02/20/2022 | Sunday Evening Worship

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[Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] amen praise the lord everybody praise the lord everybody amen did you come to have church tonight did you come to lift up the name of jesus hallelujah and worship the king of kings and the lord of lords let's just go to him right now and invite him into our presence lord we love you we thank you jesus we need you lord and we pray that you would just move oh god in a mighty way let the power of your presence oh god move and to stir our hearts god we are nothing without your touch and lord you said you inhabit the praises of your people we lift you up oh god and magnify your name because we desire for you o lord to be in our midst hallelujah we open that door oh god unto you to have your way and your will and our service tonight lord jesus and in each and every one of our hearts we give you all the praise and all the glory in jesus name we pray worship tonight with the praise team [Music] [Music] you gave us [Music] [Music] now there's breakthroughs [Music] of jesus [Music] all day [Music] [Music] jesus jesus [Music] in jesus name is [Music] in jesus name [Applause] we are ready [Applause] [Music] [Music] we walk in your victory we stand in authority hope for your glory for your glory lord for your glory lord we walk in your victory we stand in authority all for your glory for your lord in your victory oh [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] me [Applause] [Music] is [Music] the god was easy shall be forevermore holy is the lord [Music] glory oh power [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] glory and power [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] glory and power [Applause] [Music] [Music] holiness has a name and it's jesus victory has name and it's jesus the word has and it's jesus redemption has a day and it's jesus is [Music] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Music] glory and honor power glory and power of it [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] oh thank you lord hallelujah [Music] oh we love you jesus hallelujah hallelujah jesus [Music] blessing and honor and power and glory [Applause] [Music] oh we glorify the name of jesus hallelujah oh i feel the presence of god here don't you we'd ask that you would remain standing as we go before the lord with these prayer requests we'd ask that you would pray for christina perez in texas for a healing miracle for chris and eric for salvation that god would touch and save them for uh jack and virginia bergman this is brother ryan bergman's grandparents and uh they're in desperate need of a healing in their bodies also for a julian colon that god would touch her and she could be healed she's an icu needs a healing touch also for alicia kilbourne that god would touch her heart physically and heal her and also for taylor ginder that god would touch this is ashley and shelby's cousin and she desperately needs a touch from the lord in an alabama hospital how many of you know god can heal and meet the needs of all these that have been mentioned what a great god we serve as we're praying for these needs i'm also going to invite the families of william and lillian to come forward and we're going to dedicate these beautiful two children to the lord and we're going to ask the lord to keep them and to keep his hand upon them and we met with these families before service and we know that we recognize each of these children as being a gift from god and when we dedicate them we're not saying they're saved we're just saying that we recognize they're a gift from you and we give them back to you just as they brought little samuel and dedicated him in the lord they brought him to the temple dedicated him to the lord recognizing that he was a miracle from the lord and so we dedicate these children to the lord and we ask god to protect them and to keep them and we pray for the parents and admonish them to raise them in the fear of god believing that when they reach that age of accountability and they know the difference between right and wrong that they'll make a decision to be baptized in jesus name to repent of their sins and to be filled with the gift of the holy ghost as we're praying for these needs would you also lift your hands and help us to pray for these two children right now in the name of jesus christ [Music] do [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] everybody said praise the lord [Music] amen how many believe the lord has heard our prayers [Music] i believe he has so thankful for these families we believe god's going to touch these needs as well god bless you you may be seated and thank you so much for standing and make this a memorable time for these families we want to honor some young people now we not only dedicate children we also raise them in the word of god and we are very strong in this church with our bible quizzing program we believe there's nothing more powerful that you can put in a young person's life than the word of god and so we have a ministry that's called the bible quiz ministry and it's something that our church is uh very instrumental in not only here locally but around the north america as well this past weekend our church hosted a tournament over in orlando and the florida hotel there with 103 bible quiz teams from all around the country someone said it was like a general conference there was over a thousand pentecostals that were there and what a great time we had six teams from palm bay and i want all the bible quizzers that were part of that tournament that are in our church i want all of you to just come up here on the platform and as they're coming up let me tell you about all of our teams our beginner team there was a division of 23 teams with coaches of stephen de bolt and lyla richie and the quizzers gianna de bolt lynessa and italia murillo they're all first-year quizzers come on up guys all the quizzers from all the ages come on up here these are all first-year quizzers and they all answered questions they did an outstanding job and gianna and lynessa both received ribbons let's give our beginner team a big hand congratulations to our beginner bible quizzers and then our junior division had 27 teams and boy they did fantastic we have three different junior teams they all did well the first teams coached by josue deville and the quizzers are zachary deville and brielle deville and they placed fifth and received a trophy and zachary was first on the all-tournament team congratulations junior team number one junior team number two they were coached by jesse and allison bailey the quizzers consist of gracie bailey kellen fuller and luke bergman they came in 13th they've all received ribbons kellen was six on the all-tournament team let's give them a big hand amen in our third junior team coached by sister amy ritchie and brother eric leblanc the quizzers are danelle richie r.j morrissey xavier and joshua they placed ninth and danelle was second on the all-tournament team let's give junior team number three a big hand don't see their picture yet you know who they are and then there is the intermediate team we had 32 teams that were in the intermediate division and we had an energy intermediate team that consisted of coaches chelsea saint cloud and christina deville and the quizzers are taissa more said taryn fuller and adonis deville and they did well as well let's give all of our quizzers a big hand from the intermediate division and our experience division had 21 teams of the best some of the best teams in all the country and they were coached by none other than pastor david myers and tyler ritchie they placed fifth in the tournament and greg uh myers was seventh on the all-tournament team let's give all of our quizzers a big hand good job guys so proud of all of y'all thank you nathan for coming up amen let's give them a standing ovation i think that's awesome amen god is good isn't he amen god bless you bible quizzes you can go down thank you for all of your hard work and uh right now we're going to prepare to receive our our sunday evening tithe and offering god bless you as you prepare to give our ushers are going to come forward and we're going to receive our offering right now and honor and bless the lord with our giving why don't we bow our heads and pray together lord we're so thankful to be in your house today thankful for the opportunity to worship you with our giving we ask you lord that you would bless it and multiply it for the purpose of the furtherance of this gospel and we'll give you praise for all things in jesus name amen god bless you as you give god hallelujah [Music] i was lost in sin could not get past my blame until he called my name i'm so glad he changed me darkness held me down but jesus pulled me out now i'm no longer bound i'm so glad he changed [Music] is author of my [Music] blind but jesus opened my eyes now i can see the night [Music] it's all over me i'm so glad he changed [Music] me [Music] there is author of my story i am who i am because the i am because the i am tells me who i am i am who i am because the i am tells me who i am tell me who i am [Applause] written down in glory and it's my author of my story [Music] glory to your name jesus i am so glad to be a child of the king hallelujah jesus he brings the victory [Music] [Applause] [Music] as a goddess and my god will never fail oh my god will never fail i'm gonna see a victory i'm gonna see a victory for the battle belongs to you lord [Music] belongs to you lord [Music] lord [Music] [Applause] is [Music] victory victory [Music] victory foreign jesus [Applause] you take what the enemy meant for evil and you turn it for [Music] you good it forward again you take what the enemy meant for evil and you turn it for good [Music] [Applause] me foreign [Music] oh victory [Music] victory memory is oh foreign [Music] holidays [Music] i'm gonna see my victory for the battle belongs to you lord i'm gonna see my victory i'm gonna see my victory for the battle it belongs to you oh thank you lord hallelujah lord bless the name of jesus i'm going to see my victory hallelujah [Applause] how many believe the lord can turn any situation and make it brand new what a great god we serve what a powerful god we serve amen thank you to our worship team what an awesome job leading us into the presence of the lord amen i also want to say i see the lindsay girls back there they also had a great bible quiz tournament they weren't on my paper so i apologize i didn't acknowledge them but we love the lindsay family and these are great bible quizzing they came in fifth and they did a great job and we love them very much amen and i think maybe we've got some other teams that stayed over we're glad to have all of you here and we have got a man to preach the word of god i think about how important the bible quizzing ministry is and then i think about this man who has made it uh his mission to not only study the word of god all of his life but to also be able to communicate its principles into people's lives and 40 years ago i was a senior in high school with severe scoliosis wearing a back brace 23 hours a day we loaded up three vans and we went to one of the first youth congresses in shreveport louisiana and i was trying to decide what to do with my life brother jeff arnold preached a message at that youth congress that was titled obstacles on the way to a crown do you remember that bishop boy it changed my life and he has changed many people's lives with his ministry we give honor to this great man of god would you welcome to this pulpit and the east wind bishop jeff arnold in jesus name thank you thank you praise the lord everybody i need a little help here uh over they taped over something that turns it on there's a button let there be light thank you thank you for letting me come it's an honor to be with you and it's a very odd position for me i've been preaching uh almost a half a century and i've got a few million miles on my backside all over this place and preaching's my business i like perfect i'm one of my favorite preachers i really am i always tell the truth i like it and uh and and it's very unusual i told pastor a few moments ago this is the first time in almost two years that i've had the privilege to preach a sunday night service i've been i've been shut down from the covert and then sister arnold had her health issues and i've been shut down the last 10 months so i haven't really been able to do a lot of this and then when brother myers was so kind to invite me i said man i i i'm gonna jump at that and so before i start the the the strange looking fella back there with the glasses that's brother alex martinez he's been our spanish pastor for a long time in gainesville he is my chauffeur he drives me everywhere i go and i i appreciate that and uh and i i thank you alex for being so gracious and kind to me and of course bishop meyer that i knew so many many years ago when when him and i were young men amen and so nice to be with you and your sweetheart that i saw a minute ago and uh i i had the wonderful surprise walking down the aisle and brother david's daughter who's supposed to be this big ran up and gave me a big hug and told me she was david meyer's girl and i haven't seen the twins but what are they 17 18 now god have mercy that's so amazing anyway it's an honor to be with you and brother i will just just give me just a few seconds okay you you took three hours of saying and give me just a few this this guy i watched him as a young fella and i watched him grow up and i watched him labor and work with his daddy and then the great transition that took place here and this beautiful cathedral you guys built but he has been a very special special friend to me personally in situations that i had to deal with and and he proves to me that god can use baptized brains between him and his sister and senior sister myers you guys got more degrees than a thermometer and and i just thank god for them because he's you have been a friend to me thank you so very very much why don't we give him a hand okay amen amen i i i want to get into the word of the lord and and i'm going to do my very best to to preach good because this may be my last service in my whole life you say are you dying sure we all are you're you're only one breath away from kicking the bucket and and and my my favorite premise across this whole pentecostal movement is always the same you need to go to heaven from your last church service your last service needs to either be a memorial or a monument yeah let me try it again see i pray i preach for the bishop years ago in the old church i told him before i said i preached so good i've never been back and i agree with him you can't get any better than the last one that's that's probably what nevertheless and i was here for the dedication is a beautiful cathedral that you have and and it's just magnificent to be with you in the songs oh my goodness you are blessed i don't know what see you you just got your song people over here and you just listen to their singing i don't listen to their singing i look at their kissers and your people are some of the few people in the whole pentecostal movement that smile while they sing i i preach for a living i travel all over this movement it drives me nuts to see people being praise singers it's the joy of the lord it keeps me going i am so happy i need to be two people you ain't gonna make me afraid i i'm an old guy you can't fire me i'm already retired you can't do nothing to me i just i just let me tell you something if you're really an apostolic pentecostal believer it ought to be dangerous sitting next to you you you don't know way when some apostolic is going to knock your wig off and dance on your blue suede chute hallelujah i'm sorry keep you standing so long i'm reading two parts of the scripture uh first kings 19 beginning with verse one and ahab told jezebel all that elijah had done and with all how he had slain all the prophets with a sword then jezebel sent a messenger unto elijah and said saying so let the gods do to me i think that is the revelation of the dumbest stupidest ignorant people that ever walked on the planet if i was there i would have said what gods not the ones that couldn't bring fire down so what gods are you appealing to you faker you liar you ain't got no access to no gods so she's she's being real safe when she said let the gods do to me there ain't no gods elijah just showed him there ain't no gods watch this so let the gods do to me this is so funny so let the gods do to me oh god this is so amazing [Laughter] crazy that lady's nuts she's nuts if i make not thy life as one of them by tomorrow about this time so what she said i'm going to cut your ignorant head off and i'm going to kill you and murder you love jazz now watch this this is so powerful he turns around he says here watch what he says and when he saw that he went for his life and came to bed sheba belonged to the junior and left his servant there and he himself went a day's journey into the wilderness came and said under juniper tree okay that's all i want from that scripture i'm gonna read one other scripture from mark chapter five let me just quote it i've been too long mark chapter five talks about jesus came over and there was a man living in a cemetery he was the original streaker he wore no clothes and he's living in a cemetery and he's howling like a comanche indian and everybody scared half the death of him and they bound her with chains and fetters and he ripped it all apart because he's full of the devil you ready and the bible says here's the verse and when he saw jesus you missed it let me try and elijah when he saw that the nut case when he saw jesus you see that will make you run away the jesus will make you run to him and and he ran to jesus and worshiped him and the demons that were in him and said to him listed in three places if thou cast us out don't cast us out into the deep i wish i had time to tell you what the deep is most people in pentecost don't know what the deep is you see devils are afraid of one thing they're afraid of water that's why they hate baptism in jesus name they're afraid of water you just watch i'm gonna i'm gonna talk to you for a little while okay just just let me talk to you for a little while i wanna i wanna talk to you about the power of your vision or subtitle the power in peril of your perception not theirs not upc not nbc not biden god help us not pelosi not chuck schumer not all the rest of the wackos your vision your perception lord bless the preaching and help me to be a blessing to these sweet people in jesus name i pray everybody said amen it's been a long time since i've been here so i have to re-educate you i know i look like a college professor but i'm not but i did go to college i can spell and add and all kinds of stuff and and when i went to college when they gave a lecture you just sat there like a mummy and they could care less whether you understood or you passed or not because they got paid anyway but it's not that way this is not a college classroom this is a church and so you have an assignment right now i speak and you answer [Applause] well i'm just not emotional you also are probably a liar because you can get emotional out of a brand new hat a new dress a new suit a pickup truck a shotgun a five pound bass so don't tell me you're not emotional you are selective with your emotion you go crazy at a ball game and then go like you're a librarian in church well i'm going to try you don't know like i know what he's done for me i said you don't know like i know how he set me free he brought me out of bondage into his marvelous light i said you don't know like i know i wish i had some ex-trunks i wish i had some ex-liars i wish i had some folks that made mistakes who've been forgiven and washed and renewed and regenerated by the holy ghost to make a little noise [Applause] you didn't sit down i i don't mean to be offensive doc please i don't i'm just i'm an old guy okay just blame it on the geritol it's okay you ready so so we play the game i speak and you speak see you need to understand something whether you feel like it or not you are the offspring of a speaking god now god is almighty now it'll take a baptized brain like yours to tell me what almighty means i ain't got the farthest idea what almighty means i can guess at it like you can do everything or nothing's impossible but there's nothing in this world close to being almighty so i got nothing to compare it with but the scripture says god is almighty whatever that whatever that means and yet god being almighty never made anything with his mouth shut up he leaves that to his people [Applause] life and death are in the power of the tongue now you're not kidding in the beginning god created the heaven and the earth and the earth was without form and void and darkness was upon the face of the deep and the spirit of god moved upon the face of the water and god said let there be light you ready for this if you don't let god move he won't talk no you didn't hear me if you don't let god move he ain't going to talk you've got to let god move you got to let [Applause] he got it again so so so god didn't do anything he's got so much power that if he walks through a cemetery and open his mouth he'll have a resurrection [Applause] he turned around and said to that dead guy lazarus four days lazarus come forth now that's a mystery to me your college guy that's a mystery to me because the bible said the dead are dead and they know nothing well if they're dead and they know nothing how'd they hear his voice real easy because the flesh didn't hear him the spirit heard him and the spirit was in another realm and when that voice of the creator and clay turned around said lazarus that voice went into the region of the doomed and the damned then the lost and and he turned and said not you not you not you no not you hey the boss wants you get up no you're not hear me you didn't get here by accident god called you out of darkness into his marvelous light god snatched you out and brought you out into the kingdom of god that's that's why we ought to praise god that's why we ought to get excited you understand where we came from [Applause] said lazarus come forth now now i don't want to hurt your feelings but the bible says he was bound from head to foot well if he's bound head to foot then he can't walk he's bound hand to foot secondly he's got a napkin and bound around his face so he don't know where the hole is either but if you get a word from the creator i'm convinced now you can say i'm crazy but i'm convinced he came out hopping because his feet were bound together he was bound hand to foot from the bottom to the top and you people are not bound i wonder why you're not moving he brought me out of the murray clay he set my feet on the rock to stay he established my goings he put a song in my mouth even praise unto the lord i'm getting to my sermon in just a minute you can see now you understand what i'm talking about the power of your vision the power and the peril of your perception because your perception your vision is literally by the dictionary the ability to see to comprehend the grasp to understand to react and respond to now when i just told you we are the offspring of a speaking god god made nothing with his mouth closed let's let's practice class you ready i speak then you answer god is good god is great god is awesome god is almighty he's all wise he's all-knowing and he's on your side and if god be for you it doesn't matter who or what is against you [Applause] hi you can be seated i i i'm trying to reach for you people that are super glued to your seat if you were at the gator game you wouldn't be sitting like that if you were watching your favorite team play you wouldn't be sitting like that your little impersonation of mount rushmore is really impressive i was preaching one sunday morning we had a sweet lady she was a jewish messianic jew and she knew more bible than there was bible and we had one of them services man i preached him on the sharks were hanging down around my socks my hair was hanging down my tie was over here and i mean we were rocking and bucking and jumping and jamming we i mean it was a racetrack in that place we we finally finished and she walked up to me in the front and she said brother arnold i said yes she said i just don't think all this is necessary and i said all the water's necessary she said all of this this jumping and this clapping and this dancing and it's running i said you don't think it's necessary the bible says we're supposed to do things decent and in order i said well i think god thinks this is decent and in order i said this is too much noise for you yes this is too much emotion yes i tell you what you do gertrude get your carcass and go down to arlington cemetery and go right down there and all those parkers are exactly alike the grass is mowed beautiful you can see everything of course everything is dead right there but it's okay man let me tell you something baby when you leave church you ought to look like you survived a terrorist attack he been so good to me he's been so good to me hallelujah i realized that it's not all the emotion and it's not all the bucking the snorting and the clapping and stuff but i got let me try the other side of the coin it ain't all in the sitting and the staring either [Applause] and all you folks deprive yourself you're not emotional watch out for those birds flying around you because they circle over things that ain't moving i'm i'm real careful about who i sit with at camp meeting at conference or even a general conference i don't just sit next to any nincompoop that ain't going to happen when when i sit down and they turn around and say who's preaching i go who gives a flip what are you into hero worship i know we have some preachers we like more than others and we like singers more than but the issue is not the messenger the issue is the message and and and now now please don't be offended but i see a lot of wonderful black people up here i like that i i really do up in our church in gainesville we got lots of wonderful spanish people we got oriental people we have african-american people we have jamaican people i like that i think a church is supposed to look like the united nations i don't i didn't want to make you nervous you look funny right now i i i preach for a lot of wonderful black churches i i'm a big deal in the paw the pentecostal assemblies of the world they like jeffrey i preach for spanish conferences and i i like tacos but i can't speak spanish and but i love speaking now i don't mean don't be offended i just love preaching for black congregations and block conferences and and and here's why when you preach for black people they will tell you if you're doing any good if you preach for white folks they'll let you kill yourself you start preaching in some of those black churches and they say come on bring it on come on bring up you get to hooping they'll whip out you think that purse is a purse they got a four and a half foot tambourine in that baby they're gonna pull that out and start shaking at thee yeah well i don't know what you're doing with these two guys but if you want your preacher to preach better get on him don't don't wait till he reaches your approval letter turn around and say come on preach come on preach i need to hear the word i'm i need to hear something that'll change me i need something that'll help me i need to get turned around when you come to a pentecostal church you're not going to a penitentiary you're going to a cathedral of joy a cathedral of worship church ought to be happening [Applause] okay before you get too quiet turn around look next to you and see if you're sitting next to something dead if you is leave i don't i don't want to hurt your feelings where where'd the preacher go hey i'm talking to you you ready i'm ready when i was pastoring in gainesville years ago we got a bunch of drug addicts and drug pushers we got them saved and then we had the standard pentecostals who just sit there and and if you had a real move of god they'd go glory well i i i don't have much class like he's got a lot of class i don't have much class i'm just i'm just a bum from new york city okay i i'm a street machine so in my stupidity i just turn around i'm going to come down here in the cheap seats i can't just hold on i'm coming down here here we go i'm getting next to the audience here i you know that light up there reminds me of my childhood spread them [Applause] don't bother me i was a hellraiser i was a hunky taco i packed a gun i robbed places i've been in jail i'm not making a boast i'm just telling you how good god's been to me and when i went out on friday night and saturday night i partied till they didn't dance no more i parted till the band stopped playing i parted till i couldn't drink no more and it's so crazy to me to me it's insulting that we would come to church and just do this little patty cake for jesus well i'm going to make you answer me if he's ever done something for you [Music] if he ever answered a prayer if he ever made a way where there was no way [Applause] at least you could do is give some praise to god hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah [Applause] you didn't sit down i didn't mean to wake everybody up at once [Applause] i've i had a bad stroke and then a couple years ago i had another stroke that almost killed me and i lost eighty percent of my vision and ninety percent of my hearing that's why alex is so kind to drive me i can't see after five or six o'clock and i got two make-believe hips i am the original mr t i am mr titanium so i got two make-believe hips i got ears that don't work and eyes i can't see you ready you ain't going to stop me [Applause] [Music] it's joy unspeakable and it's full of glory he said i'll never leave you i'll never forsake you i'll never put on you more you can bear with every test and every trial i'll make a way of escape greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world no weapon formed against you shall prosper that ought to be enough to wake you up okay can i preach a few minutes here the pastor said i can preach a few minutes okay just just let me talk to you i just i'm not trying to i'm not trying to rash you up i'm trying to wake you up we're living in a hellacious horrible generation we're living people with people that are passing laws of perversion and wickedness and evil and and and the government stands against the people and the politicians are against the people you better make sure that you're walking with god [Applause] because as scripture said there was coming a day when the lord shall be the hope of his people not the government not the democrats not the republicans j-e-s-u-s let him be the hope of his people i'm trying to get to my sermon my sermon is about the power the peril of vision and perception to me the greatest guy in the whole old testament the greatest prophet to me was elijah he was he was my man with the plan from the school of the cool the cat that knows where it's at elijah's my man he's the fire brand he's the fireman he calls fire down from heaven he ends up ends a three and a half year drought with a few little words in a prayer meeting he outruns a chariot 19.2 miles from carmel to jezreel i can see him coming to town just and out walks jazz because no matter how good god's been and how great your victory's been there's always going to be some devil-inspired fool that's going to put rain on your parade and jezebel comes out and says the gods do to me and more so if i don't about this time tomorrow make your life like one of them now this is what blows my mind greatest old testament prophet before john the baptist ever was elijah greatest and yet this old bag runs him out of town you ready with only one thing words ah you're a bunch of wussies no you didn't get it you see when jezebel showed up she didn't have an army she didn't have soldiers she didn't have chariots she didn't have spearmen she didn't have archers with arrows all she had was words now that puts some of you to sleep right now don't you get it words produce pictures pictures produce feelings feelings produce actions actions produce destinies [Applause] you're not getting it yet the power and peril of perception he saw in his mind that that old bag was going to kill him that is the weirdest scripture i've ever hidden and i'm not being insulting to the word of god but it's weird to me for three to three and a half years those bozos abraham ahab and jezebel have been trying to kill him they couldn't kill him now let me give you a revelation this is so powerful when the lord turned around to spare elijah after he called for a drought he said now i want you to go to the brook cherith i'm going to have the ravens fijian you can drink water well then the raven stopped and the water stopped and he says i'm going to send you to zarephath which is in zidane i was sharing this with brother alex before i came i've never heard anybody preach on this in my life they probably have i just haven't heard it he said he sent elijah to hide in zidane you probably don't understand but zidane was the capital city of the king king who who was running that city okay he worked for baal okay you ready for this the king of that city was jezebel's father see i i was waiting for you to come running by you ready for this here's how powerful your vision and your perception can be god says i can put you in your enemy's backyard and they can't find you [Music] i can put you in enemy territory and i can put my hand on you and i'll not any let anything hurt you anything destroy you anything defeats you that that that king brother david if i can say that brother david uh no i'll say pastor okay pastor that king's name was f baal he was the king of the sidonians sedona was outside of israel's promised land he was jezebel's father and it's like god has a sense of humor and says jezebel and ahab are trying to find you i'll put you in a father's backyard [Music] you're not getting it yet your perception if you get it right you can see that god will protect you he will not let hell have its way with you you are trophies of grace you are bought with a price you are the house of god you are the temple of the holy ghost you are the bride of christ hell's not going to have access to you can i preach a few minutes just a few minutes i'm not used to preaching on sunday night so i i just you know i appreciate the seven or eight of you that are standing up that's wonderful that's great i can't see real good they got that police thing on me okay you just got to get watch your vision watch your vision where they either deliver you or defeat you your perception will become a prison or a pathway now when that old bag gave that letter and threatened him he ran away because his perception was it's over i can't believe it the greatest old testament prophet to that date and he lets this note from this old bag but then come to think of it how many times in my life i have had words come to me from the devil sometimes hiding in the mouth of god's saints who have said things to me and and caused fear to you see words will either give you faith or fear it was it will it will either vanquish you or give you victory words will either paralyze you or provoke you to act i read a statement by a fellow named goath who he said belief without action is just disease but belief with action produces deliverance now you say what you want to and you sit here like your little mummy impersonation that's fine but let me tell you something you didn't get the holy ghost sitting on your duff you didn't experience forgiveness with your mouth shut up you had to do something you had you you had to see that there was hope for you that there was mercy for you that there was grace for you that there was pardon for you that there was forgiveness for you your perception provoked you to act [Applause] can i can i preach a few more minutes i don't know what time it is i i don't okay it's i'm getting i'm running out of time okay you understand your vision will hold you hostage or will help you do you realize that scripture i had you read about the original streak of mad men of gadara who wore no clothes he had a legion of devils in him now now you're the baptized brain reverend you can answer later but all the legion the study that i've done a legion can be two thousand six thousand or twelve thousand depending on where the statement is made so i take the low figure two thousand demons now that blows my mind if you got two thousand demons and you that mean that demon got to be this big and he's got he's got 2 000 in them you ready for this okay all you super glued folks here's your chance you ready and 2 000 demons could not stop him from worshiping what's stopping you hallelujah [Applause] said the bible said and when he saw jesus now remember when elijah saw jazz he ran away when this naked guy saw jesus he ran to him and the bible said he worshipped him now if you read it carefully he's the one that saw jesus and he's the one that came to worship but the speaker changed the spirit inside him starts talking and says have you come to torment us before our time now watch this this is so powerful there's three renditions of this story and one of the renditions say and the demon said if thou cast us out so i want to ask you a question you you a bunch of holy rollers in myersville you ready have you got as much faith as demons do now that went over like i'm talking to the methodist conference i'm going to try this again those demons said if you cast us out which means our vision of you and our perception of you is you can throw us out if you want to do you have as much faith as a demon has [Applause] i'm not done but i'm getting close okay just stay with me just a minute i'm gonna go over here with a living dead r are you ready so powerful said if you cast us out don't cast us out in the deep he said there's a herd of pigs over here let us go into the pigs now watch how much trouble jesus had with 2 000 demons you ready go and if you've got a habit and you've got a sin and you've got a failure it's just as easy for him to say get out of here go forgiven free cause he's on your side no no debate no debate no argument no huff and puff and blow your house down just go and 2 000 demons went and went into the pigs and the pigs committed suicide why because even pigs are smart enough to know not to put up with spirits that humans do say sit down i'm uh i'm i'm getting back to my notes over here i need to read these notes because this is good stuff now watch watch the gadarene's vision and perception of jesus brought deliverance to him but then the people of the city come out who were allegiant to pigs and they s their vision of jesus was you're a troublemaker you've messed up our income you've killed our 401k you've stopped our retirement get out of here and their vision asks their deliverer to leave i wonder how many people in this church you don't mean to but consciously or unconsciously when the lord has tried to help you you've asked him to leave you alone the scary part is he will he will no problem i'll leave ain't no problem then he goes to nazareth where he was raised and he go up and he goes right if you read that in the scriptures in mark he goes to nazareth and they are offended at him because their perception is oh that's the carpenter their perception should have been that's the creator in clay they should have perceived that is deity and dust but all they saw him was a carpenter whose family they knew now watch and because of their perception they bound him and he could do no mighty work save he laid his hand on a few six folk and healed them now watch this reverend and he went around the cities and he taught in their synagogues now now i don't be rude to you i'll probably never be here again okay but i'm a part of upc i'm not leaving but this is concerning me our movement we are starting to be like that we would rather hear a sermon than see a sign [Music] we'd rather hear another message than experience a miracle and so they traded the supernatural for teaching he wanted to heal everything in the place now you've got a wonderful church and i'm not here to in any way damn or condemn or criticize but i would like to ask you a question what kind of church do you myers guys want do you want a nazareth church or do you want a capernaum church because the capernaum church said he laid his hand on every one of them and healed them all i don't know about you but i want god to throw his weight around i want god to make bear his mighty arm i want god to confirm his word with signs following. um what is it what time is it now uh 7 52. okay i got just a few more minutes please listen to what i'm fixing to tell you you've got to understand something that the miraculous and the supernatural and the power and the glory of god it is released and activated by our perception and our concept of god their vision of jesus defeated them israel's vision and perception of god defeated them because their perception and vision of their enemy was greater now listen israel was pregnant with promises please don't get offended what i'm fixing to tell you okay listen to me the promises of god are not self-fulfilling i don't care what they tell you in bible school i don't care what they tell you anyway they're full of hot air they don't know what they're talking about the promises of god are not self-fulfilling the promises of god are revelations of divine intent when god gives you a promise he's saying this is what i intend to do now how are you going to help it get to pass israel was pregnant with promises but they died outside the promised land can you see them walking 40 years in the wilderness as they fall over in the dirt and said i got a promise i got yeah but if you don't act on the promise if you don't perceive that the promise is yours if you don't envision that promise it becomes a prison house and not a pathway [Applause] and i don't want to hurt nobody's feelings but you better hear me god doesn't own a timex now that went over like a lead balloon let me help you again that means you can't hold him to your timetable [Applause] i've had god promised me things years ago they haven't happened yet that doesn't mean they're not going to happen god's got a timetable god's got a season god knows when he wants to do what he wants to do and how he's going to do it give me just a few more minutes and i'm done i'm not really done i just have to leave you just watch this in matthew 8 the bible said a leper ran up to jesus took his life in his hands because if you got close to anybody as a leper without crying unclean unclean you had a ceremony ceremonial law how far you had to stay he runs up to jesus and says if you will i know you can make me whole i think that's where all us pentecostals are we are convinced he's able we're just not sure he wants to oh if you will thou canst make me whole watch the debate as far as i know he's the only guy recorded in the new testament that ever doubted whether it was god's will to be healed because the if was with him if you will i know you can make me whole now watch jesus end the debate i will and he laid his hand on him and healed him instantly my wife's had a heart attack and a triple bypass and she's in a process of dying if the lord doesn't help her and all the doctors have given up on her and i've got thousands of people all over the movement maybe some of them here and i'm praying every day that god will fix my wife and i was talking to alex on the way down i said lord all you got to do is walk in with one finger and go and her heart will start working again all you got to do is whisper behold it hasn't happened yet but i haven't stopped believing i haven't stopped praying i haven't i'm going to hold on why because my vision of him is he's the great physician he's the healer he's the deliverer he's the master he's the almighty he's the all-wise he's the all-knowing and he's on your side can i have five more minutes five five more minutes okay i'm not trying to turn this into a cheerleading thing i'm just i just want you to get a hold of this because it's so powerful if you don't remember anything else i say remember this perception is always greater than reality you're going to have to chew on that a while see your perception can override the reality of god's promise and will and purpose that's what happened with israel their perception of the power of the enemy stole the promised land from them it was only joshua and caleb that said we can take the land let's go don't you get it israel's perception of the invincibility of goliath filled them full of terror and fear and they were afraid to fight but here comes this little freckled-faced kid the bible said he had a fair countenance it was comely he just comes walking out he says i'll take the now i'm paraphrasing i'll take the big slob on let's go nine foot six giant i'm a little freckle-faced kid i ain't afraid i'm not being braggadocious i'm not being boastful here here's why i'm going to go fight him because my vision of god is faithfulness he who has called me who will also do it i have been anointed to be the next king of israel by samuel so this problem and this situation cannot take me out and if you've been anointed you got to hold on you got to hold on to your promise even though it seems like it's being delayed listen to me delay is not denial delay is not denial [Applause] i'm i'm almost god i feel the holy ghost man i feel the holy ghost and you got together your enemy like goliath looks bigger and looms bigger than you and he runs his mouth he said come to me you little punk i'm paraphrasing you little punky little weasel said i'll feed your flesh to the fowls and the creatures see your enemy wants to do things mess you up with the vision and mess you up with his voice well guess what god wants to give you his vision and god wants you to hear his voice and and david turned around but pastor and said said the lord he helped me when i dealt with a lion and he helped me when i died with a bear and this goliath ain't gonna be no problem with me i'll take them out like a bad headache listen you can fake the biggest thing in your life if you look over your shoulder and remember some of the victories that god has given you some of the times that god brought you through when you didn't think you were gonna make it but god who is faithful will help you to the end i'm trying to i'm trying to come to a conclusion i'm i'm sorry i'm just i'm having such a hard time you got to understand your belief your belief your your vision your perception of god needs to be greater than your perception and your pronouncement of your enemy because whether you believe me or not we are all dealing with a trash-talking devil he talks trash all the time i years ago when i was in the air force in those days i used to fight i used to box and and and and i used to have a great uh admiration for muhammad ali okay but muhammad ali was not only fast you know sting like a bee dance like but but but but he talked trash all the time all the time that he was paid oh come on chump what you do can't you lay no glove i mean just insult the fire out of here and your adversary will whisper trash to you talk trash to you if you fail once in a while he'll make sure he camps a condo at your failure can i help you with this you may have failed but you are not a failure you may have made a mistake but you are not a mistake god wants to pardon you god wants to forgive you god wants to restore you god wants to lift you up god wants to bless you [Applause] hello [Applause] what we need to ask god for tonight is a fresh vision of how good he is and how great he is and how faithful he's been and what he plans on doing is mind-boggling [Applause] give me five minutes and i'm done just five minutes i'm sorry to take so long yeah yeah i'm telling where's the bishop here's my bishop bishop you've preached this a hundred times paul is on his way paul is on his way to rome under a divine mandate you ready for this you can have a divine mandate and all hell breaks loose i'm waiting for you wussies the words amen [Applause] well i've got a promise from god and your adversary that's okay i got lots of problems waiting for you i have a real hard problem with a bunch of pentecostal wussies that the wind has always got to blow at your neck and not your face i get so sick of dealing with pentecostals all across the movement that they got a little paper cut have you seen the size of my paper cut oh she didn't shake my hand well he didn't say hello well maybe you're a jerk maybe not they don't like you i don't want to hurt your feelings i passed it for 36 years there were lots of people in the church i didn't care for i did my best to get them to heaven but they were a pain in the neck there were some people in our we shook hands all the time i know you didn't do that but we shook hands all the time and there were some people in the church i pastored 36 years i did my best not to shake hands with them i would smile and say you know why they had a disease it's called dowditis you go to shake hands with them and i said man this is the day the lord has made yeah it's probably going to rain [Applause] well man ain't god good you said yeah and i got a lot of hell in trouble i said listen you little wussy i don't care how much hell and trouble you got greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world and if god be for you who are what can be against you you're ready for this if you'll see god like he is and perceive god like he is you are unbeatable i'm trying to close rev sit down i got to say one more thing to you you ready there's a word that i've not heard until just a few years ago and i'm 77 i know i look 40. i'm 77. you ready there's a word called immutability i never heard that in my life my dad never said that my mom never said it i never heard anybody of you immutability what in the name of good sin is that well it literally means the inability to change the inability to vary in substance or ability wisdom or knowledge so watch this so the immutability of god guarantees the performance of his promise [Music] god is so perfect he can't get greater god is so perfect he can't become less see i i thought you baptist would be running on that one just then god is so great he can't have a bad day he can't ever fall below his best [Applause] he's always good he's almighty he's all wise he's all-knowing he's full of grace he's full of mercy he's full of love and he cares about you come on because they're staying with me now i've i've i've not preached my message but i i just did a few highlights here i just got one more little thing about vision now this is just your homework assignment i want you to go home and read acts 28 paul is on his way to rome under a divine mandate and he goes through your rocklin and the thing wrecks his ship now i love this in the middle watch this in the middle of this uroclodin which is a cyclonic storm okay and the and the and the sun and the moon the stars have not appeared for days and he's in total darkness and the wind's blowing and everything's going crazy in the middle of the crisis typical pentecostal preacher being of good cheer no you missed it let me try again in the middle of all the hell and the fear and the chaos and and and the the messed up situation here steps up to preach him uh be of good cheer further stood by me this night an angel of the lords whose i am and whom i serve and he told me paul you're going to go to rome just like you were promised and and because of who and what you are god has let you have the 276 people they're all going to be saved because of your walk wait wait a minute the man does not claim perfection right and those of us who know that say amen brother but guess what as long as the mantle of god is on this guy and he's doing his best to take you to this city you need to stick with them because people are going to be saved because of him jesus because of him just just remain standing watch it so that they go up on the on the on the land and paul typical pentecostal preacher pentecostal preachers are whacked it's never hot enough for them they got a fire burning but they got a pentecostal preacher saying my god i'll freeze to death out of heathen's fire because the heathens are the one that made the fire he turned around and said man i'm a holy ghost preacher i got to get some more wood and he starts gathering up more wood don't be upset that when you try to make the fire harder in your life the adversary will attack you [Applause] okay i wasn't going to say this but i'm going to say it now the next time you have a bunch of opposition and hell and chaos remember what jeffrey arnold told you opposition is simply flattery from your enemy [Applause] the i used to play football for the air force for three years 62-66 we play football now i don't i don't know what you don't know what that game is so i'll have to describe it to you and these guys run and they tackle each other well you pass down to the end receiver or the fullback or the hatback runs and they make 70 80 yards in a thing you get within 10 yards of the goal the whole defense changes the normal human beings are taken off the field bruno brzezki and his brother come walking on bruno has no nose that's straight he's got three or four teeth that are gone his lip is broken over here his neck starts around his ears he weighs 350 pounds of grizzled muscle him and four of his buddies line up on the line and they smile at you through their missing teeth and they say listen here twinkle toes you may have got 80 or 90 yards on the last goal on the last game but you're going to play hell on earth to get this next 10 yards listen to me those of you that are having more resistance and more opposition than usual you are closer to your goal than you imagined [Applause] you are nearer to your answer than you imagined [Applause] have you ever thought about in the news whether you watch the news or you listen to news you read the news you play on the internet whatever you do i have never heard or seen a report anywhere where anybody attacks a bag lady she walks in the most worst areas ghettos crime scenes she pushes her little basket with tin cans and junk that she's got in there nobody robs and attacks a basket lady a bag lady why she ain't got nothing of value why do you think the adversary wants to attack you you got treasure inside of you [Music] you got divine dna inside of you you got the divine nature of god inside of you [Applause] so i don't know what you do here i don't know how you do it i'm just going to do it this way tell you what i'd like for you if you could if you would if you're not afraid i'd like for you you either build an altar where you're standing or if i can get some of you to come up around the altar and all i want you to do is ask god give me a better vision of you give me a clearer perception of your purpose and your plan for me because if your perception is wrong it gives birth to fear anxiety and worry if your perception is right he gives you power and confidence faith and assurance because expectation is always the birthplace for the miraculous whoa come on come on let's pray come on ask god to help you lord touch my eyes to see lord help me to have a better sense of perception to realize that you are not going to forsake me in my darkest moment you're not going to leave me in my greatest crisis in trial and even when i don't feel you your word is still going to work in my come on let's pray come on let's pray come on let's pray [Applause] come on your vision will be your victory or your defeat your perception will paralyze you or provoke you to act in faith my god [Music] what a mighty god we serve what a mighty god [Music] what heaven and earth is of the goodness of jesus [Music] hallelujah my is [Music] i'm doing this at the request of the pastor just as the last thing i never did finish telling you remember when paul got got washed up from that uroclodin and he washed up and he tried to make the fire hotter watch bible said a serpent came out of the heat now that's a revelation he didn't come out of the fire because a snake can't live in fire neither can satan he's attracted to heat so the more holy ghost heat you get the more the adversary is going to be attracted to try and stop you now watch the bible said that the that the viper bit him lanced out to his arm and bit him boy what a sermon that is time to shake off the serpent and he shook off the serpent and watched what happened and their perception and their vision said this doubtless he is a murderer who vengeance has not allowed him to live and the sea has spared him to be killed and they watched to see that he would swell or fall down dead but when he didn't fall down dead or swell they changed their perception and said he's a god and then after that he became a miracle worker because god used him to heal everything on molina that's how powerful perception is [Music] [Applause] hallelujah thank you jesus [Music] oh hallelujah we serve a big god we just have to have a big vision i have a big god oh i tell you i feel faith in this house i feel like there's some people here tonight that you've been dealing with some stuff and god has given us a word he wants us to have big dreams big vision big faith let's believe god can do anything before we leave right now i want us to just lift our hands whatever the situation is i want you to begin to thank god say lord i see it i see it in my eye in the eye of faith i see my family being saved i see my body being healed come on i see god high up on the throne his train fills the temple oh in the name of jesus [Music] he's a great god but give us great faith [Music] you can do anything lord i claim my victory right now in the name of jesus i claim my miracle in the name of jesus come on use your voice and speak it speak it into existence speaking into existence i shall be made whole [Music] my son shall be healed in the name of jesus my daughter will return back to you lord come on my husband we'll be saved my wife will be healed in the name of jesus anything is possible [Applause] oh hallelujah thank you jesus hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah the bible said if two or three agree together turn to your neighbor and say i claim your victory i claim your miracle it shall happen in the name of jesus come on find somebody and agree together with him [Applause] god's gonna do it god's on your side god's gonna bring about a miracle oh [Applause] come on if you believe it worship like you can already see it it's done it's done hallelujah hallelujah [Applause] hallelujah [Applause] victory is fine [Applause] [Music] hallelujah cheese thank you jesus oh i feel faith in the house i feel faith in the house tonight lord we believe you that every person that's battling with cancer will be healed in the name of jesus you're greater than cancer you're greater than calvin [Applause] [Music] you're greater than heart disease you're greater than diabetes you're greater than any affliction you're the almighty god hallelujah hallelujah [Music] trying to dismiss but i feel faith in this house thank you jesus thank you jesus give us a new vision of you lord [Music] [Applause] hallelujah jesus [Music] [Applause] on we need more to get an organ transplant we need a vision transplant i've been looking at the problem but i'm going to start looking at the problem solver [Applause] jesus jesus [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Applause] feels like electricity up here holy ghost electricity [Applause] hallelujah jesus [Music] [Music] we've had prayer requests tonight for people that are sick we've dedicated babies tonight ask for god's protection we've heard the preaching of the word of god and i feel like tonight we need to worship god for the victory people have always said believe in and see it but i think see it is believing you got to see it in the eye of faith first and then you'll believe what you see come on you got to see it through the eye of faith go ahead if you can see it you can worship him for it if you can see it you can believe him for it [Applause] i see my family being saved i see my miracle [Applause] hallelujah we worship you jesus [Applause] oh yeah shout unto god for the victory [Applause] we are victorious oh yes [Music] is oh i just want to share this with you then you got to go we understand if you want to stay in worship i'm going to ask the praise singers to sing it one more time but i'm just reminded as they're singing that shout with the voice of triumph that triumph and the shout of triumph is what the israeli army would shout before they had the victory before they even went into battle they would shout for the triumph it hadn't happened yet the enemy is still out there and he's large in charge but i'm going to shout in advance that was their shout of triumph when david said shout with the voice of triumph he was saying shout before you ever see your victory shout before there's ever any evidence that you're gonna be victorious shout foxy [Applause] yes [Music] here we go we got the victory is is unto god for the victory hey give the lord miracle [Applause] in the name of jesus in the name of jesus [Applause] hallelujah we got the victory we've got the victory because the devil is defeated he is would you lift your hands and shout one more time come on shout with the voice of joy [Applause] down for the victory [Music] hallelujah god bless you you dismissed in jesus name the lord's on your side come on god's gonna give you the victory we claim it in the name of jesus [Applause]
Channel: Eastwind Pentecostal Church of Palm Bay, Florida
Views: 617
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: first, pentecostal, apostolic, sermon, pastor, david, myers, palm bay, melbourne, brevard, county, florida, upci, upc, bishop, j., e., jackson, ellis, Eastwind, Eastwind church
Id: xcmID0RyjOY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 125min 41sec (7541 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 20 2022
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