1 Art Pack, 5 Games, 2 Game Engines! | Game Dev Collab

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five developers five games 48 hours that's right it's time for another art pack game Jam the rules are simple each developer must use the pack for the majority of the Assets in their game and they can spend up to 48 hours working on the project they don't have to be consecutive or taken all at once you just can't spend more than 48 hours working on it this time we are using the polygon nature biomes season 2 bundle which you can see here in the background thanks to cinty Studios for kindly providing ing this this asset and many others will be up to 50% off during the cinti super sale which runs from May 9th to May 28th check out the link in the description to see the savings with that said let's just jump straight into it starting with cubic hey guys cubic here I'm a small game T YouTuber and I make a some little projects and put them on my YouTube channel anyway this is what I did for this game Jam so first things first I buil a little camera to go and fly around through these worlds as you can see and just have a look at what I had to work with in these cinti assets so when I had a look through I saw you know the different features and the plan was to weigh them up and see what I got there was all sorts of ideas from fossil excavation fishing games even some climbing games but in the end as you can see um I'm pretty well versed in VR so I figured why not just try making a VR game in this 48 hours and see how far I get especially considering that these um worlds are perfectly suited for it anyway so I decided that yeah I'll make a quick um VR controller and then just walk through the demo environments and see what game I can make um using the environments let's go to have a look oh all right so this is my VR world so far so what I've just done is I've just um implemented a simple basic VR got these little balls to indicate where my hands are and uh I'm just going to give these worlds another quick look see what they look like in VR and seeing which one I'd like to um already continue this VR project with all right let's have a quick look at the others all right so here we are in the ARA desert environment um looks pretty good here's base camp and the oblisk now I'm thinking no matter what I want to do I definitely want to do something with the oblisk let's move on to the next all right so here I am in the Enchanted Forest there's a lot of things here this is a bit more maze likee compared to the other ones the other ones were very open the portal this is already a game in story right here try to close the portal open the portal but yeah there's already a full story here all right hey everyone so as you can see I finished the game here I was orig going to add like a whole like tutorial area here mostly just telling you about the game and everything but I just ran out of time I couldn't spend the entire 48 Hours like I had planned and I lost a a lot of time trying to get this VR system to work so um anyway well here you go as you can see I've got these polygon pine cone hands here but I kind of like it cuz it kind of looks like you're grabbing things which is kind of the core mechanic of this entire game anyway you spawn right here and the whole story is that you need to find the portal to escape but the portal needs crystals to power it and um obviously there's water there so you can't cross it so therefore you need to find something that will absorb water and grow a bridge so it'll be about at this point where in your travels you find this mushroom cave which is unique from all the other mushrooms you see so you'll probably want to explore and see what's inside there and now what I've done is I've put these stack of mushroom caps here they look dried out and shriveled out so when you pick them up you think H what can I do with these and well obviously the plan is that you throw them into the water to make a bridge it's probably not very obvious but that is the idea so hopefully you take it here and um you can grow yourself a mushroom bridge now now we're going to mine some diamondss now there's already one Crystal down here which you can use and this Crystal will be good enough to power the portal but I've made a small little secret so you'll want to have at least two of them in which case pickaxe and just break off a little diamond and uh yeah very cool so now you need to take these diamonds and find a portal so you can power them now one thing I do wish is that I added more like sound effects that would make the place really come to life but unfortunately we just ran out of time so I just had to focus on the mechanics which is the VR experience pretty happy with it how it turned out but yeah there definitely could be some improvement for next time so it'll be at this point where you can see the oblisk and hopefully you put two and two together that needs the Crystal and that will be the end of the game anyway so here's the first Crystal now this is just a box collider so as soon as it interacts it'll spawn the pole and just like that um You've Won basically you've got your Escape board and everything but one thing you'll notice when you walk through it as you'll see you get teleported through this as long as you're holding another Crystal and now you're in the Alpine environment all right so this is my um game for this game Jam I just want to thank Dan for inviting me to participate and thanks cinty for providing us with this asset pack very cool all right guys catch you later hi I'm Christina from the channel Christina creates games and this is my first 48 hour game Jam I had always wanted to be good at landscape design but never took the time to actually reach that goal so with this Jam being all about that awesome I have so much I want to learn and try you'll find the whole devlog on my channel so let's focus on Landscaping here my initial inspiration came from the preview images in the cinti store especially this one looking down on the winding Mountain Trail I loved hiking in the mountains as a child and one thing was just the best on every hike I went on the lifts seeing the landscape from above just like in this scene had always felt magical to me so when I checked what was in the biomes pack I had to realize if I don't create a lift myself I wouldn't have one for my project which would be a bummer ignoring the fact that I had no clue as to what to actually do with it and procrastinating heavily on coming up with an idea for gameplay I started up blender and modeled one 1 and 1 half hours later I had my finished lift system and was ready to start up unity and start thinking about how to put it to use on my backwards way to a game idea I started with landscape design I realized I would need some verticality because a lift is essentially a shortcut for crossing difficult terrain as I learned to use and experiment with a Terrain tool I thought about what I could do with a landscape a lift and an inventory and Quest system I had borrowed from a previous project okay so let's focus on the basics lifts only need two stations one on the mountain and one on the bottom let's say the lift is broken and the player starts at the opposite end we could give her the quest to repair it providing a reason to travel but what about the way down to reach the lift I dotted my mountain with more diverse different Landscapes thinking about how to use these areas I had the theme of exploration in mind so I tried my hand at creating line of sights guiding the player through the terrain and giving cool views across the Landscapes or towards special destinations yes Landscaping took up the vast majority of my development Time Landscaping had also the added effect of learning about the mountain in the first place so when I came back to which systems I wanted to use picking the quest one was an easy Choice implementing that on the other hand was rough I talk more about it in my devlog but to sum it up write documentation for your systems guys but hey in the end I had quests guiding the player on her way down the mountain awesome something about my scenery nagged at me after implementing Quest though I could just disable everything but the base terrain and Quest giv at this point and this game would be way less pretty but still basically the same so that's when I did something stupid and kind of broke the theme of The Gem sorry Dan but I placed a goat inside my game and it looked cute and it made me realize I had built a perfect base for a photography game my landscape was already all about pretty areas and lines of side I had placed a majority of trees stones and plants by hand yes really even after learning how to use the Tre and decoration settings inside the terrain tool I designed Lookouts and Tiny Places telling a little bit of a story this project didn't need an inventory it needed a photo camera luckily it didn't take too long to get the basic functionality set up though I learned quite a bit about cinem machine and accessibility along the way I then sprinkled some more animals across the landscape because I sometimes have a hard time stopping myself in my defense by adding animals the landscape itself became much more important I suddenly couldn't disable it anymore and call it the same game by trying to frame objects whether they were scenery or animals just right the player had to take the surrounding area into account much more for that perfect shot and now while on her hike down the mountain the player had reason to explore and experience a landscape instead of making a beine from one Quest Giver to the next I uploaded the project to itch with about 4 hours to spare before the deadline and honestly being proud of what I had been able to couble together in a week I hope you'll give it a try and let me know if you did please hi there I'm n Miz and I like to make games when I first got the aspack from Dan I started by looking over the pre-made scenes to try to get ideas and I came up with some pretty interesting ones like a survival game a hunting simulator some sort of management game and more but none of these were quite unique enough and I wanted to avoid making something generic because I feel that's pretty easy to fall into when you're limited into one art pack finally when looking over these icicle models I was just rotating them around and playing with them until I ended up with this monstrosity completely by accident I instantly decided that this would be a great concept for a horror game being chased by this hell spawn would be absolutely terrifying so I set up a firstperson character controller with an asset I have and I started combing through the assets in the pack to see if I could come up with a good setting for the game a frozen cave came to mind you'd be trapped in this ice cave with the monster and you'd have to find find some Collectibles I was pretty inspired by a game called iron lung with this there you're trapped in a submarine collecting photos of sea object with some terrifying creature lurking out in the water here you'd be collecting some artifacts and you'll keep hearing and seeing hints that you're not alone I then started working on the level design I made a block out of the cave and used some interesting and mysterious props that I found in the asset pack to make the artifacts for the player to find I also added a mini map because I made the game nonlinear and I found that the cave system was a little too easy to get lost in I began decorating the cave with ice blocks and rocks and this was by far the most timeconsuming part in the entire development process since I didn't have to make any art basically all I had to do was level design and programming and I purposefully chose a concept that didn't have a lot of complex mechanics the entire project has less than 250 lines of code around this time I lowered the resolution of the game so I could check its performance and I noticed that the slight blurry in pixelated Graphics looked really cool with the dark atmosphere I was going with I decided to try a technique to pixelate the entire screen without it looking muddy like it would at a low resolution and lo and behold it looks awesome I think it gives the game a crunchy and dark feel that it doesn't really have with a sharp resolution a bonus is that it's an interesting use of the pre-made assets I usually don't like just using the assets I get as they are instead I add effects or shaders to them to make them look unique like here I finished up the game by making the ending I don't want to spoil it in case you guys want to try it out but I think I managed to make something pretty surprising and scary if you play it let me know in the comments overall I'm really happy with how the game ended up I was on vacation while working on the project so I didn't actually get to spend the full 48 Hours on it and I might have been able to add more features or quality of life stuff to it under different circumstances but I had a lot of fun with the project and I think the game is pretty fun if you like what you see go check out my YouTube channel niiz I just finished my first commercial game so I'll be making videos about more miscellaneous projects like this over there see you hi I'm outer a 17-year-old game developer and my idea is you decorate an environment by placing down different decorations I want to make sure the idea is simple that way I can complete it in the 48 hour time limit so if I run into any complications I won't have any trouble dealing with them ready with an idea it's time to open up the assets in good which is an issue because the assets were actually made for Unity and unreal so already I'm running into issues how am I supposed to use assets that weren't even made for the game engine that I'm using luckily for me there's open source projects that can convert Unity assets into a gdau usable form took a little bit to get that working and after it finished the shaders were broken I haven't even started on the gameplay and I'm already running into issues this is not bod well after about 3 hours of Shader programming the assets were finally working in the game it's really hard to deal with issues like this right at the start but after getting over it it's a lot easier to work but here's the thing it's already the end of the first day and I haven't even started on the game playay I'm in high school and I've got finals to study for so I don't know if I'll be able to use all the 48 hours so I got to work extra hard for the basic mechanics of just selecting random decorations and placing them down which were surprisingly really easy I already finished them in only a few hours the game is kind of already done mechanically okay so the idea might have been a bit too simple so the game right now is only made of something called inin motivation which is where the player plays for the sake of playing think of creativity like maybe Minecraft but my game is lacking extrinsic motivation which is like Point rewards for actually playing the game another game called Islanders also does this by giving you coins when you place down buildings this wasn't too difficult to implement either and already made the game a lot more interesting now it seemed like Smooth Sailing for here I mean the game play is already in it's time for polishing but there were still some nasty bugs to deal with one of them was after placing enough decorations the lighting would just break but it wasn't too difficult I just had too many lights in this scene time for polishing there's a few ways you can polish the game sound effects article effects but the main thing that's just an easy free plus 10 polish is camera movement just by adding a little bit of camera movement that reacts to the mouse it changes the game from feeling very static to really Dynamic but I also added sound effects like this hit sound effect and some particle effects that play When the decorations land it's finally time to upgrade the visuals one thing I found really effective was adding lights to the different decorations cuz it added a lot of color to the scene a lot of people say gdau isn't really powerful graphically but it has a lot of really cool features I used the voxal GI to add some bounce lighting around the main areas and it has a really cool environment node which has like volumetric lighting and a cool Sky Box I've never actually made a 3D game in gdo so having these tools really helped out I am a little worried that the performance isn't the best but it's running fine on my machine so I hope that it's at least runable for most people after finishing the game I wish I had spent more time on it I only really got to use 20 4 hours out of 48 so I guess it's good that I planed for that but I still call it a success it's pretty chill which was the goal and it's always fun to make a game in a week but that's all the time I got I'm outer and I'll see you in the next one okay so first off I really need to apologize to Outer Cloud uh since these assets do actually work with gdo uh due to cinti providing the source files for all of their projects I just forgot to upload the source files when I shared them with outer regardless it was cool to see there's stuff out there for making the transition from Unity to good less painful and I think he still got a really cool project out of it in the end as well but yeah apologies for that but anyway on with my part then so despite being the one to organize this I really struggled to actually find the time to fit this in first I was away in London showcasing a game and I was hard at work on my current project for a velocity and I also released this web app called steam cell which analyzes Steam Reviews and gives a summary of what people are saying about the game anyway it was my turn to look at the pack see what there is and get inspired I actually struggled off the bat here is there's not as many specific props in the nature kit uh they are specifically designed for environment design and to work alongside VI the cinti packs as well but this is supposed to be a challenge after all I decided to open a new scene in unity and start dragging Assets in to get a better look at them and I really liked these s SE looking props so I decided to start there while I tried to think up a gameplay loop I thought I'd work on configuring out unity's terrain system which I don't actually have a lot of practice with and as I got more used to it I thought it ended up being quite a lot of fun to use despite some frustrations with it I had decided by this point to do a little walking simulator type thing where you need to interact with some machines to power up a final machine I figured a fun little challenge to myself was to try to recreate the stratum input mechanic from Hell divers to so I got to work figuring out how that would work once I got that working I then went back to the terrain I built bu a Hill area and placed a big satellite dish on top of it which would be the final machine that the player needs to activate the other two machines are the wind farm and some solar panels once these are activated you can finally turn on the dish because I've been building up this snow environment I decided to have a particle effect that follows the player and makes it seem as though it's snowing kind of everywhere they go it was then time to start trying to find some sound effects to make the world feel a little bit more alive from bird sound as you're exploring the environment to Machinery sounds for when you turn the machines on I then made some small animations for the machines such as the solar panels turning to face upward once you've interacted with the machine and for the wind turbin starting to spin all the time I was working on this I kept thinking just how boring this core Loop actually was and I wanted to do just something else to spikes it up ever so slightly and I figured because it's cold maybe you need to pick up some wood to use to start some campfires and that generates warmth so I quickly added this in at the end overall the game isn't very fun and there's no finish condition other than you turn on the final machine but nothing happens when you do uh cuz I run out of time working on this I'd say out of the 48 hours I was allowed to use I did only manage to use about 12 to 16 of them uh I took the hours consecutively in the space of 2 days as that's all I could fit in I did still get a lot out of doing this though even if I'm not happy with the final product uh I am now more comfortable with unity's terrain system and it's got me excited to work on some 3D projects in the future though I do need to finish my current 2D game R velocity which you can wish list on Steam I also think the computer input system uh that would make for a good tutorial too if you want to see that let me know down below thanks again to cinty for providing the kit for us to use be sure to shop the cinti super sale that was really hard to say uh up until May 28th for big savings on this pack and others like it okay so thank you for watching if you want to check out these games for yourself feel free to do so the links are in the description below to the itch.io pages for each game the links to all of the other devs channels are also in the description below as well make sure you go check them out and see what other content they've been up to thanks again to the devs that took part in this I know it's a lot of work and some awesome stuff was produced and yeah just thanks a lot for taking part but in the meantime thanks for watching and I'll catch you guys in the next one bye
Channel: Dan Pos
Views: 17,981
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unity tutorial, game dev, indie dev, game design, unity 3d, made with unity
Id: cdh-c82agNw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 36sec (1236 seconds)
Published: Wed May 08 2024
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