6 Bronze vs 1 Grandmaster! ft. OWL Pro Player

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didn't apply verse six tech oh we could do that yeah okay okay I see how it is I see how it is let's do this oh yeah give apply 500 speed oh just like boss mode I'll die be fun just one ply is mute it they both suck okay good no no one super apply versus six let's do one super apply we're gonna give you also links was carrying Zeus or was carrying and dubious clubs was carrying you want okay what here your soccer gear band somber band okay we'll try it we'll try it what do you want to give tea what do we want to give team to what do we want to give apply we'll give him six mercies we're gonna give you five hundred percent health oh yeah I'm not gonna give him damage not gonna give him damage I don't know what other stats do we give them [ __ ] I know that Health's the only one I need oh ow do you want a better speed like hundred fifty percent speed I think that's a [ __ ] epi yeah I don't want to like change things too much we'll just give you two more out then so like it'll charge your olt faster but you won't do more damage so we'll give you a that will give you two hundred percent oh and five hundred percent health oh it does for me oh man oh yeah okay so your ultimate generation is at 200% and your health is at 500% what map do you want and what hero are you gonna play with those what should I play don't you wanna waste this and you're gonna have to play a different heroic org okay okay okay well start I watch a lot of manga - I'm ready [Laughter] alright okay hundred percent health apply all right if I'm a late one of you I'll note say my hammer kill huge you're gonna be able to handle this yes do I get old so fast I'll be able to make this even harder on a play have our only tour I haven't is becoming like okay if you lose do we kind of like reduce the amount of opponents you have one at a time may be changed by here it and not in this voice channel on blue team because you guys got to go to blue team - yeah actually let's homeless whole we can't all get on there they're gonna play don't run me over am i joining yeah it's a man solo tank and then like Ana's end yeah okay apply apply you're gonna be in the same voice chat as your enemies I can deal with it we need another DP serious when I get dubious money okay Noah let's run let's run triple DPS DPS don't worry he is alright Wiggs nice guy Mayday Mayday oh man Gooch is coming in with your sweetie I'm reading I'm reading a resident the stretcher the stretcher no [Music] this is our careful careful careful eze tasty boys big please received give me five why are you pulling double support again next time you'll get more health who helps things updated since it's his only way of healing the boy will give him more help on their attacks so we've got a place claim you charge oh [ __ ] [ __ ] I'm stuck hot we don't have me that we had on her mercy so often honest with them dubious to play I haven't been set up Brian just reset dude apply once the Nano yeah Bell King okay go enjoy okay boys why we changed some rules we changed the rules game you have to find you know five hundred percent more help from health packs no you're changing heroes every time okay I'm gonna restart just so you get the new rule set okay are you gonna do Reaper or tracer those are the ones that chat wants all right I'll do trace it first and then repurchase okay tracer so Bar pharmacy again just gonna go all shield plan okay if he's going to also really want to do mist oh God zoom fist so maybe yammi yammi it's really good [Music] want to do this you would give him this if I went one of these games I'm proud of myself no health pack healing is only supposed to be for a team - right oh never mind is it for everyone is really strong for everyone what they have health effects - you better just be 5% that means not just helping okay guys let's not talk about it after circus dominance okay I have to pee see you later sold 500 okay we're good you can do whatever you want to try and defeat super acquired but we don't have six supports Briggs disabled oh oh yeah if we do have enough yeah okay link that supports might not be good against them fist and can't apply now you're not fighting against five hundred percent he [Laughter] may stole big okay if he's tree sir then what yeah we may use a little plan is on Sam Simpson I can't Granicus all supports okay I like this calm this is the worst [ __ ] Matt forgive me our airplane do this five give me the okay I'm gonna assert doom calmly deal this one you can play whatever you a certain calming this experience them against I'm scared he's play doing the play I don't wanna know one such a huge I'll get boys replying tracing chat wants it we play i mean doom here's though my should have gone trace her then it scared for my way about there is on the boys crazy busy lisa minute he'll be like crazy crazy increasing he's frozen you saw he's gone right susie-wusie okay it's frozen again oh look it get up there boy he's frozen peas frozen okay dopamine's right right you just give him cap [Music] [Applause] reduced cooldowns on apply or Jesus now we have tracer I'm hitting every pulse mom I'm here to assert dominance guys come on I believe in you apply wait what's the next serie ciao what do you want to know sir yeah pulse bomb sir Reaper yes sir [Music] they're wrong oh he's doing it he's doing it oh he's doing soldier soldier oh he's gonna a ball he's also gonna go on vincible here he's gonna [ __ ] murder us oh he's that high ground that's how he tracks invincibility what just happened just making see nice nice fresh this you could probably win on fara if you're too old if you're if you're lacking damage you could always try Farah 300 just cause he knows everyone Naga I I'm right you know I'm right no balls no you're gonna drive far okay before I cured him I can go here scam would that be super scuffed or you can do road hog that's also already I don't think that plans not work dude only if I ever said healing doesn't sound had to be I am in cat okay well I'm okay know about that one but well the sex ain't great we're to try fair first yellow works I think we should have more than one ATM where is he oh there oh yeah apply your belief he's gonna wait for the past care it's fast just like pharmacy Oh this might be worth it get the mini-mall we should get him by these garages yeah that's what they think to clear the second even even even even I'm telling you man Samba was the answer I can't pick it dude I can't pick some come on soldier okay oh boy wait I turned it off Biggs go Steve hi girls like a new drum easy heels another God another healing station you can try one round giving you Sombra means they get somber - that is quite the way to play the game huge master I just blew up perfect okay solo kills also a pretty decent idea yeah I do pretty good find HP wait we gotta change the map Oh right great sue illios please duty anymore not one there's a rig that like that strong it's just of all infinite mines there's no furrows by the way wait a minute it's for him being bleed hear me out oh wow what's on the list of things that you can try and win with Winston road hog Sombra just go junk red or just infinite fly around I don't have I don't have a reduced cooldown their normal core dance among cares yeah mom's there any bit blames would be insane but huge ah we should type our pigs cuz you know so in here if this was well I would totally go arrest as well you blame it got it I don't trust it I don't trust it what's happening well it's good it's not like we already over so I think Reaper is the win repo by metal design lifesteal might be insane Oh Wicky let's not let's not do that that's not oh yeah here's some found the council cater burn destroy translocator assess camp IWC oh I forgot he just already has he impede this is fine hey I am feeling very much to play he's got this I'm so scared right get that soup on oh yeah I told you this way you can just show up and get one no ice block for you is supplies he's insane nobody's kept the point yet though they've got it in the bread I hate so much run apply run shoes that stuff again shoot or die the widow has sites just don't not to please I'm guessing it's gonna go sort through again oh oh not like a Winston Reaper no touch it's okay nobody's nobody saw anything nobody's know anything oh okay what's your next play what's your next what's your next ride Reaper Reaper infinite bulb a big rubber is the play I definitely think Reapers if you like 60 PS you can just fight on the point right you've got five hundred percent lifesteal em usually take a look Bob also get the HP blues Jane and apply sure we gonna help our boy well we'll see if he does Reaper and if you can't win on Reaper than I think every six I think soldiers actually the play that what I was doing at the end of that [ __ ] that's actually like so movie yeah he's running at my healing pub what and if Larry isn't good I'm so ready for this Reaper oh my god is like so huge place Ivan died by the way if light just sign you may break at door oh yeah he has dude wait a minute yes oh he has an old dude the [ __ ] freezing is clutching okay we're summoning applies to all mine we're subbing in we got to help our boy I think oh yeah yo J in this let's go oh yeah well no I think [ __ ] now let's do it probably where are we going apply that's how about it let's say this oh good boy then you're [ __ ] up oh I'm done you got your heel I got to yield get out of my game what is happening to my game you're my 300 a hammer Beasley cannot kill me with that right Oh God we're good we're good we're good stupid turret get out of my face palatable I can't be stuck Oh get out of here I can't die if I can get frozen dude it's very true nice beetle huh you're back here we're good we're good I'm dying a poor [ __ ] where the hell is this in no okay I've got another week [Music] let me at them all right there I know firm [Music] [Laughter] [Music] I'm gonna get frozen no way for being on the power to be exact I gotcha yeah you're invincible you're invincible oh now I'm slept protect me deploy on purple and I'm stunned and I'm frozen we got it we're huge leaves just thought I need to carry me for the web boys it amazed actually you can't do anything when you're slug yeah oh so slow and then there's infinite headshots and it's like Oh what idea swap players name and five blows versus applying five Louis yeah well what are we doing Jam yes I would hear and about I'm gonna believe in about 15 minutes I just want to say thank you so much for the invite you're very welcome friend what are we playing what he wrote uh monkeys n we're doing monkeys in I feel like Joe Nickell playing with that like so thousand HP we got it you're not getting me today employed okay I'm just gonna to just make they're like oh yeah good idea hey Celeste I'm touching boy are you trancing I did touch point there I've been acting oh I did it you did it I'm gonna hack monkey face might be a point J how much is your heels what do you mean - stop that detect they've got a Reaper - this is the worst thing ever I've been at UM p.m. okay we're good we got this I'm gonna hack gene they're gonna try we should definitely be Magdalene I don't know why wouldn't this distance math monitor I'm out of here we can do this apply we got this oh you like watch it out punch it out my boy chick I'm covered I'm coming stay on the boy I'm gonna get that I got perfect no I guess what come here oh my gosh I'm feeling oh you're dead yeah no I'm gonna stall this out of my game is pooping apply into the pit I also ollie it's okay what's our play now apply chat what are we playing road hog Oh road hog yeah are you doing a second no more enough we can do rodeo going under they're gonna anti us I'm gonna die you're fine yeah you're fine you're fine you're fine you can do it give me a light let me play again G go to beat loose against you to be honest yeah I gotta go dogs act well hugs heck let's go I'm reloading did I [ __ ] them I'm still 2008 so much well this is not fair I'm just gonna mail about that no what you think you can do this you think you can do this what is one got him we're huge for gamers Oh Oh God yeah I got weeks lame no end date Gina he's bad to get any damage what the [ __ ] no I heard I heard [Music] [Music] the boys real life you guys have like doesn't Jane he'll like extreme amounts maybe the answer the NVA we're unbeatable this is the strap this is the strap is not honest we died - gagging with this I believe in you I believe in you I think I win this you're getting dragon I told you I on the plus side I did not die okay what's next dad it's to - it didn't someone like - Jess 6v6 j1t imply on the other bastion IRISA not that's born you guys want sim Tour battle sim sim tour I think we have to do sim tour Oh what if we don't what are you doing which one are you doing apply Kate we still have all of our team is any other point we're still missing some of our teammates guys are young you're fine you're fine let me get my turn on the high ground who shouldn't know this is the plan look at me right you know what what do you want to do I'm the I'm the Betty's love whoa whoa my barrier has 20,000 joules not today geez watch is one good don't get set up [Music] we don't have healing dude oh yeah we don't have healing we're fine we have walls run I use the wall so strong is not fair it's 20 Cal we're good we're good we're good we're good oh yeah you don't know who apply leave be gone I couldn't get my turret no no the main I should have like thrown the turret in front of me or behind you bastions of take boys I told you ok whoa even this Timbers have more health what the [ __ ] stupid it is kind of luster with their new old and this game would holy [ __ ] you just never done any always have a hundred om top 9100 M I'm gonna spare oh well you won't the flame oh my got it do the silly heroes are the ones I got to my door symma actually does more damage than that yep and sim doesn't have to reload of shooting barriers either actually easy wow that was the play check you
Channel: Jayne
Views: 2,013,014
Rating: 4.7512755 out of 5
Keywords: Jayne, Overwatch League, Coach, Coaching Guide, Tips, Tricks, xqc, Guess My SR, Dallas Fuel, Team Canada, Analysis, apply, bronze, grandmaster, 6v1, 6 v 1, jayne overwatch, bronzes, pro, owl, carry
Id: H6yEYmOK8Xw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 15sec (2775 seconds)
Published: Sat May 18 2019
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