100 Player Musical Chairs in Among Us! *chaos*

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we're playing musical chairs in among us with a hundred real players and each room in the spaceship counts as a chair and anyone that's in the same room as me when the music stops will die the last one alive wins go okay we've got a lot of afk people i mean you can't stop you technically have to keep running is that right kimmy or can they stop in rooms nope they need to keep running until the music stops you have to keep going if the music ain't stopping your feet ain't stop and i want to see you guys you can turn around though you don't have to go like in a direction but you do have to keep moving around the map and like a circle you know everybody in cafeteria is dead that was the worst place for the music to stop that was really bad oh my gosh okay oh the music started again go guys go you don't know who i am you don't know who i am i'm teal hey i see some people listen if i see you not moving i will clap you don't make me do these things listen here i see people standing in the top corner dude i'm gonna come for you guys when the music stops just as an fy all right oh no people in storage yo okay people ran away yeah there was only two people who died in here because people saw me people are now recognizing my color can play the music i can't believe that we're going to whittle it down to literally just one player left once we get down to 10 players we're gonna change from the entire map to just using the four tables in cafeteria and it's going to be insane it's going to be intense i combined insane and intense to make it incense hey i see people not moving i'm not seeing enough movement navigation you know what i'm going to let you live i'm going to let you live no no listen here red guy i'm gonna let you live listen if you're okay that's it that's it if you're standing still i'm gonna kill you in three two that's what i thought that's why i thought you keep moving around the map hey yellow you better yeah that's why i thought okay oh i'm sorry guys i'm sorry i'm sorry oh this game is ruthless it's so ruthless we want to hear your comments though let us know down below what 100 player minigame you want to see us do next and if you're not subscribed please subscribe if you look like this little red dude over here become one of the great guys where am i going to get stopped huh wait you did oh i stopped this is so awkward i stopped in the middle of reactor and security i'm gonna kill the people in reactor this is backbone and it lets you play anywhere anytime basically it turns your phone into a gaming console it's a great holiday gift you want to check it out links down below in the description back to the video i'm gonna do it people in security you got lucky this time but next time you're not gonna get so lucky play that funky music boy if i see you standing still i'm gonna eliminate you guys by the way you better not be standing still anybody i see that's not moving i'm going to eliminate i see you up there i see what they're not playing by the rules boy where's the music gonna stop this time nobody knows oh oh unlucky cafeteria again man oh that's so unlucky who are we going to eliminate okay listen to your guy i'm seeing a lot of people stand still and i'm not gonna have it not on my hundred player server you crew members need to keep moving as quick as you can oh oh where's it gonna where's it gonna stop where's it gonna end [Music] oh oh oh admin i'm so sorry only two people in admin though that's not bad it could have been so much more devastating for the crew members why would you come in here if you see bodies you are a strange person let's see the music hasn't stopped with being electrical yet we haven't done it in lower reactor upper reactor or security cameras or med bay like med bay is pretty empty people don't want i would just stay clear of cafeteria that's where we've got the most corpse there are so many corpse eyes in here yes yes i've been waiting to stop the music in communication let's freaking go we got three people and oddly they were all green this next track is epic so all right let's go epic let's make it a little bit more epic kick up the oh yeah this is what we need in a hundred player among us this is the vibe we've been looking for where's it gonna end you don't know where the music's gonna stop but you know it's gonna stop at some point in the hallway now cafeteria i don't think so oh it's storage again man four people get eliminated in storage that was a combo kill oh but it's back on this funky music doesn't stop for anybody all these people standing still uh dude get out of here get get out of here no you were standing still i'm looking for any dirty players any dirty birdies i've got a bad feeling that the the crew members have started to catch on to which color i am maybe they don't know yet storage again yo storage is the most unlucky place that's three more eliminations inside of storage let's see we've got react oh hold on hold on hold on i see you in there just chilling nothing is more satisfying than just walking by somebody and clapping them with a zero second kill cooldown dude i love this music this was made for this was like made for among us oh my gosh that was so bad for the music to stop it stopped in o2 and there were five people five people in o2 i don't know how many players we have left it's got to be like around 20 maybe even upwards of 30 but people are dropping like flies ladies and gentlemen how many people like honestly the the predominant colors left i feel like are light blue everybody chose light blue it's so funny hello oh storage again dude storage is bad juju no no purple no no i know purple you stopped in storage what do you think you're going i'm not letting you get away from sometimes you gotta hunt down some of those little beans man you can't let these little beans escape like what are some of the places we haven't stopped in yet upper engine reactor weapons i feel like these are some of the areas we haven't really stopped in yet oh oh i'm so sorry finally we got a music stop and weapons and two people are gone a lot of people are hiding out navigation right now who is going to be the last person left in musical chairs i don't know there's probably a good 15 to 25 people left a lot of people i see i'm seeing people in security maybe i want to come in there maybe i want to hang out a little bit oh security that's so sad blue person i'm not going to eliminate you you're like asking for it you know i don't ask for it okay blue person don't come here come here let's know blue person you come here red person come here follow me no come here yeah yeah you go sit on this chair i will allow you red person to sit on this chair only you you're safe for now yeah but you can't move the whole time until i tell you if you move off of that chair when i come back around i'm gonna kill you if not you're gonna live all right oh oh yes finally got some kills in lower reactor let's go there's so many little bean bodies bro i think the tracks are switching so i'm not gonna kill what is this a okay i like this this is i don't know why but this this is giving me some energy man this is making me feel in some kind of way i love this winston use technically i was right here in storage where the music stopped again storage collecting three six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen bodies just in storage all right beautiful players we can do this i believe in you guys red he's still on the chair please watch the video until the end to see if he continues to obey you're doing you're good you're good red guy this was simon says i'm not gonna kill you i know the music stopped and i was hearing security but i'm not gonna kill you i love you too much this is when i really wish i could like change my my my color i wish i could change my color man for anybody if anybody in the discord is listening i am yellow i'm definitely definitely yellow so don't go near yellow players they're starting to develop more and more of a strategy they know who i am now oh i like this this track is just a vibe dude i love this track all right when is this going to stop when's this going to stop is it going to stop in med bay you know hold on can i get a music cut i want everybody that's still left including the red guy on the chair to come to the cafeteria we need a body count 13 people left remaining okay 13 people this is this is honestly a tremendous amount of people i think it's time we're now going to be playing musical tables all right but we'll wait wait hold on we gotta wait for the music guys there you go pick a table any table you can choose any of the five tables to go around in a circle but you can't switch the table once you've chosen i guess you can but once the music stops you can't switch so you can keep switching but when the music i'm sorry i'm so sorry that was just bitter luck man that was so bad luck oh no all right so we just took out four people that means that there is like seven eight or i think there's seven or eight people left look at these tables look at these tables oh oh no oh no another two people go down dude three four five six players remaining this is insane this on another level oh no yellow you're standing still oh nobody was at my table poggers oh oh the one percent the emergency table cam give us the hype track give us the future track we need more energy at these tables look at this oh yeah oh yeah let's go baby we got five alive yeah fi there's six alive who's gonna be the final person remaining i don't know nobody knows nobody knows i know that this guy's oh yo you left the tables bro you done you're done that's what you get for going in med bay thanks for being my first kill over here all right commence music again thank you all right we got five beautiful people yellow two blues one orange and one black oh this is getting wild dude this is getting big wild so we're gonna eliminate some tables now the tables that are now in play are going to be the bottom two not the middle not the top left not the top right just the two bottom tables those are the only two tables in play so i see you at other tables than those i will eliminate you i yell i'm not seeing enough movement yellow i need to see more flossing yellow what's going on yellow talk to me talk to me yellow yellow talk to me yellow talk to me yellow dang it you were too late oh that was such a sad kill man oh that was devastating no no worries though we're not gonna worry about that we're just getting back in the action captain oh yeah look at all these players left oh this is difficult man who's gonna get eliminated who's not gonna get eliminated i don't know oh everybody crossed over to the right-hand state table okay oh look at this they don't know which person i am so by now if the crew members don't know i'm orange but there's one other orange person which is making my life a little bit more easy oh did you choose right or did you choose wrong dude joe's wrong man no two final contestants oh this is crazy he left wait what what he left the game the second to last crew member left the game he just disconnected wait a second okay orange roll with me orange roll with me come here we're gonna see if there's anybody left alive you don't have to play the music for now but i've just seen if there's anybody left alive is there anybody is this is this is it is this the end i don't see anybody that's crazy wow what a way dude what a way to like potentially win this come here orange orange don't you dare disconnect on me dude i'm gonna lose my mind all right come over here bro can we can we can we try to find out who this is who would have thought the person with the same color as me would be the last person remaining maybe it was a skill i don't know but this is incredible everybody's saying it's me it's me oh of course of course let's see can you like can you spell your name out i want to know who this is so bad oh wait wait he's spelling his name wait he's spelling his name i see an l e he said no okay he's starting back to the beginning okay that's an e no it's an f it's an f you what is that was that a n fun okay fun is that a t is that a t okay we have f u n t discord admins is it fun time foxy it's yes he says yes he says yes unmute him no dude you won let's go congratulations how do you feel right now oh my gosh give us your high energy give us your high energy scream [Music] no way dude congrats let's go bro same colors too yo can i give you a high five can i give you a high five yo gg man get this fantasy big custom discord rank for was it fun time fun time foxy fun time foxy dude big congratulations another winner of the challenge
Channel: TBNRFrags
Views: 4,551,174
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: among us, among us musical chairs, mrbeast gaming, preston, prestonplayz, tbnrfrags, funny, challenge
Id: xnsdpNHoJmc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 0sec (840 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 12 2020
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