04 David Bald Eagle Tells of His Grandfathers & Crazy Horse

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/0and18 📅︎︎ May 19 2021 🗫︎ replies
my grandfather told me what happened again father white bull was in a limited Village Cherry Creek Village and what other grandfather white feather lived away from them but a mile and a half north of Cherry Creek Village Cherry Creek and side river you know cape Hill about they came together right at the village that's the religions your oldest really hidden village in the Sioux Nation and he was living there my grandfather lived up the Cherry Creek very creative ways and he used to come over to my godfather mother got this place and anything to talk together and he used to take me along to listen because he wanted me to catch on to that history so old history so I used to go there just sit there's a little heaps that I used to sit on and they used to sit there and talk my grandfather hybl was death ticket early here and wait father he wasn't so he used to talk to my grandfather had the funnel part slow and he would stick that other part this year and he would listen and you thought through that but I guess father white ball has a habit every time he talks after he talked like you oh hey Chad well or he would say let me definitely say that you do that he had that habit and so only at first I watched him and then after I got used to it him doing that word just scared away but they told me a lot of hate they told me to sit Elliot I'll Carcosa which beats pants and sit there we want you to catch on to what we're telling to tell to you grab grab grandchildren in the future for your children so they told me everything Battle of Little Bighorn when they never as the first capped over there they went over there and they would go out on the where they call it to where in Indian it would be a translation it would be stop me not many scouts which to wear we did there type of County around for enemy and truthfully all dissent about only from the cap the circle around horseback and one day they see the cavalry coming and so the the the party went and they contacted them and they asked them where they were going so that we're going back to the cap which was up way up north and it was that West instead of so the cavalry turned and went north looking for this cap and then they circled around the hill and came back to warn them kept the Cavalry's looking for them each time they they contacted them they would set him off in a different direction they kept doing that they caught on and they found out that we're sending him setting him different way and for two weeks been looking for him and they finally found him so and they found a boy Crazy Horse said scout he's got her to him and told him he asked her to you better not come any closer because you're coming to your death I mean Hoskins tester but he kept coming anyway so he said get ready so they got my grandfather he had the bigger bunch of warriors and got him to stay back stay behind those hills and when the cavalry come got a ride across a draw fire Crazy Horse's I want to draw fire and when they start firing at me I'm going to lead him off and as they chased me he says take hasty like there's going to be some up on the hill he's and it's going to start firing indeed he did that happens northern Cheyenne's I guess they had start flying over there rather image but just forget the cavalry on this time and he told white board my godfather Dottie use anything that makes noise other words don't tooth judge that noise would you come up behind the cavalry their horses are gonna be slow because they've been looking for us we'll reach and they heard your plate up and they're going to be slower that carried too much equipment and amendment selves are gonna be so tired cannot do any fighting this is a time to rush them I'd move it so when they saw ones label they saw he said you come up behind them with the last camera come through you come up behind and keep talking about their horses with gloves Tomas don't you've anything make no noise that's what order were so they kept knock him off their horses they just run right up on them because there was horse low and by the time the cavalry realized that they're coming from behind it was too late then they started running for their lives till they kill them all and I hadn't won the story books this boy and killed duster so I asked him grandpa I said in Indian I said grandpa did you kill Custer like to speed it and he kind of chuckled whoo-hoo he said well is it just a saber say hello and go you know they all looked alike so we the world we don't know which one is custard but we kill them all he says so somebody did and so he must tell that truth because but the story book tells him that he killed him but he see he did I could at peace needed you didn't know who killed him because they had his hair cut and everything he looked like the rest of them he said so that's what he told me what happened what happened afterwards he told me that they played about so the horses can't run past them he had other units that came to help them but they she'd what was going on and they defended him RINO and all him they just took off Kevin hall don't lend it to the stars running away from them and feel you are stolen northern Cheyenne's to go after them so they chased himself and took the flags away from the bed brought him back and Crazy Horse he had a victory dance crazy was brought to the only Scout that was alive I think our life foyer was his name he was a French happy stop entirely behind what they called his wife out this is your husband who let you decide what to do with him and here she went started walking towards him and he was standing there with his head down Stan you know she she walked over she grabbed the waters come on open three horse there was a lady sitting and she had a say grandchildren dinner grandchild from under her father back they wrapped her over the blanket she was sitting in here crazy horse took that like I can fly Eddie he didn't say this flag he said machine ocular which means this shovel here he says put around it he put her on her nieces net what I offer little collected poked up a IBM fellow he said take care of this this column in a future you will live underneath that flag he told him take care of it and he put it on that boy belongs to the Indian women had showed it he says this show so that's what he told him like lady now I don't know what that lady's babe but that father said that lady's name but I forgot much name boss I should've remembered what did your grandfather think about Crazy Horse did he see him as great leader yeah he was quite a leader he didn't want to be a chief he wanted to be a logger leader you want to be a chief but he was spiritual virtually blind every time they see him coming to the camp into the cap with a with a feather dangling on his back down so they're digging down they knew there was trouble they knew there was some problem but if you Ward on to settle on the side or the right side why it is okay everything was okay so every time they see him stay coming to get a cat with her listen to the back leg back they knew there was something wrong so he didn't have to tell the people he did you through that and when you say Crazy Horse was spiritually inclined can you tell us a little bit more about that the my god father always says I can't give or look which means his spiritual he lived the spiritual feels like another edge he kind of like he could tell in the future what's going to happen he has really young what's going to happen you know he has that way of life like that my wife told me the other day she was down touch every kid here one of my niece's came to her and she said I had a head of I was at heart heart trouble we've got our trouble vein or something was wrong and there was going to have surgery on her so they took her up to a hospital in here during the time she was there she had a vision about me head table words about she was sitting there I came over and put my shoulder I had on my on her shoulder and I prayed for and to her afterwards you will be the all right you'll be ok I'd have a surgery that's what she told me when she came and here this lady my niece copy it told me about it to pay for me in here I lived sure my afterwards shot he paid for me by the mountain by feeling just was like ready to go into surgery and I came out of it so that had that's what she told me this morning told me that so that's the kind that's what he had that's the way he and I could just about tell what's gonna happen in the future as I said here
Channel: Wo Lakota
Views: 62,821
Rating: 4.9506512 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 0sec (1080 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 29 2016
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