#1 ACNE HACK: Heal Your Gut

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I could literally run a Neutrogena commercial with how much acne I've eliminated on people's faces and Life by cleaning the inside of their body it's not the Soaps and suds it's not the an external it's an internal problem it's leaky gut it's food allergies it's UND it's it's intolerable proteins like casine uh and gluten and gadin making their way into their bloodstream the liver can't deal with them it's causing an inflammatory response the Skin's releasing it that's why it's red do you see this in like when people are eating gluten or Breads in Italy see the thing with Italy is Italy is producing their own food they're not spraying with glyphosate and they're also um it's a the bread is different where it has less gadin gadin is the problem with the gluten um gadin is is the pep active peptide that Dr Zack Bush love him actually has shown causes leaky gut damages the gut lining and it can be linked with all sorts of mental issues and anxiety issues and we're becoming less tolerant of it because because it's also the highest sprayed in glyphosate and glyphosate is an antibiotic it's not just a pesticide it's an antibiotic which destroys your microbiome we're eating it every day isn't that crazy you got the highest spray it's not just the gluten isn't it illegal in like Europe yes yeah and I think um I think Russia just made it illegal Putin just said no GMOs the US really want to get rid of it I hope I or maybe they want more now whatever whatever it takes to get rid of it but that's the thing is we've poisoned our food and it's not and that's where there's a missing problem where we're saying this food's good bad and this one's good that is a blind argument in my opinion I have I have helped heal hundreds of vegans I have helped healed hundreds of indian-based vegetarians I have helped heal hundreds of carnivore and paleo it doesn't if it's Whole Food organic food it's about measurement success if you can't handle it right now I will show you a plan to say let's try it again in 60 days 40 days and if you have a problem with it again we come back we switch things to fix your gut and then try it again it's the same thing with fiber fats lectin it doesn't matter so a healthy body even if you have coron Colitis should be able to handle a variety of healthy food right that makes I mean that makes such logical sense and that's also freeing for us whove been traumatized by all this I can't eat this that and the other if you are so traumatized by the gluten Dan I can never eat gluten I'm going to get you healed enough I'm going to tell you to go out get a cheeseburger go to McDonald's do whatever and come back and tell me how you feel afterwards right had one of my clients she was diagnosed with Lyme disease ulcer of colitis and Asthma she had uler of ktis since she was 14 she hadd been having chronic bleeding for about 101 15 years I started with her at 29 years old she was massively traumatized we worked together privately for one year after about seven months she was symptom free for the first time she could remember in her adult life she started crying and I said what are you crying for you just did the unthinkable you just you work so hard she goes I know D but I've just been eating this way for so long and I just feel trapped in this diet I said diet we've gone over this 100 times I said okay you know what I'm going to call her out Lindsay go get whatever you want right now get off this phone call go find the dirtiest the dirtiest food you can find get a coke with with fries I want you to make it dirty she was really you want me to do that I don't know I'm scared it'll it'll give me a flare I said nope you're but your Shield is strong enough I want you to take three of these digestive enzymes do it then I want you to use this binding shake to help your body clear it out afterwards let me know she Gres me the next day Dane I had a cheeseburger with fries and ketchup and a Coca-Cola and I had a double double cheeseburger and I she goes guess what my bow movement was perfect I had one bow movement today no problems next week still no problems there you go that's why we call it Shield because when you restore the body it can handle stress it's the same thing with the metabolism we have the same problem where someone goes oh I'm not I'm not 18 anymore I can't eat like I used to oh God you hear that narrative all time I can't I'm more bloated I can't lose those extra 20 pounds it's because the metabolic the metabolics in your body have been destroyed or injured it's not working right anymore so your body can handle it but if you fix the metabolics right if you fix the gut if you get fix the liver and the gallbladder the lymphatic your body will be able to handle it your metabolism will get stronger have you ever looked at high-intensity interval training they talk about a little bit of this you know there are things we can do to recondition our metabolics there are things we can do to recondition our microbiome so things that in that one year that I did that really helped when I started learning about the anatomy and I started learning about the structure the chest match is that I had to fix my digestion if you have IBD there's a very strong chance you have low stomach acid you're getting no pancreatic enzyme output and you're getting no bile production which means your dadum is not getting the pancreatic enzymes in the bile production to break down fats proteins and carbs those undigested fats proteins and carbs are going through your small intestine continue to increase sibo imbalance and then they're making their way into the colon digested foods are creating more food sensitivity inflaming your Villi in and damaging the mucosa membrane because the food isn't broken down enough yeah that's one of the problems that's just one the epialign is breaking because of the Gad and the casine which are the two of the hardest proteins for the human body to break down no wonder we're all sensitive to them they're the hardest to break down they're leaking into the bloodstream they're causing IGG antibody reaction and then we're getting brain fog acne low energy uh cramping pain and then we're having to go to the bathroom three four five times diarrhea because the the colon is now trying to spew out all the stuff that shouldn't even be there it's a vicious cycle as a lame Goda says it's Breaking the Vicious [Music] Cycle
Channel: Mark Groves
Views: 6,766
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IBS, IBD, Crohn's, colitis, dane johnson, acne
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 54sec (354 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 24 2023
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