ONLY GPUs YOU SHOULD BE BUYING!!! - June, 2024 BEST GPUs New & Used!!

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so the graphics card Market has been pretty boring but if you thought of one thing that could change it up what if they actually were good value well that's what we're starting to see there's actually been a lot of price Cuts recently things are shifting pretty dramatically maybe to the buildup of new gpus later in the year but I'm going to put my money on it I don't think we're going to get insane value gpus by the end of the year they might be a little bit better than the ones we have right now but these are starting to look pretty good that's why need to check out every single graphics card price go over them to find the best deals on the new market and the used Market let's freaking jump in as with a lot of these videos the first thing that we need to do is the annual destroying the RTX 350 so this is nvidia's basically bottom tier option it's a 30 series car and they're on 40 series right now but they're still keeping this guy around and the 3050 really isn't that good of value right now it's sitting at about $200 there is a 6 G gab version of this card and unless you're on an extreme budget or you have a very low power computer that needs like the space requirements I really wouldn't even look at the 6 gbyte one it is a lot slower than the 8 gbyte 1 I don't even recommend the 8 gigabyte one so why would I recommend the 6 gigabyte 1 basically if you're on the extreme Budget on the new cards these really haven't been super exciting for a while but there is some options RX 6600 and it's going for about $190 right now now this is an AMD card it's 8 GB card it will do very well at 1080p I have this card I've tested it basically High settings expect like 60 FPS or more and sometimes using some upscaling you can get up to 14 and 40p and it can be a pretty darn good value for what it is there is one other one that is kind of interesting so the arc the Intel Arc a750 now if you're willing to take a risk and I don't know if I'd recommend this as much to people who if you're getting a budget card this might be all you have so I don't know but Intel has been improving their drivers a lot like until Arc gpus are like so much better than they were before but they're still not even as reliable as AMD drivers on their cards yes Intel is actually offering pretty good value I want to actually go back and test these cards against each other to see which ones are offering better value now since the a750 is getting more consistent but technically like on paper the a750 is a faster card than a 6600 it just does that live up to it the a750 can be a good deal if you're willing to take a risk but I think for the vast majority of people I'm going to be recommending the 6600 that's been my recommendation for a while both of these cards completely outclass the uh 3050 but if you really are on an extreme budget the new market really isn't really for you on like under $200 okay I would recommend going on the US market and um there are some pretty good deals right now so the rx5700 XT this is actually faster than an RX 6600 faster than a 3050 faster than all those cards and you can get it for $130 used right now these were going up in price cuz I think people were buying all of them but now now these are starting to come back down they are a pretty darn good deal at $130 $150 I mean this car can basically max out games at 1080p um like ultra settings except it doesn't have retracing just know that this is a card from 2019 at this point even on a card at this price point I wouldn't expect to be rate tracing anyways and it can dabble in some 1440p gaming too like definitely I have one of these cards it is a pretty good performer but it is on AMD and you might not want AMD efforts but any like Rison I'm not going to judge you okay you might not want it for like upscaling or something because Nvidia has dlss now if you want to get an Nvidia card I'd say the best one in the used Mark is probably the RTX 2060 super now this card is about the exact same speed as the 5700 XT is costing a little bit more on the used Market but you do get things like nvidia's dlss which is pretty good especially on a card that isn't as fast then you can upscale to make up some of that performance Gap dlss super nice this card technically can do raate tracing but I don't think you're going to be doing that much raate tracing on it so I don't wouldn't even gauge that feature that much you might want to use Nvidia for any other things on your computer like Nvidia is generally speaking better supported in a lot of different apps so if you want Nvidia GPU for that just paying another 10 20 bucks for a 2060 super might be a good investment on the used side and uh if you are willing to go jump up a little bit more on the used Market I'd say the 20s sorry I just bumped the mic the 2070 super is a pretty good card at like $180 right now so here's the 2060 super on tech power up we can check this out compared to the 2070 super it says here and this is just a general comparison here hi my face cam the 2070 Supra is about 15% faster for what is at another like 180 so is that 15% more money it's pretty much even scaling or so it's also an 8 GB graphics card but yeah this is a decent deal on the used Market as well we're going to hop back over to the new side and check out what's around a little bit above $200 right now Nvidia doesn't really have an option around the low $200 Mark that that has been the RTX 3050 8 GB model that's been sitting usually at like $230 you see this is more the typical price over here but if video doesn't have another card around this price point now this is a card from AMD that I bashed on quite a bit the RX 7600 now this card is decently fast it's quite a bit faster than the 6600 and if you do have the money to jump up another what that's like 40 45 bucks I would jump up to the 7600 you get quite a bit more performance for that price now the reason I haven't really recommended the RX 7600 all that often is because of another card that AMD does offer that's about the same card so the RX 6650 XT has been on this thing it's like AMD offers this card and it's $230 and if you compare these you know just straight up to against each other 7600 right here at 64 FPS 6650 XT is 59 FPS so these cards are really similar it'd be like oh why would you buy it because the 7600 in history has been costing around $250 so if you can get the 7600 for the same price as a 6650 XT I would get it the only advantage that I've basically told people between these cards they're about the same speed if you need an av1 video encoder if you're a person who works on content and you want that encoder which is a more efficient video encoder on your graphics card I don't think it's even that necessary because you can just use another one that's also very efficient called h.265 but I'm not going to get into the weeds of that right now basically the 7600 has another video encoder that is pretty good on it but other than that like in terms of the speed of the cards and the power efficiency like the 7600 the 6650 XT you know they're about the same performance and they're within like a wat of each other so it doesn't really matter that much which one you get though if you want to get a little bit more future proofing there's going to be more driver updates for a 7600 most likely into the future but yeah this is starting to look like a decent deal now now if you did notice something I want to point out and uh this seems to be a pretty regular occurrence on the GPU Market at least on the AMD side I've been seeing this quite a bit so you might see a 650 XT wow that looks like such a good deal at $160 that is a steal that is wow that is such a deal but I'm I just want to tell you that this is not the deal that you hope it is guys I I don't know what's been going on with amd's distribution of cards and stuff but it kind of worries me because if you hop over to Amazon which it's like oh it's officially here XFX is the company that makes this version of the card and I've actually bought an RX 6600 that is just like this one from XFX before so it's a pretty decent card you can even see here that says the XFX store and you can see that this has 10,560 rating so this looks completely legit but when you dig just a little bit deeper this is a little weird because usually on Amazon that you'll see it's like sold and shipped by if it is from an official retailer and I don't know what would happen if you buy a card like this I have no clue and I don't recommend getting it because maybe you would get the card I don't know but I I sincerely doubt it and the thing about it is if you try to return this card to Amazon they're probably like eight you sent us the wrong card but you're going to have to fight it's going to be you're going to be fighting this to to return the card if this is a scam so I'd really not recommend doing it just keep your eye out for this kind of stuff if there is a deal on here that looks too good to be true guess what it's probably too good to be true but you know what some deals that feel like they are too good to be true is the Ed Market okay now if you go to this you know just like low $200 price bracket or so now I don't exactly recommend getting the RTX 3060 what I do recommend getting is actually it's a little bit older brother not older brother it's not older the the bigger brother okay the 12 that's a weird card that's weird you can get an RTX 360 TI for $220 right now the 7600 is right here at 88 FPS and the 360 TI is at2 so it's a good bit faster than these cards and you remember it's going for the same price the RTX 36 ETI I mean it has 8 GB of VM you are going to have to Tinker with that kind of stuff but I mean at $220 like I'm to deal with 8 gab of VR for $220 this is a pretty solid deal right now it's very fast it's going to crush anything at 1080p like ultra settings maybe not with rate tracing but it can do a lot at 1080P and this is a capable 1440p graphics card and that that would be my main recommendations on the used Market here probably just 360 TI now if you do want to get over that vram problem you can get the RTX 3060 on the used market now this card is has 12 GB of vram but it is a good bit slower than the 360 TI it's not insanely slower but there's a decent Gap there so I think I would personally go for the more performance on the 3060 TI rather than costing about the same money for a 3060 with 12 GB of vram on the used Market but that is up to you if you want to get around vram if you need more vram for anything else you might be doing on your system like say you're using video editing or you're doing like 3D modeling work or something you need some more vram on your card maybe the 3060 would be a better option for you in general now let's jump up to the $300 price point on the new market this starts to get pretty interesting there's actually a lot of options here now if you're talking about we just talked about a 3060 on the used Market you can get a 3060 on the new market all right and this is about $285 now I don't recommend this card if you want to go Nvidia at $300 I would be getting the RTX 460 because I I've tested both of these cards against each other I would prefer tinkering around with 8 GB of vram on the 4060 rather than getting the 12 GB that's on the 306 now it does suck that for some reason Nvidia did downgrade the vram from 30 series to 40 series the 60 card they they just did that I I don't know why they went backwards I mean we kind of know because this was probably actually a 4050 and then and that it could only do 8 gbt of vram come on I mean it sucks so I wish they didn't downgrade the vrm but I would rather fuss with 8 GB and generally speaking the 4060 is about 10 to 15% faster than the 3060 and if they're both at the same price on the new market you just want to go you uh new I would be getting the 4060 and it is also quite a bit more power efficient on the 4060 it isn't absolutely insane but I mean this card sips power it's like just over 100 Watts it is like it is chilling you get access to dlss frame Generation all that because of a 40 series graphics card there is other options with frame generation if you do want to still go with the 3060 you could be using FSR 3 frame generation or I just did a recent video on lossless scaling in that app that uses frame generation as well so if you want to check out that video as well dlss frame generation I don't think has that edge that like dlss upscaling has like dlss upscaling is huge if you don't really care about the upscaling that much at $300 there is an insane deal right now and and that is amd's 6750 XT now there is only one version of this card available right now but it's $300 which is insane so if we look at this compared here the 6750 XT is usually about 5 to 10% faster than the 6700 XT and that card here at 1080p is getting 105 FPS so the 6750 XT it' be getting about 110 to 115 FPS here and you just see see it compared here for the 4060 that would be if it's 110 or so that' be 20 more FPS than the 4060 that's a pretty big performance jump um so if you're not that concerned about dlss upscaling and stuff dlss does look better on Nvidia and the 6750 XT is only going to have access to amd's FSR and Intel's xss but it does take a performance hit going on Intel's xss but xss does look quite good you know compared to you know we were just talking about on the 4060 how it has vram problems you're going to have to tinkering with 8 GB of vrm and that does kind of suck it it might not end up being that limiting to you but you're going to have to Tinker with settings and I would be a little bit fearful of how this card is going to age as games in the future are probably going to require more and more vrm but the 6750 XT is an absolute Banger of a card I'm I'm literally on the edge of getting one of these for myself because 12 GB of vram at this price point $300 and and it's so much faster just by this 6750 XT would be like 110 FPS it is pretty damn good deal at $3 and I don't think there's another competition that really Stacks up that closely to it now even at $325 is still worth considering this card could be your entry point into 1440p gaming the only only downside that um I even talked to the Discord and some people in the Discord were like oh the 6750 XT isn't that efficient and I don't think they're exactly wrong the 6700 XT on this one which is actually Hitman 3 uh power consumption for the total system is 341 Watts that means the card is probably around 250 Watts 220 Watts or so and if we just look up here there isn't a 4060 on here but a 4060 TI which would more power than a 4060 it's at 273 wat so if power does cost quite a bit in your area then the 6750 XT will end up costing probably more like it already costs more in general than the 4060 it's going to cost even more into the future which does kind of suck I don't think at this price point that Ray tracing is really a huge concern unless you're using Ray tracing for other work like 3D modeling or something you need that R tracing performance to speed things up then maybe Nvidia could still be worth it at that point and I do have benchmarks as a 4060 in blender and it does actually do quite well one thing if you are concerned about the upscaling like not having dlss on the AMD card well AMD did say and uh let me scroll up here a little bit that fisar 3.1 is supposed to be coming out uh they say it near somewhere I don't know exactly where it is but they say That's supposed to be coming out in quarter 2 of 2024 I'm just saying quarter 2 is about to be over that's at the end of June no I don't think it's is coming out yet and even at that point it's only supposed to come out in Ratchet and Clank Rift apart which is only one game AMD does claim that there's going to be pretty big like image quality improvements with FSR 3.1 that could maybe get it to a level pretty close to Nvidia dlss I can't guarantee this and uh if you do want to place your bets on amd's upscaling you know competing more at dlss you can place your bets on it but if I'm being honest here you're probably going to buy a product that you can actually get you should pay for what is there now not is what is Promised in the future and nvidia's upscaler right now is quite a bit better even if FSR 3.1 does come out relatively soon it's going to take it quite a while to get into games you're still probably see a lot of games even release with FSR 2 instead of FSR 3.1 for quite a while now the other AMD graphics cards that are in this area pretty much one other option uh AMD is so weird because they have these cards like so close to each other and price they're both new right now but you can get an RX 7600 XT for $300 I don't really recommend this over the 6750 XT mainly for one reason and that's because it is quite a bit slower so if we go here let's go to 1440p from hardw box here with their data great data so obviously check out all the stuff all links to all the data for everything that I shown this it's going to be a lot of links down there but it'll all be down there basically the the 7 2600 is here at 67 FPS and the 6700 XT is at 76 FPS okay the 6750 XT would probably be up around 80 maybe a little over 80 FPS and these these cards that the same price they both have more than 8 GB of vram so you're probably not going to be fighting vram because the 7600 XT has 16 GB but the 6750 XT it's going to be quite a bit faster than the 7600 XT and if they're both at the same price man I I really just don't know why you get the 7600 XT downside about the 6750 XT would probably be the power consumption it's probably quite a bit more but if you're after just raw performance the 6750 XT is going to be quite a bit faster probably noticeably faster and that means it's probably going to last longer into the future and 12 GB of VR is pretty nice okay now I just want to like mention another card not that I really recommend it that much but the Intel Arc a770 is going for about $280 right now I actually have the I can go grab it I actually have this exact specific model Sparkles actually sent me this but I haven't really found a reason to make a video on the ark a770 as of lately cuz they're they're getting better with drivers but because their value is probably only just a little bit better while taking a risk of getting quite a bit of like driver issues or having problems and I I know when people just want to sit down and game you don't want to be fusso a drivers getting things to work your display is not coming out it doesn't work properly in a game sometimes Intel drivers don't work in a new game that came out very well and then you get really screwed over you want to play this new game all of a sudden you can't freaking play it things are probably just going to get better and better into the future it's kind of hard to recommend also the battle mage gpus which would be B series gpus are hopefully coming out this year we don't really know well happens if we go to the used Market okay at around $300 so the RTX 2080 TI is probably the only decent option around this price point right now so the 2080 TI is a pretty fast card going to be faster than a 360 TI it's probably around the performance of a 3070 up here so at 1440p the 208 TI is probably getting about 82 FPS or so pretty old now but it does still support nvidia's dlss and rate tracing this card might be fast enough to do some rate tracing in games so it's something to consider but the big thing with this card is it actually has 11 gabes of vram 11 GB that's pretty nice I mean like usually I think this card would never be limited by its vram to any significant degree like I don't think it's going to that's holding it back it probably is more the performance that holds it back the 208 TI can definitely be a pretty solid option and something I'm considering picking up and just testing to see how this card ages because this was the first card to have tensor cores on it the AI processing cores all that let's go and jump up to the next price bracket all right boys okay so this is going to be getting to around $400 Nvidia has uh some pretty embarrassing options here though they're starting to look better or better RTX 4060 TI is about $365 right now and if we look at it in terms of performance it is quite a bit faster than those other options it's apparently faster than a 7600 XT um going to 79 FPS from 67 so it's quite a bit faster this is about on the same level as a 2080 TI which we just talked about on the used Market but this does cost freaking $365 when you pay this much you're only getting 8 GB of vram which th I think cards around $300 maybe below $300 I'm worth considering like working with the vram it's like uh8 gigabytes sucks but you know you could kind of Tinker with some settings to get it to work and all that stuff but the 460 TI like you're paying too much to get 8 GB of vram I I think it I find it pretty ridiculous the only thing like if Nvidia wants to drop the price of this card they can't drop it past the 4060 so I think this card needs to cost $300 just because of the 8 gigabytes and the 46 we have to get shot down a lot and I just don't think Nvidia is going to do that but AMD has some pretty compelling options in this right now okay so the 7700 XT again this is this first one up here that says $300 this is another scam okay we go here to Amazon and it's that same company so right now X XFX is getting scammed right now so keep your eye out for that if a deal seems too good to be true it probably is but the 7700 XT this card launched at $450 and at that price point it just wasn't that interesting but now it's come down $75 from where it was is at 375 bucks right now and if you want to compare this versus a 4060 TI I cannot recommend the 4060 TI We compare their performance so this is just hand over fist faster and if we look at the vram it has 12 GB of vram compared to 8 gbes on the 460 TI 7700 XT at 77 FPS during rate tracing here from hardw on box surprisingly close to the 460 TI like the 460 TI is actually slower in this case a lot of times the 7700 XT just because of its raw performance is beating out the 460 TI even in cyberpunk probably because of the rate tracing and stuff uh being the vram upping with the ra tracing the only real downside to getting the 7700 XT first up would be the power efficiency so the 46 ETI here is at 273 watts and we go here to the 7700 XT T well the 7700 XT generally speaking sits around where RX 6800 is it's about 365 Watts so it is faster so the power does justify some stuff but I don't think it entirely justifies going from 273 watts to about 365 W almost 100 watt difference versus the 4060 TI you are playing at 1440p you probably want to upscale a little bit more like using quality upscaling having only access to FSR and xcss isn't as compelling of options compared to the Nvidia option of dlss but just the raw performance of this card might just make up for it and the vram just gives it more security into the future that it's probably going to be fine with 12 but if 12 GB you don't like I'm going to need more than 12 GB well there is one option on the new market here at times I don't know when this card is going to sell out it keeps persisting but there is an RX 6800 there's one available this one's a scam at $270 but the RX 6800 is 360 bucks right now so it's actually less than the 7700 XT it has 16 GB of VR and this is where you start to make a decision because if you compare them in performance the RX 6800 is actually a little bit faster than the 7700 XT it has more vram in terms of power efficiency they're about the same there isn't that compelling of an option to go for the 7700 XT when the 6800 exists only reason is the RX 6800 won't have ai cores on it as far as I know not that that's that important because AMD is yet to utilize the AI cores on their gpus but if that does start to become more useful into the future the 6800 I don't think has any a AI cores on it and if it does there's probably less of them and they might not even be able to run a lot of the stuff that you might need those AI cores to run and then there's the other thing like if we go above $400 oh I talked about that whole time with the RTX 460 TI that only has 8 GB of vram and that kind of sucks Nvidia did make a 16 GB version of this card but it cost $450 guys this is almost this is like $90 more than the other 8 GB 46 ETI it's the same card paying almost $90 more and if you compare these you know unless vram is an issue in your game $90 for the same performance like see 81 FPS versus 79 the only major thing here in terms of performance is the 1% lows so because the 460 TI 8 GB at 1440p here it doesn't have as much vram the 1% low so your games are probably more stuttery on the 8 gigabyte card but would you pay $90 to Rel some stuttering or would you rather just Tinker with some settings to make the stuttering go away it's weird but if we drop down to 1080p where you don't use as much of vram 115 FPS 111 they're basically the same card pretty much in distinguishable and because VM isn't as much of a problem here the the 1% lows at 95 and 89 are pretty much the same too so I wouldn't get too fussed about the stuttering at 1080p though I don't think you'd be buying a $400 graphics card to play at freaking 1080p I just don't really recommend the 460 16 GB which does suck cuz if you want Nvidia unless you go on the used market for under $500 Nvidia does not really have any options available to you the only thing with the 46 TI 16 GB is if you're working on AI applications apparently you need 16 GB of vram to do that typically and then this is the first Nvidia graphics card that offers 16 GB of vram it isn't exciting to me but if you need it it's a very specialized card cool have fun with it but the 77 XT is such a better option and then that kind of leads us to the used Marketplace here around $400 because there is some solid options so the RX 6800 um I just wanted to mention this beforehand before we jump into the other cards here this isn't $400 but we mentioned the 6,800 versus the 7700 XT um I don't think this is that good of a deal on the used Market because we just saw it cost $360 on the new market I don't know why you'd only pay $30 less to get it used just buy the new one it doesn't make any sense on the used Market it's been like this for a while the RX 6800 XT is a really good option right now like this card is this is a juicy deal on the use Mark so 1440p according to Hardware unboxing here here's the 46 TI 16 gab at 71 FPS 6800 XT the 94 FPS at 1440p as well as compared to the 7700 XT 6,800 XT is 9 94 7700 XT is at 83 I mean this C is quite a bit faster than that other competition that's around $400 and uh look at the 6,800 XT it's going for like 370 it's like the same price of those cards but it is faster it has 16 GB of on the 7700 XT has 12 definitely worth considering going with the 6800 XT is looking juicy is looking juicy now if you want to go inidia on the used Market to get dlss better rate tracing support but the RTX 380 if you want to go Nvidia damn good option too on the used Market I mean there's one listing here going for what is that like $370 or so right now they seem to be around $370 $380 this is a very fast card I mean this card is very capable at 1080p 144 40p this and the 6800 XT I mean they go neck and neck they trade blows I have comparisons of these these cards are very very close the only like the thing with the Nvidia card is you get dlss support it is better at retracing the 6800 XT the only problem is the 10 gbt of vram 10 gbt is probably at a point where at 1440p with how fast this card is that you might run into issues pretty consistently cuz it is fast enough to max out games at 1440p even dabble in some rate tracing rate tracing uses more vram that is probably the most limiting factor of this card now they do offer a 12 GB version of this card but I just don't think it's worth the price increase on the used Market but it has dlss support and it has R racings it's debatable do you want to get the 16 GB of VR on the 6800 XT to ensure more longevity or do you want to get the feature comparison on RTX 3080 I will tell you for myself dlss support I I have both of these cars dlss support is really really good I I I love dlss it is a great technology for upscaling this doesn't support frame generation from dlss but that's a different story D800 XT it actually draws less power on the AMD card here too as well I mean this is a like a hungry card and it it will kick out some heat and that kind of stuff it it draws a lot of power but me personally I'd be leaning more towards the 3080 over the 6800 XT just because of the features I mean features are nice man they really are if you're off raw performance just rasterized performance in games you're playing competitive games you're playing maybe some more graphically intensive games but you're not interested in R tracing then the 6800 XT could be a really good option for you but it's tossup these cards are close let's go and jump into probably the most exciting price bracket which kind of sucks because it costs quite a bit of money I mean guys we're we're entering territory at $500 that cost as much as a PS5 so these gpus like these aren't cheap but they are very fast and they're very capable at 1440p the first one we're going to look at here is the 7800 XT from AMD now we just talked about the 6800 XT and the 7800 XT is very similar I have both of these cards the the 7800 XT is usually about 5 to 10% faster and is better at R tracing generally speaking it also draws less power but it isn't like Leaps and Bounds better than the 6800 XT like if you have a 6800 XT you have no reason to get a 7800 XT this car right now is only 470 bucks now this card initially MSRP for $500 um which was already a good deal when it came out it's been very solid ever since it launched as 16 GB of VR it's very capable at 1440p is a fast card yeah you can generally speaking get them for under $500 right now like almost every model now what is this competing with from Nvidia well this is nvidia's first graphics card that might actually make some sense is the RTX 470 this is where the conversation gets really interesting $530 $535 whatever quite a bit more I mean that's like 60 almost $70 more I'm not sure if it's worth the price difference now the RX 7800 XT is quite a bit faster than the 4070 like pretty significantly faster and we're talking like about 10 to 15% faster maybe even 20% faster in quite a few games if you're just talking about rasterized performance it is cheaper so that's a huge thing it also has more V Ram so the 7800 XT has 16 GB and the 470 has 12 GB so if you're going to be playing at 1440p you want your card to last longer into the future the 7800 XT with more vrm both of them are completely fine right now but the 7800 XT with 16 GB is probably going to last longer into the future now what do you get with the 470 well you're starting to get into this price bracket where the extra features start to matter a lot like paying $500 or so on a GPU and you don't get deal SS that kind of sucks okay like I I I it starts to get to that point where like even though it is slower I kind of want dlss because if I want to use upscaling in a game even on the 7800 XT FSR just doesn't look as good and I don't know when it's going to look even close to as good are you going to downgrade your vram and pay more for dlss maybe because dlss is really damn good then also the 470 just like the RTX 30 80 is on the used Market is getting fast enough to take advantage of R tracing in games like I wouldn't really care about it on anything really below this from Nvidia but this card is fast enough to start using some raate tracing compare these two if you're talking about light rate tracing titles for AMD it can hold up but if you're talking about any heavier R tracing titles then the 7800 XT is going to struggle a little bit in those type of games it's kind of unsure into the Future How heavy games are going to be with rate tracing is this going to be like a deciding factor um because obviously rate tracing has been around since 2018 but we're only just seeing games that take really full advantage of it it depends if the 4070 and its rate tracing ability is going to be as important on than the 7800 XT but it could be a huge thing and the 7800 XT might not be able to take advantage of it so it's really a toss up it depends more on the type of games that you're playing but these cards are great at 1440p they're still fast 7800 XT is generally speaking quite bit faster but they're both really fast so they're going to be happy with either one most of the time unless you're really on the bleeding edge it's hard to recommend one of these cards uh over the other one if you're less interested in R tracing if you don't plan on upscaling your games then the 7800 XT is a great option but if you do feel like you might be missing out then it might be worth paying it's a lot more to get the 4070 just at the opportunity cost it's like do you want to buy something with less features when you're already paying this much it it it it puts you in a weird spot though I think the 7800 XT is presenting a great great value propositions but then we start to move up a little bit because you know a more direct comparison it's kind of like the 7800 XT is sitting in a league of its own right now because the actual competitor like price to price 470 is actually more the RX 7900 gr which is the golden rabbit Edition and this card I just I think the name is so like on the noses stupid $530 or 540 bucks this card actually came to the wider Market relatively recently a few months ago and it came in at $550 and it's dropped a little bit in price sense and this card I mean we thought the 7800 XT was faster the 7900 GRE is even faster than that I don't have one of these to directly you know test for the same price and the 7900 GRE also has 16 GB of vam if you're after raw performance the GRE price to price is going to be better for you than the 4070 the only thing with the 7900 gr that it's hard for me to ad justify is actually it versus amd's own competition the 7800 XT is you know as we see pretty much neck and neck they both those 16 GB of vram they're both AMD cards I think you pay for what you get generally speaking maybe a little bit less price or performance value but it's still a decent option this is where things start to get a little funky because when the 7900 GRE came out it was actually at $550 right and that was more actually to compete with the $600 we're going to jump up in price point here the $600 RTX 470 super now I do have this card to test I just don't have the GRE um to test it against but the 470 super has come down in price a little bit this card started at $600 um and it is now about $585 or so I mean this card is a pretty fast card when it comes down to pretty good jump between those Nvidia cards for $600 versus you know $530 so this the 47 super makes quite a bit of sense it is faster than the 7900 GRE and uh in terms of the pricing I mean it's competitive versus the 7900 gr cuz this is $585 right now and then the 470 super also has you know all the rate tracing sport dlss frame generation and all that stuff that it it's a pretty compelling option at 600 are a little bit below it now the only main problem with this 470 super is 12 GB of vram this is a 1440p graphics card and maybe every now and then you could dab with 4K it's fine right now uh but I'm a little bit worried about how this card will age into the future because 12 GB is kind of pushing it for how much performance this card can put out it's not limiting it at the moment probably won't limit it for a couple years maybe even 3 to four years but we're starting to see some game creep up to 12 GB at 1440p that it might be an issue that's the only downside about this card I think it's a great value other than that probably nvidia's best value card out there now in terms of the used Market there isn't really anything around this price point I mean that I thought was really that good on the use market so I won't even consider it that heavily if we jump up on the new market we're going to around 7 around six 6 to $800 I think is the next price point that makes the most sense there's only two options for cards and that is amd's $900 XT at around $690 but generally speaking around $700 right now is a 7900 XT and then the $470 TI super card started at $800 and we're seeing at least one listing right now from PNY $770 I thought this card wouldn't budge that much in price but it has budged a little bit this gets interesting because this starts to get into that price point I might even make a full video on these cards compared the 7900 XT is super fast it has 20 GB of vram which is almost a stupid amount of vram this is a 4K graphics card through and through but you know you're making some compromises you get to pay less than the Nvidia graphics card but you are missing out on dlss you're missing out on rate tracing when you are paying like $700 for a graphics card not having those things does kind of suck now in terms of performance the 470 TI super generally speaking is pretty comparable to the 7900 XT in rasterized performance there the 7900 XT is generally faster not by a degree that I think most people would really care and it starts to get to that point where the feature comparison here you're paying this much on a card I I find it kind of hard to go with the AMD card it would have to be significantly faster and significantly cheaper you guys might argue that 20 GB of vram is like necessary or something that's a great feature unless you personally need that much vram I don't think most people are going to be using 20 GB of vram it's kind of Overkill like I think it's I think it's dope I mean 20 G that's a huge number but I think most people uh would find that the 16 GB on the 4070 TI super is going to be secure into the future if you use this at 1440p it's just going to be even more secure at at 4K it might start in the biggest games the biggest AAA games might start to have some issues but I don't even think it's that bad either this card is a good deal um and I kind of hate to say it because it costs so much and I hate that this card is named a 4070 TI Supra cuz just last generation a for a 3080 even though it never really went for this price a 3080 cost $700 but all of a sudden now a 70 TI class costed $800 at launch and uh the prices have just I can't deny that is a good deal I just hate that the naming conventions kind of suck right now I I don't know if I can recommend the 7900 XT over the 470 TI super it just starts to cost too much I don't know what AMD is going to do on the highend obviously Next Generation it's from all the rumors they said they've been taking a break from the highend GPU Market because I don't know how they're going to add value up here and that leads us up into the next price bracket so we go $800 to $11,000 these are some expensive graphics cards AMD has an offering the 7900 XT TX and uh ever since this kind of launched I just don't think people have been talking about this card that much because it just doesn't seem that enticing especially since the super graphics cards came out from Nvidia around January this year the 7900 XTX just doesn't feel like a very good option it's going for 920 bucks right now up against nvidia's RTX 480 or 480 soup the original 480 costed $1,200 at launch so we went from A380 at $700 and in one generation the 480 went up to 1,200 but the 480 super it basically it's the same card but it launched at $11,000 instead of $1,200 they basically just did an official price cut on the 480 this card can now be found it's dropped down in price the PNY version I don't know if this is a good model of the card or what but there is one listing available that is at $964 right now and if you compare it to the 77900 XTX that's at $920 right now and uh if you compare those two in performance now I don't have a 7900 XTX I do have a 4080 super but I don't have the XTX and I want to test with that card but I have to buy it and D I'm finding it so hard to justify paying like $900 or something for a GPU two test in a video oh man it sounds so expensive but in in rasterization so a lot of people might want to argue that the 7900 XT XTX is going to be a lot faster in rasterization ation and then nvidia's card is going to be faster in rate tracing but in terms of rasterization they're pretty close to each other and then nvidia's card is just faster at R tracing to me it starts to make you wonder why you get the 7900 XT when there's only a $40 difference and then the Nvidia card also has dlss and all that stuff it's it has the feature Advantage it's also more power efficient ever since Nvidia released a 480 super I've seen very very little reason to get the 7900 XTX it used to be when this 480 cost $1,200 and the the 7900 XT XTX was at $900 or something like that that was a $300 price difference that might get that might get the the old noodle cooking up in there but ever since this card released it it's basically made the 7900 XTX kind of pointless and then uh really if your pockets are just infinite um first off if you have infinite Pockets I have cat here now you can give some of that to me I mean why you even watch this video I don't even get it but the 4090 definitely costs money like that is definitely some money there actually it's just kind of funny to talk about the prices on the 4090 has actually come down in price which is kind of wild um it was for a while at $2,000 it started to work down a little bit there's been this whole situation with the 490s and China and everything you know if you're really after that bleeding edge performance uh later this year um at least rumors at this point in time are pointing towards a 5090 coming out this year if your card is good enough um which I'm assuming if you have 4090 money then it probably is then I I would find it kind of hard to justify not at least waiting for the 590 to come out and seeing if these at least go down in price even though you might not care about money the 509 is probably going to be a similar price while maybe being significantly faster we don't really know what the performance is going to be like right now so I hope this helped this is a pricing update for gpus obviously we've had some things change a little bit like cards have gotten some good deals um some standout deals to me at $300 the 6750 XT is a banger then the 7700 XT is also pretty solid at like 375 bucks the 470 super the 7800 XT standout deals it sucks that they cost so much money but they're good deals the only thing that really sucks about the market right now is under $300 gpus just really aren't that compelling 7600 has dropped in price and it does look pretty decent at that price point if you're interested in getting any of these cards there will be affiliate links in the description that's it for the pricing I just wanted to talk about a little bit here because you obviously probably see that my setup has changed a little bit this is a road nt1 microphone I've actually had this microphone in my closet for a while and I actually busted it out and was like K what does it sound against uh this mic that I normally use which is the sh mv7 if you know anything about microphones this is a dynamic microphone and then this is a condenser microphone whatever ever you don't know what that is it doesn't matter it doesn't tell me if it sounds good basically that's all I want to ask because I like the way it sounded when I pulled it out and I was like damn I'm going to do that and I also got a new mic arm which I love this cuz look how clean the cable is it just goes like there's this little rubber grommet that just hides the cable up in here it's just it's badass I love that so much hopefully this whole guide helped you and that's been about it for me I'm going wrap this up youall have a good one and I'll see you in the next video peace w
Channel: Vex
Views: 45,931
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gpu, gpu market, gpu deals, gpu deal, sale, prices, best value gpu, best gpus, best gpu, new gpus, rtx 4000, rtx 40-series super, rtx super, rtx 4080 super, rtx 4070 super, rtx 4070 ti super, rx 7600 xt, rx 7600, vex, nvidia, amd, intel, pricing update, rx 6800, rx 6750 xt, rtx 4060, June 2024, used gpus, used graphics cards
Id: mxn5F04wjOo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 5sec (2825 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 27 2024
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