๐Ÿ˜Ž Garfield saves the world ! ๐Ÿ˜Ž - Full Episode HD

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[Music] [Music] ah so good to see you again you're looking quite well today lasagna is my friend time to eat [Music] [Music] this is an outer age we cannot let the resulting go unpunished [Music] [Applause] [Music] what a revolting site oh glorious leader that orange monster continues to devour beings such as us yes a general but thankfully the galaxy will soon be rid of him and his entire planet [Music] if i didn't know better i'd say i just saw a flying ravioli go by [Music] but not so fast gotcha oh yeah ravioli [Music] transmission interrupted the vile orange creature just ate the spying device [Applause] as your leader i have ordered that the evil orange monster and its barbaric planet be destroyed at once operation blasteroid is a goal [Music] launch [Music] dr bonkers dr bonkers stratospheric radar detects the large object hurtling towards earth oh this doesn't look good [Music] wow this doesn't look good at all [Music] so do you want to watch binky the clown nope my contract says he's not allowed on this series we interrupt this program to bring you breaking news this is dr thaddeus bonkers doctor would you tell our viewers what you just told me certainly a giant asteroid is heading straight for planet earth what yes it was striking exactly 13 hours and 13 minutes and 13 seconds and destroyed the entire world but there's one chance we have a rocket ship that could fly up and destroy the asteroid before it reaches us thank goodness you said it the problem is that no one can fit into the rocket in order to fly it you say that the spaceship's cockpit was designed by a former cartoonist yes and for some reason he designed these spacesuits in the shapes of an obese pussycat and an empty-headed puppy dog our only hope is to find someone who fits into these spacesuits who could therefore fly the rocket up and save them you won't actually have to fly the rocket everything will be controlled and monitored by ground control good we have nothing to worry about as soon as the rocket lands on the asteroid you will go out and deposit the payload yeah we have much to worry about activate the payload you only need to push the button on the tube then you'll have 10 minutes to return to the rocket and leave the asteroid before it explodes good luck you'll need it [Music] [Music] if i were mankind i'd be worried nine eight seven four three what happened to six and five [Music] soon the evil barbaric planet will be reduced to rubble glorious leader there seems to be an object flying towards the blasteroid a primitive spacecraft and it looks like it is going to land on a blastroid [Music] we're a hundred thousand miles from earth a hundred thousand miles from civilization and worst of all a hundred thousand miles from veto's pizzeria yeah i don't think they deliver this far okay guys drop off the payload activate it and return to the rocket immediately what do you think we're gonna do up here wait for an ice cream truck to come by [Music] do you smell something familiar [Music] yes just as i thought odie this asteroid it's a giant meatball yes we are on a meteor [Music] what is he doing is he eating the asteroid the rockets probe has analyzed the composition of the asteroid it's made of onion and garlic infused beef leave it to garfield to find the biggest meatball in the [Music] you're universe the mission drop the payload thank you quiet i'm eating [Music] can the creature really eat the entire blasteroid yes it can i have seen it dining before it is insatiable [Music] yikes houston we have a problem look at him how is he going to get back into the rocket there is a very simple way wish i know what it was booty i can't go back into the rocket any bright ideas of course not you're odie the brightest idea you ever had was chasing your tail for nine hours [Music] the rocket is about to blast off garfield is going to be left stranded in outer space thanks i knew you'd come up with something actually i didn't i just said that to make him feel good [Music] well done odie you saved garfield's life really garfield is the asteroid now earth is doomed once again i'm deflating every time i burp enemies he is almost back to his normal size her planet is saved [Music] [Music] where's garfield [Music] welcome back garfield you were heroic yes i was and you owe me big time i'm gonna make a list i'm starving italian anyone oh no okay suit yourself we'll go eat without you i'm not great i'm not touching food of any kind for a long long time especially did he say italian wow remember how i used to say that i would go to the ends of the universe for lasagna well i did people of apartment once again the evil orange monster wins but it's not over there will be a sequel and we will have a revenge [Music] [Music] don't worry guys this is probably not an emergency that's a relief we have to go see my aunt hyvee that's not a relief she said she needed me over at her house right away hey [Music] about time you got here johnny i'm having my house fumigated to get rid of little pests okay we've tended the house you'll have to stay out for all three maybe four days well i guess it has to be done so when ivy where are you going to oh no [Music] i'm staying with you johnny i don't just stand there get my luggage [Music] i packed a few things i absolutely have to take along no [Music] goodness said it better myself and when you serve me breakfast in bed keep it tidy because i'll be taken over your bedroom and maybe the whole upstairs yes that ivy i want nerdy shark 905 eat make it high on taste low on cholesterol and serve it on good dinnerware [Music] that ivy in an odd way i like having aunt ivy on the show compared to her i actually seem easy to live with [Music] and ivy my favorite show is on now is it okay if i watch it no [Music] and ivy would you please pass the mashed potatoes no and ivy you've been in the bathroom for two hours could you please hurry up so i can use it now [Music] blueberry pancakes i distinctly asked for chocolate chip come by anytime i may be here a few weeks a few weeks [Music] i just invited my sister and my nieces over you don't mind not that it would matter if you did your sister her nieces chocolate chip pancakes what am i gonna do i can't take any more of this but she is my aunt as always the cat is coming to your rescue oh what's this garfield it's a picture of my brother don't i have enough problems with my family don't i oh that's it garfield you're brilliant true [Music] hi on ivy wouldn't you like to go visit your other nephew on the farm of course you would i don't want to go to the farm i hate farms [Music] i know you can't wait to be there doc boy's going to be so happy to see his favorite aunt [Music] dog boy i brought you a surprise john a surprise [Music] surprise wait take her back don't prop me stop john come back ah hello aunt ivy i see this farm is still a dope so nice of you to come visit [Music] i know it was a rotten thing to do to my brother but it had to be done hello you've gotta take her back john two pillows sorry brother she's your aunt too take her back take her back you can come hey please john [Music] the room i'm going to stay in i want to paint it another color [Music] that must be vito i called him to deliver a couple of pizzas here you left this at the farm [Applause] you forgot my denture [Music] yeah it does look like we're stuck with her but hey could be worse [Music] see it's worse and esther will be coming along later [Music] lovely it's so nice to see you drusilla and you too minerva [Music] what's the big idea taking me to that farm i hate that farm i also hate this place which smells like a farm [Music] [Applause] you need to find a better job no take them away i'm not home take them please i'll never ask you for anything ever again [Music] hey [Music] [Music] um the kitty doesn't want to play with you the kitty doesn't want to play with you you sure you won't take them home i couldn't even take me home lying around nothing when you should be getting me an evening snack and ivy when are you going home when they get rid of all the mice i had in my house there's nothing i hate more in the world than mice you know what me you want to play with this adorable puppy dog squeak it's me it's important i don't care what you say i'm not taking it ivy squeak open up i need your help you two both could stand to get a little more exercise oh and i want a pickle has anyone seen the kitty cat huh what's that terrible music [Music] [Music] thanks guys anything's to get rid of an ivy and people call us pests sorry i tried to stick you with aunt ivy doc boy i forgive you john and don't call me doc boy i guess every family has a couple of annoying relatives fortunately that's all we have antici we thought you were afraid of mice i was but on my way out i ran into my twin sister and she reminded me i got over that twin sister you remember aunt esther hi nephews you don't mind if i stay for a while too do you no again we walk there we want to watch tv while we eat dinner this is twice as bad esther you remember druscilla and minerva [Music] of course and i brought my twins blue fisher and tabitha remember that exterminator from the beginning of the episode you think he knows how to get rid of relatives [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] hmm [Music] point [Music] [Music] [Music] oh yeah yeah that looks like a fish swap [Music] oh [Music] i just called the exterminator marge i spotted a mouse in my home well i want to put away all my valuables before the exterminator gets here i left my bracelet right here on the table oh my bracelet it's gone oh my priceless jewel bracelet one grandma left me missing no it didn't fall off the table there's nothing on the floor except [Music] marge you won't believe this but i think the thief who took my bracelet dropped his wallet [Music] [Music] i'll be down in a second garfield let me just put my watch on and i'll come down and make you breakfast it's about time i had breakfast it's also about time i had some lines in this episode [Music] it's not about time for that it's never time for that [Music] i've been practicing let's see if i can get this into the next county [Music] ah now maybe i can enjoy my coffee in peace this isn't my coffee my coffee doesn't quack all right who took my coffee [Music] something missing garf somebody took my coffee and left this in its place not again my cousin packy he's visiting from the house he lives in down the street he's a pack rat loves to trade stuff yeah yeah hey hey that's a great rubber ducky you want to swap me for something oh [Music] how about a yo-yo [Music] how's buddy gene with 14 how about an autographed photo of beauty food critic eddie gorman how about my cup of coffee deal [Music] i probably have time for a quick nap before john has my breakfast ready packy will you knock off all this trading stuff so i just crop in my bed here and [Music] packy [Music] i'm coming yes john arbuckle where detectives mr arbuckle i'm special agent frick and this is special agent frack oh mr arbuckle you have your wallet my wallet sure it's right here didn't look anything like this why yes that's my wallet i wonder where i lost it maybe you lost it where you were stealing a bracelet a bracelet belonging to mrs ophelia schmidlap just down the block this is stealing a bracelet that's ridiculous i don't have any bracelet i don't know where there's any any [Music] wait no there's been a mistake i didn't steal this bracelet this bracelet must have been on my dresser when i woke up i put it off thinking it was my watch good story arbuckle but you'll have to do a lot better than that it's the truth somebody help me [Music] oh okay okay there's your bed back [Music] you sure you don't want this i'm not trading it just let me sleep [Music] leave me alone whatever it is i'm not interested this bracelet must have been on my dresser when i woke up [Music] hmm [Music] i'm telling you guys i never went near this mrs schmidlap's house so how did bracelet get in your house on your wrist oh for the millionth time i don't know lock him up well what are you waiting for look him up that man stole my bracelet but i didn't won't anybody help me [Music] oh yeah yeah it was a simple deal you give me the peanut i give you this electric razor no okay i'll throw in a set of snow tires oh my final offer the razor the tires and ten free dance lessons i wonder where john is more importantly i wonder where my breakfast is breaking news to report police are holding a local cartoonist on suspicion of stealing a bracelet this morning authorities theorize that john arbuckle needed money an investigation determined that he spends an awful lot each week feeding his cat i'm i'm a motive john wouldn't steal some old bracelet of course not i wonder who done it [Music] right [Music] uh [Music] i keep telling you i didn't take mrs schmidlap's bracelet then how did you wind up with it i'm staying here until he confesses talk arbuckle what did you really need the money for [Music] i can't believe anyone could spend this much each week to feed a cat [Music] all right i believe you garfield get me a lawyer i've got someone better than a [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's the mouse lawyer been seeing around my home that's not a mouse ma'am that's a rat a pack rat a pack rat the kind of animal that takes objects from one place and switches them with other objects [Applause] [Music] hey guffield you got something you want to swap for a stapler don't worry i'll get him to stop hey how about this detective's briefcase i'll take that [Music] looks like that explains how your wallet wound up in mrs schmidlap's house arbuckle and our bracelet got to yours well i can see i'm not gonna get satisfaction here so i'll just get my hat is gone you're free to go arbuckle [Music] just stay out of trouble that's trouble come on guys let's get out of here [Music] now remember no more trades or swaps are taking stuff promise i promise okay i'll see you back at home [Music] hey hey you out there watching this you want to trade that remote control next year how about that bully cereal the only buy for the prize hey i got some nice police station furniture here [Music] do [Music] oh good it's a two-part episode i'm sorry did you say you were controlling the weather mister pressure a higher impression most people just call me high hello and yes controlling the weather that's what i do or at least i used to i don't blame you for being confused most people don't know about my work here they think weather just happens i always thought it was due to differences between the temperature and moisture in one place and the temperature and moisture in the other it's the educational part of the show that's true they interact and that creates storms or heat waves or snow but someone has to schedule it and direct it all that's my job before i did it my father did it and before he did it his father did it and so on we planned the rain and the snow and the sleet and the occasional tornado [Music] oh what's that garfield my cat wants to know why you made it rain cheese sandwiches i did my lunch must have fallen into the machine again once i spilled a head of cabbage in a jar of mayonnaise in there for the next three weeks it rained cold floor in portugal well can you do anything about the heat wave we've been having plants are dying lakes are drying up i know i know i didn't cause it you see my operation here got taken over by a big corporation they duplicated and upgraded my equipment but i guess they don't know how to use it either i've been trying to stop the heat wave here and that's what you have to stop doing mr always he runs the company that took over for me my technicians say you've been trying to cool things down stop doing that but i thought maybe they'd made a mistake no mistake i want it that way beasley tell him to go ahead right away mr all work the boss says go i acquired your operation pressure but i also bought this building i know [Music] i'm having it torn down right now so you can't meddle with my plans again [Music] abbas shouldn't we not be in here good idea beasley [Music] huh [Music] you didn't have to do that you know yes i did only one of us can control the weather and it's going to be me there are people suffering from this hot weather and people buying my air conditioners my sunblock and all the other things i sell the hotter it gets the more i make snow cone for you half price 25 no well snarled puppy that is not a nice man [Applause] see you later i have to get back to my office and raise prices on everything this is all my fault i never should have let him take over [Music] i saw your cat and dog get into mr warwick's car just before it left well he may be able to control the weather but he's not going to be able to control garfield [Music] [Applause] the big lunch is a two coxer good i have just enough time to buy three more companies and fire everyone [Music] [Music] hmm nice for that driver to leave his lunch in the trunk [Music] worldwide weather works please hold [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] how should i know which button to push i can't work anything more complicated than the tv remote but this is the machine that's controlling the weather making it so unbelievably hot so they can sell more air conditioners and things what's happening next well probably some security guard spots us and yells hey you you're not supposed to be in here hey you you're not supposed to be in here hey can i call him or what chasey [Music] [Music] everything's ready for the luncheon and you've just acquired six companies that make heaters plus nine that make winter coats good after we milk this heat wave for all it's worth we'll start a cold spell that'll really clean up what was that alarm i'll go see mr all work [Music] now [Music] [Music] hey there's something new indoor rain for people who don't get out much this is all your fault you too [Music] what happened i crashed into the weather controls all because of a cat and dog running around we have to catch them the technicians say they don't know how to stop this well a little rain won't hurt us we'll catch the intruders and then worry about it [Music] we can't give up body the future of the planet may be at stake nothing can stop us look lunch you're right odie i'll eat later but this food gives me another idea grab as much as you can carry and follow me [Music] a good meal starts with soup [Applause] why haven't my guards caught these intruders yet mr old work do you smell clam chowder [Music] it's raining clam chowder what kind the red or the white and now it's raining banana cream pies and me on a 1500 calorie a day diet onion rings diced carrots a selection of cold cuts i see a moody quick pasta canned ham okay captain dog you're coming with us the technicians say in order to stop this you may have to bring back that man you stole the weather controlling business from that pressure guy okay column i have the feeling my business here is out of business [Music] raspberry frosting he gave me the whole operation back mr arbuckle i should have the heatwave ended but within a day or so so you'll be controlling the weather again i don't know i've been thinking maybe i would have tried letting nature take its course controlling the weather is a lot of responsibility hey hey oh right well before you give it up my cat has one thing he'd like you to do kind of as his reward sure anything for garfield will you see this odie not right now girls we've arranged something special for garfield did vito make the delivery yet he just got here mr arbuckle and i've already programmed the storm to hit just your house [Music] [Music] it's raining lasagna what kind of weather are you dreaming of a white christmas [Music] so [Music] so [Music] i'm worrying i'm hurrying i'm cooking as fast as i can no matter how much i feed him he's still hungry meatloaf i need to make another meatloaf six feet loops and french fries shoestrings not the fifth cut admit it you thought that was me inside being fed i wish it was my position in life has been your serpent that's a fancy word meaning perline stolen and you know who stole it this guy eddie gourmand the famous restaurant critic you remember him he was on six episodes last season you see he lost his tv showing well i'll start at the top it started with one of my favorite tv shows at butchery's italian bistro they have a whole new way of making lasagna zhanya didn't need any improvement it was perfect the way it was they also have a lovely wrecker tony buddhist oh and the catalonia stuff with mozarella an hour of fattening foods every night who wouldn't consider this a must-see television amazingly the guy who ran a tv station this food is just to die from it sure is all those calories all the cholesterol right after the show eddie got the bad news but why mr station manager sir why because people shouldn't be eating the kind of fattening meals you encourage they should be eating what i eat vegan chicken made out of soy beans brown rice organic sprouts with a wheat germ shake mixed with goat's milk yogurt uh if i could just ask one tiny question is any of this food of course it's food it's good food healthy food the kind of food that makes your body safe thank you for taking such good care of me well i i suppose we melted some cheese over it and deep fried it corbin do you know what people wind up looking like when they eat the food you recommend now what this and so eddie gourmand was replaced the program normally seen in this time slot simply fabulous dining with eddie gorman will never be seen again so we can bring you this new much better for you program [Music] good evening tonight i'd like to talk to you about the benefits of eating tofu oh [Music] and so he was fired the guy took it hard this went on for days and days here you go mr gourmand one nice hot vetos special just for you oh thank you veto [Music] that was the most delicious pizza i ever ate oh hey then uh maybe you mentioned avidos pizzeria on your show sometimes find the eddie wound up where all people who can't control their emotions wind up sitting behind me in a movie after ruining the film and getting tears in my popcorn he apologized oh i've been like this since i lost my show mr harbaugh feeling sorry for the guy pup yeah me too i just hope john doesn't do something foolish like invite him over for dinner eddie why don't you come over tonight and have dinner with us that would be too too wonderful mr irbacha great i'll even make my special recipe for meatloaf hey doesn't that poor guy have enough problems that evening john learned why you should never invite a food critic to your house everything looks positively scrumptious mr arbuckle oh this meatloaf looks good enough to eat [Applause] [Music] oh this is utterly defined [Music] cody are you getting any food me neither [Music] let's go [Music] another good reason never to invite a food critic to dinner they tend to rate what they eat i'd give them eat loaf two stars the mashed potatoes need more butter so they get one star but four stars for the gravy well i'm glad you enjoyed the gravy it could have used more flour but otherwise it was [Applause] [Music] who threw that banana peel on the walk mr gourmand are you all right [Applause] no get get me a doctor i'll call a doctor hand some shrimp jam i'll call a chinese restaurant and a large mushroom pizza with pepperoni on half i'll call vito [Music] amazingly the doctor arrived before the shrimp chow mein or the pizza better keep him here until his foot heals how long do you think that will be doctor oh not more than a few months goodbye a few months oh mr groman wouldn't you be more comfortable at home or in a nice hospital you take care of me mr arbuckle or i'll sue you for everything you own except the cat now get me a grilled cheese sandwich one grilled cheese sandwich coming up potato chips right and i want a pickle with that that's how it started then it got worse hello it's two minutes past 5 00 am and i am looking for my breakfast [Music] [Applause] first i must have syrup 18 kinds if you have them if not go out and buy them oh and i'd like eggs fried boiled scrambled and painted with lovely designs for easter there was no food for me in short eddie had started to remind me of that greedy impatient lazy creature oh see what's it called all right me to make a healthy chocolate cake use no chocolate instead we'll use organic yeast spores and granola turn it off turn it off sorry mr gourmand i guess it upsets you to see the show that replaced yours but mainly the sign of all that disgusting healthy food i can't the cat has an idea [Music] great show today sir at the latest ratings you're in what i only got a three rating well you only had three viewers as much as i might hate it i've got to get eddie gormand back oh firefighter bring me my dinner or i'll sue you sorry mr gromand here you go [Music] what is this it's an artificial chicken patty made without chicken but with artichoke flour and modified wheat grass when i asked for dinner i should have specified food this is food it's all part of our new healthy living program let's go boys one two one two one two you can tell that desperate i am to get rid of eddie i'm actually doing this teddy we're going to start you with 100 sit-ups you'll do nothing of the sort and if you're not going to get my dinner i'm going to get it for myself i need a bacon cheeseburger with extra bacon extra cheese and extra burger there's no food wait there's one thing to eat in here i'm saved [Music] ready for the 50-mile hike no no i i can't survive in this house any longer yeah i just found the house he left the address in his voicemail in case anyone wanted to afford any burritos yeah i've got to get him to come back [Music] mr station manager sir eddie i want you to come back to your old job i've got to get out of here does that mean you won't come back to the station oh no no no i'll be back on the air tomorrow it's just that right this matter i have an emergency need for a party garfield your idea was brilliant ideas are always brilliant when i'm the guy who asked him let's go celebrate i'm gonna make every one of your favorite foods garfield mr arbuckle i'm sorry he caused so much trouble for you oh that's fine hey mr station manager sir don't do it would you like to join us for dinner he did it thanks but i don't eat this kind of stuff you know how many calories are in those steaks and the fat grams and i mean uh well it smells tempting but oh maybe one bite wouldn't hurt oh you know what cholesterol can do to you and carbonated drinks i only drink hey this is good hardbuckle get me some honey right away oh and i'm gonna want to try the french fries so uh some ketchup also right away and i don't see any steak sauce steak sauce i'll get it deja vu all over again looks like we're not getting anything to eat for the next few days [Music] the way my mother used to make them i'll get your mother and do we have any chocolate cream pie for dessert [Music] you
Views: 174,475
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Garfield[Drawing Garfield, cat, odie, jon, nermal, cartoon, orange, liz, funny, generic
Id: 5b4fz25UpXM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 44sec (3704 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 25 2022
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