Back to the Wiggly World of Slime Rancher ! [E1] | Z1 Gaming

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[Music] what is going on everybody here and welcome back to slime ranchers so we're gonna start a new series of slime rancher because one uh we just saw a slime rancher two trailer come out and that's super exciting i'm super excited it says it's gonna hit early access uh early 2022 so like oh i'm so ready i'm so ready but we're gonna start a new series and this series is gonna be a little bit different than it's gonna be a little bit different but it's also the same so we're gonna start off episode one is gonna be vanilla episode two i'm gonna introduce a mod we're gonna it's gonna be a modded series but like every episode or two we're gonna have a new mod to focus on i'm not gonna add a whole bunch at once we're gonna start off with vanilla then we're gonna add one mod focus on that and another one so on and so forth so if you want to follow along make sure you are subscribed make sure you leave a like on the video and i will have a link down below to my current like mods that i'm using so uh right now if you click on the link right now it's it's not gonna be like anything it's gonna like my previous series mods on it anyways let's get on into it let's stop let's stop chitter chattering and let's get into it so new game um let's just do sr2 because you know we're excited for sliverage too let's put a different little emblem on it let's put a golden slime a golden slime adventure uh fantastic fantastic fantastic let's do it i'm so excited so uh yes it is officially announced slime rancher 2 is coming and i cannot wait i cannot wait ah it's gonna be so good did you guys did did anybody watch the slime rancher 2 trailer i hope you did it was so good i posted on twitter it's or instagram discord all the things also make sure if you're not uh you follow over on instagram and twitter and discord and all the things i'll link down below all right so let's get yeah i know how to do this i know how to hop to it thank you i know how to i know how to shift uh well i could if i had if i had to oh we're good okay there's the vac there's the shootie let's see let's suck up let's suck up this little guy come here buddy boom he's good all right are we good that hold this like forever okay uh you back to slime select fact tank then shoot it okay select back tank then shoot it yay we shot a slime into the corral i kind of wish i could get rid of that uh let's see here you go you can eat that enjoy [Music] hey we got a plort oh it's our first monies it's our first monies easy new books awesome oh it's so nice why are they called new bucks never really understood that you've learned the fundamentals okay thank you all right so i guess you know standard day one stuff um we try to make some money right absolutely i think the first thing that we need to do though is clean out all of the pink slimes in here because we don't need them and they're going to cause issues if they're out just running around you know what i mean like this just not a good time i cannot wait for slime rancher too i am just so excited i'm so excited about it what uh comment down below what you think of the trailer if you haven't watched it yet after this video go watch it and then come back and comment on it or you know what just pause the video go watch it then come back and then comment let me know what do you think i'm i'm excited it looks pretty cool it looks pretty fun um okay i don't see any more pink slimes anymore so i think we might be good on this front let's grab these real quick that in there and then we'll throw some carrots in this enjoy those okay all right let's go get some slimes let's go get some slimes so i'm trying to think how far can we go uh let's see let's grab some of this i'm trying to remember what the best slimes are that we can even get right now hmm i know there's tabbies over here i don't really like tabbies we could get a key we could go get a key and unlock the next area but in order to do that we're gonna have to we're gonna have to feed the large pink slime actually let's just go ahead and do that let's feed the large pink slime and let's unlock an area and then we'll go and get some like i don't know we'll go get something oh no i can't get any more pogo fruit okay map yes i cannot wait like i remember i remember how exciting it was to explore the map and like see the map for the first time i'm ready i'm ready for i'm ready for number two uh okay let's just go over here hello mr mr large slime can i feed you uh yes em we did it i don't know how many you're gonna want i got 20. 20 is not enough there's 24 24 is not enough oh secret style pack yeah sparkly the pink slimes will now be sparkly wonderful so keep in mind that uh yes we do have this um secret style pack on that is not a mod that is a dlc so if you see slimes that are like regular signs that look different like these guys see how they all look sparkly now that is because the uh the secret style pack not because of a mod all right let's do it let's go for the carrots so we're at what 24 this should be good we should be way good now uh was that 27 28 yeah look at that i need that key actually i'll take you guys as well i'm gonna need pink slimes anyways we'll try to get you somewhere nice it's in there nothing amazing nothing amazing okay all right we got our first slime key now i'm basically a creature of habit so i like opening the same first door every time i always open the same first door it's always the door going through here so i go through this little cave area right here right now and then we go up here and then we go this way then we go this way and then we open this door this is always the first door that i open i just i don't know what it is but it's it's it's a good door this is the good door all right so let's see here well actually you know what no there's three doors in total i think there's three doors off the starting area that we can no there's only two doors off the starting area unless you open up uh a different area first yeah i think there's only three doors off the starting area so get rid of that man okay so i'm thinking boom what do you like meat okay so you're not gonna be ideal but no i don't want you ow they're gonna kill me i almost died oh my goodness stop it no exploding okay so these guys eat meat all right let's drop some pogo for i think we should be able to go through here right i always forget if there's another door or not so we've got that guy right there which actually i'm going to feed you all of these because i know you like i know you like them veggies you don't like the pogo fruit though yeah picky picky uh we need to grab that too but that's okay let's see i think we should be able to go through here right yeah all right so uh let's see what we got here i know there's crystal in here and i know there's rads in here i think crystal eats meat as well so i don't really want to go with just crystal however i know crystal slimes are pretty valuable so what do you eat oh crystals eat veggies oh perfect what do you what do you prefer what is your what is your veggie of choice okay let's get a couple of these these might be our beginning money makers right here okay uh let's see slimepedia slimes crystal ah they like the odd onion okay um yeah i don't really want to get the odd onion if i don't if i don't have to odd onions are like kind of a pain because they only grow with carrots and you don't get very many of them let's go see what a let's go check on the rad slimes i can't remember what rad sounds like i don't know if it's um i think it's the akaaka oka okay i think i could be wrong though they also did color slimes but uh oh look at it now they look like lily pads this is actually missy's favorite slime it's the little lily pad one oh it's so cute it's so cute ooh i can't go over there cause i don't have a jet pack yet well never mind okay i guess we're not going over there i need to i needed to go over there because that's where we get the um the rads and i guess i need an odd onion now too if i can find one see like here's the aka akka or oak oak or whatever however you want to call it hmm [Music] it's really hopeful we can find a rad slime over here somewhere but yeah i think we have to go across the way all right well let's head back and let's uh let's farm what we got first you know what i'm gonna leave the boom slimes the boom slimes can stay because i think we're gonna just use crystal slimes for now they eat veggies so it's not gonna really matter we'll feed them whatever we can until we can get them mixed with something else okay you guys have fun you're free all right so we got 12 pink slimes um let's go ahead and throw them all in here and then i want these let's see if we can sell these and make a little bit of money we have 300 what is high walls for this guy high walls is 350 no it's 350. okay how much is the new pen a corral it's 250. all right well let's get those going uh let's get these guys in here and then let's see i want to plant the akaaka before i do anything and i don't have money for that um and i pretty much took all of the vegetables already oh no i didn't no i didn't stop it bad no yes exactly stay away okay so we have five let's go ahead and sell some crystal and i guess that's really all we're gonna be able to do right now all right we'll leave them we're gonna go sleep and then we'll uh we'll wake up and we're gonna get some more food and get some more stuff going here oh star mail hello looks good uh see what's the morning good morning slimes how are you all doing today you guys having a wonderful did you have a wonderful sleep i hope that you did all right let's see how much are crystals worth 53 a pop heck yeah okay uh what do we need for a garden 250 okay so do you want to do a garden we probably want to do a garden and hold on if i'm not mistaken the aka akka is a vegetable correct hold on i gotta resources tubular mix of spuds veggies yes favored by rad slimes perfect okay uh let's get a garden let's get that going all right we'll let that do its thing and then we'll leave these alone to do their thing we need to get high walls yeah we need to get high walls too we kind of need to chill here and make some money no this is exactly why i can't trust the pink slimes they they just want to ruin everything you know what you're getting vacuumed up again there now i don't worry about pink slimes they always try to cause issues you know uh you know i'm gonna throw something in here and let's go grab some let's go grab some more veggies another secret style pack what we got oh heavy metal nice mmm they're so funny okay all right we got some veggies right here no more veggies we got cube berries cube fruit [Music] we got our tabby gordo we'll feed that guy eventually we have any fruit and no no carrots or anything in this area no jorn you know there's actually supposed to be some nasties in here all right crystal slimes uh this is kind of all i found hopefully you guys enjoy those i don't really find a whole lot of anything else let's see um actually you know what since you're not hungry enough to take those i'll go feed those to the other guys instead those guys are trying to escape they're all trying to escape they're always trying to escape 327 what is the high walls price 350. okay cool oh what do you know they got out wait why is there only two in here where did those ones go i didn't only put two in there uh i thought i had four of them in here interesting okay there we should have enough money for high walls that we can throw most of them into one pen perfect okay see let's get uh let's get high walls on this one there you go haha that's right you're stuck in there now i think we might actually throw all of them in here now look at that uh we do need to get the uh we didn't get the air net on there but with these these guys being uh little tiny slimes like i don't think we're gonna have to worry about it too much is there a oh no okay i'll say i was like is there still slime in there [Laughter] how are these looking oh they're getting there gonna do a bunch of pink slime still uh let's see upgrades do we have any upgrades can we get the jet pack 350 for that as well uh i need more veggies we need more veggies we need those to grow let's go see if we find more veggies you know what let's actually grab the map while we're over here too i found a couple heartbeats a couple carrots nothing super amazing yet i need to i need a bunch of we need a bunch of veggies to make some money need all of the veggies man if i could find a rat slime over here too that'd be perfect any rad slimes today um i don't see any rad slimes oh we got a tar problem here eat that one no need to me oh carrots nice [Applause] oh hold on there's a thing over here ah i don't have a treasure pod yet treasure cracker all right i think that's about as good as we're probably gonna get oh yes more carrots perfect i can only hold one more care i bet you these carrots appear done now too this carrots done oh they are okay all right we need to go grab as many of these things as we can you know my whole stamina being like the lowest thing ever is the worst can only run for like a few seconds all right enjoy eat up okay let's go grab uh let's go grab some more of these carrots that were out here hey we got another 17 carrots yes money that's exactly what we need there's more over here oh i can't get that one well they're gonna go after that one that's fine and i bet you there's probably carrots still laying in here that they didn't eat uh let's throw one of those in here and let's pick up all of these little things i'd be careful to not get killed on these spikes this is why i need a uh we need a especially on collector dangerous ones you know what i could probably afford a collector now let's see let's throw these in here okay so there's that um let's get let's get a plort collector oh my gosh that's 500. let's get that just so that we don't have to worry about dying going in there and then that'll automatically suck up all the stuff that wasn't even in there okay let's feed them again yes eat eat oh perfect 10 more okay looking good sell these guys out we have 802 okay so we need to get let's go ahead and grab our jet pack um i'd like to get this too but i'm thinking that maybe we should get high walls or an air net on this one yeah let's get an air net on this one sorry this crowd's like good to go for large for uh for some largos all right perfect so we'll leave this we're gonna go ahead and sleep for the night we'll come back and then we have our jet pack now oh so excited we have a jet pack okay um star mail welcome thor west fantastic fantastic sleep until morning all right let's see did you guys are you guys eating right now looks like they're eating right now let's give them a chance to eat and we'll suck up all their tasty plorts or whatever they're for what are what are crystal ports used for uh cypedia slimes um though the crystals produced by crystal slime are highly unstable a crystal port like all ports is far more pure and can be used by slime scientists to engineer a variety of metals metals that are completely transparent oh that's pretty cool this innovation has led to a metropolitan area's earth completely transforming visually allowing more light to reach the streets and the space as a whole can breathe architects often describe these transparent metals as so totally cooler than normal boring metals that's awesome oh yeah look at that look at all this stuff oh let's throw some heartbeats in here too yeah eat all those eat all that food all right what we got 18 total well i was expecting more but you know what that's fine uh oh you know what we probably have alcohol yeah we do we got a whole we got a whole crop over here actually that reminds me we should turn that we should upgrade that too all right oh those were a lot cheaper this time um let's go ahead and do nutrient soil sprinkler i can't do the sprinkler no all right that's fine um i guess i probably could if i feed these guys again awesome okay so those guys are looking good let's go ahead and suck up those all right let's go get some rad slimes now because rats actually like that akaka or oak oak or whatever so they're gonna give us double plorts which means they're gonna give us double rad and double crystal so we should be able to make a pretty decent amount of money off of them all right let's go get our reds oh we got some we got some tar infestations holy pink oh i was over here and i dumped all my pink slimes i was like why is there so many pink slimes oh my goodness hey i'll take these i'm also trying to get the um that gordo popped the uh the rock coil because it gives the teleport back to our our home place and i'd really like that okay all right so we've got to do this quickly and carefully because i only have a hundred stamina there's a rad don't you dare eat anything that you're not supposed to no no yes oh we got him we got him we got him okay all right we got him three reds perfect so rads like that akaka they like that one so they're going to give us double the plots and then when they're mixed with the crystal slimes they're going to give us even more oh actually i'll take that odd onion i like to have a little bit of everything like on hand just in case right across here whoo it's always sketchy with with like the lowest upgrades okay all right let's head back now oh yeah come on in here bud come on get in there get in there exactly exactly you won't uh let's get back to our base and let's get some rad slimes going we're gonna mix them with crystal and then we're gonna be making beaucoup bucks it's gonna be nice let's see if we can pop this guy now i got seven more carrots is that gonna be enough for you no we're still not there um i don't want to get rid of the odd onion yet [Music] oh there's another odd onion over here let's grab that guy too why not all right rad slimes are you ready to go one two three now we're gonna grab these these are gonna be our go-to food for those guys now all right looks good let's make sure we feed our rads and nothing else there you go there you go and there you go all right so now all the other ones are gonna start taking theirs those ports yeah look at look at them it's like popcorn all right and then now i can give you that and then you're gonna give me two rads and two crystals so everybody in here is gonna become a rad largo it's gonna be fantastic now we need to get this guy going yeah now we need to get this guy going even more too um all right who knows who else needs fed actually you know let's just drop food everywhere [Music] oh my goodness we're going to split these up into two pens because they're going to be hitting that internet and the internet's going to fail uh then they're going to escape which is not going to be a good time for anybody but like that exactly like that so let's go grab these let's throw these in here let's get some money uh all right we need to get uh you're gonna get take yeah you guys are gonna take care of don't worry all right we need high walls high wall should hold a couple of these in here without any issues and let's grab you and we'll throw you in there let's go and grab one of these guys i don't know how many we have in here there's four i like to put six in each pen i don't know these guys are really vibrant they're violent though oh we need to get the uh we gotta get the music box on that's why they don't have the music box on right now music box calms them down so they don't freak out as much as they're not trying to jump around and stuff all right let's get the air net on here and then we need the plort collector because it's yeah it's impossible to collect those ports in there okay 575 or 578 let's go ahead and let's get the uh let's get the music box in there that should calm them down a little bit should calm them down a little bit seems like they're calming down a little bit let's go and take another one out of here regarding this one so we've got what one two three four five in this one and one two three four five six seven it looks like we have like nine in that one oh we've got a lot of them all right let's get six in here then uh we need to get the uh we need the music box in that one too though it's kind of a kind of an issue i don't have any more fruit available um i guess we have these we have this veggies that we can feed them better than nothing i'll give us a little bit more money okay so we have 532 we should be able to get the music box on this one music box perfect awesome now we only have 182 left i wanted to get sprinklers we need 500 for that and that would give us more uh more aka more like faster too [Music] um oh we might uh i'll be right i still don't think we have enough but we'll try any more oh yeah a couple one there one there all right we need 500 total come on baby ah 410 darn it so close you know what if i feed these guys those odd onions they'll probably double up their uh their plorts i don't think they're hungry yeah i don't think they're hungry all right well let's sleep for the morning sleep until morning all right you hungry slimes who's ready to eat we got uh they're not ready yet all right did you guys eat the food that was in there last night oh yes you did oh very nice very nice there must have been a bunch of food left in there still all right so we got 15 rad 15 crystal let's go and sell these make some cash oh my gosh we have thirteen hundred dollars thirteen hundred dollars uh let's go ahead and get a sprinkler on that oh now do i want another crop plot or do we want auto feeders let's get another crop plot going first all right so we got another crop plot uh i don't have the nutrient soil i did get the sprinklers sprinklers makes crops grow twice as fast nutrient soil makes them grow more of them so i think the twice as fast as better than the more of them to start with um and then oh shoot i need uh i need one of these to throw in here oh well we'll get we'll get to that we'll get to that okay nice well you guys seem happy oh they seem so happy all right so i got some more carrots we're gonna do another little round of feeding here let them eat those we're gonna sell that and then we're gonna see what we can get i'd like i said i'd like to get oh we get the pulse wave now i'd like to get the uh the nutrient soil upgrade for this oh yeah look at these guys now i guess so we can get enough crops going because right now we don't have enough of these coming in in order to feed all these hungry little buggers i'll suck them all up we got 12 and 12. should have more than 12 and 12 well maybe yeah i guess they haven't eaten yet okay they some of them aren't really hungry enough all right well we got 17 and 17 crystal fords and rad ports let's sell those and then maybe we'll have enough for uh everything that we want okay so i want nutrient soil on there oh you know what let's go grab one of those all caucus before they eat it okay perfect it might be an irradiated alcohol but hey that's fine uh and then let's go ahead and throw an auto feeder ah we're short by just a little bit i'll throw that on this guy awesome oh see that's gonna be that's gonna be super helpful super helpful and now we have an auto feeder for this guy let's go and turn it down you know it seems like the slowest mode on here is still not slow enough because i usually come back to uh like things laying on the ground anyways like food laying on the ground so i don't know maybe i just don't have enough maybe i just don't have enough uh slimes in every pen maybe this is how many slimes you're supposed to have in a pen i don't know i always keep it down to six but like i said the slowest mode still wasn't slow enough for uh for the feeding so i don't know want to see let's get in this episode hopefully you guys enjoyed if you did make sure you leave a like if you're new here don't forget to subscribe as well for some more like i said next episode um i will probably begin with a mod we'll start with a mod we'll start uh we'll install them on um and uh i'm gonna try to i'm gonna try to like ram i'm gonna try to have like an organizational pattern you know like okay the first one we should do should be like this thing you know that helps you out in the beginning more than anything and like you know end game mods will introduce later towards the end of the the play through so i'm gonna try to do that we'll see how it goes uh but yeah make sure you leave a like on the video make sure you are subscribed double check triple check because sometimes youtube likes to unsubscribe people and hit the bell icon to be notified of future things and stuff yes thank you so much for coming out hit up the socials as well i'll see you in the next one [Music] you
Channel: Z1 Gaming
Views: 69,895
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: z1 gaming, slime rancher z1 gaming, modded slime rancher, slime rancher, slime rancher gameplay, slime rancher mods, lets play slime rancher, lets play, mod slime rancher, slime rancher lets play, slime rancher update, slime rancher 2, slime rancher ep 1
Id: dDIk06Xd3KA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 39sec (2019 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 14 2021
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