1 Kings ~ 9:23 to 10:23

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[Music] welcome to the Shepherd's chapel Network family Bible study hour with pastor Dennis Murray wisdom is understanding God's word pastor Murray's unique teaching approach brings God's Word alive with meaning as he takes you on a chapter by chapter verse by verse study of God's letter to you the Bible and now here is pastor Dennis Murray good day to you god bless you welcome to shepherd's chapel welcome to this family Bible study our ready to get back into our father's word here at the chapel we're gonna pick it up today first Kings chapter 9 verse 23 we invite you to get your Bible and join us if you'd care to we're fixing to have an old-fashioned Bible study here at the chapel and in our last lecture we left off with the completion of all of the building that was done under King Solomon and when you considered now Solomon is the third man king of Israel so we're not very far into the Kings at this point being my point Saul of course of the tribe of Benjamin was the first king of all of Israel David Solomon's father first king over Judah only for seven years and then group gathered all of Israel back together under his reign for 33 years and now Solomon and Solomon's into approximately his 23rd or 24th year of his reign how fit is 40 years that he reigned and he's fixing to have a visitor the Queen of Sheba so with that introduction let's ask that word of wisdom and Yeshua's precious name father we ask you to open eyes open ears this day as we pick it up first Kings chapter 9 verse 23 and it reads these were the chief of the officers that were over Solomon's work 550 which bear rule over the people that wrought in the don't be confused this is talking about those who were involved in the construction of first the temple of God then Solomon's own palace the house of Pharaoh's daughter the house of the forest of Lebanon the Kings house of Cedars where his throne was where he entertained foreign visitors and an executed judgment as well what these are are the construction boss Foreman's you might straw boss is what we called him when I was younger those who are responsible for supervising the work making sure that progress on the work was done efficiently and people weren't getting in each other's way in second chronicles chapter 8 verse 10 it states that he had 250 who were supervising the work there that was of Israel only here the 550 in other words 300 of the 550 were of foreign descent probably Canaanites that showed in showed ability to to communicate the work that needed to be done and so on verse 24 but Pharaoh's daughter came up out of the City of David unto her house which Solomon had built for her then did he build meelo and of course Pharaoh's daughter would have stayed in the lower city Jerusalem which was actually separate from the Citadel where Jerusalem the the castle in the palace if you would was and she would have been allowed to stay in that area because she was a Gentile and so they kept her in the Lower City until Solomon was able to complete her house and then she moved up into the Kings palatial complex meelo interesting you you see it pop up from time to time throughout Samuel the kings and chronicles Milot actually means rampart or mound it existed by this name meelo even at the time that the Jebusites controlled the area which of course then it was called Jebus rather than Jerusalem not until David conquered the Citadel of of Jerusalem jeebus did he change the name of the city to Jerusalem Solomon rebuilt it and fortified it Hezekiah also very pious and righteous king also refortified meelo verse 25 and three times in a year did Solomon offer burnt offerings and peace offerings upon the altar which he built unto the Lord and he burnt incense upon the altar that was before the Lord so he finished the house and I think this stated to indicate that Solomon no longer went to Gibeon where the mosaic tabernacled the tent of Moses his time had been located which is where he went initially when he became king to make sacrifice and it is also written that he sacrificed in the high places which was illegal worship of Yahweh but here now he's saying he worshiped only and made sacrifice only where God put his name which was in Jerusalem on the the Temple Mount three times a year probably relating to the Passover also the feast of weeks now called Pentecost and then in the fall the Feast of Tabernacles the three major in gatherings and and probably have been a little lacks in in announcing especially for our younger viewers we've been talking about animal sacrifice quite a bit and I want to be sure that you understand you younger viewers that we don't offer animals to our Heavenly Father today thinking that that would be pleasing to him as it was pleasing at the time of Solomon something's happened since the time of Solomon that of course is our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ was crucified on the cross he became the sacrifice for one and all time and it would definitely be an insult to God if you were to take an animal and offer it to the Lord it would not be pleasing to him at all it would be an abomination after he sacrificed his only begotten Son verse 26 and King Solomon made an a navy of ships in easy on easy and eber which is beside ilat' on the shore of the Red Sea in the land of Edom now what this is talking about you see Israel had conquered the ammonites the Moabites and then if you move on and that's on the east side of Jordan and then if you move on further south from there you would find at this time the land of Edom if you were to go to the Dead Sea the South southern tip of the Dead Sea and draw a line straight south until you got to the Persian Gulf that is where this is I and Eber would be it's a port city where it gave Solomon and his ship men access to the waterways of the Persian Gulf this area is I Andy Burr was located in is called the Gulf of Aqaba and is well known even into this time but without this port you see Israel only had access to the Mediterranean Sea by getting access to the water on the Persian Gulf this gave them a lot more areas that they could get to in less time and this when Edom revolted this was lost under but then under King Uzziah of Israel it was retaken but then it was lost and finally lost during the reign of Ahaz king of judah verse 27 and Hiram Hiram was the kind of the king of Tyre was kind of a business partner with Salomon sent in the Navy his servants Shipman that had knowledge of the sea with the servants of Solomon and tyre was a trading center they for all over the world and they had Shipman who were knowledgeable in in long voyages they were in cahoots with the Phoenicians come to mind and some believe and I'll add my throw my hat in with those who believe that the Phoenicians were so skilled in sea transportation that they visited the Americas centuries before Christopher Columbus sailed the ocean blue in 1492 very skilled and knowledgeable navigators for the long voyages verse 28 and they came to offer and fetched from thence gold for hundred and twenty talents and brought it to King Solomon and we'll learn in the next chapter that was every three years that they returned and they brought this much gold as well as other valuable resources from over over always known as the finest and the purest gold where it is located today has been lost it seems that when the captivity of Judah ended that offer was never mentioned again so I know a lot of people would like to know where offer was so they would know where all of this gold and the other precious resources that they obtained there came from but again lost in antiquity chapter 10 if I were to entitle the chapter at listed as Solomon's prosperity and riches and the first part of this chapter we have the queen of sheba coming to visit solomon let's go with chapter 10 verse 1 and when the Queen of Sheba heard of the fame of Solomon concerning the name of the Lord she came to prove him with hard questions in other words she posed riddles to him she had heard of Solomon's wisdom and therefore she was posing these riddles to test his wisdom now some I don't like to quote the quraían that much but in in the Koran the Queen of Sheba is named and called balco's and it's thought that she was from the area that would be Yemen of today which is quite possible I believe that that these were Sabian's who were well known for their trade in precious metals spices things of that nature verse 2 and she came to Jerusalem with the very great train a long care of with camels that bear spices and very much gold and precious stones and when she was come to Solomon she communed with him of all that was in her heart Sheba no doubt a very wealthy nation as Israel was at this time as well this long train or Caravan she was bringing gifts to gain the favor no doubt of Solomon and also being this long of a train or Caravan no doubt some of her entourage was military you see it was dangerous to travel through many parts of the world at this time and no doubt she had military to protect her while she was within the the borders of Israel no doubt Solomon would have provided some protection his army for her but there they did a lot of traveling that was not within the borders of Israel obviously verse three and Solomon told her or answered all of her questions there was not anything hid from the king which she which he told her not he answered all of her riddles all of her questions and we kind of start to see the pride build a little bit among Solomon as we work our way through this chapter in chapter 11 and he forgot to give credit where credit was due for his wisdom who who gave Solomon that wisdom chapter three of the same book you know it was our heavenly father answered Solomon's prayer and gave him wisdom he forgot to give her him I should say credit verse four and when the Queen of Sheba had seen all Solomon's wisdom and the house that dwell that he had built and this would be the his personal house of course she been he than Gentile would not have been allowed anywhere near the house of God verse five and the meat the food of his table and the sitting of his servants is referring to the furniture and the attendants are the standing the arrangement of offices of his ministers and their apparel and his cup bearers these are known and butlers would be a good way to think of them and his assent by which he went up into the house of the Lord there was no more spirit in her this word spirit could be translated breath when she saw the food on the table the furniture the the organization of the arrangement of offices and all the the clothing of his ministers and the cup bears in the ascent the walkway up to the house of God it took her breath away she she was impressed and she said to the king it was a true report that I heard in my own land of thy acts and of thy wisdom what I heard was so much that I had to make the journey here to see if it were true and it's much more than true and I'm sure about this time Solomon's head is getting larger and larger and he's probably thinking oh my Queen of Sheba you are such a good judge of character please continue on she does howbeit I believe not the words until I came and my eyes had seen it and behold the half was not told me thy wisdom and prosperity exceeded the fame which I heard and I had to come to check it out for myself but even what I heard was only half of the the wonderful things that you've done here in Jerusalem verse eight happy are they men happy are these thy servants which stand continually before thee and that hear thy wisdom those who work in and around you should feel lucky to be part of your organization and to have you on the king and such a wise King and again he's saying tell me more Queenie verse nine blessed be the Lord thy God which delighted in thee to set the on the throne of Israel because the Lord loved Israel forever therefore made he the King to do judgment and justice now this you know blessed be the Lord thy God this is coming from a heathen and just like the Hiram king of Tyre referred to you have a and and I think she Queen of Sheba just like he Hiram king of Tyre probably believed in Yahweh as much as they believed in the gods their own gods of their own lands no sacrifices mentioned no sign of conversion on her part but she's impressed verse 10 and she gave the king and hundred and twenty talents of gold a talent being a hundred and ten to a hundred and eighty pounds depending on whose measurement you go by that's a lot of gold if you put the pencil to it at say eleven hundred dollars an ounce I think is the current price for gold right about in there that'd be very very large amount of value and the spices very great store and precious stones there came no more such abundance of spices as these which the queen of sheba gave to King Solomon now these spices that are referred to in this verse we wouldn't think of them as we think of spices that we would use to cook with to prepare a meal what we're talking about here and the word means in the Hebrew actually fragrance and I think it's probably from the balsam plant verse 11 and the Navy these are the ships of tarshish also of Hiram that brought gold from over brought in from over great plenty of almond trees and precious stones these all mug trees are called al gum trees in the Book of Chronicles and it's thought that it's probably red sandalwood this wood was utilized to make the walkway from the king's palace up to the house of God it was also utilized in making musical instruments very valuable wood verse 12 and the King made of the almond trees pillars for the house of the Lord and for the Kings house this is the walkway we're talking about the railings harps also and sultry for singers for the musicians there came so much almond trees nor were seen unto this day verse 13 and King Solomon gave unto the Queen of Sheba all her desire whatsoever she asks beside that which Solomon gave her of his royal bounty in other words he returned some of the gifts that she brought to him but then before she left he said well look around is there anything else that you would like so she turned and went to her own country she and her servants she brought a load of goodies and she took a load of goodies home verse 14 now the weight of gold that came to Solomon in one year was six hundred threescore and six talents Gold whoa 600 that's six three score is 60 that's another six and six talents of gold does that number seem familiar to you it should 666 is the number of the Beast of Revelation the Antichrist and here we see it bullinger calls the number also symbolic of the height or essence of man's desire but as Solomon would later state himself in the book of Ecclesiastes chapter 2 verses 8 through 11 he he lists everything that he gained in in the in the flesh body the riches that he had but then he pointed out that actually everything in the long understanding of things is vanity which means nothing you know it's that's so true that it doesn't matter how much wealth you accumulate in the flesh when you die you're not taking any of it with you it's it's vanity it's nothing as we learn in the Book of Revelations chapter 14 verse 13 the only thing that you can take with you and you do take with you are your works whether good or bad your works do follow you when you pass away in the flesh but 666 talents of gold came to Solomon year by year that's a lot of gold verse 15 beside that he had the merchantman and of the traffic of the spice merchants and I'm all the kings of Arabia and of the governor's or captains of the country and what this is talking about we mentioned in our last lecture about the transport of goods from the Mediterranean Sea to the Persian Gulf they didn't have the Suez Canal at this time and the only way to go by water from the Mediterranean to the Persian was all the way around the Horn of Africa we're talking about a long long journey but what they would do is put into port on the Mediterranean Sea and then by Caravan move goods across what at this time was controlled by Israel and these tremendous who trafficked and spices would no doubt pay tribute to Solomon and if nothing else to stay in good favor was such a powerful King number 16 and King Solomon made 200 targets of beaten gold or pure gold six hundred shekels of gold to one target now these targets were very large shields at this time when they made war a lot of it was pretty much hand-to-hand combat and these large shields were utilized and carried by footmen to protect themselves for example if the enemy launched an archery attack against them you may have seen movies where then they would take these large shields and use them for protection from the hundreds of arrows that were launched toward them and as large as they were they could even use them by driving them into the ground and using them effectively more than one would serve some protection from an oncoming cavalry charge they also the the large targets had sharp points or daggers on the opposite side of the the one who was carrying the shield in other words it had some not did it have defensive purposes it had some offensive purposes as well due to these daggers that were attached verse 18 moreover the King made I'm sorry I missed verse 17 let's back up and catch it and he made 300 shields of beaten gold these would be smaller shields three pound of gold went to one shield and the King put them in the house of the forest of Lebanon this word pound check it out in the Hebrew is man a which means one and I think it means 100 shekels of gold because in second chronicles chapter 9 verse 16 these same smaller shields are state that there were three hundred shekels of gold in each of the shields six hundred shekels in the larger targets and then we would have excuse me two hundred yeah six hundred shekels of gold in the larger targets three hundred shekels in the smaller now these were as many of you know the properties of metal know that gold is not a very hard metal and these were utilized more for pomp if you will and events of state occasions of states such as when a foreign visitor came such as the queen of sheba that we covered in our earlier port a part of this lecture now under Rehoboam the son of Solomon both these targets and these shields were stolen by Shishak the Egyptian Rehoboam went to replace them but all he had to work with rather than gold was brass or bronze better translated probably because she shocked took all the gold as well what they were made of probably was wood and then what would normally be covered the shields I'm talking about were made of a basic construction of wood and then overlaid or plated with gold where the leather would normally be placed verse 18 moreover the King made a great throne of ivory and overlaid it with the best gold the best gold no doubt from over and the throne had six steps and the top or he could think of this as a canopy of the throne was round behind the hinder part and there were stays these are arm rests the Hebrew for this word is hands which is where the king placed his hands on the armrest on either side on the place of the seat and two lions stood beside the stage now the lion symbolic of the tribe of Judah also the king of the jungle and then there are more Lions on the steps verse 20 and 12 Lions stood there on one side and on the other upon the six steps there were was not the like made in any Kingdom was quite a throne and this kind of loses what it in the translation but there were six steps going ascending up to Solomon's throne and on the left if you were looking at his throne on the left would be six Lions and on the right six lions and of course each one of these lions one represented one of the tribes of Israel so we have the Lion of Judah we have the lion being the king of the jungle we have the Lions representing the whole nation of Israel being at the the Kings feet is what the is saying verse 21 God was rewarding Solomon greatly you remember back in chapter 3 God said ask whatever you will of me and Solomon asked for wisdom and God said well since you didn't ask for the life of your enemy or great riches for yourself or a long life for yourself I'll add all these things on to you because you asked for wisdom to rule this people 21 and all King Solomon's drinking vessels were of gold and all the vessels of the house of the forest of Lebanon were of pure gold none were of silver it was nothing accounted of in the days of Solomon or silver was counted as nothing you could translate this let me get to verse 27 we'll learn that Solomon gave silver away like stones like rocks because there were so much wealth 22 for the King had at sea a navy of Tarshish with the navy of Hiram in other words ships that were longer than than others built for long voyages once in three years came the Navy of Tarshish bringing gold and silver ivory and apes and peacocks in this ivory if you have a reference Bible you probably have a note that this is elephants teeth probably better elephants tusks now where would you get the tusks ivory of elephants and apes which were probably sought-after for entertainment purposes and peacocks for their beauty where would you find those things well Africa comes to my mind I don't know about yours so and many believe that over probably was in the northern half of Africa verse 23 so King Solomon acceded all the kings of the earth for riches and for wisdom and chapter 3 verse 13 God said because you didn't ask for anything for yourself I'll add all these things on to you and I'm gonna make you the most the wisest and the wealthiest king of all time and certainly Solomon known for his wisdom and we see the riches coming in and who was it it was God's blessings upon Solomon up to this point Solomon had done things right he had done things God's Way unfortunately we're gonna see that were right now at about the height of Solomon's reign as king of Israel the latter almost half of his reign things start going downhill in a hurry we'll cover it in our next lecture we got a short message we'll ask you to listen a moment won't you please the mark of the beast on CD is our free introductory offer to you what is the mark of the beast many false teachers would have you believe it will be a tattoo on your forehead or a computer chip implanted under your skin it's getting late in the game you need to know what the mark of the beast is as it's written in Revelation chapter 13 verse 8 many will be deceived Christ said in mark 1323 behold i afore told you all things Jesus indeed told us how not to be deceived and pastor Arnold Murray takes you on a step by step study of God's Word concerning this critical subject the telephone call is free the CD is free no shipping and handling just call 864 340 645 to request your one time one per household copy of the mark of the beast you may also mail your request to shepherd's chapel peel bucks for 16 graf in arkansas 7 to 7 36 don't be deceived by Satan welcome back we're glad you could join back with us let's have the 800 number please 800 six four three four six four five that number good throughout Puerto Rico the US and Canada if you have a biblical question that you'd like to pose to possibly be answered on the air feel free to call that number and leave your question don't ask questions about a specific individual denomination or organization we try and teach God's Word in a positive manner throwing out negative about others by name serves no purpose we simply won't do it well that God's Word do the teaching the correcting and the healing if you're listening by shortwave radio or studying via the internet somewhere around the world that's unable to use that 800 number your announcer at the end of the hour we'll give you our mailing address quite all right to mail your questions in being the point got a prayer request you can do away at the telephone number we don't need that you won't need that you won't need a mailing address your heavenly Father is there for you 24/7 and you know it pleases him when you talk to him he's just like he has emotions and feelings were created in His image so he has emotions and feelings just like you do let me ask you if you were a parent and you had a child that when they graduated high school they took off and you never heard from him again unless they needed something from you oh who helped me on I needed to make my mortgage payment and I can't do it this month and that's the way it is with God's children sometimes the only time he hears from them is when they have trouble in their lives never did they say thank you for the blessings think about it consider it just like us he wants to hear from you we do have these prayer requests father we come united as one in the name of your son Jesus Christ we ask you to look upon these father you know their needs problem marriages financial difficulties you know father well so lift up our military troop - more and more of them are in harm's way we ask you to watch over guide direct touch and heal and you should Jesus precious name Amen and think you Father alright let's get to some questions and see what's on the mind of folks first up today we have David in Oregon is King David related to Joshua the one who led God's people into the Promised Land well not a direct descendant of David is not directly descended from Joshua because if you go to Luke chapter 3 which is the genealogy of Mary's family in other words the genealogy of Jesus Christ Joshua is not in that lineage now Joshua would was the son of noon who was of the tribe of Ephraim David was of Judah of course but both were descendents from Jacob so very very distantly related I guess you could say Linda in Illinois pastor you stated that there were other races from the six-day creation please give me scripture to know the truth in this matter I believe to be that Adam and Eve were created on the sixth day and God rested on the seventh day well that's not the way things happen chronologically in God's Word in Genesis chapter one you have God I belong about verse 26 or 27 God says let us referring to the angels with him make man in our own image and that is the six-day creation the races other than earth hadam the man Adam who was created in Genesis chapter 2 the beginning of Genesis chapter 2 God was the seventh day and God rested then he created Adam from whence one of his ribs was created Eve so the six-day creation the races were created the seventh day was a Sabbath God rested the eighth day he created earth Haddam there were people on earth before Adam and Eve you know anyone with any education in biology at all knows that it would be impossible to take two people of the same race and then have them have descendants that were different races that's that's biologically impossible so there were other races created by God not all descended from Adam and Eve Jim in Florida I have heard the pastor say Satan has two horns and will look just like Jesus also there were earlier Bibles that said Moses had horns after he came down from the Mount so my question is does Jesus Satan and Moses have horns no horns are in some cases symbolic of power and Moses when he had horns they were symbolic of power there was a one under the prophet Micah ayah that was copying Moses actually and he took horns and said we're gonna have the victory over these their enemies to die to die to die he was not a prophet of God no horns now the horns you're referring to that that Satan will have or you can read about in Revelation chapter 13 verse 11 and that's the Beast the Antichrist had two horns like a lamb and he spake as a dragon in other words he looked like Jesus but he spoke like the devil and you don't want to get yourself into a situation to where you're deceived by his looks always test the fruit you don't get figs from an olive tree or vice versa Jack and Pennsylvania Matthew chapter 10 verse 5 stay away from Gentiles can you please explain well it was time specific at that time what that is happening there in Matthew chapter 10 verse 5 Jesus is preparing his disciples they're about to graduate and become apostles one who are sent forth is what apostles means and he's telling them don't go to the Gentiles why because the price had not been paid on the cross by Jesus which did open salvation to all including the Gentiles after the crucifixion salvation was open to all in fact that was Paul's Great Commission Acts chapter 9 verse 15 he was sent first to the Gentiles second to the Kings third to the children of Israel Teresa in Oklahoma Luke 21:20 when it says to flee Judea to the mountains are we Judea no Judea is a geographical location in verse 20 there of Luke chapter 21 when you see Jerusalem encompassed make a note of Zechariah chapter 14 verses 1 & 2 talking about the same event getting close to the Lord's Day getting close to when the desolation the desolate tour is nigh that's the Antichrist he's gonna set his throne up on the north side of the Temple Mount of Jerusalem and what it's saying there the words of Jesus is get out of Jerusalem when the Desolator is there mr. H from Illinois hello pastor Dennis hello back my question is I know you can't tell anyone where to go to church but my grandson likes going to church with me he's ADHD but is very wise but they teach rapture I have tried to plant seeds there it's wooden skewer tell him I'm going to have to find another church he cries and said it's not fair he likes going to church there would it be wrong if I take him out or can I tell him the truth when he's older and that would be okay with God the pastor teaches some truth but to me he gets lost and he gets things lots of things mixed up ok mr. H well you know and I understand your situation and you're right I'm not going to tell you where you should go to church you're gonna have to pray about that and take it up with your heavenly father it may be that God has you in that church just as you said to plant a seed of truth but God bless you and you know it at least the churches who are mixed up and lost as you said get lots of things mixed up at least they teach morals and you know that's something that's lacking in our society today when you have kids shooting kids and nut cases murdering innocent people something's wrong and it's I think that we don't have morals taught in our society Clara in Nevada does the devil see and hear everything I do and say please let me know the answer to my question Satan and his can see and hear but you know what they cannot read your mind God is the only one who is called in the Greek car do nor the heart nor if you will so but Satan in his yeah they can hear and they can see what's going on and they can use it against you if you don't have Jesus Christ with you but as it's written in Luke chapter 10 verses 17 18 and 19 you have power over all of your enemies in the name of Jesus Christ that includes Satan and his Teresa in Missouri where in the bible does it say where the dead are well you have many locations that tell us where the dead are that was the subject of Paul's writings on many occasions first Corinthians chapter 15 also 1st Thessalonians chapter 4 which is ironic that's the the scripture that the rapturous use to support their theory of the rapture when in fact the subject of 1st Thessalonians chapter 4 if you go back up to verse 13 there you find that the subject is don't be ignorant like the heathen as to where the dead are those who are asleep in Christ Ecclesiastes chapter 12 verses 6 & 7 in the Old Testament tell us that when the silver cord parts and it's a figure of speech meaning when we die the flesh goes back to the earth from which it came the spirit goes back to our heavenly father from which it came Charles in Texas the song of Moses and someone copied down or you stated wrong Genesis chapter 32 that's in Deuteronomy chapter 32 is where you find the song of Moses does it appear in the King James Version the same as it appears in the original Hebrew manuscript yes it's an accurate translation the verse you mentioned verse 43 is Nations or I should say that the verse mentions Nations there in the Hebrew tongue the nations are boy or Gentiles and that simply means those who are not of Israel the ten tribes scattered that is talking about their Kim in Virginia thank you for your ministry and teaching god bless you and your family thank you for that in blessings back to you as well please explain and give the scripture as to the life of a believer after the death of the physical body what do they do there in Abraham's bosom and Kim's referring to Luke chapter 16 verse 22 in the following verses where we have Lazarus and the rich man Lazarus lived a righteous life in the flesh the rich man had a lot of ill-gotten gains they lived an extravagant life but there's a gulf in paradise as the teaching of Luke chapter 16 now and the rich man ended up on the wrong side of the Gulf but he could see Lazarus in the buz of Abraham on the other side of the Gulf and that's where you want to be you can bet that wherever Abraham was that Jesus was not too far away if you have an Apocrypha you want to make a note of second esdras chapter 7 verse 77 in the following verses and that gives a a little more detail about what it's like on the wrong side of paradise the wrong side of the Gulf Earl from Colorado my wife died at the age of 37 when we're sorry for your loss Earl she left me with four wonderful children my question is can she see my and her children or have any knowledge of their lives from heaven and again we're sorry for your loss then I greatly respect you for taking the bull by the horns and I'm sure you're doing a good job of raising those four children on your own and to answer your question though I don't believe that God allows those who have passed on to see into this our dimension any more than we can see into the dimension that they are in now having said all that I do know of certain circumstances that when a loved one is having a particularly difficult time with the loss of a loved one I believe that God Al and I've heard people tell me accounts where that the spirit of the deceased is allowed to come back to them for a short brief period of time and only once and it's basically God letting them know in the loved one that he's passed away letting them know hey I'm not dead I'm still alive everything's okay we'll see you when you get over on the side that I'm on bill in California when Satan comes here for five months can I tell him to move on and leave me alone well I'd be one way to do it but I'd mentioned Luke chapter 10 verses 17 through 18 and 19 a few minutes ago you have power over all your enemies however you know if you are one of God's elect you have a destiny and your destiny is to be delivered up before the Antichrist and the Holy Spirit is going to speak that cloven tongue that language that everyone no matter what their native language is can understand and the Holy Spirit will witness through you you don't want to deny that destiny gala in Arizona I was baptized under the thought of the rapture theory am I still save of course you're still saved the rapture theory didn't baptize you you were just being taught falsely about the rapture you were baptized I hope in the name of Jesus Christ or in the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit and and in the words of Paul there is one God there is one baptism biola in Missouri are the five loaves and two fishes anyway related to the seven seals no I don't see the connection in biblical numerix the number five is the number associated excuse me with grace the number two is the father and son also witness Delmon in Tennessee where do black nation's come from and black people as the other races other than the descendants of earth hadam as I mentioned earlier were created in Genesis chapter one verse 26 where gods the Angels let us make man in our image in the last verse of chapter 1 verse 31 God says God saw everything that he had made and it was very good James and Arizona will the Shepherd's chapel ever be in text format on an e-reader for example and you mentioned a specific product I'm not going to mention it because that's kind of an advertisement we have no immediate plans but keep it in prayer I'll tell you technology is advancing so rapidly it's and you have to keep up with the Joneses I'll tell you I have someone tell me 10 years ago that the internet would eventually replace television I didn't believe him 10 years ago but things are popping in that direction mary in michigan where does it say in the Bible about the blood on the moon you can read about it in the Old Testament in Joel chapter 2 verse 31 also in Acts chapter 2 verse 20 the Sun shall be turned to darkness and the moon into blood before the great and terrible day of the Lord revelation 6:12 all have to do with the deception of Antichrist and to be ready for that before the Lord returns I'm out of time I love you all a great deal why because you enjoy studying our fathers word in depth you know what it makes his day - when he looks down and he sees you reading the letter that he wrote to you the Bible it makes his day you make his day he's gonna make yours that's when the blessings really start to flow in your life we are brought to you by your tithes and offerings if we've helped you help us keep coming to you and to reach out to others who are lost in this world of darkness one thing most important though is this you stay in his word every day every day and your father's word is a good day even with trouble do you know why it's because Jesus is the Living Word hearing God's Word with understanding will change your life we hope you have enjoyed studying God's word here on the shepherd's chapel family Bible study hour with pastor Dennis Murray if you would like to receive more information concerning shepherd's chapel you may request our free introductory offer our introductory offer contains the mark of the beast CD our monthly newsletter with a written Bible study a CD catalogue and a list of written reference works available through shepherd's chapel to request our free introductory offer by telephone call 864 three four six four five 24 hours a day you may also request our introductory offer by writing to shepherd's chapel p.o box 416 grab an Arkansas 7 2 7 36 once again that shepherd's chapel p.o box 416 grab an Arkansas 7 2 7 36 we invite you to join us for the next in-depth Bible study each weekday at the same time thank you for watching today's program and god bless you you [Music]
Channel: YHVH Savior
Views: 1,466
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Pastor, Shepherd's Chapel, Pastor Murray, Book of 1 Kings, Book of, Murray, Shepherds, I Kings, 1 Kings, Arnold Murray, Pastor Arnold Murray, Shepherds Chapel, Arnold, Chapel, Shepherd's, Book of I Kings
Id: J2d9ddHtP_M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 30sec (3510 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 28 2019
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