09. From the Close of Probation to the New Earth - Pastor Stephen Bohr - Anchor 2021

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[Music] well good morning everyone i trust you had a good night's rest that you reviewed all the notes from yesterday and maybe took a peek at what we're going to study today maybe not and maybe yes today what we want to do is begin on page 103 and finish our study of revelation 17 probably it's going to take us uh this entire session uh to finish revelation 17 and then in our next session this morning and the two this afternoon we will be in revelation chapter 18. it'll probably take us three sessions to do revelation 18 and when we finish today we'll be halfway through we still have 12 more presentations so we're doing well we're going to be able to cover the material and i think that as we go along things will start clicking and coming together and you'll see how the last half of revelation really is is a masterpiece so what we want to do is have a word of prayer first and then afterwards we'll begin at the top of page 103 let's pray father in heaven thank you for the good night's rest that you have given us thank you for giving us life this day thank you for so many blessings that we take for granted thank you because you're a wonderful loving god we ask that as we open your holy book that your holy spirit will be in our midst so that we might understand the great things that you have given in bible prophecy for we know that we're living in the last days and soon the events described in revelation will explode upon the world scene help us to be ready we pray in the precious name of jesus amen okay you'll notice that this dragon beast of revelation chapter 17 has ten horns and the ten horns are on the seventh head you say how do you know that well because we're going to notice that the ten horns are all they all exist at the same time on the seventh head because we're told in revelation 17 that the ten kings will all be of one mind if they're all of one mind they all must be together on the seventh head so let's begin at the top of page 103 and for those who are watching on some tv i would encourage you to get the study notes now this will make a lot more sense if you have the study notes and you're able to look up all of the verses that we're considering in the class so we find in the first paragraph of page 103 the ten horns are found on the head of the dragon beast of revelation 12. they're found on the head of the sea beast of revelation 13 and they are found also on the head of the scarlet beast of revelation 17. whereas the seven heads rule consecutively remember we studied that yesterday that each one represents a civil power that the false apostate religion has used throughout history whereas the seven heads rule consecutively the ten horns rule how contemporaneously in other words they all rule at the same time for example in daniel chapter two you have an image and the feet have ten toes right are the ten toes all existing at the same time of course they are they are the divisions of rome uh so whereas the seven heads rule consecutively the ten horns rule contemporaneously this is made clear by the fact that all ten horns will rule when they receive kingdoms simultaneously on the seventh head when the beast resurrects from its deadly wound the ten horns are symbolic of ten kings the text tells us that in revelation 17 verse 12. and the ten kings this is a very very important point there are not going to be exactly ten kings in the world that are going to join forces the number 10 is a symbolic number like the numbers in the book of revelation the ten horns are symbolic of ten kings and the ten kings represent the kings of the earth and of the whole world and we'll come back to that in a few moment during the 1260 days or years the ten toes and the ten horns of daniel two and daniel seven represented the nations of western europe but at the end the ten toes and the ten horns represent the kings of the earth and the whole world in other words you have a global meaning of the ten horns revelation 17 is an expansion and explanation of the last three plagues of revelation 16. so revelation 16 is a further explanation of uh revelation chapter 16. uh notice the parallels between the two chapters in both chapters you have a mention of babylon in both chapters you have a mention of waters in both chapters you have a mention of kings in both chapters you have a mention of drying up and in both chapters you have a reference to war and the victory of jesus christ you have the battle of the lord god almighty in the sixth plague and in revelation 17 and verse 14 if we read that verse it says in verse 14 these will make war with the lamb see that's the battle of armageddon that we find in chapter 16 these will make war with the lamb who is the lamb jesus and the lamb will overcome them for he is the lord of lords and king of kings and those who are with him are called chosen and faithful so you have a common theme between revelation 16 and 17 yeah chapter 17 is an expansion of chapter 16. so chapter 17 refers to 10 kings on the head on the last head but revelation 16 explains that the ten horns represent the kings of the earth and of the whole world are you following me or not we'll come back to that in a few moments now let's take a a look at the meaning of the number 10. are numbers in bible prophecy symbolic yes they're symbolic absolutely are we to understand that there will be just 10 nations in all of the world that will have one mind there's over 200 nations in the world by the way today uh well over 200 nations of course not remember that the three evil spirits gather how many kings the kings of the earth and of the whole world for the final battle the number 10 is synonymous with all we can see this in several biblical texts now you have in the next page all of the examples genesis 24 verse 10 speaking about all of abraham's goods it says then the servant servant took what ten of his masters camels and departed for all his master's good goods were in his hands so notice the word 10 is related to what it's related to all notice luke 19 verse 13 there's 10 servants did jesus use the number 10 in many of his parables yes so it says in luke 19 verse 13 so he called 10 of his servants so that means that in the end time he's only going to have 10 followers right no it's referring to all of his followers so he called 10 of his servants and delivered to them 10 10 minutes and said to them do business till i come notice first samuel chapter 1 and verse 8. then elkanah her husband said to her hannah why do you weep why do you not eat and why is your heart grieved am i not better to you than ten sons it would mean what having many many sons right notice ecclesiastes 7 verse 19. it says wisdom strengthens the wise more than 10 rulers of the city now a city can have more than 10 rulers the number 10 simply means all of the rulers of that particular city daniel chapter 1 and verse 20 and in all matters of wisdom and understanding about which the king examined them that is the three young men and daniel he found then ten times better how could it be determined determined ten times better what does that mean they were so much better they were completely better than all of the wise men of babylon than all the magicians and astrologers who were in all his realm thus daniel continued until the first year of king cyrus in matthew 25 verse 1 jesus spoke about 10 virgins so that means that in the end time there's only going to be 10 counterfeit five counterfeit followers of jesus and five true followers of jesus no the ten virgins represent what they represent the totality are all of god's followers at the end of time it says there then the kingdom of heaven shall be likened to ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom now five of them were wise and five of them were foolish now we give ten percent of our income why we give ten percent of our income and we're confessing that how much belongs to god it all belongs to god it says in leviticus 27 30 and all the tithe of the land whether of the seed of the land or of the fruit of the tree is the lord's it is holy to the lord so we return the tithe as a symbol that we recognize that everything all that we possess belongs to god and then at the top of page 105 the ten commandments express what the whole or entire duty of man now can you subdivide the ten commandments into additional uh additional expansion of the ten commandments of course you can you know there are other commands beside the ten commandments you have for example jesus says go ye therefore and teach all nations that's the commandment isn't it but the the number ten commandments represents the whole or total duty of man uh and jesus said that the whole law and the prophet the whole duty of god is revealed in the ten commandments so number ten on the head on the seventh head represents that all of the kings of the earth and of the whole world are going to join forces uh in the last segment of time now let's continue with the subtitle all on the same page are we clear so far these kings of the earth and of the whole world will be of what of one mind or they will be on the same page until the words of god are fulfilled or finished that could be translated now what are the last words of god that finally deliver god's people from their enemies he is going to say in revelation 17 in revelation 16 as well it is done my people will not be persecuted anymore is what he's saying when the words of god are fulfilled babylon united will become babel and what divided events similar to those at the tower of babel will occur but on a global scale regarding the confusion at babel ellen white wrote by the way were they all of one mind at babel oh yeah they were all on the same page go back to genesis chapter 11. genesis chapter 11. you're you're aware of this passage but let's notice how they were all on the same page it says there in genesis chapter 11 and verse 3 then they said to one another come let us make bricks and bake them thoroughly they had brick for stone and they had asphalt for mortar and they said come let us build ourselves a city in a tower whose top is in the heavens let us make a name for ourselves lest we be scattered abroad over the face of the whole earth were they all on the same page notice verse 5 but the lord came down to see the city in the tower which the sons of men had built and the lord said indeed the people are what ah one what does that mean the people are one there were bunches of people they were what united in their project the people are one and they all have what one language you know we use that symbolic we say are we on the same page are we speaking the same language right it has to do with unity so so we find that the builders of the tower babel were all on the same page but what happened when god intervened let's read this quotation from ellen white confusion and dismay followed all work came to a standstill is that going to happen with babylon oh you better believe it when we get to chapter 18 you're going to find that all civil activities are going to cease in babylon there could be no further harmony or cooperation was there harmony before yes the builders were wholly unable to account for the strange misunderstandings among them they weren't misunderstanding each other before this and in their rage and disappointment they reproached one another oh so they're turning on one another just at the like the sixth plague their confederacy ended in what strife and bloodshed among whom them lightnings from heaven are there lightnings in the seventh plague yes lightnings from heaven as an evidence of god's displeasure broke off the upper portion of the tower and cast it to the ground men were made to feel that there is a god who ruleth in the heavens that's the backdrop to what we find in revelation chapter 17. the ten kings represent the rulers of the christian world primarily who under the leadership of apostate protestantism and roman catholicism will influence the multitudes to enact and enforce a sunday law when this happened that happens the kings will all beware on the same page ellen white linked notice what ellen white linked the experience at the tower of babel with the fall of end time babylon this is a magnificent statement you know because she's gonna she's going to say that the tower is symbolic the tower that they were literally building back then is symbolic in the end time and the city that they were building back then is symbolic of the end time it's symbolic of spiritual babylon and the tower is a spiritual tower are you understanding the principle type anti-type now notice this magnificent statement from ellen white it's found in patriots and prophets 123 and 124 the chapter on the tower of babel she's applying this now to our time there are tower builders in our time infidels people who have no faith that's what it means infidels construct their what theories so what is the tower today theories why did the babel builders build the tower because they said we want to be remembered till the end of time it was to manifest their greatness so let me ask you the theories that are devised today is it to exalt the greatness of those who create those theories yes infidels construct their theories from the supposed deductions of sciences and reject the revealed word of god i want you to notice what the contrast is in this statement constantly it's between the wisdom of men and the word of god so notice this is the first time they construct their theories from the supposed deductions of the sciences and reject the revealed word of god they presume to pass sentence upon god's moral judgment they despise his law would that be would that be the word of god god's law they despise his law and boast of the sufficiency of what human wisdom or reason then because sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do what evil now notice the next part of the statement in the professionally christian world many turn away once again notice the contrast many turn away from the plane teachings of the bible and build up a creed from human speculations and pleasing fables and they point to their tower as a way to climb to heaven is the sunday law one of those human speculations that ignores the plain teaching of scripture yes what part of the seventh day is the sabbath don't you understand a child can understand that but it's substituted by a human devising by a day that was created by man for worship she continues men hang with admiration upon the lips of eloquence these are the super-educated while it teaches that the transgressor shall not die that salvation may be secured without obedience to the law of god if the professed followers of christ would accept god's standard see there's a bible again would accept god's standard it would bring them into what unity but so long as here it is again so long as human wisdom is exalted above what his holy word there will be divisions and dissension and then she applies this to the end time the existing confusion of conflicting creeds and sects is fitly represented by the term babylon which prophecy applies to the world loving churches of the last days wow the world loving churches of the last days are babylon revelation chapter 17 tells us that for a short period the kings of the earth and the whole world will give their power and authority and kingdom to the beast now what is the beast we noticed yesterday the beast are the multitudes tongues and peoples right that's the body of the beast the head is the kingdom composed of all the kings of all the world represented by the number 10. so uh it says here that the kings will give their power authority and kingdom to the beast and in other words to the multitudes notice this statement from ellen white the so-called christian world is to be the theater of great and decisive actions men in authority who are men in authority politicians right men in authority will enact laws controlling the conscience after the example of the papacy babylon will make all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication every nation will be involved so what does the number 10 represent every nation every nation will be involved of this time john the revelator declares these have one mind and then el white repeats the same thought in three parallel phrases there will be a universal bond of union just 10 kingdoms just 10 10 nations no there will be a universal bond of union and then she repeats the same idea in different words one great what harmony and then in case you didn't understand the first two phrases a confederacy of satan's forces and then she quotes revelation 17 12 and 13. so we know she's commenting on revelation 17 and shall give their power and strength unto the beast thus is manifested the same arbitrary oppressive power against religious liberty freedom to worship god according to the dictates of conscience as was manifested by the papacy when in the past what period in the past did the papacy do this during the 1260 years right so once again when in the past it persecuted those who dared to refuse to conform with the religious rights and ceremonies of romanism are you catching this picture see when you interpret all the symbols of revelation chapter 17 you start catching a picture of what the end time is going to look like all of the different actors and how they're going to interact how they're going to come together but the good news is that the king of kings is going to overcome them the lamb is going to overcome them so you know we focus on uh the difficulties that are going to come but the good news is that god will have the last word jesus will have the last word now the ten kings will be kings with the beast for one hour and they will make war with the lamb and by the way they don't make war with the lamb by shooting nuclear weapons at jesus how do they make war against the lamb because they attack his body and jesus is the head let me ask you if somebody pricks you with a needle does your head feel it yeah it's actually your head that feels it right so when the when the body is persecuted does jesus feel it yes when the wicked persecute his wife does jesus say hey don't mess with my wife of course when people mess with this sheep does jesus say hey those are my sheep is he like david that defends his sheep absolutely because he is in a covenant relationship with his people so we must form a covenant relationship with the lord that's the key point and then we don't have to fear anything whatsoever ellen white wrote at the bottom of page 106 as we approach the last crisis it is a vital moment that harmony and unity exist among the lord's instrumentalities the devil has done a pretty good job in our midst so that that unity does not exist everybody needs to lay their agendas aside and get down to business of informing the world about all these things because the world is confused the christian world is hopelessly confused they're all looking to the middle east no they're looking to the rebuilding of the temple the enemies are the muslims you know the enemies russia and china those are the enemies you know that's what that's what you hear in the news but behind this there's a spiritual battle the world needs to know that the battle is spiritual it's not between nations it's not between philosophies it's between good and evil between christ and satan people need to know this so she writes as we approach the last crisis it is a vital moment that harmony and unity exist among the lord's instrumentalities the world is filled with storm and war and variants yet under one head the papal power the people will unite notice the people will unite to oppose god and how does satan oppose god to oppose god in the person of his what in the person of his witnesses this union is cemented by the great apostate the war will not be directly against god but rather against god in the person of his people those who touch his people touch what according to zechariah 2 verse 8 they touch the apple of his eye matthew 25 in that you did it unto one of these the least my brethren you have did it done it unto me the voice said to saul of tarsus why do you persecute me but saul was persecuting the church but when he persecuted the church he was persecuting jesus because the church is the body of christ the glorious climax of this prophecy tells us that jesus will overcome the kings of the earth and the whole world because he is king of kings and lord of lords and by the way revelation 17 verse 14 introduces the thought when it says and we read this before these will make war with the lamb and the lamb will overcome them for he is the lord of lords and king of kings this is going to be picked up and amplified in chapter 19 where jesus comes seated on a white horse and in righteousness he comes to make war and the kings of the earth and the beast and the false prophet are gonna be uh together against jesus and by the way in revelation 19 jesus is once again called king of kings and lord of lords that shows that revelation 19 is an expansion of revelation chapter 17. are you with me or not so all of these chapters are linked now let's talk about the moment when the kings hate the harlot we've dealt with this previously but now let's amplify it the kings of the earth and of the whole world will not always carry on a love affair with the harlot who controls them do we have a message for the political rulers of the world we do folks and that's why in revelation chapter 10 after the great disappointment a voice says to john and john is symbolic of god's people and he said to me you must prophesy again about many peoples nations tongues and kings we have a message for the kings by the way that newsletter article that you got with the study notes that deals with this specific point of warning the political rules don't allow the harlot to tell you what to do because you're going to be on the wrong side if you do that we have a message for them at the voice of god the political leaders will realize too late that the harlot and their daughters have deceived them then the kings will hate the harlot and turn against her the political leaders will encourage the multitudes to turn against the harlot and her daughters the kings will hate her and the waters will dry up on her are you understanding the picture here a scene similar to the french revolution will be witnessed but on a global scale you see what happened to the papacy in the french revolution was just kind of a limited geographical thing but ellen white states in the book education i think it's 223 and 224 that the world is preparing for another french revolution on a global scale can we imagine what that's going to be like now ellen white described the time when the waters of the great river euphrates will dry up notice this statement it's at the beginning of the chapter god's people delivered it uh deals with the darkness uh the fifth plague that's deliverance with shouts of triumph jeering and imprecation throngs of evil men are about to rush upon their praying this is the flowing of the euphrates right they're about to rush upon their prey and now what happens when the wicked are about to rush upon the righteous when low a dense blackness that is the fifth plague deeper than the darkness of the night falls upon the earth then a rainbow shining with the glory from the throne of god spans the heavens and seems to encircle each praying company and now notice what happens the angry multitudes are suddenly what the uh angry multitudes are suddenly arrested what event would that be according to the symbolic portrayal of revelation the waters that are about to rush are suddenly wet arrested they're dried up she continues their mocking cries die away are god's people in danger anymore nope the objects of their murderous rage are forgotten when are god's people delivered at the fifth plague after that god's people don't have any reason to fear she continues with fearful forebodings they gaze upon the symbol of god's covenant and long to be shielded from its overpowering brightness and then yet there's a very important point at the beginning of this chapter god's people delivered ellen white is speaking about god's people delivered by the lord's voice in the next chapter the desolation of the earth ellen white picks up in the exact point where she began the previous chapter with the deliverance at the voice of god in other words the chapter the desolation of the earth is an expansion on the chapter god's people delivered now it's going to add details and the reason i mention this is because the next statement is in the following chapter it's going to explain in detail what's going to happen when the multitudes withdraw their support and how they're going to rise to destroy the waters are then going to avalanche themselves upon their those people who deceive them and page 656 ellen white wrote the people see that they have been deluded when does that happen at the fifth plague right we notice in the previous chapter the people see that they have been deluded they accuse one another see now there's no unity they accuse one another of having led them to destruction but they united one thing right they're united in one sense but all unite in heaping their bitterest condemnation upon whom the ministers it is a serious thing to be a minister woe to the minister if the minister does not preach the truth of god but all unite in heaping their bitterest condemnation upon the ministers unfaithful pastors have prophesied smooth things love love love i'm all in favor of love but what is love if you love me keep my commandments the apostle paul says love is the fulfilling of the law there is no love without law love without law is sentimentalism because law is a principle and therefore love that is built on the law is a divine principle so she says unfaithful pastors have prophesied smooth things they have led their hearers to make void the law of god yes i was person it was crucified when jesus was crucified the law was done away the law was for the jews no one can keep the law when jesus comes he's going to change us and then we're not going to sin anymore so once again they have led their hearers to make void the law of god and to persecute those who would keep it holy now in their despair these teachers confess before the world their work of deception the multitudes what would the multitudes be in the symbolic language of revelation the very word is used waters the multitudes are filled with what fury see they now they with withdrawn their support but now they're going to do something else the waters are going to drown the religious leaders symbolically speaking the multitudes are filled with fury we are lost they cry and you are the cause of our ruin and they turn upon the false shepherds what are the waters going to do they're going to drown the religious leaders symbolically speaking the very ones that once admire them most will pronounce the most dreadful curses upon them the very hands that once crowned them with laurels will be raised for their destruction the swords which were to slay god's people are now employed to destroy their enemies everywhere there is strife and bloodshed does that sound like the tower of babel absolutely the babel experience is going to be repeated once again it's going to be another french revolution if you don't think that the french revolution was a was a catastrophic event all you have to do is read the chapter the bible and the french revolution in the great controversy ellen white says that for the first time a nation openly proclaimed itself atheistic and now i'm working on on a couple of sermons uh and the title is it's not far from egypt to sodom because when atheism prevails the result is the moral devastation of society now let's talk about the final drawing up of the euphrates the final drying up of the euphrates looks like we're going to be able to uh start the next chapter that's good we're doing well now the seven-headed dragon of revelation 17 is reminiscent and i touched on this yesterday of a dragon creature which is called leviathan there are three key passages in the old testament that described this seven-headed monster seven heads seven heads kind of rings the bell doesn't it seven heads what are those three passages psalm 74 10 to 14. let's go there real quick uh psalm 74 and verses 10 through 14. here we find a very important detail actually we find more than one it says there in verse 10 of psalm 74 oh god how long will the adversary reproach will the enemy blaspheme your name forever why do you withdraw your hand even your right hand take it out of your bosom and destroy them for god is my king from old working salvation in the midst of the earth you divided the sea by your strength you broke the heads of the sea serpents in the waters you broke now this is important verse you broke the heads of leviathan in pieces does leviathan have only one head no leviathan has several heads now psalm 74 doesn't tell us how many heads but it does tell us that god what that god is able to break the heads of leviathan and then it says and gave him as food to the people inhabiting the wilderness the second passage in the book of uh job that deals with leviathan is in chapter 41. so let's go to job 41 and we'll read just uh uh maybe one or two verses there job 41 and the whole chapter deals with leviathan and who is leviathan verse 34 gives us a hint it says there in verse 34 speaking about leviathan he beholds every high thing he is the king over all the children of what of pride who is the king of pride satan is the king of pride and if you read this chapter you know scholars say that leviathan is a crocodile two the passage says that this crocodile breathes smoke and fire nobody can overcome him except the lord and his name is what leviathan now those who have studied the book of job have reached the conclusion that you know it's it's really a tragedy that the book of job presents satan in chapters one and two causing all of these evils to job and then satan isn't mentioned anymore in the book they say how is this you know this is an injustice the one who caused every problem for job he never appears in the book again the main actors do appear at the end right but satan doesn't appear and so you say what happened with satan satan does appear but he's not called satan he's called leviathan are you with me or not now let's notice the last passage uh in the old testament which is very important which identifies leviathan let's go to isaiah chapter 17 and by the way isaiah 17 uh is 27 not 17 27. uh isaiah 24 to 27 it's called the little apocalypse or the little book of revelation in the old testament because it has many themes in common with the book of revelation so let's notice isaiah chapter 27 and verse 1. in that day the lord with his severe sword what comes out of the mouth of jesus when he comes on the white horse a sword in that day the lord with his severe sword it represents the word of god by the way great and strong will punish whom leviathan ah what is leviathan the fleeting what the fleeting serpent leviathan that twisted serpent and he will say slay and unfortunately the king james version you know because the those who translated all this has to be a crocodile so they translate the reptile but the king james version says and he will slay the what he will slay the dragon that is in the sea so who is leviathan leviathan is the serpent and the what the serpent and the dragon can you think of any place in the bible where you have a creature that has seven heads and is called satan and is called the serpent and it's called the dragon how about revelation chapter 12. you think let's go to revelation chapter 12 and verses 7 through 9. revelation chapter 12 and verses 7 through 9. it says there in revelation 12 verse 7 and war broke out in heaven michael and his angels fought with the dragon and the dragon and his angels fought but they did not prevail nor was a place found for them in heaven any longer so now notice all the terminology so the dragon was cast out and then what is the dragon called also that serpent of old called the devil and what satan uh in the book of job is the devil referred to as satan in chapters 1 and 2. so who is leviathan at the end of the book he's satan is god going to crush the heads of leviathan he most certainly is and it says um so the dragon was cast out that serpent of old called the devil and satan who deceives the whole world and he was cast to the earth and his angels were cast out with him that's why we need to compare verses in different places of the double bible and people say well you know how do you know the bible is a unity it's very simple because every writer of the bible was inspired by the same spirit the unity of the bible is based on the fact that the holy spirit inspired all the writers and the holy spirit wasn't going to give wrong information the problem with many scholars today is that the scholars have forgotten that the bible was inspired by the holy spirit and so they find contradictions seeming contradictions in the bible there are no contradictions but they say oh there are contradictions because they have they believe that the bible is simply a human book like any other literature the bible is not like any other literature the bible is inspired by the holy spirit god gave the prophets visions and dreams and then they wrote down in the bible what god showed them in the language of their time so it's not the words that are inspired in white says it's the concepts that are inspired because the holy spirit is behind the contents of scripture so let's talk now that we've identified leviathan let's talk a little bit about the final drying up of the waters leviathan let's summarize at the bottom of page 108 leviathan is a sea creature with multiple heads and he rules over the waters leviathan is also called the fleeting serpent and the great dragon by the way do you know what the name leviathan means it means twisted or coiled very appropriately named that's why he's uh he's a serpent because the serpent is coiled at the top of page 109 leviathan is a deadly enemy of god and his people who afflicted job leviathan is he was it the enemy of job and the enemy of god the accuser of god absolutely leviathan is the king of the children of pride see he's got children who are filled with pride just like he was and ultimately god will pull out leviathan you can notice this in job 41 from his natural habitat cast him onto dry land and crush his heads though the book of revelation does not use the name leviathan it is clear that the dragon of revelation chapter 12 and the scarlet beast of revelation 17 are represented by leviathan by the way leviathan was a real creature that god created did you know that he said well how can a creature that god created represent the devil well god created the serpent too god created the lion and satan is represented by a lion don't get all hung up because you know because satan is represented by leviathan when god created leviathan leviathan was not the ferocious creature when god created him he failed so to speak so all the details regarding leviathan in the old testament coalesce in the portrait painted in revelation the dragon of revelation 12 is defined as the dragon the ancient serpent and satan the name satan appears in job as we notice as the persecutor of job and isaiah 27 verse 1 refers to leviathan as a dragon and the fleeting serpent now let's go for a moment after the millennium this is a final drawing up of the euphrates this is a very important paragraph after the millennium the kings of the earth will resurrect correct what has been the problem with satan during the thousand years he's bored and by the way he knows that after the thousand years his punishment is coming god allows him to stay here for a thousand years so he can so that he can see and the universe can see what the results of his rebellion were he'll have time to reflect see right now the devil doesn't have time to reflect because he's busy but during the millennium god is going to say sit look what you've done and ellen white says he'll be terrified knowing that his punishment is coming at the end of a thousand years so after the millennium the kings of the earth will resurrect from their death wound because they all died at the second coming and what are they going to do they are going to persuade the multitudes that surround the holy city to attack god and his people in the city at this point the city is what literal see after the second coming things are literal that's the principle before symbolic after literal so before the second coming of jesus jerusalem and israel is spiritual and global after the second coming jerusalem represents god's people in the literal city in heaven the city that will come down to the earth so we find here that the kings will per se persuade the multitudes to surround the city for an attack now here's a very important point satan will entice the kings and the multitudes to surround the new jerusalem let me ask you did satan influence the kings before the millennium was he visible before the millennium no he's he's stealthy before the millennium after the millennium will satan be visible he will be visible and people are going to know that what happened before the millennium actually was caused by the invisible guy so let's continue here satan will entice the kings and the multitudes to surround the new jerusalem and they will be like what like the river euphrates at flood stage and this is the image imagery behind psalm 46 which we won't read now as the political leaders are ready under the instigation of satan who is now visible they're ready to drown the city god reveals to the multitudes uh who was revealed to be the deceivers before the millennium the religious leaders but now the deceiver of the leaders is the object of the wrath god reveals to the multitudes that satan is the great deceiver and the kings and the multitudes will do what they will turn against him are you catching the picture in other words before the millennium satan is invisible the kings are orchestrating persecuting against god's people because the harlot and the daughters are enticing to do that but then god reveals that the religious leaders have deceived the kings and the multitudes they will turn against the religious leaders after the millennium satan is going to be visible and he's going to rally off of multitudes just like the religious leaders did before the millennium he's going to rally all of the multitudes you know we can we can conquer that city we are more than they are and so it says like they're like the sand of the sea in revelation 20 verses 8 and 9 they gather around the waters are swirling around the city so to speak and at this point god above the city shows that great panoramic view up to this point is there unity outside the city is there unity among satan and the kings of the earth and all of the religious leaders oh they're all perfectly united they're united to attack the city and those who are inside the city but then god shows the great panoramic view and suddenly the waters are awakened from their slumber and they say hmm they look at satan now it's satan it's not the religious leaders that satan used they look at satan they say you deceiver you told us that they were the bad ones and we're the good ones but now we have seen everything is clear in our minds that god and his people are right and you are a deceiver and you are wrong and what are they going to do they are going to turn against satan is the same type of thing going to happen after the millennium has happened before the millennium yes and that's the reason why if you read the last two verses of revelation chapter 19 it says that john saw the kings of the earth the beast and the false prophet arrayed to fight against jesus it's the kings not the dragon before the millennium but after the millennium it is satan are you following me or not suddenly satan appears satan is visible now now let's read ellen white's description at the bottom of page 109. this is when god shows the great panoramic view in fact that panoramic view is going to show the entire history of the world you know human beings brag about their knowledge of technology megabytes and gigabytes and terabytes and how much they can store well god has stored the entire history of the world so so the technology that we have is just a little little bit of the image of god that he put in us so so don't think that man is so great everything that that we have everything that we know is due to god and so god is going to show in panoramic view the entire history of the world from adam in the garden of eden the old testament history all of the events of the life of christ the events of the 1260 years the end time crisis everything will be shown and people will see at each state how stage how satan has deceived the human race and as they see history the way that it occurred now their eyes are open but it's too late to be saved but but now they say we can't fight against god god is right and we're wrong so now they are going to rise and the weapons that they were going to use against god's people in the city they will not now use to turn against satan this is how ellen white describes it and then we'll go to ezekiel chapter 28 where which is the passage that ellen white is basing herself on this is great controversy 671. he rushes oh once again the word russia's right he rushes into the midst of his subjects and endeavors to inspire them with his own fury and arouse them to instant what to instant battle but of all the countless millions whom he has allured into rebellion there are none now to acknowledge his supremacy his power is at an end the wicked are filled with the same hatred of god that inspires satan but they see that their case is hopeless that they cannot prevail against jehovah their rage is kindled against whom satan are the waters going to dry up on satan yes this is the clown this is the last stage of the battle of armageddon see armageddon has two stages a pre-millennial stage against the people of god and a post-millennial stage again where all of the wicked of all history and all the redeemed of all history are in the city that's the final stage of the battle of armageddon so she says the rage is kindled against satan and those who have been his agents in deception with the fury wow this is amazing with the fury of demons they turn on them by the way you know this this clearly reveals that the whole world will recognize that satan is wrong and god is right even the wicked will recognize that and then and only then can god destroy sin and sinners because all of the universe is on the same page the whole universe has recognized that god is right now ellen white is basing herself on the book of ezekiel ezekiel chapter 28. you know this uh chapter talks about um about the covering cherub that was cast out of heaven let's just go to the first part of the chapter it says in verse 2 the king of tyre becomes the type of satan son of man say to the prince of tyre thus says the lord god because your heart is lifted up and you say i am god i sit in the seat of gods in the midst of the seas and then god says to him you are a man don't be all caught up because oh well how calvin can this be saved he says he's a man well you know in daniel chapter 8 chapter 9 we find daniel saying that man gabriel came back to speak to me so so we don't get all hung up on the fact that this mentions a man so you are a man and not a god though you set your heart as the heart of a god behold you are wiser than daniel this is speaking sarcastically there is no secret that can be hidden from you with your wisdom and your understanding you have gained riches for yourself and gathered gold and silver into treasures by your great wisdom and trade you have increased your riches and your heart is lifted up because of your riches therefore thus says the lord god because you have said your heart is the heart of a god behold therefore i will bring strangers against you the most terrible of the nations and they shall draw their swords against the beauty of your wisdom and defile your splendor they shall throw you down into the pit and you shall die the death of the slain in the midst of the seas will you still say before him who slays you i am god but you are a man that is you're weak and not god and so the controversy will end [Music] you
Channel: secretsunsealed
Views: 1,264
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Id: TUtx_woKaZA
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Length: 58min 30sec (3510 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 16 2021
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