1% Biker Reveals The Secrets Of Outlaw Motorcycle Club Operations | Sose The Ghost

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they knocked on the door and I didn't see them in the peephole and normally I would never open the the door if I don't see somebody in the peephole but it was something where they had to come in so I open the door I see like eight dudes try to push in so I'm like pushing the door and they they kind of weak bro cuz it took them a while to like Push the door but you know fear makes you powerful you know they're like pushing into the door and then a dude is trying to stab my hand through the door cuz he got his hand in so I like slammed the door he dropped it we start fighting they push in they jumped me little bit and then they put a gun to my head and my daughter was a baby at that time I had custody of my daughter because they took her from my mother and I got a gun aimed at me and she's crawling towards me I'm looking at her like damn is this how I'm going to go out like with my do right here in front of my [Music] daughter welcome back to the locked in with the inck podcast on today's episode I have an exciting one for you fellow YouTuber s the ghost is here on the show to reveal his run-ins with the law joining a 1% biker gang and how he ended up building a channel that now interviews other 1% bikers thank you guys for all the love and support you give us week after week and I hope you sit back relax and get ready to lock in with s the ghost S the ghost welcome to locked in a fellow YouTuber uh thank you so much for reaching out and coming on the show today really excited to get into uh this interview today and thank you so much for the merch uh we got to shout out your guys Merch this is awesome I love this little logo right here yeah so that's demons rooll clothing you can get it on www.dr.com we have a whole bunch of stuff on there awesome man how where are you coming to us from today well I'm from the Bronx New York um I live out this way now the past couple years I moved out this way getting away from all the problems of living in New York for all those years um it was it was a nice start for me though moving out this way because life was rough in New York as you know as you probably know growing up in the Bronx it's a it's a beautiful place and it's a it's a dangerous place at the same time so I've seen it all like I've seen it all out there yeah tell us about growing up in the Bronx what was that like did you have a big family siblings parents so I grew up I was born in Puerto Rico and my mother and father ran away to have me in Puerto Rico and um they came back when I was one so we moved to the Bronx I lived on the kada AV in the Gun Hill area and um it was just me uh my sister my mom and my father and our childhood was rough because my father at an early age he laid down carpets and he he befriended somebody this is the 80s he befriended somebody that was using crack so he started using it is it okay if I talk about you know drugs and stuff cuz I know I know YouTube is very hard on like you know drugs and bug talk and stuff like that is that fine give us everything raw we don't edit anything um share your story yeah okay so my father got addicted to crack and he was he was out the house pretty quickly I was about like four years old when he was gone and I mean he was the nicest dude in the world never like he never hit me or anything like that but um when he was gone my mom struggled So eventually she got with my stepfather and it was an abusive relationship from the start like the first day I ever met him he reprimanded me and I'm like four years old I was a good kid at that time and um he he got into the drugs himself the 80s was just drugs drugs drugs everybody was into it and um he was just very abusive physically you know not like sexually or anything like that but he was abusive and like he would hit me for anything you know it was just that's the way I grew up and I didn't realize how rough it was because everybody I knew growing up in the Bronx it was like you could be hanging out playing football in front of the building or whatever and and somebody's mom will come and you'll get your ass kicked in front of all your friends it was a normal thing everybody I knew got their ass kicked so it was like I didn't I didn't realize it until I started getting older how excessive it was you know so my father got locked up when I was four I didn't see him again till I was 28 so that's like fast forwarding but my childhood was all without him you know so it's like I don't know if you could relate to it but it's like you never have that guidance you never have that mentor to say don't go this way go that way so everything I Learned was the hard way in the street getting beat up getting jumped you know like I didn't honestly like I didn't stop getting jump until I bought a 25 when I was a kid and actually started to use it you know it was that bad it was always and it was never a fair one they would never give you a fair one in the Bronx everybody was like in some type of gang so they would like jump you they would never give you that fair one so I grew up with that just that gladiator School mentality you know and um from a young age you know I was my mom tried she had me in and out of like Catholic School like she would like get some money together they would put me in the Catholic school I'll be doing good but then the next year she couldn't afford it so I go to public school and I I was just a full-blown in class like when you're in public school like when you're the class clown and you're the one making everybody laugh you're the coolest dude in the class but when you go to Catholic school and you try the same [ __ ] they look at you like you're the biggest dummy in the world you know like I quickly did not fit in was fighting and everything and um my childhood was it was shitty the whole childhood was rough and um around the age of like 13 14 I started getting into gangs and um I did my first bid at the age of 15 I was uh we used to rob people all the time you know what I mean and um we just didn't have anything so everything we wanted like we couldn't ask our mother like there's a new bear Cod out or whatever this is this is day to me but they had like the bear coats this is before like Northface was popping and um we we had to Rob to get the Colts like we just did a lot of crazy [ __ ] you know stuff that I I look back on now and I don't respect but I was so young I didn't know we just had that mentality like we got to do what we got to do to get ahead you know so at the age of 15 i c a robber recharge stupid stupid thing we did we rob we used to we used to call it going shopping on Friday we would all get out of school on the Block and they'd be like so what's up we going shopping so somebody was started like yo we going shopping and then we would go to like a school and just Rob people so we called it shopping like we would shop for stuff that we wanted so we did something stupid and we like took some kids bus pass and they had like 20 bucks or something something and um my friend was an aggressor and he beat the kid up so we got locked up we got in trouble or whatever but when you're young you know in New York you don't get locked up right away you get you know like probation or whatever that's the Trap so that happened about like 14 years old so I had probation so around 15 years old I was getting in trouble in school and my mom was just tired of it so she called my PO up and got me violated so when I got violated I went to spafford I don't know if you ever heard of spafford before yeah someone I think recently told told about spord bro spafford was the it it of New York like if you were a [ __ ] up and you were young you went to spafford spafford was where you would go spafford was the Raz Allen of when you're a kid this is they shut it down that's how corrupt it was but now they send you to rikaz Allen c76 but it wasn't like that or c74 I'm not sure don't quote me on it but I didn't I didn't go at that time back in the days I went to SP off so it was it was Bronx Brooklyn Queens everybody was separated Manhattan so it was just you walk in there and you [ __ ] bricks bro because it's like everybody like anybody who knows that was in spford like you couldn't have a belt you would have to put a string to hold your pants up and stuff like that it was a wild place and you're with people there that's there for murder at the age of like 134 you know and I'm there for a robbery and you quickly learn like you're not as tough as you think you are but it starts making you become tougher because you start being around the type of people that are really like that you know so I went to spford and then I got sentenced and I got sentenced to 18 months and where they sent me was called Lincoln Hall in New York they call it dfy division for youth that's where you go when you get locked up so I went to Lincoln Hall I did 18 months there and um now that I look back on it you look at it as like hard in prison and all that but as a kid it's seemed like that but it was really like Cottages it was more like boarding school when you really think about it cuz it was different cottages and and you would like do school and sports and stuff like that and yeah there was a lot of fighting and stuff like that but it was still it was it was it was more of a boarding school that's what I would call it you know and we would get like our visits like if you if you didn't get in trouble once a month they would have like visits and you could go home like for the weekend or whatever so it was so fun like I remember I met a I had met my first little girlfriend on one of the visits so I was like so excited to go home and um I remember like Christmases and Thanksgiving where we they had this thing called dorm disturbance and like the way we slept was like it was two long Halls of beds like there was there was a a and a b and it was all beds like a long ha old beds going out each side so at night time it was like when this lights out you need to be quiet so they had this thing called a a dorm disturbance if you have a dorm disturbance you lose your visit so I remember I have my my boy Santos was so funny that he would always make us laugh and um I remember me him and one of my best friends we uh we lost our our Christmas visit and Thanksgiving because we started Ming off the Mr O he was like the CEO or the counselor they call it counselor they don't call it co and um it was it was just a crazy situation cuzz we was all sad cuz we couldn't go home for Christmas or whatever but yeah those we there was some fun times in there too I started rapping in there I had a friend we were battle in it it was like it was a lot of fun at times but then it was stressful too being a kid and being locked up it was rough you know but um I I had a lot of fun in there too it might sound crazy but in my neighborhood like at that age around 13 14 everybody was getting locked up so when you would come home all the girls are like oh you know you know you oh you was locked up you looking big or whatever for for whatever a kid looks like when they come home big but you know it was it was like a thrill and I know I've heard other people on interviews say that before that like you actually wanted to get locked up if that made any sense because it was like you're proven to everybody that you're built like that which is stupid as hell but at that time that's how we were thinking so I came home from Lincoln Hall I was 17 and um that's when things further started going south because I got into the gang world my cousin was a [ __ ] and um he was getting picked on by the Bloods I stepped in and I started banging on them and it became a thing where like I got labeled before I even joined you know before I even got quoted in is what they call it so I was grap street at the time and that's like it's a type of CP they wear purple and um we got so much into it we were connected to Watts like there was so much that went on with that but um before all that happened um I had got into a big attempt murder case over something that had happened many years ago over a case cuz I had when I got a little bit older I got into I had an assault we had hit this um this police officer we didn't know he was a police officer but he was uh he was off duty but they tried to give us you know assault on police but he was off duty so it didn't stick it was just an assault too but um yeah we beat this dude up he was older we were kids in in a grocery store on the Bronx and um we got probation for that but now I have adult probation so it was just like I never had that that mentor to like get me out of situations or or put up the bail money don't say nothing your lawyers coming or whatever so since they came to my house and they came to other people's house everybody's like yo who's snitching who's snitching so we turned into a a thing where we had like a shootout a big shootout I got shot and the other person got shot in the face I got shot in the shoulder the other person got shot in the face and it it was it was so much stuff that went on at that time it was like a ongoing beef but the crazy thing about that whole beef is that um we actually squash it and shook hands like yo that's it we took it too far and yeah that that's like you think about it like how do you squash you know shooting each other and stuff like that but it got so elevated with family and people in the neighborhood being nervous that it got squashed out but um yeah it's just it's so much stuff I went through bro if I was to like say it we would be here we would be here for hours talking about it you know like the stuff that I went through in my childhood but yeah that was that was like one of the craziest situations I went through and um what I say was even worse is um but I winded up beating that case because it was like his word against mine and nobody was going to say nothing the attempted murder case yeah the attempted murder case so I thought I was done like the crazy situation that happened with that when I went into Central Booking I got to tell you the story about being shot so since the the first case that I had was assault on police he was off duty police officer when my mom came me to give me my clothes in in the um hospital they didn't give me my clothes cuz they're like oh you're the dude that uh you you hit a officer so and so right yeah we didn't get any clothes for you so I'm in I get brought to to Central Booking on 161st Street in the Bronx I I'm in a sling cuz I got shot I'm in the the hospital uh gown with the ass out and and and slippers they I'm telling you these slippers they're not even slippers they're they're the ones that are like the ones that go over your boot you know how like a nurse will have like those little soft kind of slippers that'll go over your sneaker mhm so it was that the bo the booties right the booties yeah but it doesn't have a it doesn't have like a hard bottom that you're supposed to walk on it's supposed to cover your shoes so I get dragged into um Central book and looking like a fool so I'm in there the first person I see in central booking wait I'm going too fast when I get in the central booking the the co tells me so your charges are uh murder attempt murder I'm like wait wait you mean attemp murder right he's like no murder and I'm like murder I'm like you're bugging and he was like yeah the person died the charges of murder I'm like my heart just sunk in I'm like my life is over I ruined my whole life so I go in the cell and the first person I see is one of the biggest ogs in our neighborhood and it's from his block so I'm like this is you can't have a worst scenario so I'm like here in a sling in a in a gown and and soft slippers and this dude is is a gangsta you know like he was the dude that run the town he was he was a Irish dude and he was no joke everybody feared him so when I walked in there I was just at that point where I was like if I'm going get folded I want to be standing up you know what I mean just let's just get it over with so I told him I'm like you know why I'm here right and he was like nah what happened and I was like the dude from your block like I'm not going to say his name I let him have it and then I'm expecting it to like jump off he starts laughing bro and I'm like wait what the [ __ ] why is he laughing and he's like yo he's from 207 he's not from my block just cuz he hangs out there I don't give a [ __ ] about that dude I was like oh my God it was such a sigh of relief so when I actually go into court uh my lawyer asked me when we when we go into the holding cell my my lawyer asked me I'mma ask you a simple question did you do this did you shoot this man and I was like no I did not and um I'm not telling you you know nothing like that so he was like all right he went in there he fought hard I understood everything he said and when it comes to I us as a kid I never understood what they were saying I heard him speak clearly we was in and out of there no lie in like 5 minutes I could not believe it he was like all right you can go home now I'm like what I was like I could go home he's like yeah you can go home now I guess it was because nobody said nothing it was his word against mine it was like a thing where like he's not saying I I I shot him I'm not saying he shot me so they had to like Let It Go because they had already let him go and they were trying to keep me too but he was like there's no way you could keep him if you let the other one go and then they were trying to say well if we let the other one go and then we let him go they're going to see each other again on the street and they were like still that's not fair to my client so they actually let me out so I'm like so I get out and and I have to call my mother on a this is before cell phones and all that I didn't have a cell phone at this time so I had to like get him to call my mother I called my mother and I said look ma I need to get home from 161st Street so I yo bro I don't I must have look crazy bro so think about this I'm in the courtroom I'm walking out now in a gown and slippers like the the back is like I'm trying to hold the back but I'm in a sling and it's cold that day and I walk out and I I jump in the cab cuz she was just like jumping any cab and take it to the crib I must have looked so crazy that day bro I steep I stepped into the cab and went home and you know uh I winded up beating that case and um I just winded up continuing getting in trouble selling drugs I got into music and I I got really big with the music at a time I was like at that time mixtapes were big and um there was this store called Bronx entertainment and in Bronx entertainment I didn't know this at the time but they were like one of the main Distributors for like DJ Clue K slay it was one of the hubs of hip-hop and I didn't know that so I just played a song for the dude that owned the store I said just tell me if it's good or if it sucks if I should just stop and I played it for him and he liked it and he would like give it a DJs and they started playing this [ __ ] I'm like oh what the [ __ ] so I started doing music and um every week I started getting on mixtapes I got this whole big thing of of mixtapes that I was on and um yeah little by little different DJs and K slay started playing me and then I started getting played on the radio by DJ Camilo so I started to get some traction so I had people talking to me about deals so I had these uh Dominican drug dealers from Washington Heights come up to me and um I made a bad choice I picked the drug dealers as as the the ones that would manage me instead of some of the DJs that were trying to get me in the labels and stuff like that but I'm telling you bro these dudes showed me a life that I never seen like we go like this is the funniest [ __ ] like these dudes are like they're Hood drug dealers but they have a lot of money so they're like we're eating like Chinese food but like drinking champagne like we're drinking Moet eating Chinese food like you can't make this [ __ ] up so I'm like yo this is crazy like you're drinking wine with like food and yeah that's how we that's how we do with daddy that's the way they used to talk they used to always say Daddy I always thought that was so weird to me but um yeah they um so they would bring us to clubs all the time and they VIP and we're just having bottles having a time of our life so it was just like it was such a crazy time that I started a fall off with the music a little bit because before that it was grind it was go to the studio do something for this DJ that DJ or whatever and they winded up buying the store Bronx entertainment and running it down to the ground had a little Fallout with them and I wanted to get out of it and we had like a little alteration where I had to like strong arm a little bit to get out of it and I winded up falling off completely and um with with music you got to get I'm sure you know as like with YouTube you got to get hot to to have any traction so I I got cold and then when that happened things really started to dip and then the mixtape era started to end and started going more digital you know and um at that time uh I started to hustle you know because I wanted to I wanted to be able to still do the music but it's expensive for studios and all that and like getting a job in New York was like it was always the hardest thing to do like I remember a time me and one of my homies we used to always try to look at the newspaper the Daily News and try to look for a job and every time bro it doesn't matter what the sign said we would go down to Manhattan dress up nice and everything and it would be selling toys like actually hand to hand in the street like they give you a like a like a suitcase and you walk around asking people if they want to buy toys I remember one time we did it so many times in a row I started to give up like yo bro this job [ __ ] is trash like I don't want to do this he was like yo this one says management positions open or whatever so we go down and I was like yo bro this is the last time I'mma do this so we go down we're in Manhattan and um we go into the office and the the guy says oh you two are together and we're like yeah and um he says you could do your interview together we should have knew that something was off this dude tells us like so we're looking for managers and the company we want to take it to the next level and you guys really look like you you know you could handle this job and I'm like yeah so what is it about he pulls out the suitcase with the toys so we I just cracked a little laugh you know you know when you're in a situation where it's like you got to be professional and I just cracked that little laugh out and we started laughing so hard that we could not stop and the dude asked us he was like are you guys high like he was he was legit and we was just we we had tears in our eyes and we just left it was it was a funny experience but that was that was like jobs for me was like I I always felt like working a regular job was too Normy for me like it never felt right working a job for someone else I know you got to do it to start off but even to this day like doing the YouTube like I couldn't imagine just working a regular job you know but um yeah that's why I left my regular job yeah when you get that taste of you know being an entrepreneur like your whole life or in your case it was like on the streets and whatnot that's similar you know being on the streets is similar to kind of being an entrepreneur in a way yeah and uh once you it's hard to go work for someone else I think that first time hearing myself on Hot 97 changed my life because when DJ Camilo he was playing it at like 1 in the morning you know when he had cuz you know everything is paid for on the radio but you know when they have those shows like the DJ shows late at night he would play it and I would walk around and people would be like yo I heard you on the radio like what the [ __ ] like and it I think that little taste of that that little fame or that drug was like I can't be a nor me after this like I I always chase that you know yeah absolutely yeah was it um do you think that looking back on it now like the the bullying and getting jumped and whatnot back in your early days if that never would have happened do you think you would have gone through any of the stuff you went through if I didn't go through the bullying and the stuff like that I would have been a square like straight up square like I was meant to be like just a really good kid like I was I'm naturally laidback or whatever I was meant to be that in the streets just refus to allow that to happen you know so what if you were born in a city like say in Connecticut do you think you'd have a different life I would be super soft like softing in this cushion right here so do do you believe in that it you know you could be born into an area that you have no choice about and it shapes your life forever yeah you're a product of your environment definitely yeah if you if you had a softer environment you're just naturally going to be a softer dude you know it took me a while to rub the stink of New York off me too because like I would come up here to Connecticut and go to like events and stuff and like somebody would say something and right away I was like what like you know New York is fast you know so if somebody says what and you like you you respond in any kind of way it's like action right away so I like they they they had to tell me like yo calm down it's not like that out here like chill chill you know and it wasn't me trying to be tough it was a defense mechanism cuz I'm not like I don't respect bullying or anything like that cuz I went through it you know so it was just a defense mechanism like a PTSD almost is that is that's like what they call it nowadays right like PTSD or something like that yeah I'm mean childhood trauma and and going back to to to your early days and stuff and and how much your childhood really shapes the path you you went down yeah it's kind of scary when you think about it yeah you know they say I don't know if you've ever heard it before but they say your programming is from from a baby to the age of seven is like your hard wirring so it's like you just function off that and that's why people have a lot of problems because they need to be reprogrammed do you ever heard that that saying before yeah absolutely yeah so you're in tune with that yeah and they say like your your your mind hasn't developed until your your 20s or something your brain hasn't fully developed you're still a kid up until that point oh yeah I definitely agree with that um why couldn't you visit your Dad I know you said you hadn't seen him my mother just wouldn't allow that cut him off yeah okay he would um in the tail end he would like sell all her stuff cuz you know crack was like that kind of addiction where you would like sell anything you know so you would sell her furniture she came home one time all the furniture was gone crazy [ __ ] you know he just lost his soul you know do you think if you were able to visit him that would have helped or it wouldn't have made a difference in your life I think it would have helped I think it would have helped just to have I never thought about that you're the first person ever asked me that just to have that Father Figure yeah that would have helped I was I was was um I always thought that one day he would come home and like beat the [ __ ] out of my stepfather for like hitting me so much when I was little cuz I was real little when I started getting hit like four or five so I I always thought that and I used to watch like wrestling when I was little I used to like Hulk Hogan and I I used to like Hulk Hogan so much because I felt like Hulk Hogan would like if he saw it he would do something about it like I always thought that when I was a kid like Hulk Hogan wouldn't let that happen did you feel kind of let down by someone you looked up to when that didn't that when that wasn't the case it's weird because I never resented him I don't know why but I never hated my father I'm not I never like held resentment like now he's home my sister takes care of him and I don't even really go see him but I'm not I'm not hot or cold I'm not like angry at him I don't stay away on purpose it's just he's he doesn't speak English he speaks Spanish and my my Spanish is not good cuz I'm Puerto Rican so um I wasn't Tau it though you know came to New York when I was one and for some reason my mother just spoke a lot of English to me you know and um one thing I didn't tell you too is that um I was taking out the home for getting beat by my stepfather by my grandmother my grandmother is the one that really raised me and loved me you know my mother was always into it with my stepfather and stuff like that so it was just like it was never a loving environment you know yeah yeah when did you stop getting like arrested and sent to prison uh I came home in 2008 um from Ganda so yeah it's been a while and you moved to Connecticut right after that or you no I moved to Connecticut maybe like four years ago something like that this is more recent so did you get involved in the whole biker Club in this in New York or oh yeah yeah I was in clubs in New York and um and then I then I switched to the chapter up here when I moved up here yeah I was in Connecticut and New York so how did you switch from street gang life gang affiliation to joining a biker Club cuz those are two very different things right yeah so when I was first I was cript for like 12 years and I I had a home invasion by some people that were in another chapter of the same set so they were Grave Street too but they were another chapter and there was some issues because my cousin lent a gun to somebody and the person didn't give it back so we went through his house to retrieve it but we weren't going there to beat him up because he was somebody that was in the Inner Circle but he thought we were so they retaliated on me I had a home invasion I almost didn't make it I I don't know why they didn't pull the trigger but they didn't for whatever reason you know wait they home invaded you yeah oh you got to tell us this story yeah so um so that happened I've spoke about it on my channel a lot but yeah definitely um plug your channel too yeah so my channel is demons rooll I have two channels I have demons roll and I have S the ghost actually have one demons and outlaws I talk about politics but I haven't been dropping on on as much but um demons row is the main Channel and then s the ghost is where I'm going to be releasing music and stuff but I have like 72k Subs on there something like that like I post not as consistent but demons row is the bread and butter like that's the business you know yeah it's almost at a million right it's at 500 something 580 something yeah so it's not some nonchalant Channel we're talk people to check out you got the real deal over there yeah so with the home invasion my cousin was was a person that always created the issues he's actually the same person that was the reason why we had all the issues as a kid he beat up this kid Pano from our neighborhood his brother was in this gang called kfh and we ran for years because of it because they were deep every time we turned the corner it's like yo that's d right there it was like 30 dudes trying to catch you or whatever and that was because of him so fast forward now he's the one who caused the issue where I had the home invasion because so like I said he lent the gun or whatever the dude didn't give it back and um there was a lot of [ __ ] talking back and forth between him and another set of grapes that I was cool with and um I had no clue that they would retaliate on me I had a push in home invasion over the fact like they wanted to retaliate towards him and yeah I had a gun in my face everything like it was crazy like because that day I was supposed to have something fixed and um they knocked on the door and I didn't see them in the peephole and normally I would never open the the door if I don't see somebody in the peephole but it was something where they had to come in so I open the door I see like eight dudes try to push in so I'm like pushing the door and they they kind of weak bro cuz it took them a while to like Push the door but you know fear makes you powerful you know so they're like they're like pushing into the door and then a dude is trying to stab my hand through the door cuz he got his hand in so I like slammed the door he dropped it we start fighting they push in they jumped me a little bit and then they put a gun to my head and my daughter was a baby at that time I had custody of my daughter because they took up from my mother her mother was like always in some [ __ ] so um I had custody of my daughter so my daughter's crawling she's like I don't know like two or three something like that and I got a gun aimed at me and she's crawling towards me I'm looking at her like damn is this how I'm going to [ __ ] go out like with my daugh right here in front of my daughter and like for some reason impos to trigger they ran and um after that it was it was so eye open and like I never I would say like I've been shot before and I thought I was Superman after that but the home invasion was mental like they got in my head you know it was like we can come inside your place of like you know peace or whatever so that after that I like couldn't trust nobody so for a couple years I was like kind of flying solo because I didn't like the way the people in my Corner reacted I feel like they folded a little bit like they didn't they were like scared to ret retaliate in some form or fashion that's what I kind of felt like and I just I couldn't trust anybody anymore like after you have a home invasion it's hard to trust people so that that time went by for a little while and um a friend of mine arson a good friend of mine was um he was in a car club uh Auto Club The Click and um shout out to the click shout out to Phil and all them they're still active in Brook he was like yo why don't you join this it's like you get that that that family feeling but it's not no gang [ __ ] you know and I was like I don't know you know and uh I liked it I took a like into it I got into it and then I winded up becoming you know the the MC portion of it riding with them and stuff like that and then eventually I started getting into the outlaw [ __ ] you know I got into TR and I was with them for a lot of years you know and that's where I gained a lot of the knowledge you know throughout the years but when we were in the when we were in The Click we were under under the unknown bikers which is a 1% Club out there so I learned a lot under them and then like it's just gone to like there's so many different clubs that I've got around now on demons Road like I've sat down with the mongos the BOS like in California you know the Chosen Few I've sat down with the Thunder Gods there's like all these clubs and like you got to do like I don't know if you ever heard of Hunter S Thompson yeah of course yeah Hunter S Thompson is famous for like just sitting down with the Hell's Angels right like like doing one interview with them and hanging out with them for a couple of weeks I've hung out with every like I've gone to Halloween here in Connecticut like when I was in TR I've gone to their events and not being in the club I've gone to events with the Mongol the Vos the pagans I got sit Downs with all these clubs like way more clubs I've sat down with like literally if you look it up in the history of like MC culture I've sat down with more Outlaws than anybody ever in existence like on demons roow like even down to the Outlaws I got interviews with them like I got interviews with like so many different clubs but I also got clubs um interview I also have interviews with like Christian clubs I have like indigenous clubs everything you know like it's a wide spectrum you know what makes a club a club like can I can I like go and get a bike and say I have a club now or are there rules to it how does this work see there's there's rul to it because a lot of the diamond clubs like the 1% clubs if you just if you're just riding with some buddies then nothing will really happen but if you start wearing an emblem and they see you a lot they're going to approach you you know depending on what you're wearing you know if you just start putting patches on your your your vest and or you put a state or something like that then you got real problems you know cuz a lot of people look at it like you know I'm I'm from New York so I'm going to wear New York on the bottom and they don't realize like wearing that is like saying like this is is my territory and it it doesn't seem like that to the average person they won't look at it that way but to The Outlaws you don't wear that unless you put time in and you're ready to back that up you know and can you describe what an outlaw is it's a name of a club too right but isn't there like a there outlaws MC and then there's a Outlaw like a Outlaw is any club that see so Outlaw clubs are basically like there's 1% clubs they're all Outlaws too but Outlaw clubs is basically like you don't follow any like COC rules or whatever and a lot of times you're a support Club of a bigger Diamond Club of a bigger 1% club or you're just like a old school club that doesn't follow any rules and you wear the state you know that some wear the city too but where in a state is like Outlaw stuff it means listen where're this is our territory you know can you explain the structure of these clubs too I know like they have a president a vice president even a Treasurer in some cases they're very well structured yeah so it comes it all started from military so they have that military structure you know president vice president sergeant of arms some have enforcer or Sergeant arms at the same position you have secretary treasurer Road captain and um the structure is is good but sometimes it makes it very political because it makes it more about oh I want this position I want that position instead of everybody being the same and and looking at each other as a a brother some clubs do it right you know but it's just hard it's there's a lot of politics involved with those positions cuz you know how men are man want to be the king of the jungle you want to be the man you know so a lot of people back bite and talk bad about each other to get a higher position now is there violence like Within These clubs within their own rankings yeah like I did a video talking about this and like this there's you have people that have Rivals like rival clubs and you have issues with them but then you have a lot of clubs that just beat up their own Brothers for the for weird stuff and their Rivals might do something to them they don't do nothing to the Rival but their brother in their Club he does one stupid thing and they're like kicking his ass or whatever you know so yeah there's violence they like jump them at the meetings right yeah like they do stuff like that or or kick them out or stuff like that just because they don't like certain things you know there's a there's a out bad status too that clubs would give you and it used to be like you r on somebody you slept with somebody's old lady that type of stuff like something very serious you stole money but now if you know upper management doesn't like you oh he's out bad don't talk to him you know in MC culture out bad no clubs are supposed to talk to you but it got so watered down like the next Club will just take you in the club cuz they don't even respect that club's out bad you know just depends on the club too you know what were the differences between [ __ ] gang life and and joining a motorcycle club I say that Crips are more in in neighborhoods that are like populated with a lot of people they're outside you feel their presence bikers to me are more like in a warehouse area than Clubhouse depending cuz you know there's some there's some club houses like the dir ones in Brooklyn or like right there under the train or whatever in the in the neighborhood but mostly bikers are in leave me alone areas you know like uh what would you call that like more like commercial areas yeah residential or no not resid not where houses are more where businesses areal like some Warehouse somewhere or whatever they're more on the low somewhere Bloods and Crips are active you see them outside you see them at places but it depends because like in California the mongos the BOS they're at the events you know like they involved with all layers of the culture out there so it just depends on where you live you know how did the Crips feel about you joining a motorcycle club well I was already out of the club uh I was already out of the set for years you know and I had big homie status I was I had my own chapters in Jersey Connecticut and in the Bronx so I just left I walked away from it you know I was just like I'm done you know I just can't trust nobody no more you know wait what's big homie status I thought that was just like a nickname like big homie is like is like G status like you you have the big homie is like you have the status to bless people in and you know you could say oh you got a you got five people in Massachusetts all right we're going to start a chapter out there you have the stat us to be able to do that gotcha yeah so how long have you been at you're still in a motorcycle club now no I'm out now I'm just doing Dem Ro yeah now you just do that why did you decide to leave the clubs uh my uh my mentor got ran out got put out bad and I didn't like the way things were going in the direction of the club and like I started demon roll started to blow up and it was like I wanted to do more things and it was like I felt like it was a conflict of interest you know with the club and just the direction of it where they were going like the upper management where they were going with the club I just didn't agree with it so I I I stepped off so are motorcycle clubs legal or illegal how does that work with law enforcement no they they're legal they're legal is it just the activities that these like gang like is is the CP gang is that illegal or legal like is it legal to be in a gang what's IL legality I mean it's it's not against the law to be in a game because if you're just walking down the street and you have a blue flag hanging out your back pocket it does you don't you can't just get arrested for that unless you're in California and they have gang in Junction where if there's like three or more of you and you got the same color they lock you up they do that but there's certain areas where that could happen but uh not where I was at in the Bronx it wasn't like that you know it was just they had to catch you committing some type of crime I think they look at it like it's lowlevel crime and they don't care about the victims you know if it's blz and Chris there a bunch of younger kids that if they want to do something to each other let them do it you know that's how I think the police feel about it you know like in in prison we we hear like gang prison gangs and whatnot they have rules um that are kind of unique to individuals that have never been in these types of groups what were like some of the rules in these biker uh clubs like in what in what way like in in reference to what Like rules you had to abide by as a member so if you're in an outlaw Club you have to buy byy you know you have to pay your dues monthly whatever it is if it's $50 $100 or whatever and basically like you sign up for only respecting the laws of your Club not any other like government man-made law if your Club needs you you roll out but like as far as like you know like there was no as far as rules I mean there was you can't mess with anyone's old lady old lady is like their wife or their girlfriend they wear a property of patch can't sleep with somebody's old lady um what else [Music] uh there's a certain amount of events that you have to go to a year uh you got to be on your bike for a lot of things you know even when it's cold sometimes you don't want to ride they want you to ride and you know if you're in a national Club if there's events going on like in Florida or North Carolina and you got something going on sometimes they don't understand that you have to work some clubs do and and they're good about it but some clubs are like you you got to make it out more and then other clubs are like if you don't make it you're getting beat up you know what I mean you're out you know like some clubs are like that you know the money for the dues where does that go do they have like a bank account and yeah they have like a kitty and most times presidents and the upper cabinet just pocket the money it's not like it gets distributed a lot of people think it's like a like the mafia like you sit down and you're like all right this is what we're going to do and I'm not saying that every Club is like this cuz some clubs somewhere are probably like having businesses and stuff like that but for what I seen it's not like that it's higher ups pocketing some money here and there and living good and then other people are just paying dues and it's just I don't know I if it was more myf feel like I'd still be involved with it cuz I was always down for like let's talk about money and it didn't even have to be illegal it's like if we're having this Kitty what are we doing with this Kitty are we opening a business like you know fly Studio like locked in why can't we do something like that you know like I entrepreneurial yeah like and they would none of the crews were like that they was just all about bus arguing about this one and that one political stuff and so do they file any like paperwork with the state as like a club or anything is there yeah clubs do do that like like the Hell's Angels have sued famous people like Chris Brown and all that like clubs they're they're copyrighted they can sue you you know now are you familiar with the Hell's Angels like you're very knowledgeable about that yeah so many people I think when they they hear biker clubs that's the main one that they associate with because of the movies and stuff yeah yeah well can you tell us about like the Hell's Angels for the we have a lot of listeners of people that are new to like this life and and and whatnot um in what form of fashion though like what about them just like what who exactly are they and how they are portrayed in the world versus like what they actually are and maybe some misconceptions I think a big misconception is that they're racist cuz I know Puerto Rican presidents in in in the Hell's Angels like I know different they're all over the world in different races and you know Thailand and places like that you know so I think that's one of the big misconceptions because of the California prison politics um they they're not allowed to have certain races in the club so they think that a lot of people think that they're racist I'm not saying that there ain't places somewhere where some of the members are because you know that's a give or take where you live what type of people are in the club they might be racist but it's not the whole club itself that's racist but I've been to events on the East Coast with them and we've even had like tensions with them when I was in TR and stuff like that but um just regular dudes that work and stuff like that I wouldn't compare it to like some Mafia type stuff like how they try to portray it out it's just a lot of dudes that just ride and they and they keep it close a lot lot of the stuff that happens is their support clubs that do it for them you know what I mean so a lot of people think that it's them who actually will slam the hammer down on you but a lot of times it's support Club how hard is it to get into the Hell's Angels can anyone just get into it it's it's nah I don't it's it's I think it's the hardest one to get into I mean the Outlaws too are rough to get into but yeah they it's a long time because they've had Rico cases over the years and all that so they don't know who's coming in and stuff like that so it's not easy to get into into 81 I could say that I see like in a lot of movies and TV shows a lot of these bikers are portrayed predominantly white is it is it more diverse now way more way more diverse than that there's a whole black set you know you got clubs like the Thunder gods and the outcast and wills of soul and all these clubs like that I mean Chosen Few is like they used to hang out with uh Sunny Barger used to hang out with the East Bay dragons they're deep out there in California and all that there's a black set and a white set it is kind of divided like racially but um that I think a lot of that stems from the prison politics of California you know do you know much about the prison politics with bikers I spent a lot of time out there yeah it's it's because the Mexicans run so much out there that like everybody has to like fall to their race so they'll just get devoured out there you know so people and and also like clubs have tried to do it and there's been a lot of death because it's like they control the prison so much that like let's say you say I'm just going to go for my club members and not race your cousin goes in there your brother goes in there he'll get stabbed you know so it's not like it's not like the East Coast where you could just do a bid and and you know hang out with whoever you want it's it's really controlled by race out there is it mostly just state prisons that bikers have presence cuz when I was in the feds I didn't really it was like driven by cars like what state you're from yeah well when I was locked up in Ganda there was no biker stuff at all it was Bloods Crips trinos Latin Kings it was none of none of the biker stuff I mean maybe they had that going on but they were very quiet if they did and it's not like they were quiet like hiding it but it wasn't like a factor you know the gangs run the show you know they're the ones that control the food and you know what happens on in the yard and stuff like that they're the ones that run the show was it like that in the feds too um it just had a I was at I was at a lower security and like the holdover units it it was more you know like you you ride where your state is from and New York had the biggest following CU that was basically where I was at yeah um the it was in New Jersey and New York so New York had the predominant following they all rode together and then there was like the head um which they called I guess like the shot caller I guess you could call it um but it was no one was like hurting each other it wasn't like violent you know people would get smacked around like if someone messed up or thrown out um but then when I was in Oklahoma city that was very like Spanish gang like that type of like cartel groups of individuals cuz I was closer to like Texas and down there and those guys were all awaiting transport to those Texas prisons from Oklahoma so that's when it gets more a little more dicey so how was did you do any state time cuz I never did fed time never never did State time yeah it's interesting hearing like the differences yeah I don't know anything about fed time it was was it like um did you guys have like um cable and stuff like that no so that's a one of the big well there was cable but not the individual TVs so there would be like TV rooms where you would bring your chair every inmate's assigned a plastic chair so there would be these empty TV rooms like the size of like the room out there and there would be like five TVs one dedicated to news one dedicated to like pop culture one for movies and whatnot and then everyone would have like an imaginary signed assigned space that they claimed um so like if you're the new guy on the Block and I learned this after sitting in someone's like space the wrong way I did that in rikus yeah you kind of have to wait for the room to flow cuz at different times of the day like at 6:00 p.m. that room's filled but everyone has like this imaginary space like assigned to them it's wild when I was in reicha island and this is before I was like [ __ ] or anything I was in a bloodhouse and um that the when you walk in there's the bubble and then it's it's just like it's it's like a u and it's like two floors and rers and um the seats are all here and there's like one TV and I went to sit down and the blood was like yo you sitting in my seat and I'm like all right and I just got up cuz I knew like they were kind of like formed up and he was like listen over here there's certain assign seats and stuff like that I'm like what the [ __ ] is this bro I would as many times as I got locked up I always felt like all the [ __ ] did not make sense it was nutty as [ __ ] you know but when you're in there it is what it is you know but um they controlled and reikus whoever's the the big homie of of whatever gang is running that that floor they control the food they would starve people out or just get them out of there right away if they were like a [ __ ] or whatever or another gang or whatever or vice versa if it's a [ __ ] house or whatever but I went there luckily I went there before I was banging because I was [ __ ] it would have been rough going to Rikers like after when I was [ __ ] but um yeah that's yeah reikers is like reichers is one of the most dangerous places I ever been in my life like that [ __ ] was just weird like they let the inmates run the Asylum there like the co stay in the bubble and the gang runs the floor like that's how Rikers runs really we just had a CO that went viral on it yeah he it was this clip I posted 14 million views on Tik Tok Co from Rikers uh his name was uh Leroy Bron and he was he did 22 years working the Bing over there and just like the stories from there are crazy they used to be cosos that was blood too so they would get a [ __ ] and then they would tell him yo he's a [ __ ] set him up boom boom boom he get stabbed up he's out of there like the COS would bang on the inmates too it was crazy I don't know how that place is still open the way they ran it aren't they shutting it down or something like that I don't know a I think so I think like it's phased out over multiple years but then where do they put all the inmates I don't know like I know it's like every mayor that goes in always says they're like each state I mean each of burrow has his own County like in the Bronx we had the boat it's a big barge and it's on the water and that's where you go to County like that's basically the county for the Bronx it's it's crazy cuz you like kind of like rocking sometimes it was it's crazy because when I was on a boat we're just like playing cards and it's just like nobody's really banging like that and then as soon as you go to Rikers it's like hostile you know like people are just like where you from what what you claiming as soon as you walk in the house like it's so on 10 like it was such a crazy I felt like such a dummy did you feel like a dummy being in um being locked up yeah you don't really know what's going on and and you're kind of out of place I was out of place I remember one time um when I was in Ganda we were in ASAP and that's a drug program that they make you do if you have a drug charge cuz I was hustling um one day there was this dude he used to I was taking like uh some allergy medication that that made me like super sleepy so he used to be like yo what's up sleepy like joking around so one day he was um one day he was reading and he was just stuttering like crazy and I was like yo bro he he said something to me like oh Sleepy Man sleep you always sleeping and then um I was like bro you can't even read yo everybody looked at me like I was the worst oppressor in the world they were like yo how could you say that and I'm like he can't read and they were like yo I can't read either I can't read either I can't read I was like bro y'all didn't get past the third grade like seriously y nobody in here could read and they were like yo for real none of us could read I'm like yo this [ __ ] crazy bro I said I got to get the [ __ ] out of here like this [ __ ] is for dummies like nobody could read bro like literally couldn't read I'm like that's crazy like what happened you know like where did the school system fail y'all you know what I mean I knew how to read at least by like second grade or first grade like y don't know how to read as an adult like that was crazy to me and they was upset at me about that too they really were like y I really try and I can I'm like I don't think you tried that hard bro yeah you look at a lot of the people that got locked up young too like some of these kingpins that got like 20 or 30 years in the Feds that are getting out that couldn't read or write right or got locked up in that era where it just it's not the norm um to be you know unique um who's on YouTube he he got locked up and he couldn't read or what right he learned how to do it in prison it's just crazy when you think about it like people live like that and that's that's a real thing in the world that's crazy bro so what made you go from I mean you've had quite a life you went from a [ __ ] gang banger to um you know a biker and then to starting your own Channel with this passion about bike clubs where did that come from did you just like wake up one day and was like I want to do this it's crazy you might might not believe this but I was always like a negative person and that's why I think that I was manifested negativity and I saw this thing on YouTube one day I this is why I love YouTube um I saw this thing on YouTube one day and this dude was like the thing I was telling you earlier like you know you're first from a baby to the age of seven is your hard wirring and if you've had a rough life and you always look at things negatively you need to reprogram yourself so I started to sleep with like subliminal affirmations of with rain like rain sounds and like At first I was having like nightmares and dealing with a lot and then a couple months later I like started doing demons Ro it's crazy like my whole mindset started to change I started to reprogram myself you know so I think with just programmed to like think things are not going to work out you know and and I had that just negative stigma with me for so many years and then once I stopped thinking like that things got clear and I was like I just always wanted to do something fun you know like I feel like I don't know how I think you have to agree with this cuz you're doing it yourself I feel like if you're not creating you're not living does that make any sense you're building Legacy I mean I look at these YouTube videos they sit on there forever yeah like they literally sit on there forever like from years from now like I'm in you know like or years and my grandkids or whatever could be watching I mean look at the original creators of YouTube those videos are still up there I know it's crazy right the first few creers that have put stuff out like I remember me and my friend used to watch like firework videos and like how to fix [ __ ] on YouTube that was 20 years ago yeah it's just incredible to think about I was just talking with somebody about that today because um in the gym um I'm on the tread well like a elliptical or whatever and they had bodyguard on with Whitney Houston and I was I was like yo it's kind of crazy like she's dead but she's still here though you know and like now with YouTube you don't have to be a Hollywood star to have that you know and I argue that this is the space where it's going to dominate the future like I think I think movies are in trouble I think TV is dead you know like people don't watch TV like that no more like honestly that we got videos that get better ratings than a lot of TV shows out there believe it or not like a lot of TV shows are struggling and views we get better views and the cost is down like I love the creators that are able to just do it with a webcam I eny them CU I'm like wow like JD who we were talking about great guy he's able to just do it with a webcam and a camera I wish I could do that but that works for some people but think about what you're doing you're not like somebody a lot of people like to default to Mr Beast but Mr Beast is like uh I'll give you a million dollars if you do that but we could sit here and make a living and just talk that's a beautiful thing bro yeah just you really think about it connecting with people putting it out and and it's fun like I feel like it's it's like it's it's a challenge every video you edit every clip you make having conversations and it's relaxing and then this is like a comfortable spot you just come and chill and talk you know and I I one day I'll be able to do this like full-time like I have a business I'm building too like with editing and stuff but hopefully one day I could pass that to someone so I could just do this cuz this is what I like you know talking to someone getting to know someone seeing other creators helping other creat uh cuz when I was growing up everyone always wanted something like knowledge was a cost something that's why I don't believe in these whole like [ __ ] programs you see on the internet where they try to sell you a program for like a thousand bucks you could literally YouTube that same thing for free if you took the effort to do that I did that with some dude I forgot his name something Benjamin or something like that it was like 300 bucks and I I was learning so much from his YouTube channel that I'm like yo this dude is droing too much bombs maybe I should just like see what his mentor program it was cheap it was like 350 and it was like little 2minute videos I'm like oh my God like he's given more knowledge in in uh and what he would do is he would tell me I cuz like you know you know we have a lot of little clips that go viral so he's like he'll look at one of my clips that have high views and be like you need to do another one like this like really [ __ ] this is what I'm paying you for to tell me that I should do another video that got mad views I get it bro but you supposed to give me some like you know but um I I learned that like just watching other YouTube channels that teach about YouTube they're like they're just giv knowledge left and right you know so I stay a student that's how I've grown you you definitely have a unique Channel too which is probably why you you've had growth like it's very it's it's a um it's a niche market yeah and do you do like in-person interviews too with people or yeah okay like I sat down with um Junior from the mongos that's like my biggest interview it's my favorite one uh I went to Las Vegas to do that I sat down with trod or the Vos did that in California I sat down with the Chosen Few my boy bad news I just sat down with one of the Thunder guards I actually have an interview with Jason Mamoa but it's on um it's on a zoom but yeah I have I have a Jason Mamoa interview I sat down with uh the old man Paul Senor from Orange County Choppers um I I went through a growing pain with that I'm like all right this is paulini he been on TV you are you familiar with the show Orange County show I've heard of it yeah yeah so he I had a great time out there in Florida his food was really good in the spot and um he has a restaurant too yeah he has uh OC Roadhouse it's real nice what kind of food like barbecue or he had like yo I had gator for the first time Gator how is Gator Gat is amazing scared try it it's amazing what does it look like like it looks like chicken okay but it it it's more chewy like I would say it's a steak version of like chicken it's like a chicken if it was steak kind of what's the color like chicken like it looks like chicken so like a white color like a breast kind but they had it like breaded so it looked like breaded chicken it was fried it was good and then I had frog legs frog legs was okay it wasn't as good as the gator but it was good you're you're ballsy I don't know if I would do that that's like the craziest thing I ever had and that was right there and it looked like little stuff like you would have like fried shrimp or fried chicken fingers it looked like that so and it was good I almost died in there though I had some sauce that was so hot I could not breathe bro I was like I'm like this might be it for me right here but um when I sat down with Paul C I had a growing pain because I had audio issues and I'm like ah but this is Paul SII he's famous it's going to do great and I put it up and it bombed and I was I was upset you know paying the money to go out there you know and doing the interview and all that you you you learn though you know it's like YouTube is a roller coaster ride you know you got your whole stuff set up so you ain't playing no games but I went out there with the goal whatever you know like the the road is it Road GoPro not GoPro it's a the the lavalier oh the wireless mic oh it sucks it caught people's plates and stuff like that so the video didn't I'm I'm going have to do that again in the future and really sit down with him you know what I realized about YouTube is that one it's always the episodes you never expect to pop off yes like if you go into it saying this is going to go viral it's not going viral I agree unless it's like Andrew Tate or something like that I agree I agree other than that and then the other thing is YouTube favors the people that are unknown yes like it's not like you see a lot of celebity starting YouTube channels that are trying to make it from Tik Tok and they're not really doing well so the Jason Mamoa interview did not do good as some of the motorcycle club content yeah it's it's so weird like I I thought Jason Mamoa I I'm GNA have a million subscribers and that's it it's over and it wasn't like that and then it's crazy because you'll you could sit down with Joe Rogan have a dope interview and you're like yo I'm going viral and then you'll put it out and it'll bomb and then you'll talk about some [ __ ] that just happened in it'll go viral it's so weird bro I mean Joe Rogan's hacked that code because he has random people on well Joe Rogan could sit down with Elon Musk and you know like he could sit down with any Cat Williams you know like so I mean he got it made you know he worked for that though you know but he got it made you know yeah what what he was like like grinding for years no views like his episodes are in the thousands now so think about all the people before they knew Rogan and whatnot but yeah to sustain that you need you can't have celebrities all the time yeah you just can't there's not that many celebrities in the world so what I was going to say about the Jason Mamoa thing what I learned is celebrities are not as famous as you think it's the machine that makes the celebrity popping like me and you have more influence than like a actual star if you just put our name up there they if you just put their name it's nothing it's the machine behind them like Jason Mamoa is Big because fast and and Furious is going to push it out Pixar you know uh Disney or whatever you know they're the ones that's going to put it out you know so that's what makes it bigger you know but I learned that from that situation like oh it's the machine behind you know whoever it is yeah I was talking to someone recently where they were like talking about in the advertising space that advertisers are staying away now from these instagrammers and whatever these models that have millions of followers because who knows if they're real or fake whatever they want to see how much of a following you can have on YouTube and there's a big reason why a lot of these models and influencers do not have YouTubes because it's not sustainable for them to do that you can't do the Vlogs and whatnot that's why I love YouTube though cuz YouTube is like you can't just be like look at me I'm pretty and you got have to you it keeps you honest you know Instagram is truthfully for females that look good they get a lot of views and and push on there but on YouTube you got to get busy like and that's what I love about it it's the cream Rises to the top have you had to deal with any like Shadow Banning and stuff like that though not really I've just always stayed consistent I mean like last month was a slower month with views but we're still like My Views have all the way this is the way I look at it a year ago when I started posst and consistently started the podcast it took like 48 hours to get 1,000 views now it's 48 hours to get 10,000 views how could I ever complain about that yeah you know like obviously we all love those episodes that do 20,000 views in a day and now or that blow up but it's like we've come so far and it's so hard to get yeah that like when you run the reports like I'm rank like 2500 top 2500 you know channels or whatever out of and you're probably above that cuz you have more subscribers than me how did you like figure that out you go to um uh social blade.com it tells you it's based on your subscriber count so I think I'm like 2400 or something but your that's dope bro well yours is way more you're probably in the top I'd say probably but like give it a couple months you'll be you know like that's how it is you know couple videos one takes off boom you're like before you know you have four five you know yeah I'm like my YouTube looks great though how could I could play in it gets 10,000 views it's so hard to do that on YouTube consistently it's so hard so I'm I'm happy with that that's good bro I guess spoil sometimes and I'm like damn why this s take off like you know yeah I have some friends that are like cuz they see the bigger view num they're like oh that episode flopped and I'm like I was able to take a a regular person that no one's ever heard about and 10,000 people on YouTube viewed it that's crazy I can't complain well what have I complained about and over time like all my episodes that were just at a thousand last year Now 60 70 80,000 yeah yeah that's that's what I love about as you build the catalog it's the it's the Evergreen content that really gets you there though because like what you're doing is all Evergreen like I'm I got an album that I'm going to be dropping soon and stuff like that so as my stock Rises you know a video we did I could be out of here and this video your whole channel will be you know and you'll still be making money off of it you know that's what's so dope about the Evergreen content because what you're doing is not straight up current event so 10 years from now you'll still be making money off of us sitting down here you know oh I didn't I didn't even think about that a lot of the creators that do current events it might not apply like are people searching that so they'll get a lot of views but Evergreen they're not getting like um like my like I'll say for instance like my interview with Junior since he's a [ __ ] and he actually killed the Hell's Angel he's famous for going to jail for that or whatever um his interview was spicy cuz he could talk about about everything because he did the time for it and everything so I mean that video just that video alone one sit down I I make like 800 bucks a month off the first part of it because what I did was I did The Joe Rogan thing I said let me try this so I I sat down with him for a hour I broke it up into four different videos and just did like a little intro to them like you know hyping it up and all of them got so many views and then I say you know what I'm going drop the full interview too and milk that and monthly that that interview makes over six 700 bucks every month you know and this month nine just for one interview so if you stack up a couple classic interviews you can make a lot of money bro cuz it's monthly it keeps coming it doesn't go away that's crazy why did you decide to eventually leave like the whole motorcycle club aspect of your life um because of just the politics and the stuff that was going on was starting to get nasty and um at the time I was a nomad I was in The Nomad Charter and um my my mentor the one who really like taught me my diamond knowledge was out the door and I just didn't like the way everything went down and the people that took over we just were we looked at things differently you know I don't like to put people down publicly or whatever but we just saw things differently you know so I just felt like you know what I'm starting to my business is growing right now it's time for me to just focus on my business and stuff like that you know you ever miss it cuz it's like a family like a Brotherhood right yeah I do I do miss it sometimes I have I have uh I have a very close brother that left and went to a very big Diamond Club one of the most known clubs and um he's always like yo bro the doors open and I you know because of the show a lot of people always like yo if you ever want to come home we're here but it's just you know it's like if I'm in this club and then I like go do an interview with this club over here sometimes they say it's okay but then sometimes they'll be like yeah but this club you know we have issues with we don't really feel as right or whatever and this is my business you know so I'm not going to you know I'm getting to a point of Legacy right now like you said before that's my main thing is Legacy so I'm trying to cement my legacy right now so I don't got time to like beat to someone else's drum right now you know like I just I just won't do it I'll just keep doing what I'm doing so it's you know just show the club their respect and not even join for that matter like I've I've had some clubs say like listen as long as you don't wear your cut when you're doing your thing just do your thing you know and I was like you know I just I just don't have the time bro I'm so busy trying to build this business you know was it hard to leave like exit like is there politics behind leaving uh not when I left but it got hard after for the other people cuz they were upset but yeah it was it it was it wasn't hard it was it was pretty easy do you feel like you your channel wouldn't have had as much success if you didn't come from that background like do you get more credit and and more feet into the door as far as as far as what I'm talking about yeah because I wouldn't have the knowledge that I did if I didn't live that life but I mean if I wasn't in a club I could have talked about hip hop I could have talked about WWE I could have talked about the New York Giants I truthfully feel that if you have the it Factor you can pick a lane and just you you just have I think it's work ethic because I think a lot of people fail at YouTube cuz they just quit you know if you keep doing something and doing something you're getting a little bit better each time there's no way you're not going to succeed I that's just I don't know do you feel like that like I'm with you I me yeah right I for the longest time I was intimidated by all these sites yeah and then i' learned Tik Tok did that and I stayed away from YouTube I just posted the shorts I'm like I'm not going to post a long form video Until I know 100% what I'm doing cuz I didn't want to just shoot in the dark you know and then I dropped it and I it just grew and grew and Grew From There KN I I would like to ask you this cuz you're successful with your channel too knowing what you know now would you have started just doing shorts um I so here's the thing so shorts um are essential to Growing your following you need the shorts but you can't just do all shorts I think it's it needs a healthy balance yeah at least when I started like it was I got lucky so like I did like three months of shorts it got me to 3,000 subscribers I think I'd be in a worse position if I started just doing shorts now and it blew me up to 100,000 cuz that one translated to views yeah you're right so there was a good spread out part where I got just a little bit to get me going M and then I started doing the long form and now it grows organically yeah um but you see a lot of channels that are mostly all shorts and it doesn't match their video views like they'll have 600,000 subscribers but their views are terrible that's the one thing that I've been trying to balance too is because I get a lot of views on the shorts and I'm like I don't want to keep getting short Subs I'm real particular about Subs like I don't want no [ __ ] subscribers like I want people when you see it like I wish there was a like a a metric that showed like when they see your video they'll click on it once in a blue moon I would just delete you as a subscriber I rather have less subscribers and it's the people that click right away when they see it then have like a whole bunch of fluff subscribers cuz people are so worried about the numbers I worry about numbers too but I'm more I don't like the fake view stuff cuz I see people that got like over 100,000 subscribers but they can't crack a th000 on on a video bro you it's obvious that you have fake subscribers bro yeah and and anybody with a brain could see that and they they're so lacking of knowledge that they don't even know that it's like bro you don't know that little bit that's why you suck you know yeah you see a lot of podcasters where their subscribers are going crazy and then I'll always look at a video where like it shows like if all their videos are the same that's a sign that they're fake like the same view count and then also if they just you can always tell within the first hour because the Bots don't kick in right away so like that first hour if it says 500 views but they got almost a million subscribers then the next day it's at 20,000 YouTube doesn't work like that it's like a steady Pace it's not random you know it's easier to to to predict so a lot of fake things on that and you would think YouTube would kind of like X those out because they're so strict but they don't I've I've had this bot uh bot attached to my account where I upload a video and automatically it's like two two different accounts that have like a ass or whatever like a girl's ass and they're like they're saying something that has nothing to do with it so I automatically go on it and I report spam and then I hide user from Channel I don't want one fake subscribe you know how mad I would be cuz my goal is going past a million so once I hit that million you know they do the for us we have plaques like that's another sign too people will have over 100,000 but no plaque because if they do the audit it's fake Subs oh yeah they do do the aut that's why it take some time so I would be mortified bro if I hit a million subs and then I was off like 20,000 or something because somebody boted me or something like that so I'll be trying to block them as soon as I see a Spam I'm trying to block them cuz I'm working towards a goal you know I never thought about that before but like imagine you upload a video and then I always pin a comment you do that too right I notic that I comment so as soon as I go to pin a comment there's two comments there how the hell y'all posted it before I Pinn the comment and I just posted it up so they got it like attached to my channel whenever and I told team YouTube on Twitter I was like yo somebody like botted my channel and that that [ __ ] is serious bro because if if a bot sees it they look at it for one second put a little comment and then they go off that's bad retention for your channel you know what I mean yeah and and if you have low retention they show it to less people too bad that um they don't give you a plaque for 500k they should right yeah I think that would be fair I know they should even 250 it should be 1 255 and then a million million yeah I agree with that we'll settle for not the 250 but I think five would be fair it's such a big leap from one to a million I think that if you get one you could get a million though in my opinion you look at it way yeah I think event I mean I'm growing I do like about 10 to 15,000 Subs a month about give or take I mean I started this year with 200 and now it's at it's March where like 220 fiveish almost so you just continue to grow it'll get there my goal for this year if I can get to 500 yeah you know it might be a little bit of a steep goal but you never know anything could happen you get that one month that it just shoots you up you know yeah you just keep grinding that's all this to and and the dope thing about interviews you keep sitting down with somebody and they pop off and get you know crazy traction that interview goes up you know yeah that's what I realized like when I had Chevy Chase on the show um oh yeah had chvy Chase yeah yeah I had chvy Chas and his episode was a little slow at the beginning but now it's over 80,000 views yeah which is pretty cool that happened with the Jason mamor didn't have as many as I thought had maybe like 60,000 and I interviewed the national president of his Club his um Jason Mamo is in the red rum MC and his National president Cliff solid dude he's the one who hooked me up with the interview I did his interview he Rock he rocks bro like if you want I can plug you in with him he does numbers bro like just opened up he was out with Jason Mamoa in um Thailand and they opened the chapter of Red Rum MC out there and he's the one that was saying they got an indigenous club and um he used to be an outlaw too but um yeah he his his interviews 60k easily and then I sat down with Jason and it was like 60k I'm like this is Jason Mamoa like what the hell is going on I didn't realize Jason was a biker or is a biker that's cool I was just watching the new Fast and fit on a plane with him a couple months ago yeah or a couple weeks ago it's a good movie yeah he was a great actor in that yeah he's a good dude he's a good dude that's awesome yeah um what do you think is your biggest lesson from your whole story that you want people to listen to and and to take away from your story from everything you've gone through and what you have now and what you've been able to build so this might sound super crazy but I believe that the more messed up things you go through the better your life is going to be the better your story is the more alert you are um I don't think that you can be great if you didn't go through anything does that make any sense to you yeah absolutely yeah like you need to eat that dirt and learn the lessons yourself to actually make it big in this world and I've noticed that I know this might sound crazy for people like me and you that been in some real bad situations but I believe now that there's no real bad situation it's just like how you look at it you know like and this is my theory like your tire goes flat you know what I mean you're like what the [ __ ] I'm on the way over here I missed this now I'm late but really maybe the next Corner over you would have died or something that's how I look at it now so it's like I think we OV exaggerate about things that happen and and we think that things are so bad and they're really not they're like like people um like the depression stuff and all that I think that that's just people wallowing in self-pity because I I tell people it's you got to focus on the solution not the problem and that's the thing with stress like if you stressing you're not thinking about the solution so you're going to lose how you going to come up with a solution if you're just like oh my God and I did that my whole life you know that would be my biggest lesson to anybody is like when something bad happens supposedly just say all right why did this happen you know what I mean and then you navigate around that cuz sometimes it's like you're going in the wrong direction and this situation that happened to you is pointing you in the right direction but if it keeps happening this bad thing keeps happening it means you're resisting your path that's what I believe yeah it's redirection I mean now whenever something happens I'm just like that's what the way it's supposed to be I'm not going to stress over it that's what life wants me to do and you just roll with that you know and when you look at it the things that are so bad you feel like in the moment end up not being that bad yeah I had a situation where I I was like I had that Awakening I I crashed out I was like spending money on the Jew and the Rolex and like spending all this money and then I got demonetized for 3 months I'm like 3 months for wow what' you do what I did was I used YouTube like Instagram I started posting stuff shorts and they one of them went viral and I guess they looked at it like you're robbing us because basically you're getting paid for this so that's one thing I would say to people that are new to Instagram I mean new to YouTube don't use it like Instagram you have to post your own original content cuz they don't give you a warning they just demonetize you for that cuz they say um content originality or something like that something like that yeah copyright it wasn't even a copyright it was just that honestly it was just that the the clip went viral and they would have had to pay me like a couple thousand dos cuz it got like 40 million views or something [ __ ] it was a baby a biker found a baby in a car but it was a setup it was like his son or something like that but the the thing went viral so I guess they got pissed off like you know we're not going to pay you a couple th but I think they should have just demonetized the video not the whole [ __ ] Channel you know and you appealed it and you got to rejected yeah it was that sucks but um that happened and then um I went through a rough period financially you know I was like and I and I other people would would like fall apart and all that and I I realized you know what I believe that everything happens for a reason and I started realizing when I started making a lot of money I was like I would have like you know what I'm gonna take this $ thousand and I'm gonna buy hats and I'm gonna buy shirts and I'm going to sell this merch and I started like being a consumer buying you know $500 hoodie this chain that jewelry and then I started realizing like I became a consumer and I always spoke against that being like a wearing whatever everybody else is wearing like my biggest thing is I hate Normie Behavior like I hate trying to be like everybody else and I started to like wear the designer stuff and spend all this money and um it it humbled me that situation happening it made me realize like you can't just keep spending like this on other stuff go back to who you are so now I'm like you know looking that new stuff I'm new merch I'm going to put out and stuff like that and that's something that we I guess that's a lesson that we all got to learn but I I never had [ __ ] growing up I bro I I grew up broke you know like I didn't have name brand sneakers until I was was in eighth grade bro wow eighth grade bro they were Feliz black and purple and I remember I used to get gigged on every day bro like I my sword was so sharp I make fun of your appearance everything like I was nasty with it because I had to be because if not I would have just been crying in the corner cuz my shoes was just horrible you know it got so bad bro we were going to pay this is the pay last days and me and my sister be like yo I'm going to get the fake Jordans I'm going to get the fake whatever like it was that bad bro I remember one time like my sister asked for these aonics they were they were in like a they were like in a bin like a rack you know like the cheap rack $20 $1 199.99 and um she was like I want those etonics and my mother would not be would not get it $20 sneakers bro that's how she we had to get like $8 sneakers or something that's how poor we were in the Bronx at that time like it was crazy I don't know if it was poor or just cheap you know but money was worth way more back then too you know but yeah that we didn't have anything so once you get a little and you start you know like you just want to start buying stuff and become a consumer and I learned I got to stop doing that you know I got to like focus on business and making more money you know not just the Flash and stuff like that material things don't matter you know it's about the people you're surrounded yourself with your passions your purpose and you know as long as you could like I'm happy now now with like my apartment and and you know renting an apartment and just what I do now I don't wear like fancy clothes or anything and I just sit here and I work and you know I'm happy with that I got my air fryer I I fry up some chicken and that's good you know that works for me and you know the funny thing is always the person that doesn't have all the flash that has all the money in the bank well not me I have a restitution but I'll get there well for the for the um for the case yeah for my case um I'll get there though I pay $1,000 dollar a month oh okay yeah it's like a mortgage you know but I'm you know it'll it'll all happen I'm I'm on the right path um I got a good plan um and uh you know I'll get there yeah I've made a lot of bad financial decisions in my past so now I'm fine I've learned from all that yeah and it won't take too long to fix yeah so but uh so thank you so much man for coming on the show awesome interview awesome conversation really glad we got to do this yeah definitely um if there's anything I could ever do for just let me know same here we're locked in definitely with Ian Beck [Music]
Channel: Ian Bick
Views: 130,550
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ianbick, 1% Biker, Outlaw Motorcycle Club, Biker Secrets, Sose The Ghost, Motorcycle Club Operations, Biker Gang, Outlaw Bikers, Biker Gang Secrets, Club Operations, Inside Motorcycle Clubs, Biker Life, Gang Operations, Sose The Ghost Interview, Biker Gang Stories, Outlaw Club Revealed
Id: sxbUz572AJU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 39sec (5199 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 14 2024
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