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[Music] Talk Show sponsored by homeopathic Clinic e ice natural mineral water Amia 05554 66 515 05554 66 515 Instagram and on Facebook and Tik Tok collection UK in pink location my hair is from bundles on bundles talk [Music] and now my dear lessness before I sign out I would like to introduce to you tabia herbal mixture a great and effective herbal medicine for malaria loss of appetite and general body pains tabia a fact I can personally [Music] everybody knows AC and if he knows acrobat it means you know M homeopathic Clinic as International journalist and actor my health is my priority andant Homeopathy Clinic is my pillar in terms of my health let's hear what others are saying about homopathic Clinic please you let me talk to you you [Music] everything for you heard everything I have secret m point is my secret m point Homeopathy Clinic I'm free 0243 68 6861 02457 49206 end point homeopathic Clinic the end to chronic diseases [Music] 0244 86768 0244 86768 end point homeopathic Clinic the end to chronic disease and a special guest favorite when it comes to gospel music favorite when it comes to worshiping God official on Tik Tok million on my page today is my guest on oh thank you [Music] Eric okay okay okay okay okay Fel no us okay almost 20 something years years something wow okay okay yeah I don't know how [Music] okay okay okay wow [Music] Bop um ra 2006 okay when am I she was everywhere oh nice right okay yes okay first I remember this we think almost the the voice sound wow okay [Laughter] very okay how many albums okay but how come [Music] [Music] for [Laughter] anyone ham Cor corre [Laughter] [Music] ni mhm po I you sometimes secretary yes office mama [Music] secet Papa oh come come come two two tables say those time when I had kidney issues you had kidney issues ISS those ones that help me serious problem Lu Hospital healthy wow was going bad [Music] oh I thank God for your life now I quite remember six months say stable because least six months you should be you should be fine I'm sor [Music] month didn't Dubai [Music] yes life straight almost get to five months okay Bishop Mama those time [Laughter] because stre I'm telling you MH okay because sometimes okay there was a time like even to have somebody that is feeding him what video evidence because prophecy fine you don't do you are being loyal to because of mama was sometimes [Music] because Eric [Music] straight because because of the secret is power what goes on in the bed in the bedroom dealing with them you have to be prophetic Church [Music] beginning of yes Joseph pray topic every [Music] oh I'm sorry heart of man very Wicked yeah was see a nice building [Music] and Lady Lady idot and when whenever [Music] because pain to the so we're going for a short commercial break we'll be right back talk show EB I natural mineral water e i natural mineral water because I believe in water I drink EB natural mineral water drink to believe [Music] and now my dear lessness before I sign out I would like to introduce you tabia herbal mixture a great and effective herbal medicine for malaria loss of appetite and general body pains tabia a fact I can personally attest to [Music] m homeopathic Clinic 0244 86768 ebal mineral water drink to believe clean ebi natural mineral water drink to believe ER Eric Yes dear MH word to your fans [Laughter] be way be in bless you bless you bless you bless you too bless you bless you too find out words to your fans and social like very smart but [Music] [Laughter] 02 4377 6619 now on social media post every day on Tik Tok worship more yeah I watch them and I love them [Laughter] more follow me on Tik Tok on arise reing [Music] King this is what the man of God asked me official and in Facebook Eric into God bless thank you so much for coming too much because experiences with us collection UK bundles on bundles make makeup Artistry and the sponsors are endpoint homeopathic Clinic EB natural mineral water tabia [Music]
Channel: Okukuseku THE TALK SHOW
Views: 114,192
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Emelia Brobbey's Talk Show, Ghana Talk, Nana Ama Mcbrown, Delay TV, Emelia Brobbey, UTV, ADOM TV, TV3, Ghanaweb TV, PatapaaOneCorner, Ghana Movies, Shatta Wale Bandana, Twi, Movies, Sarkodie
Id: qNvw7jEs09M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 32sec (2852 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 15 2024
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