πŸ”§ VALORANT: Dramatically increase performance / FPS with any setup! EPISODE 8 BEST Settings 2024 βœ…

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how's it going everyone it is Pango here and this is the ultimate FPS increase guide for valerant in 2024 in this video we're going to be covering absolutely everything you need to know and do to your game to ensure that you have the lowest input latency the best overall FPS the smoothest gameplay experience alongside some quality of life settings that you should be enabling to ensure that you have the highest competitive Advantage this video is tailored towards all PCS high-end low-end old new but leveling up your gaming doesn't end there if you're looking to share your best Clips crucial moments or improve by watching back your own gameplay with a critical eye still series moments has you covered with the ability to automatically clip your gameplay on nearly all games without specific Hardware like in Nvidia or radon GPU working across practically all systems and Hardware with a built-in editor so you can get the exact clip you're looking for with the ability to quickly drag and drop the clip out of the editor and into one of your favorite platforms like Discord X or YouTube to share it all you need to do is head over to the link in the description Down Below download still series GG head into the moment section set your desired clip length resolution quality and FPS boot into valerant or any of your other games and enjoy automatic Clips if you ever want to clip something manually all you need to do is press alt and S you'll then be notified in the top right hand side where you can watch it back instantly edit it and or share it via the app with a simple adjust export drag and drop and share level up your gaming today and support the channel by downloading and trying still series moments today utilizing the link in the description down below I'd recommend booting into a deathmatch or just inside of the firing range pressing escape and heading over to General one option I would definitely recommend that you at least try out for your system is to enable the raw input buffer especially if you're using a relatively high-end gaming mouse make sure that you use this option mini Map size I'd recommend keeping as high as possible it's then also recommended to lower the mini map Zoom to a level in which you are happy with you want to have at least 3/4s if not the entire map visible inside of the mini map at all times this can ensure that you know where all of your teammates are quickly and easily and you can gather information without having to go to different parts of the map or relying on VoIP rotate and fixed is complete personal preference keep player centered is also personal preference but you may be able to get away with a lower Zoom if you turn keep player centered off because the mini map Center Point will not be relative to your current players location it's also worthwhile going through the Privacy options to match your personal preference you can never be too safe these days so ensure that you set these up to something in which you are comfortable with a few options in which I like to adjust for myself this can also provide a small FPS Improvement is to turn show mature content to off if you do wish to keep show mature content I'd recommend switch switching this second option to off for Network buffering for those of you on lower-end connections especially on Wi-Fi and it's not perfect I'd actually recommend trying out the network buffering to moderate in those cases show bullet traces is more of a personal preference but it will give a small performance increase see I shoot my gun you can see the Tracer coming out of it and if you switch this to off you can no longer see the Tracer coming out of your gun mainly personal preference but can give a small FPS boost we're also navigating over to the video tab going over to Stats I'd recommend enabling stats when you're optimizing in your game but I would actually recommend turning all of the stats off unless they are 100% necessary when you're actually playing the game because depending on how many of the stats you have enabled you could be seeing up to a 50 FPS loss in some cases depending on the stats in which are displayed I'd first of all recommend setting client fps to show both and finding game to render latency text only these numbers should see a drastic improvement by the end of the video moving on to the optimized in-game settings you can see I'm getting 245 FPS and a 50 millisecond game to render latency display mode in nearly all cases should be set to full screen unless you are utilizing a custom resolution I'd recommend setting this to your monitor's native resolution and the highest refresh rate available with inside of it make sure that you select the highest refresh rate with inside of here because if you don't you could be giving up a decent amount of end to end system latency limit FPS in menus I'd actually set this down to 60 because you don't need it to be higher than that limit FPS in the background I'd keep to on and leave this at 30 and limit FPS always we're currently going to be setting to no for now but we will be coming back to this later on for reflex low latency for those of you on Nvidia gpus later on in the video when we cover FPS caps you could potentially see better endtoend system latency when utilizing a manual FPS cap rather than utilizing Nvidia reflex if you a GPU bound it's now time to go over to Graphics quality now there isn't anything particularly exciting with inside ofit because valerant is a very well scaling game meaning you go with low presets or low settings you're going to get a huge FPS boost and because it's not a particularly graphically dense or heavy game for this reason regardless of you're using using a super low-end Esports specific budget PC all the way up to the latest and greatest in gaming components and you have an RTX 490 you want to have multi-threaded rendering set to on material quality low textures low details low UI quality low vignette off vsync off even if you're planning on utilizing a gsync or freesync setup vsync needs to be turned off inside of the game antialising is going to be the most personal preference setting with inside of here I personally really like the way the game looks with anti- lising turned off and it also gives better performance many of you watch ing this video will more than likely not agree with that and you'll want to utilize some form of anti-aliasing msaa 2x is going to give you the best results in terms of performance and visuals if that still looks too bad you could go with msaa 4X alternatively if you need every ounce of performance possible and you simply can't go with no antialising you could try out FXAA but it can add a small amount of blur to the game but it's very lightweight on performance anisotropic filtering even setting this up to 2x in all of the systems I've tested this on has seen a bit of performance loss and because texture filtering doesn't really matter too much in this game I would set this to 1x improve Clarity we're going to be leaving off experimental sharpening off Bloom can make some effects and skins inside of the game just have a bit more vibrancy and look a bit more polished but it will come with an FPS loss so we're going with off Distortion off and cast Shadows off casting Shadows off does not give a competitive disadvantage this does not have anything to do with shadows coming off of playable characters you won't be able to see people from around corners inside of valerant if you have shadows turned on or off go back inside of your game and just from a few different options set on this PC you've seen that I've gone from about 245 fps to about 500 and we've dropped that render latency all the way down to about 6.2 on average we're not done with all the optimizations just yet but that's already a massive Improvement yes the image looks a bit flatter and a lot more basic but this is an Esports Centric game in nearly all cases you want the lowest imper latency and the highest FPS wherever possible once your in game settings are dialed in it's now time to decide if we're going to be utilizing Nvidia reflex if it's available if we're going to be setting up g-sync or freesync or if we're going to be going with a manual FPS cap now in my opinion for those of you on 240 HZ monitors or higher even on super highend systems I would recommend setting up g-sync or freesync if possible when this is set up properly it's around 1 millisecond of render latency such a silky smooth and consistent gameplay experience that I would highly recommend that you at least try it out if you would like to see how to quickly and easily properly set up g-sync or freesync for your system please do check out the how to set up g-sync guide Linked In the description down below it works both for gsync and freesync it's super quick and easy and I guarantee most of you that watch it will not go back to using non- gsync or freesync even in competitive games to demonstrate the latency improvements from capping FPS or utilizing Nvidia reflex I can clearly see that I am GPU bound from my rtss overlay and the right hand side on the top left hand side we have a game to render latency of 4.7 pressing escape going to reflex and switching this to on go back inside of the game you can actually see that the game to render latency hasn't changed that's because in many cases in my testing on this patch of valerant Nvidia reflex doesn't seem to work properly in some situations so if I press escape and go back to Nvidia reflex but go with on plus boost even though I am GPU bound going back inside of the game you can now see that my game ter render latency has dropped down to 2.8 milliseconds which is fantastic if you do decide that you're going to be sticking with Nvidia reflex for your system please do also check the FPS between on and enable plus boost alongside the latency and see what works best for your system for instance here if we set reflex low latency to on you you see I'm getting about 760 FPS but if we go with on plus boost as we GPU bound you can see that we're down to about 690 now yes that's about a 60 to 70 FPS loss but the latency benefits on this system are better so I'm going to be sticking with this for this system you really do need to take just a few minutes to dial this in for your system because it's completely unique to your GPU the resolution you play out the settings you're on but what if this isn't the case for you or what if you're on a GPU that doesn't support Nvidia reflex going back to Nvidia reflex off goes back to 4.7 this time skipping out on Nidia reflex going to limit FPS Always setting this number to 500 because it's the maximum and my GPU is currently exceeding this then switching this to on going back inside of the game you can see that I'm getting a 500 FPS cap and my render latency is at 3.2 it's not as good as Nvidia reflex in this case but that's because we've given up about 250 FPS but for those of you on radon gpus or Intel gpus or if you're not looking at a super high FPS number anyway you could potentially get as good or if not even better results than Nvidia reflex utilizing a manual FPS cap now when setting a manual FPS cap for your system you need to be realistic and this needs to be set up mainly inside of real world games you need to cap your FPS at something that your system is able to achieve about 95% of the time in real world games if you're sometimes dropping down to let's say 200 FPS and on average you're getting about 260 to 300 in that scenario I would actually cap at 200 FPS because your system is able to achieve it about 95% of the time and it's going to shave off that extra GPU load drastically reducing that game to render latency and giving you a cooler quieter PC that's drawing less power it takes a little bit of extra work but this means it's available on Nvidia Intel and AMD gpus regardless of Nvidia reflex support Nvidia reflex is super useful and can potentially outperform this method as it works as a dynamic FPS cap but please do experiment around with enabled or enabled plus boost to see which actually is giving you the lower latency and experiment around with capping FPS manually on the topic of capping FPS Nvidia reflex this is why I like to utilize gsync or freesync with inside of valerin when set up properly you're only going to be reintroducing about 1 millisecond of render latency and in exchange for that you're getting a super smooth consistent game FPS that is constantly being synced up to the screen refresh rate zero tearing high end FPS is going to be capped which is giving you that super low latency reduction lowering overall GPU load power draw temperature and increasing consistency for those of you that are still not happy with their overall FPS few last tips in which I can recommend is to first of all go to the bottom right hand side click the task icon tray and start right clicking and closing out of any launches applications you do not need open when playing valerant my main and most important tip for those of you looking for better performance from Windows optimizations in 2024 is honestly to utilize a fresh Windows 11 install Windows 11 has come a long way it has so many useful features now if you're on Windows 10 I would highly recommend the upgrade and if you're on Windows 11 and have been on it for a long time consider just doing a complete wipe of your system obviously make sure that you triple check that everything is backed up that you need need everything that you can possibly think of please triple check few last options that you should definitely make sure that you're utilizing even if you're on a fresh install or not navigate down to the Windows button search for game Space mode and ensure Windows game mode has been enabled we'll also navigate down to Graphics head to change default Graphics settings I would then recommend that you enable optimizations for windowed games with inside of here if you also see the option for Hardware accelerated GPU scheduling this option that isn't really a recommendation from me play a quick round of Spike rush or something fast try it out with it turn on turn it off restart your system run a game or two and if you notice a performance uplift fantastic you know what setting to go with for your system if you really enjoy optimization content and would like to get more out of your system for other games or even valerant consider checking out the playlist section in the description down below if you're not entirely sure where to go next check out one of the two videos on screen and I'll see you guys over there
Channel: Panjno
Views: 203,801
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: valorant, valorant fps, valorant settings, valorant best settings, valorant more fps, how to get more fps in valorant, valorant pro settings, valorant fps guide, reduce latency valorant, valorant latency, valorant fix, more fps valorant, more fps valorant 2024, more fps valorant episode 8, valorant update fps, how to fix valorant, valorant best settings for fps, valorant best settings for latency, valorant lag fix, increase fps valorant, panjno, valorant guide
Id: A_hGU6opeiM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 48sec (708 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 21 2024
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