03/02/2022 | Midweek Prayer & Word

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[Music] praise the lord [Music] praise the lord everybody amen as we are ready to go into focus prayer tonight i just want to let you guys know this month the month of march according to the word network of is the celebrating families basically the prayer focus for this month is our families and we know that families are very important they build a church it's so important there's a lot of principles that are based just on the family if we can institute those principles into our home it'll help us through life when god told adam and eve to go from the garden he did tell them to what go be fruitful and multiply amen so i have some prayer points that i'm uh probably touched on but i do pray that it'll be tonight in the first part of this service in prayer serving let us focus on the family amen because strong family will build a church a strong family can build a nation amen so let's go to focus prayer on the on the family right now thank you jesus hallelujah god lord we give you glory first of all to bless your wonderful name jesus thank you lord for being the king of glory the lord who is strong the lord who is mighty we lift you tonight jesus as you blessed us to make it through the day we woke this morning to know your glory as we saw the sun rise out of the east and as it says to the west the scriptures say that everything they have breath give you praise from the rising of the sun and to the setting of the same we are grateful here tonight and east wind that we can come together as one body of people to give you the praise tonight jesus you are the only wise god jesus you are the king of glory it is by you and through you jesus all things were made for without you was anything made that has been made that's why the earth is the lord in the fullness thereof and all that dwell therein for we right now to see right now as heaviness our throne earth is our footstool and we as man we have been created in your likeness and in your image you put in man the breath of life and man became a living soul you have given us the ability to speech let us use our tongue now to give you praise to bless you jesus you are worthy of our praise we thank you tonight jesus for salvation we give you praise to know that there is no other god beside you we stand firm tonight to say that you are god alone to let this world know in the world to come that there is no other god but jesus christ fully god and full of man we thank you for that revelation today that we can call on you and know who you are we know some out that believe today that there are three four there are many gods but we thank you jesus that for the revelation to know that you are the only god in this world and we thank you for the opportunity that we can come and gather together here tonight in this place father right now as we go into prayer tonight to look at the family unit we ask in your gracious name to know how the family unit is being attacked we pray for unity and the demonstration of godliness among family unite the families tonight jesus help lord every father every mother son and daughter help the husband to be in unity with the wife and the wife with the husband bring unity right now jesus with sons and daughters will hust for father and son daughter and mother jesus because we know we have an enemy who will try to separate a home but we know a hundred years scripture unless we stand together because a house divided will not stand let us stand in you jesus a unit that we will not back down but we will bind together in oneness help us to be as a family unit to come together to the house of god to instill on your principle and your doctrine we ask it in your gracious name that you will help us lord to bring forth that demonstration of what it is to be a godly loving family in this world hollywood portrays it another way but we know your word jesus how you desire a family unit to function in the day we want you to be in the center in the midst of all that we stand for in the family here today jesus we are not just coming to church father to just mark time as a family unit jesus we need you in this hour we need the power of the holy ghost move or nothing guiding us in the way of righteousness jesus hallelujah as we pray for the family members that will love and obey your word keep us right now steadfast in your word the family help us to abide in your word that we will make your word the principle things in our life as the word said that god be true with every man alive let us have right now in our hearts and our desire that we will bring all things to you we remember in proverbs no matter how great or small the matter be but it tells us to trust in you with all of our heart leaning that into our own understanding but in all that we acknowledge you jesus and we know in this day you will direct our path we don't know how small the matter how great the matter may be but father we want to give it to you jesus first because we know that you were guided you have given us the holy ghost that will lead and guide us not just to some truth but to all truth and we thank you for that tonight jesus hallelujah so glory make us so right be consistent in the things of christ that we will remain steadfast in this day not going back not turning back to what we used to be but make us consistent to the house of god to the house of prayer we ask it in your name help us to be here on time help us to commit ourselves to you help us to have respect for the things of god in the house of god in the name of jesus today hallelujah lord as we ask right now for the discernment on how the enemy is trying to affect our families tonight jesus that we will heaven with ear that we will know of his ways he's cunning no father and we know the spirits that will try to come in and separate home to bring in the word called divorce to separate fathers from mothers husband and wife to spring forth their separation to make sons angry at mothers and daughters if their fathers but jesus right now we pray that we will not give in to that right now the enemy help us to discern what's going on help us to see right now the eye that we are living in let us know right now it's your word right that when time and conflict comes you told us to be slow to speak slow to wrath but be quick to hear hallelujah give us the hearing ear help us to discern the time and the matter right now jesus because sometimes we just need to just hold our peace and let the lord fight our battle and you will work the work of the righteousness into life open our eyes today right now we know that sin lies at the door we know the things that will try to creep in our home and bring forth habit but jesus i pray that we will stand firm and stand strong in the name of jesus this stand against it and say we will not allow it in our home because of the greater one that's inside of us that we will take authority back of our homes in your name jesus to not allow the enemy right now to wreak havoc over our children they have been dedicated to you for you we bring them to the house of god that you may fill them with your spirit jesus that they will be saved all of their life in the name of jesus lord you have the capability right now enlarge their territories right now jesus and allow them lord to have the effect right now in this world to know that the greater one inside of them hallelujah jesus glory your name o god hallelujah we pray for the healing of negative words and emotion as some have been raised heard been spoken negative words right now i've been told that there wouldn't be nothing the father might not been their mothers may not been there in their life they are wounded right now jesus and they still carry those guards even in the house of god but jesus we pray that you will heal for the healing right now that the bomb of gilad will come and heal those wounds right now jesus let's take away those motions jesus as we bring all things unto you right now in forgiveness asking you to forgive us of our sins and unrighteousness you step in in the mighty way lord and forgive us of our sins so let us break down forgive those that trespass against us we know they may have done us wrong but we want the mercy and grace of god as they come upon us we want to destroy it unto them right now help us to put that stuff aside jesus hallelujah right now lord and set aside those wounds in those emotions in the name of jesus hallelujah right now god hallelujah we pray right now that you will bring forth open communications into our homes praying for communication that we are able to sit down together and talk the matter out help us lord that we will have that spirit that will allow us to listen one to another that we will not close our ear that we will hear right now what our children are saying we want our children to be brought up in the ways of christ as the scripture tells us right now jesus that right now that the children others obey their parents we want them to go to heaven we are for their goods right now jesus we bring them to the house of god we want to see them exceed and i pray that every apostolic man and the woman right now that we will help lead our children in worship to lead them in right now in prayer and lead them in fasting in the things of god that we will point them in the way give them as an example of what it is to be a godly man and woman in this world the world portrays a lot of other things but we want to portray that we are followers of jesus christ in this day god can still do it he is still on the throne and we are still marching behind we are going to follow you jesus you are the way the truth and the life and we are going to continue in you jesus to follow you in this day in the mighty name of jesus so we ask it in your gracious neighborhood that you will hear our cry hear our prayers tonight as the family unit continues to grow stronger lord we ask that will not be we that we will not give in father that there will continue to be unity in the house of god in the family hallelujah in your gracious name oh lord help us go god hallelujah to have the guidance o lord in this day jesus to guide them in the way to go that we will be there lord with the bible studies that we will cover the time that we will not just have church and a building as we gather together here tonight help us have many churches in our home that we can come to time to gather o lord in prayer that we can come together in fasting hallelujah lord we asking your glory we bless you in the wonderful name of jesus jesus god we worship your name o lord you are great and greatly to be praised god we pray o lord that your hand would be upon us oh god god upon everything that we do o god be with your people o lord god help us to rise up o lord god under the anointing of your spirit god led by you o god and directed by you oh god to do your will let your will be done in our midst oh god god let your anointing o god be upon everything that we do o lord god let it be upon every teacher oh god god let it be upon every musician god let it be o lord upon every usher god let it be upon every singer god every speaker o lord god let your anointing o god be upon everything that we do o lord god for we know lord that your anointing o god can break through any situation your anointing can break the yoke o lord can break the back of anything any problem o lord god we pray o lord god just have your way o lord god break through any barriers o lord in our midst god move any obstacle that needs to be moved oh lord oh god we worship your name we humble ourselves before you o lord god we ask o god that you would help us oh lord we are nothing without your touch we are nothing without your favor oh god god let your favor be upon this people oh lord god give this church favor in our community o god give us favor o god everywhere that we go god everywhere o lord that we put our foot o god let us go under the authority of your word god i pray o lord that you would begin to open up doors like never before for us to witness so god god for us to reach out god for us to demonstrate your love and your power in our community o lord god we pray o lord that you would help us o god god for we are nothing without you we cannot do this on our own oh lord god we declare god our dependence upon you and upon your word oh god god we trust in you and you alone o god god we believe in you we believe in your power oh god we believe in your plan oh lord god we trust in it oh god oh lord we put everything that we have oh lord into your kingdom oh god oh lord for we know if you arise oh god then the enemies will be scattered we lift up your name in our lives god we lift up your name in our midst oh god you have all control and all power is in your hand o lord o god we will trust in you o lord we will praise you and you alone o god oh for you are our salvation you are our help o god you are the only hope that we have in this life oh lord you are the way you are the truth and you are the life oh god oh lord we need you jesus we thank you lord for what you are doing oh god in our midst god we pray o lord for the outpouring of god that will be coming in just a week or just a month oh lord we pray god that you would begin to help us we pray god that you would begin to oh lord just begin to put things into motion oh god god i pray lord that you begin to move on the hungry and the hurting god in this city o lord god we pray o lord that there would be a mighty move of the holy ghost god that you would show forth your power in a mighty way god that you would show forth your great love in a mighty way o lord god that you would just do what only you can do god that you would just show forth your miraculous power god that you would let people experience your spirit oh god oh lord that you would move oh lord this city that you would shake this city oh god shake this area and shake this region oh lord god and that the hungry and the hurting o lord will find you o lord and come to know you o lord like never before we thank you jesus oh lord for what you're gonna do god we thank you lord for your hand of protection god we thank you lord for your covering lord that you give to your people o lord god for we know lord that you will help us o god oh god i pray lord that you would help us to not be afraid o god god help us o lord remove all fear and to remove all doubt oh god out of our minds oh god out of our spirit so god that we would believe you god oh lord without fear our favor god that we could believe in you o lord god without restraint oh lord oh god let our hearts be fixed upon you god let our faith arise oh god help us jesus help us lord to grow o lord god closer to you every single day god for we need you o lord we are nothing without your touch oh god oh hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah god we praise your name o lord we worship you jesus oh lord you are our strength o god you are our hope o lord god and we trust in you o lord we trust in your plan o god we trust in your way we thank you lord we thank you jesus o god and we worship you o lord hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah oh blessed be the name of the lord blessed be the name of the lord we glorify you jesus we worship you o lord hallelujah [Music] lord thank you jesus hallelujah amen why don't we stand together tonight we're going to be receiving communion together in just a moment but before we do i want to bring these prayer requests before you we've been asked to pray for curtiraea this is a family that's in need their children diabetes they need a healing also for betty sylvester in philadelphia having lung surgery also a special request for jack and virginia bergman for healing and salvation and also for devin johnson how many of you have unspoken requests god sees the hand and knows the need why don't we just go before the lord right now in prayer lord we're so thankful that we can come into your presence what a great god you are lord you are a wonderful counselor everything we need we find in you lord you're our healer hallelujah by your stripes we are healed thank you jesus we exalt the mighty name of the lord tonight we've come into your house to worship you and to praise your name but lord you told us in your word that we can come boldly before the throne of grace we come before that throne of grace today lord with confidence that you will hear our cry and hear our prayer lord we pray for these needs that have been mentioned tonight that oh god you would meet every need hallelujah you would heal those that are hurting in their body you would save those that are lost o god do the work that only you can do o lord for you are the great and the mighty savior hallelujah there is none that is like unto thee we ask you lord to pour out your spirit o god oh lord as we receive of this tonight lord we ask you god that once again we would be reminded that you are the great healer hallelujah you can heal our broken bodies you can heal our broken hearts oh god you can save to the uttermost there is none that is like unto thee hallelujah in the name of jesus christ we ask everybody said amen those of you that are going to be uh partaking of communion we invite you now to uh come forward to step out uh into the aisle and come forward uh down into the altar area as much as possible if you um want to just stay in the isle area that would indicate to our serving team that you do want to receive of the communion we'd ask that as you are receiving these cups that you would just hold on to them i'm going to make a few comments before we actually partake of the lord's supper we ask that you would come down or at least come into the aisle if you do not want to receive communion you can stay in your seat and that will indicate that you'll just be observing tonight i want to share something with you about receiving communion the bible says that when we receive communion that jesus told his disciples that as he took the bread that he gave thanks and he break it and he gave unto them the bread that was broken what we do here of course is just a symbol of that but he did it to illustrate to them a very specific point he said this is my body which is given for you this do in remembrance of me and there are three things that i want to lift from that passage of scripture that i want to put in your hearing tonight as we prepare to receive this communion number one is it is incumbent upon us as christians that we preserve past victories that we preserve past victories i uh i feel strongly that there was a mission that jesus was on and this calvary experience that we oftentimes referred to was a victory i was talking to brother tom tremble over uh the weekend and discussing scripture and i said have you ever been curious as to why he told so many of his recipients of miracles that he would tell them not to tell anyone and he said i i think i have an idea why he told he said you'll notice that when he was out of the region like the gatoria he didn't say for them not to tell anyone but for those that were in the region of going into uh jerusalem he said not to tell and this he believes was a way that jesus could preserve uh the the uh crucifixion as it were because if it had gotten out about all the miracles most of the miracles were up in the galilee area that they very well uh may not have crucified him but many of the ones that shouted crucified him had never seen a physical miracle they had never heard of his miraculous power he wanted to preserve those moments so that he would have the victory of calvary ladies and gentlemen what we are to partake of right now is a victory and so when he said this do in remembrance he was saying that we should preserve past victories i'm reminded in first samuel 21 where it talks about david bringing that sword of goliath down and bringing it into the temple giving it to the high priest he wanted to preserve that victory he wanted to keep it so that he knew when times would get rough that there would be something powerful about that psalms 102 says but thou o lord shall endure forever and thy remembrance unto all generations we have to preserve our victories and this is what i believe jesus was saying when he said this do in remembrance of me but beyond that i believe jesus also wanted his followers to partake of present victories not just preserve past victories but to also partake of present victories even if you don't understand the significance of the moment there was no way the disciples could have understood the value of what was taking place at the last supper they were trying to process all this information but they partook of the bread and the wine even though i'm sure they didn't always understand it peter struggled with understanding why jesus would wash their feet but out of obedience they partook of the present victory oh my friend god has some present-day victories for us and he wants us to partake of those present-day victories and so we know that we preserve the victories of the past and we partake of the victories of the present and then finally i believe that through the uh taking of this uh communion that we do as we commemorate calvary and what it meant to all of us in our christian experience that we should also pursue future victories pursue future victories jesus told all those who would listen destroyed this temple and in three days i'll raise it up they didn't understand what he was describing they didn't realize he was talking about his body they thought he was talking about the physical temple that they worshipped in that he was going to destroy it and the bible says in john 2 22 when therefore he was risen from the dead his disciples remembered that he had said this unto them and they believed the scripture and the word which jesus had said oh my friend sometimes you got to pursue future victories amen you got to just believe by faith and change is is never easy it requires courage and faith but when we come to these kinds of moments and we can stop and we can reflect back on what it is to be a christian and of course calvary being that focal point of our christianity we can be reminded that the victories of yesterday must be preserved the victories of today must be a part of our everyday lives and the victories of tomorrow must be pursued and every time we receive a communion i'm reminded that one day jesus is coming back for the church oh hallelujah i want to pursue that victory amen hallelujah he's coming back for a triumphant church the bible says that when all these things begin to happen to look up your redemption draweth now there's a lot of unrest in this world but ladies and gentlemen jesus said there was going to be these days they would come wars and rumors of wars but look up your redemption draweth nigh hallelujah our hope is not in this world our hope is in a god hallelujah that's coming back for a church and he's coming back for a church that is without spot and without wrinkle so when we partake of this we pray and we ask god if there be anything in our heart or spirit or mind let it be purged right now and we're going to pray in just a moment as we do we're going to begin to receive this and i encourage you as you receive of this cup and of this wafer that you begin to rejoice and that you begin to celebrate the victories of your past the present and the future through the blood of jesus christ amen let's pray together right now lord in the name of jesus god you have allowed us to partake with you lord to sit in heavenly places and oh god though we were not physically on the earth when you became that spotless lamb slain from the foundation of the world you have given us access to that experience through this indication lord that you gave us that we should remember calvary and lord we partake of this now lord in obedience to your mandate in obedience to the word of god not out of some vain ritual not out of some tradition that's without meaning or purpose but oh god we do it out of obedience to your word and once again we're reminded that you are a victorious god now lord in accordance to your word we ask god that you would cleanse our heart and our mind and our spirit let there not be anything in our lives lord that would bring a shame lord upon this but oh god i pray that you would cover us with your blood oh lord cover our lives our minds our spirits our bodies cover of all with the blood of jesus christ forgive us lord of every sin every thought every sin of commission every sin of omission o god i pray o lord that you would cover us in the blood of jesus forgive us oh god as we remember lord this tremendous price that was paid and we rejoice in the victory and the significance of this accomplishment in jesus name we pray hallelujah hallelujah now as you peel back that little cellophane it'll reveal the wafer and then as you peel back the foil it will reveal the drink in the cup let's receive communion together right now in the name of jesus christ oh hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah oh bless the name of jesus bless the name of jesus hallelujah oh let's take just a moment and lift our voice unto him hallelujah we rejoice in the victories of the past we partake of the victories of the present hallelujah we push forward to the victories of the future hallelujah we link our arms our minds and our spirits with you oh god you're the undefeated general you're the mighty god in christ you're the author and the finisher of our faith hallelujah oh we rejoice in you o lord [Applause] we rejoice in you o god hallelujah you are wonderful you are the counselor you're the mighty god we bless the name of jesus we thank you for every victory lord we thank you for every healing god we trusted by your stripes we are healed lord we thank you for every healing in the past and we partake of every present day miracle and lord even those who we don't understand god we press toward the mark of the high calling of god in the name of jesus hallelujah we rejoice in you lord we rejoice in you to god be the glory hallelujah in the name of jesus in the name of jesus we bless the lord we bless the lord we bless the lord you are great and greatly to be praised hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah what a mighty god we serve what a mighty god we serve angels bow before him heaven and earth adore him bless the lord bless the lord oh i feel the holy ghost don't you it's amazing you can just reflect back on the goodness of god his spirit overwhelms us amen as we're being dismissed to our classes i do want to remind you there's a new class that's starting tonight it is addiction recovery and it is in the conference room that is back here if you go uh into the second foyer and you go left down that hallway in the office when you'll go into the conference room area and that's where that class will be held our next steps discipleship class will be in the multi-purpose room where it normally is and everyone can be dismissed to their classes i'll be teaching in the main auditorium tonight and if you're in the main auditorium we ask that you would find your seat as quickly as possible make sure you do give the the empty cups back to the ushers and let's dispose of all of that properly and we'll make sure that we're able to keep the auditorium as nice as possible aren't you thankful for this beautiful auditorium the lord has given us so thankful for god's blessings on this congregation amen so glad that you are here on a wednesday night amen thank you for coming i know you've probably worked hard all day but you love the word of god and you're here to partake of that present day victory amen the word of god is a victorious book when we read the word of god we're reminded that we serve a victorious god i want to turn your attention tonight to the book of matthew chapter 6 and verse 33 we will begin in matthew chapter 6 and verse 33. this is a scripture that you often hear quoted in churches and certainly this church is no different but i want to try to unpack it for a a little bit more tonight and see if we can extract some principles that will benefit us in our day to day life matthew chapter 6 and verse 33 says but seek ye first the kingdom of god and his righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you i want to talk for a few moments tonight on this subject first fruit fundamentals first fruit fundamental seek ye first the kingdom of god and his righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you there is a principle in the word of god that i believe is the secret to being successful and fulfilled and it's important that we be both of those things you can be successful by the world standards and not be fulfilled in your own personal life but i believe that god will cause us to be fulfilled individually and to be successful so that our blessings runeth over our cup runeth over it's more important to understand that god wants to bless us so our cup runneth over for two reasons number one it indicated that we are full and so we are fulfilled but also it runs over meaning that the blessings of god splash over into other people's lives that we rub shoulders with that's why god will continue to bless you and i but this particular principle and the reason that we are focused on this principle tonight is because principles are established forever they're not going to go in and out of style it's not for a certain generation but principles are forever established and so there is a principle in the word of god that i believe is a road map for us to be unsuccessful and being fulfilled and it involves the priority of placement the priority of placement we understand priorities what we consider to be the most important thing and so forth but oftentimes we we find ourselves with several things that are important and how do we place those things i think this is uh something that the word of god gives us some clear direction on let's talk a little bit about it tonight it's important to i believe re-establish the fundamentals that are in your life in my life on a regular basis why do we do what we do this is something that's not lost corporations do it uh small businesses do it it's churches uh individuals families corporations why are we doing what we're doing what is the what is the purpose for it and uh when we look at our own individual lives we recognize that there are some fundamentals that are common to all of us and they involve five different areas number one spiritual number two mental number three physical number four emotional and number five social and i'll refer to them but i'll i'll give them to you again in case you're taking notes number one spiritual number two mental number three physical number four emotional and number five social these are these are five areas of fundamentals that are common uh to all of us that are here on this earth and that are breathing air and in particular that are trying to walk by biblical principles and if we can be healthy in each of these areas then we will be fulfilled and successful if we can be healthy in these five areas and the bible comes alongside of this and and it gives us a hint to how we can guarantee the success in each one of these areas the bible has a principle that says put the spiritual man first in all of these categories and you'll be successful in each area seek first the kingdom of god and then we read that the old testament reinforces this principle let's look at some scripture now if you have your bibles i turn your attention to ezekiel chapter 44 and verse 30 ezekiel 44 and verse 30 and it says and the first of all the first fruits of all things and every oblation of all of every sort of your oblations of course which was their sacrifices shall be the priests ye shall also give unto the priest the first of your dough that must have been where money was first referred to as dough [Laughter] the first of your dough that he may cause the blessing to rest in thine house so all the way back in the old testament there is an indication that if they would bring the first to the priest or to the temple to the house of god that then that particular act would cause that blessing to be multiplied to the entire house proverbs chapter 3 verses 9 and 10 says this honor the lord with thy substance and with the first fruit of all thine increase so shall thy barns be filled with plenty and thy presses shall burst out with new wine and we'll come back to these in just a moment because that particular verse is very interesting what are the presses and what are the barns and what is the the metaphor there well when we read these verses and i know you've heard us talk about it before this is referring to uh financial blessings but it's more than financial blessings it also speaks to quality of life it speaks to purpose it speaks to fulfillment and so from the very beginning god has made it clear in his dealings with mankind that the first portion belongs to him so when the lord was instructing moses on the law and the moral code of the people he told he told moses to write down what the people were to do concerning the first fruits and of course the the increase speaks of honoring the lord with your substance and we often examine that with our obedience of giving from our financial increase but i think that these principles apply to all areas of our life and we can look at it through the eyes of our financial giving and then use that as a template to see how that same principle works in every other area of our life so let's examine it for just a moment through what is common in this uh verse in these verses that i read uh and that is referring to of course uh paying tithes and giving offerings let's look at it that way first and then we'll expand it from there exodus chapter 34 verses 26 and 27 says the first of thy firstfruits of thy land thou shalt bring unto the lord or rather unto the house of the lord thy god thou shalt not seethe a kid in his mother's milk and the lord said unto moses write thou these words for after the tenor of these words i have made a covenant with thee and with israel now whenever you see that type of verbiage in scripture something should just cause you to pause and consider because when god makes a covenant with humanity it is significant there is something powerful about that because god honors his word and so when he is in covenant agreement we know that this is something that is not just confined to a period of time of 2000 years ago but this is something that i can uh pull from and apply to my own individual life so he says according to the tenor of these words in other words according to the the principle of of this command according to the the understanding of this there is going to be a covenant that will be established with my people now there are two things that are clear from the very beginning a the first portion of their increase belonged to god we know that and b the size of that portion was a tenth the size of that portion was a tenth and that's where even the word tithe comes from it comes from a tent so from the very beginning he established that the first part was to belong to him and then the size of that first part was a tenth uh look at leviticus chapter 27 and verse 30. we'll read verses 30 31-32 leviticus chapter 27 and all the tithe of the land whether of the seed of the land or of the fruit of the tree is the lord's it is holy unto the lord and if a man will at all redeem ought of his tithes he shall add there to the fifth part thereof now many times when we talk about the fifth part we talk about the offerings and people oftentimes will give a 10 their tithe of their income and then they give uh an additional 10 percent an offering which is the fifth part of course we do that through missions and other things but that's this is where it comes from 20 of course being a fifth part now look at verse 32 and concerning the tithe of the herd or of the flock even of whatsoever passeth under the rod the tenth shall be holy unto the lord now throughout the old testament he makes this clear the tenth part belonged to him he honors addition but the tenth part belongs to god and is non-negotiable look at malachi chapter 3 and verse 10 the language gets even stronger as you make your way through the word of god malachi chapter 3 and verse 10 says bring ye all the tithe into the storehouse that there may be meat in mine house and prove me now herewith saith the lord of hosts if i will not open you the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing that there shall not be room enough to receive it so there is this promise that if we will obey god's word and give god what belongs to him that he's going to bless that there's going to be this uh this downpour as it were uh there there's a term that we got familiar with number of years ago in our government that was called trickle-down economics and that is that if the people at the top of the spectrum are doing well then it trickles down and there's more jobs and businesses grow and people have better you know income and jobs and benefits and so it all trickles down uh the problem with trickle-down economics is that oftentimes it doesn't trickle it's it gets stopped up and and here's what i love about the lord the lord doesn't have trickle-down economics he has flow down blessings if you're faithful to god it doesn't trickle it flows that's what i love about the lord hallelujah god is sitting uh at the top of this whole uh paradigm as it were and he is not a god that is a stingy god he's a generous god so if we obey his word it flows down that means everything is blessed if i can do what the word of god tells me to do then i will be blessed but not only i will be blessed but my family will be blessed my kids will be blessed my friends will be blessed my church will be blessed everything will flow down from people that are obeying the word of god now let's establish some things um in the word of god that i think are very interesting as it relates to this principle first of all in the garden of eden the lord told adam and eve that it was it was all prepared for them he made the whole garden of eden for for adam and eve and everything that was in the garden was there except the tree of knowledge of good and evil now here's what's interesting about that uh people have oftentimes said well why would why would god put a tree in in the middle of the garden that they could not partake of because it was a principle that was to be established throughout all of humanity and i'm gonna i'm gonna try to do my best to explain this as we go here's what's interesting about this tree historians and theologians tell us that there were 10 different kinds of trees in the garden and in fact of those 10 trees every other tree that we have in this world all comes from one of the nine trees that were in that garden so that there were there were ten types of trees and there was one that the lord said don't partake of that was his and of the nine trees they were given to mankind and we still have them today the tree of knowledge of good and evil was the first tree and the reason adam and eve were not to mess with it was because it did not belong to them uh you you can see it you can enjoy the beauty of it but don't touch it don't take it because it's not yours one of one of the great secrets in life especially as it relates to first fruit fundamentals is that you want to know what to say no to if you can learn what to say no to you can say yes to a whole bunch of good stuff and this is this is the rub this is where the majority of mankind gets off track and that is that we never learn how to say no to our own desires and until we learn to say no to our first impulses that this principle applies to every area of life we understand it as it relates to our tithe but it goes well beyond that if i can learn to not just say the first thing that comes to my mind to say no to that tree think about how we will not regret a lot of things that we say that we wish we could take back but in the heat of the moment we took of the tree we took of that emotional lollipop we took of that opportunity to get back we and and we spoke in anger and those words were out and they could not be retrieved think about if we could say no to the first impulses of our flesh we would not get in immoral relationships if we said no to our first impulse in so many areas of life that god could begin to bless us and say lord know when i first feel to do i'm going to back up and i'm going to pray about it first i remember when i was i was sharing this with my my sons recently when i was a young man and was looking for a car i would go and look for a car that was within my budget my dad you know would go with me and i would find one that i liked and i was ready to buy it right then i have the money i like the car it runs it's got good tires and and i have the money to do it let's seal the deal and go and i can remember my dad would say why don't we go home and sleep on it son and i did not want to sleep on it i did not feel it was necessary to sleep on it it may be gone tomorrow you know when you're young you're impulsive right but thankfully there's some wisdom about saying wait a second not so fast can you can you imagine what would happen in our lives if we were more deliberate with saying wait a second the first thing i'm going to do is go and pray about it now i feel strongly about doing this but before i do i'm going to ask god to help me and give me some direction oh hallelujah don't you know the lord would help us and we wouldn't have to live with so much regret because we took the first fruits and said no lord i'm not going to partake of what i want to do in my flesh i'm going to back off and i'm going to let god give me direction and guidance we understand as this relates to paying our tithes that's important because it's obedience to the word of god but beyond that principle is this understanding that if we can give the very first of everything to the lord especially as it relates to those five areas and i'll get more specific so you understand how that principle applies but let's let's start with a few things that are tangible we can get our arms around give the first of your day to the lord spend time with god before you do on social media remember we talked about how this involves social mental all these other things if you will first talk to god before you start sharing all your innermost thoughts into the general public as a whole if you'll just talk to god first you won't have to go back and delete so many tweets [Laughter] we're talking about first fruit fundamentals that the rest of your day will be in alignment if you'll spend a few moments talking to god first lord i thank you for another day i thank you for another opportunity hallelujah to be a witness on this earth to your glory and your greatness and and i'm going to talk to you first before anything else that's establishing the first fruit principle with our social time we're going to talk to god first the give the first of your praise to the lord now i believe this principle goes to the development of us emotionally if we can stop and say i'm going to praise god first when i feel anger when i feel hurt when i feel disappointment when i feel wounded instead of taking any of those emotions and bringing them into my bosom and allowing them to be a part of who i am my thought process i'm going to stop and i'm going to stop and say wait a second before i subscribe to any of those feelings i'm going to stop and praise god you know if you would start to praise god you would find that all those things you're feeling will dissipate and you'll be able to go through your day in a positive frame of mind rather than a negative frame of mind because you didn't take that emotional lollipop you decided you were going to praise god and live by biblical principles and say god i'm going to praise you first before i criticize the situation i'm going to worship god before i criticize the individual i'm going to give honor to god you'll be fulfilled you'll be successful give the first of your reading to the word of god now i believe strongly about this you can ask my family i believe that you ought to read the bible before you read your email some of you say well pastor i wake up and immediately grab my cell phone and start reading you can put a bible app on your cell phone [Laughter] some of you got a bible app on your cell phone right now you can you can if you'll if you'll spend time reading the word of god i can't tell you the number of times that i have spent uh it doesn't have to be an hour it may just be five ten minutes but you can read the the word of god first and god will give you a scripture that will then prepare you for what you're gonna face that day i mean you can read down four get through all your junk emails and get to the the email that you think is important open up and read it and it can mess up your whole day but if you've read the word of god first god's given you wisdom and understanding and you know what you can deal with that situation and it not destroy your day not destroy your witness not kill you not make your mood bad all the things that we can do as emotional human beings if you'll just give god the first part of your reading and say you know from a mental from an intellectual standpoint before i do anything else before i acquire uh knowledge of what's going on in ukraine or before i read about what's happening in social media before i find out what's happening in my email box i'm going to stop and say god i want you and your word to be the first part of what is entering into my mind oh my friend there are these are secrets of how to live a fulfilled life it's all in the word of god in every area of the fundamentals of our life give him the first fruit and the only way you can do this is to say no to yourself for the first portion now i want you to remember this this is a statement that i think will be beneficial remember that just because you possess it does not mean that you own it just because you possess it does not mean that you own it now we understand that i believe we do as it relates to finances that god blesses us but we're just we're just leasing that's blessing that's not we don't own it it's not like we're giving back to god we're we're returning uh to god what belongs to his him but we are blessed and it's not ownership it's possession but now i want you to think about this beyond uh the the financial side of this because this principle i think applies to life you may be given 24 hours today and you may possess life for another day but do you really own your life do you really own time no we're just tenants right we know we're just on this earth for a limited amount of time and so if i can get an understanding that what i am enjoying in this life is only temporary but i can get a revelation that it's not mine it's just that i've been given the ability to enjoy it you you can be leasing a beautiful apartment but you can be reminded that you're not the owner of that apartment if you want to go change the paint color you got to get permission from the owner or you gotta buy a new appliance or whatever the issue is there are things that always remind us that we're not the owner per se humanity wants to take not just possession but want to take ownership of everything but ladies and gentlemen you and i both know that our life can be gone in a half second there's all these things that are happening inside this body and systems are going and running and and one little thing can malfunction and me fall over on the floor every breath we take is a gift from god you don't own your life god has just given you he's just given you on loan life he's given you breath that's on loan you don't own your breath god loans you breath oh my friend if you can get a revelation that i don't own it i just am leasing it and god hallelujah has given me a limited amount of time and in a limited amount of ability but i can take it and i can use it for the glory of god if you do your your your life is in alignment with the divine purpose of god the joy of life this is so important that you get this principle and i know it's counterintuitive to our nature but if you can get this understanding that the joy in life is knowing what you don't own it's in knowing what you don't own that's the joy of life if you get that revelation you can get the you can give the first part of everything to the lord because you don't have to fight with ownership rights you don't have to struggle with god this is mine this is yours this is my dear no you say it's all yours god i just thank you for allowing me to partake of it i get to i get to have a part of it oh hallelujah let me give you another example when the children of israel crossed over jordan they'd wandered in the wilderness for 40 years they cross over jordan they begin to take the land of canaan there were 10 cities that they were to take in the land of canaan to have control of this promised land that god had promised them and of course through doubting and all the different uh things that they struggled with in the desert as a whole generation had to die off to where they could finally be ready even moses didn't wasn't able to go into the promised land and um there's another great example the mistakes that he made were first impulse decisions striking the rock with the rod and all the things that that he did were another indication of of of him failing the test of the first fruits and so finally joshua has to lead him his successor and then uh another whole generation and joshua says we're going to go back and we're going to we're going to eat of the old corn before we go in other words we're going to remember just like we're talking about with communion we're going to remember our past victories and we're not going to just skate into that canaan's land without remembering there's a price that's been paid to get us to this point we're going to go forth in faith and victory but we're also going to remember the sacrifices of our past and so he had them be circumcised he had them uh eat of the old corn and then they were prepared to go over into canaan's land as they went over the jordan river there were 10 cities that they were going to have to conquer and the first was the city of jericho and perhaps the most uh developed and uh affluent city of the ten cities was jericho and the lord told joshua and i tell the people not to take any of the spoil once again the first part belonging to the lord joshua chapter 6 verses 18 and 19 and ye in any wise keep yourselves from the accursed thing lest ye make yourselves accursed when you take of the accursed thing and make the camp of israel a curse and trouble it so there's this flow down blessing but there's also this accumulation of curses that also take place and that is that disobedience can be contagious as well as obedience and so he's telling that all israel be cursed so don't anybody partake of verse 19. and and you've heard this said you know a rising tide lifts all ships well guess what when the tide goes out all ships drop as well right it it it works both both directions verse 19 but all the silver and gold and vessels of brass and iron are consecrated unto the lord they shall come into the treasury of the lord so he's saying it doesn't belong to them it's first fruit belongs to god it'll be accursed if you take it so they go they conquer jericho they march around the walls and you know that story when they go to the next city which is a little city by the name of ai they didn't think they needed all their army they just took their elite crew over there to take care of that group their navy seals or whatever and they didn't think they really needed everybody you know to be a part of the battle when they went against ai they were defeated very quickly and uh they came back and everybody was like what in the world happened i mean we just conquered jericho ai is like it's like winning the super bowl and then not being able to win a sandlot game what in the world this is not right something's up and so joshua goes to inquire the lord and the lord says somebody in your camp didn't obey and took some of the spoil of jericho his name was aiken joshua chapter 7 and verse 11 says israel had sinned and they have also transgressed my covenant which i commanded them for they have even taken of the accursed thing and have also stolen and dissembled also and they have put it even among their own stuff now that's the point that i want to extract from this scripture and that is the commingling of what belongs to you and what belongs to god notice the distinction between their own stuff and the accursed stuff there's a distinction here if you take what belongs to god and you put it with your own stuff it is accursed again we're reminded that just because you possess it doesn't mean that you own it here's another illustration of that same principle there's a saying that i love and it simply goes like this it's our job to humble ourselves and it's god's job to promote us if we do his job he'll do our job just let that sink in for a moment it's our job to humble ourselves the bible says humble yourself under the mighty hand of god and it's god's job to promote us if we do his job he will do our job all right if we understand that statement then use that as a template and put it on this principle if you take what belongs to god he will take what was meant for your blessing if you take what belongs to him he will take what he intended to be your blessing that's why the bible says you can fill up your bags but if it's got holes in the bottom of it what good does it do so going back to the principle put the kingdom of god first spiritually intellectually physically now how do we put this principle this first fruit principle how do we put it into place physically i believe we put it into place based on the disciplines that we have or what we wear we oftentimes wear uh modest clothing that probably would be more comfortable for us to wear something else but we do it as a as a a a an act of obedience to biblical principles there is throughout the word of god three biblical principles as it relates to our dress it has to do with distinction from the world it has to do with gender distinction and it has to do with modesty those three principles are extracted from the word of god both in the old and the new testament so when you dress modestly let's say you would rather you know in your flesh dress differently but you are are trying to obey biblical principles so you do that and you say no to your own desires what happens is you are giving that first fruit to the lord you're saying that this temple of the uh this body is not just for my own personal pleasure it's not just my own you know jungle gym to enjoy it is a temple of the holy ghost now god lets us enjoy life but we have to put him first so physically i'm going to be modest in my apparel i i think that goes beyond just uh what we dress i just think that's one area of the principle i think it goes to uh saying no uh to our desires it goes to giving god the first part physically which means that you put principle over preference there may be disciplines that you make with your body that god will honor to give you a blessing on your health i personally feel like that whenever you physically are tired and weary and you don't feel like coming to church on a wednesday night but you get up and you get dressed and you come as all of you did tonight and you say i'm gonna come in the house of god anyhow you know what you're doing you're saying i'm not gonna just do what i feel physically i'm going to do what i know is biblical and so i'm going to pull myself together even though i'm tired and i'm going to go to the house of god every time we physically put principle over preference guess what we're doing we're honoring first fruit principles and god will bless it i was i was so amazed because i think fasting is a part of this as well um and and i was so amazed uh a number of years ago the boys were young and amy and i uh were um i don't even know if sophia was born yet it was amy and the boys they were they were lit i don't think sophia was born yet so they would have been like four or five we were over on the west coast uh in the fort myers area and we went to that uh henry ford uh thomas edison museum area there because those those two guys were good friends they owned uh winter houses next door to each other on the river over there in fort myers and they preserved all of that and of course because they were type people they were they were on vacation they never really stopped working so they'd set up museums and thomas edison was was working on using bamboo filaments to try to figure out how to do this light bulb he was working on um henry ford was good friends with firestone roy firestone they were working on rubber plants they planted all these banyan trees anyhow there there's all kinds of interesting things that they worked on while they were there they got the phonograph that edison worked on while he would be down here in the winter and he was hard of hearing because he was 12 years old he was running to catch a train he was missing a conductor or somebody reached down pulled him up and pulled him by his ear and he was always hard of hearing his whole life because of that incident but he was working on the phonograph and he couldn't tell when it was making music or not so he would bite into the box they have the box over there with his bite marks in it and he right into the box and he could feel the vibrations in his jaw think about that the guy who invented the phone the record player you guys know what a record player is now you [Laughter] bit he bit into it and so i was i was fascinated with and as i was walking around they the guy they tell you they show you their houses or not and they said something uh that was always interesting to me they said that every year at the beginning of the year that henry ford and thomas edison would fast for seven days and they did not do it for spiritual purposes at least according to the guide i mean who knows why they did it but the guide said they did it for health purposes they learned and of course this is way back then and they even both of them lived to be in their 80s which was amazing back then when life expectancy was was probably around 60 years old but they they lived up in their 80s and they did it for health purposes because they recognize that the body is somehow cleansed and made more healthy by saying no for seven days to eating that principle relates even on a physical level that you say you know what i'm going to give the first part of the year to the lord i'm going to fast you remember we used to do daniel's 21-day uh fasting at the beginning of the year we used to do that every year we'd start the year off we had to quit doing it because people accused me of doing a 21 day fast to go on my own personal diet so we couldn't do it anymore we had to let everybody just do their own thing but i'm gonna go back and do it anyhow because i could care less what people think about so 20 20 21 days but we used to start off every year fat it's it's the first fruit principle so if we would apply that here's a guy henry ford thomas they're not preachers they're i don't even know if they're christians but they recognize the value in it so that's the principle of first fruits as it relates to the the physical body emotionally i talked about that so i won't spend much time but giving god the first of uh of your emotions and and how that will bless the rest of your day uh socially being in fellowship with god spending time with him first and foremost psalm 63 1 says this o god thou art my god early will i seek thee early will i seek thee the lord is serious about his portion he takes it personal when you take what belongs to him he owns the first 10 of everything you possess and the sooner that you and i realize it then the sooner we'll be blessed now let me let me talk to you about two passages of scripture that we read at the very beginning then i'll let you go you've been a great audience in malachi the writer says you're cursed with a curse because you robbed god you robbed god and then they said well how have we robbed god and he says and ties in offerings malachi 3 8 9 will a man rob god yet ye have robbed me but you say where and have we robbed thee in tithes and offerings ye are cursed with a curse for ye have robbed me even this whole nation you see how there's that expansion aspect to this principle now here's the reason why i wanted to sort of dissect these verses for just a moment there is a difference between robbery and burglary these verses say that you rob god when you when you look at the difference between robbery and burglary now i'm i'm pulling back from the law school days there's a distinct difference between robbery and burglary burglary at common law which is where we get our judicial system from our jurisprudence system came from common law which came from england and when you go back to what the original meaning was of burglary common law it was an actual breaking in of a dwelling at night with intent to commit a felony that later expanded uh to to be an entering of a building didn't have to be your dwelling uh per se and it didn't have to be at night but there still had to be some intent to steal property or value but here's what's interesting burglary is stealing possessions whether the person that owns the possessions is present or not so somebody can burglarize your house and you not be there robbery is a whole different animal robbery is the felonies taking a property from the person by violence or against his or her will so that when you rob someone it is a taking it from their person it's it's by force it is personal god is saying that when you take what belongs to him it's not burglary it's robbery you are taking it from me it's personal this is what happened with ananias and sapphira in acts chapter 5. this is a story that's that's sort of glossed over by christian churches in america that love the the outpouring of the holy ghost and the miracles and the healing and the forgiving love of god on display in the new testament but they don't want to talk about acts 5. well all the book acts you know we got to look at all of it you can't like be a cafeteria christian just pick and choose the good parts so let's look at what acts five is talking about acts five one through six a certain man named ananias with sapphire his wife sold a possession kept back part of the price as well i've also been privy to it and brought a certain part and laid it at the apostles feet but peter said ananias why has satan filled thine heart to lie to the holy ghost peter's saying this is personal and to keep back part of the price of the land now watch this while it remained was it not thine own and after it was sold was it not in thine own power now there's two different things there whilst it remained was it not thine own what the land you owned it but then when you sold it which now is gain or increase after it was sold was it not in thine own power you notice he doesn't say there that it's your own after it's sold it's now in your power which then takes us back to the principle we talked about earlier where you're uh you're in possession of it but you're not necessarily ownership of it why hast thou conceived this thing in thine heart thou has not lied unto men but unto god peter is saying this is personal he didn't say after it was sold was it not thine own because it was increased but it was in his power it was in his possession it was not his own after it was sold and here's what verse 5 says and ananias hearing these words fell down and gave up the ghost and great fear came on all them that heard these things and the young men arose wound him up and carried him out and buried him do you notice what he did he mixed what belongeth to god with what belonged to him he kept back part of the price he mingled funds that were not his own and this is something that i think is so important for all of us as christians we have to be careful that we don't just overdose on the grace and mercy of god and ignore biblical principles you can't put on an usher jacket and collect offerings and be robbing god you're setting yourself up you can't call yourself a christian and be robbing from god every time you take home a paycheck you're literally carrying a ticking time bomb most folks will give an offering but are you truly honest with your tithe because let me tell you this ladies and gentlemen the god of this world is money and if you can get tithing right i believe you can get every other area of your life right [Applause] because money is the 900 pound gorilla in the room and if you can say god i'm going to honor your word and i'm going to give you the first fruits that's a tangible thing that you can get your hand around i believe that if you can do that that you can then begin to see god working in all of these other areas of your life where you take that same principle and you say wait a second that first emotion belongs to god that first praise belongs to god you see what i'm saying no man ever yet lost by serving god with a whole heart nor gained by serving him with a half one don't co-mingle your heart your desires your passions with this world give it all to the lord put it in the lord's hands because folks you're gonna pay sooner or later if you take right now of what belongs to god you're going to pay sooner or later like ananias and sapphira we will lose not only what we thought we had purchased so cheaply but also the price that we paid for they ended up losing everything and of course ultimately losing their life but if we would have god open his treasury then we must also open ours if we want the blessings of god this is a god you want to be in agreement with because as one old preacher said he's got a lot bigger scoop than you do [Laughter] oh we just got a little tablespoon but he's got a big gulp hallelujah he can bless us beyond our wildest imaginations and our our treasury i know uh is our finances but his treasury is much more than finances it's health and strength and joy and peace in the midst of the storm oh hallelujah it's our life it's the breath that we breathe just because we're in possession of it does not mean we own it what about our children just because you have children that bear your name and carry your dna you do not own them you're simply entrusted with them they're just on loan in the old testament the lord said the firstborn belongs to me it was about the the birthright the firstborn belongs to him numbers 8 17-18 for all the firstborn of the children of israel are mine both man and beast on the day that i smote every firstborn in the land of egypt i sanctified them for myself my goodness that's why he took them all out of egypt because they all belong to him anyhow but he said i sanctified him when i took him somebody i feel right now may have lost a child you're still dealing with the grief the lord wants you to know he took care of it he took he sanctified him when he took them and i have taken the levites for all the firstborn of the children of israel ladies and gentlemen your child belongs to god he can take the child whenever he wants to that child has just been loaned to us that child does not belong to little league or boy scouts or high school band that child belongs to god you better get that child in church that child belongs to god that's why we dedicate children as we did a couple of weeks ago to the lord early on we're saying lord we recognize that this child belongs to you and then the bible makes it clear god forbid if you should touch or harm one of these little ones you talk about it being personal with god you harm a child and see what the recompense of that action is you mess with a kid and god takes it personal i'm talking about the first fruits of all things you set time aside to be with the lord before you start your day we have a promise from god that if we will give him the first fruits he will multiply blessings on the rest of our house you remember the text you also shall give unto the priest the first of your doe that he may cause the blessing to rest in thine house he will cause the blessing to rest in your house ladies and gentlemen that's a permanent blessing that is a blessing that will go beyond your own lifespan it'll be on your children and your children's children it will rest there it will take up residence there it will live there honor the lord with thy substance and with the first fruits of all thine increase so shall thy barns be filled with plenty and thy presses shall burst out with new wine your barns you know what that is that's your personal possessions your barns will be filled with plenty but what about the presses your presses shall burst out with new wine your presses that's your profession that's your job that's the ability to produce he says they're going to burst out with new white it's going to be productive malachi says you will not be able to contain it the heavens will open up oh my friend that's a spiritual blessing what a blessing it is to be able to come into the house of god even on a wednesday night and feel the blessings of god that's him opening up the heavens and blessing us with a spiritual blessing seek first the kingdom of god and all these things shall be added to you what are all those things let me tell you what they are they're everything that's out of your control seek first the kingdom of god and everything that's out of your control everything that's stressing you out everything that you cannot fix by putting your hand to it he says everything shall be added unto you god will bless it it will be a flow down blessing that comes from heaven hallelujah and it'll affect every area and aspect of your life do you believe it in jesus name oh why don't you stand to your feet right now and lift up your hands hallelujah oh why don't you give the lord some praise right now i thank you lord for your blessings what a great god you are lord you have kept us you have opened up the witness of heaven lord you have blessed us with health and strength you've blessed us with family you've blessed us in this church oh god you've blessed us you've allowed us to come together and sit in heavenly places oh god i put it back into your hands right now i believe there's some people in this building right now you're dealing with situations god said why don't you put it back in my hand right now come on why don't you pray that prayer lord i put everything in your hands right now i've been wrestling with it i've been trying to figure it out i'm going to give it unto you lord i'm going to turn it loose right now and put it on the altar of god oh hallelujah hallelujah bless the lord o my soul hallelujah hallelujah come on somebody make a commitment right now i'm going to give you the first fruits of my day i'm going to give you the first fruits of my energy [Applause] oh hallelujah oh aren't you thankful for the word of god whoo it is health and strength to our bones thank you lord amen hallelujah turn and shake your neighbor's hand and say god is good he is the blesser of all things amen thank you jesus god bless you you're dismissed tonight in jesus name amen hallelujah
Channel: Eastwind Pentecostal Church of Palm Bay, Florida
Views: 447
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: first, pentecostal, apostolic, sermon, pastor, david, myers, palm bay, melbourne, brevard, county, florida, upci, upc, bishop, j., e., jackson, ellis, Eastwind, Eastwind church
Id: 4MFCpVR3zcI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 37sec (5497 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 02 2022
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