair you popping all your literally immediately back into the fight full house I mean the best rework for her would probably be in terms of like overall for the team would just be the original red shield you know the I mean it's just like ideally was the best case scenario for her very helpful utility you you could Block in a defensive way you also had to obviously cover it to rest somebody and then for a solo obviously the best reworker would be like a person like me would be the fast healers because being a solo Fragger you need to be able to get in and out of the fight as fast as possible I'm sure you missed those days from the very beginning good time both of them were very good though like like I said it just depends like if you're if you're playing very solo then the the fastest is always gonna be better but if you're team oriented and you have a team that you play with the red shield is definitely going to be a way better option I got a question from NF you what do you think about her heirloom and would you want an heirloom recolor or different animations and also if you were to choose a different heirloom for what would it be I think you're heirloom right now it's good I like the look of it I don't really necessarily like the colors but the whole design itself like I feel like it doesn't really pop out at you but it definitely has like a you know I mean it looks good I like the premise that they did with it overall it's a good heirloom the animations the recolors I feel like are bound to come I feel it's just going to be a new kind of thing they add to the game because they added The Wraith reanimation just hit so I'd assumed that they would do the same thing with every other character in time not to say when it'll happen but I'm sure it'll happen eventually at some point in terms of a different heirloom I thought about that for a minute man like you sent me the question and I when you see something you know when they give her something and it's kind of like it solidifies that in like in that position and I couldn't really think of anything else that would be a better fit for it so you're content basically with what she's got uh yeah you're not solid so I I don't hate it what are we writing it I'll give it like a 7.58 realistically okay who do you think has the best right now period of nostalgia I'd have to say a wraith but uh realistically I'd say probably like Bloodhound yeah I don't mind that one either yeah all right we got a question from Jin William do you keep the same amount of HP heels in your inventory as a Lifeline Mane that you would with any other Legend if you've ever watched me play and and everybody that watched me play they know that I somehow miraculously end up with 12 syringes in my inventory four medkits you know as that's really you know the average Lifeline range probably is going to keep you know four syringes to my kids me personally I literally just vacuum sealed the box I take literally everything out of it probably four four syringes two Med kids probably eight cells four bats and then Emma would be the ideal setup so you're not taking any less because I feel like every character I run that's the that's the setup yeah yeah 100 all right astrock we got a question we're gonna skip the first question because it's about Newcastle we already mentioned that but second part of the question do you think lifeline's alt should be changed to something more fitting to her combat medic title I do think like her all should be changed but I still just have no idea what would be just more fitting for it personally honestly it's really not that bad now it's pretty solid for the most part it comes down a lot faster you usually get like two bats off it which is solid you get a gold shield if you all have purples it's very good for what's it called like rank rank play yeah and not as much for for pubs but I I generally couldn't think of a different approach at all even though they they make it come down faster now I feel like it's still like I don't want to throw it down and just wait for it it's just being impatient if I'm in a pub listen we're talking about prime kill grinding turn pay 47 I've been on Lifeline you're not waiting for your your oh that long I'm not waiting 10 seconds no you gotta go get the 20 bucks immediate drive maybe maybe prime time you're right you're right I don't disagree but man what if you need a bat man can you imagine if you place the oil and it immediately jumped like one second later I would definitely I mean I would enjoy that especially if you could actually kill people with y'all back in the old days man you can't do that anymore can you yeah no you can't they just slide to the side even an enemy yep conformation all right Nemesis jelly wants to know do you think they should add moving the Drone when it's already down kind of like what it was in the trailer I'm not really well he means like actually being able to move the Drone which you actually used to be able to do back in the day like you could uh literally push the Drone with you so like like right now the Drone like wherever you throw it stationary stays there but you know prior used to literally be able to move it with you so you could essentially just like run with it while you're healing you know the the Drone dying in the storm should also not be a thing or should at least be like should have more lifespan in this in the storm they nerfed that to the ground and then some which is unfortunate but uh it is what it is all right I got a I got a great great idea what if we did a little New Castle type thing where you could redirect it yeah yeah I I like that that's that would that would definitely be nice to be able to actually like you could like send it to your team yeah like you said yeah just like click wherever you wanted to go and it just kind of goes which would be realistic too because it's an actual bot that moves you know so like it would make sense all right extenis wants to know if the lifeline buff in season 16 has helped her at all definitely is better overall the the blue bin buff pretty cool you get the four slots instead of two and you get um pretty much guaranteed a good heal so like you gotta get Phoenix kit you get the med kits you get bats and like heat shields so it's very good for being able to like survive ability especially in storm they're removing the fatigue when you res somebody was absolutely this Monumental dub I don't know why they didn't take that out forever ago but we take what we can get obviously the care bag is coming on a lot faster also very good because I actually kind of wait for my care practice now can't hate that all right Kentucky want to know how you balance playing aggressive and support for your team is this the president who play with I'm playing with friends like I you know good friends I just play my game and we you know most of my friends are usually for the most part good players so they can they can hold their own depends on how the people you play with are playing as well because like I said I a very aggressive player loot fast get out of there fast a lot of the more casual bass of players they they take their time with everything which is which is completely fine it's just a matter of if they can keep up at that point probably I'm going for the 21 man I'm running I'm going to shoot you know where are my boys at so this comes out of that do the Casual players you think dislike you because you rush everything quickly oh oh yeah they hate me which is understandable because like I said we play at a different pace and I and I I don't hate them for hating me because I like I guess to an extent I'm ruining their experience and they're also ruining mind if you look at it you know both sides of the coin I guess that's enough when my teammates land with me and they and they stick close to me bro I'm I'm the best lifeline I can't stress I don't know if they're not with me if they're on the same pays the same wavelength it's just like I'm sorry bro I'm doing my thing I'm not even joking I say this from the bottom of my heart they can hit him for 50 damage and survive then you're chilling like don't immediately go down I'm happy thank you so much I'm praising hands on my knees thanking you all right I'd rather be minding wants to know what is your favorite Lifeline time I think we talked about this a little bit and then let's get to know your least favorite time favorite time is without a doubt obviously gonna be season zero not even for the facts as a kid necessarily but just the actual gameplay and how everything was played was just on set a different level you know I mean no one really know how to play that well uh everything just felt really organic everyone was still testing out you know the the bits and Bobs the rights and the wrongs what's good what's bad and then the worst right after they took the red shield baby till literally uh present present day oh God right right now in this in this time it's been I don't even know when they take away the red show it's been so long but I whenever they took that out that was when that's a definite downfall of of Lifeline so let's let's Circle back to season zero that was around the time that you started kind of exploding on the scene right your social started to gain some traction can you tell us like a little bit more about what that was like honestly just for real man back in the day there was just a big Niche for free kill grinding everybody you know wanted to be the number one guy that was like the it wasn't really ranked or anything like that so it's kind of just like who I read the most kills was like that guy grind against wasn't like doubtouch James Diego shiv there's there's so many people that were just on the on the brink of being number one and or were number one and you know I mean it was just uh like it was just awesome being able to compete with you know people with that stash of that skill level and like you said social is obviously I'm not really a big guy of a statistics I I more just you know play the game for my my enjoyment and you know the people that tag along I'm happy to be a part of the journey that you guys have chose to come across with me all right ice Ian wants to know do you think she is still viable in comp play today very selective I'd overall say no it's not in the sense that she's like I said before that she's bad it's just that there's just much better options a lot of you know Newcastle you got Catalyst you got Verizon even throw Gibby in there Gibby uh honestly better Lifeline unfortunately I hate to say it when they bring up the pick rate of like Newcastle versus Lifeline is that Lifeline is literally the first character you get and like that's the the base character so no matter what her pick rate is always gonna be you know I mean somewhat High because any new player that plays a game is going to start off playing Lifeline nine times out of ten because they're probably just gonna you know I mean a new person is gonna come in and play the game so her pick rate will in a sense spiked because realistically that's not her actual pick rate because she's always gonna be the first character people play all right pink plastic bag wants to know what Legends help Lifeline the most Newcastle Lifeline Gibby which is just absolutely disgusting to think about Lobo is kind of universal you know she's kind of good for everybody and she just gives you who you okay the Catalyst you can use it like barricading things and stuff like that to be able to get off a Lifeline rest so she could be viable every character man if you know how to play them right they can be useful you know what I mean all right now it's your favorite question here Jags he plays are there Eddie kill Grinders you specifically hey I'm not gonna throw anybody on blast man but uh well geez let's talk about the people you actually like because that was part of the question I don't know there was a liking part I like a lot of the kill guys abusing of course mad bro plugs can't think of them outside my head those are like the three I I've associated with all right Mary R wants to know about the lifeline tactical when should you pop it in a fight during after or sometime else during a fight just depends on how hard you get hit if you feel like you're in a position where you can pop it and pop a bat which would be the ideal situation every time I would always go for that if you're just shmoking them obviously you don't need to pop it um just it really just depends on on the situation but I would say probably after the fight would be obviously ideal um but it really just depends if you're if you're taking damage or not all right DN double X with the last question why Lifeline in the first place well my personal story you're not even gonna believe this I started playing the game and I played literally for like I think it was like at least three four days I accumulated like uh like two thousand three thousand kills and then I figured out that everybody had their own abilities and I didn't even know that so I was absolutely just playing the game shooting and then I started reading that everyone else had different abilities and then I realized that Lifeline heals faster than everyone else and I was like oh yes I like that four years later he's still playing yeah no I mean I don't even know I liked it too like billions were great that's and like she was definitely one of the more powerful characters at the time and also I liked the character like the personality of the character the look uh voice lines stuff like that all very good who are you playing like where you weren't using any abilities or were you like playing I mean I've been using the ability and thinking that no I mean I just I just always play Lifeline so I like and nobody really took Lifeline at all and by the time I actually someone took a Lifeline which would have been that three or four days after the fact that I realized that another character and abilities so was that ever a goal in your mind from the beginning was to have the most kills on her or that was just kind of uh falling into place after the most kills on it the thing was my boy he literally I was playing the game like he seen I was playing the game a lot and the guy I used to talk to a lot and then he he messaged me it's like dude you've been playing this game a lot you got a lot of kills man you should uh should check out the Apex tracker see where you're at so I literally checked uh I didn't even know about it I didn't know it existed so I I looked uh looked at it and I was like number five all around for Xbox and I was like oh I could actually hit number one I'm gonna I'm gonna do this you know I was like why not what do I got to lose you know so and like I was enjoying the game so much like I was already playing it you know whatever five ten hours a day so I was like you know what I'll go for number one why not I hit number one on Xbox I was like oh dude I didn't want an Xbox and I I looked at like overall leaderboards and I said I was like number five or something overall I was like you know what I can hit number one I get number one on this yeah I was like oh this guy no I'm not so then I literally went for number one uh overall and man it took a it took a while man deltouch was a tough competitor man that boy was was grinding on the on the same level I was God damn I didn't know he was a kill grinder in the beginning I thought he was just yeah I don't know he was number one for a while you know I literally took number one from him and that was when he stopped uh kill grinding and just started making like content more get on him he just uh he just couldn't compete no he loved we loved him nice guy I just wanted it more Man Simple he was dude he's he was on the same buff as me man I can't I can't knock there's only like three or four people that I I consider like they could Grind On My Level at the highest capacity and that would be shiv Aiden touch and I'll throw a prize was also in there I gotta give him a prize the props there that was a grinder as well I feel like a lot of people don't remember back in the day it was just Xbox versus xBox wasn't it and Playstation first PlayStation yeah exactly yeah yeah and now we got the the cross play now we got the the Twitter drama well they're kind of combined now against PC players in the uh yeah aim assist lobbies and whatever the hell yeah there's so many things that were much simpler back in the day
Channel: Sweatband TV
Views: 86,293
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: apex legends, apex, #1 overall kills apex legends, #1 kills apex, #1 kills apex legends, most kills in apex legends, most kills in apex, apex legends #1 kills, apex #1 kills, apex #1 player, apex legends most kills, apex most kills, apex legends #1 lifeline, apex #1 lifeline, most kills on lifeline, lifeline, apex lifeline, apex legends lifeline, #1 apex legends, #1 apex, #1 apex legends lifeline, #1 apex lifeline, #1 lifeline, #1 lifeline apex legends, Sweatband TV, Termk47
Id: pCycbQtt1B4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 26sec (1046 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 06 2023
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