1 Corinthians Chapter 15 Part 4

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Shalom and welcome to via after Israel a Hebrew phrase which means you shall love Israel we hope you'll stay with us for the next 30 minutes as our teacher dr. Baruch shares his expose Ettore teaching from the Bible dr. Baruch is the senior lecturer at the Sarah Avraham Institute based in Israel although all courses are taught in Hebrew at the Institute dr. Baruch is pleased to share this weekly address in English to find out more about our work in Israel please visit us on the web at love Israel you are G that's one word love Israel o RG now here's Baruch with today's lesson in this passage of Scripture the Apostle Paul is going to be speaking about our Blessed hope in other words what is commonly referred to as the rapture and he does so in this fifteenth chapter which as we've discussed numerous times is a chapter that focuses in on the resurrection so we need to see that this blessed hope is a type of resurrection and he is spoken about the fact that the dead are raised we need to realize that when one dies that is not the end but there's a resurrection and some will be resurrected to everlasting life to be included in the kingdom of God where they'll experience the glory of God the fullness of the blessings of God being recipients of the promises of God and those who reject the source of this eternal life and that is the work of Messiah Yeshua they are going to be risen as well but they are going to be risen to everlasting judgment everlasting shame everlasting death a death with unawareness a death with the ability to sense to fill to experience shame death judgment all those things are never going to end so when we look at the subject here there is nothing more significant than being resurrected to the right location and that right location is the kingdom of God no one who will be resurrected into the kingdom of God will ever have any regrets they will know eternal joy they will experience eternal satisfaction but those who miss out those who reject the influence of everlasting life and that is the work the message of Messiah it is that message it is because of his work that brings that change it is an influence that brings about the fulfillment of the promises of God and those who reject that they are eternally going to be the recipients of God's torment his judgment his wrath and they will have everlasting regret so two very different groups and we need to be wise enough humble enough and faithful in choosing that which is pleasing to God and why do I say this is pleasing to God because the scripture says that God takes no delight in the death of a sinner and this passage is looking at it from an eternal standpoint he takes no delight but God's joy is found in when one repents turns and experiences God's forgiveness God's mercy God's grace which is the source for everlasting joy everlasting life well to get your Bible and look with me where we been the last month in the fifteenth chapter of first Corinthians I've shared several times that this entire chapter is about resurrection a very important doctrine Paul teaches us that if there's no resurrection if Messiah had not risen from the dead then everything is lost there is no hope and therefore we are the most miserable of individuals but he did rise there is hope and this is the climax of what those who believe in him having accepted the gospel what we can expect look with me to first RINs 1st Corinthians 15 and verse 50 Paul says but this I say brethren now what he's going to be revealing here is uniquely appropriate is it is designated for the believer for no one else and from where do we know this because of that term who is he addressing brothers brothers here means brothers and sisters both men and women who have become disciples of Yeshua who have received the grace of God who have believed in other words that one and only gospel message so he says and this I say brethren and he's making a declarative statement he says simply flesh and blood the kingdom of God is not able to inherit so if we want to inherit the kingdom of God and remember this is where the very presence of God can be experienced in its fullness this is where the promises of God are available to be taken hold of this is where the blessings of God are are numerous where in the kingdom of God any sane flesh-and-blood it's impossible to inherit the kingdom of God well what am i right now I'm flesh and blood and in this condition if there's not a change I won't be part of the kingdom of God so he's speaking about and he's going to mention twice he's going to speak about a change that is coming a change whereby the believer will be transformed and he is going to spend several verses in speaking about the nature of that change the cause of that change and the outcome of that change so once again he says I'm I'm stating to you declaring to you flesh and blood the kingdom of God and notice the word order he wants to emphasize that flesh and blood the kingdom of God is not able to inherit flesh and blood can't take hold of the kingdom he continues and says nor does and this would be that which is corruptible we spoke about this term and he's using the same terms that he defined earlier in our previous study and he uses a word which speaks about that which decays that which wears out that which is in the process of perishing that which is is as I said wearing out decaying corrupting it is lessening it is in the process of death now we also need to remember that wonderful example that he gave last week of a seed he says if that seed is not put in the ground whereby in the ground it begins to decay it begins to perish and ultimately it dies and only through death is it able to be transformed from seed into a plant into a tree that is fruit producing so the image here is very clear and precise he says second part of verse 50 nor does the corruption inherit incorruption so in a natural sense that which is decaying wearing out perishing he says it can't take hold that that which is not unless and here's what he's going to reveal to us unless someone there's a source there's a cause there's a reason there's an influence that brings about a change so once more he writes nor does that which is corruptible inherit that which is incorruptible verse 51 now there's lots of talk about mysteries today people in order to sensationalize things they say oh this is a mystery this is a mystery and I look at it and it's simply a gimmick to try to get people interested in what they have to say no we need to be very guarded with our use of this word mystery because in the scripture within a biblical context we find that mystery implies something that the prophets really didn't speak to that they didn't see that they weren't really aware of it is something that is revealed in the New Covenant scriptures so Paul is saying god the implication of this word in this context as god has revealed to me something that others were not aware of other prophets other writers of scripture so he says verse 51 behold a mystery to you I say now this is going to be probably a different word order than you find in most Bibles but the word order reveals something there's a mystery and he emphasizes to you who's you the Brethren these fellow believers brothers and sisters in the Lord he says this mystery is for you that's why it says a mystery to you I say and what is that and he uses a construction a familiar one one that's frequent in the Greek New Covenant and that is using two words men and day now they're very in context hard to translate because they have a technical use they're speaking about two different situations when I was learning Greek many years ago the professor a man by the name of Charlie cows are a wonderful Bible teacher he mentioned that maybe the best way to understand the use is we have the expression in English on one hand this and on the other hand that so two different situations but there's a connection there's a comparison and he says here using this this construction verse 51 second part he says and we'll use the one hand on one hand all will not fall asleep we've been talking and other messages about that term for those who sleep sleep in the ground it is simply a description for those that have died it is not speaking about some some unique soul sleep condition the soul does not sleep there's no evidence when we look at how that word is used it's clearly scripturally and on the scripture in rabbinical writings the writings of Judaism it's simply a term that we should understand as relating to death so why not just say death because death in many people's mind was an end but for those who have faith in the Abrahamic covenant which is established through the seed of Abraham Messiah according to Galatians 3:16 see death is not the end we believe in a resurrection so when someone dies the view for them the worldly standpoint is that's over done he's not getting up again but when someone sleeps there's an expectation that he will rise up that he's going to get up in the morning or get up from his nap well in the same way the scriptures used the term sleep for death because it anticipates a rising up or the resurrection and that's why Paul uses this term here once more behold a mystery to you I say on one hand not all will fall asleep but all will be changed now this is this first occurrence of this word to be changed and it's significant because he's just told us flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God those are in the state of decay who are perishing who are are wearing out these bodies cannot inherit that which is imperishable that which is incorruptible that which is of the kingdom of God so if I'm going to who is flesh-and-blood who is in a body of corruption if I'm going to be in the kingdom of God then there has to be a change he says some but not all will die but some will experience this transformation that we're talking about what is this transformation the recipient being a recipient of a new body this kingdom body all people will receive it some are going to die first but not all will die but he says all meaning all believers remember he has has said who he's speaking to those who are the brethren fellow believers he says but we all will be changed both those who have died in the faith and those who are at life at the time of this blessed hope and let me simply share with you that we're going to see here that the trumpet has significance and we know from other scriptures that Messiah he is going to leave the highest heavens and he is going to descend into the lower heavens and what is that ha Rekia we're talking about the sky and he is going to come with the arch angle angel Mikael the arc angel of makyo and he's going to blow the shofar that that trumpet and it says at that time there's going to be a transformation at that time our Blessed hope or the rapture is going to happen for those individuals and I remember speaking at a conference it was a messianic conference and one of the speakers he spoke his time he dedicated for the teaching that there is no rapture that this is a false teaching and I'm surprised with how many letters that I receive with people having that same perspective well what'd he do with with this scripture there's many others that speak to it but notice what says here he says this is a mystery you don't find it in the Tanakh in the Hebrew Bible in what we oftentimes referred to as the Old Testament he says I'm telling you a secret a mystery it's new revelation he says not all not all are going to to fall asleep but we all are going to be changed what does he mean by this this change he says in keep reading we're now in verse 52 he says in a moment in a blink of an eye at and I would circle this next phrase it says and at the last trumpet now this is what some have done and this is incorrect biblical interpretation it does not say at the last sound of the trumpet at the last trumpet blast doesn't say that it says and the last trumpet now the word here for at last is the word Eska toe or SKT in this case and what's important about this word normally we say it in its normal form s ketosis s ketosis means they end when we talk about the the the study of the last days the end times we use this word s ketosis eschatology so s Cotto simply means the last the end and it's speaking about a trumpet if you read the book of Revelation there are many trumpets but there is one designated for the last days the end times so it's not speaking about at the last trumpet sounding at the last trumpet class that's not what the scripture says it says that there's a trumpet which has been designated for the end times so let's read the script in light of that he says in a moment in a twinkling or a blink of an eye at the last trumpet for the trumpet will sound notice that that's the distinction the last trumpet for the trumpet meaning that trumpet will sound and the dead they will be raised very important they don't do it themselves they will be raised how incorruptible imperishable not being able any longer to decay or wear out this is what he means here when we go back to the end of verse verse 51 where it says but we all all believers we will be changed we will meaning pass from one state into another state and it's only this change which is going to happen at the trumpet when it sounds only then will we go through that transformation and why use a trumpet well this is very significant because one of the teachings of the sounding of the shofar is that reminds us of what God has provided provided for victory you say well where's that found in the scripture well if you go back sometime to the book of Exodus excuse me the book of Genesis the book of Genesis in chapter 22 we have the passage dealing with a key it's got the offering the binding literally of Isaac and what we find here is that God provided a ram that Ram is the animal that you get the shofar his horn that's the shofar the trumpet of God and that blowing of the shofar if you keep reading in Genesis 22 after this this provision of the RAM that was caught in the bushes in the thicket by his horn it says speaks about victory that that we will possess the gates of our enemy that's an idiom in Hebrew to possess the gate of your enemy is victory so there's a connection between the sounding of the shofar and God providing for us victory and you're going to see how victory is going to come into our scripture in a few moments so let's go back he says for the trumpet will sound and the dead will be raised incorruptible they are going to have been changed from a a condition into a new condition and we he says once more and we will change so he emphasizes that twice there's a change coming to believers and it's going to be accompanied with the sound of the shofar and that change is that we're going to move from a condition a present condition of being wearing out the caine perishing being corruptible to now not wearing out not perishing not not having any qualities of corruption but being incorruptible verse 53 for it's necessary for this corruption to be clothed with in corruption so that's what he's saying it's necessary why we know the answer to that because flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God so it's necessary uses that very important word day something that speaks of an absolute necessity for the will of God the purpose of a God to be fulfilled to be carried out to become a reality so he says for it's necessary the corruption this corruption to be clothed with in corruption and death and we would probably use the word mortality mortality simply speaks of death I'm a mortal being that means I'm going to die and then he says keep reading he says and this death to be clothed with in mortality that is everlasting life not being subject to death so it's necessary we who are beings of corruption decay we're perishing we're going to become that which does not decay does not perish and does not die we will be immortal verse 54 but whenever this corruption is close with in corruption and mortality this mortality is close with in mortality that is everlasting life then shall be the word that has been written now again I believe that most English translations because they follow a different Greek manuscript is going to leave out this next phrase but it's important it's in the Texas Receptus once more middle verse 54 then this word that has been written is going to be it's going to take place it's going to happen and what is that he says death has been swallowed up by victory now he's gonna mention victory and what he's going to do here is he's going to contrast these two terms death victory and that's what every individual is going to experience one of those you will either have death or you will have victory victory eternal life in the presence of God knowing the blessings of God and death what is death synonymous with well we just turned to the Torah to find out we find that God says I set before you he's telling Moses I set before you this day both life and death blessing and curse that you ensures life and that is to choose blessing but those who choose death they're going to experience curse eternal life eternal death eternal blessing eternal curse it's speaking about the judgment so God is very clear here no one is going to experience either one of these things and not realize what God has said his word his revelation is available and it's very clear so I like this the word that has been written is going to be death has been swallowed up in victory verse 55 where are you this thing of death and where are you the victory of Hades or hell see what he's revealing here is this that because of this blessed hope because of this mystery that so many people ignore discount or ultra ly reject he says because of this wonderful mystery we know something death it's not going to have a sting and Hades is not going to have a victory verse 56 now verse 56 is very important and it's amazing to me because I've spoken to individuals a small group of leaders and and speaking of this I'm amazed shocked because many people have this verse especially from from fellow messianic believers and they say this verse is problematic III don't even like to read this verse it's a wonderful verse but we need to understand what it's saying look at the scripture verse 56 he says but the sting of death what's the sting of death it's the sin and the power of sin is what the law the Tauri now what is he saying here he's saying because of how we were born into this world we were born in the state of corruption we have a sinful nature and if nothing is done then we are going to experience the sting of death and the punishment of sin the sting of death person now God is a just and righteous God therefore what we see is that God revealed his law why Paul says else were to turn us to faith why faith and Abraham Genesis 15:6 Abraham he believed he demonstrated faith and what's the outcome of faith from a Torah perspective it's righteousness so the Torah reveals many things one of the things that the Torah reveals through the commandments God's expectations what he expects me to do and what he expects me not to do I find what he expects me to do too often I don't do and the things that he says not to do too often I do these things so what does that tell me I'm in trouble I am going to experience death and the curse of God I don't want that I want the blessings of God I want the eternal life from God how do i I find that through righteousness well where do I find righteousness in faith through faith by faith faith in our Redeemer see redemption takes away the sin this thing of death the consequences of sin and it produces righteousness there's a relationship between Redemption and righteousness and all of that is access by me by you by humanity through faith faith in what the gracious work of Messiah you'll see why grace I mentioned in a few minutes so he says verse 56 but the sting of death what is this thing of death sin and the power of sin the authority that yes this is sin is found in the law when we violate the law the law defines sin what is sinful also says what is righteous there's many purposes of the law but because the law is in place he's given it therefore it shows me of my own righteousness it declares to me my sinfulness and it tells me that I'm heading for eternal death and everlasting judgment verse 57 now having heard that we want a change we want another means and he tells us what that is but to God and here again I believe that that Paul he thought in Hebrew but he wrote in Greek the scripture was originally written in Greek but here's the key oftentimes we find that this concept to God means belonging to God and that's how we should understand it here he says belonging to God to God what's - God carries grace yes the grace of God and what does he do he's the one that gives us victory victory through our Lord Messiah sure now there's no other way to understand this verse verse 57 other than saying to God there is Grace and this grace produces victory and this grace and victory is all available through our Lord Messiah Yeshua that's always saying here he's the solution his grace and he himself he's the solution to our problem of sin and death we can change sin and death into victory and life but it only comes through God's grace which is available through our Lord Messiah Yeshua verse 58 now he tells us how that should bear itself out manifests itself work itself out in your life and my life verse 58 so that my beloved brethren here again uses a term brethren to remind us this is only true what he's saying is only possible it only has relevance for believers verse 58 so that my beloved brethren be steadfast literally its steadfast you be don't waver from that hope don't change this faith it's the truth that lives leads to victory so he says steadfast you be and then he uses a term I like it so much in movable don't move away now this is this term here again it's Greek but in the Hebrew Bible we have many sums many verses talking about our our foot not moving that we don't collapse hit motet we don't do those things we want we are on steadfast we are on sure ground we show not as one psalmist says we shall not be moved is that wonderful so he says be steadfast and immovable abounding in the work of our Lord always just that simple not yes once in a while sometimes a little bit no he uses this word pay very attention it means that which is surpassing it is a strong word be abounding in the work of the Lord always knowing knowing that your labor your effort your work your labor is not in vain in the Lord now we could say with the Lord and it all goes back to that that scripture from the book of Hebrews that says God is not unjust that he would forget meaning that he would not reward the good deeds that you do in his name so he says be abounding in this work this work in the Lord that's how we demonstrate to others that's how we show our amove above a in what he's spoken about this blessed hope that one day what's gonna happen well close with this in a moment in a twinkling of an eye with that last trumpet that last trumpet not the last trumpet blast but that last trumpet is going to sound it sound after that to read the book of Revelation many sounds after this but that trumpet designated for the last days will sound and what's going to happen those who have died their bodies the remains wherever they are whatever state that they may be in that body is going to be change and it is that which is corruptible decaying now just just ashes it's going to be changed into a new body a kingdom body and that body is going to be reunited with the soul which has been in the heavens to be absent from the body is to be present with him so it's going to be reunited in the sky where we're going to meet the Lord those who have already passed away in the faith and those of us who are still alive if we should still be alive when this happens we are in that same moment we're not going to precede them a little bit well following right behind them in a in a fraction of a second behind them we who are alive our bodies which are corruptible decaying perishing our bodies are going to be changed and we're going to receive a new body and our soul is in that body and it will remain in this new body and we are going to be taken up with those who have already died with their new bodies we're going to follow them and meet your shoe all of us in the air and be with him in the heavens in these new bodies until the second coming where it speaks about in 1st Thessalonians chapter 3 when Messiah returns there's going to be a great group of Saints that's you and me all the Saints throughout all the Olympic allotments of time we're all going to be with him as we return and come to rule with him in that Millennial Kingdom for a thousand years though the Bible is very clear on what it's speaking of it's not hard to understand it the question is are you going to believe it or not by faith you will be saved well Shalom from Israel until next week when we move into our final chapter of this epistle chapter 16 first Corinthians well we hope you will benefit from today's message and share it with others please plan to join us each week at this time and on this channel for our broadcast of love Israel org again to find out more about us please visit our website love Israel dot o-r-g there you will find articles in numerous other lectures by Beru these teachings are in video form may download them or watch them in streaming video until next week may the Lord bless you in our Messiah Yeshua that is Jesus as you walk with Him Shalom from Israel [Music]
Channel: LoveIsrael.org
Views: 1,265
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Book of 1 Corinthians
Id: Hu0I4ridZrg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 43sec (2443 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 30 2020
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