$1 Million dollar GT-Rs? Prices for R34s Skyrocketing.

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you know we were selling cars in and below twenty thousand dollars for gtrs our 32 gtr so um yeah you know we're buying them in japan obviously you know we buy them at auction we do some service and stuff to them we ship them to the states and we make profit you know we're business we bringing them in and there were guys who were looking at the stuff then and saying oh twenty thousand dollars that's too high you know that's too much money and so and then you know now i'll wait till next year i'll wait till the r33 comes out i'll wait till the r34 comes out and it's like every single you know year the prices are increasing prices increasing you know the guys from japan uh you know sometimes the sellers over there are looking at the prices that we're selling them for here in the states and you know they're just not you know not not selling the cars at the less money and then also we end up with more and more people the more people that know the more people that know because i mean you will run into somebody every single day you'll run into somebody that says oh i didn't know you could buy these or you didn't know you could still have these in the u.s or these are illegal i ran into chris payne another uh big gtr fan yeah he's had his car since i've been actually known because he had r35 before he had r32 but he was one of the first you know owners one of the first guys to bring one in yeah so chris said to me something really interesting in cars and coffee two weeks ago he said you know when i bought my r32 i think he said it was i he paid like twelve thousand dollars which he thought at the time was way overpriced because you know other people were saying they could bring the car in for eight eight thousand dollars and he says knowing what i know now i should have bought every car that i could have got my hands on yeah i mean hindsight's twenty twenty i mean you know we could say oh i should have bought amazon stock at the ipo i should have done this i should have done that i should have you know bought crypto or you know bitcoin even though bitcoin now has dropped whatever 40 the last week right but still you know if you would have bought it when it was you know a dollar and now it's 30 something a thousand you know i mean you would have done pretty well but nobody has that kind of you know premonition or something i mean on cars i mean we we can look and we can say some of the things that are in the future that we know you know there's only so many cars and there's there's enough people out there that are the interests exist for those cars so um you know we go from people you know closer to your age and older you know where we're you know those guys who are you know looking at the the camaros and mustangs and you know in the 60s you know muscle car era stuff and they were you know they they wanted those cars when they were in high school and then you know when they had the means the ability to be able to buy them when they're later you know they bought them and then some of them realized you know what these cars aren't really that good and so then they went and spent a whole lot of money modifying them you know and making them you know into something else you know used it's all the stuff you see in barrett-jackson and the chip fooses and all these other you know kind of crazy builds and so but the thing is you know like even those kinds of cars so you're you're iconic kind of like 69 red camaro you know which is sort of an iconic kind of car like something so there's a whole lot of people out there in the world that you know are of that a little bit older generation i'd say i'm gen x it's a little bit you know the more the boomer generation that would want those cars for me like i like them but i wouldn't necessarily buy one to have one if it's the only thing that i can have yeah and so we've got this generational shift you know that's happening you mentioned that the people of a certain age whether they were gen x or boomers or whatever when they got to be a certain age you know they wanted that car in high school the 69 camaro and when they by the time they were able to afford it they're probably in their 40s and those cars were getting rare if they couldn't get the 69 come here they'd say well then i have to go to the next closest thing maybe a 68 camaro even though the body style is completely different or you know the thing is there's always like even in those cars there's there's the engine combinations there's you know either manual transmission there's automatics you know and there's all these other cars and so somebody may say you know what they really wanted was a you know whatever 396 you know or ss ssr four speed right all right and then that car wasn't available because there was only x number of those cars and either they've got to pay all the money for it or they've got to convert it or they've got to do something right jankos copo camaros all that kind of stuff yeah i mean that's even you know that's way off into collector you know world right those are like you know zl ones and stuff like that that's like you know way way out there and so then the same on these kinds of you know these kinds of skylines and and stuff you know some people are going to say well the gtr isn't available you know the gtr price is too high so then i'm going to get these other versions and on the skylines there are other versions too so you know you've got so actually the r34s you know r34 uh uh gtsts basically gts 25ts and like the other types of them and then also um uh you know there's four doors and things like that so these cars are obviously going to be a lot less money not the same car but still to some people that's you know they just want this you know they just want that they just want that 69 camaro they want that r34 and even though they're not going to get a gtr they're going to get a you know 25 gt or something but here's the thing here's what it's leading up to is the price of these cars is getting silly now i asserted earlier before we got into the interview that it's like exotic cars to some extent and i'm wondering if you agree with this you know like if the 360 ferrari comes out sells at this price and then you know three or four years down the line the prices have come down and then the 430 gets introduced right and it's this price and its prices start to go down after a while and then if enough time passes the 360 price starts to go up right and then it starts like lamborghinis do this all the time they fall off the map right my diablo at one time the first one i bought went down as low as ninety eight thousand dollars the kandachi was had you know dropped relatively low and then they they started to bounce back up again i mean there was a quite a period of time when quintas were 70 grand yeah and then now it's like you know whatever 250 300 horrible horrible car they're not a great car they're horrible that's not a great car seems to like his matt farah likes his car and i'm like man it is a you know because when i was you know when i was 16 you know we were my my dad's business we were exporting cars to japan we had lamborghini great queen fashion it's in the same i was every you know so i was i was uh you know in high school in the 90s and then we had you know the posters on the wall of course and they were great to look at very you know interestingly styled oh man they're awful to try to back into a warehouse like this and try to park and try to do all the things that you're going to do try driving it across the country you know but but again like all of those things don't necessarily matter to price and it's the same when some people try to argue well the skyline's only 280 horsepower and it's like that's not why somebody's getting that car yeah you can buy a new camera with 305 horsepower but that's that's not the reason that somebody's going for that car it's a much more like emotional you know purchase and so and that part of it is really hard for some people to understand right right i mean there's always going to be those guys out there that say you know why is somebody paying this much money for a comic book or a toy or you know whatever it is this thing that that has some certain amount of value i mean why are these pokemon cards worth a hundred thousand dollars why is an unopened video game worth a hundred thousand dollars when it was a [ __ ] video game back then it's a [ __ ] video game now but it's if somebody's if somebody wants to wants it and they want to buy it exactly and they have the money to be able to purchase it then that's where we're gonna end up and that's the thing about about these cars and about these things and the thing is that you know um if there wasn't a desire for them then the price would be nothing right the price would be whatever it is it is for scrap metal or whatever right the prices have been going up on these cars right right uh so our thinking is going up actually right now it's a really weird time for used cars and actually even for new cars because especially right at this very moment there's odd stuff because of kovid because there's chip shortages there's no new cars new car production is being slowed down which means that you know in order for places like dealerships new car stores and stuff to be able to survive they need to sell cars they need to buy cars to sell cars and it's a weird thing if there's a limited amount of inventory of used cars and there's two guys that want those used cars and this guy will pay ten dollars more than this guy then this guy will pay twenty dollars more than that guy and then this guy will pay thirty dollars more than that guy and this guy will pay 50 you know and it just kind of keeps going back and forth until you reach a pat a point where you know they both want the same car i just saw an article in the paper a couple of weeks ago it said hertz can't buy new cars because there's no new cars to buy they have to buy used cars for rental cars right this is may of 2021 right right and so this is some scary [ __ ] skyline gt the r35 my buddy just sold his for like 60 yes to 68 000 for the car 62 he sold it for uh an auctioneer put it up for like 72 thousand dollars he got that and sold it to another guy who put it on auction for 98 000 for a 2014 low mile r35 i'm like holy mother of god and and you know again like so so overall prices so it's skyline prices getting back to your original question um yes they've gone up the prices in japan have gone up you know obviously now these days you know a lot of people have access to auction they can see what prices go for they can see what cars go for let's roll back the clock of time the hands of time if we will 2001 2002 what were r34 selling for um from auction do you have any recollection uh 2001 to that so when they were still relatively new yeah um you know it depended obviously on the on the condition and the mileage and stuff on the car but they they did you know when they were new they were selling for uh it was in the equivalent of like 60 to 70 000 and so then a used car then a couple of year old car would have been in the if it's a really nice car probably 40 down to you know in the 25 range and they sort of stuck there they didn't really go below about 25 000 unless it was really bad as far as gtrs go it all the way up until you know you so you started to be able to other countries would be able to import them when they turned 15 years old so you're starting to look at um in 20 the same in 2014 or so somewhere in that range for some of the 20 of 2014 for for some of those cars to go to canada and that so um and uh but you know all those markets are relatively small so you know even when we're talking about when we're talking about cars and markets and all the rest of the world we're talking 127 million people in japan so you know then to other countries you know the uk 60 million in that range you've got you know uh australia 27 million new zealand's like 4 million you've got canada about the same 27 million so the thing is you know then you've got the us 330 million people 35 million people just in california just in california so so then you know the thing is that you end up with obviously even if half the people in the u.s had absolutely no interest in it it's still more people than in japan you know and so and obviously not everybody in japan has an interest in skylines or in blah blah blah so you know it's just you know but when you start to run the numbers on things you try to explain it to somebody like you know yeah the u.s market has the ability to consume everything that they made so good demand is high and supply is low what happened the other thing is there weren't a lot of r34 gtrs made 11 000 in change of cars you and i think i i think we're on the same page we feel like about 20 have been lost through attrition uh you know crashes uh turned into race cars stored in private collections destroyed in natural disasters because somebody's floods transport tsunamis right all the earthquakes so that leaves 9000 cars ish to satisfy the remnants of global demand and more people around the world have been introduced introduced to the gtr through any number i mean social media movies video games and so forth and whatnot so now when the floodgates open in the united states with pent-up demand in 2024 i do not understand the logic of any person who looks at this and say well because they're suddenly going to be available they're going to be cheaper than they ever were not when you have this pent up demand it just defies the laws of supply and demand it's still you know it's always a it's always kind of a strange thing because again so i started to import i started to be able to import r32 gtrs to the us under show or display in 2012 in december 2012. so actually september 25 2012. so you know i now of course there's only 560 total r32 gtr nismos but you know relatively speaking there was a small amount of people that actually took that opportunity and you know i i was in road track magazine i was out there on the gt channel did a bunch of stuff like that and and i said hey if you want a car these are available under shore display now of course you could only drive it 2500 miles a year and you know it's over 21 at cpa exam but the truth is that a lot of people either didn't know about it or or whatever because i wasn't i didn't sell all 560 cars you know i sold you know it's all about a dozen of them or so but still you know i mean i i ran ads on ebay you know i was i was trying to i was also feeling the market out a little for 2014. so um and i wanted to see like where people were on prices and things like that then but you know again you had the ability to buy the cars and then and people didn't take that and so then even now like we're giving people the ability if they want to buy and store an r34 in japan we're doing that and we're saying hey we have these cars and here it is and and you're going to see basically in that time i mean i don't know what the market will bear but you know the prices keep going up and up so let's talk about that so 2024 let's pretend it's uh june of 2024. and these cars are now in the early production cars have been out for six months right so this is pretty much all of the cars because you know the first couple of months of those cars they pretty much was all of them and the first year they sold the most out of out of all of the cars i forget exactly what the numbers were but i want to say they sold six or seven thousand the first year and then it was like a thousand each year okay so we're in june 2024. somebody's gonna call you up and say hey sean uh i'm ready to buy an r34 gtr doesn't have to be an m spec ner it doesn't have to be a v-spec dude i did i just want an r34 gtr if you were to ask me this a few years ago i wouldn't say it would be about 100 grand based on what they were they were then you know they were selling for you know 60 70 grand something like that i figured you know it's going to go up and not crazy i mean since then though the demand has gotten more and more and people are looking at some of these other cars i mean it's going to be 200 200 grand so and then an old nissan for an all well yeah okay but like you said it's an emotional purchase it's like you know maybe you weren't pamela lee's first her husband but the second guy in line is okay right yeah everything is like so there's going to be people out there that are in japan that just don't want to sell the cars that they have there are cars that are just not available to buy and you would have to give them a number to make their pee pee rice in order for them to sell it and have to be a really ridiculous number it's just just it's not you know for some people it's unfathomable sort of number for other people it's cheap yep sure we know you know we know a few of those guys we just write any check for uh yeah yeah so i mean we've got customers now you know we've got several customers with more than five r34s each there you go so that's a passion for them it's collector like any other collector or guys collects trans ams or camaros or gtos or whatever and he's got he wants the best of the best of the best so he's got one bass and m specner all that kind of stuff totally get that but for the aspirational young people the people who are you know teens or late 20s or even 30s where they're a little more established in life they have to realize that acquiring or requiring one of these cars is going to be expensive and you're going to be fighting against a lot of other people and like you said they're people who have these cars and private collections that they won't sell unless you really get them excited about a number and that that then you're buying on emotion i'm not saying that's bad i'm just saying that it's not a way to get a good deal i would really like a 959 sure sure sure who wouldn't they won't sell them to me for you know 25 000 right right so i mean because to me i'm an enthusiast and i want to buy those cars at this number but you know what there's a whole hell of a lot of other people out there that would pay a lot more than that than what i would offer and so then again i i like those cars but that's not a realistic number you know and so um yeah i dig the 959 it's a really cool what are they going for these days more than a million yeah i gotta i have to do something i mean there were 360 when they were new and they they dropped into the 200s so but you know it's something it's a really cool car yeah it's got really really cool stuff and obviously a current 911 turbo is much more of a car that's where i was going to go next there are better cars for the same amount of money that you have your eye on yeah same thing with an r34 there are a lot better cars than an r34 or a 33 or 32 or an r35 for the money or maybe a little bit more or even in some cases a little bit less if i have the choice i would take the 950 because that's the thing that you wanted yes of course it's the car that's it you know so if i have the money to spend i want that not a new pagani or whatever the hell you know like i don't care you know that doesn't do anything for me i'd rather have that car i would rather have a pagani saying card but that's just me but yeah i remember i had my lamborghini coutas poster and had a porsche 959 poster those are the two main posters on my i get it totally get it so i mean and these are are more realistic goals these are a more realistic car and the prices are still i mean it's still obtainable for r32 gtr r33 gtr is obtainable car it's not cheap the same as a supra super is not you know necessarily a cheap car and obviously there's different versions and different things automatics and non-turbo cars and things like that and then you know hey maybe you just you know you're like oh well an sc300 is the same car underneath and sure and you know and then hey if that what float your boat if that's what makes you happy you know cool that's fine you know and and and so yeah those cars are worth you know nothing or you know very little yeah so but you know super is always going to be the supra that's just something that you know the left-hand drive cars are in the six figures for anything halfway decent and the right-hand drive cars now it's hard to get find one anything less than you know high 50s right right yeah i mean it depends on obviously engine and condition and all the rest of the stuff but yeah all right so with all that there are some cars those r34s that are already here legally the motor x cars we think there are about 14. i mean you know i was at motor x for a couple years and so then you know obviously i had all the chassis numbers of the cars that i did when i was there and but there was when i did leave so when i left in 2002 until they shut down in 2006 i mean it was four years and i did get a list from hero before they were done over like all the cars that were kind of in progress and so but there's a few that kind of slipped through or kind of you know not really known or not taken account so there's about 120 total cars r3233 34 and so then some people ask me what about an r32 motor xr32 is it any added value probably right now not really you know nobody's really looking at it it's not really and honestly the prices are for a regular r32 are pretty good 33 there was one that just sold on bring a trailer for 65 000 so and then r34s because they're so few um they bring a lot of money and i've sold most of the ones that have come up and i'm actively always looking for the ones that are out there and i know of the ones that are out there and i've sold some of them multiple times so i've sold it to somebody and then i've had offers come in and i've gone back to the guy that we sold it to and said would you sell it for this and uh you know when it's you know uh 50 70 100 000 and he paid it might be interesting enough for him to to to to sell you know and so like anything you know or maybe he's you know they're looking at other cars or you know uh midnight purple cars and things like that or you know so um to buy one right now i mean you're you're getting closer to half a million than far far from it so yeah so i mean you know less more you know i mean obviously but uh it it's gotten really weird the last year and a bit yeah so you know where i bought some a few years ago compared to now it's just you know again and you end up with like i know of pretty much all the cars that are out there and so then you know i talk to the owners and talk to guys who want to buy and the guys who you know you tell them you talk to the owner and say you know how much do you want go back you know or and and either they have an answer or don't have an answer or the or the buy the guy wants to buy one says i will offer this amount of money so we offer that amount of money does it make the you know and i said for the longest time a lot of the guys who are who who own them just they didn't need or didn't want to sell them yeah and they know that if they ever want to get that car back they're going to have to pay more than they just sold it for yeah and i mean some people like anything some people are done with it you know they get to share the car in the year i had my fun yeah you know i've had my fun i've i've done my thing and i'm over you know that so but um you know that's it's it's a weird spot you know it's uh it's a very weird there are these uh importers these people who bring these cars in from wherever and they're selling them online which are not federally legal and of course i've explained to viewers in several videos that just because you get a license plate in a state where the dmv people are [ __ ] stupid does not make that car federally legal and federal trump's uh state so and you know i'm not calling out any any names people who are in the business know who they are and that's academic but what we're really talking about here when you bring these cars in and you sell them and you sell a good number of cars you know you're not just taking them in give them a detail and just turning them loose like you know right so talk about some of the process that you go through when these cars come in well i mean you know top rank is you know in japan and in the us and so then in japan we have a pretty big facility over there we buy a lot of cars we sell a lot of cars you know and and so we do have uh over there we have you know a mechanic uh sato who who worked at uh nissan prince for about 20 years he has r32s of his own and so he'll go through there are cars like they're you know like a dealership you know and so then say hey replace because you know again the cars that are getting sold at auction are probably you know somebody had and now they decided to sell or whatever and you know generally speaking not always going to be you know your most maintained or whatever kind of car and so and obviously and also it's it's easier to do the service that they need over there before it gets here so the kinds of things like i mean r32 gtrs it's the um one of the big ones is like the upper um control arm mounting point and the actual arm itself you know they wear out over time and so then you get some clunkiness and stuff in them it's just things like that ball joints and hikes hikes ball joints and and all these other kinds of things under the cars and so you know we do at least a couple of grand where the surface plus you know all the fluids and all of everything else make sure you know uh oftentimes timing belts and all those kinds of things if we don't know we generally do it um unless we you know like anything there's always going to be those cars where you know some some cars we're going to spend a lot of money on and then if it's a maybe a little bit less expensive car there's something we'll skip some things and just make some decisions sometimes when it gets here so and then um and then obviously we gotta ship it to the states you know we gotta do all those kinds of things clear customs and then when we get it here you know evaluate the cars and make sure that we try to give people the best cars we can have them here in stock you can come have a look at them more non-coveted times was much easier but you know in the meanwhile you know try to have the best 25 year old car possible so you know some people have an illusion about what a 25 year old car is or isn't you know some people are are are easy to deal with some people a little bit more difficult to deal with you know you want to say you know want to be as honest with people as possible but it's also like even you know brand new cars have issues right well i i think it's the price point well if i'm paying you know fifty two thousand dollars for this car you know it better still have the plastic on the seat since the new car smells yeah but it's just you know unfortunately like i said you know at that price point for that particular car that might be the cheap one you know and so there's there may be a much more expensive one that's out there you know there may be that like that sure that b spec 2 you know where where it is pretty much a new car but the same kind of thing they are 25 year old japanese cars so um generally speaking pretty good generally speaking okay but i don't know if the alternator is going to go out next week sure an idea of what a customer who's looking for a decent condition uh r32 that's you know not a special model not one with you know like 20 000 kilometers one with say a normal driver a normal driver 150 000 kilometers or something like that so i mean it's actually been sort of hard to get cars i mean it's been difficult and especially the prices have been going up and the prices in japan for some stuff occasionally over the last few months have exceeded our prices here and so the least expensive car i have that we're selling right now for r32 is about 47.48 and we go up on r32 to about 65 ish although you know we have that one low kilometer car which is going to be a lot more than that but we don't really we haven't really talked about that much but um but yeah you're looking you know even in the the regular market you know regular you know you're pretty hard-pressed to find one you know much less than 40 that's that's a decent car and like anything you know some people don't even know what a gtr is and so they'll say oh i see one for 20 grand and you're like that's not a gtr it's a gpst you know or it's even a non-turbo automatic you know blah blah blah so um but gtrs good cars decent cars are good money and r33s uh i mean on the low end you know in the 60 to 65 000 so like that motor x cars probably trading hands about about where the market should be and we go up from there i mean the most expensive r33 we have right now is 85 000 and then uh obviously r34s we are you know buying buying selling people r34 so uh m spec nerf um in japan uh midnight purples uh the last midnight purples that sold uh over two hundred thousand so um and i think somebody just sold one for over three hundred thousand for midnight purple and those cars just aren't out there they don't exist they don't exist it's just they're not available they're we're looking are not available and so it's not even a it's not even there's some out there at x number they're just not any out there and so it gets back to almost that same point with the motor x cars where you go to the guys who have them and say would you sell it for this much money if i have a customer who says i must have a midnight purple car i say well i know some guys with them how much do you want to pay and you've got you know that's that's where you're in a dollar how much do i want to pay i want to pay a dollar well i guess what you're not getting one just hang up the phone on youtube because you know you're you're wasting your time and my time exactly you know if you have a number in mind then we can you know search that out what about cars like m spec nurse or or other special editions z tunes or whatever yeah so i mean so we had um clients that were looking for uh 400r so you know there's about number the exact number is sort of unknown but you know anywhere from about 40 to 44 400 hours and their special version of the the r33 and so we put some feelers out there and there's some cars out out in the world and they all came back uh seven figures so um you know we uh i i wasn't expecting quite that much for him but that's when we asked that's where we landed and so then you know i'm i'm hesitant to think about where a z-tune will i fall i mean i was offered a zetune 10 years ago for you know 365 or something and you laughed or choked well yeah i choked because i was like wow that's that's a stupid amount of money but i mean right now exactly i would buy it in because you know basically because you know that car the same it's it's like it's going to be whatever somebody wants to buy because there's only so many of those things out there in the world and somebody who wants that car wants that car and while you may say well you know you can do a crs which is basically like a z-tune but you know but it's a built by nismo still you know but on a current and with some other upgraded parts but it's still not that one of those 19 cars and there's always going to be that guy out there that's you know going to say well i want one of those 19 cars and there's going to be another guy that says no a crs is going to be great it's going to be all the stuff that that is and these are the reasons why i want that one over this one or i can buy you know these two cars instead of that so um but yeah i mean the 400r stuff is uh is interesting a million dollars more than that yeah think about we had several and and so basically at least three so three of the 40. so and again we you know you when you're actively looking for stuff you know you think i would be able to find more than that but that's one million dollar gtr's jesus christ but this is the golden age man you know and every year there's probably one less or two lists or who knows we we just don't know it's just crazy this is an emotional purchase for sure but you know if you want it's like art i mean somebody pays 30 million dollars for a van gogh or a rembrandt or whatever you know you could probably create the same thing in photoshop but it's not the same thing it's not the same thing right yeah it's not it's just not get into that art world where people are paying yeah 200 million dollars for a painting i mean they're not making any more of them if it's a it's a you know to somebody like me like i mean think of everything else i could do with that money but then the guy who has that money he has that money so it's it's got everything right so you know it's a really strange it you know it's again it's it gets back to that hundred dollars in your bank account a thousand dollars in your bank account and this is the sad part for me because you know i remember being a kid my family wasn't rich i mean i had to paint my own car payment at 17 years old and all that kind of stuff and my parents didn't give a [ __ ] about cars right so i knew i was not getting a brand new ferrari for my 16th birthday and all that kind of stuff and i know so many kids who are on you know instagram and youtube that make comments and they want one of these cards a supra or a gtr any any iteration you know lots of like there are 34s of course but they would take any iteration but the reality is is that if they're 25 years old and they're not already set on a path to financial security then they're way behind the eight ball and the likeliness of those kind of people getting their hands on one of those cars is getting slimmer by the day you know and until the same until maybe they're 40 yeah right if they're i mean you know maybe maybe they have something come up you know maybe you know whatever it is you know i mean like i said there's there's been a lot of stuff i mean you can see out there in the world there are definitely ways to make money whether it be you know obviously computer related things or you know crypto or even medical being an entrepreneur lawyers you know tough work but a lot of other people are just kind of cruising around aimlessly through life saying i want a gtr and they're really doing nothing but sitting on the couch and playing with gran turismo all day right and those people are just unless they get motivated but it's sad because it's hard to look at these people who are clearly passionate would do anything to own one except in some cases get off of their ass and so but the cost is going to keep going up and as you as evidenced by everybody everybody who i've talked to said the same thing these prices are not going to go down now unless it's a thousand years from now and they dig one up as a fossil then it'll be worth less but you won't be there so it won't matter yeah i mean you know like i said it it's taken a while for for even like you know some of that brass era stuff to come down in price you know and and but i mean we're talking you know you know 40 years or something so maybe in another 40 years or maybe you know like i mean even if you know the same even if you started to say well you know gasoline is going to go away or there's going to be a lot less gasoline and blah blah blah and of course yes there is and and but that just means that there's going to be less of your normal pedestrian kind of cars it's going to be of course less gas-powered suvs nobody's going to really care about those things like nobody's going to really care about your run of the mill you know sentras and altimas and corollas and stuff like that right unless it's a special edition gr or something or something right but you know now we're looking at some of those corollas the ae86s and stuff and they're going for stupid money yeah that was just a nothing car but so they're the same but but you know so your your run of the mill cars are just going to always going to be run of the mill and they're and yeah sure maybe if there's less gas you know everything's electric or whatever it might be but the special stuff is still going to be special and every year like i said there's going to be less and less and less there's going to be either stuff that's just not available stuff that's been crashed stuff that's burned stuff that's you know whatever being taken off the market for whatever reason and and you know there's going to be there's going to be one or two more guys that are out there that want it and so for every year every day every month every 10 years every every decade that you know there's going to be more people that want this particular thing you know if one more two more ten more you know then it just gets into you know them paying what they're going to pay yeah that's because it it has value to them it has value to them and so if you're buying something at auction you know if you're on ebay trying to buy something craig if you look at whatever it is if it if it's something that evokes some emotion to you gi joe blah blah blah whatever right you're like oh i used to have one of those and i really want it well you know it should be five dollars but you know what you can pay 500 for it because you can right is it worth 500 not to most people but to you if you want it and that's what it costs and somebody's bidding and ibid 501 are you going to be 500 sure if it's a gi if it's a if it's the gi joe with the kung fu grip still in the box i'm paying 500 for that [ __ ] thing but you see i mean and again it's it's sort of a complicated thing for some people to understand right so if that's what you want and you want it yeah in the box you still want it like it was brand new like you got it because your parents didn't buy it for you because you were a bad kid in other words don't whine about the prices because there are people paying that and more and no matter what price that that goes up there there's always going to be somebody who's going to pay more for that particular vehicle right and if the world generally agrees that this car is worth nothing then the prices will start to come down supers are not worth nothing gtrs are not worth nothing all these collectible cars are worth a lot to a lot of people supply and demand economics 101. it's the way of civilization man and that's just the way it's going to be so complaining about it it's not going to bring the prices down but it's just not there you have it the full rundown on gtr prices now and what we should expect in the future i want to say thanks to sean morris of top rank importers for being our guest and here's how to reach them if you're interested in buying a car or asking questions they also have a great website that covers most of the questions you could ever possibly have here's that address thanks for watching everybody don't forget to subscribe and as usual please support my sponsors [Music] you
Channel: Craig Lieberman
Views: 37,374
Rating: 4.936789 out of 5
Keywords: Skyline GTR, Midnight purple GTR, Nismo 400R, Paul Walker GTR
Id: xtC7UBprxn0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 53sec (2453 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 05 2021
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