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yes guys welcome to another YouTube video I'm here with a bunch of Bowlers guys today is team training session I'm doing Advanced passing and first touch drills we'll see how good this lot go you passing first touch has to be on because this is the hardest one okay and I'm gonna demo the first one and then you guys will take some balls and it's all set up along the side there okay so it's the same setup Sophia you're gonna serve first all right I'll take your spot what's gonna happen everyone's gonna work on the whistle so you're gonna do some bounce passes in AJ to one touch okay try and mix with your if you come up into the two red discs if you can nice and then when you hear the whistle you finish the bounce so finish the bounce yep bounce and you're gonna get out to your left Jada open up your body position I'm gonna fire that one in as soon as you take a touch Hogs you're going to check right to left and get in this pocket good fire that Jada take your touch down the side Charlotte of the cons always work at the back of the cone and then Jada you go down the bottom fire that one Charlotte so it's a much bigger pass and now I start bouncing in here okay we're all work we should all be working on the whistle all right we go the same way shall so finish the bounce first then we turn touch good great movement Jada big touch at your feet and then fire that one in make your way great pass make your way into the triangle One Touch now once you've both done that way in that way we're now going to go the opposite way okay without coaching you too much let's just see how good we are at that okay get yourselves in threes off you go on your toes ready to play Let's go get a bounce passes One Touch in here then nice good Gracie good great see finish the bounds and then go gold yes Grace fire yes clumsy let's go good Luca One Touch bounce passes in here nice let's go Kiara good Sage One Touch bounce passes in here good good I'm expecting ball speeds of these top groups in finish the bounce pass good chance to touch Sophia how to pass Sophia good you need more balls Cara I'll get you some now good on your toes in here Luca making sure your bounce passes it's good I'll get you more Kiara let's try and focus on keeping this one ball up keeping this one ball good J Jada should be on the opposite side now finish the bounce before you move finish the bounce before you move good yes got a nice movement I love that take care of Paso Sage come on you guys have lost two balls now use your voice come die good let's go there it is focus on that go Camille fire that now good take take care nice yes guys good soft passage 12 passes good there it is bang shoulders good set a cow passes such a sloppy pass take care of that pass yeah get on your toes you're playing such an important role last one Mark that's what Mark good there it is Clumsy body shape good had a fast look yeah change the server the servers have got to communicate that's going to help a lot okay this is our last one before I bring us in and Coach play good good on the toes at the back ready to receive kundai yes think about your body shape don't turn your back on the ball Camille think about the little details good yes nice take care of that you say duke good think about your body shape Sophia good girl fire that past Jay good care great pass great pass good yes Grace love that good talking good let's go Camille think about your body shape yes Mark take care of that Pasto Sun take care of it there boys good one touch bounce passes nice guys nice guys angle angle ah what do we always do first yeah so we finish the bounce pass and then we move yeah good good let's shop Let's Play Let's Play Good good is it Cruz yeah nice think about your bounce pass then we go test the touch trying to be on the outside of the disc this is our first one so the first one's actually the easiest one okay I say this every single time I run camps the players that do our programs they just get all the little details right first the players are obviously just come for the camps it takes a little bit longer for me to get it into you okay Carol just jump there so I've seen a lot of this like a lot of this so when we go we're running and then we're turning what's wrong with that good so where's your next step yeah so a lot of us have actually received yes a lot of us have received face in that way and the next step is actually there so the second you hear the whistle doesn't matter what side we're going okay I'm gonna turn bang straight away and what am I doing with my head movement good so that's the first thing that I want to fix your body shape which way you're facing is key second thing servers you need to wait until they're set and ready because what's happening Kiara swap okay let's say you hear the whistle just go I'm already playing it now and she's not set and ready for it and you're just kicking it so what I want next ball we'll get is a ball there Gracie so what I'm gonna do remember what I said key coaching point was to finish the bounce first so you hear the whistle finish the bounce I'm gonna wait to see when you're set then I can really what yeah so far probably only those two groups have done that we've got to really fire that path so once you're set and ready Kiara once I know you're set and ready I can play it to your back foot with a lot of pace the key coaching point in My Demo was the second she receives Jada you're moving off the ball which is what I said in my demo moving off the ball is key okay so the second you receive take a touch forward bang your touch should be forward now this pass how many of you have not looked up and it's gone down there a couple happened in the middle group so Jay the E must make eye contact with me to help your accuracy and try and find my feet I've seen someone I think it was yukiara where you checked away beautiful that's thinking outside the box that's moving off the ball as well so at the top it doesn't mean that you're a mannequin guys as soon as they receive we can check away yes Jay they are up carry on down let's go we'll play a little demo so they're doing a little demo we'll go this way go yes bounce check your shoulder how good you touch forward beautiful one big touch forward you're out now Kiara bang out one touch bounce pass I was stood still there I didn't move so it was bad play I'm gonna wait to see if Jade is sat so then I can actually bang really fire that pass okay that was a bit slow let's stick with the same drill because you struggled with it a little bit harder pass there go drop a bit deeper um what's your name again Zach Zach Zach drop a bit deeper for me son good good good there it is yes test the touch gun they had to pass there Mark's a good player had to pass Mark Camille's a good player how to pass Camille harder passes guys good Emma take care of everything you do middle of the ball Emma check your shoulder Hammer now try not to hide behind the cones don't hide behind the cones guys think about your angles good make sure they're not hot don't pass it if they're not on an angle Katie yeah don't hide behind the cones find the angle gold Charlotte yes change guys so much better but some of us we move in and we're hiding behind the cone we've got to get on an angle okay the cones are players hey that's the touch JT yeah attach the touch good good good Sophia body shape Tessa touch Gracie Bang Yes Kiara play great ball speed this group yes Sage great ball great ball speed this group very good think about your body shape now let's go Sage good tell her to turn Grace try and direct that touch where you want to go Sage go take a touch guys lovely yes nice Luca drop a bit deeper you're too close go Camille Camille had to pass drop deeper Camille so you can play that pass harder good Gracie make sure you're checking in and out let's go say G we're going the other way now let's go Charlotte go test the touch Jay there good fire that show nice lovely everyone come in let's change it right it's gonna get a lot harder now and you must get on the angle so Grace we're gonna bounce okay when you hear the whistle always finish the bounce go to your leftist check your shoulder this time it might not be on in the game to turn so Grace I'm going to drop it back and as I drop it back I'm gonna follow the ball up okay grace you're gonna play a long one into the channel I come underneath and support it we play a one two around this this disc here you then go four character play a couple of Bounce passes focus on the weight of your touch okay on the whistle bang open out as she drops it I move yes great and that's gonna be a lot harder one two a fire this one bang and then I get up if it's on this side again guys I don't want to be hiding behind the disc I've got to get on that angle key message here guys is when I bounce it I follow it it opens up what so I guarantee a lot of you are going to do this yes Cara depends how good you are listening I guarantee a lot of you are going to go you're already going to run in there and block the passingly so it's important that you follow it which brings the defender up and then I get underneath that pass from the server bang has got to be solid play let's go go Gracie angles bang good one two yes Xiao three great ball shell four Jay they're delicious delicious top group let's go Sage let's go Kiara angles out Bang one set fire great ball Sage try and keep it on that angle take care of these bounce passes Luca and Emma with only bubbling good monkey let's go kundala Camille make sure we're moving off the ball angles Luca little set little bounce good nice great ball Sage try not to have the bubble in the past good Mark good Mark yes Cruz love it wait till he gets there nice set ah so you've got so what are you gonna do that cruise waiting for them to be set yeah because he wasn't set nice good good there it is angles Grace you guys stagger it a bit go stagger set long pass great ball Cruise good touch well done well done good boys chain server use your voice Sage good Chiara love that angles set fire Edge Camille good how to pass Camille see all that slow keep the passes away from the discs keep the passes away from the discs let's go Sofia angles now check your shoulder One Two Fire three ah tough one to receive but Charlotte's done very well if I like the intent though Jade I like the intent in the past drop a bit deeper Jada should allow that bit more space angles Halsey check your shoulder One Two Fire three good they're going to get back with our past year there with a long one great touch Grace good Luca Tony good Emma take a touch good take care of these passes now you too good come down and also fear let's go angles good good fire Jada got to take care of that drop pass good good let's go clumsy angles let's go bang One Two Fire three good great ball Cara Bang obviously we're only doing like 20 minutes there because you're going to rotate and go with Shane okay in there I was very impressed with uh Kiara one reason it was nothing to do with a football inability what was she doing in your group guys urgency on what was she trying to do with you two yeah trying to like Drive the standards in the group The reason why is I could be down there with the boys with the four boys right how am I able to keep an eye on that group if I'm working with that group no coaches cannot split themselves into six pieces and keep watching every single group what about when it becomes Match Day Sophia can the coach play for you it's all about you guys so trust me if you want to be a top top player you have to hold yourself accountable and have your own standards mark and it doesn't matter if you don't know each other in the group it's about your standards Mark if your standards are up here and the person in your group is down here your job as a leader is to pull that person with you and raise the standards and that's why I like Chiara there because she was constantly trying to keep the standards high in the group and that's how we need to train because if you're holding yourself accountable in training are you going to hold yourself accountable in games 100 if you go hiding in training you go hiding in games the way you train is the way you play so that is big plus and can we get that throughout the next three days yes guys welcome back to the journal football app [Applause] okay [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Joner Football
Views: 43,046
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: uHwFVr1SMb8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 43sec (883 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 24 2023
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