🔴 Live Q&A about Rode Connect, Podcasting, & More!

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[Music] whoa that was smooth i think hello hello and welcome everybody uh thank you guys for being here for a stream look at me couple streams happening regularly um yeah thanks guys for being here i wanted to go over something today we'll talk about that in a second um we're going to do we're going to do some cool stuff first i did want to acknowledge i tried adding in all these fun things here so there we go thomas boswell donated through super chat to 10 before the stream even started and i wanted to answer a question because you said you're planning to put a couple thousand dollars into equipment for recording podcasts and music you like the p8 and the road caster but you don't know anything can i record music and podcasts with those yes both of them be amazing for that go check out my video where i talked about that we're talking about both of them um word of note though and i should have paid more attention to this in that video the road caster this fabulous device right here allows you to record at 48 000 kilohertz as a sample rate and the p8 doesn't so if you're doing anything with video the road caster is the way to go plus it's a road caster it's cool and yes dominic i'm using the shore super 55 today because it's gonna be a it's sure gonna be a super uh live stream there it is yeah that makes sense uh i should probably turn down that music there we go uh so anyway that's where we're at let me make sure music doesn't randomly start playing again that's a thing that happened yesterday so that wasn't so great uh let's see here oh ron says suspicious handheld camera we're gonna be doing some stuff so i kind of have two objectives with today's stream uh i definitely want to make sure we just have time to hang out and do a q a because that's like honestly like the most fun however just like hans is asking questions about road connect that's the main thing that i wanted to start off with today and i'll explain why actually so if you haven't heard road release their own software they were nice enough to send me a few things that's not the right shot that's the right shot so if you saw the little paid promotion thing pop up at the beginning over here uh that's why is because road sent me like basically these mics and things so i could test out road connect and i i was planning to do a video on road connect but i had a hard time making the connection on how i should make the video there's my alert for super chat on how i should make the video because a lot of people already made their videos so what i figured the best thing to do today would be is instead of me making the same video that's already been made better than me go watch any of the other road connect videos go watch curtis judd go watch on uh andrew posted on podcastage2 the deuce there's a there's like a 20 minute overview of everything that road connect does like why do i need to make that video i don't so i thought doing a live stream about it would be helpful because i can run through it in real time and you can ask any questions or if you're like hey tom try this we can do that so that's what we're going to do for the first part of the stream and the second part of the stream would just be q a free-for-all goodness we'll probably be going for an hour a little over an hour i do have an appointment at three so i have to be done by 2 30 pacific time today which is an hour and a half from now did it on purpose because otherwise i never end my streams i did see a couple things happening up here though so thank you savvy and congratulations on your uh insane record you've been streaming he's been live streaming for 12 days straight so far and uh yeah there we go thanks matt thank you thank you uh all right oh thomas saw the videos all about podcasting if you want music specifically zoom does make the l8 which is more of a music based mixer but it's very similar to the p8 but i'll talk about that late l8r lemon james five bucks thank you you have an eos r and a rebel sl2 need a fast lens under 800 bucks yes this lens i'm using right here the sigma 24 millimeter 1.4 any of the sigma art series lenses are kind of amazing for sure so let's talk about road connect let's let's get down to business i don't want to click bait anybody and i want to talk about this because i'm i'm excited about it and also like a little confused by it and i've reached out to rode a little bit to at to ask some questions so we can do some little little unboxing situations rode sent me two of these guys here which is the nt-usb mini so lots of people are asking for good usb mic recommendations this mic has like a 50 50 yay it's great or nah not so much reputation and i'll do so i'll do some sound tests so you can hear it in a second it's a really well built mic it's super mini like here's the shore super 55 and the nt it's tiny and it's got a magnet for the base it's pretty sweet headphone jack in the back volume dial it's a great little mic the problem is it's so mini when you set it on the table it's really far away from you and it sounds better when you're close so there's a way around that but that's in all of the road connect imagery where it's got four of these microphones and everyone's just sitting around a table i can't help but think like that might not give you the best sound because everything's gonna be bleeding over and going going crazy um so here's kind of the point of road connect i set up a special scene let's see well actually here let's start here the road caster heard of it it's one of my favorite things right here where is it there we go the road caster totally fantastic piece of gear it has a companion app that comes with it you can adjust the sound pads you can download your stuff you can even i don't know if you've if you knew this about the road caster but you can edit the effects oh my gosh there's so many windows you can edit the effects in real time so you can go through each of your channels that's what i'm running through right now is the road caster and you can go through high pass noise gate de-esser compressor and the oral exciter and the big bottom you have very granular control over everything on the um on the road caster i think watch this with the magic of ecam i think i might be able to do something no i can't do it anyway i have very granular control over everything you also have the master mixer you can even see what i'm doing in real time watch nothing ah now something it pops up it's pretty cool um i like that a lot you can turn effects on or off and whatever you change in this companion app will also affect the actual physical road caster so it's super cool super full featured can't record directly in here but of course the road caster records on its own um now what rode did though was they oh i've locked my scene that would explain why i couldn't change anything i was going to try to like re-center myself a little bit here there we go sometimes you just need to pause and center yourself now screen share road connect it's like two versions of it okay um so road connect why is why are you dark why is it dark don't be dark road connect be happy there we go oh oh right so road connect has now disappeared fantastic okay so road connect looks like a little virtual mixer and it's sort of in a lot of ways what rode says is a virtual road caster but i feel like that is a very big claim to live up to and i wanted to kind of get to the bottom of that a little bit so that's what we're gonna start off with here let me catch up on here and just see see savvy brings up a good point because he's like uh screen effects from ecamm ecam is just so good it does like everything you would need it to do right doc rock checks in the mail from me saying that i actually really love the nt-usb mini um but yeah we'll talk about that right now so let's connect this actually and show you let's connect the connect yeah yeah okay sorry i'm sorry heather's not here to rain it in uh so i'll understand if you give this video a dislike based on that all right i've also got my little wireless cam over here um which i probably don't need right now so i've got this nt usb let's just plug this in and just use it for now so it's got usbc on the back you connect it turns on i'm gonna pop on my fancy headphones and plug these into the back if you're using a usb mic it's always a good idea to plug directly into the mic so that way there's no latency and you hear everything in real time so let's switch over to the ntusb you're probably gonna be yeah you're gonna you're gonna hear a change in audio quality so this is the shure super 55 running through the road caster pro no effects or anything other than a little bit of master compression and now here is the nt usb mini uh and there there is that it's far away from me if i try not to make too much handling noise and i bring it closer to me uh it definitely sounds significantly better when it's closer i think it's actually a pretty great sounding mic when it's close but on a normal table you're probably gonna be about that far away and in a room like this which like there's a little bit of treatment in here i've tried it's not a fully treated room you're gonna hear a lot of that reverberation in the room and especially if you have multiple of these which we'll do in a second we'll see how the sound bleed is so this is the nt-usb and this is the road caster pro so hopefully you can kind of hear a bit of a difference between those two right there uh let me see what everyone is saying we're still on the road caster right now yeah minor if there's not much of a difference that would be great i see thomas you said it's far away sounding it depends on where you position it let's talk about road connect though let's let's make the connection so let me hop back over here let me wait that's the wrong thing i'm supposed to go to a scene not a screen show it's just my whole computer my secrets they're getting away out of here uh there we go road tried to build all this stuff and like practice it before this and it always turns into a mess so when you connect a microphone for the first time it will run you through this setup assistant and your microphone will be right down here and then you can just assign it to any of these tracks uh right now i'm still running through the road caster so yeah i always pick track three because on road stuff track three is the blue track and blue is my favorite color so i've just added ntusb there i click next you can also add in virtual channels so system audio would be your system audio if i play a video if i play a song from my computer that's what that channel will be virtual audio it says um the additional virtual channel can be used to route audio from an application so you could bring in like a specific application zoom discord something like that to be 100 honest with you i don't know how to set what application goes here so i've been trying to figure that out and i can't if you know let me know and then you click finish and it creates a mixer for you so the mixer i put together has the nt-usb mini over here system audio over here and virtual audio over here you can also press record and then see any files you might have recorded along the way so let's switch back over to that right now i've been on the road caster here we are on road connect so this is the ntusb mini running through road connect boo wait no that's not it uh this one okay i think it should be this one you should have you should be able to hear me um yeah this is road connect there we go cool um so you can adjust the level here i can bring up the slider this is obviously something i have to click the mouse to do so it's up to you if that's a good or bad thing you can mute things unmute them pretty easily if you click on the tracks themselves you can adjust track specific settings very much like the road caster so if i click on channel 3 my level is my gain level is at 30 on the nt usb and i'm just kind of going off of what i'm seeing here so i'm in this little like zone where it sort of just says like hey go here that's where i'm trying to get the volume in my voice but the ntusb minis is like kind of far away because that's just where it lands itself when you put it on the table if i go here though there's a few things i can add so if i stop talking for a second you can hear the noise in the room so i could add a noise gate let me turn this up a little bit so i can actually hear it there so there's a noise gate so when i stop talking it should turn off that you should really hear nothing and then when i start talking it'll open up that gate you might hear some background noise noise gates can be kind of distracting if they're not set up right the road caster will let you um the road caster will let you fine-tune your noise gate this is just an on and off situation then we've got our compressor which is sort of going to reduce some of the highs boost some of the lows try to even out your signal so here it is with the compressor this is the entry usb mini with the compressor without the compressor compressor i hardly know i shouldn't say that uh and then we've got the apex the the audio processing down here the exciter um so this is gonna basically like boost the highs so here is the exciter isn't it exciting get excited everybody and here is without it and here's the big bottom uh i like the big bottom i cannot lie it it usually rounds things out especially if you're talking about something like the pod mic the the big bottom kind of the pod mic lacks a lot of low end sometimes this brings it in by default when you when you um connect the nt-usb mini to rode connect all of these are turned on so you're going to get a signal that kind of sounds like this which is is very very crisp probably too much so and in my opinion the noise gate is way too uh like active right here it's too aggressive you can hear when i'm talking like almost like a swooshy sound behind me if you're listening on headphones or something and when i stop talking it disappears start talking it's it's to me it's too noticeable but if i turn off the noise gate then i think it kind of rounds it out a little bit so it's up to you and your voice and your preference and all that kind of stuff this is just the dry signal from the nt usb mini popping in straight there uh jonas saying so i bought this road caster for nothing you did not and i'll we'll go back and and explain that um the cool thing about this so there's a there's a few cool things about this um [Music] let's see here i'm i'm getting distracted by questions don't worry we'll go through oh wait i can favorite questions because it's ecam right doc rock i can favorite questions and that way i don't miss them later this is great i love love me some ecamm live um so anyway the fact that you have no other granular control over this is kind of a downer it's the noise gate is on or it's off and that's it you can't can't adjust it um same with all of these we're in the road caster as you saw with the road app let me see if i can share that again uh nope not that one but this one maybe yeah you have you have such fine control over everything it's really it's really nice uh connect doesn't do that however connect is free like you can go to road website or just google road connect and go download it right now it runs on macs it runs on pcs it's pretty cool if you're someone who's into doing live streaming it's free but here is here is the biggest drawback is that it only works with this microphone here the nt usb mini so i'm going to switch back to the road caster and i'm going to switch back to here i don't know why i have to narrate like i'm going to press this button right now it's just a weird thing so it only works with the nt-usb mini i asked rode specifically why why does this only work with this because even rode like i get it that you wouldn't want to make it work with another company's usb microphone like you're giving free software to people um why do you need to you know make that compatible with a sure microphone or a yeti or a samson or something um just cool but rode makes other usb microphones they have the videomic ntg which can be a usb microphone they have the nt usb the big one that's the usb microphone they have the podcaster that's a usb microphone this software works with none of those it just the microphones do not show up i've tried it with the mtg i've tried it with the um samson i've tried it with the mv7 i've tried it with the yeti it just doesn't pick them up it only picks up the nt-usb mini and i asked rode why this is and they said for now the reason is because there's something in the ntusb mini so they released this i don't know a year or two ago it has like software or processing inside where all of those little effects you know the noise gate the apex stuff they're built in here in the circuitry in the process or whatever and now the software unlocks that so this microphone is designed specifically to be used with those right there that was the um the explanation they gave me they said at some point in the future it would be cool to open it up to other microphones but you have no idea when or if that could happen i kind of go by the advice of marquez brownlee when it comes to stuff like that never buy something based on what you hope will be future updates like this is not perfect for me now but they might update it later you never know um so i'm hopeful that this will be a very successful application this is version one of road connect and it's it's solid reliable stuff you can record add markers do all kinds of cool stuff great for streaming it's free software these microphones are about a hundred dollars you know that's a good like entry level thing right there without having to spend the money on something you know like a road caster which is 600 plus a cloud lifter plus a more expensive microphone or something like that so what we're going to do next is i'm going to run you through some of these accessories that come with it we're going to try it out with two microphones see what the bleed is and then we'll jump into just pure old q a um that's uh that's kind of what we're doing right here uh let's see here raphael can you eq the mics without the road caster uh i'm confused i'm confused by the question i'm sorry my brain my brain wait doc rock you became a new member i didn't remember to say thank you thank you for that i opened up channel memberships recently i try to post a couple things every week video versions of my podcast so you can see my beautiful face a lot more often and then also we did like a members only live stream yesterday talk about that in a second but the nt-usb mini um let's open one i have a knife ready to go this is a swiss army knife that i actually bought in switzerland because when we went to switzerland a few years ago i was like i need a souvenir what would the best souvenir be from switzerland a swiss army knife and they have a model called the tinkerer and heather always says that i like to tinker so it's like hey that's perfect so when you get the nt-usb mini again these are about a hundred dollars rode's done a really good job lately of changing all their packaging to uh like recyclable cardboard which is cool um the original pod mics i got and stuff had a lot of like foam and everything so good on you rode you get a usb a to usbc cable and then you get the microphone itself which is almost impossible to get out of here and yes so maybe the packaging could be a little uh yeah and you get your your packet of wow it's look at this this is road branded let me see hide my face road branded harmful if swallowed so that's very interesting they they uh did their stuff here so that's what you get with your nt usb mini it's all made out of metal it's a really great feeling microphone it's super heavy um like i said it has a magnetic stance you just pop it on the desk or what you can do is take it off of there pop out this little rubber thing and then it just has a regular 5 8 5 8 inch mount so you could put an adapter on it or what i was going to try is put it on just a table top stand to raise it up a little bit so that way maybe the sound quality would be a little bit better because it'd be a little bit a little bit closer to me so that's what we'll try with this one oh and it comes with a little 5 8 adapter in the uh usbc thing that's cool uh welcome impartial geek to channel memberships that's right i made all these uh little emojis like the road caster and stuff so that's there and then also what they released are these things here rode likes colors i like colors that's probably why we get along so well uh i'm just gonna tear into this i'm sorry and so this is so you can color code your mics and your cables they have similar things for the road caster and all of the colors for the channels on these the connect app and the road caster are all the same which is kind of cool so i was waiting for this stream to open these is like what i'm most excited about so i'm gonna take the blue one and just it clips right on here and now this is the blue mic and then i can take what do we got here a little usbc clip so you can just pop it around your cable this isn't the official road cable i know i'm being bad by doing that we'll do the official road cable i'll be good well actually no no no don't be lazy don't be lazy okay we'll open up the actual road cable the reason i was lazy was because i like set up all these cables before the stream and i was like everything will be ready to go oh yeah this fits much better on here i think maybe come on buddy there we go i almost blew it i don't know it'll be it'll be green with envy all right so now this cable is blue going into the blue microphone and then i can even snap on the other end of it a blue clip here i'm having like the hardest time with these that's good that means they're not going to fall off and then i can plug that into the computer and so if you're using a laptop or something now i know hey tom's mic is the blue one the blue microphone the blue cable the blue everything this one can be the blue yeti this one can be um well i guess i'll make it i'm going to make it green i really love neon green these are all good colors though so this will be a green mic because it'd be green with envy with how good it sounds so we'll connect these in a second and then see how they how they sound um together i have to get that mic just to try it out it's a it's a good one uh let's see here i'm gonna just save some questions for later there's a lot of great questions here and i don't want to miss them cool and great um let's connect this then oh crud i use the cable well we'll try to have our color-coded cable here then here let me move this guy over here and this guy over here and i need a longer cable i'm running all this through the hackabas if you wanted to know all on the m1 mac mini so everything's running through the mac mini right now i can show you my setup in a second if you want it's now messy because there's boxes everywhere there we go clipped it to a non-road cable pop that right in there and that's it the front of the nt-usb mini actually got this camera sitting here why am i not using it because i'm a crazy person let's focus and boop there we go oh sorry i have a comment up on string screen still um so the front of the nt usb mini which is out of focus right now there we go it does have a dial which lets you adjust the headphone volume and it also has two um it also has two lights which will let you know if it's connected via usb and if you're running headphones out of it so it's pretty cool now something interesting has happened again i'm still running through the road caster pro right now um so now as soon as i've connected this new microphone the one that i just took out of the package rode also sent me a usb c to c cable but i i don't see a way to use it because my thing is only a anyway as soon as i plugged it in it said hey your microphone's out of date it needs to be updated so i'll click on update uh it should be pretty quick so uh you know just plan on that and there we go updated the microphones firmware and now i should be able to where is the other one there we go yeah so you want to add a microphone yo uh all right so now this one is green i will drag it to the green channel i'm gonna keep these the way they are i'm not even using them but it's cool to see them so now this looks now there's another channel that has been added so if i had two more of these it could be you know it could go even a step further so let's switch over now to let's see wait this one oh wow oh that's so weird okay i didn't realize this would be a thing but i can hear through okay let me see if i can explain this correctly i have my headphones running into the back of this mic of the blue microphone which is not a blue brand microphone but yeah anyway i can hear from the green microphone so every microphone headphone output will let you hear the whole mix basically that's kind of a cool thing it's going to make things easy for me right now let's see i'm going to push this guy away pretend that we were having a podcast i would have a microphone in front of me and my guest would probably be over there pretend heather is sitting there hello uh you look lovely today and we will jump over here and now we're gonna switch to road connect stream so now you should be hearing me on the green microphone and what processing do i have on the green microphone everything is turned on uh and this is without everything turned on this is a dry signal on both of them so here's the green one and here i am over on the the blue one and there we go and then back to the green one and then back to the blue one and back to the green one so hopefully that kind of like i it's it's kind of hard for me to hear right now how how much bleed there is between these but you can connect four of them so we could have two more people two more microphones it's kind of you know i want to know let's see if i turn down the volume if i'm in the green one and i turn its volume down now this is how much of my audio is being picked up through the blue microphone over here and now same thing if i bring in the green microphone and turn down the blue one that's kind of how much bleed was happening and now if i'm wait now if i'm speaking into the blue one and i turn down the green one you can hear just how much just how much overlap and how much bleed there may or may not be um let me turn off now with the green microphone uh i do think i might be wrong you guys would be better judges of this because you can actually hear the final result a little better i do kind of think that the audio quality is a little better because it's on this stand that's putting it higher to my face you could put it on a boom arm also or you could put it on a taller stand but on the tabletop stand here let's mix these there we go on the tabletop stand it just seems like it's too far away let's try one last thing here and let's just turn on all of the effects because like i said when you first get this and you turn it on rode is going to enable all of the effects so you can really hear that noise gate being very aggressive right now especially i guess if you have headphones on this is a blue microphone and i'm turning down the green microphone so it's muted now turning up the green microphone turning down the blue microphone so you can hear me in the green microphone over here and now i'm over here so i don't know if that's helpful or useful but that's basically kind of how how this works for the most part you can sort of hear that um hear the sound quality here the audio quality a little bit when it comes to the nt usb like i said i think when it's just down here you know for a casual call this is fine but for like a high quality podcast i'm not crazy about how it sounds when it's far away i'm definitely a bigger fan of how it sounds you know turn the gain down a little bit and get a little closer and then it actually sounds pretty good peter piper pitched a podcast like it's got it's got a pretty decent pop filter um i think it's a good sounding mic but you really need to be close to it to bring out the best sound i'm probably i don't know i'm this far away from it you know scientific measurements right there let's switch back to the road caster because that's my that's my like device of life um all right so that was our little road connect test um and now i just wanted to share that with you because honestly like i said at the start of this stream road connect came out it's super cool because it lets you mix in multiple usb mics let's not overlook that i have two usb mics connected to one computer right now and i'm monitoring it recording it with no latency or anything like that that's always been a nightmare to do before and now i can do that it can only be with these usb mics and if you're buying two of them that's 200 which you could buy a pod mic and a focusrite for that price if you're buying four of them that's 400 bucks that's a lot um but if you have one and somebody else has one and they're coming over to record you can just be like hey you know bring your mic when you come over and you know there's ways to do it that probably aren't super expensive the software like i said is free oh you know what uh let me show you one last thing and then we'll dive into q a i should have i should have pointed out like if i record so i'm just recording random stuff right here i can hit markers if i want to hit markers while i'm recording and then i can stop and then i can see my file here this is very similar i can see like where all my markers were i can you know play through it if i want to which is very very cool and then if i click the little export button i can give it a name i can choose you know presets for different podcasting platforms file types i could convert it to an mp3 right here i can change the sample rate um you can even do some like basic level equalization this is really powerful because it's going to give you like ideally it would give you a file that's ready to be uploaded and shared just right away without having to open any other software and just export and save it this is very similar to how the road caster pro works if you're using the companion app to to bring stuff in so i just wanted to point that out before we oh gosh i closed it i just wanted to point that out before we moved on from there so that's our road connect situation uh let's see here let's jump in now so ah we've got some time we can do some q a if you weren't here at the beginning of the stream what i explained was rode was nice enough to send me these nt-usb minis which are super cool i've been using with my ipad actually a lot for like clubhouse you know there's like five people still there and um that's what i've been using them for they work great with ipad by the way um and i figured like i should make a video about road connect because it's related to what i do but everybody already made like amazing videos about it and i just don't feel like repeating it so i thought a live stream would be more helpful and that way if you have any questions i can like figure it out right now i can be your live tech support um oh we got some stuff john cardisko five dollars having trouble with guest volume on interviews with the cell you've turned up everything uh okay we can we can dive into that so let me mark some of these and then we'll just go through our we'll go through our favorite comments right here okay so i'm just gonna start at the bottom of my favorite comments uh verdad absoluta what camera to use the quality of the live is excellent thank you for that i appreciate that i'm using the canon eos r i actually have two of them i have one of them right here connected to a wireless thing and i can show you the one i'm streaming with is this one it's on a an edelkrone slider my like 10 year old tripod and then i even a small rig cage just for funsies and it's got the sigma 24 1.4 um lens on it and then this one has the the old school canon 24 to 105 lens on it um but that prime lens is amazing right there now i am i've got these two cameras and i've got some gopros this is a gopro up here the gopro seven uh this is a gopro five so the image quality is a little different but i've been rigging up gopros around because they're kind of fun i really like this shot i think this is like a super fun shot but when i'm recording my videos i usually have this camera and then i have this camera usually with a 50 millimeter lens off to the side is like a b camera but then sometimes i want an overhead shot or i want a handheld camera or i want to go film something outside without breaking things down so i've been thinking about getting a third camera last night we did a members only live stream where i was kind of running some of my ideas by everybody and then i did a community post about that so if you're curious this is uh where it was at right before the stream i posted this last night the options i don't know i mean i know i don't need a third camera but it could be fun but since i have two r's and i love them i thought getting a third camera would be a really fun way to bring in some new functionality to like hey i can have features i don't currently have um hey kg ball i didn't know i had a subscriber notification turned on that's cool didn't know that was a thing uh didn't mean for that to be a thing i thought i just had super chats and members but that's cool welcome guys uh interesting something must have gotten turned on we'll just that's cool uh anyway uh where was i at i was talking about cameras yeah bringing in new functionality so i was looking at the canon r5 probably makes the most sense full frame 4k beautiful i'm really not into the r6 personally just personally not that it's a bad camera just not my thing looking at the sony a7 s3 because you know it's like the the holy grail of cameras at the moment also looking at the black magic pocket 6k pro just because it's so different but it still uses canon lenses actually rented one so it'll be here on friday and i can check that out currently this is where the voting is and also like hey tom you don't need a camera so anyway you can go to the community tab let me know what you think i've been talking about cameras with everybody over there all day but anyway hopefully that answers your question uh let's see hussein saab says in case you guys want the mv7 i'll be honest it's not that great let's see what this one is like i mean the mv7 is better than the nt-usb mini but they're they're different they're very very different if you want to hear a great use of an mv7 go check out raphael's live streams because he uses it a lot on there and it sounds great i do like the mv7 but i had to take the pop filter from the sm7b put it on the mv7 to get rid of the plosives i think it's a cool mic i have a really long like 35 minute review on it and i like it overall i think it is just a little bit overpriced and micro usb is silly it should be usbc i stand by that uh james says should i get a rode nt1 or an audio technica 2035 for recording music such as saxophone that's a great question i'm trying to dive into condenser mics myself like the nt1 is kind of like the all-around workhorse go-to condenser um i haven't used it myself though you could use that or you could use the audio technica i'm thinking when i think of saxophones being recorded it feels like i often see them being recorded with dynamic microphones like an sm57 um or something like that because they are so big and so loud you probably don't need a condenser for a saxophone but you could use one of course and it'll pick up more of the environmental sound but i might even look into something like an sm57 i feel like that's what i've seen so much on wind instruments but i'm not i'm not a music engineering pro it's just anecdotal evidence uh michael you can see why i love this comment he's a fan of the channel he says love his road caster pro but one thing the mic preamps are meant for voice and don't handle line inputs very well any suggestions uh not really i wish i had a magic suggestion for that but it it rode is so good about firmware updates for the road caster that you never know what they're going to add in the future but it was released and built and intended as a podcasting device it was adopted by the streaming community in a big way so now they've started to embrace that you can even see that with the software with the connect software clearly geared towards podcasting and streaming feels like they're taking on elgato and some of their stuff like their software and their wave mics in a pretty big way but still not a lot for just straight up music music so maybe again looking at something like the zoom oh you have the road caster already let's say the zoom l8 is more of a music thing um and john core disco says having trouble with the guest volume on interviews with the cell turned up everything no good um i know you said everything i'm just jumping to this did you turn up the actual phone volume like on the phone itself so it's outputting a loud signal and that's going into your road caster and then you can crank up the smartphone channel as much as you need or or add the gain to the smartphone channel that's really the only thing that's popping into my head other than making sure you're using a really good cable i just use rode's actual trs cable because it's it's a good one and i haven't had any problems with that so that's something you might want to look into there those are the comments i had saved while we were doing stuff here uh let's jump through now so if you got questions about road connect feel free to drop them in in the chat if you've got questions about anything else channel podcasting what i eat for lunch whatever uh let's just hang out for a little bit we got about you know about 30 minutes that uh i can hang out and i i freaking love doing streams so let's just let's just enjoy each other's company for a while uh nino says i have the shure sm7b connected to the road caster with a fet head and the gain on 35 cool i pretty much always keep my gain on 35 also but you're getting people telling you that your volume is too low on zoom here's what i would do i would run an experiment where you can be sure you can sm7 be sure what's wrong and what i would do is keep your settings how you have them record into the road caster record into i don't know audition garageband some other application and see what the volume sounds like if the volume's good then you can kind of narrow it down to it being a zoom issue and zoom has i might even actually be able to show you let me open up my zoom preferences because i spent a little bit of time on zoom myself um let's see if i can share this oh that's just my whole screen yay uh let's hop over here there we go here's zoom preferences um so in your audio preferences on zoom you can go in and you can adjust a lot of these these uh these settings to say like suppress background noise sometimes zoom can be very aggressive and you might want to just not have those turned on what you can also do is this option here where it says show in meeting option to enable original sound click that and then when you go into zoom at the top it will say use original audio and you click that and it will turn off all of zoom's processing and just use you know your road caster or wherever your audio is coming from because sometimes zoom tries to help so much that it ends up making things worse at least as is my experience oh john you said i mentioned multi-channel because i wasn't getting audio high enough that's right oh multi-channel um and everything is up i would then jump to your cables because yeah i would then jump to the cables i don't know i mean i've only i can only speak for myself i've connected my phone to the road caster with rode's trrs cable and it's worked great and the volume has been fine and i don't have to turn the the fader up you know to the top or anything someone got mad at me because i kept calling them sliders so not the correct term is faders get that right um but yeah that's that's really it maybe the maybe it's a cable issue uh let's see here clubhouse five people i mean you know i'm just i'm just saying for asmr used to absolutely thomas webb on the world wide web if i'm looking to buy my first usb microphone for a podcast would you go for the yeti or the rode nt usb or mini usb dock rock feel free to chime in uh actually doc rock said exactly what i was gonna say which was nt usb it's the bigger brother to this one and it's a real good sounding mic um i like that one a lot you could also look into some microphones that have usb and xlr options like the samson q2u the samson q9u which is one of these cylinders on the wall i think it's this one is the q9u or even the mv7 so you can connect it as usb down the line if you want to get your road caster you want to get a scarlet you want to get something like that you'll be able to connect it no problem that could be a cool choice a cool way to do it um as well but between the options you listed i would say i've heard the best sound quality from the rode nt-usb absolutely great microphone comes with a nice pop filter and everything the yeti so here's something i would like to do i don't know if i'll ever do this or not i like the i have a yeti down here in this cabinet um i like the yeti quite a bit and i've always thought the audio quality is good and for a hundred dollars you get a bunch of different polar patterns it comes with its own stand the sound quality is great heather uses hers all the time and has used it a lot and her voice sounds great on it but what i found out was that in 2017 blue was purchased by logitech and because people were hating on the yeti and i was telling a lot of people i don't i know there are other microphones and i know the yeti has a reputation as like it was the asmr mic the youtube mic for so long and now there's all these great other options out there but it doesn't make the yeti bad um however somebody pointed out and i looked into it it's true logitech bought blue in 2017 what i haven't confirmed though is they said that now the yetis are built differently and they sound different and the quality is not the same i only have pre-logitech yetis mine's old heather's old um so what i what i wanted to do was go like buy a new one and compare them and see if the sound quality is actually different but anyway end to usb you didn't need that information but it's my gift to you victor says never heard of rode connect until yesterday when the wireless 2 order came in thought it was only to update them rode does some cool stuff with apps and that is if you saw my road caster versus podc8 video um that's where rode i think just crushes zoom is i don't know if zoom will ever update the firmware the software on the p8 they're not they don't have a great track record of updating things sort of like we released it here's the product this is what it does like it or don't we're moving on to the next one rode is like constantly updating stuff part of me thinks that that's because they design and manufacture everything themselves in australia so it's so much less costly for them to update the road caster rather than design and build a new version of the road caster so they're like really getting everything they possibly can out of it plus they're bringing in new audiences like they're bringing in the streaming community they're bringing in the um more budget podcasting community i think that's awesome so you know obviously i like road but connect is pretty cool uh let's see here hey man i just say it's so cool you make these videos because you you have the fine 669b so you know what happened this is not for fine by the way that that microphone is great i think i bought mine for like 35 dollars the price changes but it's a very budget-friendly microphone i was shocked by how good it sounds in the video i made for it for fine themselves have been in the comments like providing customer support which is awesome so they won me over as like you guys are cool um just just from that they didn't send me the mic i just bought it um but i thought that was really neat they sent me a super nice message about it and everything but i didn't need that microphone so i sent it to my friend who needed it and it got lost in the mail and uh there's no i didn't realize that i sent it to them in like december and i never heard from them and i thought like well all right fine and then just like two weeks ago they're like hey you ever gonna send that microphone and i was like i sent that like four months ago and it never got there and never got lost and i don't have the tracking number because i assumed it got delivered as my fault i shouldn't have made the assumption so the one that's in the video is just lost somewhere and that sucks anyway jonah says do use a cameling for the gopros are using the software for the gopro i am using i'm gonna make make use of this this camera here i am using so here's my gopro seven it's mounted there with usb going in for power and then i also have micro usb coming out and that is running into this big guy right here the atom mini xtreme iso i had the um well i still have it it's right over here the basic atem mini which is great um but i actually wanted to make more tutorials about the atem and the basic version just is limited in features so i was like you know what i'm gonna invest in the full on like the top of the line one that can do everything and then i can do tutorials and videos about it that will apply to all of the other ones as well so anyway gopros are running into the atem the atom and yeah that's the gopro seven and that's the gopro five they're just powered by usb so they'll stay on basically forever that's i i really like having them there because they were also just not really getting used those gopros drew says is the elgato wavelink software better i think yes at the moment especially for streaming i guess if you want to do a podcast i think the road software is better if you want to stream i think the elgato software is better go watch alpha gaming harris has a video from this week where he kind of compares the two and you can sort of see the strengths and the weaknesses of them they're both great and i think they're both pushing each other to be better which is cool doc rock says get the sony if i get a third camera it might be the a7 s3 just just so i can learn more about a different ecosystem and because sigma makes an adapter the mc11 which i used when i had my job and you can mount canon lenses on sony cameras with full autofocus functionality and they adapters like 200 so that means i could buy the sony camera but not need to buy new lenses at least right away which would save me a ton of money uh rob sony actually stick with canon but like i said i can adapt it to sony and it actually works shockingly enough that's also why i was interested in the blackmagic because it's got the canon mount and it takes sony batteries that's the thing is like the atem i like it so much that that's what kind of opened my mind to blackmagic and then because because the cinema camera is so crazy they're like we're going to take sony's batteries and canon's lenses and put them on our camera i like that that's like completely bizarre to me and i think that that's cool that they did that uh robert o or roberto do you know what you call a guy with a with a fake toe rubber toe anyway uh you've been looking at dynamic mics for a while mainly looking at the pod mic what do you think would be good to pair with it an interface cloud lifter start as simple as you can obviously the pod mic is made for the road caster like they came out at the same time they're designed to go together there's a pod mic setting in the road caster but um start simple so get the pod mic and get like a scarlet you know um i'm a visual person so if i have it i'm going to hold it up so you can see it this is a scarlett 2i2 so you got two interfaces you could get the scarlett solo which is one interface you could get the rode um what is it the ai-1 which is basically the same thing as this and then that'll put it right into your computer you'll probably have to crank the gain up pretty high with almost any dynamic microphone other than maybe this one the super 55 but then in your computer software you can adjust your level there as well and if that's working for you then you'll be done if it's still too low then you could get like a cloud lifter or a fet head or something to boost the signal but that should be enough like a microphone and a nice simple interface you could get both of those things for 200 to 250 dollars and then just work with that until you feel like do the best you can max that out as much as you can and then and then go from there um that's what i would recommend rob price talk about multi-track again on the road caster pro i use it even for two-person conversations but is it necessary with two forces two forces two sources will the regular stereo split channel one and two yeah um so multi-track i slept on multi-track for a while i didn't use it for like the first year of the road caster now i use it all the time i did a road caster tip and trick video like last month and i talked about multi-track in that so you can get more details there i'm not going to change it because i'm using it right now and it'll mess things up however uh if you want if you want separate audio just use multi-track the pain being that anytime you import everything it's going to import all of the tracks all of the mics all of the extra inputs the stereo file the sound pads everything is going to get inputted and it it's like you have to delete seven files after you just spent a bunch of time importing them but then you have your track and their track separately and that that's the safest thing to do i use that a lot um it's just the safest thing to do so i would recommend using it if you know that you're going to want to edit the other person at some point separately and it'll output the stereo file too so if you decide you don't need to and you're like i don't want to combine these you'll still have your stereo file where everything's mixed together and you can just download that to your podcast host or whatever matt says i like the gopro hover room shot i do too uh this this is a cool thing welcome chip griffin to members also i uh i didn't mean to not welcome you this has been really fun i like this a lot and it just clamped up to my c stand up there but it's good for context because you can kind of see the environment um i do a lot of consultation calls with people who are setting up studios and trying to show them like the environment and and what it looks like is is cool um so i like that a lot that's a fun one uh benjamin can you show us some of your setup yeah for sure let's do that let's do that right now um we kind of talked about it a second ago but i won't i won't repeat myself at all so let's hop over here over here yeah so the cameras the canon eos r that's my main camera running into the atem extreme iso i've got this gopro up here that's also running into the atem and then i've got this gopro over here ah focus which is running into the a10 as well so i've got four cameras all the audios going through the road caster i'm using the shure super 55 and then i've got my other eos r this is the holy land mars pro 400 s um little wireless transmitter um and it's cool and so now i can use this camera without any wires which is awesome but these things do get really hot though by the way and they have a fan i don't know if you can hear that but they're not totally silent um so anyway that's what i'm running into um as far as video goes oh here i'll show you more let's just show the whole thing and then that's all going through well here's my hackabis drive it's all it looks it looks like a sad thing that i have stabbed cables into the eyes of now and then there's the m1 mac mini just the base model did the video about that and that's all running into ecamm live and that's what's going out to youtube i absolutely love ecamm it's so good even for recording sometimes and i'm trying a new thing too the stream should be in two to one i try to do like extra wide anyway uh that's that's basically my streaming setup and i've got all my lights and my normal studio stuff but there's videos about that on the channel you can check out if you want um which is cool uh have i checked out the mevo start it's like a mobile cam i have not i've heard of it i think it's like 400 if it's the one i'm thinking of but i haven't tried it out myself uh matt who is a sony guy says stick with canon you were a fuji guy and then you fujita fujit about it doc says the mv7 is great as long as it's set right many people have the gain staging wrong yeah takes a little bit of tweaking i like it a lot hyperx quadcast don't know i've never heard of it um i know there's other stuff there's like the go xlr you know that's like an amazing streaming interface i've just never used it i don't like to speak to things i haven't used and matt said 57 probably when we're talking about saxophones yeah a bunch of people are agreeing 57 for instruments tyler frye found a channel recently and it's great thank you um i was afraid you were gonna say something else but i appreciate the kind words there we go here uh ben said there's a new update for the sound pads there is uh and you can do you can like censor stuff i haven't played with that i did a video about using the sound pads as video triggers but i haven't done that i also have another top secret thing that i'm working on because it gave me an idea josh is there going to be a video on the atem extreme yes i'm just trying to figure out how to use it more because you can do this is going to be really clunky but i can do like is it not happening oh i can do like crazy picture and picture stuff oops wait on that's cool you can't do this in the the other atems where you're pulling how do i do this see this is why i need to and i can change my source yeah i can change the source here can't do this in the other atems where you can mix all the different things here welcome craig to channel memberships uh be sure to check out i post lots of stuff all the time so i'm trying to learn how to set cool stuff this is eight inputs and i could do all eight at the same time which is awesome but you can also do some of that there's so much overlap between the a10 features and the ecamm features um an ecam just tends to be easier but the atem is so physical i'm excited for the blackmagic 6k pro that i rented to connect it to this and see how it is to control it i think that'll be really fun um are you thinking about switching to e-cam for pre-recorded videos for the most part no just because i do sometimes get a little bit of stuttering and i like just working with the memory card it's going to give me the best quality but ecamm's great that's my wife heather all of her streams all of her videos everything's just recorded into ecamp she never takes an sd card out of her camera anymore at all um so you can totally do that for sure dominic asks what did i eat for lunch i ate a morning star farm fake hot dog it was real but it wasn't meat uh do you think road might ever make the road caster pro able to dub over a previously record oh like on board editing that would be cool and they're pretty good at interface design i don't i can't say whether or not i think they will that would be cool though that's what i'll say about that is ecam better than stream yard they're different they're both good um stream yard if you want to stream in 1080 gets pretty expensive the benefit is stream yard is really simple it's great so simple for bringing on a guest it's all browser based so if you don't have the best connection i shouldn't say if you have the best connection or if you don't have the most powerful computer you're running everything off of basically their servers so that's cool ecamm is based on your computer so it's taking your computer's processing power but ecamm you can do whatever you have in mind in terms of building a scene adding in graphics bringing in guests you can do anything so i and ecamp can stream up to 4k i love ecam it's like the best link in description um thomas hello hello i've had a video podcast one improved lighting any advice um yes watch my lighting video watch the video i did on my studio lighting setup not because i think you should copy it but because you might get some ideas i have my three main lights on me and then 10 other lights lighting the room um go watch some tommy callaway videos because lighting is without even changing your camera or your lens or anything just playing around with your lighting can level up your production value so so much um it's crazy are you thinking using the m1 mac mini that's what i've been using since new year's day i've been using the m1 mac mini and i have i sold my macbook pro my 16 inch i sold it and i saved the money to put towards the 14 inch the rumored 14-inch macbook pro that's supposed to come out later this year so i do like having a desktop and a laptop susie what's up susie sold me on the road caster so thanks to you but now i'm taking charge and launching my music based podcast congratulations i did want to ask how did you troubleshoot the mic noise that tends to be heard it depends what you mean by mic noise if it's like static fuzz things like that you could have a bad cable if it's hiss and stuff like that adjusting your settings you want to be able to you ideally aren't maxing out your fader so right now i have my gain level set to 35 which is pretty clean my fader is right in the middle um but i am running through a cloud lifter which is adding in a lot of clean gain and and for what it's worth here this microphone i'm talking into is mounted on a boom arm that is on this side table so if i bang on my main desk it shouldn't really give handling noise but if i were to bang on this you'll hear it a lot more so stuff like that is really important uh turn on original sound wow i'm like so behind on comments good lord i'm sorry guys i thought i was caught up and then i realized there's like so many more pages uh rumor is it that there's a new road caster in the works with proper output for live stream i think when road released the road caster they um they intended it to be a podcasting thing obviously and then it got adopted by the streaming community and now rhode is embracing that which is awesome but obviously there's just some limitations because that's not what it was intended for and also that was years pre-covered so very far fewer people were like streaming and stuff and doing video calls if there's ever a version two of the road caster i would imagine it's gonna have a lot of like built i would think it would have built-in streaming stuff um that's just what i thought thank you josh for super chat i'm sorry i missed that i didn't realize how far behind i was on everything what's up el gribo to channel memberships not a question but want to tell you that i'm starting my master's single subject art teaching credential what's up dan dan the fireman uh i'm planning on being a film media teacher well good luck uh email me if you if you need email me if you need help with something questions uh let's see here like you're saying you don't need another camera don't need another camera don't i really don't uh chip you just order the mc11 it works i've used it with the a73 and it works perfectly it says if you're using a sony lens and the videos i've seen of people using it with the a7 s3 it seems totally fine patrick love your productions have one question why don't you fill out the whole screen i have this cinema oh uh for today's stream i'm in and even my other videos i tend to upload them in a two to one like wider aspect ratio mainly because i like the way it looks i like the framing of it but also because so most people are watching on phones and that just scales up to fill a phone screen really well um that's all that it is it's just the aspect ratio uh gary says rent yeah i'm renting and i'm gonna try to see if like i don't know b h can just loan me one because renting i'll end up spending like 500 on rentals by the time things are done um hi from mexico have the sm7b with the road roadcaster cloudlifter worth the price with the sm70f7b yes some kind of signal booster to make that mic shine which by the way that mic is made in mexico so it didn't have to travel very far to get to you that mic to shine its best like really needs a boost for sure uh let's see here josh is representing josh is so supportive on everybody's streams it's so good do i have a stream deck i do but my wife has she's sort of been using it and she's using it more than i do so it's great though um i just never used it chuck says where to find the rode connect app it's on road's website so if you google road connect app you should go to their their website and it's mac and pc versions um hey tommy great name new subscriber highly recommended from d d is a super nice guy um he's delightful he helped me figure out how to use like the road caster with clubhouse and stuff which i'm very grateful for beyond 280 the table you're sitting at is that an ikea countertop this is a home depot husky workbench they usually sell for about 300 bucks it's six feet long it can hold two thousand pounds that's what both of these are um i love them so my wife has and then i have one in the garage as an actual workbench they're great so that's what i use huge fan from spain got your road caster congratulations that's cool uh karius where you record video and audio ecamm when i do my regular videos it's just to my camera sd cards and then i mix them in final cut right now i'm using ecam yep yep everyone already set up on my tables i appreciate that um hi tom macbook or imac which is better for a home studio i don't think you can go wrong with any of the m1 computers obviously it's portability versus screen size if you want a big screen imac if you want portability macbook in terms of power they're basically equal right now obviously maybe something i didn't realize i was on this camera shot obviously something ideal would be to have a separate monitor like this and then you can connect your macbook to that unplug it go like it's yeah it's cool um will the presonus revelator usb mic work with the road caster no the road caster does not accept usb mics did you miss pop filter for the super 55 i'm just trying to stay away from it and like if you notice it's kind of angled but if i get close you'll definitely hear some of those plosives do you recommend a sony a7 3 or what two thousand dollar camera that's so subjective i don't wanna tell you get this one i can tell you i use the eos r that sells for about seventeen hundred dollars i love it super reliable um if you want something that does full frame 4k though maybe look into the a7c from sony because you got the flippy screen and everything too which is cool uh looking for desks on home depot if you just type in husky workbench it should pop up and they also have these in store all the time it's just big and heavy super heavy zoom p8 or road caster they're both great can't go wrong watch my video about them road caster is way better if you're doing anything video related yeah uh ron's up in here helping out there you go rob disney world with vegan food i'm not vegan but i'm vegetarian so there we go i've been using ecam for recording videos and it changes so much time oh my god yeah it's so good it's just so good um what do you recommend for a boom arm around 50 bucks i recommend saving up 50 more dollars and getting the rode psa one because then you'll never have to buy another boom arm again that's what i recommend if that's not an option or you're just like dude i'm not going to spend 100 bucks on a boom arm then i recommend checking out samson i haven't used it myself but it's super popular samson makes a 60 boom arm that's very similar to the ps psa one and gets really good reviews so maybe you want to check that out um samson makes really good stuff just in general lots of new members today that's cool what are your thoughts on the new imacs i think they're awesome i they're great i have the mac mini and my display so i'm not going to get one because i'm planning to get a macbook later but i think they're cool and i think the colors are cool i don't care about bezels or chins i think they're cool i like them do you have any tips on managing noise in a non-live streaming setup i don't i'm not ironically i'm not huge into like live music production i don't have a ton of experience there um that's really just not my wheelhouse yeah i don't wanna i'm gonna i'll probably give you wrong information if i try to just yeah is pulling up the comments on on the stream and ecamm thing it is streamyard will also do the same but ecam gives you way more customization how can you live stream your podcast set up a camera and click go live um or use ecam here what i've been trying to work out is using macros so that this will automatically cycle between my shots when i'm doing podcasts and i think that would be cool but i haven't got that set up yet can you use the pod mic with rode connect you cannot currently it only works with the nt-usb mini so if you don't like the nt-usb mini you can't use rode connect basically what's up in austria hello from california um i think i'm getting close to being caught up murray frost cool name uh found yourself recently been binging the videos to learn more on mine what ceiling camera using gopro hero 7 black because that's what i had um a bit about ron's again providing tech support re20 or sm7b oh we got no super chat sneaky pete sneaking on in here um have you had any issues with a10 mini not being recognized once once it didn't show up in ecam and i just unplugged it and plugged it back in and it was fine i've only had it for about three weeks though um any sorry uh sm7b i think it's like if you listen to my podcast episode from this week i talk about it a little bit um it's such a good sounding microphone but it is it's so popular now that i'm kind of tired i just feel like like i'm tired of it i feel like there's so many other interesting options out there but the sm7b is such a good choice for like might not be the perfect microphone for every situation but just about anyone's gonna sound good on that microphone it's it is a good sounding mic i'm not gonna lie uh you like the gopro picture craig because it shows the studio yeah this this has been a work in progress i wish oh that's like i wish i could show you if only i had a portable camera i've tried to do some i can't see this because my exposure sucks at the moment let's turn that down there we go i ordered these actual sound panels and i attached one to this wall directly in front of me so it's absorb it should be absorbing some sound and also acting as a reflector and then i ordered a second one that i mounted in the ceiling above me so i got rid of some of my little foamy panels or moved them around i should say because these like blue and gray ones i don't know if they actually do anything but they look cool um so i've tried to get like actual sound panels i got them from a store called acousta mac you can get custom sizes custom colors they're relatively affordable i was going to build it myself and i was like ah so you better do this tips from using lavalier mics here's my biggest tip because i'm trying to get better with lavalier mics myself mount it as close to just the center of your chest as possible a lot of people will just run it like into the collar um and then that puts it like under your mouth and right by your throat but if you put it right in the middle of your chest they pick up sound in every direction and that's going to help you get the best sound quality i was making that mistake for so long um let's see here we got a few more minutes hey tommy it's been a long time no talk um tommy has some very cool stuff speaking of stream decks keep an eye on tommy's channel because some cool stuff happening up in there can you add macros in final cut pro that i don't know but you can do it in the atem software on the computer and you can also use ecamm to set timers and things which is cool um what do i still think about the fafine it's still a good mic i mean it's a it's like a under 40 great sounding usb mic totally recommend what monitor this is an lg something or other it's the cheapest 34 inch curved one they make ultra wide it's a good one i had to spend a lot of time tweaking the colors i tried to get it to match my old macbook the 16-inch as best i could because that was the best display i've ever used that 16-inch macbook and i it took me like hours finally got them there and now i love this microphone or i do love this microphone but i also love this monitor and it seems like it's pretty accurate so um that's a good thing here uh there we go thomas you're buying the road caster in a bundle it depends it depends on what comes in the bundle microphones are really fun some to me some people are like dude i don't care just give me something i can talk into i think microphones are fun and so i like to go okay if my budget is this what are all the possible options let me watch every video and let me then decide what i think is gonna be best um but that that's just me josh is asking how is the shore mounted yeah so if you watch my video about this microphone here i'll move the comment up so you can well i probably just sorry josh i'm not being rude i'm just gonna take it off screen i mentioned that i was like this is a very hard microphone to mount because it's supposed to be straight on a pole so here is what i have done let's see if i can show you i have taken all of these adapters so the psa1 is going into a 3 8 to 5 inch adapter which is going into a 5 8 to quarter 20 adapter which is going into a small rig handle thingy which is actually then going into a 90 degree xlr oh wait sorry the xlr is going there the small rig is going into a 5 8 no a quarter 20 adapter that's going into a 5 8 adapter into the super 55 it's completely frankenstein together with just stuff i had in boxes with like little adapters i had but it works and now the microphone can be up upright it's a cool mic i like it i just i've been see digital slang you like the pod mic if you if you want to ask me hey i have 100 bucks to spend i'm going to do a podcast what should i get pod mic pod mic sm 7 sm 57 is great sm58 is is another choice but just pod mic is so good now if you want to use it for live stuff if you want to do music then we might move into some of the shores recommendations but i love the pod mic um but there's just so many fun things i got this because so many people had the sm7b that i was like what's the opposite of the black cylinder this unidyne super retro mic but in getting these mics i researched like all of shore's history which was fascinating and then i became a huge fan of shore um so and i really i really like this mic not just because it's blue but it's like it's got so much signal it's a really like loud microphone um and it's super cardioid so it's pretty good at rejecting noise off to the sides and stuff like that coach deb this is the shore super 55. dominic the real question isn't what to do with 100 bucks it's how to get a hundred bucks i'm only one buck you know what can i say yes uh what i've learned from this live stream position my life held in the center of my chest you know what yeah i've been addicted to joel haver on youtube some of you have heard me talk about this if you've seen those weird animations i've posted that's where that came from he does hundreds of films basically just like the video quality might be all over the place the sound quality is always good and he just uses wireless lavs mounted right on the person's chest sometimes even in a short film you'll just see it with the wire hanging down doesn't matter audio quality is amazing every time and that's where i was like oh crap i have been i've been mounting my lavalier mics wrong the whole time thank you craig appreciate that very very very much you sure love these mics they are cool you know what i am actually excited about is sennheiser sent me an email the other day and i really like sennheiser but they're really expensive um and they they're doing like their own version of the video mic and so they offered to like not even make a video they were like we just send you one and get your thoughts on it i was like sure you could sennheiser and then i just asked them what's up craig super chat um and then i just asked them like hey can you send me a condenser mic because i can't afford one and they said sure no pun intended so um sennheiser should be sending me the mk4 which has been in my wish list for like a year i'm really excited about that to try some condenser mics what's the best mic to eliminate echo in a room um that's tricky because if you want to eliminate echo but still catch people talking it's almost like opposite things [Music] i don't have a recommendation i would definitely recommend i guess though leaning towards a dynamic mic because a dynamic mic like this one is better at picking up what's happening near the microphone not what's happening away from the microphone it condenser mic will pick up more of the the whole environment um oh here we go craig's recommending the samsung 48 inch boom arm yeah i've seen that all over the place and it has a long mount at the end of it so you don't need to fiddle with some of this stuff which is cool show us your lighting setup for brighter video uh go watch my lighting setup tour i would show you but i have to actually wrap up our stream in just a few minutes um i did i just like three weeks ago i did a whole lighting tour that explains what every light i have is why i'm using them um there's links to them it's not that you need all of them but you can probably watch the video and get an idea of like oh hey he's doing this and he's doing that what lens are using on the eos r sigma 24 1.4 it basically lives on that camera i love it alrighty guys um what's up anders in denmark appreciate it this was really fun uh i have a a uh consultation call that i have to get sounds so fancy um so i have to prepare for a call this was super fun though i hope i gave you some insight onto road connect if you got questions about it you know leave a comment here um send messages check out the community tab on my channel let me know if you think i should get a new camera a third camera and if i should what it should be um feel free to catch the rest uh later um matt says a countryman yeah those make good things i went on a whole thing also looking for bob barker's old mic which i found they don't make it anymore because i wanted to get the long the super long mic it's a sony um like for what it was like ec 10 ec 510 something like that anyway that's my next thing um coach deb you got the shure sm7b this is different um this is really you would think more for like live music live performance uh this is a newer ish mic it's probably been out for about 10 years but it's based on their unidyne design which has been around for like 80 years so there's that you bought the shirt based on the videos you buy like thank you that's how i can afford to eat those lunches those expensive lunches thank you dominic what a great way to wrap up my stream you can't wait for the podcaster playbook what the heck is that that's my course my first one ever comes out this friday there's a link to the wait list up there um i did make a course i made my first one it's going to come out this friday uh it basically if you've got an idea for a podcast it will walk you through the whole process of planning production editing and getting it set up to be distributed your whole first episode whole workflow um click the link it should be pinned to the top of the chat you can sign up for the wait list or just go to hi my name is tom.com for that and you'll get 50 bucks off on friday 50 bucks one buck 50 bucks anyway um but that's if you're interested in podcasting otherwise uh and brad great question actually who won the uh i think when the post mouse but the pod track p8 um somebody from california won uh i don't have like permission to share their personal info someone from california won which is great because shipping was less expensive for me they received it on wednesday of this week and now i hope they're using it for podcasting they were super excited uh which was cool and i appreciate that um so thank you guys for being here i really appreciate it i hope you have a great rest of your day rest of your week um yeah i'm here you know reach out send me a message if you want thanks to all the new members welcome to all the new members thanks for all the super chats thanks for all the fun uh this is the shortest live stream i've done in a while but we're still pulling in like 90 minutes so uh that's a nice record hopefully i'll do another one in the next few weeks and let's see i think i can play my outro song i think it's this one yeah there we go all right um take care have fun [Music] i keep keep an eye out on my stuff for my like black magic cinema camera testing that'll be coming up hope you guys have a great day um see you later stay safe have fun i'll see you later fade to black oh and ben i'm still here look at the lilly put monitors on b h they're a couple hundred bucks they're really good see you later you
Channel: Tom Buck
Views: 12,855
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rode connect, rodecaster pro, rode connect software, rode connect review, rode nt usb, rode nt usb mini, usb podcasting mic, usb streaming mic, connect multiple usb mics, nt-usb mini, rodecaster pro mixer, how to start a podcast, ride connect
Id: fKsb5NnEPBI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 31sec (5191 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 27 2021
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