Omelette Perfection in 4 Minutes! | MasterChef Canada | MasterChef World

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you have exactly one opportunity to achieve  perfection and we're giving you just enough   time four minutes while omelettes seem very  easy they're actually really technical and   to only have four minutes I can't even change  my daughter's diaper in four minutes the home   cooks who make the best four omelettes will head  straight to safety in the gallery the other four   will head straight to an even tougher task please  head to your stations oh I'm gonna have to pull   something out real fierce to get through to the  next round because quite frankly I hate on once   everyone here is here to compete I'm not gonna  be able to let up or else I'm going home it's   as simple as that are you ready to cook your  way just safety get back aim to get your time when you're testing a new chef often the first  thing you get them to make is guess what the   omelet this is a game of nerves because one slip  you're everything I need to crack my four eggs   and there can't be any egg whites it has to be  really uniform in bright yellow there's only two   ingredients when it comes to an almond butter and  eggs and a lot of technique goes into it nothing   can hide behind the flavor of a great cook omelet  the omelet I make it home usually have veggies and   meat and cheese and they're huge and they're fat  but I've never cooked eggs like this before that   eggs need to be to not only season but the salt  actually helps break down the egg so you can whisk   it so it's nice and smooth okay nerds asking  butter melting and people just working hard   I have it on high heat I'd throw the eggs in and I  know as soon as I do I'd better start stirring one   of the mistakes that can happen here is that the  heat in the pan is too high if it's too high it   will scorch and actually start to caramelize those  delicate eggs come on sweethearts cook if you work   it too much with a fork or spatula you'll end up  with scrambled egg under cook it and it will be   non edible babies four minutes feel like it's only  ten seconds it's going by really quickly let's go   eggs cook eggs cook I got the first fold done no  cracks the hardest part is getting it out the pan   like over the lift into the plate Wow Becky was  a first out of the pan I'm trying to gently fold   the egg but I can barely do it because my hand  is shaking so much then the egg started sticking   I had the pan too hot it's a complete disaster  times ticking I need to carefully remove it from   the pan and just plate it don't like how it's not  smooth on the outside but it's got a perfect cook   on it my eggs aren't even fully cooked but  I need to start holding them and our city [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] please bring your French style  omelets to the front the top eight finished the   first round of a battle for survival and the  judges will now decide who has made the best   omelet Michael J chef at fast and furious for  minutes how do you think you did I think it did   very well it the outside looks a little bit on  the rugged side not as smooth as I would expect   a nice tapered end on one side a little misshapen  on the other one good color shows that the pan was   not too hot is it going to be perfectly custody  moist on the inside I believe so let's take a look it's not too bad it looks a little  soft and tender and very creamy   on the inside but maybe just a tad  over a few seconds keep practicing Becky are you pleased with your omelette  the others no cracks or anything in it   what happened here see some of the whites  here then whip your eggs properly mm-hmm   this should look very uniform the edges  here should be sealed why didn't you take   advantage of that last minute watching  the clock I was just getting it done okay   well let's see so is this gonna be runny  it's not very runny what about not really you should have wagered because you would have won this proves to me why you're  here it's almost textbook few   little issues but it shows a lot of promise I'm learning a lot from chef Claudio  just the tiniest little tip sort of   really helpful Nadia tell me why you're  looking so worried this is not what I   would ever serve to you I don't think  that my pan was hot enough but I didn't   want to have it too high so that there was  brown on top of it let's take a look inside [Music] nice and tender on the inside sore down  to the taste [Music] taste and texture says it's   top eight but looks absolutely not don't discuss  chef Claudia are you not happy with us cause you   seem like you're almost disappointed with yourself  I just know I've done this so many times and it's   been smooth on the outside and that's really  upsetting me they can see what happened here   your pan in one little spot could not have  enough butter in it it's dry but overall the   shape is great waitjust contours out tapers in  it's a very even color I got to remind myself   you're a home cook and you achieve this to me it  looks like a professional did it Thank You chef   [Music] extraordinary if you made someone  breakfast in bed you serve them this man being told that it's almost perfect is incredible  I'm extremely humbled by chef Claudia's comments   Marissa yes chef have you ever made it on me this  is my very first French omelette the time did get   the best of me and this is a result of that it's  embarrassing to present this to you today I see   a lot of problems here you definitely don't have  to shake it's broken here it's leaking here it's   got some discoloration here it is and I agree  that going agreed what side do you want me to   cut the side that isn't pouring out [Music]  season well God texture you got the moisture   unfortunately we have half an omelet if this were  an elimination challenge I'd be packing my bags and II chef Michael you used a different  technique to add a little extra shape to   your omelet throw your kitchen towel over  the top it is a chef's trick where did you   learn that my wife's favorite food is eggs and  omelets she usually gives me six minutes but   it's just something I've read and seemed done  didn't quite work for you that's quite perfect   if you need those two extra minutes it's all  about the inside not as soft and tender as I   would like [Music] seasoning excellent good  probably the best one yet Thank You chef but   a little rough around the edges just maybe  a couple of seconds too long in the pan I   think I did enough to get through this round  it keeps on coming down to seasoning I think   it did just that four minutes two ingredients  know where to hide one home cook delivered a   nearly flawless omelet congratulations  Eugene [Applause] Becky your omelette   wasn't quite as attractive but its velvety  interior tasted just as good congratulations please head on up to the gallery [Applause]
Channel: MasterChef World
Views: 6,707,852
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 4-minute challenge, Alvin Leung, Claudio Aprile, French omelette, MasterChef test, Michael Bonacini, chef's critique, cooking show, masterchef, masterchef canada, masterchef canada season, masterchef world, perfect egg cook
Id: S8E52O2oxbU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 41sec (581 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 30 2019
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