# 108 Segmenting at it's Best Iroko & Maple vase

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[Music] tell me something [Music] hello there tony meddy once again and a nice warm welcome back to my workshop today's project i've got a nice piece of uh a rocco and all i'm going to do i'm going to make a little bowl or ornamental vase or something like that and what i'll do um i'll make it multi-colored uh segmented uh it's one of my favorite things to do uh you know as well as i i'm really passionate about segmenting so um all i've done i've glued a chucking point onto that uh with hot glue uh all i'm gonna do is just whip the corners off get it to round and that's gonna be the base then i'm gonna cut the segments and i'm gonna do it in a row core and um i think i'll use maple or oak or something like that something just to make a bit of contrast so anyway without further ado we'll get on i'll cut these off and get in the lathe [Music] well it's time to do the segmenting um there's a couple of important things is getting the gap just right so you must and i always say this is put a wiggly line on the top and a straight line down the side and it will become apparent later on in the video why i do that for my regular viewers i'm sure you'll know why one of the most important parts is making sure that your sled is right and i've heard of people and i've seen people who tried to do it on a a bandsaw on a chop saw because it's the angles but it's so crucial to get the angle right and you've got to use a bought um triangle this one is set for 12 segments per ring and it's so important that you get that exactly right and i mean just a thousandth of an inch they'll turn it out i've tried making them myself and i can assure you it just doesn't work now the way that we do that um is i'm going to do 12 segments purring so all you do in this key in this particular case [Music] i've just got this rod down here and the little base the diameter of it is 470mm so if you divide that by 12 along the long line uh it works out at 39.1 so if you just say 39 millimeters and then all you do is cut the segments in this way so you i've said put the straight line on one side and wiggle it under there so you always keep that at the top and what you do is for the first cut is put it on i've got this mark number one and number two so what you do just to get the first angle is you cut the first cut on number one then the second cut on number two the third cut back onto number one and the fourth cut back on to number two [Music] [Music] well i've got them all ready and what you need to do is um just clean off all of the loose ends the fuzzies but whatever you do don't um don't sand that part down and all you need to do if you need to do them edges just do them on the side there and go through them all but like i think i've just said you need six without the line on and then six with the line on and just clean them all up and then i'll show you how to put them together again uh what you want is this squiggly line on um either side oh sorry the squiggly line you want on the top and then [Music] just mix them up um one one of each color until you get the full [Music] amount what i always find better to do is to do a dry room before you put any glue on just to make sure that they're all tightened up together once you put the um the ring on top like that just push them on to the outside and then just take tighten them up and all you're doing really is making sure that you get a perfect um put up together so that you've got no gaps whatsoever because once you put the glue on you won't see it so if you have a look there you'll you'll see better on the outside i can i can assure you that there is no gaps whatsoever in in them all it is you can just see where they they're just slightly different heights and all you do to alleviate that is when you get them all together you can just give it a quick tip with the armor so it's time to glue them all up now right now it's time to glue i find it easy easier if you just use the a little bit of glue on the card then put them back together and just massage them in nice and gently there and all you do once a on on this on this occasion you're using a piece of maple on each on each tab and enough glue so that it will go on don't forget to massage it in [Music] um now i use gorilla glue there is a there is a delay action one what you can buy but it's very expensive now i find this as good as any um i think i've mentioned it before i'm i'm definitely not paid by gorilla glow but i just find it really strong and to be perfectly honest i haven't had a failure as yet uh i shouldn't speak too soon but uh i can assure you it is good glow don't go wasting money on um the delayed action one i used to buy it but it was twice the price anything i can do and spend my money on on other things rather than that but um make sure you get a good clean you want a little bit more on there and then as i said earlier on just massage it on and it's just so that you get a good covering on and just to prove it you can see but you'll get it a nice cord [Music] on it by massaging it in and then the last one [Music] i find if you use once you've put that your ring on if you use a little bit of cling film it's so much easier than cleaning up or especially if it will just ruin your it will just ruin the and i just use a piece of um plywood which is circular and then i close it up put a bit of pressure on and then just get it nipped up and then make sure that it's all pushed out and it is level i think that should be okay and then put a little bit more pressure on there [Music] and there we have one perfectly formed um ring well i've been a busy boy and all i've done um i've made 13 i think of these so uh once you've got them done and you get them glued up you can see they have to be a perfect fit uh and with that sled that i've got and as long as you use the proper triangle because all you're doing is replicating the angle onto the piece of wood you will get nice um even triangles or angles whichever you want to call them and they will fit together um obviously that was for the top to match the bottom [Music] um and as i see it as long as you um use the correct um angle there is no way that that you'll ever get a gap in it so uh just carry on hey the way that i do it is i do it in uh possibly four or five i glue up at the bottom and all that's for it's easy to get a chisel in and shape the inside first uh and then i'll go ahead and glue the rest of them up but what i also do too i i just mark off the middle of the brush at one of them and then the middle of that one so that it's easier when you're gluing them up so you get a nice even they have to be exactly uh that pattern well that's the way that i prefer the pattern you can have it whichever way you want you can do it that way if you want to or you can have you know uh one that way then one whichever whichever way suits yourself um the pattern is up to you right so all i'm going to do now i'm going to glue these five together then i'm going to glue the rest of them together and then uh i'm going to glue that to the base so that i can follow that out uh to the desired effect and the reason i do it that way um is that it's easier to do than you know the full length what i've also done is well they're all different sizes and i started off as i said earlier on um you measure round the diameter to find the the size that you want you measure on the the diameter of that one and then you just divide it by ever if you're doing 10 you divided by 10 if this one's 12 so i've divided it by 12. and then i just decrease or increase by one millimeter and i've measured it and i've marked them all at one to five so it's got the it's got the hourglass shape um so anyway i'm going to get on with now with uh with gluing them all up uh and then we'll we'll shape the inside of that one with the bottom [Music] one [Music] do [Music] [Music] do i've now got the um five rings glued onto the base and what i'm gonna do now is uh just shape the inside and get it to the shape that i require and a little bit from here then we will glue the other part of the vase on [Music] do [Music] do [Music] do [Music] do [Music] do well i've got it roughly shaped out and i've got it reasonably smooth inside and i've got it sanded down um i've got it reasonably thick which i will take a little bit more off from here and a little bit possibly a little bit more inside but what i'm going to do now is just glue it on and the reason i've left it thick is so that the glue can adhere to it you don't want it too thin and when you uh another little tip is when you're doing the um the body of it the top of the body you do want it less than 12 millimeters and the reason i say that you've only got that little bit of glue on it so that's what's holding it up in impact so try not to go too thin with [Music] it [Music] do well that's it all glued together and i think i've made a few miscalculations uh i'm gonna have to what i was really looking for was a nice hourglass shaped um you know going in but further up here and then back out i think i'm gonna have to change my mind because obviously uh the calculations i made on these uh are different to uh what was in my mind so i think what i'm gonna have to do is make a curved a slightly curved shape here uh from this point here where i've glued on um so i'll clean the inside up get it running through clean that side up and then obviously we'll get it cleaned up but the segment is looks starting to look well [Music] do [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] to the shape i'm reasonably pleased with it so all i'm going to do now is just go over it with a negative rake scraper and then um obviously sand it down and then put some sealer on and finish and finish [Music] do [Music] [Music] do [Music] do [Music] do [Music] bye there's another one done uh and i must say i'm over the moon with it i'm not so sure about the base whether it's too thick or not put um i've showed it to my wife and she absolutely adores it to be perfectly honest i think that's uh although i'm i'm really good i was gonna say excellent but now i'm really good at segmenting and i think that is segmented at its best there's not a gap in it uh really hull i don't know whether you can see in there um really really nice tight joints as always got my logo in the bottom so yes all in all i am over the moon and again i was going to put the um the decoration of a um a zip or a lace-up uh my favorites the laser but uh i've been talked out of it so all in all yes another uh nice little vars i get some more ornamental flowers to go in there and it should go well so anyway really enjoyed that hope you enjoyed it as well if you did please give me the thumbs up um secondly please subscribe and um all i can say is i will catch up with you on the next video thanks for watching now [Music] bye [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Tony Meadley
Views: 1,005
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: tbr7O-qsXTE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 42sec (1482 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 10 2021
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