When ADHD Meets a Garage (FREE Organizing for Overwhelmed Family)

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hi welcome to Midwest magic cleaning my name is Humper dink fist knuckle and today we're going to be doing a garage that has been affected by some severe ADHD now one of the reasons that I showed this Garage on video which originally I wasn't going to but this one has a problem where the person who has ADHD also does not want to get rid of almost anything they're fine with getting rid of trash but there's a whole bunch of clothing and stuff in here and craft supplies that they don't want to get rid of so I'm I'm want to show you how to clean a garage whenever you can't get rid of the Clutter and it's not necessarily about stacking it's more about consolidation so suck it so the very first thing we're going to do is we're going to empty this garage as much as possible we're just going to take everything from the garage and bring it right out onto the driveway now if you don't have a driveway you can just stack everything on your roof and yes I'm from the Midwest I just called it roof deal with it son deal with it as we put everything from the garage onto the driveway we're going to kind of consolidate like items with like items into big piles so we're going to have several tubs of just clothing that's all kind of stacked together craft supplies are going to kind of be stacked together as well there's a small herd of mosse in this garage so we will just kind of Shepherd those together and have them just stand in the driveway being mous and the reason that we do that is because whenever we get everything out of the garage we're going to clean the floors just sweep up basically and then we're going to create room then we're going to consolidate all those like items into as many tubs as humanly possible so that we can stack vertically rather than horizontally this garage is not going to be completely decluttered by any means in fact in the after pictures it's still going to look pretty packed but our goal is to try to organize and consolidate so that they can at least at a bare minimum walk through their garage from one end to the other cuz as it sits right now they couldn't even get out the garage door now many of you will be happy to know that I am in a city that does recycle for longtime viewers of the channel you know that most of the places that I work do not have recycling in their area this one does so we're going to make one big giant pile of boxes outside and then I'm going to have Jason break those down then we're going to consolidate all those into a big contractor bag so that they can be taken to be recycled boxes took up about 10% of the total garage area there were an absolute ton of them in there so I made sure that as I took them out I let them know where they were going I'd be like shut up you stupid box you going outside and then to recycling please don't take me to recycling I like living in the garage shut up you stupid talking box now the other thing I'm going to do is peek inside each one of these tubs and boxes before I take them out to the driveway because as we found out there are certain tubs and there are certain boxes that were just filled with random trash but that also gives us a heads up that if I open one tub and it's got Electronics in it that helps me know where to put that it just makes our job easier when we start putting things back into the garage and when we start consolidating other items for for if you're wondering why I'm looking in these trash bags it's because there were a lot of trash bags and storage tubs that may have been trash and may not have been trash since we don't want to overstep our bounds and throw things away that are legit I wanted to open up every trash bag to see if it's got clothing in it or if it's just being used as storage or if it was legitimate actual trash there were two or three bags that were legitimate actual trash they just hadn't been taken out yet but I'm trying to do everything I in my power to make sure that we don't accidentally throw something of theirs away this is a form of ADHD that has kind of a bit of a control issue and anything that gets thrown away needs to be thrown away by them and not us we don't want to impose our decision making onto them we're just there to consolidate restack give them some space and basically play play like garage Tetris one thing you have to remember about ADHD is that if we were to just like say these were our friends they're not they're strangers I'd never met them before but if say they were longtime friends and they went on vacation and I decided that as a quote unquote gift to them I'm going to go in and clean their garage without them knowing and and give them a big surprise when they get back that is actually not helpful to many people with ADHD because even though this may look chaotic to us there's a very good chance that they know where every single thing in this garage is so like if I were to say do you have a crescent wrench I can borrow and they would say yes there's a pile of dishes on top of the workbench and there's a box beside that that has a bunch of cassette tapes in it it's underneath the cassette tapes and that may seem bizarre to people who don't have ADHD but that's because you don't have ADHD you you literally can't picture it unless you've been through it I live with someone who has ADHD so I'm used to it and I grew up around a lot of people who had ADHD so I'm familiar with the way their mind and their organizational systems work so anyway if they were to come home from their vacation and everything is put away and repack it's basically like hiding their possessions from them forever because people with ADHD have a very large problem with out of sight out of mind if it gets put away in a cabinet or it gets put away into a tub it ceases to exist for many people with this disorder remember the D in ADHD stands for disorder this is not a choice this is not them being LA or immature this is the way the Mind functions in somebody with this disorder so in order to do a project like this not only do we need permission from the person who has the disorder but we have to respect the fact that they keep their things in a certain position and a certain location for a reason so whenever we clean for them or when we organize for them we're going to try to keep the things in the same basic location that they were in before we're just going to pack them in tubs so that it gives them more space so there may have been a gigantic pile or you know bags of clothing in this one area all we're going to do is take the clothes out of the bags and put them in a tub so that they can be stacked rather than piled but we're going to keep them basically where they were so that they don't have to do an Easter egg hunt for all their old stuff we did remove about eight bags of trash from this garage but it was actual trash so old cans and bottles lots and lots of boxes as far as items the only things we threw away were things that were literally broken like shattered but outside of that absolutely nothing was thrown away we want to avoid that as much as possible in a perfect world If This Were me and this was my garage I would have gotten rid of all the clothing all the shoes and they had an overload of cleaning supplies just by getting rid of those things it would have freed up about 75% % of the space in their garage almost nothing out here outside of craft supplies was useful and you can tell that most of it hasn't been touched or thought of in years also whenever you're doing a garage like this it's not the large collections that are the problem or the pain it's after you get those out you're going to find a whole bunch of dirt and random small items that you have to sweep up and in a garage like this small items can't be just necessarily swept Al together because we found jewelry old debit cards and things with actual value among the dirt it just falls out of the container they were in and if you just generally sweep up the floor haphazardly you're going to end up getting rid of all those things that actually have value so we kind of have to sift through the dirt to make sure that it's just dirt then we can sweep it up and put it in the trash one big thing that we always do whenever we're cleaning a garage is we don't think of it as we're cleaning the garage we're thinking about it as we're cleaning this corner of the garage or we're in a small one like this we're cleaning just the front half our whole goal is to get things out sweep out that first half and get it emptied then we can concentrate on the second half by dividing up any room even if it's one inside your house into a grid style like that you can concentrate on one little square of the room and say that's what I'm cleaning the rest of this room doesn't exist to me until this is done it takes away kind of that overwhelming feeling and makes it easier to handle when ever you cut it into sections because I know a lot of people would have opened that garage door saw the picture that you all saw in the opening of this video and been like nope I'm out of here sucker and then moose would still be inside the garage going please let us out the garage with his friend and gra moose shut up moose I'm gone put now hang on [Music] [Music] when we get to things like cabinets or shelving we're going to try to consolidate everything that we can into as little units as possible because the more we can stack the more room it frees up on other cabinets and other shelving units and we're going to need all that space because again this is going to be really packed tight whenever we're done kind of like your mom hi I'm not apologizing for that [Music] [Applause] [Music] anyway whenever we're done with this section we're going to go toward the front section and treat it as its own section of its own grid this one was full of random trash and crafting supplies so it was a little bit easier to handle than the back half again just like your mom I'm I'm sorry I'll stop now now while going through this trash we're going to find a lot of good stuff and we're going to start the consolidation process because this is more about piles of lots of smaller items so for instance in in this section we found a whole bunch of mason jars so I could take one tub and use it as the Mason jar tub otherwise the these things were kind of scattered around the garage and a couple of unopened packages were stacked on top of each other so getting all those into one tub helps out immensely not just with space but whenever they go to look for a mason jar they're all going to be in one spot and easy to access for them we're going to do the same thing with crafting supplies she has a lot of stuff out here for painting and Modge Podge a lot of little Dollar Tree woodworking type of things all of that is going to go into a single tub she can sort through that later and if they want they can even pull all this stuff out of the tubs later and put it right back where it was but that's not our concern that's the way they live that's their choice they're adults but for us all we're trying to do is give them space right now so that they can function in it at a bare minimum we're not just giving them space but again we took out eight bags of trash so we're at least getting rid of the stuff that needs to be thrown away and that by itself frees up quite a bit of space on its own I a lot of people ask me on most videos aren't you afraid it's just going to go right back to the condition it was in before you started and the answer is always no we're there to help out because we were asked to help we're going to do what we came to do which is give them space and if it goes back that way at least between the time we cleaned and the time that it ends up cluttered again at least they had that much time to where they had breathing room in all reality it probably will get back to that condition again because again we're dealing with a disorder and not a choice it's like if you watch Post 10 he's a guy who takes out beaver dams and drains covers that are clogged and helps flooded areas and stuff he just volunteers and does it because he's autistic like me or at least I assume that he is and he just likes doing it but it's like he's not going to stop just because beavers are going to rebuild a dam he'll just show up again and take down the damn beavers are going to be man it doesn't mean you have to ignore it and not help it's like he said yeah it's probably going to flood again but me draining it this time it's going to take a lot longer for it to build up that water supply to become a flood so between now and when it floods we'll have several months worth of Peace while I'm clearing off a lot of these uh spaces a lot of the say the workshop table and areas beside the refrigerator I'm constantly scanning the garage and thinking where am I going to put all this stuff what space can I utilize so that the things we put back aren't in the middle of the garage are hugging the walls now unfortunately that means that his Workshop bench is going to be covered with stuff we really wanted to give him that space because he wanted to use that Workshop table but because we can't throw anything away that's virtually impossible so as I'm taking stuff off of these surfaces I'm constantly looking around saying okay we can put kitchen wear stuff here we can put the clothing there we can put all the extra tools on the workbench because as we're doing this I'm glancing outside and every time I'm looking looking and thinking where in the hell are we going to put all this stuff and again the only way to do it is to stack it vertically rather than horizontally that also means that I'm looking at the garage and figuring out what sections are going to contain what types of items so there's going to be a section of the garage or at least a stack that's nothing but craft supplies so that they're all together and they're all Consolidated there's going to be a section that's nothing but clothing so that they're all together there's going to be one section that's nothing but paint and paint paint brushes those paint pans for rollers all that type of stuff is going to go together in its own section and that's just breaking the garage down mentally into grids and assigning each little section its own purpose so I'll think of things like what is the purpose of this box of items well their purpose is to craft so they all go together what's the purpose of all these tools where they're to fix things so we will have one section of the garage that's devoted just to storing stuff that fixes things and the the whole point of that is that the things that they use are no longer going to be scattered all throughout the garage so if she wants to craft and she's wondering where her crafting stuff went well that's an easy one it's in one tub if he needs to give his moose a stone cold stunner it's in the Moose section it's in the Moose tub okay the very last thing we do before putting things back is to give the garage another quick sweep out because as we move things from one section to another all the dirt that was on the old boxes and old tubs and had collected throughout clothing and whatnot that's going to scatter over the floor that we had already swept once so we just want to make sure the floor is clean and then we can start consolidating items and bringing them back into the garage so this is also where they smoke there are smokers and Jason had noticed that the door was super yellow and and orange so he was like I want to try to clean that just to see how much of a transformation it makes so he grabbed a bottle of APC for the windows for those of you who are new to the channel that's uh that stands for allpurpose cleaner and it's made basically with alcohol and water and a few drops of Dawn dish soap and then he used Mr Clean on the actual door and the transformation it made is kind of crazy actually it's not kind of crazy it's crazy it's crazy speaking of which while we you're watching him do this I have a couple of announcements I have had literally hundreds of people ask me to set up a baby registry for Jason because for those of you who are fans of the channel and have been around a while you know that he's going to be a firsttime father however I spoke with him and he's going to be overloaded with baby stuff because his mom and his grandmother love doing stuff like that between them and us he's going to be just drowning and baby stuff what he needs way way more than that are repairs to his house he has subfloor damage that has to be repaired drywall damage which isn't as bad and his windows are really old and shot so if you're interested in helping Jason out the thing that he could use is straight up cash I don't use my PayPal account anymore for anything so it's just sitting dormant so if you want to donate to Jason's cause and help him and his family out for his firstborn baby you can directly donate to Midwest magic cleaning gmail.com that's my PayPal address and I will put that in the description of this video if for some reason I forget because I'm an idiot that's also in the about section of my YouTube page all money that is given through there instead of a baby shower or a baby registry will go directly toward repairing Jason's house but there are sections of his subfloor that there was a leak years ago and it's never been repaired and it's the subf floor is so boded and so rotted away that you can feel it kind of Squish whenever you step on it it's a an easy repair nobody's had the time or the money to do it yet but we are getting ready to jump into that so any help like that in lie of a baby registry would be greatly appreciated and again all that money goes directly to him and his family I don't take any of that one more note for those of you who know about the channel clean with Barbie she is less than 8,000 subscribers away from her very first YouTube plaque I'm going to put a link to her channel in the description and even if you don't watch it just clicking the Subscribe button on her Channel would be like a gift it would be so cool to see her hit 100,000 subscribers oh and while you're at it subscribe to mine too unless unless you're a devil worshipper I don't want devil worshippers clicking my subscribe button and then that's what that's what devil worshippers do they don't subscribe to things so look if you want to be a devil worshipper on your own time hey that's your life man you live your life the way you want it otherwise you can just hit subscribe and Be Be Welcome to our cult I mean Community I want to stress again this is not a cult your mom's a cold spe for so there's two reasons we didn't show us stacking all this stuff together one is because we outright forgot and didn't have a second camera rolling but two it's not really about the stacking it's more about consolidating so when you see us picking up all the stuff from the driveway you'll see us putting all the clothes into uh several tubs you'll see us putting all of the electronics into into another tub and so on and so forth then when we put it back in the garage it's just a simple matter of stacking all those Tubs on top of each other and you'll see that in the after pictures again it still looks super cluttered to the average person but compared to what it was they now have the ability to walk from one end of that garage to the other and if they ever do decide to get rid of any of that stuff it's going to be super easy easy to do because they can open a tub and go oh that's old clothes let's just donate this or or throw them away and this is all cleaning supplies that we have we bought and never used let's go donate those to whatever to cleaning supplies Jeff Lord knows he loves his cleaning supplies which is why his parents named him that he will enjoy these free cleaning supplies or he will be beaten with these free cleaning supplies anyway members I will see you this Wednesday everyone else I'll see you next weekend later e
Channel: Midwest Magic Cleaning
Views: 123,623
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Housekeeping, cleaning, satisfying, timelapse, time lapse, house cleaning, organization, organizing, free, free cleaning, depression cleaning, depression help, kindness, help, autistic, autistic cleaning, hoarder, hoarder cleanup, extreme clean, extreme cleaning, hoarder cleaning, biohazard cleaning, biohazard cleanup
Id: 6ov7nKNPPxE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 36sec (1656 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 27 2024
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