Peppa Pig Official Channel ๐Ÿ•ท Spider! Where is Mr Skinny Legs? ๐Ÿ•ท Halloween Special ๐ŸŽƒ

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mr. skinnylegs is not on the table oh I wonder where mr. skinnylegs is oh it sounds like mummy has found him daddy pig is hard at work in the study daddy pig this study is a complete mess it's not that bad I love cobwebs they give the room character cobwebs mean spiders and I don't like spiders I do spiders catch flies and flies are horrid well as long as I don't have to see a spider hello mr. skinnylegs where have you gone find it I don't want it in the house everyone is looking for mr. skinnylegs mr. skinnylegs is not in the filing cabinet mr. skinnylegs is not under the chair mr. skinnylegs is not on the table Oh sounds like okay we'll take mr. skinnylegs into the garden now mr. skinnylegs bye-bye mr. skinnylegs it is starting to rain mr. skinnylegs is running back to the house I don't want mr. skinnylegs in the house daddy pig let's take mr. skinnylegs a bit further into the garden a nice tree for you to live in he's making a web Peppa spiders live in webs and use them to catch flies yes it's hard that's why you must never ever break one if you do the spider has to do all the work again yes bye bye mr. skinnylegs it is bedtime I liked watching mr. skinnylegs make his web today and tomorrow he'll make another web really yes mr. skinnylegs makes a new web every day where all the new web be daddy I don't know we'll find out tomorrow good night night night it is morning daddy pig is getting ready to go to work I don't want to be late I have an important meeting of the office yes I do but not as hard as mr. skinnylegs why not mr. skinnylegs has built a web joining the car to the house if you move the car you will break the web but how am I going to get to work don't worry daddy you can borrow my little bicycle [Music] Thank You Peppa daddy pig is riding peppers little bicycle I will pepper daddy pig works very hard movie but mr. skinnylegs works even harder [Music] is playing with her dolls house George is playing - pepper is making a tea party for the doll family oh hey George I'm the mummy and daddy you can be the children children it's military time so you must wash your hands George is putting the dolls to bed night-night George why are you putting the children to bed they're having a tea party tini George likes putting the dolls to bed children come downstairs right now or you won't get any cake George isn't listening he's too busy putting the dolls to bed George if you want to blow in my doll's house you have to help with the tea party here George you can fill the tea pot with water children come downstairs right now George is going to fill the tea pot with water George has found a spider in the sink George wants the spider to be his friend [Music] George likes the spider the spider likes George Peppa loves playing tea parties biscuit study we had looks yesterday oh I'm sorry mummy I must've eaten them all naughty daddy [Music] George is putting the spider to bed night-night George what are you doing you have to help me with the Tea Party [Music] no need to panic hello George have you seen the spider there's no need to be afraid pepper Oh spiders are very very small and they can't hurt you but don't worry daddy will take it out of the bedroom whoa he's quite big isn't he um I'll just fetch mummy pig mummy pig Peppa feels a little bit braver hello children I hear you've found a little spider I'll take him out of the bedroom so you two can play mr. skinnylegs is big isn't he peppa and George like the spider George is putting the spider to bed no George he wants some tea he doesn't want to be in bed are you hungry mr. skinnylegs would you like some cake Peppa isn't afraid of the spider anymore mummy we are with mr. skinnylegs Peppa loves playing tea parties that's all right and her family are visiting Mademoiselle everyone is leaning now but it wasn't always this way when did your house start leaning Madame gazelle oh I don't know it's been so long and now I have cracks everywhere too I think your house might need fixing cabo just paper over the cracks and paint it that is what my builder told me to do what does the outside wall look like no what's this oh that is my little Christmas tree that's not little that's filled it was from Christmas a long time ago it was a little baby trail with a fairy on top after Christmas I could not bear to throw it away so I planted it in the garden your baby tree is growing so much it's pushing your house over oh dear what can we do about it I'll call mr. boo oh we have a big tree that needs looking at I'll be right there [Music] so where's this tree then here it is Bassam Musti fine tree you have there Madame gazelle strong roots yes but it's pushing my house over oh yes chop it down nice I must take a look before mr. bull chops the tree down he must check that no animals are living in it ok Peppa we can watch on the windows I think there's something else I are up the tree here let's see what else there is I say look at this oh I think I say something else onward and upward you've got bats Mademoiselle my friends the bats they remind me of the old country decorations I'm a fairy that is the fairy I put on the little tree all those years ago it's a magnificent tree a wonderful home to so many little animals yes this tree should not be chopped down [Music] but wait if the taste days what will happen to my house well eventually it will fall over but I need a house to live in I've got an idea we'll put your house in the tree mr. bull the crane please right you are yes it is wonderful I have always wanted to live in a tree house thank you everyone loves treehouses everyone loves treehouses [Music] peppa and her family are going camping Peppa George this is the tent I had when I was a little boy how you gonna make that into a tent don't worry Peppa I'm an expert at camping Oh mummy pig put the tent on the poles please that's it easy as pie who do these pegs do anything of course I forgot about the pegs the pegs the tent it was big enough for me when I was a boy but it does look a bit small now that's because you've grown a bit since you were a boy daddy pig and your tummy is growing the most of all talking of tummies we should cook supper first we have to collect sticks to make a fire peppa and George are helping daddy pig collect sticks for the campfire sticks that's a splendid campfire now I'll light it here are the matches oh we don't need matches without matches I'm going to make fire the old way by simply rubbing these two sticks together daddy pig is rubbing the two sticks together to light the campfire where's the fire daddy nearly there now we can heat up the tomato soup listen to the sounds of nature that is the sound of crickets chirping that's an owl look there it is oh I'm not sure my tummy rumbling is one of the best sounds of nature it means it's time to eat I love tomato soup so do I there's another one of daddy pig sounds of nature come on children into the tent it's bedtime we'll be fine you go further in mummy pig never mind I'd rather sleep outside anyway good night daddy pig good night everyone mummy pig peppa and George are sleeping in the tent daddy pig is sleeping outside under the stars I love camping sleeping in the open air with the stars above me maybe this wasn't such a good idea after all [Music] it is morning lovely and cozy in the tent Oh daddy's daddy pig has gone poor daddy pig he must have been cold and wet and now where is he what's that sound it sounds like snoring [Music] of course I'm safe I've been exploited camping I slept in the car HEPA and Georgia going to the seaside with granny and Grandpa pig peppa and George love the seaside [Music] there isn't any sand on this Beach pepper no sound but we wanted to make sandcastles peppa and George love making sandcastles there are not exciting things to do on this rocky beach like what when the sea goes out it leaves little peeves of water in amongst the rocks they're called rock pools and in every rocky there's something special that the sea is left behind mmm I can see something glittering maybe it's a pirate's treasure let's make a collection of all the things we find yes in George's bucket what surprise is waiting in this pool oh there's nothing special in this one oh there's always something Peppa look closer there is something yes it's a ah the crab is pinching grandpa pig's finger Oh George is pretending to be happy Peppa wants to be a crab too there are two naughty crabs trying to pinch me pinch pinch you naughty crabs go back to your little rock pools yes what can you see a seashell can you hear the sea in it what do you mean if you put a shell to your ear you can hear the sea [Music] Wow I can hear the sea I loved my seashell George can you find a seashell - that's not a shell Oh peppers right that's not a shell George has found a fossil what a fossil is the remains of an animal that lived long ago when there were dinosaurs yes they're fun for us but not for this little fish a fish poor little fish she's trapped the little fish says she wants to go back to the sea maybe you could use your bucket to rescue her yes Peppa is rescuing mrs. fish with your friends [Music] [Music] pepper and her playgroup are visiting the zoo for the day are you ready to see all kinds of animals yes today we will be meeting wild animals oh but don't why divide animals will be safely behind fences hello I'm mr. lion welcome to the zoo it is mr. lion the zookeeper you picked a good time to visit it's feeding time its way to the animals yeah are the tortoises we keep this gate shut so they don't run away could everyone know they're moving very slowly yes that's why they live to be so old tortoises can live a hundred years now feeding time who knows what tortoises like to eat tortoises like to eat vegetables that's right that's why we feed the lettuce mr. lion is feeding the tortoises lettuce but of course children all animals eat vegetables that's right mrs. wildebeest my name is Madame gazelle sorry gazelle wildebeest for some reason I always get those two mixed up mr. lion what animal will we see next I'll give you a clue it lives in water is it oil oh wait and see look carefully into the water I can't see anything nothing in there I think I see hello I'm mrs. crocodile I'm the keeper in charge of the Penguins if you look through the glass wall you can see the penguin is swimming underwater Wow swimming yes that's why we have this fancy pool for them interesting thank you mrs. caca dial and miss the lion it's a pleasure mrs. wildebeest gazelle of course yes gazelle what animal are we meeting next yes that's my dad he's a keeper at the zoo hello I'm mr. giraffe see if you can guess he must be hiding watching us waiting mr. giraffe looks after that butterflies [Music] yes and the butterflies get all the food they need from these flowers it is amazing they can live on just the food home flowers I wish I could get by just eating flowers yes all this talk of eating has made me quite hungry me too well it's our feeding time now what's for lunch today mr. lion Oh lunchboxes everyone sandwiches fruit juice and an apple little picnics in boxes tuck in everyone mr. Lyon loves feeding time at the zoo everyone loves feeding time a pepper and George are looking at storybook constipating looking for no lady to eat oh don't worry George it's always a happy ending tini I wish we lived in a fairy story George it's time to go I'll be going yes we're going to granny in grandpa pig's house for lunch adventure there'll be potatoes [Music] we're not going in the car pepper we're walking there instead yes there's a shortcut through the park fairies in the park not that I know of but it will be a nice walk maybe if we look hard enough we might see some pepper and George have arrived at the park oh I don't know it feels a bit magic to me yes this is like the path in Little Red Riding Hood I wouldn't be surprised if we bumped into the big bad wolf hello there it is mr. wolf hello mr. wolf how are you very well thank you just a little bit hungry I'm trying to decide where to go for lunch I'm going to my granny's for lunch are you really yes is it far not far this is the shortcut we'll be there soon very good oh well catch you later Red Riding Hood's mr. wolf in the middle of the woods when I'm going to Granny's house which way now daddy pig uh I'm not sure there's a little house over there let's ask them the way hello is there anybody home I wonder who lives here in the middle of the woods there are three chairs and three bowls of porridge here are Belinda bear and mummy and daddy bear hello mister mrs. bear sorry to trouble you the door was open so we came inside it's quite all right it's lovely to see you are you gonna save for lunch pepper its porridge it's not too hot or too cold but just right we're actually on our way to have lunch at granny and Grandpa pig's house could you point us in the right direction please that path there we take you to granny pig's house with a little house and three chairs and three bowls of porridge Peppa has arrived at granny and Grandpa pig's house hello here is mr. wolf mr. Boothe why are you here I'm just round for something to eat your granny has made a lovely lunch yes I've made a lovely lunch and it's ready now come inside [Music] Wendy wolf has come for lunch - lunch is you can never have too many potatoes in the fairytale wood Oh what's the fairytale words it's where you live inside a fairy story fairy stories everyone loves fairy stories [Music] [Music] what a wonderful picture you have painted it is me and George and my mummy and daddy at our house but where are you all I can only see a house we are all inside the house of course it really is a wonderful picture here is a playgroup star Wow thank you Madame gazelle it is holy time and the parents have come to collect the children I got to play group star that's fantastic pepper I remember Madame gazelle gave me a play group star when I was a little piggy a long time ago when mummy and daddy pig were little Madame gazelle was their teacher a playgroup star I was so happy did you get lots of playgroup stars mummy oh yes daddy did you get lots of playgroup stars - uh-huh it was such a long time ago I really can't remember no I'm pretty sure you didn't get one did you [Music] daddy no I never did get a playgroup star no anyway like daddy pig said it was a long time ago pepper and they're really not that important yes pepper are you sad that you never got a playgroup star daddy well I have done other things in my life to be proud of you now we'll give you one now playgroup stars are for children pepper not for grown-ups yeah the roof is all fixed Thank You mr. Bourne that really is wonderful work have a play coop stop thank you very much yeah daddy mr. Bulls got to star and he's a grown-up it is evening time pepper and George are going to bed are you sad because you never got to play group star daddy you know what pepper the more I think about it the more I think I should have got a playgroup star why because I love to make things and I was always drawing in class would you like to see it I think I've still got it somewhere I'm sure I put it in the left here's my old school bag and here is my picture yes I was quite pleased with it but it didn't get to star no hmm that's sad it is the next day pepper and George are going to play it's not fair pepper you're too good at drawing it's not my drawing it's my daddy's oh not so good for grown up picture it a long time ago when he was little ah pepper have you've done another wonderful drawing no Madame gazelle this is my daddy's drawing ah yes I remember your daddy did like to draw but you never gave him a playgroup star I must have given him one for this no you didn't daddy Peep you deserve a playgroup star I've never been so proud daddy pig is a playgroup star it is a lovely sunny day pepper and George are playing in the garden George loves jumping up and down any muddy puddles [Music] goodness what a muddy little piggie you'll need a bath and we'll need to wash your clothes George is worked in the park George's and clothes are washed in the washing machine we must have washed these clothes of thousand times when you wash clothes a thousand times they get holes in them I can see your bottom George maybe it's time we got George some new clothes mummy pig is taking ever and Jorge to the clothes shop hello mummy pig hello miss rabbit how can I help you we need some new clothes for George please well you're in luck this is a clothes shop first we need to measure you now hold your arms out George thinks you're going to tickle him I promise I won't tickle you George very good what a big strong boy you are George miss rabbit even tickle you did she know Tyrel loves being tickled right let's find George some new clothes how about this it will keep you very warm if George would kindly go into the changing booth please George is wearing a big thick woolly jumper you look cuddly George hmm I don't think white is the best color for puddle jumping hmm this isn't white it's every other color but why George does not want to look like a clown hmm too much color what about this then yes it's still not really George hmm what about this then basically it's what you had before oh yes what do you think George George likes it you close oh so George didn't get any new clothes em these are his new clothes daddy pig the same as before but no holes oh I see yes let's all play in the garden want to look at your clothes and you seem to be a little muddy too daddy pig and you mummy pig oh well it's only mud it'll come off in the wash if we're going to get washed anyway let's get even more muddy everyone loves getting muddy Suzy sheep has come to play with Peppa [Music] pepper and Susie best friends I want to be the nurse and I need to check if you are well say ah I've got a secret what is the secret my mommy has got a new job I mean moving to a new house Wow Susie's don't have a new bedroom in a new house yes mrs. sheep has just been telling me all about it this new job is so much more interesting than the job I have now and I'm going to learn a new language and do all sorts of exciting new things hmm it sounds wonderful I can't wait to play in Susie's new room Oh Peppa Suzy is moving to the other side of the world you won't be able to play with her every day but I'll see you every day at school won't i Suzy yes I'll still go to school won't I mummy you're going to a new school Susie Oh will I ever see you again oh I'm sure you'll see Susie again pepper yes oh look at the time we have to go but mummy we need to play some more you can play some more tomorrow right now we have to go and pack Oh bye-bye papa Susie are you okay pepper I'm sad it's a bit of a shock Susie moving away isn't it yes why don't you make Susie are going away card okay and flowers that's a lovely card pepper would you like to talk to Susie on the phone yes please mummy hello hello Susie I'm a bit sad me too are you still coming to play tomorrow yes please okay see you tomorrow it is morning and Susie sheep has come to play with Peppa I will really miss you Susie don't miss you Peppa me I will even miss you bossing me about what do you mean you are the bossy one no I am NOT yes you are we are both a bit bossy I'm so happy about its new job in a new country I thought I'd be stuck here forever so you said you're ready to go Susie no wait I need you were going away card thank you papa and you can have this it's my most favorite plastic crown because you are so special and so you don't forget me and you must keep it forever I will never forget you Peppa don't go Susie hello oh I see right they said I didn't get the new job so you're not moving away no are we staying here forever yes I'm glad you're staying Susie give me my crown back but you said I could keep the crown forever I know but you're not going away now oh you can wear it when you come round what about the card you can keep the card thank you Susie other best of friends pepper and George are at granny and Grandpa pig's house grandpa is showing pepper and George his stamp collection I've collected hundreds of stamps from all over the world grandpa I think you must have every stamp ever oh I suppose I do have quite a few so there's no need for you to buy any more stamps is there grandpa mmm the postman ah it's a postcard for my friend what does it say it says wish you were here I've never had a postcard that's easy to fix let's write one to you and George now then we can post it to you oh goody what shall we write on it pepper and George [Music] very good let's post it's not yet pepper we need to write where you live do you know your address pepper very good no can we Penn State there's still something missing do you know what it is it needs a case that's lovely and we need a stamp too grandpa has stamps my stamps not for licking and sticking on postcards pepper they are for collecting and looking at come on pepper and George I think we'll find some normal stamps upstairs who can that be special delivery ah this could be yes it's the rare stamp I sent off for it's a big books for just a step did it cost a lot of money Shh granny pig doesn't need to know right you are miss drew no stamps granny we'll just have to carry on looking downstairs what a beautiful stamp and in perfect condition never been used what's going on here oh I'll take it to the recycling cart ah good I knew we'd find a stamp somewhere George would you like to lick it stick it on the postcard now it's time to post your postcard send it off George mr. zebra has come to collect the post did anyone see a stamp on the kitchen table yes ah my stamp stop stop oh my goodness that's that wasn't meant to be used why not grandpa well it was a special stamp that I bought for my collection oh so how much did it cost not much that's all right then anyway it's not lost the postcard is going to pepper in George's house oh yes I'll go straight there and wait for it to arrive pig has arrived and pepper in Georgia house oh grandpa pig I haven't missed the post today special delivery oh my lovely stamp actually this is for peppa and George has your lovely stamp on it would you like to keep it Oh Thank You Peppa this stamp was important before but it's even more precious now that it's been posted to pepper and George today is captain dog's birthday [Music] thank you everyone that's a start oh it's nothing son just seeing this year boat reminded me how much I miss the sea captain dog loves the sea why not open your birthday present it's a boat trip a boat trip that's just what I wanted let's go there's nothing better than sailing a boat you could go anywhere you want in a sailing boat we could head for the tropics or have an Arctic adventure we might even see a whale it's just a day trip dear this is the canal now where is the sailing boat we're going on this canal boat I see we use the canal boat to get to the sailing boat no dear we're going on this boat for your birthday and we're sailing it down the canal Veronica now you can only go this way and that way yes Danny you're right a boat on the water all aboard oh I wanted to say that oh I'm sorry oh [Music] where is the sail canal boats do not have sails you just push this button to make the boat go [Music] this is doing faster than our boots want a race to you mrs. duck full steam can't this thing go any faster no this is the top speed Oh anyway you want to slow down we're coming to a mountain we're gonna crash straight into it no we're going into the tunnel there is a tunnel through the mountain we sailed straight through the middle of a mountain ha ha this canal boat is actually quite fun and that means another tunnel not this time oh there's no trouble we're going uphill there's no way in the world a boat can go uphill there is and it's called unlock watch I'll show you I mean dog is opening the gates to the lock take captain just wait there while I close these gates now I'm letting in the water from the top the rising water is lifting the canal boat up now I open this gate we're sailing over bridge yes this bridge means we can sail high above the valley below sailing across the sky what could be a better adventure sailing across the sky fun time today I should say so I've sailed through mountains over hills and across the sky this is my best birthday captain dog loves canal boats everyone loves banal notes it is a lovely sunny day and the market has come to town get your apples here smelly cheese fish no it's fresh fish each market stall sells one thing Oh chase fish mr. Fox's store sells everything oil is casted rocket engines pepper and her family have come to the market to do their shopping fresh opposed please what kind would you like big or small red or green why don't you try one hmm a bag of the lovely apples please Josh loves cheese I've got a very smelly cheese here maybe daddy pig girl should give it a sniff the smell of the cheese has not daddy pig off his feet Wow that's what I call a strong cheese good isn't it George likes smelly cheese may we buy that one please of course fish nice fish can we buy some fish please okay I've got trap addict mackerel or squid what would you like they all look good our bet I'll give you some of each then you can make a lovely fish pie thank you very much fish o J's here is mr. Fox's store fan orders to handbags I'm selling anything really what do you want nothing thank you we've bought everything we need cheese and fish Oh what didn't you come to me first I've got all of that you sell apples you never saved apples like these they're made of wood Oh brilliant aren't they they'll last forever who else did you buy cheese cheese I've got all kinds of cheese here they don't smell of much it's because they are plastic made of plastic yes guaranteed to last you a lifetime buy one get four free No thank you mr. box you bought a fish too didn't you I could have sold you a better fish no plastic fish thank you this isn't plastic well actually it is but this is an amazing toy fish look it sings and it only needs 24 batteries no please 10 minutes could sing to us all day I'm sorry pepper but our house doesn't need a singing fish okay thanks mr. Fox but we really do have everything we came for there must be something else you need how I felt an antique china Vaz that will never break because it's a motor plastic it's really lovely but we just don't need anything it is no worries I've got just the thing we'll take yes for umbrellas please mr. Fox's store sells everything you see it's lucky you came to my store yes Thank You mr. Fox and the listing is just for today buy four umbrellas and you get a singing fish free grandpa pig is taking clever George sailing a hurry there grandpa pig here I'm mr. stallion and mrs. Corgi they are members of the sailing club hello we're just going out for a sail it's a bit early for sailing yes you can't go saving now thank you for your advice see you later grandpa your friend said that we can't go sailing yet they don't know what they're talking about Oh bother grandpa's boat is stuck in the mud yeah yes the tide seems to be out so we can't go sailing don't worry the water will come back again soon and the boat will rise up it certainly is and the water is lifting grandpa's boat after the mud let's go sailing off we go [Music] who are you that grandpa pig are you okay though do you need any help or advice old chap we're doing just fine thank you bye grandpa that going quicker than us there's no need to hurry when you're sailing [Music] [Music] ahoy there Grand Park it time to head back if you don't want to miss the tide haha right you are good bye I don't listen to them I know more about the Thais than they ever will [Music] oh we've stopped Bobby ah the tide seems to have gone out are we stuck in the mud grandpa yes but only until the tide changes then the water will lift us up again when will the water come back tomorrow morning we'll just have to spend the night on the boat better give granny pig a call we've decided to spend the night out on the boat you mean you've got the tides wrong no no of course not I just granny I knew it it's an adventure granny we'll see you in the morning and I will sleep on deck under the stars night night peppa and George peppa and George are asleep in the bunks grandpa pig is asleep on the deck the stars are twinkling in the sky above it is born weight bottom up and down [Applause] look children the water is back grandpa pigs boat is floating again time to sail home granny pig has come to meet pepper and George my little ones did you have a nice time love saving everyone sailing [Music] [Music]
Channel: Peppa Pig - Official Channel
Views: 36,994,646
Rating: 3.612267 out of 5
Keywords: peppa pig english episodes, peppa, peppa pig full episodes, #peppa, #peppapig, #peppapigenglish, pepa pig, peppa pig peppa pig, peppa pig english, peppa pig song, pig, pig peppa pig, peppa pig cartoon, papa pig, peppa pig in english, peppa george, pepper pig, peppa pig live, peppapig, pepp, peppa pig english episodes full, pepapig, peppa pig marble run, funny peppa pig, peppa pig christmas, peppa pig songs, peppa pig live stream, cartoon, peppa pig baby piggy, peppa pig halloween
Id: j8uUy4zPu9o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 21sec (3861 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 18 2019
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