SHOCKING: Root Causes of Irritable Bowel Syndrome Revealed

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so five the most common root causes I see is some sort of virus especially if your Colon's highly inflamed with a lot of bleeding um and if you've been on antibiotics that'll make it worse antibiotics destroy your microbiome your microbiome helps to regulate viruses 95% or more of America has viruses some one of these viruses in their bloodstream it's a matter if the body is reacting to it if it's going rampid okay so you got that glyphosate is going to mess with that which is found in almost all our food our rain water even our breast milk we got to get rid of the glyphosate you know there's so much we need to do we got to boost our digestion you got to be able to break down the food in the small intestine in the stomach first you've got to clear your liver your gallbladder your lymphatic system almost every single person with IBD has a backed up liver and they're not producing bile and if that is you you're not going to break down food you're going to be stuck I don't care what how strict your diet is until those things are working you're you're you're the diet's not going to work for you get those to work again essentially is your detox Pathways okay your detox pathways are how your body release toxins and what's happening is is we have a pond in our body instead of a river so when you see a pond these toxins build up we need the river to flow so things that you can start with just making sure you're getting a lot of water if you're dehydrated you know one side note when I was super sick I couldn't drink too much water because I was so I was so sick that was flushing my water soluble vitamins so I had to take electrolytes when I drink water or else I get dizzy and maybe pass out so drinking a lot of water um infrared son is sweating If You Can't Sweat this is a big one I see people come into the program to the shield program and they say I never sweat and I Can't Sweat easy that is a sign that your detox pathways are clogged up W okay you should be able to sweat easy so infrared sauna is going to be great start slow work up epson salt bath magnesium in your bath and then you can start adding on and compounding with that apple cider vinegar baking soda okay um to to help it even more another one is going to be skin brushing what was that in the bath you mean in the bath and so that'll start to activate castor oil packs take a little castor oil rub it right over your liver and then take an organic cotton pad wrap it around you can even put a little heating pad over that start practicing two four five six hours with a castor oil that will help to activate a flush of your liver there's liver support and there's a liver flush they're two different things so like a coffee enema or a tdka retention enema or castal pack are activating a flush whereas if you're using netal cysteine berock roote dandelion uh these are things that are that are helping with glutathione production and they're helping to support the liver so we need to clean the liver now the liver is going to create bile and that's going to be stored in the gallbladder the gallbladder is going to help uh your body have more bile production for fat breakdown if you don't have enough bile you're not going to be able to absorb your fat solubles that's your ad K ande can't do that you're goingon to have a Cascade of problems calcium issues magnesium issues all sorts if you can't get adk in your body and if you don't have bile you can't break it down if you don't have B you're also more likely to get constipated because bile actually lubricates the GI tract and helps with peristalsis same thing with B1 if you can't absorb your thomine in B1 probably going to have vagal nerve issues and you're not going to get proper peristalsis if you're dealing with constipation liver gallbladder is one of the common things that we fix and we see that get fixed out the gut lining you got to strengthen mucosa membran okay when the mucosa membrane is weak if you have IBD most likely you have a weak mucosa membrane everyone with IB IBS has basically leaky gut if you have IBD it's 100% leaky gut is telling me also that your mucosa membrane is weakened when that is weakened and your Villi are damaged you're more likely to get t- Cell Activation because your payer patches that have your dendritic cells and your te- cells are going to be more likely to activate your I6 your I your interfering gamon and your tnf Alpha those are what your te cells are activating and then your dendritic cells are going to activate your il2 23 and if anyone's heard of that that's because that's what the biologics turn off your friends on Remicade Remicade is a tnf alpha blocker it might even help with il6 so what's happening is these cyto kindes right under our epiales membrane are getting activated because it's all damaged so we need to rebuild that and because it's damaged you're also getting food sensitivity and then because the microbiome's out of whack there's an imbalance the fungal growth continues to grow the bacteria continues to grow you you're not going to eradicate the viruses you're not going to eradicate the fungus it's a lack of balance someone who has an iron gut has great balance and they have a nice healthy thick mucosal membrane and that membrane is regulating histamine reactions it's regulating food sensitivities it's regulating all that crappy alcohol you're putting in your system but by the way all you guys with the beer that's ruining your testosterone that's ruining your liver um it's it's got tons of yeast it's got tons of glyphosate and it's got tons of gluten that is probably the worst cocktail you can put in your body it is like the ultimate cocktail and it's tons of sugar it is absolute the worst and that's just gonna feed all that stuff that's not making you more of a man if anything I think it's making it a bring bringing the old EST okay I not to you know but I know all my friends they love their beers and I get it but I can't help but not know I can't unknow that right right you can't pretend you don't know so they feel better you know so it's easy not to drink to not drink alcohol PA but you know that's what we need and if you're suffering right now what I want you to do is I want you to start just saying I'm going to commit to something and get consistent with it and then try to get happy with it don't try to be perfect and overwhelm yourself just say try to get consistent then when you start feeling consistent and you're getting Roi because Mark if I'm working with you and you start to see Roi in two weeks you're going to want more 100% you're going to say bro load me up man my symptoms are going down immediate feedback positive feedback that's what we need we need Roi so start with Roi do the things that are going to move the needle and that the easiest to do that's what I do with my 16-year-old clients my 13-year-old clients if I can get that young man or woman Roi they're G to come back and they're going to say they're going to be excited to see you and they might even be excited to tell their friends and they might even be better at their Sports and their skin might clear up and the bloating might go down and that that shameful flatulence might go down and then be able to sit through a movie without running to the bathroom which was my life yeah they might be get in a car and feel okay saying hey we're going to go on a two 2hour car ride suffer man because they hide that and then they avoid social experiences because they don't want to be ashamed and yeah I understand that and that's like that's that we need connection to to sever ourselves from connection because we don't think there's a solution yeah you know when there is [Music] one
Channel: Mark Groves
Views: 1,630
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ibd, crohn's, ibs, colitis, dane johnson, gut issues
Id: v3qHtL52Gtg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 58sec (418 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 02 2023
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