🛠 How to set up a CAN Keypad with Elite ECU | TECHNICALLY SPEAKING

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when we introduced the nexus r5 vcu a little while back one of the very first questions we got asked is hey when can i get one of those cool keypads for my elite series ecu and i'm happy to finally let you know the answer to that is now so just hit pause shoot over the web store and hit that little buy now button because these keypads are going to change everything for you [Music] now what you're going to notice in this video is that i'm using the new haltech pd16 power distribution module to demonstrate how nicely both the pdm and the keypad integrate with the elite series ecu's using the nsb software and i am 100 sure that many of you guys are going to want to know way more about the pd16 so i'm going to tell you up front this video is not a pd16 video i absolutely will be doing a pd16 walkthrough showing how the unit works and how it integrates but that's not this video we'll leave that for next time today's focus is the haltech keypad so first things first there's two versions an 8 button and a 15 button and no matter which one you choose they both come with a handy quick start guide which you won't need because you're watching this video you get a pack of decals that's got the most common labels that you're going to need plus a handful of blanks so you can write your own labels on it and of course all the necessary cables and adapters that you're going to need to connect the haltech keypad to a haltech elite or nexus series ecu first up you are not limited to just one keypad you can in fact have up to four in total so 215 button and two eight button versions for those serious driving cockpits so you have the potential to run up to 46 can keypad buttons for all your keypressing goodness the next thing to know is that installation and setup is actually really really simple but it does require at least version 3.03 firmware for the elite series ecu which is now available for download from haltech.com and because i know i'm going to get this question in the comments all of these haltech keypads are the same so if you purchased the keypad for your nexus dcu six months ago you can use the same keypad on the elite series ecu now the code within the keypad itself has not changed only the firmware and software for the ecu need to be updated and with that out of the way let's plug this bad boy in and set up some functions on our ecu and our pdm the first thing the ecu needs to know is to expect a can keypad and a pd16 to be on the can bus network so we go into the software and we scroll down to the how tech can system scroll to the very bottom and now you can see there's a list of keypads and pd16s that can be enabled if you can't see these options it's probably because you haven't updated to the latest version of software so go and do it now do it with both keypads and pd16s all units are programmed as a units from factory you can use the nsp software to change an id of unit from a to b later on if you need to but we'll cover that in a different video so for us today we're going to set up a three by five keypad and a pd16a and because i'm here inside the studio i'm going to crank up the backlight brightness and led brightness to 100 although in a vehicle the default settings of 50 and 70 are actually a really good level in my opinion now i want to assign my keypad to switch on my headlights so i go back over here into the menu node structure and i click on 3x5 a and wait nothing just disable device strange because this is kind of where i would expect to have seen a keypad to set up and this is where the haltech can keypad and pd16 integration differs from most other systems once the keypad or pd16 is enabled in the software it's as though those inputs and outputs were always meant to be there so rather than having to go into a keypad device and define the function you want to control with a particular key you rather go to the function menu and in this case i want to set up some headlight control so i find headlights as a function and then i go to assign the wiring hit edit connection and now i can select from any available input and output to be set up for my headlights in this case i want to use the 3x5 a keypad so i scroll down and click on whichever button i want the headlight switch to be on and while we're here because we're using the pd16 to provide power to the headlights i'll assign one of the pd16 a damp outputs as the power for the lights and i'll use another for the parkers so now we're all set up of course now that the ecu and pdf16 know the headlights have been switched on this information can be broadcast over can to the ic7 dash which if you've got a different set of gauge faces for night time and day time we'll switch to their night time mode when the lights are on let's go ahead now and assign a few more of these buttons to functions now one common override for drag racers is a fuel pump override basically it's a button that you press to prime an electric fuel pump for as long as you need to to get fuel pressure up this might also be used to drain the fuel out of a tank or to prime the fuel lines before starting something like that either way it's something that we get asked for a lot so i'm going to set it up on this keypad because the ecu is already controlling the electric fuel pump we go into the fuel pump function and from here we simply enable the existing override again we'll hit edit connection and scroll down to select the key on the keypad that i want to use for this function i've got the option here to select either separate key presses for push on and push off like i have with my headlights but for this one i really just want to override the pump output for as long as i'm holding the button down so i set the button mode to momentary now what else should i set up on this keypad oh i know why don't i set up a couple of different boost settings that'll be fun but to do this i'm actually going to be a little bit tricky i don't just want two boost settings i actually want three four maybe five because well i'm greedy the way to do this is by hacking the rotary trim input function the rotary trim pot is one of these multi-position knobs here and each one of the positions on the knob can be set as a different target boost level and we're going to emulate that with one of the canned keypads so we can actually do something very similar using the can keypad and because each button on the keypad has three leds above it the led status light act a bit like the first few positions on the rotary trim knob so let's go back into nsp and actually set up the can keypad as a rotary trim knob and then we'll apply that input to the target boost control map as usual the first thing we do is go into the function setup page we'll select rotary trim input and rather than select the analog voltage we'll select a digital switched input because ultimately that's all that these keyboard inputs are to the ecu they're simply a digital switch that can be used to turn something on or off once we've set up the input type to digital switch again we hit edit connection and scroll down to the can keypad buttons and select the particular button or buttons we want to use and because i like to know what each input is being used for on the software i'm going to give this input function a name in this case it's the boost up down button there's a few settings here that i'd like to talk about the first one is the remember position checkbox now this setting tells the ecu what to do next time you key the ignition off and on should the selected boost level on the keypad reset back to zero or should it remember the last previously selected position we have the input style now using a single input style limits the number of positions available to three actually it's four but we'll get into that in a moment it also means that you don't have individual buttons for up and down but rather each time you press the button it'll go up by one in the position until it gets to the fourth and that goes back to the start the input light mode controls how the leds on the keypad light up in bar mode the leds stack their on status in dot mode there's only ever a maximum of one led on at a time if you want individual buttons for up or down that's totally possible you do that by selecting dual input style and assigning one button to be the increase and the other to be the decrease all right so now i've created my buttons for increase and decrease i need to assign them to boost control well or anything else for that matter but in this case i wanted to set up boost control so i scroll now down to the boost control setup close loop target and you can see that at the moment across the whole rpm range i'm targeting 10 psi but if i press the f3 button or go into setup table setup i can enable another axis in this case i want to enable that axis to be my new boost up and boost down buttons so i double click on the digital version of the rotary trim module i just created and in the axis values i enter position values for 0 1 2 and 3. now remember previously i said that three leds is actually four positions that's because the zero position or all leds being off is actually a valid selection so you kind of get a free setting here okay so i've set up the positions in the boost control target axis when i go back into my boost control target pressure map now i've got the ability to change my target boost based on the position of the input 0 1 2 3 4 however many inputs that i set up now in this case i'm just going to do something super simple and i'm going to increase my target boost in each position by 5 psi so you can see what it all looks like you can use the keypad to enable any number of functions things like rolling anti-lag or nitrous control cruise control data logging ac switches and those sorts of things are the obvious targets for a keypad now the big advantage here is the pure number of inputs that the keypad makes available which expands the functionality of any elite series ecu significantly but i really think that the keypad is going to find its home in applications where the haltech pd16 is implemented in conjunction with an elite series ecu and a keypad but again that is a topic for another day for now if you really want to see all the possibilities of the can keypad then i'd suggest you head over to the haltech website download the latest version of nsb software and start actually playing with it for yourself you will be amazed at the possibilities now if you've got any questions about a keypad and what i can do for you please drop those questions in the comments below don't forget to ring the bell to stay up to date with everything how tech on youtube subscribe to our newsletter and give us a follow or a like on the socials well i'm matt from haltech and i'll see you next time [Music] you
Channel: Haltech
Views: 28,761
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: haltech, efi, ecu, engine management, motorsport, modified cars, modified, racecar, drag racing, product overview, unboxing, haltech keypad, can keypad, keypad wiring, nexus, nexus r5, haltech nsp, how to, technically speaking, can wiring, elite ecu, keypad elite ecu, haltech keypad install, car tuning
Id: L2yju0vCbWA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 12sec (672 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 25 2022
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