🔥ChatGPT Full SEO Tutorial [Best Workflow for 2023]

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hey guys and welcome to Wars the scale so today I'm recording what I truly believe is the best chatubity SEO tutorial ever and I have personally watched dozens of different videos on the topic and some of them are quite laughable like some people suggest you write a command like write a SEO optimized article some people go as far as saying that adding an FAQ schema is what makes an article SEO optimized but today not only am I going to show you step by step the whole process it starts from the outline never forget the outline but I will show you all these using free tools only so no paid tools is going to be used in this video with the exception of server but you don't have to buy server this is just for our reference again all the tools used today in this video are going to be free of charge so let's get started so the first mistake YouTubers and beginner copywriters that use chatubity make is that they rely on the default chat GPD outline and it is a coin toss Hit or Miss chargeivity May produce a perfect outline which is going to score highly and rank well and it may produce a shitty outline we have to be very deliberate when it comes to our outlines we have to know for a fact that this outline has a Fighting Chance of ranking on the top of Google so let's pick a keyword which is a fairly low competition this is from a niche that I have quite a bit of experience in so we'll choose a keyword like can dogs eat longen and just for for for us to have a starting point let's ask Chad GPD to write an article on that can dogs eat longan and talks eight dogs can eat long and fruit and moderation As a treat but it is not a necessary part of their diet longer is atypical fruit a tropical fruit rather native to Southern China and South South East Asia and while chagibiri is doing its thing we'll go to surface SEO where I have my keywords ready can dogs eat longan and as you can see I've been experimenting so I'll empty the field so we are starting from zero and looks like this is our article and again this is not how I suggest you write the article this is just to get a reference point so we can see that there are no H2S or H1s and we could have fixed that but we will do it later let's just say that the default score is 18. and now let's do it a correct way so for this to happen we'll go and look at the serps and I was advice on checking the serbs manually and what you want to look for is the websites with very low da the main Authority that rank highly and we basically want to copy these websites as far as the outline goes so this is the 10. this one is the 77 dock time a very popular site in the niche and we'll we won't use it as a reference another one da26 da7 and this is my site I sold it a a year ago almost so I don't know how it performs but I use it on this side here day 14 again D14 and I think we have plenty so step one is to select the websites that rank on the top of Google but have very little domain Authority and the Assumption here is that if they are ranking on top of Google that means that they don't have a very strong backlink profile but they do have a very very strong content so step two is to use a free Chrome plugin which you can get in my Discord which is called where's the scale extractor and what it does it copies all the H2S and h3s and I show it to you in a second so this side here well I have actually no idea how this is number one double check I'd have a lot of referring domains and a lot of backlinks so here we go it doesn't matter we'll still use it as a reference so we'll press this button here and get this outline copied to clipboards like so and we will do the editing later site number two we will need to scroll it just in case anything pops up because it messes up with the plugin let's hit copy and we'll paste it again and then just re rinse the repeat guys rinse and repeat okay and this is my website well it used to be my website not anymore so two more to go this one here outline copied to clipboards and I I have actually quite a few ideas on how to develop this alternate structure even further but it all comes down to time and money because I'm giving giving it away for free and now I will just tidy up the headings so looks like this ended here and we won't be copying the H ones because they are pretty self-explanatory I have your keywords in the H1 two more to go [Music] conclusion okay so what we'll do next is we'll copy this here then I will go to the chagibiri commands library that I give away to my patrons and here I have an outline command which is suggest a blog post outline based on the below subheadings so suggest an outline for can dogs eat longan based on the below subheadings [Music] here we go overview and it's actually trying to assign H2S and h3s as well can dogs eat longer and what is longer in health benefits allergic reactions servings how to feed long into a dog how many long ends should a dog eat similar Foods which they are safe and healthy for dogs to eat conclusion okay so we'll paste it in a separate document and I don't really like the border collie and Foods your puppy should not eat video dragon fruit as well it's not really related then there is another command I like to run again in the commands Library which is analyze the above and suggests additional subheadings that can that may be missing so I'll run this one some additional subheadings and talking points that could be included in an outline about can dogs eat longer are nutritional value of long long end for dogs precautions how long Compares how long and compares to other fruits for dogs longin is a training treat it's a nice one actually I wouldn't have thought about it how to store Long infant dogs this is nice also and this is the way we are not just copying and pasting we are creating our own outline which is as detailed as possible and this is what Google loves and this is what's going to give us the competitive advantage when it comes to ranking on Google okay so now we'll run another command again use the information from the additional outline and suggest a new one we'll just say use the information from of the suggestions above and create a new outline and let's see what happens we still have our over overview can dogs eat longan what is longer nutritional value of longan for dogs so this is an addition this wasn't here before yeah comparison to other fruits for dogs risks pros and cons [Music] story and login and I actually believe that not everything has been taken into consideration so fuse the above outline with the low information so what I'm trying to do is is to get the best outline possible and this is where the within is done so we haven't even thought about LSI keywords and keyword stuffing like ninety percent of your SEO success is in the outline and words everybody is so hung up on Words and Surfer SEO and you're in writer but words are by products of outlines so we have if you have a very detailed robust Outline by default you might have a very high probability of using the right words what in right now it looks like one of the best articles on the topic okay and this is our final outline so this is why how it's gonna look like and now let's go to work so the first one would be an intro right an intro on can dogs eat login and I think we'll open Google Docs okay so this is our intro in our article escan Docs eat login and a note to myself we should really use chegeberry to make it more clickbaity and I think I'll do just in a second so this is our intro and we'll go suggest 10 click Worthy titles for candoxate longan he's long and food safe for dogs to eat five things you need to know the surprising health benefits of falling in for dogs the risks of giving your dogs longan and by the looks of it I like the number 9 and 10 separating fact from fiction I like this one okay now let's go to work and the second one is what we call the answer Target this is something that Google values write a detailed paragraph on Canucks eat long in the question of whether dogs can eat longer is a common one among pet owners longer than his tropical fruits it is a there is a small intro and I don't like that so I'll just keep the bar that addresses the question since we will have an opportunity to expand on that further so this is our answer Target and it is advisable to reward it so can dogs eat long in this cell answer okay what is longer and we have that's in the intro so we can delete this from the outline and traditional value of long enough for dogs again right right a paragraph on traditional value of long alphodox and I'll show you another trick it's not a trigger I think it's getting more and more popular but this information here has to be fact checked and since we uh we want to optimize our resources out in our time there is a website called perplexity.ai where we can ask the same question and we'll get a fact checked answer with citations and references and we can choose between con size and detailed I think it's just appeared recently it wasn't like this before let's check the details now like the sensor here I won't be comparing this to the output from Chad gbd I'll just paste it over and our initial outline was the nutritional value of long end for docs and again the idea behind everything it might look like a tedious process but the idea is to write the best piece of content ever and people complain that arai is diluting the contents but it is only in the way you use it if you use it like I'm showing you it brings value instead and I I see we have citations here so let's ask Chad jupiteria to write a detailed summary some of my mighty all the below and hopefully hopefully we will lose the numbers and it's just a good practice to rewrite so one AI rewrites the output of another and it makes it human hopefully you can hear in the irony in this [Music] so our health benefits we've covered that kind of to an extent but let's still let's try and answer that and again this is something that has to be fact checked so let's use perplexity once again and this is a free tool and so far I think there is an overlap in Contents between the health benefits and nutritional value but that's okay we can tidy it up later I won't be showing you the whole editing process and I won't be editing this outline heavily anyways and I think I'll be pausing the video here because we have a lot of headings ahead of us to cover and if I were to show you everything that would have made this video like an hour and this is not my intention so I'll be pausing it now so guys this is our final piece of content we have our H1 which is can dogs eat long end separating effect from fiction we have our answer Target we're talking about nutritional value health benefits potential hazards side effects allergic reactions dogs with diabetes and long and how to feed long into your dogs how many languages should a dog eat storing long enough for dogs long and based recipes longing how long and compares to other fruits and we have already detailed conclusion so let's copy this and paste it over to Surfer and we have not done any optimization whatsoever oh wow oh my God and it's already at 79 guys 79 so we have the average is 75 the top is 81 and just by following the structure of a outline that I have created we are able to be comparable to our competition and only two points separates us from the top result so now I think personally the we can do some editing we can proofread it there is very little that we can do in terms of optimization I mean yes there are some words that I'm missing from here but again just by following the outline workflow we were able to scroll very highly and but I want you to show you the whole process so there are two things that you can do and the first one is a free to code search response.io what it allows you to do is for every keyword like it can dogs eat longan can dogs eat longer we have already covered that is lychee fruit poisonous can dogs eat lychee are leashes poisonous so to be quite honest these are not very related to the main query so I would not use them and normally I would have created an FAQ section based off of this let's look at the people also ask I mean people also search for can dogs eat longer and can dogs eat lychee conduct oh just let's have some fun and the only way you should decide on whether to include an FAQ or not in the end is whether it's it is relevant to the main query so here we have a luxury of double checking everything we serve for SEO so if we were to add can dogs eat lychee and I hope I'm spelling it correctly lychee yeah and we can see that including this query did nothing to our score let's pick another one conducts each rambutan whatever it is can dogs eat rambutan and again our score stayed the same so I see very little point in going to charge GPD and populating these queries so in this example here I'll leave it without the FAQ but so you know there is a free tool search response.io that allows you to parse those results unless you check related searches can dogs eat bananas well this is far from the topic and again we can just double check it here can dogs eat bananas and again our score remained the same as the other two if you believe in the LSI keywords and if you want to have additional optimization methods available to you but you don't want to pay for surface SEO or neuron writer there is a tool which is called ultimate keyword Hunter it is free you have to download it it works on Windows but the way it works is as follows you enter you seed keywords you press bar sites parsing completed now in total one failed so this means that nine out of the ten so the first page of Google have been analyzed we will go to analysis these are the websites again with the exception of smart doc owner then we can hit analyze and what it does it collects all the keywords analysis completed and then we go to analysis results and these are our keywords so we had nine websites in total so I reckon for a keyword to be value boot has to be mentioned uh in at least five of the websites and this that's a very arbitrary number I just picked it so say I want five and you can see that this is a single word option not as valuable as the other ones now this is a two word option again we want to future the worst set have been mentioned at least five sites dogs eat and have benefits we will do the same for the three words variations again at least five websites here and zero keywords let's change it to four just to show you the functionality on K4 and here let's try 4 again 3 Maybe okay so one four word keywords and you can copy this to a clipboard or you can use an inbuilt article preview let's paste this over and we can see that the ones that I crossed off have been used and the ones that remain like Behavior stomach seat that can be a nice addition to our article and I will assume that by including that stomach or seed we would have improved our SEO score even further but I think this is plenty for this video here if you think this has been valuable press the like button share and comment down below subscribe if you haven't already and I'll see you next time
Channel: WordsAtScale
Views: 22,987
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ai article writers, ai copywriting, ai copywriting tools, ai writers, chat gpt google seo, chat gpt seo article, chat gpt seo writing, chatgpt seo, chatgpt seo optimization, chatgpt seo strategy, chatgpt tutorial, gpt-3, gpt3, seo, seo 2023, wordsatscale
Id: -CP-9f5LHtI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 11sec (1571 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 08 2023
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