🛩️📦 A Day in the Life of a Cargo Metroliner Pilot!

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hey welcome to the video my name is Seth are you a pilot who has ever wondered what it's like to fly cargo in aviation or are you somebody who's interested in knowing how that little brown box gets from your computer to your front doorstep well in this video it's gonna be all about that [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] morning all right just after 5:00 a.m. just woke up got ready got my stuff just now leaving the crew house and getting ready to jump in the crew car pretty nice day today weather looks good heading to rifle so cannot wait to see the mountains from 20,000 feet that's gonna be awesome all right let's go so a typical day for a cargo pilot and keylime air goes like this get up at 5:00 a.m. see a gorgeous sunrise over the eastern plains of Colorado then carpool to the airport with other pilots assigned to different routes for a 6:00 a.m. Showtime after arriving at the cargo side of Denver International Airport get the plane ready and loaded with cargo depart Denver and as you'll see in today's video go to rifle to drop off that cargo [Music] before continuing with the rest of the day a word about safety and the pre-flight [Music] the pre-flight inspection of the airplane is such a critical component of each flight from the day in short order you realize that to start pre-flight in an aviation you don't have to be standing beside your aircraft the process begins the instance you spotted on the ramp and you can assess its general condition a flat tire or a deflated nose wheel strut is visible from afar any obvious things that just don't look right should stand out to you right away glancing at the overall condition of the airplane from a distance initially indicates that you or another pilot did a good job of securing the aircraft the night before keeping this in mind as you start your day will definitely serve you well so what's next well all these boxes being loaded onto the plane have to be weighed and accounted for in aviation the term we use for this is weight and balance every pilot gets an accurate total weight of the cargo and completes a weight balance form for that flight so what happens if the weight is too much or the aircraft is not in balance well the answer is simple send the extra weight on another airplane or ship the weight to keep the aircraft in balance and guarantee a safe takeoff and climb when I became a pilot at Key Lime air I joined an exclusive group of pilots regarded as some of the best aviators in the industry the job is intense we are trained to succeed as a single pilot flying a multi-engine complex airplane with no autopilot during unfavorable weather low visibility low cloud ceilings and we do it every day [Music] [Music] [Music] some people ask me do you fly with autopilot not in our cargo metro liners here at keylime air it's all Steam games hand flying and it's all done single pilot [Music] this is the proving ground high task saturation in the cockpit and each pilot does it alone no co-pilot they are single pilot resource management skill level skyrockets and you become the best pilot you'll ever be final approach in took rightful Colorado and it could be a more beautiful day to come to this amazing airport with breathtaking views sitting in a 5500 37 feet above sea level unloading boxes is always a fun part of the job for me we see some of the most random items will be shipped on our routes live queen bees two trampolines and swing sets two heavy machinery parts two very odd medical parts and samples that I'll spare you the details on either way there's no other job like cargo so now that all the cargo is unloaded what happens now well [Music] now that we're done with the cargo in rifle basically the way it works is if you work at Denver route you'll go to your out station you'll drop off your cargo you'll go back to Denver and then you have the middle of the day off and it's usually about six to eight hours you can take a nap you can go have fun with your family and go home and mow the lawn otherwise if you're an outstation person you're gonna be going to a hotel so the plane is gonna stay there where you left it until you come back at night so check out the flight back into Denver at night with some of the most beautiful sunsets I've ever seen in Colorado here we go not only are there unbelievable sunrises in Colorado but as the Sun dips below the mountainous horizon the fleeting colors of orange and pink begin to fade as dusk approaches the charcoal black rocks outlined the evening sky and create one of the most beautiful sunsets you'll ever see [Music] welcome to Denver cleared to land one six left Denver International Airport [Music] [Music] [Music] it's been a long day and there's no doubt I'm tired being the cargo pilot it's hard work but it's fulfilling and the experience flight in these airplanes makes it all worth it [Music] the plane is secured and I always ensure a proper post flight inspection is completed I want to always be that guy that ensures the next pilot is set up for success no maintenance remarks on this bird time to head home or back to the crew house as a key lime air pilot if you live in an ounce station then you travel to and from the crew house via crew car it's a very nice convenience to have and I really appreciate that the company provides it for us [Music] welcome to a day in the life of a cargo pilot thanks Eli mayor I just want to do a quick video let you know that Key Lime Eric is actually hiring we are hiring pilots from 121 operations captain and fos and then we're also hiring for cargo so if you're interested in coming on to a really really good airline pays really really well has good hours really takes care of their employees you check out Key Lime air that's the link that you see in the description so anyways hope see you guys a little bit more as time goes on and feel free to leave a comment all right
Channel: Commercial Pilot in Command
Views: 492,676
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: key lime air, flying the metroliner, cargo pilot jobs, how to become a cargo pilot, entry level cargo pilot jobs, low hour cargo pilot jobs, colorado pilot jobs, flying cargo pilot jobs, flying cargo jobs, key lime air metroliner, cargo vs airline pilot, low time pilot jobs, cargo pilot life, cargo pilot vs airline pilot, cargo pilot salary, cargo pilot schedule, cargo pilot day in the life, cargo pilot vs passenger pilot, cargo pilot, cargo pilot training, cargo pilots
Id: ZNIw1_QpTZ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 0sec (600 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 13 2019
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