🔴 Interface Issues | CCNA prep Quiz

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[Music] all right and welcome everybody i'm so glad you're here hey if you do me a huge favor we've got about six or seven minutes before the uh start of the game if you give me a favor and let me know if you can hear audio including my voice and also that you can see my screen um that'd be awesome that'll serve as a good sound check all right okay well thank you nanimo thank you loom i guess thank you thank you thank you all right good to have you here if this is the first time you're joining us the way you join is you can use an app from the app store or the google play for kahoot or you can open it up in a browser the information is on the screen as far as the the game pin and i'm really excited to have you here so thanks for joining me and wow they're pouring in i will go ahead and give you the full screen and i'll be back in a few minutes to get started thanks for being with me today [Music] and zilpha car hello welcome welcome [Music] welcome [Music] hey sarah welcome welcome good to see everybody here prakash good to see you too my friend hello harold welcome so this is like our 23rd or 24th week in a row of doing quizzes and if you missed any and want to catch up on them there's a couple ways of doing that one way is to just go to the playlist for the quizzes on my channel and they're all recorded right there so you can take them and i think they're really good um verification when you're getting closer to taking your real ccna just go through that quiz playlist make sure that you understand the technology that's being asked about make sure you know what the correct answers are but not really just for the sake of getting it right but also knowing why the answer is right because in an exam environment it's just you and the exam they're going to ask you questions to verify if you understand how a protocol works [Music] all right harold says in the philippines it's uh 1 55 a.m wow thank you so much for being here i appreciate you also if you uh haven't yet joined us for the office hour that i do every saturday pacific time at 10 a.m wow yesterday was great so many great questions and the lab stuff up elaborate usually it's just an instructor hour from 10 to 11 a.m saturday uh pacific time but there was enough questions where we went an hour and a half and i'm happy to do it super great and ryan good morning afternoon every evening everybody you're very welcome ryan i'm happy to do this so peter's wishing everybody good luck [Music] and the middle east is in the house welcome welcome from whatever part of the globe you're on the reality is we are all in this together another common thing that we have going for all of us is that even though there's significant differences between where people might grow up or how they're raised or what they believe in all of us can get better at i.t i mean also being nice to other people but nit and as we get better and better it's going to make more opportunities for us we're going to have more income or the opportunity to get more income and that relates to or equates to a better quality of life so i'm in it for everybody who wants to put the time in and study and learn and get better at things in it world ah i'm here for you i am here for you [Music] i see uh is saying hello to everybody miguel is as well hrp is too peter from the uk uk's in the house png mod is in the house thank you for that loom ian blendinator 100 positive attitude detected hello from canada ah man well no matter where you are on the planet welcome everybody we are going to start here in about probably three to four minutes so i give people a chance to log in and then we'll get going hey jerry hello from las vegas nevada u.s jerry's saying hello from india welcome off css is greetings from mexico is css is that a cascading style sheets are you an html person maybe ah hakan says hello from norway fantastic and uh nick is in the house the 999 j-strick hi from michigan it looks like awesome asia's in the house uzbekistan nice i had to think about how to pronounce that and miguel saying thanks to everything keith great content cbt nuggets on youtube you're welcome man and whatever you're using everybody for your main course to study i'm here to help i don't care i mean i make a living at cbt and they take care of me and i put my heart into that but whatever it is you're studying we all come from different backgrounds and have different budgets and everything else so whatever it is you're using to study i want to help you get there all right michael oh f2 uh i have a couple of michaels and one's from florida and one's from texas welcome both kromak is in maryland oh and uh greece is in the house okay so i'd have a i think i have a challenge my accent's not great so welcome everybody nigeria kenya germany it's an international affair i'm so grateful for everybody you know who needs it services everybody and as we get better at working with it we'll be more valuable to our families and to our customers and to our friends morocco's here dc's here kibabastan is here in the house great great great eddie you are welcome algeria welcome i am a clg student do you think i can crack ccna says uh book uh the answer is yes malaysia's here fantastic um yeah i think anybody can get the ccna i i if the my brain is pretty much average it really is i'm i married a very smart person but my brain and my kids are super smart but my brain's super average if i can do it anybody can do it it's just a matter of applying it may take a little longer for some less than others but totally worth it let me say hi to everybody see ya i'll put myself in the upper right-hand corner it's great to see you all right take a look at my watch um just another like 45 seconds and we will kick it off i'm so glad that you are here if you're just joining us for the first time you can join this live event if you're watching it live um if you're watching the recording later it won't be available but if you're doing it live you can join the pin codes on the screen also have the pin code at the bottom so you can join later during the game um and give it a shot it's a lot of fun and we'll see who ends up on the winner's podium but reality says that you're playing this game you're participating you're on the discord server helping other people study and get better better you're winning that's really the secret just keep on going yeah the discord server yesterday we had our instructor hour oh my gosh it was great um i learned some new things i learned about a command i'd never used before and we talked about spanning tree we talked about uh ospf we talked about ether channel and it was great i loved it and some really great questions and some great elaboration was done and fantastic okay i'm looking at my uh feedback here we are about at a hundred people uh we have more than that in the room we have like 150 in the room it says in about 100 playing that's great so if you want to still sign in do it now uh the solid shadow i'll tell you what the solid shadow you always give me a solid i agree i appreciate the reinforcement um thank you for the super sticker you're awesome um my goal is to help anybody who wants to get better at it and working with cisco to get there so thank you thank you thank you you've always been a really great support i appreciate that okay let's get this party started this is all about interface issues and i took a little liberty and thinking wow so many things are an interface it could be there are two switched interfaces it could be routed interfaces it could be um lots of things these are in random order so i'm going to go ahead and click on start i gave you 90 to 120 seconds on these questions here's your first question good luck everybody you got this have fun [Music] and to be clear on this i'm asking why it spit this console message saying bad mask slash 29. [Music] so [Music] so oh sorry about that let me move that [Music] screen [Music] [Music] all right why is that message being provided let's take a look together i'm curious i'm game i want to find out too so the message is bad mask for slash 29 so this is an ip address being applied to an interface or trying to be so why didn't it work so if we look at the mask it's a 248 for that last octet which is represent slash 29 so if we did 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 and 1 as that last octet and we go out so we have 25 26 27 28 29 that's our dividing line network this way host bit that way that's our block size so our subnets would be 1067 83.00 and then eight and etc etc and if we take a look at this subnet right here that it's in or that this ip address in that's the broadcast address for and i uh for one of our subnets so unfortunately you can't use that so what we have to do is uh use either uh some host address where it has at least one bit on and at least one bit off in the host portion so that's the broadcast address for a subnet and that's why it says it's a bad mask it's like keith that's sneaky yeah but it's real so um if you laugh that's one of the benefits of lapping it up too is that you have practice with like why did that come up then you can look into it and then reverse engineer oh that's why it's telling me it's a bad mask because that's a broadcast address for a subnet based on the mask we supplied that's why the mask is bad if we made it a 240 one bit less like a slash 28 it would have been okay all right so how did we do on that one we have yeah 38 people on the right answer that's great and that's all tied into subnetting i would encourage you also if you haven't yet done so and you want to learn ip addressing and subnetting i have a playlist called subnet saturdays it's 12 videos long you can go from zero with ipv4 addressing to hero in a matter of those 12 videos if you'll simply just do them they're just waiting for you as long as you want to wait they're sitting there in the youtube channel uh ready to go all right next question is oh who's who's on top excited dingo yeah nice all right here we go moving forward our next question is this it's multiple select so that means there's two correct answers here and this one what is true based on this output there's 120 seconds on the clock good luck everybody [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] uh [Music] so [Music] [Music] what is true based on the output shown it is red and blue and a lot of people got that right fantastic job so let's take a look default bandwidth and delay are being used and a frame check sequence has failed let's go and take a peek at that topology real quick so um see here down here let's take a look we have some multicast let me change my pen color make it a little more effective and again if you're just joining us for the first time welcome to the quiz i just want to confirm what we're looking at so we have some multicast traffic uh we have traffic that was received we have traffic that was sent and we have some crc errors here that's not good cyclical redundancy check that means the fcs failed when we get a frame that came in it was mangled and the crc fails that's going to indicate an error so the input error would go up as well as the crc if that's what the problem was we also had one overrun and some interface resets that's the cisco is the cisco device trying to correct this on its own all interesting was what was our options here um oh default bandwidth and delay are being used because it is a gigabit interface and that is right there so it says here oh i was clicking on it one second so the bandwidth there is one gig which is the default for that hardware and the delay is 10 microseconds which is the default as well on that type of interface which we'd only care about the delay maybe if we're using eigrp um all right well good good work congratulations on getting that and that is definitely part of the blueprint for ccnas is understanding the some of the details like what does this mean if this happens if you see it on the show interface command all right so let's use on top excited excited dingo is uh still on top fantastic and we have uh clever wildcat is the highest climber so excellent work there here's your third question of eight multiple select i'm looking for two correct answers based on the output which are likely enjoy [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] all right there may be a duplex mismatch i'm so so glad that you uh most of you nailed that part of it that's fantastic and let's talk about why that is uh let me bring up my pen real quick and let me use a color like yeah red um i'm gonna pick my color all right i'm gonna pick red so down here i noticed that we have like a whole bunch of collisions now is it any coincidence that we have sixty seven thousand eight hundred and thirty collisions my cca number six seven eight three that's a little easter egg forever if you know me anyway i docked this up a little bit because i wanted to create some output we could look at so collisions are they bad are they good what's up with the collision well you know what let's make this an educational moment let's talk about that for a moment csma cd csma cd what the heck is that it stands for carrier sense meaning am i connected to a carrier can i listen to the network multiple access that's the ma there's many devices that might want to talk on that network and then the slash cd is collision detection think of it like this uh if you and i wanted to cross the street think of like a pc getting on the network and sending frames of data and bits on the network uh we'd go to the street and we'd look both ways make sure it's what make sure it's safe right no cars so we're carrier sensing we're paying attention and we realize that there could be other people in cars on the street and so forth we see it's clear and we go for it now if we go for it and truck comes bam we get run over you know that's gonna hurt and that's collision detection right there that's basically saying i was going and they were going and we ran into each other and they all back off so that's carrier sensing multiple access with collision detection it's like you look for it to be clear you think it's clear and then you go for it but uh now that's only we only need that with half duplex because that's how it used to work like decades ago but uh with switches in full duplex we turn off csma cd we turn it off we don't need it because full duplex means every port on the switch has two uh has a couple full lane highways one going to the switch from the pc one going to the pc from the switch that's pins one two three and six on the utp cables and it's like every device has a dedicated uh lane of traffic and there's no collisions or shouldn't be any collisions in full duplex and then the switch and the backplane magically makes all that traffic move to the right ports based on layer 240. it's a magical thing so um if you're using half duplex and you have carrier sensing multiple access with collision detection which you use with half duplex collisions are normal now what happens if you have a switch that is configured for full duplex and the client it could be a router it could be a pc it's configured for half duplex effectively the pc is doing the carrier sensing making sure it's safe to go and the switch is like hey i'm always ready and if you have a switch you have lots of traffic going in and out the switch that full duplex is never checking it's just boom boom boom boom sending frames and and this the poor client right the park client is like hey i think it's clear i'm gonna send my traffic bam got run over collision so the way it does that is basically it you know it can sense that hey what i'm sending out is getting mucked up by somebody else's signals at the same time that's not good if it's half duplex uh there's also a thing called a late collision so after based on the speed of the interface after so many bits have been sent out we're just assuming that oh it's good it's like making it three quarters the way across the street i made it i'm good now a late collision is when we have a collision after that amount of time and it varies based on the interface speed so there's a collision which you know hey we both like two devices try to talk at the same time on half duplex and they didn't see each other because they both that was clear that's a collision and a late collision is not domino's pizza you know they got in a traffic accident because they were late delivering your pizza a late collision is a collision after the point when everybody else on the network on that local segment should have heard me and yet i still have somebody else competing and trying to go in and hurt me um and that's a late collision all right i think i just gave away two or three other answers by explaining all that so let's go back and take a look at this real quick so we have these collisions and if you want to see the late collisions you can do a show controllers and show controllers will break down the details i see it may show traffic show there's a separate command which will break out your collisions and show you which ones were normal and which ones were late uh oh and here's your well you can look you can also look at that attribute right there okay uh i yesterday when i was lapping this up i just tried to beat the snackers out of this guy and because it's a virtualized environment i i had a very difficult time forcing collisions so i had to doctor some of those up okay that's that let me clear that up let me take a look at the queue real quick oh yeah and and saying that csma ca is collision avoidance let's talk about that for a moment so collision detection is like oh i just ran into somebody and i gotta back off and they gotta back off um so collision avoidance is like this you go to that street right you're on that street and you want to make sure it's safe so you take your little sibling and you say your little sibling hey run across the street real quick let's see if you make it and if the little sibling makes across the street it's clear and you gotta freak cause you run faster you get a free pass and you're not gonna get hit by anything because the little guy made it um if the little guy doesn't make it like bam he gets smacked like oh yeah we're gonna avoid that we're avoiding the collision for ourselves but we did send a little discovery frame that may or may not have made it so in wireless networks you don't really have full duplex even with memo and you know wi-fi six anything else there's still only a certain set of frequencies that you're using and it pretty much operates as half duplex all the time anyway collision avoidance what a great story today in high speed networks with full duplex we should rarely if ever have a collision all right let me get back off my soapbox there and let me get rid of my pen and let's continue on all right so cable oh and regarding the uh cable can over 100 100 meters the reason that's true is because if we're having late collisions that could be caused because two devices if the cables are out of spec in too long they just may not see each other's traffic before they start setting because they both thought it was clear all right all right all right all right let me go ahead and move forward excited dingo 4506 points followed by fearless horse happy glider agent alpaca and the honest giraffe sticking his neck out for everybody in fifth place all right here we go question four of eight based on this output which of the following are true there's 120 seconds on the clock you get more points the faster you correctly answer you get zero points for an incorrect answer so balance that oh and good news in the real exam they don't play this music for you [Music] oh and non-emo on that previous question thought it was a hundred megs not a hundred meters ah gotcha gotcha and my doobie you're welcome for that answer [Music] also after this quiz question i will i had a question saying what what was the new command you learned yesterday in the in the office hour i'll share that coming up [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] all right based on this output which of the following is true wow um okay so i got this up yesterday i had a little 3750 powered it up and connected an access point to it and looked at the information uh this was learned via cdp the actual device name otherwise we just show a pd also we should talk about what is a pd a power a pd is a power device a device that's getting power via power over ethernet so here on the interface i actually manipulated the max power to 7 right here 17 watts and for a class 4 device i think the default might be 30 in any event you can police and you can set it up and what happens is if we set up a limit and we police it when a device a a power device like a web camera or some other internet of things device when it asks for power and if it tries to take more than what we're saying for the max that port based on how we have it configured could go into error disable state um and stop so so yesterday it's so fun um i would just tweak it i'd go in and say okay the maximum is 16 and i could just see the the led on the access point just go boom off i change it back and take this take the port out of air disable and and set it back and it was great a lot of fun a lot of fun so this is a reality as far as power over ethernet gets more and more popular all the time so i wanted to at least expose you to that as part of an interface challenge and based on how that was configured less than 17 watts would have to be used or the port is going out of commission all right appreciate your participation with all of that here is our next question coming up excited dingo refuses refuses to let go of the lead congratulations to everybody who's participating anybody who wants to can get really really good at cisco and the basics and the fundamentals will serve you for a long time they will and my goal is to help you get there so what will the ipv6 routable ip be now i also want to give you a little i'm going to give you some time this is keith barker signing off for 107 seconds [Music] do [Music] [Music] how many of you are saying please let this question be over there's a lot of characters on the string on the screen i agree there's a lot [Music] [Music] so [Music] all right a few seconds left get those answers in no pressure but the pressure's on [Music] all right we had a majority of votes 47 on the correct answer so let's talk about that for a moment let me go ahead and bring up the media and i'm just gonna give you a brief highlight and then i'm gonna turn you loose on a video that i just dropped about an hour ago that explains exactly how this works so here is the short story if we have a mac address like this for the eui 64 portion when we create a brand new host address and ipv6 this also applies for the routable address as well as the link local address that starts with fv80 it needs to create a 64-bit host address so it takes the mac address which is 48 bits and it surgically injects right in the middle of it it injects f f f e so in in ipv6 each character is hex it represents four bits so the mac address is 48 bits plus 16 bits more it injects in the middle and that is almost gonna be our host address except what it also does is it flips the seventh bit so if we take zero two here and we do that in binary that would be zero zero zero zero for that guy but all panero and the two would be zero zero one zero so this is you know like binary this is the ones position the two's position the three the four four position and the eighth position so if that's the current value what it would do is flip that last bit uh seventh bit and would say okay those all come down that comes down that comes down but this bit gets flipped which would make it a zero and then that bit comes down so we're flipping the seventh bit so the answer would be zero zero and then we have these two zeros so we have zero zero and we have 6 7 then we wedge in f f f e and then we have the rest 8 3 and then we have 0 0 0 0. okay and then we put some um some periods in there so that would be 0 zero uh zero zero six zero oh i'm missing a character hold on a second hold on a second oh that's my one oh i'm looking for 64 bits one two three four there we go so yeah one two three my brain my brain just went south hold on a second hold on one moment let me just do this again real quick so like can i do it i don't know can he do it let's do it um wow okay so i should put my thinking cap on again so the address is going to be zero zero for those two because we're going to flip that seventh bit zero zero six seven and then we're gonna inject f f f e pick up on the 83 and then four zeros one two three four like that then we put our periods in one two three four one two three four one two three four great so there we have 64 64 bits i got a sweat uh doing that anyway that that should be the host address which hopefully is going to match this guy so if we look down here it's right there so if you have leading zeros you can leave those off if you have a whole bunch of consecutive zeros you can just put a zero there this is a shortcut way of referring to it but there's the zero there's the six seven ff there's the fe83 and there's the zeros all right you know what we got one more of these so um if you learned anything from that or if you think you can repeat that behavior fantastic because we have another question related to it these are randomized so i don't know when it's going to be but we only have three we only have two more questions uh three more questions so it's coming up all right oh by the way have i told you thank you for being here it's so great to have you let's take a look at our next question and the leader is still excited dingo and we'll click on next why isn't the route for 10-13-0 in the routing table [Music] my [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] foreign all right why isn't the route for 10 13 0 in the routing table most of you got that did a great job on it let's talk about why that is and i'm curious so here we went to an interface here we gave it an ip address so we logically said this interface gig002 is on the 10130 network so why isn't showing up here as a directly connected network and the answer is well if that interface is not is not up that directly connected network is not going to show us connected so that is what i think the answer is there and let's see if that is the answer yeah if that interface is administratively down it doesn't matter what ip address we put on the interface if it's down it's going to pretend like it doesn't exist and we don't you know we don't have a route to it to that network all right wow agile buffalo has five correct answers in a row my congratulations to everybody who's participating today excited dingo still takes the lead followed by fearless horse great bobcat and honest giraffe still in the top five way to hang on my friend all right question seven of eight what is it risk based on this output again our focus today is about interface issues which is quite broad because there's a lot that goes on with an interface based on a switch or a router [Music] oh and i keep forgetting to uh show my screen regarding the command i learned yesterday in the instructor hour office hour we'll get it done eventually [Music] [Music] all right i'm going to remove one of the options from the board based on this output we don't really have a risk of dtp hacking because not we're not using dtp the trunk mode is on so if you are still thinking about it don't go red also grain's never a good answer because there's always risk [Music] i'm so sorry if i could take back those words i would uh but there is always risk it's like i said it's risk-free there's zero risk there's no problem here uh let me just talk for a moment about why um that answer is correct about um well let's take a look at the problem here so show interface trunk let me change my width of that pen just for a moment and uh a lot of people from all over the planet uh joining us today so good to have every single person i'm i'm so glad join us also for the office hour which happens every saturday at 10 a.m pacific time if you have questions on any of these questions or something you're studying you want a little clarification bring it a lot of great opportunity to get some very personalized attention regarding something that you're currently studying okay so switchboard our show interface trunk we have two trunk ports mode is on so we're not using negotiated uh the encapsulation is 8.1 q native vlan is one fantastic it looks like everything's being allowed on gig zero uh one slash one and nothing's being allowed on zero zero so what that implies is that this device this switch switch number two is not the root bridge because it if roots don't block they just don't all their ports are designated and so we're not forwarding anything on gig zero zero and we're doing blocking so the risky part here is that these codes over here so p2p what that means is that from this switch's perspective it's connected to on these two ports to another device full duplex that's what p2p means so if if by some crazy wacko scenario you're connected on half duplex it won't say p2p but today we're all going to be connected you know with our high speed networks with full duplex all right so that part is okay but what's not okay here for these trunks is edge the keyword edge means that portfast is enabled now cisco uh spending to report fast meaning we're not gonna wait for the whole listing and learning state well it's it's rapid spanning tree based on um oh it doesn't say that here anyway um with rapid spanning tree it's not going to go through all the waiting game it's going to go ahead and start forwarding and that's what this edge means so whether you have the default for port fast or you have it hardcoded on the interface with a port with a trunk it's going to make you force it so if you just try to do port fast default and it'll say yeah you need to put the portfast command on the interface for a trunk and you need the keyword trunk to say yep i'm serious i really want to do this and then it's going to yell at you hey this is a really bad idea by putting edge or putting port fast enabled on a trunk this guy could start forwarding with possibly thousands and thousands of mac addresses and so forth for vlans before it realizes that i'm not really you know there's another path to the root bridge and this could be a loop which could cause layer two loops will it be temporary yeah but man a broadcast storm one broadcast pop just go around your network at the speed of light times 0.8 minus the you know how fast the circuits can do it uh it's bad news and so we have other techniques like storm control and other techniques as well but and generally speaking you'd never want to have portfast enabled on your trunk ports going to an end device like a workstation or a printer or something like that no big deal but not on your trunk ports and that's that's we have to force this to make it work that way it's not a great idea and that's the risk the risk is layer 2 loops and let's take a look there so we got 32 on that correct answer great great great oh before i forget yes thank you for the reminder so this is the command i learned yesterday somebody asked hey keith if we do a switchboard or i'm sorry ether channel and you do channel group like one you know channel group one and you specify the mode as active or passive or desirable or auto based on lacp or pac pac p um how come we also have this guy you know channel protocol and i i i've never used this command before and so kelvin who is the admin on the discord server uh chimed and said yeah that's an added precaution so that if you're using lacp or peg p and you want to make sure you don't make a mistake about configuring active when you meant to say passive or vest or are doing desirable when you meant to do active by specifying the channel protocol it's going to warn you hey you just said you want to use lacp but you just said you know auto or something like that and it would complain saying you're not using the right command for the protocol you want to use oh look at that am i being hacked no it's just timing out um so that was that what was the other thing i wanted to mention um ah you guys can remind me in the queue that'd be okay and i'd be happy to bring it up all right so was it risk layer two loops if we do port fast which is enabling forwarding before we're sure we don't have a loop all right agile buffalo has just taken first place let's give him a moment way to go agile and four players just hit answer streak number three we are really close to the end i think we have like one more question and uh that's it for this game all right question eight of eight what will the ipv6 routable ip address be oh oh you guys got this [Music] yes css i hear ya the music makes me nervous too because it builds closer to the end all right i'm going to take red and green off the screen because off the playing board because those are link local addresses red and green are linked local addresses so they're not ipv6 routable dresses that means you got two choices here obey you're very welcome good to see you so yeah this is the same type of question but with a different base mac address so yeah this is very similar to what we had earlier except it's got less possible correct answers because two are link local and the source mac address is different [Music] all right you insane can't fool us this time my goal is to have everybody master this content and that way when you're in a certification exam they throw you something you can smile and say oh yeah i learned this on my studies for ccna i reinforced it with keith on the keith barker youtube channel i'm ready final moments all right well that's an improvement from last time that's great so basically we flipped that ip or that the seventh bit again based on the source and if you would like to uh please i dropped it like maybe an hour ago the video that does this i called it something like the eui seven flipping bit uh it's the unique or the universally assigned bit as it has titled you it's the seventh one in and uh if you practice it a couple times you'd be good now you might say keith keith keith keith do i really need to know that for ccna and based on some things i've been hearing i'd say yes you definitely do if you want those points otherwise i wouldn't put it here and give it the emphasis i have with the dedicated video just like eigrp i did a dedicated video for eigrp for ccnas and also flipping the seventh bit for ccnas because my friends you need to know it all right you've been warned all right let's take a look at the podium and uh yeah let's take a look at the podium and at the top of the pile uh who is it gonna be third place is fearless horse excited dingo whatever dingo sounds like uh dog snake and agile buffalo coming out on top everybody's a winner because you're here i mean that's half the battle is putting in the effort and uh let's also do this if you'd provide me these are these are the toughest five questions that most people got wrong so 31 of the answers were correct and uh what is at risk and why is this console message being provided and which are likely and so it goes on and that shows me the the percentage and that just tells me what i can focus on work on and here's the the good news also if you would on your apps let me go back here for a second if you would go ahead and on your app or on the website if you're playing it that way give me some quick feedback and then this will wrap this puppy up so thanks for your feedback thanks for participating um what was i gonna say let's see i showed you the command i learned yesterday in the video that i just dropped it walks about through demonstrations of that seventh bit being flipped and a lot of people say well i shouldn't say a lot of people i've seen many times talk about the unity like the university assigned versus locally assigned mac address and how that bit has to be on or off respectively and the reality is it just flips so whatever you start with when you do your eui 64 it flips so if it was a one it goes to zero if it was a zero goes to a 1. and i don't even care that it's the you know u bit the universal sign bit it doesn't matter to me i guess yeah i don't have a practical reason to care other than knowing that it flips and i can predict what that mac address what the resulting eui 64 address is going to be all right that is it for the quiz uh saturday 10 o'clock pacific time adjust your calendars i know we have people from all over the globe it's great to have every single one of you here uh if you haven't click on subscribe so it's easier to find keith barker talking about myself in the third person easier to find me also there's a link for discord so you can join my discord server uh the admin there is uh kelvin and also trevor you know kelvin just does above and beyond the call of duty if you're a video gamer that's fun too uh in helping people oh my gosh and uh and morgan and others and dave and other people who are chiming in and helping others it's fantastic it's a great community and then every time every saturday pacific time 10 a.m is my own personal office hour so if you want to come and bring your questions specific questions to me like i'm studying hsrp and how does this work or what's that virtual ip dress do or how does this ospf thing work or whatever it is if it's ccna related bring it and i'm happy to chat with you and yesterday we stood uh we stayed an extra half hour because we had questions that were in the ccna world and i want to make sure we got their questions answered so if you need to bolt bald we'll see you next time and i think i'd like to stick around just for a moment and see if there's any questions in the queue that i can easily address right here in this live stream also if you have a question so i don't have to scroll through the whole thing you can just like do an app keith barker and so it highlights on and then give me your question and that way i can see it a lot easier what else did i want to mention uh to mention discord i mentioned subscribing so you can find me oh now hopefully you're committing to a date when you're going to take your ccna exam or maybe you already have it what's your next exam going to be uh committing is a fantastic tool it helps me keep motivated and these streams keep me motivated too like yesterday uh what day it was it's saturday it's saturday yesterday sunday today so yesterday's like okay i've got a live stream tomorrow and i have the topic it's interface issues and so i i said i better spend a few hours labbing up and creating some questions that are attuned to the ccna and i did so having commitments and obligations are a good thing they can keep us moving so i'd like you to figure out when you're going to take your next exam maybe it's a np-level exam professional or maybe it's a ccna maybe it's the ccie you're looking for all good i'm interested in this channel my focus is to primarily help people with that first leg of your journey but if uh you know there's other questions that i do answer from time right now i'm creating uh in fact i just recorded it yesterday and i'm gonna deliver it to cbt nuggets monday and it is on vrf light now i've been working with vrf light vera real quick uh this is not ccna related so if you're like i must not hear anything if it's not ccna just close your eyes for a second so if we do a if we have a cisco router and we configure an ip address on an interface and that interface is up that in the routing table it says hey i'm directly connected to this network yay or if we run routing protocols we learn routes via ospf or eigrp or wrapper bgp those go in the routing table routing tables great well it's the global routing table with something called virtual routing and forwarding instances we can create separate mini-me versions of routing tables so you could have like five or six different companies that you're supporting with one router or one multi-layer switch and create little mini routing tables just for them and that way all their routes can't be mixed up with customer two routes and customer three routes it's fantastic so i've been doing that for a long time maybe 15 years as vrs and something called mpls layer 3 vpns but vrf lite is simply taking standalone gear without any mpls without any layer 3 vpn stuff and carving up little routing tables and so i thought of some creative ways of doing it and how it can be applied and how it can be helping for security and as part of my uh security core content at cbt nuggets so i'm always learning and jumping into new things and loving it so uh the journey about learning new things is never going to end or at least it shouldn't end and i just removed my feedback monitor let me bring that up again where are you there you are okay um let me go ahead and take a few questions and i saw some pouring in let me just go ahead and bring them up real quick and then i live in las vegas and it is starting to cool off finally starting to cool off that means the nights get down below 70. i think we had like a 68 degrees open the windows hey free air conditioning let it in okay let me take a look at these real quick um thank you for attending by the way if you're hanging around for the q a great great great if not i'll see you next time uh tim003 uh keith barker nice quiz really enjoyed it would you have any videos on how to read through a show interface output in youtube or cbt nuggets so i'll tell you what i did last night in preparation for this quiz today i just went to the online doc cisco peter lepukov uh i worked with him at ine like 10 years ago and he's amazing he has four cci's at at that time he probably has more now i don't know um and the way he would prepare for a new ccia is he would just go to the online doc and read it they'd lab it up say yep i understand this i understand that and then go test the skills in the lab environment and get a ccis the joke was with uh the joke as i remember it with peter uh it was people sometimes fail an exam and peter would say yeah i know how you know peter's a nice guy i think this is fabricated but the joke was peter would say i know what it's like i took the cci exam four times and i got four ccies he's great anyway going back to this as far as reading through the output of show interface just do the cisco online doc go to packet tracer or if you have gear or virtualized gear all good just do some show commands and then go to the online dock and just go through it okay babbles what's a babble you know like you've had a drink too many bro that's not what a battle is but what is a babel what is a late collision um what are these you know what does he what these q factors mean and just go through it and for ccna you don't need to understand all the nitty gritty i was looking for the blueprints over there um they're gonna ask you the basics though like how do collisions work in csma cd with half duplex and what do they mean and you know frame check sequences and crcs just the basics you don't have to be an engineer but just the basics of that so that's how i would that's what i did last night that's the same coaching i would share with you right now is just go to the online cisco doc pretty much any platform if it's a switch look at switch documentation if it's router like a router documentation and based on the years if it's talking about like ios 12 something and you're on ios 15 the output is going to be virtually identical so that's what i did hopefully that helps tim and thanks for being here essie here awesome thank you some thank yous is that cml in the background let me see so on one of my screens let me bring it up this so i have a license for cisco modeling labs 200 personal edition it's like i'm not getting choked up i just choked on my spit it's like 200 a year u.s i have a license for that i renew it every year it's a fantastic product but this thing is even better in my opinion it's uh it's the eve ng even g professional i think the license parade is somewhere in the 200 range a year and i was for i've known about it for a long time i used to use gns3 for like decades and i started off like like before even to understand a full digit i was using it working with it loved it because you could emulate your gear and and then i uh i started using viral and i started using even g and now viral is now cisco modeling labs but you know what for packet for ccna and just getting the hands-on practice with a ton of gear and all the commands virtually all the commands that are needed packet tracer it's free i'll say it again it's free and it's wonderful so you don't need to have a server so those are um r630 dell servers that i bought used they were on you know pretty decent price and i'm doing some clever things with vmware and hypervisors and vsphere but at the end of the day it's just to get networking practice and so this is even g this even g is running on server three down there and uh that's what it is okay um i'm a big fan of i'm not sponsored by i don't have any sponsors i do have an amazon affiliate link when i buy something cool for the studio i put it on my link so that but besides amazon i don't i'm not today's message is sponsored by get it done you can do it uh but no no sponsors at the moment just uh trying to help all right uh thank you thank you thank you you're very very welcome and okay so uh kazushi is saying hey keith i think the second question had one interface the status is deleted what would cause that good eye so as i was bringing stuff up and down if you have like a sub interface and then you say no interface gig zero slash 2.10 or whatever that sub interface was maybe you're supporting trunking on that interface or vlan uh in the config it may not be removed yet and make sure deleted that would that would cause that so you deleted the interface in a config but for some reason it it's not showing is like missing totally it simply has the message of deleted all right jared is taking a ccna exam on wednesday let's everybody give jared a a major uh vote just you don't have to chat in but we're sending you our thoughts man you got this you can do this also just take a look at that playlist for all the quizzes just scrub through them like okay got got it got it got it got i got it and if you get to a part i was like yeah i have no clue about any of this topic study that topic but yeah let us know so jared way to commit letting your friends and colleagues know let us know how you do we'll be looking for it all right bernard's asking about uh what i should do after ccna hey bernard come and see me in discord if you send me a in general if you send me a direct message in my discord server uh those sit waiting for me and i respond to everybody it may not be the same day or next day but it's usually within five or six days as i catch up to everybody so you can discord that our semi-dm and if you want we can have a chat there or we can have a conversation or you can come to the instructor hour i want to be available and optimize all of our time all right let's see what else uh it'd be great to have a podcast uh as well you know there's lots of options out there time is uh i spend about 20 hours a week on youtube and uh it doesn't pay for itself youtube is tough i mean as far as like i mean if you have a business plan like this is my career i'm gonna do it i think a person could do it like network shock he makes amazing if you haven't signed up for network chat do it his it's great i watch all his videos i do i worked with him at cbt for about a year and a half maybe two years great i'm gonna call him a kid great kid he's young he has several children another one on the way his videos are great great production value great content can't say enough about him so um where was i going with all that oh as far and as far as the time it takes a lot of time to do all those things and so right now i i do usually two to three videos a week of some type which include a quiz recording um and i'm always open for new ideas to help other people too all right so network chuck if you're watching bye let's see what else is there um yeah uh rohit come and see me in discord and we've had we can have a chat about synchronization if you liked with a preamble and an ethernet header um see here and okay moving down i think that's it i'm looking at my names am i showing up here can you enable portfast on a trunk yes harold you can so if you want to enable portfolio which is what i did for that quiz question you have to actually add the keyword trunk as part of the portfast command you get the interface switchport portfast enable trunk i think is the syntax and that plugs it in and then it warns you oh you could have a layer two loop if you're not careful if you start forwarding too fast and then you accept it and keep going oh yeah and blending are saying my friend kevin wallace uh well i don't know if he's a friend of blending but kevin wallace does a great podcast that's a great one if you want to tune in kevin and i have known each other for like 20 plus years he's another great great trainer and has a great podcast so thanks for that recommendation and then mr nc regarding ccde if you want anything outside of ccna just you can hit me up on dm on ciscord and i will uh be happy to help as best i can oh yeah yeah i know bae is saying it's the broadcast storm is kevin wallace's podcast so be sure to check that out um ameri is asking is it less secure to use an eui 64 ipv6 address no uh it's not less secure than putting one in and there's a whole bunch of first hop protection protocols for ipv6 that cisco supports that are a good idea to incorporate if you're using ipv6 and so we talked about those at the np level and then some of my camera which ones because i have several i've got several ccmp level courses that cbt nuggets that we have created and one of those i cover like eight ipv6 first hop security protocols so check those out if you want um all right so blended blending saying i don't know kevin personally no but i did attend some of his courses though fantastic he's a great guy oh kasushi's fun uh ciscord as opposed to discord with the cisco flavor great and uh that's great all right that's it i will let you get back to your day i'm gonna go back to editing i've got some videos that i need to edit on what i created yesterday which was the vr offline super excited to see if they're as good as i think they are sometimes i record something and i'll go back and think you know i'm going to tweak that that happens quite a bit so thank you everybody for joining me um if you have any needs that i can help you with in your in your goal for ccna please let me know i hate to say goodbye but i know time is valuable let me send you out with some music and i will catch you in the next live event next discord event or the next video until then be well happy studies and stay safe [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign
Channel: Keith Barker
Views: 5,551
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: new ccna, 200-301 ccna, cisco certification, cisco ccna 200-301, keith barker, cisco certifications, ccna training, ethernet, duplex mismatch, duplex mismatch cisco, duplex mismatch cisco switch, auto negotiation cisco switch, auto negotiation cisco command, duplex, collisions, collision, ethernet collision detection, ethernet collision, 200-301 ccna questions, 200-301 ccna exam, 200-301
Id: Ia8oYahWcC8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 35sec (4175 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 11 2020
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