The 2 Dollar Bento Box | But Cheaper

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oh you get a bento box and it's great value for this price all those things real nice uh don't you think it should be something more like this that is but cheaper [Music] oh hey fall really is in full swing isn't it you know what that means that means the holidays are coming it's the perfect time to get my cookbook if you haven't gotten it then the time is now brother new york times bestseller four times in a row it's in stores everywhere it's 40 off on amazon the link is in the description go and get it so bento box is like a meal with add a perfect meal for someone like myself now it's a plethora of many different things you got tempura this and a cabbage salad here and rice here all sorts of things in one if you're indecisive welcome to your dreamland the whole concept of it creates this idea that you're getting a great deal you're spending this much money and getting a large array slash assortment of things but if you made it yourself and you took a little bit of love and care paid attention we can make it a whole lot cheaper so with all that said let's make this shall we let's make this easy to understand a bento box consists of many elements ours consists of a beautiful teriyaki chicken perfectly cooked rice that has been washed for god's sake a spicy garlic dipping sauce cabbage slaw and last but certainly not least is an ultra easy tempura vegetable let's start with the spicy mayo it's one of the most basic sauces i can possibly think of if you think you can't cook and you cannot make a spicy mayo then you might be right that's a joke anyone can cook start with a small bowl and combine a quarter cup 62 grams of mayo two tablespoons or 29 grams of sriracha three cloves of garlic grated season your taste or salt then add one tablespoon or 11 grams of white distilled vinegar whisk together until combined then keep refrigerated until it's time to use your sauce sauce next up rice well yeah cook it accordingly for the one billionth time i'm at this point i'm gonna stop saying it wash your ice cook it in a rice cooker if you have one i'm using one and a half cups or 300 grams of short grain rice in one and a half cups or 350 grams of water popped on the rice cooker and you got rice now the rice you choose obviously pretty greatly influences the price so choose the cheapest stuff you can find just none of that instant crap please right cabbage slaw also unbelievably easy and if you're wondering yes i'm front loading you with all the easy stuff because i'm performing mental and emotional culinary acrobatics for you literally doesn't get that much harder though first begin with half a head of green cabbage and you might be wondering josh why do you always use half a head well that's because for some reason when you shave cabbage it somehow grows 323.26 times in volume don't know how it just does so half ahead shaved as thinly as you can feel free to use a deathtrap mandolin to keep your shavings even pop that into a bowl along with one to two large carrots julienned then to that you'll add three tablespoons or 42 grams of mayo two cloves of garlic grated season your taste lightly with salt two tablespoons or 26 grams of white vinegar and one tablespoon or 15 grams of soy sauce and also a one inch knob of ginger grated nothing better than grating your knob on a sunday morning tills all that together until perfectly dressed in every little cabbagey crevice and pop in the fridge to let those flavors get to know each other nicely you know you gotta let them form an inseparable emotional bond so that you can eat every last little cabbage right in front of it next up chicken teriyaki first let's make the teriyaki sauce in a medium sized sauce pot add just enough vegetable oil to coat the bottom of the pan toss in 2 cloves of thinly sliced garlic and let that saute just until it starts to toast and turn a golden color please don't take it past golden brown unless you wanted to taste real bad in which great case pal check mark for being culinary poop anyway then add a quarter cup or 62 grams of granulated sugar a quarter cup or 58 grams of soy sauce a quarter cup or 58 grams of white distilled vinegar stir that together to dissolve and bring that up to a boil once that comes to a boil reduce the heat to low and simmer and reduce by about 25 which will take around three to five minutes then in a small bowl combine one teaspoon or two grams of cornstarch and two teaspoons or eight grams of water whisk it together to make a slurry then whisk that slurry into your simmering teriyaki sauce and let it continue to cook down until it reaches a nice glazy consistency and this should be glossy strain them through a mesh trainer if you want to keep it clean you know what they say dirty sauce dirty mind now that you have your teriyaki sauce let's make the chicken look please don't over complicate this yaki what does yaki mean oh yeah usually that's going to imply being grilled not cooked in a medically sterile non-stick pan get down and dirty brother if you can get your hands on conroe grill also known as the yakitori style grill you know the kind that uses bincherton loaded up with preheated white hot beet jotan in the bottom light one side of your grill to be very high heat and the other side to be very low or completely off get yourself four large chicken thighs boneless and skinless season your chicken lightly with salt grease your grates then pop it onto the high side of the grill flipping often until beautifully colored on both sides and the internal temperature reaches 165 fahrenheit now brush your chicken with your teriyaki sauce to glaze flip so that the glaze side is physically on the grill clay impossible to say it's on the hot it's on the hot stuff okay blast it on the got bang heat till the glaze gets nice and tacky it's what you want glaze again and repeat on the other side once your chicken is done cover with foil to keep warm for our final move the tempura it's honestly super easy so hold your horses before you get your fingers flying in the comments in a medium-sized bowl add half a cup or 75 grams of all-purpose flour to that you're gonna whisk in gently one cup or 240 milliliters of chilled carbonated water until you have a nice loose batter then pop in an ice cube or two to keep the mixture cold and that's your tempura batter now we need to pick our vegetables here i'm gonna use half of a butternut squash peeled then sliced into half moons then i cut off about one cup worth of broccoli florets from the stem and one sweet onion sliced into nice three quarter inch rounds of course separating the rings out from their outside it's it's onion rings yeah pretty basic now we have all of our vegetables look at that it's a beautiful time it's like a little garden a garden ready to be deep fried now get yourself a five quart pot filled halfway with vegetable oil and heat it to 350 fahrenheit dredge your vegetable of choice into just plain all-purpose flour shake off the excess and dunk into your batter and immediately drop it to your oil don't hold on your dripping coated vegetable and let the goddang horses come home spanking your grandpa i don't know what i'm saying we gotta move quick when making tempura now optionally while it's frying you can use your hand to dip in the batter and allow additional batter to drip onto the vegetable as it fries this will create nice little crispy crunchy little thingy this is called painting your tempura sounds so poetic ah yes in the cool breeze of the swiss alps i like to spend my time painting tempura on the terrace anyway let that fry until it reaches a beautiful crisp deep golden color turn on a wire rack and immediately season generously with salt and you can add any other seasonings at this point like togarashi or whatever you like but you see the beauty of tempura isn't just how you can season it but rather the plethora of things you can dip it in speaking of beauty let's assemble this thing now you can either do this on a plate or in an actual bento box setup in this case i'm using a bento box first begin by filling the center well with your spicy mayo add a little padding of thinly sliced raw cabbage in one of the medium slots slice up a chicken thigh place it atop the cabbage then a nice mix of your vegetable tempura i've got three here butternut onion and the broccoli this is a goddang tempura medley next your cabbage slaw and then a nice layer of your rice and since this already sort of has a shape i decided to get geometric and press the rice into the shape of the mold ah yeah i know very michelin sorry for flexing so hard all right we're done right you think i would stop without garnishing wow unbelievable that you would think that lowly of me many of these are of course optional except the green onion and additional teriyaki to the mayo added a little line of togashi spice then naturally to the rice a nice little furakaki garnish artfully of course in the opposing direction of the tokarashi add some additional teriyaki sauce to your chicken along with a nice generous sprinkle of thinly sliced green onion and that right there homies is a beautiful bento box for this price per box right here people are thinking they're getting some sort of value in their bento box when you should have come to papa's bento box shop right here now let's see if this is as enjoyable as it is to look at so you sit down to eat and they just put that right in front of you what are you doing i'm gonna look down and just immediately look right back at the waiter waitress whomever and be like goddamn that is what a bento box should look like now wait josh but i like it like this or i like it like this shut up fine mix and match use different vegetables you don't want tempura do some sort of green salad with miso dressing you can still keep the price pretty low because this comes out to this price right here per person you're not going to go anywhere and find that all right let me tell you rock got bang now oh but i want to add sushi if you want to add makimono rolls we have a guide that's but cheaper already and links in the description you like that plug you're welcome all right so i'll break this all down chicken i understand that it's not quite realistic to grill it if it's a butt cheaper if you don't have a grill put it in a pan it's going to be just as good because the teriyaki sauce takes it all the way home perfectly balanced smoky cooked juicy always go for the thigh over the breast the rice i mean the rice is nice and look at this the rice is the most important component to this entire meal we all know how i feel about rice it must be perfectly cooked wash it for god's sake and cook it in rice cooker cabbage slaw as opposed to like a miso ginger salad you could do that too it's a symphony much better than a salad texturally more exciting the crunch you have a layer of flavors garlic ginger it's creamy yet acidic it cuts the richness of all this it almost brings it together like it's a little happy family last but not least tempura first off let's get a sound check on this the crunch on this is immaculate we have this beautiful dipping sauce right here nice and spicy little dip all of this put together a symphony in my mouth i can see it everyone watching me i'm conducting it in the lord hey kade come on you're tasting now ooh that's what i mean can i eat this okay i gotta finish the video bye anyway it's a symphony in front of you i can see everyone and something almost needs to constrain me a little bit because lord have mercy i have busted you're never gonna find a bento box like this ever again you hear me [Music] you wanna know where else you can have many things to put in your mouth for very little cost b-roll [Music] wow so yummy very fun at this point all these butt cheapers that we've done it does come down to cooking it yourself but there's little things that you do it's not just about the ingredients it's about the technique you can make great flavor with minimal ingredients that's the whole goddamn point you think these restaurants don't know that they care about their top line they care about their margin all right so when you're paying that money you're not getting uh the deal you think you're getting that's what we learned now with all that said if you enjoyed this video or you learned something which like i said we learned that so you should have learned something then like and subscribe and i will see you next time [Music] you
Channel: Joshua Weissman
Views: 2,734,953
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sat bawl pro, joshua weissman, chicken teriyaki, teriyaki, teriyaki recipe, teriyaki sauce, chicken teriyaki recipe, bento box, bento boxes, where to get bento boxes, cheap bento box, affordable bento box, cheap dinner, cheap lunch, cheap dinner ideas, easy cheap dinner, steamed rice, how to cook rice, best rice, rice recipe, tempura, tempura recipe, homemade tempura, tempura batter recipe, easy tempura batter, crunchy tempura, fried recipe, budget friendly recipe
Id: 2C2QoZqs5To
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 2sec (662 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 07 2021
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