🔴LIVE Q&A: Cameras, Audio, Podcasts, Streaming, & More!

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[Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] there we go good morning everybody thank you for being here really appreciate it there was like more people ever than waiting waiting in line and that's super cool uh i am honored that you would want to spend your time with me so thank you so much just double checking that stuff is happening here cool uh good morning it's really fun to be here this is sort of my like semi every other week monday stream i know sometimes it overlaps with other stuff i apologize it just is what works for my schedule so is what it is but i thought we'd do a nice q a stream uh the last couple streams i've done have been very productive focus like on one specific topic we did thumbnails and then i recorded a video or vice versa and so i thought today maybe open up more just like general q a stuff because i know that's always you know it's easier than me typing out answers to comments especially on the ipad if you if you ever see like a comment with a bunch of typos um or you you uh you see like my twitter posts have typos it's cause i'm typing on the ipad most of the time and uh yeah the ipad is it has a bad keyboard uh all right okay david i saw your thing and i am glad that yeah cool uh that was a semi-smooth transition uh so yeah we're doing q a stuff if you have a question put a capital q and a colon in it and then i can find it a little more easily but of course just hanging out in the regular chat is also super fun as well and we'll just try to do our best with hopefully as few technical snafus as possible i also have something super cool today a secret surprise a mystery microphone to test out something that's not available yet but somehow i have one and i'm actually super excited about it so i can't tell you what it is and i can't show it to you and i can give you almost no details about it but i can let you listen to it and see what you think and give you some vague details about it because yeah so um let's jump in and see what kind of questions we got oh prior to that though i did want to point out just stuff that i have today so i've got the sony a7 s3 on the slider as per usual i've got my typical gopro up here which is the gopro hero 7 as per usual actually set up a different one here which is the hero5 just i don't know this looks cool like i don't know it's cool uh and then i've actually got something even fancier which is this guy right here fancier is a loose term this is a gopro hero 10 which i recently wait yeah this is a gopro hero 10 but i put it on my mic arm for today so if i move the mic it gives this weird there's no reason for this this is completely unnecessary but it looks cool and that's all that matters so uh there we go that's kind of where we're at and uh yeah anyway diving into questions because i see a lot of questions thank you everybody for following directions it's been a while since i've taught in the classroom so it's nice to give directions if people follow them uh let's see jason we talked in the chat a little bit but you asked thoughts on the atem mini pro iso you found one i think you said you found one on second hand yeah 200 off retail price you're talking about the regular four channel a10 mini iso and you're in the market for an a10 mini i mean i love it i'm using the xtreme because i i like to have all the extra inputs but the atems are great if doc is here i still say i'm still saying the atems are great uh however as far as i know doc's biggest doc rock who's like one of the moderators in the chat and just everywhere but the biggest gripe with the atoms that they're not 4k they're limited to 1080p which for me is fine right now um even though the stream is technically going out at higher than 1080 i don't know um i'd love to have a 4k atem but i come from the time of like broadcast switchers even cheap crummy ones costing thousands and thousands of dollars so the atem is like an extremely good deal because it's the extreme greg uh do i have a video that teaches about live streaming events and if so can i share the link or to another youtuber i do have a video on my channel i can't pull up the link right now because it would be very boring to watch me do that but if you go to my channel and just search like streaming or graduation i have a video all about streaming high school graduations which is something i used to do and um that that a lot of the stuff there can apply to other events as well it's still relatively up to date but i think things have even gotten better because of tools like the atem and the camlink pro and it's just easier to bring in multiple cameras than it used to be so i think things are even better now than they they were before richard what is up thank you for being here how can i record on my road caster into my laptop without the processing i want the processing on my live stream but not on the recorded file this is such a good question i noticed that editing is difficult with processed audio yeah this is a very specific use case so if i were i'm running through the road caster now but i don't really have any processing turned on um but yeah if i were doing this stream and i wanted it to sound as good as i could get it on the fly and i wanted to put in processing but i was planning to edit this later it would make sense that i would just want the unprocessed audio so here's what you can do something i learned which i think is even going to get better with an update is ecamm live the software that i'm using right now works very well with a fancy technology called ndi which means i can look you right in the eye and tell you about it nice uh but it basically means i can use my phone wirelessly as a camera so i'm gonna do that to show you my road caster so i can answer your question and i apologize if this is slightly shaky so what you can do is go into your road caster settings [Music] you can click on advanced audio processing and nope that was not it operations where's the bypass effects one wait a minute i was getting so like ah here we go if you go into multi-track you can do by bypass audio processing and if that's turned on then the recorded file will not have the audio processing um turned on so uh i don't know i think you have to have multi-track maybe you don't have that multi-track enabled actually you don't but that's a cool thing so that's the answer to that it's in the multi-track menu and then you'll be all set and ready to go uh do i prefer blue bottle or sure sm7b i have not used the blue bottle so despite how much i like the name i can only speak to the shure sm7b i'll do a whole video about the shure sm7b i'm happy to talk about that later if you want but i love this microphone that's where i'm landing on it i love this microphone but i used to really not love this microphone and i think i've told that story a couple of times but yeah uh thank you guys thanks bailey for putting the link to that video i really really appreciate it i was looking ahead to some of the other questions do i have recommendations of xlr lavalier wireless microphones the i have sort of one and a half recommendations the only ones that i have used a lot personally are the sennheiser g3 and g4s which are really good they're pretty expensive i think it's like well shouldn't say expensive they aren't a budget they're um seven eight hundred dollars for a kit which is you know if you're somebody who's just looking to spend 100 on a wireless thing on an xlr wireless thing that's a lot but if you're looking for like actual pro industry standard stuff the sennheiser g3 g4s are amazing the other recommendation which i haven't used myself but i have friends who do are the sony wireless packs because they're they make good stuff and i've used sony xlr lavalier mics many times and they're very very excellent but i've not used their wireless so i can't speak to it totally um personally but i uh i'm a fan overall so uh oops i couldn't see my audio there uh so yeah hopefully that helps sennheisers are great though i really love those things and they're built like tanks the menus are a little funky to navigate lazaro what's up i need help i'm going to i'm going live via zoom on facebook and i cannot hear anything with my mic plugged in and the video is delayed using the a10 mini okay the hearing i don't use facebook for streaming so i have not a lot of knowledge on that platform but for the audio and video delay that's something that's going to happen all the time when you're using separate video separate audio signals and if you think about it video signals are just they're full of so much more data than audio signals are generally speaking and so if you have both these signals going at the same time the audio signal is just boop it's going to get there faster and the video is like dragging all this stuff so that's why i usually need to delay your audio what you can do though since you're using the atem if you're running your audio into the atem you can then use the atem software to add in a delay there's not like a specific right amount you just kind of have to experiment but you can add in a delay right there if you're using other streaming software like you're if you're running through obs you can add a delay and of course ecam live is super easy to add a delay i have a five frame delay on my streams um so i know it's not like real specific answer but without me having a lot of knowledge of facebook streaming um yeah there's not a lot there's not a lot i can say to that uh let's see here i'm gonna jump into the regular comments here pages is unresponsive oh boy oh boy well then we'll just jump to over here i just want to make sure everybody's good and they're not uh yeah cause what i like is i give answers to questions and then people come in and supplement that so like matt is saying xlr mics anything above entry level from sure sony or sennheiser um i mean there you go that's matt's an audio pro so i would i would trust him for sure sup rob christmas clutter what's up todd it's nice to see you here today these jokes are killing me anyway uh what's up kombucha it's nice to see you here remember if you got a specific question that you want me to to go over just put a cue in front of it and i will do my best to get through them i really like answering questions because it's like i don't know it's fun it's a fun thing here's a great question marty ford any rumors about an updated road caster i have no inside information about this stuff so i cannot give you like oh there could be something coming soon i have no idea um the original road caster this guy right here i bought this i pre-ordered it when they announced it and i bought it and i love it and that was like two and a half years ago i have some thoughts some of my thoughts are that road is a big company but road also designs and manufactures everything themselves in australia and i think that because of that it's not an easy process to shift and just they're not just contracting out to a manufacturing plant in like a different country or something if they want to start making a new product they sort of have to like re-conjugate everything that they're doing and so i think that that means that they're not they don't want to constantly be making new physical hardware because it's it's hard to do hardware to do um and so that is one of the reasons that i think they're so big on firmware updates for the road caster pro because it's a totally different device now than it was when it came out just through firmware and that's also one of its biggest advantages whereas stuff like the zoom p8 or i saw someone asked about the tascam super cool capable devices but especially with the zoom i can almost guarantee you that's going to be on like version 1.0 forever um so the thing with an updated road caster is it would make sense like coming up on three years since its release it would make sense that maybe they would want to update something but also like the road caster became really popular i don't know how many people are going to want to repeatedly update their audio interface mixer thing so you know it might be the kind of thing where they sold to an audience and those people bought it and now they're done you know i would get a new one mainly for the sake of like my channel and exploring it on the channel um unless there's something totally revolutionary about it and what i'm thinking is these are just my thoughts again since the original road caster was very much podcast oriented for podcasting but over the time it's come out it was adopted by the streaming community and now road through firmware updates is really trying to been adding in streaming friendly features so things like even midi control which is really cool um so my thought is an updated road caster might not only be improved but might also have midi functionality and it's funny because i made a video a while ago that was like five tips and tricks for the road caster and one of the things that i mentioned was that the headphone preamps aren't that great depending on what headphones you're using and what they're running into they can be okay but in general most of the headphones that regular users are plugging into it you're gonna hear kind of a hiss through the preamp luckily it doesn't go on the recording it doesn't go on the output but it can drive you crazy when you're trying to set up your mic and you're like i hear a hiss is that on the mic and you realize it's not it's just on the headphones and no one else is actually hearing it so i mentioned that in the video that i would like that hiss to be history and then rode sent me an email and they were like tell us more about this and i told them about it but in addition to that i was like also i don't know if you want this information but here's my long document of like features i would like on an updated road caster so i sent them a whole big old page of stuff that i was like please do this because um i like the road caster uh sami where's this new mic you told the jca how many members you got yes i have a timer on my watch to to remind me to show that i have a whole thing i built a prop uh don't worry it's gonna be stupid how do you stay productive i'm glad you think i'm productive um truth be told like i am just somebody who like i can't for better or worse i can't stop doing stuff it's very hard for me to just like sit on the couch and do nothing like even when i'm doing that after 10 minutes i'll end up like cleaning the kitchen or in here setting something up or whatever so i don't know i'm just somebody who like constantly is always trying to do stuff and fix something clean something make something work on something i wish i could kind of turn that off more so i think that was just built up through my childhood and being raised that like you should work and work and do stuff and work all the time which is good but also can be bad and uh that's sort of it so i just always feel like i should be doing stuff plus this stuff is really fun so this is like a joy like i woke up today super excited for the live stream you know it's fun um and then top banana banana on top what do i think of the tascam tascam makes really good stuff so i think having not used it it's a very solid product um but same thing with like the the p8 and the the tascam and all this kind of stuff is that if you're gonna come out with something that's basically the same features as the road caster at basically the same price or in some cases higher than the road caster just get the road caster like yeah so i mean that's just that's just how i feel um so i'm gonna jump back into regular comments for a second just because i don't want to um ignore that whole conversation but my thing crashed oh there's a super chat i didn't even see see this is why we need to do these things because i don't want to be rude in addition to being a good worker i was always raised so this is from foot doctor zack check it out i put i have something today uh foot doctor i have a super chat bell for some reason uh watched a few mic videos from you and ended up switching back to lavalier for my shotgun and just eq'ing it more now the videos are so much cleaner and audience retention is up super interesting about the audience retention thing lavalier mics are great um especially i mean you saw a while ago i was trying to move around and i had to make sure to move the mic with me and sometimes you don't want this big old thing in your you know where is it wait no it's sorry i have all the buttons here mission control sometimes you don't want this big old microphone like following you around in your face and all that kind of stuff and a lavalier microphone could be the answer and i'm glad that that's working out for you really well shotgun microphones i'm not super knowledgeable knowledgeable about but doc rock who i mentioned earlier and i have talked about this and i also talked to some people from sennheiser both sennheiser and deity some are like their audio engineers we were just emailing and going back and forth and they were talking about how shotgun microphones are oftentimes not the right choice for these kinds of environments for a lot of people we want good audio and a lot of times you don't want the the microphone in the frame so you get a shotgun mic and put it out of frame to like try to isolate audio but as my understanding is i could be wrong so i'm just putting that out there um as my understanding is shotgun microphones in fact i have one so this is the deity s mic 2. and the thing again my understanding about shotgun microphones to hide my eyes focus i really love for you to be able to see this i don't have showcase mode on my camera but anyway maybe you can just see it here um there's they have all these lines or sometimes dots on the side so you have your capsule but you have like this whole thing right here which is picking up sound from the sides and the front and so what that means is it's not necessarily being as directional as you might expect and it's it's picking up other sounds and as doc rock likes to point out a lot of times when you're using a shotgun microphone unlike a movie production it is meant to pick up the actor but it's also meant to pick up the environment so that way it sounds natural it doesn't sound like they're in a vacuum it sounds like hey you can hear the birds and you can hear maybe some a little bit of the wind or something but in your room or whatever where you set this up that might also mean now you're picking up air conditioner noise or outside noise or traffic or whatever and so sometimes these aren't the best choice i've been looking into and kind of curious about pencil microphones which are in some ways shotgun microphones without the stuff on the side so it just has the opening at the front and that maybe might be a little more directional um but i don't know i'm still like actually looking looking that up but anyway obviously there's people who use shotgun microphones and sound amazing so take my input for what it's worth your super chat money um but also it's just something to be aware of that like maybe the answer isn't just getting a shotgun mic but it's experimenting with what works for you in your case a lavalier microphone and i'm super super glad to hear that uh no pun intended with the here and the here hearing because it's a microphone yeah all right i'm just going to check in with general comments because i don't want to miss everybody ah matt rumor version two is will have line output improved preamps that would be amazing i would also love if it had the the input jacks i forget the name but were there xlr and quarter inch jacks like a lot of zoom and i think the tascam do have that actually have my mixer i don't know where my mixer went i mixed up and lost it but my zoom mixer that i was using for my drums the other day it has that it's really really nice uh oh oh boy i'm gonna blush uh oh geez this this stranger in the chat has a crush on me that's my wife if you don't know i also have a crush on her uh she's great and that's also a reason why i won't be playing the drums today because she has like seven meetings today and she's in the room on the other side of this wall and you know yeah let's see here all right you guys are awesome as far as like making this easy for me to decipher in questions and stuff i love it um all right i'm just jumping back to questions trying to catch up to where i was here how dirty is that camera on the microphone it's not dirty at all actually it shouldn't be it's like a brand new oh wait this is not it where is it gopro where am i it shouldn't yeah it's a brand new camera it's the gopro hero 10 it should be super clean the only problem is when you use the gopro webcam app you can't like adjust the camera settings the same way that you can in the back of the camera so i tried to play around with some of the color through ecamm but you know but i love the hero 10 i'm having fun keelan you're starting university next year and you're going for a degree in audio engineering do you know anything about the field so i'm not a professional audio engineer but there are several people in the chat here who are who may have had a professional background like that i did teach digital media for 10 years so i you know taught audio i've worked in tv stations and radio stations and stuff but i wouldn't consider myself a professional the biggest thing i will say is that people people will always undervalue audio if they don't know any better and so when you're an audio engineer and you do things wrong and the audio is bad people will notice immediately but when you do things really really good and the audio is great people won't notice at all and so you'll be like i worked really hard and i did a great job and nobody will say anything and that actually means you did a good job it's only people who pay attention to audio who will be like you did a really awesome job on that new that new thing right there um so that's that's basically it is like just know that you're going into something that's incredibly important but when it's done right people probably don't notice it or appreciate appreciate it as much as they maybe should instead of the road board what other board do you recommend i mean it really depends i don't really recommend anything else honestly if you just need an interface you know if you just want to get your xlr mic into your computer there's stuff like the scarlet 2i2 which is awesome um the zoom p4 is really cool because it comes in at a lower price point and it does have on-board recording and it does act as an interface but it also lacks some features and some functionality if you want the features of the road caster the answer is to get a road caster that's that's become my sort of default answer uh need to help balance school and filmmaking yeah let's talk about this because i i understand that that's hard that's a situation a lot of people are in you have your main job whether it's school work or both plus the thing you want to do like whether it's youtube filmmaking photography art whatever you're doing on the side and finding that balance can be really really hard i don't have a clear-cut answer but i can say that i relate to that very much because when i started my youtube channel four years ago it was a really fun like it was just a fun experiment to sort of like push myself out of my comfort zone and try something new and that was awesome and i had a lot of fun with that and after that was in summer of 2017 by summer of 2018 i didn't realize it was actually making me sick because i was working full-time trying to crank out videos like multiple times a week and i was getting like physically sick from the stress and the exhaustion and i didn't realize it because when i was feeling stressed my impulse was just to blame my job not my super fun thing on the side which was youtube and then i realized like no that's a lot of pressure i'm putting on myself so in the summer 2018 i sort of had a switch and i said okay i'm not going to worry about an upload schedule or anything i'm just going to make what i want and put it out when i want which ended up still being about every week but it would be like sometimes it's sunday evening and sometimes it's wednesday morning like whenever a video was done i would just publish it and that actually did help reduce a lot of stress and i did that for about a year and i felt a lot better because it and if there were times i couldn't make a video then i just didn't make a video however uh that's hard if you actually want to like build your channel up because it's super inconsistent and it's hard so a year after that which was the summer of 2019 i was a teacher so i had a break in the summer and i took some time and recorded more videos than i normally would i said okay i'm going to upload a video every thursday that's gonna be my upload day it just worked for my schedule it kind of made sense for me so it was practical and then i instead of just doing okay i have to make a video every week and push it out oh my gosh um and the reason i chose thursday was because it gave me the weekend to work on stuff and it also gave me monday tuesday and wednesday nights to like edit and and film if i needed to so it gave me time throughout the week to work on stuff and then having extra videos meant that i could schedule them in advance so instead of just being immediately like publish this week's video i could make a video and then schedule it for next week and make another video and schedule it for the week after that it was really hard to make all those initial videos to schedule stuff out but once i did that it was amazing and i still do that to this day it's been over two years and that's the strategy that's worked for me i typically have three or four videos done and scheduled and sometimes i switch them out in the order or i decide to just push something out because i want to but for the most part i know like i'm good for three or four weeks so if something happens i get super busy i get sick i just want to take more time on a video instead of trying to do i still basically make at least a video a week at least but if something happens and i can't keep up to that the channel will still go and everything will will go so i haven't missed an upload date in two years because of that which is and that really really gave me consistency and let things continually be put out on the channel but it took the stress away so it was like you know that's what worked for me i don't know if that's applicable to your situation at all but um being stressed about the fun thing you're doing in addition to the rest of your life is a very real thing and it's something to be aware of because it can be dangerous to to feel that kind of stress all the time that's a good one any teaser of what new content to come see on your youtube youtube channel uh this thursday's video is going to be a little bit different than normal ones because i put out a very different video last week and this is going to be sort of a follow up to that and the elusive frame does my hair ever go down uh i have super curly hair so getting it to just stay in one spot is is hard and i need to get a haircut like today so it'll be down and shorter today all right um i'm gonna pause for a second and we're gonna talk about this mystery microphone that i mentioned i'm just scrolling through seeing if anything's happening um cool again if you got questions feel free to put a q colon and i'll get to those and thank you to all like my my uh streaming and youtube and ecam and just create more buddies who are like helping to regulate stuff but as promised i had my little timer go off i want to share something with you that i'm pretty excited about which is a secret microphone basically what happened is a microphone company reached out to me and said hey we've got a new microphone coming out do you want to check it out and i said sure which is not a hint at all actually um so they wrote down my name and said will deity deliver it to you other microphone companies and it'll be neat sorry anyway it blew me away to hear that so basically microphone company said hey we're coming out the new one you want to check it out yes uh sent it to me they did give it to me for free and i don't have to give it back which is cool and i don't have to make a video about it i don't have to to do anything with it i'm not obligated so there's no like funny business there they just kind of want me to check it out and give some feedback on it microphone feedback and turns out i thought it was pretty cool so they also said it's not out yet so don't show anyone so i'm not in fact i made a prop i don't know if you're ready for this but i made the microphone testing booth so what i can do is i can move things around here put this here and now oh boy now you don't know what's going on in here huh so now you you can't see yeah you can't see the microphone when i put it in here and i start talking into it because it's in well yeah here we go because it's in the box it will be in the box there's nothing in there now so this is the mystery microphone i'm currently talking into the shure sm7b there's no mystery here this is so stupid um but i'm going to put the mystery mic which i have secretly hidden under my desk in the box ooh it's in the box now brand new and i do have it um i don't think okay good you can't see it from here i do have it running into the road caster pro of course but it's not running into any effects and it's not even running through a cloud lifter or any kind of booster so it has no processing it's gain is set to plus 35 this is a dynamic microphone i can tell you that and actually i want to put on my headphones so i can hear it and we will turn down the background music so that way you can just hear the microphone i'm still talking in to the shure sm7b this is my non-disclosure box right here um and also i'm not doing like an embargo video or anything where whenever this microphone comes out i don't think there's going to be a bunch of embargo videos on it but if you were to see other ones you're not gonna see mine there so this is just for funsies um but this is the shure sm7b and now and keep in mind when i switch to the mystery mic it is inside a cardboard box so it's it it might have a weird like reverby it might have weird things but hey it's the best we can do so this is a short sm7b and i want to bring up the chat i know i'm delayed delaying it here and this is the mystery mic i can't see anything because my face is inside of a box but this is the mystery mic maybe you can see there we go hello uh and yeah so this is running straight into the road caster pro uh mystery mic mystery mic mystery mic and shure sm7b i the reason i'm using the shore is because it's a very popular microphone and it's known for being a very good sounding microphone the shure is running in through a fet head right now actually and uh there we go here i'm just trying to see what's in the box uh it's a bit boxy sounding yes so this is the shore and this sure is the mystery microphone you better believe it i'm trying to just see things over here so there's a couple of things here i'm curious if you want to hear better sounds of this mystery microphone i'm looking at the screen it looks so stupid because i just see my forehead and this big box but my podcast um you can't see anything but you can see the chat sorry i'm seeing some things now people are doing that okay um i'm trying to pull the mic actually out of the box a little bit but it's still being blocked so now i actually don't have the mic in the box at all it's just out in the open but it's still being hidden behind the box um yeah if you guys are having issues seeing stuff i think that might be on your end because other people are still seeing things so anyway uh this is why i got excited i did a lot of comparisons on my podcast episode that came out today which is the enthusiasm project you can find that wherever you get your podcasts and i compared this to the shore to the pod mic to the shore mv7 um to the samsung q9u to the audio technica at2040 i compared it to a bunch of other mics and it's a blind audio test this is the weirdest looking shot um but uh the thing about this is i thought it sounded pretty good and what i thought was impressive is again this is the mystery mic and this is the sm7b in my comparison that i did maybe i can go to the wide shot so we can kind of see each other again but in my comparison that i did i thought that this microphone sounded really close to the sm-7b which was really interesting to me and i don't know if you think that too that might just be my ears it might just be what i thought but i'm curious what you think in terms of audio quality i see people saying like hey it sounds pretty good sounds nice heavy on the plosives um yeah that could also be me just having bad mic techniques inside of a cardboard box so maybe don't judge it too harshly on that but it probably is worse if we do a plosive test this is the shure sm7b peter piper pitched a podcast this is the mystery mic peter piper pitched a podcast i think it's definitely more sensitive to plosives than the other one but if i speak more across the front of it as usual peter piper pitched a podcast it's uh it's a lot better i still think this is a really good sounding mic and if i were to like put a pop filter or a different windscreen on it or something i would bet that plosives would be dramatically reduced and again just for comparison this is the sure sm7b so now what i can tell you is that the mic in the box the mystery mic the magic mystery mic is uh a dynamic microphone i can tell you that right there it's an xlr microphone it's not a usb microphone and again sm7b 400 microphone mystery microphone in the box over here hello hello this is the mystery mic and the thing about this mic is i actually don't have pricing information on it i asked for it but i haven't gotten it yet but based on what i know about it and what i'm thinking and what other microphones exist in this lineup i'm thinking that this microphone is a direct competitor to stuff like the pod mic and the audio technica at2040 it sounds very different than those but i'm thinking it's actually a direct competitor to those which means i would expect that this mic would be priced somewhere between 100 and 150 and back on the sm7b now i think that's pretty cool if that's the case which i think it i think it will be um i would be i'm waiting to find out for for like certain if that's the case but if that is the case and this is the sm7b and then for a hundred dollars you can get a mic that sounds like this uh it's gonna be really hard for this not to be my go-to recommendation it is a microphone that's not out yet so i can't uh it's not it's nothing like you know like i saw someone say it's the q2u or something it's not a microphone that's out yet so it's it's none of those usual suspects but anyway this is the mystery mic yes okay now i will hide the mystery mic under the desk my non-disclosure table over here and back on the shore so it took me 45 minutes to make that box the other night which actually bailey if you're here uh you're the reason i did that because you were showing me stuff from a video you were working on where you did hand-drawn like signs for your atem video and i was like that's cool i'm gonna make this mystery box over here so anyway uh uh sammy's asking is it under a hundred bucks like i said i don't have the exact pricing info but i think that microphone is going to be somewhere between 100 and 150. if it's 150 it'll be very competitive if they manage to get it to 100 i think that might be like the go-to one because what my thought is just pure speculation on my part is that it is trying to be a direct competitor to the hundred dollar mics like the pod mic maybe even the sm-58 um the at2040 and uh i think it's geared towards the podcasting streaming crowd and i'm excited to see what people think about it not knowing what it is so um let's see here does it sound neat i think it does sound neat it blew me away and i'm glad that uh we are on the road to figuring out what it is for sure there's uh all the i don't know what other companies there are anyway uh it sounds better okay uh i think though i'm pretty i'm just impressed with how close it sounds to the sm7b i know that's kind of a cliche thing to do to go like hey uh this microphone how does it sound to the sm7b because kind of like the road caster it's like if you want the sm7b just get it but the problem is you cannot just get this microphone and be set like you need your interface your mixer and you definitely need a signal booster for it for the most part to get it to sound its absolute best and that for a lot of people who just want to upgrade their mic and now the mic plus a booster plus whatever it could be like over 600 they're spending it can feel intimidating and you know that's not something that i want to do so um this one if it is like 100 and i was running it without a signal booster it's pretty cool and uh i've been doing a lot of tests with it running through the clark technic ct1 which is like a 40 signal booster and it also it sounds just as good but maybe a little better because you just have more flexibility in terms of your levels which is very very cool um so okay on a coffee very similar sound to the sm7b see raphael's here cool price i know pricing is strange in other countries i'm just talking about u.s pricing sometimes stuff that's less expensive here ends up being more expensive in other countries and it's a whole it's a whole thing um so let's jump back into questions and i'm going to try to pick up we talked about my hair we were talking about my hair last time and yeah oh yeah and productivity josh thoughts on the gopro hero 10. i know you are also um a gopro guy right isn't your main shot of gopro it's an older one i love the hero 10. also full disclosure this was a very proud moment for me so here's my original gopro this is the hero i'm making a video about it this week so that's why this is the hero like the first hd one this one's dead it doesn't work anymore and then i had the hero 3 which was cool this is still a really fun one because it's like a spy camera it's so small um and then after a couple years after that i got the hero5 and then the hero 7 has been my main gopro because it was the first one that had their super good stabilization so i really really like the seven and i was interested in other ones and i was really interested in the 10 because its stabilization seems absolutely crazy and then gopro actually said hey do you actually what it was it was because streaming they reached out and said hey we notice you're using older gopros in your streams do you want the 10 and i said yeah i really do and so they gave me the 10. um again not to um if you've ever seen like the ethics statement on my website and stuff i'm very picky about accepting free stuff but i have spent a lot of money on gopros over the years so i don't feel bad about it i spent a lot of money on microphones over the years so getting a free product from a company that i've like spent a ton of money on i don't feel bad about that um and the 10 has been really cool i don't think i can't probably show you like how good the stabilization is and stuff directly here i'm trying to think if i have a video it's amazing though let's just say that it's totally amazing um i'll do a whole video on it it's definitely a worthwhile upgrade i don't know if you have like the nine going to the 10 i don't know if that's worth it but if you have the eight or older the seven the five and you you're someone who's into action cams the 10 is really cool and i find myself using it a lot more because it's a really just fun camera to use and it's easier to use it's got a big old screen on the front which is super cool and it's like the settings are easier to adjust the stabilization is better it's just a really really good it's a really good camera and it's got like um it can shoot at almost 6k which is cool but it also has uh 240 fps at 2.7 k which if you go to my instagram yesterday i post some slow motion shots of our corgi chasing a ball it's real fun you need a lot of light for 240 frames a second but it's really it's fun uh how do i should display the comments role is asking this is through ecamm live and that's what i love i live for ecamm live yes headed to vidsummit i'm headed to this desk [Laughter] uh no i'm not going to vidsummit still feeling very questionable about large in-person events so i'm kind of holding off on that for a bit andy what's up andy using the road caster pro connected to the mic 1 line of the atem extreme iso i have both of those things once mic 1 is on i have a little audio noise in my recording um i think so what i prefer to do personally is run the road caster directly into the computer separately if i move your comment up here you can see like it's just plugged into the computer through usb and it's its own audio source in ecamm live i like that because that's going to give you the best quality if you're running it into the atm kind of like matt mentioned a while ago in the comments some of the outputs from the road caster like the i don't know if you'd call them analog outputs but they're they're not necessarily the best and the mic preamps in the atem are also not the best because the atem is primarily a video centric device so the preamps in it like it's not an audio based device um so what you could do is try boosting your levels in the road caster like boosting your gain boosting your your output level and lowering your level in the atem so you're using less of its preamps and more of the road casters which are better because it's a dedicated audio device and that might help if possible then i would just recommend running them separately and that's going to give you the cleanest signal for sure so i hope that makes sense which one would you prefer the as the a7s iii or the fx3 iskender and yenni vlog that's a great question because i bought the a7 s3 in may and i may have definitely had some thoughts of like oh should i've gotten the fx3 at the time the reason i like they're the same camera i'm sure you know this if you've done research the internals are the same same sensor same settings same everything same image quality no difference it's really just the external and for me i really love the top handle on the fx3 but i don't like that it has the audio thing permanently built into it and if all i wanted was a top handle it's super easy just put a cage or a handle on the a7s iii um yeah that's kind of that was kind of like my thought process which wasn't much i've had zero problems with the a7 s3 overheating i know the fx3 has fans so you're definitely not going to have problems with it overheating the big thing that the fx3 has that i would really love are the tally lights that are everywhere like on the front on the back on the top if you're pressing record that thing glows almost like how the gopro has lights everywhere and that is really cool because when you do a lot of things by yourself sometimes it's hard to be sure that the camera is recording or continuing to record i love that sony lets you emphasize the screen so when you press record a red outline goes around the screen but sometimes you might not be in a position where you can see the screen and it's kind of hard to tell and i often have panic attacks sometimes not panic attacks but i have a wave of panic when i think like i just recorded something for 25 minutes was the camera actually recording it was so being able to look at the camera and know immediately yes it's on would be really really cool um if i were to get which wouldn't make any sense but if i were to get a second camera right now i'd probably get the fx3 to go with the a7 s3 but that would for my case that would be like super unnecessary that would just be for the fun of buying cameras rox the man you're the man uh difference operationally in the canon r to the sony's great question is there anything that sony can do that makes it better easier to stream film other film other than overheating yes um again not to just pimp my podcast but like my podcast episode that came out today is all about canon versus sony and admittedly it kind of as a canon user since 2007 it's sort of a lot of my frustrations because i really like canon cameras i really like canon lenses and i really want canon to be a an even more successful company than they are and make good products but ultimately for canon my opinion is that they they just value their photo customers more unless you're talking about the cinema series but if you're talking about the mirrorless or the dslr cameras they're hybrid cameras but if canon is ever at a point where they have to make the decision of sometimes photo features and video features clash and you have to compromise one for the camera to work and if canon is ever a position where they need to compromise something they will always compromise the video side not the photo side and it probably makes sense because i'm sure they've done plenty of research and most of their users are probably primarily photographers so that's who they're going to cater to um but it's it's frustrating whereas what i've noticed with sony is they're more willing to to differentiate their mirrorless lineup like the a7s our video based cameras that have photo capabilities the a7r are photo based cameras that have some video capabilities and the a7 like just a regular a7 is kind of that hybrid but it's not going to have all the resolution of the r and it's not going to have all the video functionality of the s but it's going to do both pretty well and they're pretty clear on like that's what we have and you pick what you want and so it means you're going to decide what trade-offs you want to make so in my case the things that make it easier other than the overheating stuff full-size hdmi out is amazing no recording limit is amazing um power super cool is that it just runs you can get a dummy battery and stuff but you can also just run the camera off of usbc so i have it plugged into like a 5 volt usb charger thingy and that will run the camera forever like it it's got a full battery but it's also running off of power as far as i know on the canon side of things you have to buy the dummy battery converter thing which works great but it's like 150 this was zero extra dollars for me so i appreciated that very much um sony's autofocus which i never would have expected to say a few years ago is better than canons at the moment which is crazy because i spent a long time thinking that like sony's first mirrorless cameras did not have good autofocus and so in my brain it got stuck that like sony has bad autofocus canon has always had good auto focus so in my brain it got stuck canon's the good auto and they're both excellent like they're both excellent but the sony autofocus is kind of next level excellent and i'm very excited about that so um what's cool though a lot of people will like do the whole i'm switching and this that and the other thing it's kind of cool to run both systems it can sort of be a pain sometimes for you know obvious reasons but they do have their strengths and canon does some things better than sony sony does something better than canon and it's really cool by having both then you have like the whole spectrum of all the strengths that both both systems have and that's i've been really enjoying that actually using both of them together uh with some dslrs running 500-800 do you recommend investing in these or a gopro work better for multi-cam setup like you have it depends on what you're looking for if you want something that has shallow depth of field and you don't want to use cinematic mode on an iphone or something but if you want kind of the shot you're looking at right now where i'm clearly in focus your background is kind of blurry and you maybe want the versatility of being able to change out lenses more easily obviously a mirrorless camera is the way to go probably won't invest in a dslr at this point because most companies are phasing them out in favor of mirrorless and there are a lot of advantages to mirrorless so i would go with a mirrorless camera um stuff like a gopro can be really fun but i'm using my gopros because i have them and i hate when cameras just sit around and don't get used so i like to find ways to use them and utilize them and do goofy stuff with them but my main stuff is always like gonna be a mirrorless camera but if you're somebody who doesn't care about the shallow depth of field thing or somebody for whom that would be actually a bad thing like you want to do a lot of landscape stuff you want to do big group things action stuff where there's you know you need this to be in focus and you also need that to be crystal clear i mean heck then yeah something like an action camera would work really well the gopro i'm curious about the thing i'm finding is it's plugged in via usb and it has a webcam app so you can use it as a webcam and that's cool and the quality is good and i can play with it even more in ecamm however the thing i'm noticing is that even though it's plugged in with usb it's still draining the battery the battery's at about halfway so it's draining the battery more slowly than it would normally the battery would not last this long normally but it's kind of weird right like straining the battery i don't know it's kind of annoying um so yeah let's see here uh do the road caster sound panels work with memory cards you you load the sounds directly through the road caster companion app or you can record them directly and i think you know what i'm such a like i get stuck in my way yeah um you can load them through the companion app you can actually record stuff on the fly directly to them and do some basic editing but as far as i know they can't pull stuff from the memory card of the road caster it's in the internal memory but i don't know how much it is but there's a lot of internal memory like i've done long long long like interview clips on the sound pads with no problems so it's good do you think they will put something in place to quiet the audio music when you talk automatically like ducking that would be cool if it's effective a lot of times i have found things like auto ducking auto noise gate stuff like that are so aggressive that they they're like too distracting because you hear it you know i stopped talking and then the music shoots up and then i start talking and the music shoots down um and i have found that to be kind of annoying so yeah that's just that's just me there to use the blackmagic hyperdeck i don't i did it my job we used hyperdex um i'm using the atem mini extreme iso right now and i like it blackmagic makes some cool stuff what's the next thing that you want to buy for your channel i don't honestly i have a little list over here of like stuff i need and i always have like i want a new microphone and i want new this and that like funsies things but the thing i actually need is i need a new good tripod because the one i'm using is great it's a manfrotto tripod and a manfrotto video head but it's the only one i have and i just need a new like good video tripod i have my benro travel tripod which is awesome and i use it all the time but something that has a nice smooth video head is something that i need and really strong legs to hold up a lot of weight and it's like mine's 10 years old it works great and it's compared to new cameras and lenses and microphones and stuff like a new tripod is a very easy thing to purchase but i just keep putting it off but that's the thing i actually like need next um for lights i'm not sure which would be better for a clean bright and christine the light dome mini 2 or the lantern it depends so i'm using i don't know if you can see it in this shot yeah right up there my key light is in the light dome mini 2. i have the big crazy light dome from nan light i think it's the 90 centimeter one it's about the same size as the regular aperture light dome and it's beautiful and it's awesome and it's way too big for this room so i don't use it in here but this the light dome mini fits perfect and i have the light facing away from me bouncing off of the wall as a lot of you probably know to kind of illuminate the room and that works great for me and i like that because there's no bright lights shining directly into my eyes the lantern would be cool if you wanted to illuminate the whole space with a very soft light like if you wanted the light to shine on you but also shine on the background at like the same intensity that's where the lantern would be really cool the light zone would be cool if you wanted to be able to direct the light a little more you can direct lights with lanterns too because they usually come with like black out parts that you can put around them to kind of like curtains to to direct the light a little bit and lanterns are super fun but the light dome mini has worked really really well for me and i like it a lot what's up mingus tv you are a canon user for videos use a gh5 and a g9 with adapted canon lenses for streams thinking of switching to canon for live streaming switching the g g9 over to an eos rp is that a good idea the rp i think is an underrated camera but i know you have your lens line up the r gives you so much more for at this point especially going into the holiday season which i can't believe already doing you'll probably see some pretty crazy discounts on the r i've saw it last year went down below 1400 u.s at one point and that was a year ago so it wouldn't surprise me to see it around like the 1300 mark and the r is a lot more camera so i would recommend that but i don't know if you want to adapt lenses or whatever the sony zve10 for 800. you get the camera plus a lens and it's like built for streaming in a lot of ways it's kind of hard not to just make that the go-to recommendation um yeah so the sony zve10 is kind of what i would actually recommend margaret maybe somebody else can answer this why is audio around negative 20 to negative 15 the why i don't know like i know that you're supposed to level out things around like negative 16 and all that that's what makes it sound the best and it gives you plenty of room to play on different speakers and sound systems the why behind that i don't know and i've always wondered why like the level it's supposed to be at isn't just zero and then you go i don't know so maybe one of the actual audio pros in the chat can can inform us on that can you plug in a regular non-xlr microphone to the road caster i'm assuming you're talking about a usb microphone uh usb microphones no 3.5 millimeter microphones or something you could plug into the smartphone channel or get an xlr adapter for and they will work any tips to get the wireless rode go to to work best with the road caster pro kind of what i just said actually you can plug the the cable from the receiver into the smartphone channel but if you want the full functionality you can get a 3.5 millimeter to xlr cable or an adapter and then you can plug the receiver directly into the the xlr channel on the road caster and you'll be all set and it totally works and it's good uh out of the box what's up andrew it's nice to see you here if you could collaborate with any creator who would be it would be you um i mean there's so many i'm really bad so collaboration is a thing that happens on youtube right i'm terrible like sometimes people will send me messages and things and going like hey do you want to do a collab you want to do this and i'm like honestly i have no idea like how to do that how to approach it in a way that's not like boring or terrible or something that's just me i'm bad at thinking of that um so what i'd love to do though is meet more like meet and which is why my wife and i we started a community for youtube people a lot of people are here right now it's called just create more you go to justcreatemore.com that's the sales pitch um because we didn't have that locally and we wanted to do that do that virtually um the biggest collaboration i've tried like i've been trying to figure out forever is peter lindgren because we do our podcasts together but we live on other sides of the planet and so we've tried to find fun ways of like not just doing a like here's tom saying something here's peter saying something here's tom saying something here's peter saying something but like make it a little more like seamless even though we can't be in the same physical space and i think we have an idea and if time permits we're going to try to do that try to do that um i see derek is saying some of us can't see your feed myself or two of the many i'm sure your views are under 200. views under 200 is actually totally normal for life this is actually a lot for me so that's normal i'm not sure what's happening though why things are showing up not showing up it's got to be a thing on youtube's end so i unfortunately can't do anything about it maybe youtube is just having issues today bugs i don't know if if somebody has a suggestion of a way to fix that for me totally about acoustics wouldn't your screens be a nightmare yes 100 yes i was silly and i thought i thought that having the screen here was actually helping improve the sound because it was kind of like yeah and i was wrong and you might have noticed in some of my more recent videos i've been standing up more which actually helps because the desk is a reflective surface and the screens are reflective surfaces and so a way around that is to be close to the microphone when i use the rode videomic ntg and you don't see a microphone in the frame it's really close out of the frame and it's it seems to pick up a little less reflection that way but was really funny um speaking of i don't know where i put it oh yeah the deity microphone um oh no this wasn't deity these guys are nerds for audio and i love that but it was actually sennheiser that's right i had a question about a sennheiser microphone and i talked to them and then they put me in touch with one of their engineers who ended up being like one of the coolest people that i've met and a giant audio nerd and he ended up taking like screenshots of my videos and like waveform analysis of my audio and trying to figure out like why i was getting unpleasant frequencies in certain areas so he was literally like well if you see the desk is here and the screen is here and if you position this here and the mic at this angle it was very long like i loved it it was it was really cool like the people behind all everybody i've met at road sennheiser shore whatever the people behind the scenes are just giant audio nerds and that makes me so happy because it's not just about selling the product but like they really really want to know and so he and i did a bunch of things where i started covering stuff with blankets and sending him like test footage and test audio and stuff and the screen is a huge reflective surface that creates a lot of reverb sounds and that's a problem which is why it's it's probably hard to see actual distance here but it's pretty far away from me especially talking into this mic right now so it's not really a problem right now and since i put it on my boom arm that i talked about a few weeks ago it's so easy to position out of the way when i'm recording so it's not an issue anymore but prior to that when the screen was just kind of always right here it was really creating some weird stuff and the desk the desk being a hard surface even with this mat is also i'm speaking down and the voice going and like bouncing all over the place from here you know it's is what it is but i like having a desk where i can set stuff and show things and if i'm talking about that but if you notice a lot of times more recently i've been standing up in videos that's because i like standing while talking but also because it does actually help the audio sound better because i'm just above all these reflective surfaces that are down here so yes you are correct and that is something to be aware of and i think a lot of people overlook that how do you stream deck sounds on team zoom etc you would just have to load your sounds into the stream that's a good question actually well because the stream deck is just triggering audio from another application so whatever wherever your your audio is coming from that would be your audio source in zoom teams like that that application and then your stream deck would just be triggering it the streaming is not like containing any audio or anything so one way to possibly do that would be to use something like loopback where you could take your microphone audio plus your sound effect program audio run them combine them into a single audio source and then choose that as your audio source in teams or whatever application you're using i do have a video on my channel about loopback and you can check that out on how to do that you can loop back around to that what are you using to overlay question stream ecamm live if you want ecamm live there's a link in the description which is kind of awesome they have the best affiliate program ever but also like i love ecam i'd pay full price for ecam it's great uh how did oh wait we just did that one waiting for my pod mic to arrive in brazil i'm glad it didn't cost a brazilian dollars uh bought it because of my review will it work nicely on a scarlet 2i2 without a cloud lifter yes and question mark it depends on on what you're running the answer to a lot of these questions is it depends yes it will work you will find that you probably have to max out the gain on scarlet but depending on what you're running into if you have another gain adjustment that you can make through software it'll probably be fine if you have a loud voice it'll probably be fine i know people who use the sm7b through the road caster no cloud lifter and it's super loud because they just have big loud voices if you're kind of quieter or you're not running through anything after the scarlet then you probably need some kind of booster um i'm gonna do a video on those because i've i got a bunch of them and i've been trying to like test them out so far i've really been liking the clark technic clark with a k technic ct1 which is very much like a fet head it's like an inline booster thingy i could actually even show you um where is my buttons i have so many buttons and the bell yeah if i move this camera over here oh it's on arm here's the clark technic it goes in line yeah there we go that's that guy um it's like 40 dollars and to my ears it works just as good as a fat head just as good as a cloud lifter just as good as anything else and it's a lot more affordable so um it's use don't get the signal booster before you get the mic get the mic see how it works and then if you decide you need one because your situation requires it then get it but if you can save the money why not save the money what's your recommended workflow for streaming i only use wi-fi i know it's like a big sin it's been on our to-do list to get wired ethernet so i don't know we have like crappy wi-fi um so my workflow is that i just hope it doesn't go out i don't know i wish i had a better answer what's up keeley can you share some thoughts on using graphic plus audio transitions when you switch scenes and ecams i'm not sure whether they're worth the work yeah so my ecam as you can tell i'm basic um i don't have crazy transitions i don't use a lot of crazy overlays not for any real reason other than i just kind of forget but i think it looks cool some people have their shows looking like total productions and it's like really impressive um i do think though sometimes it can get taken a little too far and i've seen stuff where it's like there's so many flashy things and sound effects and this is happening that like i can't pay attention to people on the screen or in a situation like this where they're just talking they're like this tiny little box in the middle of the screen can i do that no i can't change my size with my scene but they're like real tiny in the middle and they have like huge overlays with just stuff everywhere and i'm like it's so overwhelming to me um that i think it actually hurts because then i can't pay attention but i've seen a lot of people especially in the ecam group like the usual suspects have a lot of really nice like just a quick transition bradley teaches has a really cool like simple classy way of making transitions i think he does it extremely well and i would recommend that uh-oh leo thank you leo for the super chat um i can't i'm not seeing it on my ecan so i can't pop it up on screen yet but thank you you do not have to do that but i appreciate it and it's funny because your question was like the next one it's not the super chat one but hey the blue paper backdrop that you use for your thumbnail what size did you choose your room is quite small yes i would love to talk about that so my backdrop is right over here to the right and if you saw like older videos of mine you might know that there's just a window back here which i just usually kept the blinds closed on and the problem with that was it just looked ugly like i tried to have curtains that looked cool but it just looked ugly whenever it got on camera and so i was sort of stuck with the angles i was filming and i was always trying to avoid just showing the window because it looked ugly and so what i did was i got those i mean i can show you where's where's my ndi maybe it'll maybe it'll still go let's see here oh no there it is yeah so cool i apologize if this is can i zoom in i can i just got those same you know the basic like impact from b h thingies with the rollers and the chains and i forget exactly i feel like this was 56 inches it's basically four feet so it's the one i don't know what that is like 3.25 meters ish something like that um that's what i got there i currently only have the blue and the gray and uh room for one more the gray is nice because it's it's kind of like a classic one and it's still good as reflecting this fill light and then the blue is way more fun but the problem with the blue is that if i have it down all the time then it reflects blue light on me and i look blue so i can't have it down all the time but this has actually been really cool especially with the monitor on the arm because when i want to do something as you might have seen in the stream i did a couple weeks ago i can push the monitor out of the way and now i actually have like a usable backdrop space for products and stuff a lot of the stuff i talk about is relatively small so these small window size things i just literally measured the window and then got paper that's like slightly bigger than the window just from b h it's the savage backdrop paper which is really really good i got the small rolls but there's more on those than i'll ever use in here so yeah that's that um so thanks for that question there's a lot of questions i'm trying trying to get through um so i apologize but i'm also trying to keep up with the chat because i don't want to fall behind you know um but yeah there's there's good stuff happening here i i love the community of audio video nerds that has assembled around this channel that makes me very happy i mean that in a very positive happy way not in a bad not in a bad way uh let's see rocks the man again a7s3 versus r for streaming and events i mean a7s3 if you can afford it i know i love the r and the r is less than half the price of the a7 s3 so if budget is your thing then [Music] sony's or then the r is the way to go but in 2021 sony's pretty good but also like i mentioned the zve10 which is a crop sensor is an option and then supposedly we're on the cusp of the a74 coming out which should be significantly less expensive than the a7s3 but still offer a lot of functionality based on rumors so it might be worth checking that out and then seeing what's gonna happen the r i still think is an amazing value especially because the price just keeps going down and even the 1080 on the r really holds up to the 4k on the sony's like and the 4k on the r is really good if you if you can work within the crop like it's really good so the r is a super solid camera but realistically just looking at like well it's 20 21 and you know full frame 4k is a nice thing to have so there we go um cool aubrey what's up aubry can you tell me again how you hooked up your shore super 55 different yes two ways so aubry if you go watch last week's video about the elgato low profile boom arm that's pretty much the easiest way because to do that i just use this adapter thingy that you have i know you have this one and i just put the shore on that and then that's it so that was the easiest way on the psa1 or more traditional thing i actually had to make this little adapter for the um the super 55 and basically what it's built around oh you know what let's use the phone so that way i can show you a close-up um it's sort of a hodgepodge and there's probably like multiple ways to achieve this exact same result but basically what i have here is the heart of it is this little small rig ball mount these are relatively inexpensive but this is just like a friction mount from small rig it's not for audio usually it's for like camera gear and stuff and then what i did was i put i don't know i had this thing around it this is an adapter essentially these are three adapters but the goal was to go from a 3 8 inch to a quarter 20 inch both female and then that goes on here yes and this is the side then that goes onto the psa1 because the psa1 it has a 3 8 inch mount so this is what lets me mount that to that and then on this side i have these are again just the adapters i had i had the quarter 20 to 3 8 mount going into a 3 8 to 5 8 mount the quarter 20 goes there and then this is what goes into the shore and now you can position it at an angle and adjust it if you don't know where to get all these different mounts and things this little guy from rode is really helpful because it just comes apart and it's all these different adapters so maybe like grab a couple of these these little guys there's a bunch of ways to do it but you essentially just need to end up with something that goes from 3 8 inch to 5 8 inch and lets you like do a right angle and i just have a lot of adapters so that's what i used but that's not the only way to do it i feel like that's probably an overwhelming amount of info but that was how i did it and uh and it works but like i said just using this on the elgato low profile arm worked perfect i didn't need anything else oh i guess i needed a i did need an adapter no because it comes with an adapter didn't even need another adapter yeah so that arm's awesome arm yourself with that arm that's what i would say how did you decide oh that's a good one how did you decide what perks to offer for channel members i want to make a patreon for my podcast but i can't think of any cool perks to offer yes so i have patreon and channel memberships and both are basically the same the logic behind that was that my patreons my patreon is really small channel memberships are growing um which is cool and i like that but the perks are the same patreon i like because it's not connected to youtube so if something were to happen because youtube sometimes makes mistakes and demonetizes channels by accident everything would go there so channel memberships plus ad revenue plus all that stuff would would be gone because it's all connected whereas patreon's over here separate so if something even happens on youtube it doesn't affect this at all plus it's super easy you can use patreon like hey if you want to support the channel go to patreon if i'm on a podcast hey go to patreon like it's just more universal but youtube channel memberships are so well integrated to youtube you can do community post uh super easily do members only stream super easily do remember like it's it's so easily integrated into youtube that like i really like it it's super easy on the creator side of things and that's cool um now what i decided a big thing a lot of people do is they make all these promises like you get one new video a week and you get this and behind the scenes that and then their patreon or their channel membership stuff becomes like a full-time job that they then have to manage and i didn't want to do that so the perks are things that fit easily into my workflow and i don't have specific it's not like you get every tuesday you get this thing it's just like hey you get video versions of podcasts so when peter and i do our podcasts we're doing it through ecamm like literally we just have to hit record and now there's a video version that i can put up and people can watch my own podcast kind of the same it takes a little more work because it's not normally done i don't normally do it through video um so it's stuff that's a little easy for me to do it's also been easy through something like ecam or i don't even need to use the memory card i can just hit record and then do quick video updates um so stuff like that became the perks in addition to just communication like creating a discord server for members and stuff has been really cool because then it's an easy way to communicate kind of like we're doing now but without having to be running a live stream and that's cool and those are the big ones i did start putting everybody's names at the end of videos which uh is not officially a perk because i wasn't sure like how to it wasn't sure if i could keep up with it but it's been easy it's worked well and the reason i did that was just because i'm a patreon a patron of other channels where you get to have your name in it and even though like one of them is joel haver who has i don't know 4 000 patrons so literally your name is this big on screen for half a second but you better believe i look for my name at the end of every video and i always feel good like there it is no one else is ever going to see it or care but it like i like it and i realize if i like that other people might like it too and so that's why i started doing that um so anyway long story long the way i chose my perks was to just essentially say hey what would people be interested in that's not going to then be a second job on my part like what fits naturally into my workflow sometimes i'll even make videos and i'll go on like a tangent in the video and i realize as i'm editing like oh this is not like this isn't uh good in the video people won't want to watch this the the general like person who stumbles across my channel isn't going to care about this but members would so i can take that part and then i don't lose it it goes up to members and stuff and members only streams and stuff are fun because you you get to you just have a little more in-depth conversation and stuff and that's cool uh can you recommend any replacement for the dbx286 not in rack format um i'm not super familiar with that level of audio gear but i can recommend you either um asking doc rock who's one of my favorite people and is very familiar with the the dbx and could probably give you a very equivalent recommendation or check out someone like curtis judd um or even andrew scott from podcastage would probably be a good person to ask you'd even just reach out to him on like twitter or something i'm sure he would ask answer noah do you want to noah if i still use rlx products in my school studio you work for rlx oh okay um i actually don't work at the school anymore but they do still use it uh they have what's everything i ordered so it's the same stuff but yeah all of the sound panels which are covering two studios are orlex sound panels big reason for that because they are thicker and work well but also the safety part of being like super flame retardant is very important especially anywhere but especially in like a classroom setting and then the tall ones the acoustic panels that are on like microphone stands so you can move them around those are such life savers they're like two feet by four foot big thick sound panels that are just on their own stands and you can easily move them around and even like if you have like four of them you can make a little sound booth out of them um yeah that's that studio is all oralx you guys make amazing stuff and i'm happy you were happy that they bought it for me uh axel i use a rode usb mini for my video calls it's boomed right out of frame is it worth upgrading to a shotgun mic or rode nt5 with an xlr interface that's a good question um i mean okay if your calls sound good then they sound good no save yourself the time and the money and the hassle if you're unhappy with the sound then it could be worth the upgrade but still a lot of stuff is still like if you want the best quality it's going to need to be in the frame in which case you could probably just put the rode in the frame and get the same sound quality so i don't know that you would actually get improved sound quality maybe a boom kind of thing might help a little bit if you're just out of frame and it's not too far away it could be a good a good choice um but part of me is thinking you might not actually notice a huge difference if it's gonna be at the same distance i know it probably doesn't it's not like the most helpful answer but that's that's my answer oh cloud lifter uh yeah i i'm sure you asked this question before i talked about it but the clark technic has been amazing and i've been using it a lot to see if it's gonna like break or something and no it's been perfect so far what jobs would you recommend that combine i.t and communications broadcasting uh that's i mean i don't know that i could recommend a job i can just speak to my own personal experience which is like becoming a digital media teacher and getting to do stuff where i was setting up my own studios and ordering all these cool products for you know classroom stuff i started as an english teacher but i was really interested in photo video stuff because i've done that my whole life and that just kind of was a thing that people knew like i like my bosses knew that the students knew that like that was just something i always did i incorporated into my class as much as i could and then when the time popped up where it was like hey there's an opening in this media program they turned to me and said you seem like that would be a good person to do that and i was so it's not so much that i can recommend a specific job other than you know it's sort of hard to recommend a specific job but finding a job at a place everybody has communications needs everybody has media needs everybody has it needs so finding a place that you think has those needs but isn't it would probably be like finding an i.t situation for an organization that maybe isn't utilizing media in in the in an effective way as they could be and then you kind of show up and you're like yeah yeah i'm setting up your network stuff or whatever but also like hey we should stream this meeting or you know what about setting up a channel for this or that or whatever and it's sort of if you just become known as like that guy who's really good at that stuff people can then tap into that and want you to do more i don't know if they'll pay you more for it it's the tricky part like you also want to get paid for your skills it's not like a specific thing digital media teacher there you go that's a good one be a be a high school digital media teacher and that'll save you there tips for buying your first camera yes okay okay uh f1 make sure your audio is good first that's my tip for buying your first cameras get good audio assuming you've got your audio set set up don't get a cheap camera there are good budget options out there yes but a lot of them do have limitations and you'll be like hey i saved a bunch of money because i only spent 300 on this thing but you're gonna pay for that in frustration down the line when you realize it's limited in some way or it's not doing what you want it's not performing the way that you want it's absolutely worth saving up and investing in something good again my go-to like recommendation right now for a lot of people is the sony zve10 because it's relatively affordable 800 for a 4k camera with a lens that does photo and video as amazing amazing autofocus can stream right out of the box without a capture card it's pretty cool um so that's my recommendation there and just sticking with something like your phone even until then like you you know if you have good audio and your picture's decent enough you will be fine and then especially once you get your feet wet like if you spend a whole bunch of money on a camera and you stream for a little bit you're like actually i don't like this then you're gonna feel like you wasted your money you could still sell it i guess but if you stream for a bit even just starting with your phone which might be something you're already doing or a cheap camera or an old gopro or something and you do it for a while and you really like it then it'll make more you'll be more comfortable spending a larger amount of money on a more expensive thing even if that means you got to save up for a while looking at my gopro the batteries batteries going down over there uh good option but an option for two cameras plus screen share switching i mean that's sony zve10 like that's my go-to like the cheapest camera i would recommend put it that way i guess do you have experience using rgb lights to light up your background i do if so all colors show up fine against a blue painted wall uh no so all my lights in here are rgb but they're just set to daylight actually so they're not but i have a blue wall so it looks blue um the lights in person and the lights on camera often look very different especially stuff like purples and reds just look totally different on camera than they do in person greens also most of the colors um so if you're using a blue wall you're not gonna be able to change your blue to like a totally pink wall or something like that but um yeah so i don't yeah but regular lights look good you can definitely add like hints of color and the big thing is to use actual video lights because if you use just like the super cheap rgb lights they can get like an rgb floodlight for 20 or something on amazon i use those for a long time they work but they also flicker like crazy and that's very frustrating so if if your camera is like maybe it'll be fine but if one little setting gets changed and suddenly your your thing is flickering like crazy and it looks terrible so it's worth getting an actual video light because it will never flicker on any camera settings and and just experimenting with it seeing what colors work with your setup and what colors don't if you've got a blue wall and you just throw daylight color on it or slightly blue color on it it's really going to make things pop if you want to get away from the blue you probably need a different wall that's that's kind of the answer there speaking from experience but i love the blue wall so i'm cool with that um would it make a different choice in camera body if you would be doing behind the scenes no i i um i mean i love all my cameras i'm really the more i use the sony the more i like it which is not something i thought i would have said a couple years ago but it's very true and i use my camera i mean most of the stuff you see on youtube is me and here in this environment but if i go somewhere or you know just want to take photos or whatever um probably use this camera if i'm just doing photos only then i just definitely use the r because it's got a higher resolution sensor but if i'm doing primarily video maybe with a few photos then i just take the a7 s3 wherever wherever i'm going and i like it a lot it works out do i do consulting and reviews for other youtube twitch channels i do have some limited consulting open up for the remainder of the year you can go to highmynamistom.com and see if that works for you um it's fun i i'm fortunate that i have a 100 record of only working with cool people so far so nobody's ever been a nightmare but i've been doing consulting for the past year uh actually it was exactly a year and it's been really fun a lot of it is helping people set up studios and figure stuff out but i've also done a few like youtube and podcast reviews not so much coaching sessions that's really where my wife's strong points are is youtube coaching um but i mean obviously like i put effort and time into a youtube channel i definitely can you know go through and work i've thought about these things a little bit so i can help you a little bit not that i have everything solved is there a new budget version of the pod mic uh well yeah if you weren't here i mean we could i'll i'll do it at the end there's potentially one there's like the the audio technica at2040 which i did a comparison video on that's also 100 uh it's really like geared towards competing for the pod mic i really liked it but the more i've been using it since making that video the more i'm still kind of like i like the pod mic better there's something about the audio technica that has like a there's just something about it that i'm not liking as much but i think you could eq it the secret microphone that i have down here which i can do another sound check for in a minute um if it ends up being at that price point i think that might be my go-to recommendation i think the pod mic is still the coolest looking of all of them mac what's up mac what's the light i'm using from the dome i have a ul 150 godox uh this is the nan light forza 200 and it's awesome and i love it is that a gopro on the mic yes aaron uh if you weren't here earlier i did put my gopro on my boom arm for no reason but i just think especially if i position the camera right i just think this looks kind of cool i don't know why not i just wanted to find a way to stream with the gopro hero 10 black which is what i'm using right there so yeah yeah that's a gopro on a boom arm pc versus mac for adobe software honestly i'm a mac guy but i would probably say pc if you're only using adobe because it seems like adobe prioritizes pc i might be speaking out on my backside but um i mean i use photoshop and everything i use adobe products on macs wonderfully but it seems like they make the pc version first and then like figure out how to make it work on mac so if you're primarily using that's my thought if you're primarily using only adobe stuff pc would be the way to go and then you could have the fun of building your own pc uh in use cases would you apply midi control on the road caster pro in your channel i do have a video about this but i haven't like really incorporated in my workflow because you can change stuff like the sound pads to be midi controls so instead of using like a stream deck you could use these pads to change everything but the reason i haven't done that is because the stream deck you know if you're not familiar with the stream deck i'm sure most people who are watching this probably are but the stream deck has customizable keys each key is basically like it looks like a little screen and so every time you change it you get a new illuminated custom you can change it to whatever you want custom thing and there that to me is just easier than trying to remember oh yeah the blue button is is my gopro scene whereas like the one that says next scene is my next scene button is just easier for me but that's the way to do it you could you could basically i don't say eliminate a stream deck you could do a lot of the functionality of a stream deck with the road caster which could be cool uh do you still think the m1 magman is super great yeah i mean i did a review two weeks ago about it it's what i'm using right now it's awesome i'm very very very excited for whatever they're gonna announce i think in october because after i sold my 16-inch macbook pro i just have kept that money saved set aside because i still want a good laptop so i can have portable power and i've been waiting for whatever the rumored 14-inch macbook would be and i'm very excited about that but otherwise the m1 mac mini is freaking amazing um and there's also rumors they might update the minis next month as well too which would be cool bro road caster mic with best interface under 150 bucks um i mean interface the the best 150 dollar interface is probably just going to be the scarlet 2i2 i tried to look up cheaper ones you get like the scarlet solo which is a little cheaper but it's nice to have the two inputs because you never know when you might need them and so that's kind of my cheapest interface recommendation is the scarlet whose live stream do you respect any subject matter oh i love live streams there's a lot of people in here so doc rock is here i watch him stream like 10 times a week raphael asks a question raphael ludwig two questions below this one he's an amazing streamer who's really good at like this is what i'm this is like the point i'm making in today's stream the purpose of the stream and we're focusing on it he's amazing at that um there's also uh oh shucks who was i i mean sammy's in here sammy superstar peter gregg i learned about ecam i learned about multicam stuff i learned about audio from peter gregg's live streams um there's a channel called densely d-e-n-s-l-e who does blender animations well it is a lot of stuff but is a lot of blender animations and he does live streams of him doing his blender animation so i love that and of course in the chat right now there's aaron pereki who is the live streaming master and if you don't believe me go to aaron parecki's channel and watch his studio tour video cause it is it is nasa mission control like he could land something on mars with the stuff that's in his studio so those are a lot of the ones that i bounce back and forth i'm uh a member of the ecamm facebook group and that is an amazing group of people and a lot of people from their stream and i just sort of spend my free time bouncing around their streams and it's really fun speaking of raphael which would you feel is a good time to open up youtube memberships it's like that's a hard question um i would say when people are kind of asking for it you asked for it but what i mean by that is people will start saying like hey do you have memberships do you have a patreon because maybe they either want extra content or whatever or they just want to support you and when you kind of notice that that's a good point youtube memberships are so well both of them patreon and youtube are so easy but like having a youtube membership where you can post an early video do a members-only live stream or whatever it's kind of awkward to do a members only live stream if you have like one member and then they don't show up uh but there's very little like if you open it up and it doesn't nobody joins it doesn't really hurt anything the awkward part is when there are like two or three members and it's like okay how much extra stuff can i put out there for two or three people like it's hard to to say that that is worth the effort the juice is worth the squeeze if that makes sense how do you take youtube message selection for your stream oh this is just ecamm live magic of ecam live i'm telling you hey is it a tb secret when it comes to in camera sitting on my sony a7s3 no uh right now i have picture profile off the auto dynamic range is off i'm at 30 frames per second so uh 60 160th is my shutter speed aperture is f4 and iso is at 100. those are my settings right there and then in ecamm i do have i did play with some of the settings i have my lut going a little bit so if i max it out then i get kind of orange and crazy bright so i have my lut a little bit kind of like that a little um and then i have just some of the brightness and saturation through ecamm played around till i like it nothing crazy neil you're sorry for the latest stream well apology not accepted i'm just kidding are you connecting the gopro via usb the gopro 10 i'm connecting through usb and then they have a webcam app and then it just shows up as a video source and ecamm so the thing that bothers me is all of my other gopros forever have had hdmi ports on the side the three five and seven so i can just use them as part of the atem with hdmi but as far as i know the 10 and then the nine maybe even the eight don't have that you have to get like this kit that kind of like it's like a case that goes around it puts on a microphone and all those ports i just want the hdmi i don't want all the other stuff and it's like 80 so that was kind of annoying because i can't run it into the atem but now it shows up as a separate video source which means i can build totally separate scenes with it or do picture and picture stuff and it's awesome so i actually really like that all right what do you think of the hyperx quadcast s and how does it compare to the solocast i've heard of those things that's it i've not used them so um i don't know and i unless i've done a lot of research on something and i feel comfortable talking about it i'm usually not comfortable talking about stuff that i haven't actually used or i'm not familiar with so i don't know have you tried using midi on the road caster to faders to control atem audio no i haven't cause i just run all my audio through the road caster so i'm definitely guilty of once i get parts of my workflow in place i just never change it and that can be good because it helps things continue to run effectively but it can also be bad because then you know you miss out on stuff sometimes live production tips and tools at what subscribe count would you recommend to start live streaming for a small tech channel oh um i mean i did my first live stream as my 50 subscriber celebration so that was me on a phone out in the garage just being happy about hitting the 50 subscriber milestone you can i mean you can honestly like i have friends and stuff who stream and they have five subscribers you know like you do you uh just be comfortable go watch my live streaming mistakes video from a couple weeks ago and just follow those guidelines like have a purpose to your stream and that way if you have a purpose and you're trying to explain something it doesn't even matter if nobody shows up because you're still running through something and the replay could have value and if you were to consistently live stream like every week every other week or whatever works for you people will start showing up and you'll probably i would say after a month or two you'd probably have at least a solid crew of four or five people who are always there and then it could potentially grow from there so that's what i would say should i be using both the master compressor and the individual compressors on the road caster pro veggie grinder that sounds delicious it's almost lunch time um you should be doing whatever you think sounds good there's you're not doing anything wrong if you have your setting set however you have them and it sounds good to you it's right what i do i can just tell you what i do is i only use the master compressor and i don't use the channel compressors just because i think that's what sounds good and i like especially when my wife heather and i do our streaming here on her channel and we're both talking through the mics and we have very different voices and very different ranges in our voices i like that both of those things go out into the master compressor and get evened out and and it works would you do a review on the the i've i think they might be on my list um i would consider i just have so much stuff to do i know it's like boy poor you i don't mean that in a bad way but like i have so many things on my two review list that i want to get through before they become irrelevant that um i'm trying to get through that so that's like kind of what like this table over here is like stuff that i'm reviewing no question thumbnail for the stream is fire it was the one i made for my mistakes live stream but i like it so much that i um wanted to use it again so there we go do you have external power on all cams or is it battery they are all being run through power right now external power but when i was primarily using the eos r and whenever i do use the eos r as a second camera that is battery only because i don't have the thing and that battery for streaming lasts like four hours so i did an entire school year of full-time online teaching last year using the eos r on battery power with no problems i think it died twice which was fine because my students thought it was hilarious because the screen just said like battery dead or changed the battery pack and they thought it was funny and i changed the battery and then we were fine normally i would just switch it out at my lunch break so like first half a day on one battery and switch out second half of the day on another battery and it was fine but if you can run on you know wall power that's obviously the best way to to do it all right um we kind of got through the questions there i just want to make sure to hang out in the chat for a bit as we uh as we go to wrap things up i think there might have been a super chat that i missed and i'm sorry i hate being a rude dude with a bad attitude there we go oh it's mac where's the bell yes pear character bowing down and saying thank you i love these descriptions because they are the thing that will show up in the actual chat is exactly that thanks mac you're amazing if you have not checked out mac's channel uh he's a musician so he he he's an amazing guitarist but he's also got quite like high standards for audio and video production and his stuff is amazing and it always looks and sounds excellent so there we go i'm just gonna do let's see here oh here we go chris quizzes 20's tutorial channel in your last live stream i think you showed us how to create your thumbnail people don't usually have a pen draw drawing i did recall going over your settings in this oh um my like my procreate settings that you're talking about um i don't really actually i haven't changed the brushes on those the only things that i really adjust are the size of the brush and that's just personal preference so i didn't all of the actual brush settings are just the default ones and i was just using default brushes i use the calligraphy one and then i use the um the light pen a lot because that's what gives the neon glows but they're just on their default settings nothing nothing crazy play some guitar i would but my wife is uh she's busy today she has we went to the gym this morning which is very cool it's a nice way to start your monday and then she has seven meetings today so i have one live stream and uh yeah i don't want to interrupt her important stuff here it is where can i get the colored windscreen for the sm7b reporterstore.com not affiliated with them but that's where they're from and they're amazing this camera junkies here what's up best ro best boom arm for the pod mic it'll fit on any boom arm so it's up to you rode psa1 is my go-to recommendation however i would definitely recommend that you check out my video my most recent video on the elgato low profile arm because it's the same price as this but it's very different functionality so um whether you want like a traditional boom arm or you want the low profile would work better in your workspace they're both awesome they just do different things mac you're funny ska yes indeed which is actually very funny um because i got i i got a message from somebody at warm audio which is a microphone company uh and they make really cool stuff and they're like hey we have some mics we love your channel would you like to try out any of our mics we could loan you some and i was like oh that would be really cool and i was looking through their they have an artist profile thing on their website and one of the artists is the interrupters which is one of my favorite bands and i was like okay can i try out whatever mics they used that was my response to them uh see spanish for eagle i picked up the elgato low prof yeah they're very hard to find in stock so you might need to buy them directly from elgato or corsair's website they go in and out of stock multiple times throughout the week but it's a good arm it's good arm for sure just finding a stock what's up maybe my short link so no affiliate just easy to remember oh yeah yeah if r if reporter store had affiliate stuff i learned about him from doc and keith pelzer in the ecam group um but i think that between like the three of us they have no inventory left because we're just constantly referring people there uh but yeah ecamm live if you like ecamm live you can use my affiliate link in the description to sign up and that gives me money which is fun uh but anyway all right we've been going for almost two hours but this was really fun i really like oh look chris chris is here interrupters use warm audio chris i was thinking of you because yesterday and this morning i was playing with my bass amp over there and uh it's just like a fender bass amp but i like it a lot and i've never really played around i've kind of dialed in my settings and those have been my settings for like five years and then i really tweaked the sound and got a bass tone that i really really love and i'm excited about that and keith have you worked on any cable management i just finished 15 hours i my cable management is like a c c tier cable management um but i'm trying to think about this i feel like i curse myself i kind of like what i really like is the casey neistat style cable management and my old classroom had this where you get the little they're like round clips that you can nail into the wall and they just route cables around you can make them go around stuff and in designs and stuff though that's really fun but i feel like every time i get everything actually managed is right around the time that i ended up changing everything and so it's like my cable management is significantly better especially when i'm not streaming um i pretty much have no cables around me or or my desk but over here where like my power supply is often full of cables blue is definitely my favorite color we should talk chris also oh yeah barefoot boy this is a good way to end the stream thank you for the reminder uh other mike so some of you might not have been here some of you might not have been here earlier i did a mystery microphone and yes my camera is on the uh what is this the i footage shark slider nano did a review on it so it's just going back and forth i do have a i do have a blue mic and i like blue mics but i just i just have a lot of mics you know i i don't need anymore but i feel like they keep showing up including this one that i'm gonna do right now so if you weren't here earlier i'm very interested in this mic i was lucky enough to be given a microphone from a microphone company before it has been announced or released so i cannot show it to you or tell you what it is or basically do any of that but i have devised a plan which will and some of you were here earlier but i've devised a plan which will let me let you hear it without seeing what it is so i'm still going through the sm7b right now uh which i really like and i'm gonna secretly put the mystery mic trying to make sure it's not seen there mystery mic is in the box um so the mystery mic what i can tell you is it is a dynamic xlr microphone and uh i like it a lot so just for reference here here is the shure sm7b and this is the mystery microphone what is it i don't know it's a mystery this is the mystery microphone in a box remember as you're listening to this it is inside of a cardboard box so probably not the best environment i should have put like some foam pads in this box and made a little isolation booth next time next time uh when i do my arts and craft on my mystery mic box but anyway this is the mystery mic and this is the shure sm7b the reason i'm comparing these two hello is because i'm really impressed with how closely i think this mystery mic matches the sm7b and the reason that i think that is important is because uh i don't know for sure i've i mentioned this earlier so if i'm repeating myself i apologize but i don't have any pricing info on this mystery mic but based on what i know and based on other mics in this lineup i am thinking that this is a competitor to the pod mic and the audio technica 2040. i think this is a competitor to that hundred dollar podcast streaming microphone world um if this mic this mystery mic which actually i'm in the shore right now but i'll talk to the mystery mic so sure sm7b mystery mic mystery mic if this microphone is a hundred dollars i think it could pretty much become like the go-to recommendation because i really really really like the way that it sounds if it's a little higher like 150 dollars that might be a little tougher because pod mic's like 100 this is 150 but i think that this is a very very very good sounding microphone if you want to you can listen to my podcast uh from today which is the enthusiasm project you can get it wherever you get your podcasts and i did more in-depth mic comparisons the episode is about canon versus sony but i started off with more in-depth mic comparison so this is the mystery mic hello i'm talking into the mystery mic and this is the sm7b as i will be careful to hide the mystery mic away in my non-disclosure location it's in the witness protection program right now and now it has disappeared what if there just wasn't a mic in there and i was just talking to the sm7b the whole time i wasn't there there was a mic in there uh doc is messing with his emotions i'm very curious actually you are definitely someone who i'm curious what you're going to think about with this with this microphone here uh oh yeah sorry the mystery mic actually was not running through it was the same thing no effects no processing other than i guess master compress sir yeah but it wasn't running through a signal booster and no channel effects so i did have the um it's a dynamic mic it's not quite it's not nearly as quiet as this mic is it's a little got a little higher output than the pod mic but it's very similar to like the pod mic's output so i had that channel pretty much maxed out but i didn't want to when i've been using it in my own like fun and testing i've been running it through some kind of signal booster but for today just so you could hear it i wanted to run it directly into the road caster to be as you know basic as as possible uh how do you take audio from the road caster atem oh boy with speakers but only the telephone guessed how can i take the audio out from the road caster pro with atem well if you if you you're taking your monitor outputs from the road caster so if you're using these two [Music] comment there sorry if you're using these two left and right monitor outputs and you can get like it's a y cable it's going to have two quarter inch jacks on one end and then a 3.5 millimeter on the other and they can run that into the atem that's going to get you the cleanest output uh nobody's like it's not going to be an input source though so like that won't work that if something's running in which it won't run into the atem anyway that's i guess that's the way to do it i don't have like a clear clear one rafael's onto me said there's no mic it was all it's all lie the audi no it's i've done a review on the audio technica 2040 um the mic i showed you is not announced yet that's why i can't i would love to actually show it to you and talk to you about it and tell you about it but it's not out yet and i signed a paper that said i wouldn't tell anyone about it but i still let you listen to it a little more bottom end on the shore but i must know what that is i if they hit this price point it's it's gonna i think it'll be a quite the game changer in a lot of ways when we see play the drums like i said i can't play today because uh we have meetings happening in other rooms but i am actually very excited i did this last weekend or this weekend it's monday i changed my drum heads and i'd put on colored drum heads so they're all there's purples and pinks and blues and reds and stuff and it's it's really fun to be back there i've never had colorful drum heads before so uh i'm super excited about that and i will definitely be playing the drums later tonight for fun messing with your emotions i'm sorry uh it hurts that i think i know what it is but i have no idea what it's actually called i'm curious i mean i can't tell you if you're right or wrong so oh this look look i have an sm7b hooked to a dbx286 uh streaming is that ideal as mentioned before i have no experience with the dbx286 but doc who is in the chat right now does and i'm sure he would be happy to answer that question what's up pablo uh just dropping by to say hello and ask if you had the time to look in the keyboard meister i haven't done it yet but i oops but i really really want to because i would like to be a macro master master mastro of macro it's the elgato sure road sennheiser blue neat widget that's not because that doesn't exist the craft level of that mystery works yeah uh it i did take it out of the trash i mean like the box itself and then i made the crafts i wanted to add some lights onto and stuff but i uh i ran out of time yes there we go definitely the shure what's still like 350 400 well i mean you know this shores 400 the sm7b but sure has they have the mv7 which is 250 but it's xlr and usb and then they have you know of course like the sm58 and sm57 which are a hundred dollars and very very excellent ones definitely everything's with the edelkrone the moving stuff over there love the name of the drone yes my my uh drum throne ludwig uh there we go cool uh then that is my queue it's looking at almost exactly two hours that's my cue to go have some lunch so thank you guys for being here i really appreciate it this was really fun it's fun like every time i do a chat i try to do things that are like not only fun for me and fun for you but also kind of tests so my last live stream if you wanted to go check that out i ran through my whole thumbnail creation process that was a test for me to stay focused on one specific topic and then prior to that i've done like the drums where i was trying to you know play music in front of people because that was scary and today my goal was like to just sort of do a chill q a where i could be distracted by different questions that pull in different directions but not like totally lose my mind and do a four-hour stream that ends with me just sitting in a pool of sweat and exhaustion and we did it yes so uh with that being said oh nerdsync just got here as it's ending love all your stuff and help me out i'm so happy to hear that uh i appreciate the support very very much so uh with that being said thank you so much for being here thank you so much for checking out my weird gopro mike arm cam and i think that's about it so video coming out on thursday which will be sort of a follow-up to a video that i did last week and uh i hope it's gonna be slightly different than normal but i hope you like it i think it's very interesting and uh yeah if you want to join discord there's youtube channel memberships there's patreon but always i just cannot thank everyone enough for the time and support and just general fun nice happy good vibe times that uh that everyone always brings on my channel it's one of the best things ever and i very much appreciate it and very much appreciate all y'all so thanks so much hope you have a safe happy healthy fun rest of your day wherever you are and i will see you next time is this the right outro i hope [Music]
Channel: Tom Buck
Views: 6,964
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 121min 17sec (7277 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 27 2021
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