Erico LeakTape: Emelia Brobbey Cried, Ken words True" Pastor Slept with Wife of..

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[Music] all right so currently you know ero is trending go musician is trending for contest for those of you want to the full interview it's around almost 50 minutes YouTube to get a full interview but then there's this reason this portion we have it for it is really pissing a lot of people off ero story is something now why why trending over the weekend sat down with actress YouTube Chann it also on TV station precisely Mulia to be precise now according to intervie of They Don't Preach what they practice and they don't practice what they preach vice versa to the all happen [Music] [Music] particular he also says something it has really got a lot of people talking mhm office mama mama all right so one of the shocking thing very big in fact generated whole lot of the [Music] interviewer I just B interview with ER because it's almost like a 15 minutes intervie but here's the part it got a whole lot of people [Music] [Music] [Music] one call [Music] because [Laughter] upates in regards to this issue oh come come come first wow so it was going bad I thank God for your life now I quite remember says because months you should you should be fine sh I didn't know so to Dubai pi it's very sad but for those of you want to watch the full [Music] intervie about 45 to 50 minutes long hour so you should just wonder how powerful it is now he went on to say say we thank God for his life for those of you want to watch the show will be giving you more updates as all of this events I'm full
Channel: Pinax Tv
Views: 6,775
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ghana, Ghana News, Ghana Celebs, Ghana TV, Ghana Showbiz, Ghana Politics
Id: HftXLQSkj4k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 2sec (662 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 21 2024
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