๐Ÿ˜œ Garfield is the best ! ๐Ÿ˜œ - Full Episode HD

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[Music] [Music] [Music] did you get the idea that I like hot dogs another one I'm sorry pal I'm a lot of hot dogs here's your bill here's my wallet Garfield I said we could stop for a light snack 244 hot dogs is not a light snack here if you leave off the chili [Music] good afternoon Mr Edge I keep telling you Joe call me Tyler I'll have the usual did that man say he was Tyler Edge I didn't hear a word after sorry I'm all out of hot dogs here you go one six sausage sandwich thanks Mr Edge Tyler I don't have change of a thousand dollar bill keep the change buy yourself a house yeah that is Tyler Edge I didn't hear a word after six sausage sandwich [Music] cartoons huh what I'm waiting really I'm doodling you know looking for a new comic strip character you're Tyler Edge aren't you well I'm not Tyler Edge I'm the Tyler Edge oh Tyler Edge Tyler Edge hmm that name sounds familiar buddy do you know who Tyler Edge is of course not you never know anything weird here I need to borrow your computer for a second Edge Tyler Ridge Tyler ah here we are Tyler Edge made his first zillion dollars when he was 16 years old he quickly built the world's largest Empire of video games cartoon shows comic books and major Motion Pictures they call him the man who knows exactly what today's Young audiences want to buy okay I just had to look that up the way you draw is kind of interesting tell you what what did you say your name was John Arbuckle oh not a good name but okay tell you what bring me a concept and if I think today's audience will go for it I'll make you a very rich man I give you one tip draw and write what you know oh um guys this is the opportunity of a lifetime I want to go right home and go to work okay but on your way home could we stop for more hot dogs I'm thinking maybe a college student who gets stung by a spider and develop spider abilities nah no one would ever read a comic book like that John is having this thing called writer's black do you know what writer's block is Odie it's when you stare stupidly at a blank page for days and forget to feed your adorable pets a turtle crime fighting gerbil no no a horse and set in the Stone Age no two horses and a sailor and the sailor's a robot and they're all fish and Radioactive it's been done fresh idea why us of course I get it you think I should drop a comic book about you guys the man is clearing the concept oh it would never work a comic about a cat who eats lasagna and sleeps all day had a dog with a long tongue who would ever be interested in something like that [Music] if I took an idea like that to Tyler Edge he'd throw me right out of his I give you one tip draw and write what you know huh what you know ah I could do a comic about a cat who eats lasagna and sleeps all day yes and a puppy with a long tongue that fetches sticks all the time yes and I could set it in the future and make you both zombie Penguins no you're right no zombie Penguins this is the greatest idea in the world [Music] and I have so much material for it thank you for agreeing to look at my idea I hope you like it if I like it the world will like it lay it on me well it's about a fat orange cat hey [Music] and there's a pea brain puppy here are some drawings I did [Music] they're on paper well yeah drawings are usually on paper and I can't relate to pay for our Buckle I have to see things animated let's go to my animation Department huh oh you mean you're going to head your team of animators animate my comic strip that's fantastic team of animators don't be ridiculous so we got rid of animators years ago it's all done by computers now why pay people to sit and draw all day can you believe it guys you're going to be animated us cartoon characters who would have thought we're working on having the computer create a solid hologram of a character but that's in the future right now it's building computer models based on your drawings all right done now let's see what an episode might look like [Music] [Applause] no I will not go through the stick so you can fix I think it's pretty good well that's because you aren't me first thing the color of the cat is all wrong [Music] maybe blue or beige or hey polka dots are popular it looks like I have measles wait wait pink whoa pink is very big this year I'm hearing they may make the sky pink do you think Garfield should be pink like that and I like it I like it foreign I'll try some different ones here I want some lasagna I want some lasagna I mean what's up lasagna but I know what we need a celebrity voice I thought I was a celebrity it's very popular these days animated characters voiced by movie stars I'll be back for more lasagna I'm starting to really not like this well okay now what about Odie I'm thinking Let's Lose the dog [Music] but but ODI is an important part of the idea ah nobody wants to see dogs how many hit cartoon shows can you name that have a dog all of them for that matter I'm not so sure about a cat [Music] no no no no I don't think so wrong definitely not maybe a cat but a different design couldn't we just let Garfield be Garfield wait I have it I have it Arbuckle the most awesome today vision [Music] is Right Tyler what is it what is it our Buckle it's the idea that's gonna make me another jillion dollars and you a couple of bucks I think I'll take my idea somewhere else yay John wait you can't leave you're not getting my full vision here here I'll create a solid hologram of them to show you I thought you said that process wasn't perfected well it isn't but I have to make you see what I see foreign [Music] [Music] oh no let's get out of here foreign the computer that projected his hologram you'll never see him again good from the neck down he was pretty ugly my entire computer animation department is destroyed it'll take like years to rebuild it what did I do till then uh I don't know maybe hire some human beings who know how to draw you just might be onto something more Buckle lucky my drawing survived I'm going to go look for someone who will like my idea enough to keep it the way it is well good luck but I think you're wasting your time what do you think guys I don't know buddy do you think anyone would watch a cartoon show about a cat that eats lasagna and a puppy with a long tongue yeah me neither [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] hey I distinctly recall ordering a large oh well Bon Appetit Pookie my gastronomic friend [Music] look at that cool teddy bear dad eat your pizza before it gets cold Jack oh that was a nice tasty Pizza on the small side but tasty oh what a shame Pookie you haven't touched your pizza well we can't let it go to waste now can we boy dad that's the neatest looking teddy bear I ever saw I wish I had one like that really you think other kids would want one sure what's that Pookie oh now you're hungry well I guess we'll just have to order another pizza then [Music] I remember you fire bundle right how much for the teddy bear I'm sorry the teddy bear I want to buy it oh what no you can't have Pookie no no no no no no not for all the lasagna in Italy I'm sorry Mr all work my cat loves Pookie and well I just can't take him away because your son wants him I don't want to keep it Arbuckle I'm CEO of all work toys a very large company I want to make duplicates of it and sell them around the world here's how much I'll give you as an advance are you allowed to have that many numbers on one check Mr all work you have a deal Pookie is going to be a bestseller Arbuckle you and I are going to make a bundle hear that pookie I always knew you were destined for greatness what's that you want to celebrate with five more pizzas well if you insist we'll have that duplicated and return to you in no time take good care of him oh [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] here is the original what did you call him Pookie well we measured and study every bit of him here is the duplicate prototype we have created he's he's perfect no it isn't kids today have computers they want high-tech state of the art does take the original back to Arbuckle [Music] Professor I want you to upgrade and improve this toy you know what to do indeed I do I shall give you 10 better the future [Music] [Music] wow [Music] [Music] and sales of the new toy known as Robo Pookie are setting new records They just went on sale this morning and already thousands have been sold I'm going to be rich and I'm going to be even richer I bought commercial time in this news broadcast [Music] are your children bored with their teddy bears I sure well here comes the teddy bear of the future Robo Pookie Robert Pookie can say dads exercise play games clean your room and speak 17 languages he is the best Nanny ever and so the princess married the elevator repairman after good night I don't think you should see this is your child's very own private Entertainer you definitely shouldn't see this stay in here until this is all over [Music] [Music] you you're gonna love me whoa this is awesome Mr all work there was nothing wrong with the original Pookie does let him have the one I brought here you are sir hi I'm Robo Pookie who wants to play with me two Playmates with one brain between them and it takes batteries [Applause] [Music] the nerve of trying to improve on the real Pookie except no substitutes each one has a computer chip to download software updates and to communicate with other Robo pookies it's great Mr ulwark I can't imagine how anything could go wrong foreign [Music] [Music] no you're not go away sorry I was just trying to help [Music] do you know what time it is [Music] he won't find us this is the real one the good one the one who doesn't do anything any card yeah leave us alone let us sleep but I am your friend I just want to help you and entertain you he looks just like me he is I told her to a worthy forebear I kiss your feet and respect I've been trying to get people to treat me like that for years great the grand Forbes says he wants you to let us get some sleep that's your wish I shall remain here and bask in the greatness of the grandfather fine you stay there in basketball we go back to bed I cannot keep your glory out to myself attention fellow Robo monkeys I have found the grandfather repeat I have found that grand Foreman come come respect I'm Robo cookies of the world you share robot Positioning Systems to track the location of my transmission huh oh it's 5 a.m who's ringing the doorbell at this hour we have to get them out of here but how oh leave it leave it just happened they command you all to follow me and the handsome cat s [Music] do you understand [Music] I got a call that a lot of Robo pookies were being returned to my factory but Dad don't toys you may get returned all the time yes but usually they don't March in by themselves [Music] they're all coming back every one of them every one of them that we made and sold I'm gonna have to give refunds on every one of them does that mean I'm not rich you'll be lucky if you can afford a yo-yo I should never have gotten into this Pookie business I like mine that's the Prototype we made the one that didn't do anything yeah I'm glad I have it why what do you do with it I don't know just love it I guess well at least I made one kid happy and I guess I realized what I love about Pookie he's a lot like me yeah he doesn't do anything no [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] but you'll all be in big trouble because I'm gonna report you all to Jim Davis the nerve of those people could we have some dialogue from time to time please don't they know whose show this is whose name is in the title does it say the Eddie Gourmand show at the beginning I don't think so [Music] hello anybody Here stage manager director writers hello everybody's deserting me today there isn't even any background music oh well at least they left me a script for this week the big Discovery yeah already I don't like it note to self remember to fire the writers okay let's see here fade in exterior Arbuckle house day John doing something new character yeah I'm sick of new characters when do I get to be on my show oh here I am we find Garfield curled up in bed sound asleep first good idea they've had maybe a short dream sequence will help hi Daddy uh I could do this show all by myself I could play all the parts [Music] I don't need those guys I don't need anyone oh okay [Music] no I will not fetch the stick back back can you believe we paid someone to write then there's absolutely nothing in this world that could get me out of bed today so here I feel I'm going out for a while I mean this is just silly me never coming by for a visit nothing in this world not even John's nieces [Music] I gotta get out of here [Music] Uncle John Uncle John I don't think he's here my nerva I keep telling you I'm Priscilla you're Minerva oh right and we're here to play with you [Music] ah those won't keep them out I need something large to barricade the door [Music] Trader [Applause] [Music] you don't understand Agnes this cat does terrible things to me well for instance he just dropped a bet on me and the refrigerator and of course an elephant do me a favor there are two little girls chasing me distract them while I get away will you do that for me foreign [Music] I'm coming home this episode's starting to get a little bit silly I think I did it I think I got away from him I must have I'm not in ladies clothing I'm safe hi guys I feel I'm not safe normal that's right it's me and Grandma the cutest kitten on this or any other planet I think I dropped the elephant on the wrong person [Music] sorry do you have a reason for being here normal or did you just come by to tell me how cute you are I just came by to tell you how cute I am okay at least he's being honest excuse me but I'm a very important purple agent from Hollywood I just saw you standing here and I couldn't help but notice how incredibly handsome and adorable you are yeah Charlie no not you I meant the other one have never seen a handsome her face than that you're beautiful you're beautiful no you're beautiful no no I'm beautiful take a look at this no I don't think so would you mind if I made you a fabulously rich and famous TV star well as long as I'm home in time for dinner not a problem do we need a truly beautiful animal for a new commercial we'll be doing a screen test and if you're the one you'll be fabulously rich and famous it's not fair I tell you put me on TV put this face on TV I have to get that screen test for myself and beat Garfield out to become fabulously rich and famous [Music] okay so uh what do I do well just do what you do best fine eating or sleeping I have to go Scout more talent but the director will take care of you and remember you're a beautiful baby nah you're beautiful no you're beautiful okay have it your way I'm beautiful uh what do I do now Mr director here in Garfield now we just like to see you do a little dance for us oh sure um how's this turn around oh if he gets his job I won't be able to stand it I have to do something I'm a good character now uh you know for the next part of your screen test he's done now it's time for my screen test put the camera on me let it show how awesome I am normal this is my screen test I think we have what we need on you Garfield we'll test this cat now okay what's your name your milk yeah starve tomorrow uh give me a second normal I'll be right back my awesomeness and I will be waiting Mr director person [Music] all right normal I want you to do everything I say okay ready lift up your left foot lift up your right foot fall down go get up stand on your head stand on your feet quack quack eat a penny yogurt [Music] do a push-up collapse from exhaustion that's great great normal you tricked me Garfield well I don't care I'm gonna get this job no you're not I'm gonna be fabulously rich and famous and I'm gonna get this job I'm a little more adorable than you are and more talented and I'm cuter in every way and everyone says so you're not as awesome as you think you are normal then I'm Gonna Mail you to Abu Dhabi again you Annoying Cat hey guys guys you get his stop arguing to get your job neither no one of you I found an animal more adorable than both of you put together sure much you can do jumbo then gonna make that elephant fabulously rich and famous so what do you think I think we need to learn that right anyway what a dream sequence and I really like the cast [Music] that's the answer I really don't need anybody else I'll play all the roles from now on maybe I can even play the elephant's part first I'll play myself that's not much of a stretch snore snore snort you know play ODI and then John I'll play John Garfield I want you to behave yourself this is how I behave if you don't behave no lasagna for you you can't mean it I do mean it and I can play veto too [Music] I have a nice hot pizza for your oh smells great what's on it Pizza just what you asked for Adidas special whether the anchovies eventually I didn't want anchovies you ask you for the anchovies no I did not yes sir you did no I I did not yes they can't do this they can't do this all by myself too many Noah's and yeses and stuff I need others on my show yes I need you Odie yes and I need you John we all decided to come back Garfield [Music] and I need you and I need you no not you but I really need you without the anchovies no anchovies thank you thank you thank you listen everyone I've learned my lesson I'll give you all lines on the show I'll share the spotlight I'll even see about paying some of you can you ever forgive me [Music] thank you so much hey Garfield how about sharing that pizza with us are you out of your mind [Music] laughs [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] Audrey no one can hear you get out of the house Audrey get out of the house while you still can she's on TV she can't hear you [Music] and by the way I'm on TV and I can't hear you either I heard that but I saw a ghost Greg You couldn't possibly have seen a ghost I knew how horror movies work she'll be safe until she asks how can you be sure I trust you Greg but how can you be sure here it comes [Applause] I love to watch horror movies with John and Odie they never touch their popcorn I can't watch another second of this I hate ghost stories they terrify me nothing scares me except maybe Anchovies and pizza [Music] [Applause] oh something will scare you cat Something's Gonna scare you real good [Music] now Pookie well John's away I'm going to teach you how to make the perfect sandwich the secret lies in two essential points quantity and more importantly quantity a true work of art wouldn't you agree Pookie Pookie I'd I would have sworn pookie was sitting next to me how'd you get over here [Music] my sandwich Odie bad dog you ate my sandwich come on you're here and the sandwich isn't therefore you ate it and I'll prove it there will be crumbs and residues of ham cheese tomato pastrami hey that's weird not a single trace of food but you could use a mental so if you didn't eat the sandwich who did a ghost you think we're being haunted by a ghost as usual empty listen pup ghosts only exist in movies and TV shows they don't exist in the real world [Music] [Music] foreign remember a moment ago I said this is no time to panic that wasn't this is I never cared much for that chair and we can do it at that table and we don't need no not the TV [Music] like [Music] boy that was close what would I ever do without you you think I know how to make a mess this guy knows how to make a mess [Music] hey ghost I know you're here you mean home wrecking spinal spook you don't scare me okay girls no need to get angry I get the picture [Music] I know that laugh where did I hear that laugh before Garfield Odie I'm home I'm going to fix myself a snack and go right to my office and go to work he didn't notice he noticed what did you do I mean how could you hey we didn't do this I've been framed [Music] what are you trying to tell me a ghost did this that's the lamest excuse I ever heard and I have no choice but to punish you punishers [Music] okay guys it's time for dinner well we have the Caesar salad to start dressing on the side then the shrimp cocktail followed by french onion soup with extra cheese corn on the cob with extra butter and a side of lasagna for dessert apple pie with mint chip ice cream and a couple of seven layers there you go kitty witty dry cat food made from all artificial ingredients this is not what I ordered that's all you're getting for the next year Bon Appetit a year I can't take a year of this I can't take a mouthful who could be stupid enough to eat this he's not getting away with this I demand food [Music] okay John you want to play I'm game [Music] don't bother Garfield this kitchen is burglar proof and Garfield proof oh well at least the food is better here Dad laugh again I know I've heard it before [Music] it's like it came from one of the houses across the street Lunch is ready [Music] I know who the ghost is it's it's Nathan that bratty science geeky kid across the street the kid has struck me to the size of a mouse the kid who cloned Odie into 12 dogs with the collective brains of a hockey pack the kid who turned normal into a cockroach you believe that someone actually found a way to make normal more annoying [Music] my invisibility machine is working to Perfection phase one getting back at that stupid orange cat and that dumb puppy was a total success and now phase two to terrorize the entire neighborhood and then the city and finally the whole wide world Nathan your lunch is getting cold coming mother [Music] let's see how this thing works okay the green button makes you invisible let's see what happens when I push the white button okay got it white button reverses it I'm gonna eat in my lap or a room uh oh green button time Ollie as soon as I finish rearranging the world's time zones [Music] oh I raised your riding kid but she sure makes a mean marinara done now for my lunch no well I don't have time for lunch now but now let's go out and drink havoc in the neighborhood We'll Be My Invisible body [Music] ouch what was that that was for the stupid orange cat and this is for the dumb puppy hey whoever you are you're gonna be sorry you did that ouch [Music] timeout I need to catch my breath I'm a geek not an athlete well if you're feeling tired why don't you grab a chair he missed I'm gay [Music] Timber out that hurt Nathan what's going on here Nathan oh what happened Nathan where are you he's right here Nathan what on Earth have you been up to again I built an invisibility machine that's what Geniuses like me do Mom we build cool stuff oh yeah and how does your Genius account for your destroyed room see you Nathan better it was that stupid orange cat of my room [Music] any cat it was Garfield honest he used my machine to make himself invisible I am sick and tired of your inventions so much for your silly yeah no butts well I guess that takes care of the boy Genius now let's look into the dining situation at home oh I'm sorry Odie but you don't get any pizza and you and Garfield are only getting dry food for a year that'll teach you to try and convince me that our house was wrecked by ghosts what a silly FIB now if you could convince me that there were ghosts I'd believe you but we all know there are no such thing as [Music] good help ghosts my house is haunted hi Odie it's me oh wait I'll explain it to you after I finish my pizza boy this was a great episode [Music] the animators must have especially loved it they probably took the week off [Music] [Music] thank you
Views: 128,368
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Garfield[Drawing Garfield, cat, odie, jon, nermal, cartoon, orange, liz, funny, generic
Id: noOavdCrxZg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 21sec (2961 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 28 2022
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