03 | Vectorscope | How to Use Video Scopes

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[Applause] hi I am Daria Fon and in this video we'll be taking a look at how to read and configure the vector scope a lot of this information will be applicable across most platforms that use Vector Scopes but I'll also be taking a look at Advanced features found only in no omniscope let's get started a vector scope shows the saturation levels of the Hues in your footage the this distance from the center indicates the saturation level the farther away from the center the more saturated the Hue the radius angle shows the Hues themselves primary hues red green and blue and secondary Hues magenta Canan and yellow are marked on the graticule at 75% saturation targets because the trace is colorized by default it's usually easy to tell what part of the image you're looking at in the vector scope however when using omniscope you can also hold the option or alt modifier key to preview the frame you're on and seats distribution in the scope the vector scope allows us to do many things first it helps us to easily spot color dominance or imbalance in a clip and reduce it by centering the trace with the help of our grading tools the flesh tone line gives us an approximate Target when analyzing and adjusting skin tones under natural light you can view Clips in a sequence and match their color distribution and atation levels for consistent look and finally the vector scope is also vital for ensuring legal saturation levels for deliveries right click in the vector scope window to see its controls you can opt to reveal or hide the graticule Rings and vectors you can also choose to colorize the trace or keep it white for easier readability the zoom control pushes in to give you a closer look at the center of the vector scope which can be helpful when trying to get precise results in a low saturated image you can also use your Mouse's scroll wheel to zoom in and out to custom degrees hold command or control for even more Precision when zooming middle click or double click to reset the zoom the input gain will also increase the size of the trace but it will not affect the placement of the graticule this artificial scaling of the video signal allows you to review the trace without losing the helpful vector and Target lines when you choose to split the vector scope into lows mids and highs you will get an accurate readout of Hues in the three tonal ranges of your footage as with the single scope you can hold the option or alt modifier key to see exactly which sections of the frame are being represented and where their saturation lies the window housing these Scopes is dynamic meaning that when it is resized the three Scopes move to occupy the optimal available space this tonal breakup of the vector scope allows you to more accurately spot color casts and the highlights midtones and Shadows of the image this clip for example has warm highlights but is otherwise neutral I can use the gain control in my grading software to pull the highlights towards the center balancing the shot as with the other omniscope tools you can interact with the source signal viewer for more precise guidance drag in the viewer to isolate that section of the R hold shift and drag to keep that selection in place until your next click this is a popular way of quickly reviewing the balance of grayscale surfaces or for analyzing skin tones hold option or alt to see the exact location of a pixel in the vector scope click to retain it in the viewer and leave a Target marker double click its rgp values in the viewer to remove it back in the contextual menu the most advanced controls for the Tools in omniscope can be found in the settings in the display tab you can further configure the appearance of the vector scope set a custom zoom level using the slider and choose whether to clip the signal outside the outer ring you can switch between yuv and hsl representative color models and choose to include the 175% Target graticules on the graph under the lmh tab you can define a specific Luminosity range to represent in the vector scope for example by dragging up the minimum Luminosity I can focus more closely on analyzing the upper midtones and highlights of this image the lmh previe checkbox gives you a sample of the area of the image that's being represented by the trace you can even hide the graticule while you refine the Luminosity range the lmh tab becomes even more versatile when used on the split Scopes you can Define the total range of the lows mids and highs and adjust the ring brightness to reflect the scope type by its border under appearance you'll find additional controls that compliment the ones found in the contextual menu click D gamma to increase the brightness of the darker colors within the trace smooth Trace applies a low pass filter and Gamma adjustment to produce a more detailed Trace with better visibility and enhanced render will switch from point only to point and line Trace rendering creating an easierto read vector scope Trace use the gain and enhan Center sliders to brighten the trace globally or from the center of the scope when adjusting sliders hold control or command and click to manually enter values to reset all parameters right click the scope and choose reset settings the remainder of the controls focus on the graticule itself you can change the style from standard to a more minimalist Hue Vector layout you can control the appearance of the outer Hue ring the Crosshair the Rings and vectors and even the presence and angle of the flesh tone line in the source tab you can override the project-wide color space configuration found in the input settings the input gain slider at the bottom allows you to scale up the vector scope Trace to custom degrees without affecting the graticule be mindful when using this parameter though it allows for better readability and balancing of low saturation images it will no longer accurately represent the actual saturation levels of your Hues relative to the graticule Rings finally you can go to view targets to Define and enable custom Hue Targets in the vector scope press new RGB Target and then click the Swatch icon to manually select the Hue from the Color Picker or input a specific Hue using the RGB HSV and hex fields at the bottom these types of overlays can help with maintaining consistent Hues on a specific object or article of clothing across a sequence of shots they're also popular for ensuring you meet specific brand color Targets in commercials and corporate videos add as many RGB targets as you need refine their overlay color and thickness in the display settings and delete them by pressing the bin icon to their right I hope you enjoyed this deep dive into the vector scope for more information check out the video description for the official documentation I'll see you in the next one please consider liking this video and subscribing to this channel for more training videos and future oscope development [Music] news
Channel: timeinpixels
Views: 3,853
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Id: gtEcyp0-SZY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 50sec (470 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 12 2024
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