Chief David Bald Eagle

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[Music] welcome to this episode of best of America by horseback this episode is dedicated to a great horse when he was young he rose rocks he rode Bulls in the rodeo it was a close friend of Casey Tibbs he is a celebrity as he rode in many movies including one with John Wayne he was a gentleman who enjoyed dancing with his close friend Marilyn Monroe he's a war hero he was at d-day he was shot four times and left for dead he is a man of great wisdom and in this day and time Republicans and Democrats alike had learned a great deal from his counsel he's 96 years old and the leader of his nation after I finished my Mexico to Canada ride I was adopted by the rice family and Mike feels pretty enemy family into the chip law and Sioux nations I hope you'll enjoy this intimate conversation with my dear friend Chief David bald eagle [Music] first question I wanted to ask you what is it like dancing visiting with Marilyn Monroe well she is sweet gal oh she was better than what they always talk about her as she never was a dope Dean or anything like that she's really a regular girl she's a jolly ol Antico lucky she just is the way we appear on booth in the movies or anything like that that time I went they had a breakdown on the cameras movie cameras I tried to hit wheels and they had a big down to how to go to Hollywood to get repaired so we didn't do anything for a weekend so we went at you we danced there to ballroom Jerrod drangle with a big band we had a lot of fun and she told me she says just please call me Frances or whatever go called me mother real name so I said okay she had a bandana on and a pair of dark little glasses and nobody nobody on a whole crowd that the dancing that nobody has ever figured it out that she got was Marilyn she says just like the rest of and she was happy about it before she we had a lot of fun when you were on the movie sets you were able to meet some interesting people John Wayne well tell me about him but I didn't know really very much about John Wayne it's the old I knew as you should play the movies that I only went through one movie with him a wagon filled battle I went to that one I named him on that in natural they were there was a shallow river and the Indians were standing on the other side in the minute this had admitted to pulled his flag everybody started whooping and yelling just crossed that River and kind of a rocky place what I was thinking and so and John but I give you the signal far away and the guys they gave the signal for the guy start movin and Yellin a startled cry and John Wayne eg to the shop first shot here in the bucket himself interesting I'd better let you know he's his cut cut cut right now he was he he said he called the guys together he says only one guy supposed to fall that time haha it is digital selection and he didn't instruct them right so they wonder what the shot went off was the one that was supposed to fall fell but others that spell too and they wanted to get paid for the fall you know they get more when it if they didn't you know when it ball so that's what they were checked you've been in movies people have seen you've been with many people that everyone knows but the more serious conflicts you've been in were in World War two understand you were shot several times you're a true American Hero if you don't mind me asking can you reflect a little bit on be in those conflicts in World War two that was a d-day we were dropped over Normandy and they dropped us in their own place they dropped us right on top of the enemy instead of behind the lines where we could fight back just like we did a nun geo beachhead they got this right on top of them so it was early in the morning so they they just picked us off just like clay pigeons you know have a whole battalion just a few of us survived and when I fell I never didn't know I hit the ground I hung a part of my flesh it was right on the tree and part of it was in the yard yard sense and I was hanging cut sort of hanging down the lane up a sidewalk bring my helmet all come I was left for dead or left for dead according to the story and I was like conscious of course and the British commando Medical Department happened to come along and he ran over this wood kid in wanting to you know all of them I never could to thank him he will cable over and spell to my pulse and my parcel still beating so he called a fabulous over said helped me he said I'm going to cut this guy's cords and tie him up sent into the hospital that's what put into the story that's what they so this kid came over and they tied my gym jump artist tight and they sent me to the hospital and when I got there they brought me out of it it gave me trouble a transfusion and everything else next day they told me the story this the reason he done that he just cut the his knife he cut the cord he because he wants to tie it tight it up so that the blood to circulate faster kill me so that's what he does and he doesn't really good job so I went to the hospital with butter jump harness and everything fiction foundation everything tied around me and I swear survive I guess I won't say how old you are but eighty years ago you started writing wrong horses in a rodeo there's quite a while I started when I was 14 and loaded color of 65 air back brake many bones oh yeah which one how many two on this side the right leg to understand one left leg two broken arms which you always went back oh yeah it gets in your blood yes go do then Casey tips came along he says I like your style and wanted to take me to Europe to ride a rodeo so I went with him and I rode over there Julio and I got hurt follow that a horse sell worthy or sell Tommy got hurt he took me to hospital but not nobody talked English and I couldn't understand here it just what happened my wife mother was here and she could talk English so she interpreted for me and I've got it would have been for her they probably would have butchered me and then next morning all sitting there gears you got some visitors who come in Casey kids build an event his family Casey and his girlfriend and Scotty Hall all impact him anyway the welfare was over I mean thought everything was over and here about dosage she she lied there's a movie there's a movie actress that wants to meet you I walk to the American building this UT so we went up there at a seal I go friend who was up there we made an appearance and afterwards she was coming down the staircase in here here she's no friend said that first girl blonde with long hair she says that her knee I said can be she wants to meet I don't embarrass her as we see me as an Indian being a movie star why not she said patience movement why not here good actor yourself so after her program was over she came over we got introduced and we went to dinner together and from that night on we were together up to this day how do you teach people to deal with the atrocities and the in justices that have come down from the government over the years how do you practice fairness understanding and to make a way well how this politics is built really bothering as just another group that gets for nothing that's way up you I talk to them just like anybody else I talked to them and they asked me how do you feel towards me as a Republican I said well you're just another guy camellia said same way with Democrats or any other Republican parties however I said the way you're carrying on now I said you're going to go downhill what are you what do you mean about that there's too much greed there's too much bleeding your organization's I don't know about Democrats but I don't belong to either I said I I'm a chief selected be a cheap as a cheap so I don't belong to your party any of your parties Republican Democrats or any party I don't love to that I completely stay away from that because of a chief I have my own nation and I like that I said but you guys pushed away our way of life and where you stick into the European government European law and everything and you know that does not work here in America what you still doing [Music] courses are part of your soul tell me about the favorite horse of all time that was that perfect horse that you loved tell me about it my best course we buried him about two years ago it's a good burial everything because he played in the movies with me Oh Louise and we called him Buffalo boy what's Lavoie was porn reasons of the selection and your spirit to me and the he's never scared of any bustle he always runs right up on him but you have to be careful if he he dodges you better be right with him but I see and I came in today horses running around pin the boys are out breaking those horses training those horses what is it about the horse this is special what they brought their forties from Spain they like to spoil horses they were sure-footed long winded and that's what they were the guys like and they depended on them when the first came and they practically they'd have made a team out of them worth the horses and also ops and so forth but I believe that they built this America to help build it and these horses are sacred to us do you remember the Buffalo when they they still in the area when you were child not very many Bulls were killed off but did but my grandfather has told me he told me about him tell me if that's a grandfather my grandfather was white bull white bull and on my father's side and all my mother's side was white feather they used to sit side by side together and smoke pipe and they used to be a little sheepskin bed right there made by my grandma and I used to stay there I was raised by my grandmother I used to sit there listen day in and day out and listen to their stories how they had got into it with custard and all that stuff we took their American flag this flag had 13 stars there was a lady standing there with with a child on her back blanket Crazy Horse took that flag and put it on her he didn't save this flag he said this sow he says this shall he says I'm going to put on you this song belongs to your child and you women folks take care of it in the future you but I live underneath that very shape after this is over everybody divided up in goose and scatter throughout the country so you all don't get killed at once that the Indians alive in the future I will watch over human you should focus on Black Hills before we go I want you to do something for me people watch this program all over America can you close my program with something in Lakota and bless those riders and those horses as they rise but if that procedure you have possible you steer Fukushima revved up washed eggie Vitalik it yeah it gave each other we win kitchen God gokul Oh beneath kiss I die you Pia was like walk while of OSHA male go she's gotta watch a local customer another complain well it got glasses [Music] you
Channel: Best of America by Horseback
Views: 6,853
Rating: 4.8636365 out of 5
Keywords: Tom Seay, Best of America by Horseback, David Bald Eagle, Lakota, Lakota Sioux, Chief David Bald Eagle, boabh, marilyn monroe, ww2, wwii, world war two, veteran, wwii veteran, native american, south dakota, united native nations, silver star, errol flynn, john wayne, horses, horseback riding, american history, north american history
Id: 0D_ilE0H1Lg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 6sec (1266 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 18 2017
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