01 Introduction to Geometry Nodes | Vector Wonderland - Blender 3.0

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[Music] the big winter geometry notes course [Music] i'm glad you joined us to part one in this part we will look at the basics of geometry nodes so grab your food grab your drinks and let's open the first present what do you think rudolph yeah let's open it hey welcome to the first part of veg of the big big bacter wonderland so you made all the way through the thick falling snow to see this part thank you you're looking great today let me say that so one thing we have to consider we use through the whole course we use the 3.0 blender because it is out today and the whole course is about 3.0 so not 3.1 not 2.93 3.0 because it is stable a bit i have the 3.0 in the blender launcher but you can download it from the blender builds so when you open the blender website blender.org you will see maybe on the splash screen the 3.0 it's not out at my time currently but it should be big on the screen 3.0 the big era of blender and you would click on that and you can download blender 3.0 but i have it already on the blender launcher and i can launch it the link for the blender launcher is in the description it's the same as when you click on download here and then you would go into experimental but it is broken at the moment because they are preparing for the big 3.0 release we can launch 3.0 and the first thing you will notice in 3.0 the ui looks a bit different and spring looks right into your face and we can click spring away so we want to know what geometry nodes is or are the first thing we would do we would go at the blender manual here it says geometry nodes is nodes can be used to change an object's geometry in a more complex way than regular modifiers oh great so it is like modifiers but a bit more complex and you could do more things with it so that's nice so i first show you a bit of things you can do with this a bit examples out of the internet so you can do things like this [Music] or things like that like this and this is pretty nice and great okay but how do we start so we have our default cube but how do we start so they said it is like modifiers so we can look at our modifier properties here and here we have our great modifiers and we can see yeah here are geometry nodes you can click that but what what that's nothing what is this what's that so please come down that is intended because there are two ways of adding geometry nodes so we can delete that and geometry nodes is just like shader nodes you remember shader nodes is another window here shader nodes and there you can see above geometry nodes editor and there is where the magic happens we can first look at the shader nodes oh i've already a default material but we can delete that and here we can see we have new because we have to create a new node tree and if we go to geometry node editor we have the same we don't even have a node 3 so we can click on new and we can see yeah we have i mean we have something we have something and we also have our geometry nodes modifier back so there are two ways to add to add geometry nodes i delete this so the first way is we click on new and the second thing is we can add the geometry nodes modifier so these are two ways of adding geometry nodes now the first thing we can see is a group input and a group output and what this means is we have here our geometry we have the data from this default cube and it flows through through here and it comes in in this group and then it flows in this noodle into the group output and here it got generated so if we unplug this you can think of it as a wire then the cube is gone even though you can see it in edit edit edit mode because we have still the data the data but it isn't generated because it isn't going out of the group input so in the group input we can see we have the data from the mesh eight vertices to have edges six faces but the group output is completely empty because it has not this data because it isn't running so the data is always running in this noodles or you can think of it as wires and we can plug that back into the group output but this is a completely empty node tree so we could maybe add more notes to this as in the shader nodes to create different effects or to achieve different to achieve different results or designs so we can just we can add a node with the shortcut shift a so this is more common or we can go here on the top on the ui and here add a node and we can see there's a lot of things you can do and i have a series where i try to [Music] i try to explain every single note and you can i link you that on the i on the right top you can click that so every single note in geometry notes you can see that there and so the easiest note we have currently is maybe the the subdivision surface node and it reminds you maybe of the modifier the subdivision surface modifier we can use that so we can even use modifiers after the geometry nodes modifier because the geometry nodes modifier is as it says only a modifier and here you can see oh no oh geometry nodes is gone no that's because we have now this active modifier thing so we have to click it again so if we would have different geometry notes modifiers so i added some more here we would we can change between the node trees so that's therefore so we have now our subdivision surface but we don't want this as modifier we want this in our geometry notes and note tree so how do we do that so we know we can add new nodes with shift a or here on the top and now we want to have the subdivision surface modifier but we don't want the modifier we want only subdivision surface on this cube so we can maybe search because we don't know where it is so we can go sub-division [Music] oh here it is subdivision surface and we can do that here but nothing happens and that is because the original geometry is still flowing into the group output and it is ignoring the subdivision surface because it isn't connected so we can connect it there and because it has to be on the output so we can connect this into the output and yeah we subdivided the curve and now we can change the subdivisions and we have now a new slider that wasn't in the subdivision surface modifier and that is the crease you can see the effect with more subdivisions so we can smooth even the edges like a bevel that's wonderful so you have your first thing do you have your first note in geometry notes congratulations to you this is great so we have now a subdivision surface and we can see the geometry is flowing through that node that's great so it is active it's working we can see it so now i want to work you through a bit of the ui and a bit of the navigation of the note graph or geometry notes so with the middle mouse you can pan your view around like this if you want to move a note you can click g or just click it and drag it around and in 3.0 a new thing is that you can see it's automatically spinning your view around if you are on the borders so that's great and here on the top you can see you have you can turn on snapping so it is on the grid and you have a shortcut so if you wanna have your notes to have only on the grid if you click a key then clicks then click control so this will snap your notes on the key on the grid and we have this thing so here we can turn off the the wire colors so that the wires or noodles are always gray and here it it uses the color of the sockets if you want to have your subdivision surface out of this connection then you can click alt and drag that out this is pretty pretty handy and if you want it in again you can just drag it in and you can see this wire is getting white and then you can release it and it's automatically sticking in there without you can drag it out again this is pretty handy and another another thing is if you hold ctrl and then hold your right mouse button you have this little knife and with this you can cut wires and this is handy if you if you want to cut a lot of wires and with ctrl and alt hold that and then hold the right button you can mute wires this is new since 2.93 i think since the first version of geometry nodes so with this you can mute wires that's also pretty handy so this where the major navigations and now we want to have a little bit of a little more advanced node setup so we can delete our cube and geometry nodes is gone simultaneously because it is as the shader nodes attach to attach to the object so we can add a new object with shift a and we maybe would want to add a monkey wonderful and as we learned we just can click on you to create a new node tree but we first want to create this any modifiers to understand the flow of geometry nodes so we first maybe want to have a subdivision surface then maybe we want to triangulate the mesh to have triangles and then we want to split the edges and then once more we want to subdivide the mesh to achieve this kind of effect like this so this looks pretty nice and now we want to recreate this in geometry notes so how do we do this so first you guessed we click on you to create the new node tree and the first thing we will do we had the subdivision surface and we can click on shift a to add a new node and we don't have to search because i give you a little tint the subdivision surface is under the mesh sub menu and here you can see the subdivides see the subdivision surface we can click that and we know so far we can snap that in here and it's already working just as simple as that and because in the modifiers we had the subdivision serve the subdivision surface at first we do the rest of the things after this because geometry nodes is always going from left to right so from the group input to the group output as in the modifiers from the top to the bottom so after this we had so all the things that are in the modifiers are also under the mesh here so after this we use the triangulate so we also have this it has a bit of other settings because it is more polished or something like that and after this we use the split edges node phases are not connecting anymore and after this we use the subdivision surface node so we don't have to add it anymore we just have it so we can duplicate it so we can we can use shift d so that duplicates it and we can snap it after these split edges because we used it in the modifiers at last so you can see it done nothing because we have subdivision surface set to zero so hit it does nothing so we can set it to one and you can see we have our effect so this wonderful you're doing great so this is your first thing effect you would do in geometry nodes and now you can see if you go in edit mode you can even manipulate the mesh afterwards and you can create more things in edit mode afterwards isn't that wonderful but how can we view now the different data from our different positions in the note tree so in the shader nodes you would have with the node wrangler i'm assuming everybody knows what that is so because everybody uses this at least you are not a completely beginner so in geometry nodes you have something similar it's also called a viewer and you can use it with the same shortcut so with ctrl and shift you can you can hold that and then you then you can click at any position of your node tree maybe on the subdivision surface and here you can see it's adding a viewer in and we can drag that maybe the top here but nothing changed in the viewport so how does that work so the viewer in geometry nodes is a bit a bit complicated at the moment so maybe in 3.1 or 3.2 we will get the visualization in the 3d viewport but at the moment it shows not so you would see the stage at this moment if you plug that into geometry output but at the moment that doesn't work with the viewer at the moment the viewer does only output its data into into the spreadsheet so what is this spreadsheet so the spreadsheet is a new window in blender so we can drag that here and we can search here we have the new geometry notes editor and we can look that up we have nothing we have nothing ah here it is the spreadsheet right under the new asset browser and here you can see ooh it has a lot of data and here we have so the viewer here on the top we have the viewer node so we see everything the viewer node has connected in here so at this particular moment in our note tree that's what the viewer says we have a vertex count of 519 and every single position of every single vertex is listed in the spreadsheet so in this project is every data geometry notes has at the particular moment the viewer is looking at so then we have data for edges like decrease or for faces if they are shaded smooth the material index the normal of the faces and the face corner like the uv map and then for curves for point clouds for instances you didn't even know yet though the viewer is very handy for the future if you are making bigger things and sometimes to solve some problems now we can also look at after the triangulate and if you plug that here you can see the numbers are changing so the viewer is working so now i want to show you a whole new section so this are in the add menu so with shift a we have the mesh primitive section and this is basically exactly the same if you add here with shift a new meshes so these meshes are also in geometry notes so mesh primitives and here we have the cone and the cube the cylinder the grid so we have everything besides susan so it's using the monkey we use currently it's not in there unfortunately but we now can use the whole geometry nodes set up we've created so far we can use on another geometry so we have the geometry of the cone so it's obviously a mesh not a geometry so it says what it is here so we can see here the mesh is always flowing through and we can plug that we can plug the monkey so this is the data of our monkey coming into our group input you can see it here in the edit mode we have our monkey susan we can plug the data out and we can use another data from the cone and we can plug that in here and this is our cone yeah and we can manipulate this effect with the side segments and fill segments the radius and you can do pretty nice things with this you can use various various primitive objects together like the icosphere and subdivide that and you can join those two together with a joint geometry node and this node is in geometry the join node or you can search for it here join geometry node and we can plug that both into the input and now we have joined those two objects together so we had first the cone and we have this sphere and we've joined then them together so they are both using our effect of those four nodes so we've come pretty far in this first part of the course i hope you learned a lot and if it is still too mind boggling for you i completely understand you i mean it is complicated but if you're finally understanding it it makes really fun i've recently put my blend file for the ivy generator onto gumroad you can check that out if you want and if you have still questions or you just want to talk um my social media is in the video distal corrections or you can send me your results that you've created so far in geometry notes that would be fun so see you later thank you these were a lot of new things i've learned yeah i can't even wrap it all up in my head i maybe have to do this in geometry notes myself oh yeah that's a great idea maybe you learn better so and the next part in part two we will make our first effect in geometry notes our first big effect we will make falling snow and geometry notes animated falling snow this will be great
Channel: HEY Pictures
Views: 4,222
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: HEYPictures, GeometryNodes, Fields, BlenderShorts, Tutorials, Blender, Beginner, Blender 3.0, Dummies
Id: NphJdoy1ZxQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 26sec (1646 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 03 2021
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