this puzzle game is LONG, DEEP and HARD • Underground Blossom

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[Music] oh no it's going to be a sad [Music] game crib station I turn on the music yeah thank God just a t thank you oh my God it's it's got to go through it all over again what the hell all I do was lower the music man yes crib station use the arrows to move around is this like a is this like a mystery I guess I could I'm glad you're here this is my daughter Lara please take care of her [Music] what it's probably supposed to like make some kind of I'm glad you're here this is my daughter laara yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah let me [Music] see safety pin whoa that's a naked baby I don't want to [ __ ] what why did why is it making me do that okay got [Music] matches can you cover cover up uh what if you use this on this and like you know lockpick it not smart enough to do that what's in here oh a key all right there we go okay got some cloth okay all right so I use that on this yay yay yeah now can I grab that what why can't I grab that you can definitely fit your hand in there what the [ __ ] do I do with a rod now we there he just just [ __ ] tooted I'm glad you're here this is my daughter Lara yeah I put I put a diaper on your baby what else would be what else would be missing here oh my God bro every time I click on the baby [ __ ] [ __ ] he's just [ __ ] [ __ ] he just [ __ ] [ __ ] himself it's got to be oh wait can we just to just like get the [ __ ] key interesting I don't know what the [ __ ] I'm supposed to do with a with a [ __ ] rod there okay well I guess did I need the [ __ ] fing shitty diaper she's not going to say anything about this I guess I [ __ ] put it in the garbage over here I bet okay now we burn it oh it exploded and out of it comes a scraper what what am I scraping this oh here we go the future will arrive oh there's the symbol okay it's like the hook part and like the D this part that and this no [Music] this 10:15 ooh she's still just standing there like what does it [Music] mean I did it now I leave ticket please I just [ __ ] stole Qui uh ticket please H I have no other ticket you got anything else coin doesn't [ __ ] work for any of this I still yeah I need that I need that key but how the [ __ ] do I get to the key I can't use any of this here to get this [ __ ] [ __ ] here bro what I [ __ ] I must have clicked on that I don't know how many [ __ ] times there was a person in here here what the [ __ ] oh ticket to the next station one coin please I [ __ ] poked her with the [ __ ] there you go have a nice Journey give me [Laughter] that thank you thank you have a nice Journey bye wow that was a hard puzzle man that was that was that was tough that was that was the first level oh my God chapter 2 child Lane I'm not going to be able to beat this this is too hard for me oh my God it's the same lady again what the [ __ ] hello you have made it to this year I don't want to leave her but I might have to please protect her also in the years to come did we go forward in time I want candy I want candy I want candy that's [ __ ] creepy there's some [ __ ] gum right there here that's disgusting but I took it back and then the music starts to play what the [ __ ] what was I supposed to do with that no what the bro I suck at these I suck at these oh wait you don't move them okay good if you don't move them then this is good okay maybe I just need the missing piece what the [ __ ] is all this there's a Code hands off hands off any news any news what is that even what is that a poster okay wait is that is that this up here triangle plus circle plus rectangle minus Diamond I don't even see that up there kek W here's the poster oh [ __ ] we need the gum perfect now what does that get me there's the rectangle there there's diamond oh wait wait a minute wait a minute so it would be all of these like this right now plus the rectangle minus the diamond so it be plus these two minus these two oh I'm a [ __ ] genius wait is that it that's the ticket I can leave oh hey look what I found that sounds disgusting okay so now I have to solve the other puzzle this one okay this is a little bit better this is just I'm just I just just need to connect them that's that's not as bad it's not the wait oh my God but you can like rotate them like any which way it looks like that's a tree yeah I know it's a tree oh it's upside down a crank what do I do with the crank put that [ __ ] in here Crank That Boom Boom there it is this is too easy now I got a newspaper this guy wanted the news we go back over here we give this son of a [ __ ] the news took his money what did this what did this have to do with anything I don't think this had anything at all what new what new bracelet new hair large eyes bigger smile Sur prize bro what hey oh there's the code 53114 that's that was kind of creepy too wait that's not his code though oh [ __ ] it's this the other poster I think was uh the other poster I think was was uh referenced to the newspaper oh maybe it is actually reference to this what is small to big is it this in the Hat okay and the kite camell is it the plane the plane is bigger now [Music] come 5 [Music] 3114 imagine using one of these things these days hello I am glad you that mother [ __ ] is almost like this is like creepy this is like a [ __ ] what is that looking the eyes of the Earth that was very creepy the eyes of the bird the owl open open oh is that it for that 8827 27 there we go a camera oh maybe I take a picture of the the girl that's doing the can I take your photo oh okay never mind I kind of had the right idea I guess [Music] oh what what the [ __ ] happened Mommy what the [ __ ] is what the [ __ ] is happening this is [ __ ] creepy happening what is happening I don't know I thought this was just a puzzle game can I have the camera [Music] back what the hell is on okay [Music] [Music] oh I wish I never had to leave her I love my daughter more than anything in the world but I know we both have to follow our own path please hold this time piece close bro what are you what are you doing in there [Music] a roll of film okay well I'll get this developed I think the film roll in the [Music] Box why is everything so creepy in this game is it come back in 20 minutes I'm not no I'm not hold on I got this surely this is what this is for right it's been 20 minutes oh oh my God there's the time uh I only have one piece though I just put that one at the five I guess for now hey leave me alone look I I have this you little [ __ ] oh wait hold on I know I haven't used this [ __ ] oh [ __ ] I did it again ain't it is it wait is it upside down maybe this one actually might actually supposed to be upside down son of a [ __ ] I [ __ ] got him all the wrong way bro how Jesus Christ thank you [ __ ] hey I was going to say that was like already the right time I did it I beat it oh yeah and I got the ticket already I beat it I did that one way faster ticket please all right oh my [Music] gosh one to three School Street oh she's all grown up [Music] now someone stole my photos [Music] okay why peanuts oh God what is that oh these are a bunch of bullies I use this on that hey there we go and now use this to open it that's a sausage okay leave me alone when is that Metro coming you look funny you look funny oh my God I got really close to her to [ __ ] digging her Pockets I don't have any room oh my God there's more what is this Sam is in love with Johnny Tess hates sausages Frankie stole something from Alex Bobby's afraid of airplanes Jimmy has a peanut allergy and Laura is always alone so Jimmy wants peanuts then is what you're telling me help me my book and I will give you something help me with my book I give you something he didn't he didn't react at all when I when I did that to him I thought what the [ __ ] bobb's afraid of airplanes the ginger kid do I just keep it on their head it looks like maybe and then she stole something from somebody give me that the [ __ ] no give it to me what the [ __ ] I want it I can I can return that you can literally see she has the the other [ __ ] earring what do you want for me I don't know how I would help with the book oh oh oh they're not the same okay never mind you're not the one with the I see okay okay okay I have to figure out who's who instead of okay well this little [ __ ] is the one that [ __ ] stole the stuff and she's missing the earring help me my book so that would be Frankie Frankie stole something uh from Alex okay and then somebody has to react to the airplane right if they're afraid of the airplane yeah you [ __ ] I knew you [ __ ] I knew you going to react got him I [ __ ] got you okay so that's Bobby Bobby all right we got three of them someone has a peanut allergy is there anything in here about sausages test hates sausages so sausages and peanuts oh there's the sausage all right Tess does not like sausages got him we [ __ ] got that guy too okay that's Jimmy who's that leave it just leaves the middle ones right right I think Sam is in love with wait but she had a note didn't she wouldn't that be Sam then didn't she have a note it's like a curly-headed [ __ ] is that the ginger all right I got it give me a peanut and I will give you something sure man give me a paper plate I will give you something give me a sausage I will give you something hey all right okay you earned this one moment what you what are you doing in there what the [ __ ] oh my God at the train terminal like he's working on your reward [Laughter] what the [ __ ] use it wisely what the [Laughter] [ __ ] he was working up my reward what the [ __ ] oh here you go oh no the egg oh oh my gosh oh he got a he had a stogy in there what do you do with the [ __ ] do you do with these is it the measurement there ain't no way it's the measurement you say the stoy is like a seven like three maybe I don't even know is it a six 637 or something yeah so be 637 I don't know oh okay that was it oh my God the pictures I got it bird and okay thank you it's all I have left of my mother you want that creepy ass picture of your mother you can leave now your train arrives at 2:45 your train arrives at 2:45 all right I don't think it's actually oh I don't know how to tell time I don't have the uh I don't have a ticket ticket please where the [ __ ] are these symbols at oh is this like in itself I'd imagine these are like up to over one up one or down one over two two up two down one or I don't know is this is that how it goes we go down one over two up two three down three and I [ __ ] up a man see I don't what did I even start on there I think I had the right idea though up to I don't think I uh what if I go this way instead and then we go down and then we go yes yes yes I saw it I saw it get in please next that one wasn't too long the first one was the first one is the one that's taken the longest so far there's three more though oh my God bird Bridge station got to finish it I'm invested now or she probably dies at the end or something I don't know oh now she's even older now she's drawing her mom here you want this what the hell look I can draw your mom for you let me guide you the steaming pile of [ __ ] I'll just leave that there good morning we have fresh sandwiches and the most delicious stuff God damn what is a $50 [ __ ] donut that shit's expensive stick uh is anything to do with the stick break that [ __ ] off you can definitely saw that off can't lockpick that either come on what's going on here [Music] whoa I have to remember these [Music] oh my [Music] God one two 3 one two 3 oh that's it that's actually all that is okay I it's way more complicated in my head oh oh oh he [ __ ] it up oh my God he's he's [Music] terrible what the hell do we do with the [Music] hook what the [ __ ] do you do with a hook [Music] [Laughter] wait don't tell me I use that with the [ __ ] hook what in the world did I just make that come to life what the [ __ ] how did that how what oh that's that doesn't make any sense how the hell oh we fishing okay we got a rat and it [ __ ] ran away we are hiring daily drop off at BIR bird bridge at 5:00 so I got to just change the time to 5:00 don't worry guys I'll get this one this time did I did I did I miss it that's 6:00 you right actually cannot tell time man with a red hat there is nobody wearing a red hat that woman I've seen her before could you buy her a coffee and a sandwich for me please could you buy her a coffee and a sandwich for me please you macking oh my God okay well maybe oh there is a guy with a red hat Brown suitcase I'm going have to [ __ ] follow this hold on there you go there you go this guy is creepy you have a no what a [ __ ] weirdo thank you oh well there's the cigarette that's [ __ ] disgusting how foul thank you and perhaps the lighter as well oh my God I don't have a lighter uh he said Brown suitcase right this guy man with a hard hat wants his glasses tall smiling [Music] man who needs a tie this guy this [ __ ] right here he needs a tie green tie [Music] you're confusing me with my twin brother this guy there's the lighter okay thanks one last question do you have the time did I just get robbed he just took everything from me except the sandwich and the lighter I got robbed I got robbed can I use that on this oh that I can do oh gosh what the [ __ ] kind of puzzle is this the sandwich what about the [ __ ] sandwich and a sandwich for me please oh this gu he's been standing here everybody left and he's still standing here waiting for his sandwich [ __ ] what if he might give me something for the look at this thing I'm not eating this you son of a [ __ ] I thought that I thought it was for her it's is that hair what's on it oh my God what the [ __ ] ew there's worms there you go now it's all good to go put the Tomato three stack of tomato now you ate it just a stack of tomatoes in one bite much better here take these crumbs take these crumbs what does she remember me no man this isn't even changing anything so this is kind of weird I don't really know what the [ __ ] to do here on this oh oh wait a minute am I making the number yeah yeah that would work right so it' be this is seven which should be that top one does that work like that that's a five how the [ __ ] would you make an eight like what this oh there we go [ __ ] I got to do another one oh my God another one you son of a [ __ ] and one I'll Focus did it please keep 2 2 3 3 belongings there are pig Pockets active surely this song will be better oh no he's [ __ ] it up again how much [ __ ] does he have stuck in there what the [ __ ] [Music] a whole ass bird where's the bird hey what the hell come here I remember you what the [ __ ] oh 33 1311 I have to keep going back to this [Music] guy God damn it what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] all right is that it then are we get her oh my God long hand points to the tree while the short hand almost catches the Dark Soul oh [Music] God so the tree and then Dark Soul is it four okay we did it again oh do it enjoy your ride we're almost there we're we're we're getting there oh two more oh my God we might actually beat this game sorrow [Music] cross what the [ __ ] is happening now B you have to go we both need to follow please leave me behind damn she breaking up with train leaves that for o this [ __ ] again son of a [ __ ] I could add this over do I just like fast forward it to floor and like he gets the boot see you loser please take care of her she is not well left your wallet yo 10 [Music] bucks the white door mental health and fishing the [Music] [ __ ] okay what am I buying in here for I have a 100 what am I I'm buying I don't know if I want to buy anything yet I could do these three will it work what the hell the [ __ ] is this thing I can't grab anything weird maybe that's for later oh no what is this uh bird want some money what you got there please leave me alone I don't feel well I have money H oh what the [ __ ] I'm just like what I'm putting them back in the package what the [ __ ] is that is that a train car cookie a corn cookie do you want the cookie yeah oh my gosh what is this no am I sorting them no is this from like smallest the biggest or something what the [ __ ] like that what the now what now wait just a freaking huh he's the tiny ones and then he skips over when he when he gets to a red one what the [ __ ] is this hold on how about that I'm a genius I did it what why he just like poke his [ __ ] blood okay so I got the key to talk to this [ __ ] guy now we want your stuff back leave some money under the bench come back at night you son of a [ __ ] I put the money in here I have to pay to [ __ ] get my [ __ ] back thank God it's not mine what he say nine oh wait he's gone now actually didn't even give me back my stuff oh he did oh he's just going to keep that and gave me he gave me the saw back again I got the piece though I got the piece for this stupid puzzle what in the [ __ ] is this what the [ __ ] do you do here it's literally like right there that's like that's on the money right there for this one oh there some of these look kind of hard there's like nothing in the [ __ ] picture how the [ __ ] do you tell like right there got it all right where the [ __ ] is this top one what happened here oh what the [ __ ] is this make pears it says potato chip that with the letter what in the [ __ ] I don't even know what this is what is that what the [ __ ] is that stick will go with the leaf I don't know what that is either is that is that an eraser does that go with the pencil what the [ __ ] is that I don't know what the [ __ ] some of these are I feel like the pencil would go with the letter but what in God's name is that somehow that worked I guess I think here's the medicine I discussed during your last our last appointment this medicine will not cure you your fears are too deeply rooted in your past here you got to take this every night I have these nightmares in my dreams I see them all can you also see them them [Music] no oh now I can yeah it got really creepy all of a sudden I dream of my mother she holds me as a [Music] baby oh I dream of poor Bob he holds his broken heart oh [ __ ] poor Bob Bob how do I bring the heart to the next like screen oh I guess I can just like slide it on over here you go [Music] buddy I dream of myself as a little girl and my mother while she holds my hand I hold her face can she can she even hold the well she holds my hand I hold her face what the [ __ ] bro this is getting trippy now I dream of a bird holding a rat a bird holding a rat and then I see the corrupted soul with the head of my mother what happened to her [Music] uh-oh I dream of you my feathered friend that's supposed to be me hold a full of [Music] blessing is she still alive where did she go will I ever [Music] know [Music] what where did she go what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] [Music] happened oh that worked I dipped it in there now do I paint on it I can paint on it can make a giant pile of [ __ ] again just like oh wait there's something on underneath here 1955 what is that 7 I don't know military time I barely know it like regular time to be honest oh what weapon ticket please hardest puzzle in this game is the clock oops there we go oh my God is that a crime scene now am I leaving a crime scene what what the [ __ ] is the last level going to possibly be [Music] what the [ __ ] that's a [Music] blob oh my God what is all this do we paint with this what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] is am I leading it to the other oh I think I'm leading it to the other hole it feels like there's like not enough pegs for [Music] this is there anything else I could [ __ ] with oh here we go I could probably break something open with that that's goes with the power thing I'm a bob blow it up oh yeah blow it up blow it up blow it up blow it up that's it do I get anything from that I just I blew it up the dead woman oh I broke it open got number six a bucket we take the bucket we scoop this up Take the bucket and we scoop up the goop what the [ __ ] do I do with this bucket oh looks like we put it under here [ __ ] bucket oh here we go all right bucket bucket bucket nothing I think I might have to figure out that puzzle um what if I go diagonal down diagonal down that doesn't go that doesn't go where I needed to go does it but that one will yeah now what what did that what did that the [ __ ] did that even do oh it's flying around it what the heck whoa what the heck I remember please help me you [Music] have which key do it like which what some pincers now what the [ __ ] am I going to use these Pinter [Music] for it's always like a different tool to help like to break this [ __ ] what the [ __ ] there's a oh oh what the [ __ ] look at his nipples that's guy that robbed me why am I play why am I playing with his nipples I could have clamped them or 641 there's not even like a number thing anywhere in here is there maybe that's for later I guess I'm going to twist his nipples man there I'm going to twist his nipples this is also a number I'm sorry [Laughter] I I don't know what I'm doing what the [ __ ] is happening nice technique I got a [ __ ] I got an achievement called nice technique I don't know oh my God are you kidding me I have nothing to say to you I just I have I just tore your nipples up man oh my God okay how do I tell which one is getting the power oh a crank and the bucket yeah now what do I use the [ __ ] bucket bro that doesn't come on come on like what the [ __ ] now look at him that's what the hell and I can [ __ ] play with his nips can I get more water okay I guess I can get more water there we go no I'm not going to [ __ ] put that close pin on his [Laughter] nipples there's no way am I going to CL a I [ __ ] I [ __ ] knew it why am I doing this what the [ __ ] what a what a form of torture maybe there's something in here iron wire what the [ __ ] okay that one fixes that one so now we have two that's enough to go to him so this must be the first one and then maybe the second one that's kind of what I [Music] figured that would Loop through there would not oh there it [Music] go oh he's could you stop doing that he's fine that didn't even do anything to [Music] him the [ __ ] sound that he made as [Music] well it's every Everything has to do do with his nipples man enough I'll tell you now bro that's what it took it actually took a paper clip to his nipple for him to finally talk he was electrocuted and doused with water and his other nip had a [ __ ] clothes spin on it the key is behind the hand the Dead one Jesus now I'm able to [ __ ] do that okay now I need now I do need the actual code it was a 4digit one 8592 that's crazy [ __ ] is that the wrong order oh I did get another piece of tape when the [ __ ] did I get another piece of tape what the [ __ ] what is that is that a dog dog bird boat tree that ain't what oh unless the dog represents the bone four what even is this what even what the [ __ ] even is this for a tattoo that's an egg there it is oh [ __ ] I forgot to light it up it was uh it's the same from the first [Music] [Music] level no you broke it and then it [ __ ] scurried away oh you fun it it's time to leave this place what the [Music] [ __ ] oh God damn it the there's one more you son of a [ __ ] both like Limbo what the [ __ ] do you do with this it's just all empty oh this is where I belong I remember now the you you this is how I left the other world an old woman but I belong to the lake now I am enlightened a tree among others help my daughter she can still blossom [Music] finally you have found me I belong to the lake now so did she like live out her life just with the [ __ ] with the with the monster or what the [ __ ] future self my daughter I know she can live another life she can still [Music] Blossom what the [ __ ] what does any of that [Music] mean butterly will I ever know where'd she go go finally I can see the blossom my mother I know she's here for me I can live another life without sorrow the lake belongs to me my dear Harvey take the train and find your own future I have no [ __ ] idea what just happened and then I leave I guess all right is that like is that the ending I don't there must be some kind of deep meaning here and I just did not catch it there at the at the tail end I don't know there there must be something more all right all right I don't know I don't know what I don't know I don't know I don't know I guess wow I don't know man that's crazy you know that wasn't too bad that that was that was like almost 3 hours of that game too that actually that was that was better than lizards must die that's for sure that was that was not too bad
Channel: UberHaxorNova
Views: 50,189
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: underground blossom, underground blossom walkthrough, underground blossom gameplay, underground blossom let's play, rusty lake, underground blossom game, underground blossom playthrough, rusty lake underground blossom
Id: t_Y4nJ7AN-Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 9sec (3249 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 08 2024
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