" Maintaining Your Spiritual Route " Elder Kenneth R. Collins

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[Music] hey I got a man live right I got a man living right I gotta buy the dress everyday hit the low pay me sanctify me hole is love you right I got a matter the right I got a mind is right I got a manatee right every day sit the dog save me sanctify the whole day right I got a master Spacely I got a man stay sane I got a man who stays late every day hit the song save me sanctify me hold it I got a mind to stay sane oh I got a mind to pretzel I got a mind to bristle I got a mind a pretzel every day yeah little all save me rectify me holy [Music] the pretzels the hip Clark out of mind to live right not a minor him right I got a man to liberate every day yes it's the law save me testifies be holy I got that man the sieve right yeah every day [Music] okay hold it a god you onething what my the lira cow [Music] we think of the night you may be seated we give honor to this sting was like lady mother stacks land for her full fifth and potato Amen pastor Wilson and all of you that came out tonight we're glad for Jesus a man because I want a shot of a thrilling hope I shot clover to go cold yeah you said to speed up everything in that bag oh by shot hallelujah we've a hot pan pulled around with these hypocrites both oh you want enough you talk about run and they walk shut up and they talk come on yeah let's go to opposite and were you up there it's like it's a it's a constant content I'm putting more in you being save you want yourself come on here church I know what I'm talking about it wear you out you keep on sitting there they're done I'm trying to take you whole you down come on that way no special air case shouldn't be come on catch we need a shot speed up I understand we take it too long how long would you be slow hard you've been seen enough to be running I just tell him the brother that took me Minister Lane he drove for me I thank God that there are people who are concerned about me a man and he drove me and I told him I said the land I said we have just one year in holding this we should be knowing who we are what God intend to do with us come on check now here we're all in our class and here come new folks passing us we still in the second third grade user heard you ain't moving you can't take a reboot y'all ain't getting no with me you oughta been in mother's time motherboard get up after you some cut you like a shredder come on Leon if you look at like that maybe most y'all happened if you were honey class was hard because you had to go back the next night swell up if you want is your bus you come on judge I told her I think it was yesterday I said mother I appreciate how you stayed on us didn't let off of us when you slow you don't mind them that's not it got to teach another class you got to go to somebody else that's what's been coming to me somebody else got to teach these folks that's too hard to learn not you say help me Gigi I want to reach way down and try to get them and hit your class you know how much time it is for you to get them to be able to say be the big I say yes God it is trying he said because they're too slow to learn see one thing make you slow you hear junk if you go and learn pickup like God want you to pick up you can't pay attention to nobody's junk do they'll call you on the phone and talk to you and that make you slow to learn you be in that same class come on we're gonna go to loo get me God and I hope before the service out here let me give you a shot of adrenaline honey when they gotta give you a shot of adrenaline you know your heart then bout stop they trying to revive you the class is moving on it's going to move on without us getting away notice we take it to now take too long to forgive one another don't wait for nobody to come to you some of these people ain't never coming at you saying this our it did you wrong - Luke 20-fold Jesus this is rough again tonight I guess I got to go home and do the same thing I said Lord 24:13 and some of y'all that God bringing in there y'all can't take as long as we did the last stage of a relay race usually the fastest man is on the end you'll have your slowest man on in guarding on half slow runners now come on you got a kick last part of a long race in order to beat your opponents you better have some kick left and I didn't seen them physically and on the TV when it comes to them last 30 40 yards whoever got the strongest kick is the one going win they speed up every strike and get ahead of the person how to do you as a god I said don't you see this thing old Harry Potter sweeping all across the land bringing young folks in the man of witchcraft imagination fantasy line it up get books fine you better not be in their life as well as you've been told ain't no harm in it Justin honey they setting your kids up unsaved folks is faith how come you ain't you got to watch what you feed a child you don't feed your child dirt you had that table clean you don't want to get no bacteria well watch what he read and watch what he look at poison his system will have no respect for a thought there nothing I said God we are at we united states to be free but not free for everybody to clown you know arduous days them folks was burned and killed we license the devil to destroy our own kids I mean I looked at him lined up and you look children let's talk about Harry Potter gonna have a sequel gonna have more than one story of the same crazy stuff now some if you don't man some child gonna jump out of a window think you can fly in a little old y'all should have been saying Amy I hope none of y'all got y'all children on that mess come over here from the waited some a man signed look like some ugly motor Harriet part get you some Bible videos and getting that's where I do my boy can win the TV boy get get get one of them Bible video read me a scripture come on yeah if you wanted to be some teacher and watch what they read slipping in on in the room and listen and see what they're looking at even some of them cartoons ain't fit for dog all these characters they got ain't looking like stuffed animals they got shaped like women and men half-clad encourage them to be disrespectful you may be feeding your trouble if you ain't watching what your children do but some of them slipping up the clothes though when they make the chase station change you've got to understand your brats a lie don't be scared to say man cuz they sitting up here you don't believe on what your child say are you naive and little let it to care how long you ain't never caught your child and I don't mean it online tell lie with a straight I ain't do it mama Oh Murphy honey the devil train you from birth the life and you don't need no other outside influence on your children when he born with certain things help us God you ain't got to wait for them the whole child I don't want them seeing this in that you got enough sexiness in your girl it's that you slip it on and you'll see her rub on a little hips and turning sideways why do you Terrance ain't saying hey man y'all ain't caught him doing nothing you ain't prayed at all cuz if you pray God let you walk right in catch it I caught man you catch them trying to be jazzy you'll catch up cussing - you better eagerly look like this slow to get this to come over you're slow to bleed without I'm telling you the truth that you're raising the devil in you're out you ain't praying that much you ain't seeing nothing when you break dollar that you come in there when they think you sleeping got Stevie oh you get you up you go right in and what you're doing looking at it you ain't gonna get that gift I was gonna buy you ah put that gift in your hands something put that gift on that backside I'm gonna buy you this don't eat dinner go to your room ain't study judges yeah if they light-skinned wrap the towel around a little boo-boo and go to work yeah me don't leave a mom go to work on a little boo-boo hey we used to said sanctify the legs let them know what you do that no mo come on here don't wait to the get 9 and 10 way up there do you want anybody praying I want you to pray I've told it I tell the other Lane I stopped feeling like whipping these pants God had to help they need to beat all yes they do now you stop that you don't say that no mo here you just wolf it you won't do your will children's up and oh he believe you they know your woofer a woman came by the church on Thanksgiving we had service on Thanksgiving a woman came by and she said she came to one of our services and I was teaching and one of the children at a church big big old boy he's in the back doing something had no business I called him right there while I was preaching I called him from the back all the way up to the front of front Rose said sit there and the woman look and she went and told people she said you're gonna hit his man that man took authority and she watched a child a child sat down so she come to church Thanksgiving cuz I had been in the service and she saw this happen she said she went home and took authority over a house in her house and changed her atmosphere she came Thanksgiving and tell us she was glad that she had been invited because parents are not assume enough auntie and you should take it more than women more than the men you the one almost died bringing a child in this will don't take nothing off of them catch them in a lie let them get punished so they can remember if you don't punish them they won't remember and when they look to us we had something to remember [Music] while you read me so they won't remember that but let them get something with heart for them to sit down for hours through the night next day I guarantee you when they get ready to do that again they remember them Webster had to sit on come on now you can put them on that day we realized you just put you wrap them so I'm wrapping your baby mama loves and go to one mom I love you come on I don't want y'all slowing that - could you be too slow by the time you do want a whoopin it's too late what do you think and behold the whole two of them went that same day to the village of he-man look these are men that had been with Jeana and I was thinking about this the other day I said Lord we can get so full of unbelief until we can be looking right at it and still ain't get me right at it right into service I told Ellen a nice ale and these women should be changed all about being a woman in the home doing the husband right they don't take them that long I asked him he's a recruiter how long does it take for you to go through basic training he said 12 weeks wait a minute Church did you hear what I said 12 week three months then you should have all the basicness of hope hallelujah now mother Stax got to take you through a crash course hallelujah ain't nobody going over there and Afghanistan trying to get ready you find a five different kind of war you don't want no trying because um folks over that old man down you know if they get in a plane crash them to a building in Rome and - so you're not fighting nobody that tell us about living hallelujah and we still taking a long time to give up different things what people said to us and what's hotter Actos and we still hold things we want people to be so nice to us you might as well say driven Marine training they brutalize them men they destroy the image they had in the street is gone they teach them you can't have your way you're doing it Uncle Sam's wait you're going well when Uncle Sam wear your clothes how you walk no more couch cat walk you got to walk like us and you must honor your officials your sergeants your corporals your lieutenants your brigadier General's you might hallelujah 12 weeks not these 10 and 15 years that we hate and then get you to teaching you about your limping and you can clean it in the dock every part put it back together are we not and more in no more a crucial situation any hardly got a prayer warrior fit for a battle hallelujah and you wonder why mother boy says what she said I told him I said you know what we've been doing why the gospel being preached we've been rebelling I don't want to do that cuz I said it's gonna take that long for God to shoot you and then make you look how long it took God to make Paul from the time it knocked him off his bed he was a warrior within days so much soul is trying their best to kill him he was on the road didn't take that long for you to give up your children give up your family give up your feeling for your things you own I said God give us some soldiers transform rather to take whatever it's got to take to be a soldier if you say I got to be here the night then I must be here in the night anything are you rebelling against that is the devil take it too low take too long getting up to that bus stop she doesn't wait for you you'll be running behind it Harlan the English stop you know why they got a schedule if I slow up for you then I'm Oh miss I'm gonna throw me off all the way down and you can tell some of those bus drivers when they offer schedule some time they don't even stop just be looking the other way soon come on here just be looking the other way then stopping and you barely get on that button already put it come all the out all of us have rode buses know some of them that behind schedule they know how to stop that low the last person harlot gets on that bus sometime a man in the world pan means money everything has to move move at a certain time and when you slope you miss your time you got to be rescheduled that class may not be talked again for a while cause the time that you ought to hide it you let your flesh interfere and say God speed us up speed of that whole way that God we didn't want to be safe maybe up speed up my intellect feet up understanding do something for me shut nobody shot down hallelujah sweetheart it's too slow I say yes annoy and God calls through mother boy paramedics emergency vehicles in holiness ain't nobody in them emergency vehicles that worked in them two or three men teams or women teams his people that came here I want another each one knows their part that they have to play each one knows methodically what to do they're not getting in each other's way we won't recognize one another's gift where God birthed us act he gave some pastor some apostles some prophets some teachers I said god help us help us honey when when the men get shot out there in the wall you got a certain amount of time to pull that guy out of harm's way and bullets ricocheting everywhere medics get killed you ain't got no time to fool with joking folks people that's not sincere they're not going your way down a whole nother bus route they're slowing you down watch who you run with what kind of conversation do they carry they're always asking the same question about the service and they will sit right there with you I'll kind understand did you get what was going on drop them just ain't you got the tape but you know still is some things you're not in the class oh you got to tell them say did you look on outside of your room cuz my numbers for 426 what numbers yo cuz I don't think we in same room is showing on the same page I don't need y'all up here don't swell up like a frog if you slow your slow come on God give me a speed shot cuz I'm sick of myself you know yourself you take it too long you wouldn't with it find the world what you went through high school digging these many years don't allow your phone did you hear what I said oh how many years you've been in pass through here don't look at nobody cross-eyed come on yeah they're people you turn on the TV it'll make you weak turn on the TV and look at them folk they had the kind of teacher we had and see how many folks they're going out get you go year two years three years ain't brought nobody judge you know ain't no heaven waiting for you proverbs 31 said that's all works praise in the gate what you think waiting for you you don't believe in the God enough in yourself that you can touch another person's life and bring them in here you're gonna go buy your shot in your wallet and all these empty seats surely it's in vain amen if you work at a job so many years and you say you saved somebody from that job supposed to be attending your church if you the right example on that job don't pitch yourself he that soweth sparingly shall reap span or what have you cooperated with that will help bring you in so can you work with other people are you faithful you mean I'm stirred Saints because God is transferring these things to me you got to accomplish something your life what if I took you on your way to Pittsburgh aspect what do you have done I say yes slowly you don't want to just be going and sacrificing going over the highways and byways and no fruit he told me before I had a fellowship booked out I was flying on the plane don't tell me God don't tell you about yourself he let me know if you wants to go more that's what do you have done I saw it in the dream you know you build a plane your doors on go to sleep if I was to take you you ain't even got a book out I didn't have a book out we procrastinate we put off today for tomorrow we're doing with fasting we do with praying we're doing with seeking dogs we already get inclinations from God to lay on the carpet but if you don't watch yourself its next month before you even try what is all this mess that we put a hand of God now what did God decide I'm gonna put your health off I'm going to lay your health I'm going to lay your blessing I won't do to you like you do me I told you to be slow to speak to run your mouth that's the only thing on what you slow in I want you soul to react to what people say and how they talk about one another I want you slow take your time pay attention prove all things and then hold fast that which is good if don't be so quick to say not dead but I do want you to be quick to hear quick to hear what I said so useful take us through the purification come on judge we have errors concerning the faith and we drag in we drag I told them in detention when these beautiful men was alive I told them in their meetings I told them when it comes to the fellowship work cannot drag I said that woman is getting old up all the time I said what do we have going for her I know we're going to what about uh who by shun ah every daughter birthday my god it should be so that nothing is pulling from the church the church existed its function and yes there are committees and people working to take care of that mother without the church choking his neck if everybody worked together like they should it would be done at all I was telling him for the last 10-15 years just drank a drank hallelujah and if we don't watch the seed of all that is killing us come on charts we need a looking pregnant you know I said it I said and you heard me said you know ain't throwing off I said it then that's what believing the gospel is you're not believing the gospel I can't work with you you can't work with me hallelujah I'm stirred the night see if you'd have been there in Pittsburgh and fallen and Kate and no pain is hit the deck you look like you're in a cartoon if this happening to me I thought I was walking I'm on the floor sitting down I get back up hey I ain't I can't get back in the Train you're home to stop for ten minutes it's got to go two hands man I've got to go back up these steps I took my time and stop when backing up thinking that I was regaining myself got to the top of em down again paramedics was called them foking right out there by to treatment they I found myself getting oxygen no pain things can kill you honey ain't no pain don't think you doing well cuz you ain't got no pain some of y'all sittin up here ain't got no pain in something's threatening you and if God don't use somebody word of knowledge and discernment come on yeah cancer kills without pain when you do that I'm feeling you in the last stage you cannot go by these feelings I'm alright I feel good that don't mean you good come on here I didn't air painting the first sister like up it was like someone's hanging over there and I couldn't get my oxygen put you in that thing in the x-ray of running that thing all around you chest seeing two ambulances in both lung embolus is in both lungs so I thought it was in one it was in both and none of nothing they gave me was dissolved whose hand was I in eight doctors I asked him they couldn't tell me that what they was giving me was moving it I tried to pin him they wouldn't do it my wife was right there come on do you think God extended my life to come here laughs oh my shot when that circulation got to slow it formed clots and they form clogs are y'all listening to me when that circulation get too slow gonna firm form clots and their form clogs I didn't know that people that travel on the airplanes that fly many hours I encouraged to walk through the plane because they know the habit of blood clots because of low or poor ii ation and some people are more susceptible than others come on you some pan been sitting down in one place a long time and notice how you really got to stretch your legs and everything do you know why your circulation and drop to low if you have bad circulation you can develop cramps not then I come back to Gary found out a baptist preacher he died from it a year earlier I mean people younger than me fatty fat for Minister Stax called me and told me he had him in the leg and didn't know he had and had to go to the hospital because if they move and go to the wrong place you're dead duck I said where's your telling me if you fooled around and let somebody put some junk in you and your love start flowing slow and slower to that person you don't have that much to say then you gonna form a clog and you're gonna stop circulating period to that person come on say yes come diabeetus is known to have a cause to sloper circulation see it's too slow get up and move we got to get up and move in God do y'all hear what I'm saying stop talking so much about what God told you and what you supposed to be doing you are not moving till you get up and start acting on what you have learned and then laziness will make you slow and do nothing drowsiness will call clover man the Bible says with rain you know better but you lazy and laziness will have you slow to take care of business to do what you should around the house to do what useful to do for God come on here the fear a man will slow you up for bid God fearing what somebody will say fear will slow you down you got to make up in your mind a doctor will be God I got to be quick to hear slow to speak and slow to get man so new things he won't you slowly in hallelujah I say help us Lord the Bible said I think it is an email or one of them tells us the books said the King's business required hey the opportunity you have at the time it's only for a certain time do you know that many of us is living in the same standard going through the same perplexity of our income and how means in our situation simply because when God spoke you didn't move on schedule you could have been out of your mess anytime services been at your church and the power of God is falling and God is moving and you are slow to hear your deliverance you are in situations you are going through predicaments that you should have been out ten times how many times did the bus come by salome to move everybody off the poverty level you didn't catch a woman come on here hallelujah when God said give that money you slow you looking at everything you old and you ain't got enough money to pay for it know how what you what you what you squeeze that dollar for let it go you're broke anyway slow Chiao innocent yes who said give it to me come on here you were slow to give and that make you slow to the end you had a game God would have gained your window you should have been out of what you you know I'm telling my older people I said who told y'all y'all shouldn't own property I said yes I want you to tithe off that person to my check give it here give me that money under that knife threat so don't you come up with your screwed self the screws gonna have a dream y'all know the old myth the Scrooge had a dream about his I believe they should have a dream to come on here slow to turn the money loose you got more opportunity to win than anybody going to in a lot of real life you don't see it like that you slow to see just who God is to you turn the money rules see how you really annoy me look at slow naming come on you know he said gone to the house sluggard Oh called us a slugging you're not only slow you are sluggard you don't see no ant moving slow motion not one ant when one can't do the job pull that crumb pull that little piece of bread you see two or three ants automatically systematically methodically get on the other side and help him pull if they can't get it in the hole we automatically systematically methodically cut it and take it in there and pieces come on having no guys no overseer no pastor Noelle's there I watched them this week in the water and hit flooded all the ants got together holding on to each other and floated to the other side and help me Jesus help me Jesus when they got to the other side had to go through a little mud and stuff so they had to pull this F out the mud so the Queen had to get out had to wing the Queen was sort of stuck in there the mother ants got there and became a tow truck and pull the Queen out I said up there in amazement you know what when I get through looking at some of them things on the TV of nature I said we ain't saying no wish we know if we can come up in the intellect of an ant and gold get with one another cooperate we ain't say with 1/2 thank God made all I've got to the edge of the shore Minister Dino and they formed a bridge from the water to the ground and it went over did everybody get off honey if you don't get over your okay I'm over if you don't like it you just don't make it I said God would you please let me I'm looking at ants and they got that much here and we're up there ho buh buh buh Oh hon didi didi you see where all them tongues anger even work together your bang over the instead innit criticize and got no better idea put an ink spot on one another mark one another yen I saw the Lord give me something to I said hi in the world of God giving you always some against one in it so y'all got witchcraft and stuff you only got no divine gifts I said y'all should stop now some spoke to me you better find out what that something would some spoke to me watch that some watch I always divide never lets it get together never let's accomplish snuff don't you see that amen if the end he said go to it's love it you so soul to do everything I said go to the end and pay attention I went to Arizona and I watched and went right out there and heat and watched and took my camera and put it on like I learn some sense that's when he told me to do go to you slow you slow brain go go and see what I didn't die in the end smaller than you I didn't see none of them fighting and chewing up each other but now one thing about it if you don't work to enter each you don't want to eat you up you got to stay active help us I heard that years ago if you don't move you're a bit dragging around yeah you're gonna be eating getting rid of you nobody stay there you got to be on soldier an or something you better be on some kind of duty or they gonna start killing you come on chance you can alive at devil here you is you ain't made an inch in years because I told them after you didn't bend down a long time and ain't doing nothing do you know what else will set in you depression because you're gonna look over your shoulder and see you ain't accomplished nothing the devil gonna tell you see ain't done nothing all this time and you ain't gonna do nothing do y'all hear what I say you got to fight that devil say you aligned it doesn't matter what I ain't done is what I don't do now how you better shut him up he'll put you in a hole read what he's saying got cat awake and behold the whole of them with the same day to the village collie man what was too many y'all single women well you wait now a husband you should have been a soldier what you eating them a man some britches you say for buying some and hanging them on the line y'all just don't pay attention to what I'm think I'm going to tell you about them britches for you buy you a pillow paint some eyes on it and put a smile that baby come over here you safer so many people got some horror stories touch gets married I heard mother Boyd said a situation came up she said the more I see men the better horses it may need meaning some Devils they want a clean woman they know she ain't got AIDS honey you better talk innate y'all gettin since you better talk is you've been examined brother how many times you spoken have you been examining hoop into the clinic I'll go with you then I'll let you know what I'm sayin I do or not ain't commit myself that I see something even if you think even if I do think this is God have you been examined come over here I've been in the church not 2 or 3 years and herpes lasts longer than that ah yes it do yes it do some of them disease they get is incurable they have to stay on medicine don't speak in tongues and have a big old bubble you in busted and come down the soberness think before you leap honey I don't care how good that job is and how nice that house look you can lay it out with a disease you won't enjoy nothing fine house but can't enjoy nothing in it because you sick all the time I tell them I said make sure y'all settle everything ahead of time talk about what you was what you hear I said no surprises after you get mad then Here Come two children you didn't know about do you get in and on the intercom yes I do ask them I say y'all are gonna bring that stuff in you want me to counseling you want me to pray why didn't you tell me about this mess before you got in it we've been praying all y'all been smooching and courting and kissing for months now you're talking about y'all to come through the scene you made a decision already then when you want me to stand you stand up in front of me said you take this woman to be your lawful wedded wife to have the home but better four words are sicker or half of richer people as long as you both sell it you're gonna say want me to take you said to you and you say I do I said you shouldn't say I do you should say I did [Applause] come on here you already took that woman now you won't get up in life I do you did it I make some I'm so mad baby laughing but remains can be cuz I didn't call them maybe hold on left so many brothers come to church honey is looking dead in this church getting phone numbers you up there gleba praise God this may be the one maybe her piece you you better thank you better pray you better say look I think I better talk to mother Stax before I get down the road but someone don't want you to talk to nobody this is just between me and you sister god bless you because I believe God is doing something and it clear he bi shut nah the Lord is the Oh shot I'm making you your shadow but now my wife you just speak right back yes but the Loreal Shoto did Nadia cotta tell me someone clicks lick tongue speaking prophetic Devils just to get you you believe him because he's smoking some tongue come on here because when the Lord brought something like this hip to me before he gave me that someone was on the edge then because we sneaky and hard up come on knife you get same and consecrated you your sex don't bother you you ain't say that's why I'm bothering you you gotta kill yourself to God don't just rip in it to alter giggles if you get invited to God the devil can't get a hold of it get active in the church do something and drag it in too slow let me tell you setting up any grit look I look at them animals when the wolves and them lions and tigers go to chasing them they move fast anything that's too slow it's caught so they look for stragglers slow runners they say a lion gets his prey once or twice and every ten dashes because usually the animals are too fast but he looks for the weak the sick and the old because when they're sick and when they're weak and when they whole they slow down you keep fooling around here letting the old man with your attitudes and fevers tippers and and and joking and jesting and playful and all that stuff and idle around the house you start slowing down your interest in everything and the whoop that you was getting away from yesterday catches you today you know how you was when you first got saved you know the interest that you had you wanted to be a church every day hallelu you didn't want to hear nothing about nobody you want to keep your mind stayed on God you know how you started look over your shoulder how have you slowed your tempo get in your Bible every day nice one every now and then the wolf is catching up with you sometime Abel one wolf catch and hold the prey he's the fastest one the others are not far behind a little playfulness bites you a little joking exaggerated time in front of a tube that ain't giving you nothing and the next thing you know you're slowing down you are walking when you used to run and then you have already been bit so it ain't that long before after that desire has gotten you then here comes the others and I watch them grab an animal and eat them up Holland anima Holland some of this Holland is these demons biting these people they are not free hallelujah consume you too you borrow that spirit and anytime somebody rebuke you you get upset because at that sex is part of me and you are hitting me you can have you ever wonder why would it get so upset what I say this because that is a part of that spirit have consumed them uhit laziness and then hurt you will see them there shake your hand I'm hurt you know why Calais zena's have consoled you instead of being repent for and let God get it out you bet it and get upset because certain things was saying motherboard said it takes a knotted word to bring up the spirit that you got but it make it come up when it come up it wants to retaliate and he tells you don't off that person they just got you what that devil ain't showing you what you teaching hurts him because it exposes him to you and your prize won't back up and say I'm wrong I do have a spirit come on now if you repent he couldn't stay if you have godly sorrow that's why you don't take all this long time to change we do slow to make the cash pit in having pity parties over what hearts you you let me talk about a boyfriend if you ain't consumed with having them a fair bit won't hurt you but if you consume it hurts but you telling me I got to give that boy up good as he treated me debts can treat you good before it take you pleasure sin is just for season the Bible said some have compassion to get them out of the pain but others luck I mean you got to move fast they're on fire anybody go to a fire playing everybody moves fast because you've got a certain amount of town and the whole thing is burned down I said God teach me something tonight hallelujah give me a speed shot over your shunda speed up on the spinning speed up my desire to bring speed up - out of the out before you speed up my desire to give up everything [Music] [Applause] hallelujah speed it up oh yeah shine cuz I'm behind time anybody that's behind time gonna get up in the morning and know they don't have about 15 to 18 minutes to get to work and they got to go about three or four miles through life let me tell you something they are not playing around I did it right here in Detroit you mash on it and anybody that's in front of you and you want to hurt get their antennae ain't look like they driving so slow ain't it but when you so you don't see none of that do you they taking the time you're taking the time but when you want to hurry up and get somewhere and the car up there drive 25 in a 35 mile an hour zone if you don't pray you talking to the individual through the car and man and woman no hear nothing you say what is you waiting on you driving slow and some I don't want to get by you they have a way of letting you know you too slow they come around you the come on now we have a certain length of time don't you see Satan the Bible said knowing that he have a short time look how he has speeded up his involvement with with man's future he didn't bomb the towels look I ain't moving he's swiftly getting certain things in place he wants to make a last stand against Christ the Bible said they they followed him followed him on white horses they were both called faithful and true I say yes so you say have you got on your horse cause it's going to be a fight let me tell you something get these people out of this weak holiness that I see it's going to be a bloodbath do y'all hit it we like to have the drive round and bullet proof cause before it's over with let me tell you something the devil don't want the church to take its place God I'll tell you that I'm gonna use you and do you know if you don't watch your flesh you try to figure out how you're gonna do this I'm nowhere and God make it ever excuse in the book said accepting what he said - slow Ella Witherspoon prophesied during the hundred fifty day service and some of us was blessed to be there many of you weren't there one of the last prophecies that he gave he gave he was looking toward motherboard and before he died in the phone booth he said this bunch is come so I'm not going to get it within a week or so he was go hallelujah first part of 150 days you will have to drop these people too slow to go to church I don't care if it's your mama mama I love you but you're too slow and if you prove with slow people if we are in some spirit you will get luck I say help us lord help us you don't know how the changing of the God has changed in so many ways in these last few months do you realize that things are changed and you got to be fast enough to accept the change you can't be sitting here looking for things to be the same they do change sign it you're so accepting come on things and change you appear well I'm praying about there's nothing to pray about don't you see it a man can't see the forest for the trees this stuff he is evil it'll hinder you from accepting what God trying to do now do you know what the word is now now faith now now I'm gonna do it now now what you're waiting on now I'm changing you from what you want into what you're gonna be now told I should not go with a god hallelujah you can't even sit around here and wait for people to accept you when I'm waiting for the Lord to confirm it in somebody do you believe it has it been proven to you but your place is are you active people then speed it up everything you you go to your phone you've got electronic checking billions of dollars is taken over this through electronics checking methods are speeded up everything is speeded up honey and the church is still behind the horse and buggy talking about giddyup Jill and the Concord and the st taking off from airports going to and 3,000 miles an hour and a half or two trains is going call them bullet trains everything that's speeded up and the church Daniel said not let's go increase and he saw men running to and fro meaning speed he saw the speed that's going on in Daniel and revelation for teens he said they saw an angel flying in the midst of heaven with the everlasting gospel it was in the heavens the gospel not to be broadcast by one single person to the whole world and we still snow of heart God then called you to be a certain thing and it takes me forever to accept you I tell you in Daniel around them in Ezekiel spoke in that 37 chapter of Ezekiel I'll tell you when he said the word of God it was no month for them bones to move and each one go to their place I'm staring because everything that I think may be slowing me up in any way I want it out did you hear what I said everything everything everything I don't want to thought I don't want to imagination about you or what you decide I'll hire you to dip me I don't want nothing in me sign me up this is not this is power this is my time oh I see yeah this is my time this is your time I said can't keep this spirit of procrastination from among off stop being so afraid to accept the place God's calling you to well I think this that stop saying that as a man thinketh in his heart so is he I want you to get right quick my time is going but I want you Joshua I think this I want to show you something right quick then I'm going right back and closing because my time is gone but all church I feel this I feel this I feel this in my heart then I got to speed up not just you not just you hallelujah started that 6 and 11 I read this our church and God led me allowing me to read it now hallelujah I know I've been slow uh-huh when God first called me off the job I told the church when I told the church and went to her Lord of calling out the job and ten it's time for me to hit the field I would you looking at him and he looked right back in is this to say oh well now I want us to take him here so I went home his wife was and I went on in the living room said I lay on the couch it's the Lord I told them but you told me to leave the child I know you're told of it but they don't believe me she said I didn't tell them I told you you be quick to believe what I say why are you slow gonna kind of who don't a man and God came work with know slow is you know what you're going to you go slow up in trouble go catch you trouble that he never had plan for you I got in trouble to never plan because I was too slow to ask or what he's dead because of fear and because of rejection from people they wanted to say it was laziness he didn't want to work at all that kind of stuff and you say you slow down then the next thing you know you let the devil mess seem like it's true because you ain't getting blessed and you read why you ain't blessed you're too slow not because God didn't take you too slow the heck because you looking at I ain't got nothing where am I going I'm used to working come on what am I going to do now mark time if you don't send unjust mark 10 just keep on marching back to the prayer service back to the church ain't told me none yet but I'm gonna keep on will be active come on here don't sit somewhere and go to morning I don't know what I'm gonna do over here any helping you and people saying you keep telling them God's hope and they keep looking at you you look like you've been chewing on glass or something you talk my god told you I wouldn't believe you even you don't look happy over what God said you act like you're going to a death march or something come on when God tell you something you ought to be glad because he everything you could possibly need is already figured in God don't tell you nothing he already got the people that you need to do it you getting upset because you still look at these same deadbeats when God called you he already had two people all he wants you to do is be powerful pray for the ones you got and keep a-movin cause the others is going up here oh you're gonna keep on looking because I did ain't got nothing here and got it got sick of telling us what we ain't got he knew that all the time and you don't want that God already knew didn't want that he wants you to stay there till he bring in the ones that do we didn't psychotic he showed me myself I'm going around I said lord if you hadn't sent me here this early eighties Lord if you sent me here if Ford hadn't sent me here everything I would need be up here because mostly everybody was coming out there even welfare didn't have a job and nothing yeah what I said nothing looting what I mean nothing I mean nothing I'm offerin so I still got the sunday-school because you got to Booker them off I said god I'm driving cuz I've sent him I can send my daughter some money here and anagha it for that I told me they come out here everything I need would be out here Lord and then I went to the Holy Ghost made me think who sent you out here meaning God fit me out here you got everything then I said my money is here he's caught I stopped getting clap my money is half I went to driving that car with a new attitude praise God I'm somebody everything I need is already here because if he hadn't to call me to come out here never would've said it I went on back I went downtown care to get the money on it and while I was dialing seen two people going back and forth to the bank and that and that face that rose up in me I say I'm good as any of them here they've got a job cuz I got a job too then I went on back to the past I was that night we had service and my Gotham gas and light bills wealth and all the people was giving looting duty please go and so that night I got on up I'm just bubble it like gone let's go bless my goggle put this church in the green it's quiet just like y'all did they went on to say mmm one day a man and nothing but I had enough faith having the joy hallelujah to carry me laughing praise God cuz I felt when I accepted who I was and who sent me my jaw was full and it didn't matter about no sad look I went on back to the mill house and talking with Minister Tony I said Minister Tony God don't do it he's agreeing with me praise God next day miss Ogletree Tom's mother Oh tall Tom Eva was about almost 7 feet he had to when he walked into the middle house he had to sort of been over here just their talk and so his mother came out there and I woke up that morning talking about what God was gonna do and I heard the gravel making noise I knew recall was out there for let miss Ogletree she gave about thirty five forty dollars before the gas and light beer so I didn't know to look for anything that much from her but I was looking for it from God I got out then we went into the office and then she pulls out the envelope and she gave it to me I didn't know that the Lord had spoke to her the night before when I said God will put the church in the green she was sitting there and she had been contemplating about sinning $1,000 to channel 38 but she couldn't send it because God spoke to him Sir give it to him after I said what I said God told her give it to him so the next day here she come with him I didn't know what was all in an envelope we went into the office and the next thing you know I got the envelope and I open it up and I seen this cheque and I've seen all them zeros I said mr. Ogletree hallelujah see but long as the devil can make you slow to recognize who you are you got to know that God sent you or told you to do what you're doing don't I don't care if you got on Ziller is anything don't pay a pigeon or what people do how to react just go right back on your face come on dog refresh my face because you told me to do this now I won't stress I want that John a John a lot of my stress I'm gonna praise you in half hallelujah hallelujah [Applause] [Music] amen $1,000 from nowhere just like God had give me to speak about faith it was there it was there before I got to get me it's there now for our building fund the money is there because God sent me there so whatever I need there's on its way and you got to stay haven't done all this thing he'll stand there for with your loins Girt about with truth with the helmet of salvation with the breastplate of righteousness and let show before you put all in a tone put on the garment of praise but on the calming of prey [Music] you ain't never been broke like you thought maybe a child of God is a millionaire you ain't never been broke you've been broke by sight God always had your needs but now he'll turn them over to you right away because there's a purification you can you through I told him I'm saying doctor give me some ham I'm cutting all these Hellcats on the air telling these folks at every time they turn around they can give money that ain't true sometimes you go and pray you get broke light bill to do phone bill to but if you hold on God will give you a reverse but don't tell them it's pie-in-the-sky usually a God want you to possibly yes I want you to prosper when he wants you to prosper I didn't come up there and have no $1,500 money people giving me be no pastor i $10 $11 what kind of message you're gonna tell me you're gonna tell me wrong because I had to get my left all off God want to see you someone shout over $11 I hauled it over them down I'll holler coming down here with all the shoes and thrift in suits right down here on this float you don't back up from suffering just because things don't work like you want them do and I had suits and things that I and I come over here what do you say why doctor close Joshua 6 and 11 come on so laws of the Lord can pass the city's going about it once and they came into the camp and Lords in the camp and Joshua arose early in the morning after three I'm sorry judges would have been judges 6 and 13 I'm trying to knock some of these roots it's gotten slow we got get it out now just low esteem come on you got get it out of your neck god I'll call you an artist and you don't know you how to draw you know what he bout to do for you you can't even draw a straight line good here's the dial and artists that should be blessed stretch out your hand and get your PIN and go to drawing you say who me I can't even draw a straight line gah got jobs for you that you have not been educated for why why won't you take your application ain't I know they're gonna tell me shut up go ahead and get that application up clown God want you to had that job at angle mean nothin bout your education you know you need a job apply you ain't the first one was trained on the job too many folks on there know more about the job than the person been training to school God give wisdom he'd give it to whosoever ass you're Kings child you can get wisdom K nobody else again you gotta stand up for yourself cuz ain't nobody gonna stand up for you more than you what he said and that came an angel of the Lord Here Come angel and sat on there oh come on put Oprah come on that pertain unto Joshua 14 to joash come on the potatoes is joyous their liver right and his son give Ian to move threats read by the winepress and he and hid it from the meteor night today he's on welfare never cut them short the devil wants you to be in a straight so you can be depressed upset then he can make you do even worse God will not leave the hand of the wicked on the righteous to long lest they stretch forth their hand to nicotine and sing songs 1 what is that an angel of the Lord appeared unto him picked him and said unto Him with him the Lord is with me now but why like in Luke am I so slow to recognize that he's right there all the time until I recognize it I can't take full advantage of the benefits that I've been called to God spoke in the 8th King chapter of Joshua and said how long will it be here that ye be slack to possess the land you are too slow to take what is yours do you know they were beasts animals and snakes beside people in these lands they went without fear and took them because they believed God was with them we don't care what Devils in the committee if he said work on it I'm gonna work with faith and believe him I'm gonna whoop in a demon that come a lot appeared on to him here to him and said unto Him look the Lord is with thee Lord with you the mighty man of Valor look what he called them breathe and Gideon said unto Him o my lord o my lord if the Lord be with us what it is all this befallen us see see high taking it time to accept it do you know that Godhead the work would get in a while to get in a fully accepted you know why you're looking at your situation you're looking at the problems you have in with yourself and the defeats you've been having with your character when God says he's gonna do something with you he already knew your captain Psalm 139 huh I know your thoughts what I know use a failure when I called you oh but I'm gonna make you a success how I know you were fat tongue when I called you know the doctor other folks what I want you to tell them my poor Lord who made your mouth how not not again he did your son that read and will be all his miracles with our fathers told us all this miracle day in the past they seemed that happening come on say man did not the Lord bring us up out of Egypt Jimmy bring us up a teacher but now the Lord has forsaken us like I'm forsaken I can't get a prayer to I don't feel you're no quicker than nothing and deliver us did God call you into the hands of the median already got your bill paid you already made provision for your sickness before you got sick you already make revisions for your own before it ever broke up come on now you're already knew you was gonna get in trouble before you got in it you're already prepared to get you out we just want you to come on and praise them in Corey past magnify him not your situation magnify the promise not the problem go over the card I feeding your son Mac come on here don't it is hey go in my going this time mine I didn't already gave it to you all the way told you to do is staff all my shut up when you take that staff to go feel the power hold on shut up I'm gonna change you I'm going to take out the negative is put in the pocket I know you've been having trouble but I want you to know what your call is so what if you pull now you've been called to be rich so what if you have in trouble now you've been called to have peace Rob I shut up but I got to let something happen so you can see what my power can do I got this left you exercise the face of the word that is talked to they had on the news they showed it on the news they've been talking about New York so much and they showed it on the news while I was up in New York I was in New York when that plane fare they was talking about the monarch butterfly it leaves New Mexico and travels 3,000 miles Helen who but it had to go through a cocoon and get consecrated and get to change and didn't have a breakthrough and come out of that cocoon and it must struggle to get out but I want you to know the ingredients to travel I want you to know the plan that he has to go by is inside the cocoon he develops and he has a little burr and he keeps on hitting it and he makes a way out of it one man had a little pity and opened up the cocoon and they've got the butterfly out and when it got out it died because the struggle that it has to go through gives it the strength you're in a struggle right now but I want you to know you get people praising God people magnified because of giving you strength it's giving you power you may not can feel it but attack stand up everybody my time is go you read Luke and you see where it says old booze is slow of heart to believe all that I've seen hallelujah you can't kill me but all them can said mother boy mother stacks nether stacks testicle all these different ministers administered among us didn't drop something there but we've been slow and when we agree in prayer tonight do you they believe you won't get a shot of adrenaline it's going to speed up everything that you've been thinking about things you've been thinking about doing you're going to start active what does adrenalin do it gives a charge through that body then when that man is trying to revive you you will respond slow from this cacif in a deep sleep in the sleep of the Dead you must revive up to speed you are talking you're praising God you're doing a lot of things but you sleep doing it people walk in their sleep talking they sleep amen they've been known to walk outside doors go down the street sleep go back to the house sleep some have been known to kill in this sleep come on pod in the world part out but God come to wake you out of your sleep shake you with this word goodnight and give you a shot revive you get your heart back on pace where to beat them so so much until they can't hardly hear it hallelujah I slept with a heart monitor on for the first two or three nights because potatoe truth the doctor was afraid they didn't know whether I would respond soundly or that swiftly they watch me day and night checking the pulse and everything grabbing me around my neck and thing trying to see did I have a blockage going to the brain a man cause blood clots travel a man I was blessed nothing traveling you could pass in your sleep come on God was with me I was under attack and anytime you attack the devil expect an attack just had your shield of faith cuz he coming they may cuz he's man he don't want this church to have true Fellowship no morning want to rest up because if you have true fellowship the devil is gonna be hooked everywhere you go I want you to get a hold of somebody's hand because I want this shot to go through you some of you got ministry some of you got kids some are useful to be working in auxiliaries everybody in this church that has been affected by the slowness to adhere slowness I'm gonna tell you something else if the body if you get a cut and you don't heal up after that cut in seven minutes at least that's a dangerous sign they may because wounds that won't heal his signs of cancer if people have hurt you in this church or hurt you outside this church you should be quick to heal after you have a repentance from the person sometimes we want the person to repent a certain way and they know and you yet go around sick you're not supposed to be slow to forgive don't wait long to come back I forgive them cuz I don't want nothing stopping me from getting what God intends for me it could be a loved one could be your children sometime you're tripping do you so that after you two went all out of your way for and act like you don't exist you're going borrow money for money and they still won't pay you figure you just ought to do it well you got to recognize my dear you know your child and when you gave it to you know your child lied when he asked so just strike it off to experience don't do it again come on because they'll use you they won't stand up and be men and women even though you raise them to be they want a crutch and they're in maturity they don't have to grow up sometime these soft pillows is not going to help them sometimes they go to jail leave them there be putting your house up I undid it put our house up to get him out come on stayed in and out of jail put your house or what's that rascal decide to go to Cleveland and not come back where you go there you better do some thinking for you want to run to so quickly hefty children they ain't like you used to be they streaked and corrupted them use your parents that's the thing they have now I'm thinking God for what are you gonna do come on sister in hallelujah
Channel: Harold Harris
Views: 28,855
Rating: 4.8867927 out of 5
Id: h4pP81nc4Kk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 102min 42sec (6162 seconds)
Published: Sun May 14 2017
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