🔥吓死我了!!🔥年度最抗摔手机:HONOR X9b 评测!🔥除了抗摔,到底好用吗?!官方还自信送出365天前后摔损保障!HONOR X9b review
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Channel: C妹科技 Cmei Tech
Views: 133,883
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: honor x9b, honor x9b review, honor x9b unboxing, honor x9b malaysia, honor x9b pubg, honor x9b genshin, honor x9b gaming test, honor x9b drop test, honor x9b camera test, honor x9b 开箱, honor x9b 评测, honor x9b 5g, honor x9b 5g review, honor x9b 5g price, honor x9b durability test, honor x9b 抗摔, honor x9b 配置, honor x9b 多少钱, honor x9b 好用吗, honor malaysia, Malaysia Youtuber, ke en, bojio, paanhanztech, 荣耀x9b, 荣耀 x9b 5g, 荣耀 x9b 评测, xiaomi 14, xiaomi 14 评测, xiaomi 14 pro 评测
Id: S1w5AK0Sup0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 16sec (496 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 01 2023
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