🔴 Test your L2/L3 Switch Knowledge in this CCNA prep Quiz.

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and welcome everybody if you give me a huge favor and let me know you can hear me that's one of the things i would like to make sure we're going to do and then secondly if you take a moment and use either the app or go to www.kahoot.it and use the game pin shown at the top of the screen all right thanks for all that feedback glad you're here with me for a few minutes talking about layer 2 and layer 3 multi-layer switching and we're going to start here in just a few minutes thanks for being here all right i see calvin tran is in the house cisco fan is in the house monish buddy jason henry ryan welcome welcome welcome it's great to have you here [Music] also i think i just brought some music to the party if you could confirm that as well that'd be awesome if you can hear that wonderful kahutun rocking on [Music] all right thanks jason thanks everybody for being here it's a great day to test our knowledge on multi-layer switching and i've got a few surprises for you too [Music] you [Music] all right if you're just joining us please feel free to join the live quiz the url is at the top or you can use the app of kahoot and use the pin code shown if you're coming late later that pin number will still be at the very bottom so if somebody joins late they want to join us you can just refer to the pin code at the bottom of the screen also i want to point out that if you're watching this live and enjoying it live which we are we get to play live but if we're watching a recording like tomorrow or the next day or whenever of course it wouldn't be able to do the interactive game i got a few questions like that like my pin isn't working i thought this question just came in like two days after the quiz um so it was fun i'm glad people are enjoying it [Music] just gonna dial in a few screens here and then we will be good to go [Music] all right blendinator saying first time glad to have you during the quiz and protest you're very welcome it's good to see everybody all right let me check the time give me one moment and then we'll start [Music] all right we are going to start here in just a few seconds i want to thank everybody for joining me for this kahoot quiz it's based on cisco technology a lot of multi-layer switching if you aren't yet familiar with that uh you'll learn a lot in this quiz and also it'll identify where we can go back to do additional studies so again if this is the first time our paths have crossed my name is keith barker it's so good to have you here uh to make it easier to find me if you want to click on subscribe that way you can find me in your list of subscriptions and my goal is to help you in your journey in getting additional skills in the world of technology and we start with ccna oftentimes we go on to ccnp and cci and and i've enjoyed my entire journey and i want to help you be successful with yours all right having said that let me put the code back up on the screen and we are going to start i'm clicking the magic button there it is a kahoot by the og of it multi-layer switching these are randomized orders and here is your first question good luck everybody who could provide hsrp services to the [Music] pc [Music] also i'd like to point out as you look this crazy topology that i dreamed up last night and put in put into reality that we're going to use the same topology for most of our questions and i've given you up to two minutes oftentimes when it takes a while to figure something out for me it takes a little while to warm up to a topology so on the first question here be easy on yourself and uh thanks for the super sticker the solid shadow much appreciated [Music] and tuna and sweet corn if that is your real name jumped on an answer too soon been there done that so there's several more coming up yeah me too uh vernon's saying i'm glad this isn't the actual ccna the good news is this is that uh the topics i pulled for these questions absolutely are in the ballpark of ccna because ccna asks about layer two and layer three switching and everything i'm gonna cover here is dealing with layer two and layer three switching and ether channels both layer 2 and layer 3 ether channels which are both on the ccna all right if you jumped on the answer too soon no worries there's more questions coming up all right well you know it's a warm-up right it's a warm-up so let's talk for a moment i'm glad you're here first of all uh to get anywhere in life well i shouldn't say to get anywhere because you'll end up somewhere no matter what you do but if you want to get to the point you want to be applying a little study and a little practice is a great thing and so i have these really great questions to share with you this is one of them and i'd like to spend a moment if you're up for it and talking about why that answer was correct also this will give us a chance to warm up to this topology what it is and how it's working and it'll help you the future questions as well all right let's see here let me bring out my magic pen keith you have a magic pen um maybe so what could provide hsrp services to the pc so let me bring up the media here and let me bring up my pen there it is all right and the color i'm going to use is this color right here happy happy color all right so um the question was who could provide hsrp services to the pc so the first question is where's the pc so we identify the pc here the dhcp client it looks like it's off of port 7 of this multi-layer switch and if you're new to multi-layer switching here's what it means you've got a device that can do routing based on layer 3 ip packets routing functions and you can do layer 2 forwarding of frames based on layer 2 mac addresses switching functions you put that into one box and boom multiplayer switch so there's the pc and what is hsrp hsrp stands for hot standby router protocol and basically it provides default gateway services that are redundant so pcs need a default gateway they do because they only know about the directly connected network so if we have two or more devices that provide layer 3 routing services on that same vlan because he's in vlan 3 those devices could provide fault tolerance like hsrp or gateway load balancing protocol or vrp but you know for ccna the primary one that they want you to know is like vrrp and hsrp so uh the thing is that who is who are the devices who are who has a layer 3 interface that's available to the pc and vlan 3 and the answer is if this is a layer 2 trunk between switch 2 and switch 3 these are the two devices that could pull that off so switch 2 could participate in hsrp and vlan 3 because it's the trunk between them and switch 3 can participate in hrp services for vlan 3. so i would say the answers are switch two and switch three and now the moment of truth i hope that's true that's that's literally my moment of truth let's see yeah switch to or switch three so here's the other uh opportunity that you and i have every saturday at 10 o'clock 10 o'clock am 10 o'clock at 10 o'clock pacific time on saturdays i hold the keith barker instructor hour it's exactly one hour long and it's for people who are studying or have questions come on in it's on the discord server free free free and ask your questions so if you're studying something i have a question yesterday we had great conversations about ospf and fascinating questions and then they're based on a quiz question like why is that true and how does that work and gave me a chance to elaborate on it more so i think we had like a fairly small group maybe five to eight people at the most uh so it's very very tight close little you know group where you can ask questions so if you want to bring this question regarding this quiz question next saturday please feel free to do so all right and here we go at the very bottom of the screen by the way is the pin id so you can join this if you're just joining us and elated raccoon we ask often might ask ourselves why is that raccoon acting so elated the answer is first place dude first place nice work here's question two of nine these will go a little bit faster because we're using the same topology but what is true based on the output that is shown right here 90 seconds on the clock and i'll be a little more quiet so you can focus [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] all right now i didn't say pick 3 or witch 3 but um not bad not bad mostly correct answers i'm proud of that let's drag in some output now it might have been better let me change my screen size a little bit here see if that's more readable it would have been awesome some of you might think well keith it'd be so great if you didn't like cut out this detail from the output that shows you the details of what's going on but if you do the show ether channel summary and by the way this is from packet tracer which is a pretty good tool to help practice and get better at things with packet tracer here i did show ether channel summary and what do we know we have two port channel interfaces we have po12 and po23 for po12 we're using gig one one one and gig one one two and for port channel 23 we're using one one three and one one four for port channel 23 it shows right here that it's using lacp as the negotiating establishment and maintenance protocol for that ether channel and so that's true port channel 23 is using lac p and for port number 12 or po12 see that dash that to me thinks about things like on like not using p not using link aggregation control protocol it's just on now the other thing that was helpful here is this part right here what type of ether channel are you and the r represents layer 3 like a router and the s represents layer 2 like a switch so that's going to help you remember that that the r represents layer 3 like routing and the s represents layer 2 switching um that's great because that's that's literally what they're representing there okay you guys did pretty good on that super please let me clear off my screen let me pull that out of the way and we go back to a bigger screen and oh my gosh here we go elated raccoon still crushing it 3586 points now no pressure here but the faster you answer the question correctly the more points you get it also leads us to jump to the wrong conclusion sometimes so um balance that and make your best effort guess and i hopefully everybody who does these quiz questions when they answer something wrong they get hopefully we're taking the opportunity to discover why we answered it incorrectly and then better to better learn it and understand how it works all right question three of nine who could provide default gateway services for vlan 3 oh my gosh these are randomized i randomized these questions so that's all i'm saying no it's not this is very similar to a previous question we had an hsrp just saying ah sean thank you for the kind words i'm glad i could be a bigger uh you know part of your summer and getting your exam passed fantastic [Music] calvin thanks for your help in the chats you're amazing kelvin's one of the discord admins over on discord on the keith barker channel thank you thank you thank you for all the service you give to everybody and maya you are so welcome happy to do [Music] this [Music] if i talk like this they can have hi keith who are you talking to i'll tell you in a moment all right who could provide default gateway services for vlan 3. let's take a look so if we look at the media here and i get out my pen which i am using epic pen i saw that question earlier thanks for the response by the way so this pc here is in it says in vlan 3 that means this is an access port port 7 is an access port associated with vlan 3. great great great now who could be a default gateway for this pc the answer is anybody any router that has an interface in vlan 3. now because this is the trunk it's actually in layer 2 ether channel doing 802.12 trunking uh switch 2 and switch 3 both have access and can have a switch virtual interface in vlan 3. that means they both could be acting as a default gateway that's it's basically the same answer to the question which devices could provide hsrp services it's also over here on the left if you haven't seen it yet svis are in place meaning i have switch virtual interfaces logically three interfaces on the switches already set up ready to go all right uh you guys are doing great let's continue let me take off my pen work here my penmanship and let's go to the next question so wow 36 of you got that right it's fantastic it shows me at the very end a summary of which questions were answered correctly and which ones were the hardest questions and we can together if you want at the end of this quiz i'll show you that list as well see which were the toughest questions out of all presented today all right elated raccoon refuses to be put down and uh i guess putting down a raccoon that's probably not a good thing you know those are animals though anyway and then focus urchin and super gator coming up also in the studio today with me i've got another one of our admins on discord and that is trevor and uh trevor helped me today with moving some heavy stuff would you say maybe yeah yeah pretty much from some other property we won't say any names but yeah from a different property over here yep yep so i'm very grateful it was heavy and i'm very grateful for his help all right here we go question number four of nine what do layer three switches and routers have in common and i want you to choose three of these [Music] adamo bonjour all right good work uh they have ip addressed interfaces like switched virtual interfaces they have arp caches that remember the layer 2 resolution when they're doing forwarding of packets and they need the layer 2 address and they also have routing tables so if we were to take a look at a multi-layer switch let me change my screen size a little bit make that a little bit more readable there we go so if we did a show ip interface brief so there's its iep addresses on its there's this port channel interface on that layer 3 port channel and here's the vlan interface vlan 3. fantastic and if we did a show arp there's the arp cache just like a router or any other device would have that maps layer three addresses layer two addresses and it caches it so we don't have to arp every single time you know we need to learn something else's address we learn it cache it for a while what was the other one uh that one was oh they have routing tables sure enough so we just show iprout there's the routing table on this multi-layer switch and look at this for some interfaces we have the port channel that we're going to use the layer 3 port channel and on other routes we have the vlan 3 interface so these are layer three interfaces is what we're gonna use for the routing process and layer three port channels and vlans uh interface vlans svis are both fall in that category all right great job let's see who is in the top spot elated raccoon super gator followed by focused urchin all right this game is on all right let's go ahead and continue i'll give you the full screen multiple select ospf is enabled for all interfaces in the configuration who will become neighbors in this topology [Music] choose all that apply i'm also just going to throw it out there the pc is not running ospf so it's not blue or if you're color blind it's not the answer that says switch one on the pc i want to be an equal opportunity [Music] spoiler [Music] [Music] [Music] so regarding the pc and ospf i'm not saying we couldn't run ospf on a pc with utilities especially hacking utilities i'm just saying in this topology it isn't happening [Music] [Music] all right the correct answers are switch 2 and switch 3 will become neighbors and switch one and switch two will become neighbors but not switch one and switch three which 36 you thought might be a nice idea i mean neighborships are fantastic right i mean we want to be friendly with people ah dang i just closed that let me let me bring up that diagram i meant to see the watch peek at the diagram let me find it real quick give me one moment so i have this stored and let's see here almost there it'll be worth it let me find it real quick there it is let's bring it up in some other utility boom that'll work all right that'll work so now i have to remind myself what the question was oh who's giving me neighbors so if ospf is enabled everywhere uh basically from switch one's perspective this is a think of this port channel 2012 as a layer 3 interface so we've got a layer 3 interface think of like switch 1 and switch 2 being a router which they are in this case and they've only got one connection so there's going to be a neighborship there and for switch 3 it has no layer 3 interfaces that are in the same network here as this 10.12 network so the relationships are going to be from svi to svi the switch virtual interface addresses between switch to switch three they'd become neighbors there with ospf and switch to become neighbors with switch one but that's the only neighborships that would exist so switch one has no knowledge of switch three as far as a directly connected neighbor because they don't have any um there's no there's no they don't share a layer three networked together between switch one and switch three so you know we could do let's do this this would be fun let me uh erase that real quick let me bring up this guy so this is switch two in the middle by the way in this topology and i'm gonna make this a little bit bigger so we can see it better punk there we go so if we did a show ip ospf interface brief oh which this is packet tracer sorry sorry everybody so show ip ospf neighbors this shows us that switch 2 is a neighbor with switch 1. it's using the port channel interface that it has the layer 3 port channel for that adjacency and it's also fully adjacent with router 3 based on that router id and it's using the interface vlan 3 for that relationship all right moving on you guys are doing great here is the full screen once again let me minimize this topology and let's take a look at the next question elated raccoon followed by royal gator caring shark topical jaguar and space ja two jaguars in the top five wow all right question six of nine i'm having a good time i'm so glad you're here which modes represent that lacp link aggregation control protocol is desired and being used for ether channel [Music] and if you're looking at that screen saying oh there's the screen it's showing us so it's not showing us somebody put x's in there what was that all about so mean i'm doing it for you because i love you [Music] all right michelle says this is fun i'm gonna do this every week love to have you we do the instructor hours on saturdays pacific time at 10 o'clock and the quizzes are always on sunday at 11 a.m pacific time all right passive and active that absolutely is the the representation that we're going to use the link aggregation control protocol and the other two options of auto and desirable those were all pack p fantastic all right good job good job if you got that right it's definitely right in there on the blueprint for ccna boy elated raccoon please reach out to me on discord and let me know who you are because that's just amazing i'd like to i'm not i'm not saying elite raccoon's going to win the whole thing i'm just saying that related raccoon is crushing it and we have nine players that have an answer streak of three or longer so that's up to three fantastic work okay question seven of nine coming down to the brass tax multi-select ospf is enabled for all interfaces which interfaces will be used for the ospf [Music] adjacencies [Music] so jason moving from 10th place down to 23rd not so bad it's only for people who stop because the people aren't going to win so everybody's a winner if you keep moving i mean the rain dances never fail the american you know indian uh did a rain dance and they always work always the secret to that is what i use for my cci studies just never stop if you if you study long enough you'll get it if you dance long enough the rain will come just make sure you're doing consistent work in the direction you want to go that's the my one coaching to everybody don't give up i'm a double ccie but i didn't fall there i got my first one in 2001 when i had i had to do the math i've got seven children they're all grown now uh but in 2001 i had probably at least four and i spent four hours a day four or five days a week for eight months to pass that exam the first time so it's worth it totally worth it would i do it again in a heartbeat i'd probably do it sooner [Music] maybe there wasn't facebook and youtube though to distract me i'm committed factor that's right blendinator never give up never surrender [Music] boom okay the correct answers are switch to switch virtual interface vlan 3 and also switch one port channel 12. what is so magical about those two they are the only layer 3 interfaces that were possible answers so if you want to have an ospf neighborhood adjacency with somebody pick a layer 3 interface and that's the one that's going to use so switch to port channel 23 was is layer two and switch one port two is layer two so it needs to be a layer three interface and that's why blue and green here are correct now just a little just a little okay take a breath here if you're new to multi-layer switching and routing and take this one step at a time this concept about like you take two two boxes right you want to talk to each other there's like seven ways of doing that i mean you could have access ports on both sides and switch virtual interfaces to have them adjacent with each other you could do a no switch port on the interfaces and make them layer three ports you could do a no switch port on one and have it connect to an access port on the other and have an svi i'm just saying that one step at a time so this stuff is a little bit more tricky because it's not assuming it's relying on a lot of other knowledge about routing and switching and multiplayer switches so that's why i put this quiz together all right let me go back to our quiz questions we are almost done i'm proud of everybody who's participating and showing up and putting in study time every week towards our ccna or ccnp elated raccoon says i'm taking the lead and i'm not looking back and uh happy for everybody who's here let's continue on i think we have like one or two more yeah this is the penultimate question the last the sec the question before the last where's dhcp relay applied on a multi-layer switch where does it go [Music] i'm not gonna lie i'm digging this jam [Music] [Music] [Music] and san jose if you want to join the quiz we have a couple questions left but you can uh go to kahoot.it on the web or use the kahoot app and then just put in the pin code is in the bottom of the screen there'll also be a recording of this and the quiz playlist on the keith barker channel on my channel on youtube so you can review it there as well if you'd like to thank you for providing that pin fantastic all right where's dhcp relay applied on a multi-layer switch it's on a layer 3 interface it's going to be on the interface that is uh in the vlan where the dhcp server is not and so you have a layer 3 interface it could be a port channel layer 3 interface although unlikely because that's going to be between two switches so you can get a vlan interface or any any layer 3 interface that's where you'd apply the dhcp relay so here's the discover message wraps that pack it up ships it over to the dhcp server who responds with the appropriate ip brush from the correct pool and then the client through the interaction of dora gets an ip dress and is happy happy happy all right you guys are great and i think we have one final question also i want to point out let's see who's at the top elated raccoon has the highest average answer streak of eight and has the points to show for it congratulations for everybody for showing up and participating i'm having a lot of fun i enjoy the time together i do i do i do uh also i wanted to point out that if you are pursuing your ccna or if you want to look at all these questions i created a playlist on my youtube channel and it's called the something like you know quiz playlist something really creative like that so if you want to go through i think we have like 20 20 quizzes that i wrote um and this is like the 20th so you can go back and you look at that quiz playlist you can enjoy it and just go through the whole thing i recommend doing that before you go for your ccna exam just to help identify areas that you need to study a little more also if you have questions bring them to the instructor hour which is on discord free free free every saturday at 10 am all right this is the final question sniff sniff what is being configured in the sample [Music] configuration [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] blending in there that is a great question let me pick that up after everybody answers [Music] [Music] and san jose you're spot on so what is being configured in the sample configuration layer three ether channel without link aggregation control protocol or peg p and that is because right here it is on on means don't bother with any of those bad boys just on now for bonus points here's bonus points for you when would we want to conf oh this is layer 3. nevermind i was going to say if you're if you're if you're connecting over to a wireless lan controller and you're doing ether channel you'd want to use on but that would be a layer two a layer two ether channel not layer three the no switch port brings it into uh layer three territory all right all right so a couple questions from the queue and let me go ahead and uh bring up the camera and let me bring this over oh oh you know let's take a look at the winners first yeah let's do that and then i'll bring the camera over okay so survey says here's the podium third place super gator tropical jaguar oh i wonder who this could be and nine out of nine elated raccoon thank you for participating in the og of it quiz on multi-layer switching uh if you let me show you uh the results here too as far as the uh let me get some feedback so this is the difficult questions like the most difficult question was who could provide hsrp services only 10 10 correct and then no spfs so this is useful for me as a trainer because i can then take that information and reinforce that concept uh let me get some feedback from you as well so if you would on your app just go ahead and apply some feedback i see somebody just subscribed thank you for that as well it's great to have you and uh i'm grateful i'm so grateful for you being here and practicing getting better and better uh the the trick is just don't give up and set some goals for yourself as far as when you'd like to get to a certain level oh there's also a question like you asking about timing on these quiz questions so if it's a fairly difficult question i'll usually put 120 seconds on the clock and if it's not so difficult like how do you spell cdp less so in the actual exam for ccna it's like a hundred and two hundred three questions uh there's no simulations anymore so it's just a matter of just going through it uh you might have some drag and drops or multiple guess multiple choice and it'll tell you if they're looking for two answers it'll say you know pick the two answers it won't leave you hanging uh so but because there's a hundred questions uh you know and they give you like a two hours or i think it's two hours for the exam you have to check out the details before you go take it but if you just assume that uh based on the time of the exam divided by the number of questions that's your time frame i when i took it and i have a whole video on it i have a whole video walkthrough on my exam experience with ccna and and i liked it i thought it was a fair exam they took the blueprint they asked the right questions and i thought they were testing my knowledge of those things at an appropriate level i loved it so as far as the time i use most of my time in the ccna exam i was enjoying it i was like taking the question thinking did they mean this how they mean that and uh passed the exam force i passed the exam but i think one to two minutes for a fairly tricky question is probably the most you'll want to take and the questions you're more sure about read read the read all the answers look at the question again read all the answers and verify you're answering the right question because in the exam you click on go or you know next you can't go back it's a one-way trip to success for you um and again the number one thing i would have you do is whatever your main course of study is and you're enjoying your studies if you're working on something like spanning tree or routing or multi-layer switching lab it help lab it up lab it up i have this packet tracer lab up on the uh i put a link for it in the description of the video so you can actually download this if you want or build it yourself and play around with it um but labbing up and practicing is a huge huge benefit also if you have if you're stuck on something or you're working in a packet tracer lab or you have a question save it dm me on discord send it to me i'm happy to open it up especially now with uh packet tracer 7.31 you don't have to authenticate every single time it's great like once every month or once every three months fantastic so save it send it to me say keith i'm stuck with this i'll be happy to look at it join me on saturdays at 10 a.m for the instructor hour with keith happy to help the goal is keep moving keep going and that's my wish for you i want to thank trevor here has been very quiet and uh enjoying were you in the top five oh okay so trevor just saw none of these questions because we were removing gear uh physical gear and stuff and racks uh up to like what 15 minutes before the stream yeah i was like okay time for the stream and i prepped these questions last night so they're all ready to go and uh so he played but he had not seen any of the questions beforehand so he didn't have any unfair advantage and uh where'd you come you mind telling us where you came in like no i mean then you're just right there you're getting there bullet position on your phone yeah you remember he's looking it up he's looking it up 15th okay but it wasn't the top five but it wasn't the bottom five yeah all right that's awesome so here's the guy who really uh understands network some of these questions are pretty tricky oh also you don't have a screen do you so he was looking at my monitor right for the questions and some of that font was like he's probably seven eight feet away because of social distancing and he's also he's also wearing a mask just let you know we're being safe on top of that heaven he has a chip in his glasses all right all right all right okay um thank you very very much let me if there's any questions i've got a bolt right after this if you have questions about the quiz questions um a lot of people join the uh discord server and they jump in the ccna voice chat room after a stream i'm not going to do that today but there are usually several people there so you have questions you can ask them you can catch me though if you want on saturdays at 10 a.m let me see if there's any other questions here um uh the 999 j strict is saying how many people participated today and i'd have to i closed that window i'd have to look at my um it says my live stream from youtube says 209 viewers uh at the moment so it might have been higher before i'm not sure how many people played so my in my stats for kahoot i look at that later but i can only support up to two thousand so uh anyway it's a lot of fun uh let's see if there's other questions here as well uh thanks everybody i'm glad it was a good refresher a lot of kind words great great great uh great t-shirt fantastic thank you very much for that i've got your back i've got one for halloween too it has two skeletons with one has the other guy's back it's my halloween flavor of that oh the pac-man ghost in the background is awesome thank you very much ryan glad you're here kelvin awesome i'm glad you played appreciate that uh usually kelvin uh previews and does a sanity check on his questions out of his own time he's just totally you know giving of himself and uh today because i was late i didn't have a chance to preview with anybody so i'm glad you're able to be able to play and let's see if there's anything else uh the binary clock in the background over here what model is it i'll tell you what i'll do i have a affiliate link on amazon i don't know if that clock is in it or not but later today i'll add it so you can just go down all my videos have my affiliate link i basically take products for networking routing switching also stuff for youtube my lights everything else and my camera and i put it in my youtube list or my my excuse me my amazon list and so that way you can see exactly the models i use and all the stuff as well also i think they spin off a few dollars if somebody buys one but that's not that's not a money maker for me so i will add that to my amazon storefront so you can see what that is but it's super fun um the other day i had my uh somebody work with on the phone and apparently you know the i.t person and i said check out my new clock he looked at it and i said hey can you tell me what time it is and it was after like 42 like some the hour the hour's pretty easy because the hour only goes up to like 12 right because it's 24 hour uh 12 hour o'clock but for the minutes so the bottom row is seconds and then minutes and then the hour and there's a couple other options for it as well but it was over past the 40 mark for minutes i said hey what time is it two it's like 2 45. it's like a 32 plus 16 you know i was doing the math on the binary i go you're right and i realized at that moment when i said you're right that he just looked at his computer clock and said yeah whatever that time was so anyway it's a fun clock a lot of fun fun fun fun um all right let me see if there's any other quick questions looking forward to halloween special quiz uh because you're teaching i'm inspired to take the ccna exam amit fantastic it will serve you well and it's just a starting point learning the technology really learning it and then just keep on going don't stop don't stop don't stop uh your videos are great uh greetings from buenos aires ah luis thank you very much for that and uh my background looks amazing my daughter amber is a graphic is a artist and she designed most of this for me we took what was at my old studio we kicked it up a couple notches and thank you for that feedback and you are so welcome for the stream all right um that's going to be it i'm going to release some additional videos i released four new videos last week on sd-wan so as my friend network check would say you need to learn sd-wan no i love network check um i you don't need to learn sd-wan hello but i'll tell you what is it beneficial it's beneficial if you're in a job interview and they want to talk about sd-wan software define when or like how the control plane separated how it works it's useful to have a little bit of knowledge about how that stuff works so i created four videos on sd-wan what i thought i would want somebody to tell me if i was just learning about it like what's the big picture why the benefit how does it work what are the pieces and that way if you're in a job interview and they have sd-wan you won't be like i have no idea what that is sounds really cool but you can actually you know after a few videos there's four videos like 15 10 to 15 minutes a piece i put them in a playlist for sd-wan uh cisco's sd software-defined wide area networking solution with a v-bond v-managed v-smart and v-edges or edges including cisco router's edges all right ah everybody thank you very very much i'm gonna give you some really cool exit music and be safe be well be nice to others keep studying and let me know darn it if i can help catch you next time bye for now [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Keith Barker
Views: 6,026
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: osi model, mac address, transport layer, internet protocol, tcp/ip model, ip address, computer network, keith barker ccna 200-301, keith barker ccna, cisco ccna, ccna 200-301, practice exam, ccna certification, cisco training, ccna study material, best ccna, ccna study session, layer 3 switch vs router, layer 3 switch inter vlan routing, layer 3 switch configuration, layer 3 switch routing, layer 3 switch vlan configuration, layer 3 switch vs layer 2 switch
Id: rI-8--p9gBU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 32sec (3092 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 20 2020
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