🔥 Beginners Guide to MIG Welding

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welcome to Welkom nother Monday series I'm gonna help somebody out here there's been contacting me and mmm kind of some entry-level things but it it translate to some of the advanced material will tell you why here in just a second but we're running beans this particular person Instagram C Tucker 7 I'm gonna call him out and I'm gonna help him out here because he sent me some pictures of some stuff he was doing I'm gonna get close to what he was doing I'm running off of a eSAB 2:15 I'm gonna run 18 volts about 230 on wire speed and I'll check that here off camera before we get going but he's running beads on quarter-inch plate and sent me some pictures and I see just some quick things that we could do better that translate into other work like we're going to go on and do production work and these beads to me need to be blended together in a straight line I know that we've done some videos where we're running multiple stick beans I believe one night we had we had fun and we ran a real long video like 30 something minutes we were running everything in the house here with the 60 1060 1370 14 different polarities we were just running stuff but every every bead we ran on the plate was in a straight line and blended together there's a reason for that so I've got samples of Filat welds both with stick 6013 looks like some spray that we did on a video and then here is a stick weld that we did 6010 horizontal root groove procedure typed weld and we finished it out with 7018 we've left every pass in here so you can kind of see but you know no undercut beads are blended together when we've got a profile so that if we went and x-rayed this or if we did a bend test then we would wish it should pass the problem with running on me and short-arc is you know we need to clean in between passes we need to blend these beads together short-circuiting Meg we can do flat horizontal uphill downhill overhead it doesn't matter you know when we're running a good bead profile and everything we should be able to run in any position and that's what I want to that's one I want to help out on also I've cleaned some material down to pure white metal and then I've left some dirty and I'm going to answer another viewers question in this same video you know do you clean your material with Meg and the answer is yeah I really like to clean my material with short circuiting Meg hopefully this will come out pretty nice too MIG and TIG we like to clean stick welding we can get through some of this MIG with this mill scale flux core same thing but your weld goes faster it wets into the parent metal better if the mill scale is off of there so and it doesn't take long to clean we could do a whole video on how to clean them prep material which I think we should do sometime soon anyway let me get my sleeves on double-check my machine and we'll get going be right back I'm gonna run my first bead on the edge of the plate out here I'm close to what this gentlemen Asador told me he was using he just said 18 volts to to when I said a buck 80 on the wire feed speed c25 gas 25 cubic feet per hour he didn't say what wire size I'm using oh three Oh wire on the little guide machine here today 18 volts and I've got mine at about 235 on my wire feed speed so again I just want to run this bead across here now about judging from his photo that he sent the beads were way too big to be and so we're stacking way too much material up too big I'm gonna run this bead is probably gonna be about quarter-inch wide and that's all all right I ran out here on the edge as best as I can see I'm looking over the top of it pretty clean bead sure it's going to rope up a little bit because I don't have any place for the metal to go per se and when I start running these beads and blending them together then you know they'll lay down fairly well what I should do and this isn't too bad but I do have small spots of deposit here that I'm picking off I don't know if you can catch that so I'm also using a very slight stitch or rocking motion that's just me I can't I have a really hard time personally just pulling the trigger and trying to go you know real smooth I never learned to weld that way I've always done a gentle rocking motion and it's worked well for me now some of you call it a whip and do some great big exaggerated thing maybe you need to get away from that that's that's not cool so let's run another bead and blend them together and we'll talk more about the whole purpose of this okay I've ran a series of beads here for the most part they're blended together this last one has more deposits on the toe which now I'm interested in going and cleaning it off so I want to want to do a wire wheel on the edge of the toe that's weld here in there where it's where it's blended to the parent metal there's several things here travel speed is my width and my height if I raced forward my bead would be real narrow and pekin if I slowed down a lot the bead would be built up it's like I'm shooting wire on top of the weld bead and we're just kind of not getting we're not carrying the pool per se and I believe that's what this gentleman was doing so you know from here let me go clean this and then we're going to run other beads in other positions okay I'm going to run a couple of horizontals here kind of finagle this around to get to camera angles I'm in a little bit of a uncomfortable place I ran to just for a test so we could get the camera angle in here but again you know this bead profile is slightly different just by position but it should blend together so let's see if we can put a couple more in here folks I had a hard time seeing that one I had a hard time following the toe of the well by where I'm sitting and that brings up a key point you really need to keep your lenses clean so you can see some critical edges and stuff this will get way easier if when I change positions for me anyway you know again we're trying to work with camera angles here so keep your lenses clean you got to be able to see this you'll be able to see the edges of your web and the height to your weld all the time I'm not running in a groove so therefore I'm just you know we're just hitting the toe of the weld this small focal point so again horizontal runs the same I haven't changed the settings now I want to do some downhill and some uphill so listen change the cameras and we'll be right back okay I have never turned this a couple of degrees off a vertical it's plenty vertical for this position to get the effect of it now here's something I clean this off I've cooled it off I cleaned it off I buffed the glass on the toe of the weld and are you zoomed in on this take a soapstone if you're having a hard time seeing which I am Tek soapstone and just lightly drag down through the at the toe of the weld it'll stand out here in a minute I'm going to use a scribe and we're going to when we do uphill I'll show you what that looks like on clean steel so we're ready more beads again have not changed any settings at all on this machine for all these different positions I'm looking up underneath the wire to see this white line at the flow of the world see Tucker you told me in your in your message that you were weaving we'll get to that here in a minute a minute ago I said I was doing a little stitch motion barely forward and back that's how I move now I'm barely moving side-to-side I don't want to go up and down on this particular weld I want to run another one here I'm not blending these where they're super pretty yep I have a hard time doing this particular plate since I've been in the groove well I guess I got spoiled by seeing them groove welds it's time to quench top-off be right back I've marked a couple of lines on here what I want to do now I've marked a series of lines a quarter of an inch apart I'm gonna get back away from this bead and I want to do a slight weave this person said they were practicing a weave technique now going downhill with short-arc weaving is okay in certain situations and some Filat webs a slight weave is okay my whole deal with it is don't carry too much metal short-circuiting MiG is inherent for lack of fusion into the parent metal that's why cleaning the metal is important so what I'm trying to do now is stay between the lines and create a pocket or a void in between the toes of these welds because we're going to go uphill now I mark these in with soapstone but what I really want to do is grab the old handy scribe over here and scribe them in a little deeper I'm a scribe am in deep and scratch on them pretty good and then soapstone over the top of that and we'll see what happens when we get down here all right we've got some scratch marks in there we should be able to follow pretty good so by staying in between the two lines the profile of this bead is about the same as the one that I did in flat and horizontal height wise width wise I stayed between there and I feel better about that and looks pretty straight okay my whole deal is you know I've got my wire pointed up about five degrees and I'm staying on the leading edge I've seen a lot of people weld downhill even uphill I've seen them in that it's like they're wire is always on top of the weld pool instead of in the leading edge of the weld pool it's like it's like we want to carry that metal so I want to do another one of these and the reason I'm doing that is because I'm trying to create a space maybe I created too big of one here we're going to go uphill and do the same thing we're going to slightly weave so let me do another one and then we'll we'll experiment here go uphill I think I made these too far apart my bad because I really didn't want to weave that much material so I'd probably if I keep doing this I'd skinny this up a little bit let me go quench this off and buff it I'll be right back okay I went in the buff this off cleaned it off clean the toe of the weld these beads are nice and straight but I can openly admit I think this is just a little bit too wide I do this again experiment I'd probably I'd probably reduce this by an eighth of an inch these are probably between the toe of the welds the absolute toe is probably 3/8 and that's a little wide again we're you know we want to we want a little bit of a weave going uphill this whole deal is being straight and same height so it's all about staying in the pool and the travel speed being consistent I'm over here to the side a little bit I'm gonna be kind of like this there's a lot going on here I mentioned something about being able to see clearly there's being comfortable there's propping yeah I'm sitting down so that we can get this stuff going on and realize when we're working in the shops and out in the field we're not always in comfortable positions trust me I've been there I paid my dues I know all about it so we try to get comfortable around here again we're we're learning how you know you practice till you get good and then you start practicing you practice till you can't get it wrong that's what it's all about really so trying to build confidence trying to teach here [Music] a little big a little big little too wide like I said a minute ago that was probably a little too wide I did want someplace for the middle to go now since we've done that we can buff that off I'll just run one up by this toe of the world without weaving hardly anything and I fully expect the bead to be a lot rounder ropey looking so let's try that and see what happens again this is all practice on running straight lines and blending beats together for the most part so let's try this and see what happens I'm gonna run one mower up there okay we've run a series of beads here 18 volts to 35 on the wire speed speed Oh 3o 75 percent argon 25 percent co2 about 25 cubic feet per hour a decent setting a good condition I would say art condition and bead profile and we could do a lot of stuff with this in fabricating up to 3/16 s quarter if we're running multiple beads 5/16 material so we ran flat we turn this horizontal we ran some beads we ran some downhill I ran downhill away from these other beads to create a pocket we weaved one in uphill and and then I ran to just kind of like stringer beads with very little motion and you can see that they're up quite a bit and that's just the nature of how that bead was gonna lay in there good exercise sure blend them together you know and in straight lines regardless of what position you're in you see that I got a little squirrely over here on the horizontal anyway good exercise and I encourage the young men that has writing me and and you know you can do this just practice I think you're carrying too much metal and tone it down a little bit speed up your travel speed so we did all this on clean metal I want to kind of go over here and just quickly run some stuff on this mill scale looking stuff that wasn't clean and you know I I'm gonna see it underneath the hood I hope you see it to me it should rope up and be tall it's not going to blend into the parent metal so first thing we'll start out with is the flat position and we'll just run some more beads quickly we'll mock up a couple more and just see what happens I ran some beads here the first one I really noticed a big difference and I don't know if you saw it or not I got kept pretty much the strength the same wire angle these that I started out with I was going away from me but I was pretty straight up this one I started out I was straight up I came toward me so camera guy could kind of get in here that first one really roped up the second one laid down a little better this third one you know again we're saturating this plate with heat and that helps blend stuff in but what I'm really really noticing here and it's hard for you to see I know the toe of this web is like fluttering if there's a reaction on this mill scale and a sitting here flutter and everything plus you know a lot of these beads that I had on clean parent metal didn't have a whole lot of the glass the deposit the brown deposit on top this one does it's all kind of loaded up over here you can see it when you're welding it's like there's a little eye floating behind the wire that's that brown silica deposit type stuff in any event you know they you know can you get by with it sure that does it affect the well obviously you know if we went in and really did the cutting edge and I believe other people have where they weld on clean and dirty steel you'll see a little bit difference in in what but think about it you know if you're doing some critical work you want it to look nice clean the metal in the first place a wire wheel light grinder flapper wheel sander so again I want to encourage the gentlemen to to practice straight lines you guys can do this and probably do it way better than me but again you know that travel speed and keeping straight lines that's what it's all about being able to see and be comfortable give a shout out to arc one for the fine vision on this video southern Colorado hats on Instagram look her up she's got some cool stuff I really appreciate you sending me this one here to tryouts very comfortable and web porn man you got a hit on these gloves these things are comfortable check these out appreciate you watching thanks for watching web.com please subscribe the videos oops so you still mad at this hole why last time you were screaming or something yelling I think pretty sure you got your ass whipped too well we'll do a rematch you know I'm gonna birdie this hole it's 400 yards oh god that looks good
Channel: Weld.com
Views: 536,730
Rating: 4.8918567 out of 5
Keywords: welding, weld.com, mig monday, tig time, how to weld, learn how to weld, MIG welding, how to mig weld, learn how to mig weld
Id: QlmOb1tIJ4Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 51sec (1551 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 23 2017
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