🛠 How to update your Elite ECU to NSP | TECHNICALLY SPEAKING

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have you got one of these or one of these or any of the haltech elite series ecu and have you been eyeing off haltech's new nsp tuning software well stick around have i got some great news for you [Music] since the release of the haltech elite series ecu we've been using the esp programming software the elite software programmer so that's the software that comes on the usb stick or the software that you download off our website it goes on the laptop we then use the usb cable that goes between the laptop and the engine management system you go online and you tune your ecu all pretty straightforward but we recently released the nexus series ecu's with the nsp software the nexus software programmer and everyone with an elite have to admit have seen a few people getting a little bit jealous of the comm speed and the new software package but today i'm finally here to tell you i have got some news for you now whether you bought the very first elite series ecu or whether you got one a few weeks ago all the elite series ecu's are firmware updatable so firmware is the part that's inside the engine management system it's the bit that your laptop and the software communicates with and that's the bit that does all the fancy stuff to keep your engine running every time we do a firmware update we might add back in the day we've added variable cam control i did close loop boost control added torque management drive shaft curve targeting all of this crazy stuff as time's gone on we've added more features and more features and more features every one of those firmware updates adds all those features for you guys for free but there is a downside as we're adding more and more and more features the software package gets a little bit slower and a little bit slower every single time we add one of those features or one of those functions to the engine management system but i'm here to tell you that we've got this unbelievable update we are now using the nexus software programmer to communicate with your elite series ecu so what that means is that all we need to do is grab the new software we do another firmware update that firmware update kicks us over into the nexus software package the elite series goes online up and running tuning a whole bunch of new features and functions so let's get into it and i'll show you what the differences are i know you've been waiting for this moment a long time now in order to update your elite series ecu to use the nexus software programmer all we need to do is download the latest esp software then we'll go online with the elite series ecu using the esp software for the very last time we'll click go online it's going to connect to the ecu this does take a little bit to go online here so this takes say a minute or so to go online this is one of the big changes that happen when we go to the nsp software programmer the thing is going to go online so quickly you're not even going to notice whether it happened or not [Music] [Music] all right the ecu is online now so the next step is to upgrade it to the nsp software if i go up to the top here and go to tools you'll notice a new menu here update ecu for use with nsp software i'm going to click on that a little menu comes up here and it tells me i have a usb connection to the ecu the ecu has 12 volts the nsp installer is updated so what's happened is when you downloaded the elite esp software so that final release that also has the nexus software built into it so if the nexus software is not installed on your machine this installer is going to do it for you so don't worry about downloading the nsp software separately this does it all for you so here i'm about to click install nsp but very important whenever you're doing any firmware update always make sure to unplug your ignition system we don't want anything funny to happen while we're doing a firmware update and we can't guarantee the state of those ignition outputs while the firmware updates is in process if i read further down the list here saved map file name so what that means is that this installed package has actually saved a copy of your map to the laptop using the esp software and the esp file extension so that's the last saved file that you'll have with your haltech ecu with the esp software down the bottom here i'll click install nsp so this is going to install the nexus software programmer like i said next agree to everything don't read anything just agree install and finish this installer has now installed the nexus software it just closed the elite series software it's opened the nexus software and it's gone online and right here is where the magic is happening every time i watch it doing this it just makes me i'm so excited about it because the extra features the extra functionality the extra speed that we're getting out of this elite platform is absolutely breathtaking and i know i probably sound like a bit of a efi nerd but the amount of engine management systems i go online with every single day the amount of tuning that i do and how much time this nexus software package is saving uh it it's the it's the best thing that's happened in a long time it's going to go through and upgrade the elite series map into a nexus map then it's going to write all of the settings into the unit then we've got an elite series ecu running on the nexus platform successfully upgraded the firmware of the elite ecu to work with this software always good when that title has success written in it and that's it the elite series ecu is now online with the nsp software package one of the things that we need to do is go up to the top vehicle information vehicle name scott test car enter that now creates a folder in the software on your hard drive for this particular system that's where all of our data logs that's where all of our auto saved files are going to go to all we need to do now we'll turn the ignition off i'll do that just here we'll plug our ignition system back in so plug our coils back in we'll turn the ignition back on hit the key the thing should start and run exactly the same as how it ran on the elite series ecu now before we get on with a couple of the features and functions of the system the first thing that i want to show i'm going to cut straight to the beginning bit i'm going to close the nsp software here and i'm just going to go over here and i'm going to go one two three enter autocoms starts to go online there we go and we are tuning our elite 2500 series that's how long it took for the software to open and to go online and i know that i keep going on and on about how excited i am about this but if you've tuned in elite series ecu if this is the profession if this is your hobby seeing something like that go online in sort of five or six seconds makes my day the engine management system so if it's got the nexus platform it's got a green power light if it's on the elite platform it's got a blue or light blue or an aqua colored power light so that's one of the ways to tell alternatively you can just open either the nexus software or the elite software try and go online it's going to tell you what version of firmware is inside the ecu so nice and simple you can't mess it up nothing can get deleted makes it nice and easy if for whatever reason you have done the update into the nexus software we also allow you to go back to the esp software with a simple firmware update i'm not sure of the reason why you would want to go back to the earlier software but we certainly didn't want to paint you into the corner so if i close this software out i'm going to open the elite series software and i'm going to try and go online i'll show you what happens here so i attempt to go online here we go it's come up saying nsp compatible device the detected device has been upgraded to use haltech's nsp software instead of this esp software what would you like to do i can either do nothing i can run nsp so it'll kick us out of the early software it'll put us into the nsp software and we'll go online or revert to esp-compatible firmware so this is going to downgrade it back to the last esp software version and firmware version i'll click on that now just to show you how that's going to happen so as i click on that it's going to ask us what version of firmware we're going to put in we'll put in the last current elite series for this elite 2500 ecu asks me do i want to upgrade the firmware yes we definitely should have our ignition coils unplugged because we're doing another firmware update to bring it back down to the elite platform and we're back to normal again so yes you can go back and forward if you like but i don't really see any reason to now i'd like to take you through some of the new features and functions that you'll get on your elite series ecu after you've updated to the nexus series software programmer and that firmware package remembering that we're not going to go through all of the nsp functionality today there's a heap of other videos about that stuff specifically what i'm talking about is on your elite platform ecu what extra features and functions you're going to get moving forward we'll do a whole bunch more nsp videos about how to use this software package but for the first one the most exciting thing for me let's just click on this button that's the go offline button so now we're no longer online with our elite series ecu i'll click on that again which unit do i want to connect to that one do i want to make any change or to save any of the changes that are made in the map in the background no here we go oh and she's online and we're ready to tune couldn't be any happier such awesome progress the first thing you're going to notice when we open the nsp software is the new style like so the dark mode or the black style software you can definitely change this if you're not a fan of that no problem at all we can just change the theme to maybe the the classic theme that you might be more familiar with or we could choose the midnight style mode so the real dark mode or the one that i like modern mode it's probably a little bit easier on the eye a little bit easier to see all the values now while i'm on that a little bit easier to see all of those i know i said i wouldn't go into the nsp software but there's so many nice little things that i really enjoy so while we're talking about being able to see all the values in here if i go down here to table text view one of the new values here are being able to change the font size of all of the values so we can change the font size of the tables if i go down the side here and i go to the navigation tree options and i'll change all the units down the side here to be bigger or smaller i used to wear glasses and when i used to wear glasses and bounce around in the car a little bit it was a real struggle to see some of those smaller numbers so having the option to do that in the software makes a really big difference one of the next big changes is the addition of the scope mode so if i click here on the oscilloscope button that's going to come up and that's going to be triggering right now so that's straight out of the base configuration and that's scoping i'm going to simulate here on our engine simulator here that's giving us our trigger signal so the trigger voltage into the engine management system then the trigger input state what the engine management is actually doing with that data as well as down the bottom the home or the synchronization event or the cam pulse so in this case we've got eight trigger events coming in then a single cam tooth or a reset event coming in again and again and again so there is our four channel oscilloscope i'll close that off and along the top here again we've got more new functionality the password protection area previously we had a password on the entire map so if you did apply a password to your map that was on the particular map not the engine management system so that means that you could still go online with the unit you could still load a map over the top which would erase all passwords all settings all configuration now we can apply a password but instead of applying it to the entire map we might want to password protect just the engine configuration just the fuel map just the ignition map you might want to leave the rest of it open so you might want to leave all the data logging open you might want to leave the overall fuel trim or the target boost pressure or a bunch of different things open depending on how you're tuning the car and who you're tuning that car for a really good use case for this is if you're tuning a circuit car you might want to lock the main fuel and ignition maps from the end user but you want to allow them to adjust their traction control strategy at the circuit freely so you can do that by password protecting only separate parts of the table things that you want to protect or things that you don't want anyone tinkering with next we've got the engine management system's on-board data logging so we'll come out of there we'll come down to the data logger okay the elite 2500 series ecu has got eight megabytes of on-board data logging we can sample up to 60 channels at a time and we can sample at rates of up to 200 hertz or getting a sample every 5 milliseconds so that's pretty quick within the esp software package once that 8 megabytes was full it was full and you would have to go in you would have to download it erase it then send the customer back out or you know get back out on the racetrack and do another log within the nsp software package we're doing things a little bit differently and we've got what we call loop logging so that means that we can set the logger up so that you can either be logging either all the time or when this channel here goes over say 50 so at the moment i've got this configured so that when throttle position is greater than 50 you might want to do when manifold pressure is on boost or maybe even just whenever the engine runs so if the engine rpm is greater than 500 for example the data logger will start it'll log your selected up to 60 channels once it fills that eight megabytes of memory it will just start overriding the oldest memory so that means that you've always got the last eight megabytes of engine running times so you always have a really good snapshot of that last eight megabytes of data from the engine running so you always know exactly what just happened now coming back to the beginning and the communication speed you might be asking yourself well how long is it going to take to download eight megabytes of data out of the engine management system and get it into the playback mode or into the data log viewer so i've just made a quick data log here i've logged 60 channels at 200hz i've filled up the 8 megabytes of onboard logging and it's now loop logging i'm going to turn our condition down which means that all of a sudden it's going to stop data logging we need to get that data log out of the engine management system i'm going to come up here nsp software to our data log manager button i'll click on that it's now going to tell me okay so our 8 megabytes of data 60 channels at 5 millisecond intervals or 200 hertz logged for a total of 2 minutes and 48 seconds then started doing some loop logging if i click here and go ready one two three extract there we go that's telling me that it's extracting that now so it's eight megabytes it's already up to say 15 something like that 20 just like going online with the engine management system this update makes all of the data transfer stuff so much faster even the live traces in all of the 2d and 3d fuel tables everything is just so much faster and so much more reactive so we're up to now 70 downloaded on an eight megabyte file in our esp software that certainly would have been a few coronas by the time that got downloaded nearly there we're up to done eight megabytes downloaded from the onboard memory into the datalog viewer software and she's away the nsp software does look a little bit different to the esp software but we've tried to keep all of the keystrokes the same it feels really familiar i understand that so many people invested so much time in the esp platform and you know exactly where everything is don't worry we're going to be doing heaps more videos and sort of feature specific videos using the nsp software as we move forward there's already a heap on our youtube channel so go check those out most importantly if we come up here help keyboard reference we go through here okay page up is still page up for power don't worry about that we've still got the spacebar key we've still got all of the familiar keys so that's all fine there so wrapping all this up if you've got a single connector series elite series ecu a vms an elite 550 an elite 750 an elite 950 if you've got an elite 2500 elite 2000 i'll eat 1500 elite 1000 the nsp update is available for you and it's available now it's all really straightforward do the firmware update remember to unplug your ignition coils go online with your nsp be happy with your comm speed and just start enjoying your engine management system oh and i nearly forgot the best thing it's free this isn't even a sales pitch it doesn't matter when you bought your elite platform ecu this update works for you and it's free it's haltech's 35th anniversary this year and this is just one of those days that we want to give back to you the guys that have been using our systems for so long we want to say thank you we want to give you something that we know that you'll enjoy hell i know i'm been absolutely loving using this software platform and i really hope you do too [Music] you
Channel: Haltech
Views: 37,862
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: haltech, ecu, engine management, tuning, modified cars, race cars, haltech nexus r5, haltech nexus r5 wiring diagram, haltech nexus ecu, haltech nexus software, Nexus for elite, nsp for elite, haltech elite upgrade, elite with nexus software, nexus software for elite, nsp software for elite, nsp for elite ecu, can you upgrade elite ecu to nsp, nexus r5, fuel injection, technically speaking
Id: Yr2qotoDsUY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 29sec (1169 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 09 2021
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